人教新目标(Go for it)版七年级上册Unit 7 How much are these socks? Section B分课时同步练习(含答案)

Unit 7 How much are these socks
Section B第一课时同步练习(附答案)
1.—Do you know the ________ of the new product
—Sorry, but I know it’s a little expensive.
A.number B.level C.kind D.price
2.There are _______ many books in your study.
A.very B.so C.such D.quite
3.– What ________ does she take
– Small, please.
A.color B.price C.size D.kind
4.Susan will be thirteen. And today is her _______ birthday.
A.thirteen B.thirteenth C.the thirteenth
5.I don’t like eggs _______.
A.very B.very good C.at all
6.—What’s twelve and four
—It’s ________.
A.thirteen B.sixteen C.fourteen
7.—What is the most popular(最流行的) way to communicate(联系) in China now
—WeChat(微信). One of its ________ is that it can send words, pictures as well as voices(声音).
A.questions B.prices C.changes D.advantages
8.—I want to go to the zoo. But I don't know the ________ to the zoo.
—Don't worry. Let me show you.
A.date B.way C.price D.time
9.—What's eight and five
—It's ________.
A.ten B.eleven C.thirteen
10.This pair of red shoes ________ my father's.
A.are B.is C.am
1. twenty-six-twelve = _______
2. sixteen+eight + eleven = _________
3. eighteen-seven+fifteen = ___________
4. thirteen+fourteen-twenty = _____
5. twenty-three-thirteen = _________
6. thirty-nine-twenty =_________
7. twelve+thirteen-fifteen= _________
8. nineteen-eleven+twenty =___________
三、根据句意 ,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。(每词限用一次)
1.That green bag is only ________ dollars.
2.—How much are those shorts
—________ are sixteen dollars.
3.His red pencil box ________ seven yuan.
4.Her mother ________ a sweater and two T-shirts.
5.—Where are Tom's ________?
—They are on the sofa.
6.—Can I ______ you? —Yes,please.
7.—How much are those shorts? —_______ are 18 dollars.
8.My black pen ___ 2 yuan.
9.Shoes are only $48 for two ________.
10.—Where are my ________? —On the desk.
Here ____________________ pears.
Mike _________________ pencils.
3.What's the price of the map?(改为同义句)
_____________ is the map
4.This skirt is nine dollars.(对画线部分提问)
___________________ the skirt
5.What's seventeen and twenty two?(用英语回答)
6. We sell trousers for only$20. (改为一般疑问句)
______ you ______ trousers for only$20
7. I buy a nice hat for my aunt. (改为同义句)
I ______ my aunt a nice ______.
1. 这是一件价格合理的T恤衫。
This is a sweater ______ a good ______.
2. 我们这儿不卖红色的袜子。
We don’t sell socks _____ ______ here.
3. 快来买,服装大减价了!
Come and ____ clothes ____ our great _____.
4. 我们这些短裤每件仅售13元。
We have shorts ____ _____ ________ dollars.
5. 这是给你的一双新鞋。
Here’s ____ ____ _____ _____ shoes for you.
1.—What's twenty-six and twelve
—It's ________.
A.fourteen B.twenty-eight C.thirty-eight D.forty-six
2.—How much ________the blue socks
—________three dollars.
A.is;They are B.are;They're C.is;It's D.are;It is
3.—My trousers ________green.
—But this pair of trousers ________black.
A.is;is B.are;are C.is;are D.are;is
4.—Your skirt looks really nice,Ms. Smith.
A.No,it isn't B.Thank you C.Here it is D.Here you are
5.There are thirty apples in the box,twelve for boys and _______for girls.
A.eleven B.fifteen C.eighteen D.twenty
Unit 7 How much are these socks
Section B第二课时同步练习(附答案)
1. Let’s b____ some sweaters in the clothes store.
2. The store s____ school things.
3. —What’s the p______ of this sports bag
4. The socks at a great sale are $2 for three p_____.
6.服装店 ______________________
7.价格合理 ______________________
Hello! My name is Zhang Hanyun, and my English name is Selina Zhang. Kristy Zhang’s Chinese name is also Zhang Hanyun. She is a singer(歌手). But I’m a clerk(职员)at Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store.
We have shorts in black and white for 3 dollars. We have shirts in blue, black and white. The blue shirts are 7 dollars. The black shirts are also 7 dollars. The white shirts are on sale for 4 dollars. For boys, we have white socks. A pair of white socks is only 1 dollar. We also sell black shoes for only 18 e and see for yourself at Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store.
( )1. You can’t buy _______ at Mr. Cool’s Clothes store.
A. black shoes B. black shorts C. blue shirts D. black socks
( )2. Two white shirts and a pair of white socks are ______.
A. 6 dollars B. 8 dollars C. 9 dollars D. 14 dollars
( )3. You have 21 dollars, and you can buy ______ pairs of shorts.
A. 3 B. 7 C. 8 D. 6
( )4. Selina Zhang is a ________.
