九年级 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.基础练习(无答案)

九年级 Unit 7 基础练习
1. How to (教育) children is a problem for parents.
2. There is a library in one of these (社区),isn't there
3. Frank ________(举起) the stone easily, but Eric didn't.
4. I didn’t knock at the door. I _______(进入) the classroom from the back door quietly.
5. I want to get a ________ (兼职的) job to make more money.
1.—The driver ________ be badly hurt in the accident.
—That's true.Let's send him to the hospital as soon as possible.
A.need      B.can't C.must D.mustn't
2.A lot of stars ________ in the sky at night in summer.
A.can be seen B.can see C.is seen D.have seen
3.I'm not a child anymore.I ________ what to do.
A.should tell B.shouldn't tell C.should be told D.shouldn't be told
4.—I don't think sixteen year olds should be allowed to drive.
—________!They are too young.
A.I agree B.It's a pity C.Good luck D.My pleasure
5. I think the rules should _________ by teenagers. They are too young.
A. not be followed B. not follow C. follow
6. How I regret __________ so many lessons when I was away from school.
A. missing B. missed C. to miss
7. If you go out at night, you must make sure ________.
A. to be safety B. to be safe C. be safe
8.﹣Shall I take you to the shopping mall after work?
﹣No,thanks.My father said he would ________ on his way home.
A.look for me B.pick me up
C.let me down D.take after me
9.Sue was so _______ her holiday that she couldn't stop talking about it.
A.sure about B.serious about
C.excited about D.worried about
10.﹣I think teenagers should be allowed to go out with their friends in the evening.
﹣ .It's not safe enough.
A.I agree B.I think so
C.I don't know D.I disagree
1. 母亲们总是在为孩子们的安全而担心。
Mothers always ________ ________ their ________ _________.
2. 见到了那位明星,我们真的很兴奋。
We are so ________ _________ meeting the star.
3. 你认为如果我们不用闪光灯,我们可能被允许拍照吗?
Do you think we may be _______ _________ ___________ if we don't use a flash
I regret not Mom.
Some teenagers think they are old enough to .
Thomas Edison was a great American 1. __________ (invent). When he was a child, he was always asking questions and trying out new ideas. No matter 2. _________ hard it was, he never gave up.
Young Tom was in school for only three 3. ________ (month). His teacher didn't understand 4. ______ he had so many strange questions. Most of 5. ________(they) were not about his lessons. The teacher didn't want to teach Tom any more. He asked Tom's mother to take the boy home. Tom's mother taught him 6. ________ (read) and write, and she found him a very good student. He learnt very fast and became very interested 7. _______ science.
One day, he saw a little boy 8. ________(play) on the railway tracks (铁轨) at a station. A train was coming near quickly, and the boy was too frightened (恐惧) to move. Edison rushed out and took him away 9. ________ (safe). The boy's father was so thankful that he taught Edison to send messages 10. ________telegraph (电报).




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