A. clerk B. teacher C. student D. singer
( )5. -----Can you buy white shoes at Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store
A. Yes, we can. B. No, we can’t C. Yes, I am. D. No, they aren’t.
A: _____1______
B: Yes, please. I want a skirt for my daughter.
A: _____2______
B: Green.
A: What about this one
B: This one is nice. ____3______
A: It’s only 100 yuan.
B: Oh. It’s too expensive.
A: This blue one is only 40 yuan.
B: It’s cheap, but too big. _____4____
A: Yes. Here you are.
B: Oh, this one is good. ____5_____
A. You’re welcome.
B. How much is it
C. What color do you want
D. Do you have a small one
E. I like that one.
F. I’ll take it.
G. Can I help you
Unit 7 How much are these socks
Section B第三课时同步练习(附答案)
1.The box was ________ heavy that nobody could move it.
A.very B.so C.much D.such
2.—How old is your mother
—She's ________.
A.five B.fifteen C.fifty
3.That ________ with short hair is Mr. Brown.
A.people B.person C.woman D.boy
4.Please tell me how many ________ and ________ are swimming in the river.
A.mans; boys B.men; boy C.mans; boy D.men; boys
5.He is ________ tall that he ________ the apples.
A.very; to pick B.so; to pick C.very; can pick D.so; can pick
1.I like playing table tennis. It is__________________(很有趣).
2.That store sells things at a high ________ (价格), but they're really good.
3.The clothes in the shop are on s________(出售).
4.There are t________ (十二) months in a year.
5.The ________(衣服) are very nice in the shop.
6.There are thirty student in my class, eighteen boys and t__________ girls.
7.We sell all our clothes at very good p________.
8.There are forty students in her class. Twenty-five are boys and f________ (十五) are girls.
9.— Excuse me, how much are these sweaters
— They are on s________ now. Fifteen dollars for two.
10.—What’s thirteen and five
—It’s e________.
Goods Colors Price(each)
Socks Black, white, green $3
Sweater Black $15
Hat Blue, white $4
T-shirt Red, green $14
Shoes Black and white $25
Bag Blue $5
( )1. Of all goods(商品),_______ is\are cheap(便宜)。
A. bag B. shoes C. hat D. socks
( )2. Jack wants to buy two pairs of socks, one bag and two hats. How much are they
A. Twenty-one yuan.
B. Nineteen yuan.
C. Eighteen dollars.
D. Nineteen dollars.
( )3.Mary only likes blue, so(因此) she will buy _________.
A. socks and a bag B. pants and a sweater
C. a hat and a bag D. shoes and a hat
( )4. The store has hats in _______.
A. all colors B. blue, white and black
C. blue and black D. white and blue
( )5. Peter has twenty dollars, so what can he buy
A. Two bags and one T-shirt. B. Three hats and two bags.
C. One sweater and two pairs of socks. D. One T-shirt and one bag.
Hi, I’m Jenny. I’m in a middle school. Next to 1 school is a store. It is Five Star Store. The store is small 2 it has lots of (许多的) school things. We 3 go to the store to buy school things.
Do you need books, pens or 4 Please come to this store. They 5 those things at very good prices. Black pens 6 only 6 yuan. And all pencils are only one yuan. Big erasers are two yuan and small erasers are three yuan 7 two. How much are the rulers 8 two yuan in all colors.
This week the things in this 9 are at the big sales. Do you 10 school things Come to Five Star Store now!
( )1. A. his B. our C. her D. their
( )2. A. and B. so C. but D. or
( )3. A. then B. really C. here D. always
( )4. A. apples B. erasers C. socks D. rings
( )5. A. sell B. want C. ask D. buy
( )6. A. am B. is C. are D. be
( )7. A. for B. at C. of D. with
( )8. A. It’s B. It C. They D. They’re
( )9. A. room B. school C. store D. library
( )10. A. need B. find C. watch D. know
Unit 7 How much are these socks
Section B第一课时同步练习(附答案)
1. two
2. thirty-five
3. twenty-six
4. seven
5. four
6. one
7. ten
8. twenty-eight
二、1.eighteen 2.They 3.is 4.wants 5.socks
6. help
7. They
8. is
9. pairs
10. socks
1. are 27/twenty seven
2. has eighteen
3. How much
4. How much is
5. It's thirty nine/Thirty nine
6. Do sell
7. buy hat
1. at price
2. in red
3. buy at sale
4. for only thirteen
5. a pair of new
六、1-5 CBDBC
Unit 7 How much are these socks
Section B第二课时同步练习(附答案)
1. buy
2. sells
3. price
4. pair
1.a pair of
2.at very good prices
3.all our clothes
4.for boys
5.come to...
6.clothes store
7.at very good prices
8.a green sweater
9.black trousers
10.seventeen dollars
Unit 7 How much are these socks
Section B第三课时同步练习(附答案)
1.great fun/ very interesting
10. eighteen
1-5:BCDBA 6-10:CADCA



