
2023-2024 学年度(上)期 半期学业水平检测八年级英语
( )20. A. interesting. B. cool. C. boring.
四、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案,短文读两遍。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分;计 5 分)
( )21.From the results we know students do the housework five times a week.
A.all B.most C.some
全卷分A 卷和B 卷,A 满分 100 分,B 卷满分 50 分;考试时间 120 分钟。
选择题部分必须使用 2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题部分必须使用 0.5 毫米黑色签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。
A 卷(共 100 分)
第一部分 听力测试(共 30 小题,计 30 分)
一、听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答语。每小题念两遍。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分;计 5 分)
A. I went to the beach. A. Three times. B. I went on Monday. B. Once a week. C. I went with my family. C. One week.
3. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I am friendlier. C. No, he isn’t.
4. A. I am. B. Linda does. C. Jim is.
5.A. I like watching movies. B. I don’t mind them. C. I love it.
(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,计 5 分)
( )22.Some students help their parents clean the floor because .
A.they think they are old enough B.they think their parents are too busy C.they don’t have too much homework
( )23.How often do most students wash their clothes
A.Once or twice a week. B.Three or four times a week. C.Once a week. ( )24.Liu Ying washes the dishes and cleans the house .
A. twice a week B. every day C. once a week ( )25.From the passage we know that .
A.Liu Ying is an unhealthy student B. Liu Ying is good at homework C. Liu Ying is a good daughter
Main idea: Several tips for
Mind your meals
Eat the foods more healthily on time every day.
Of the three meals a
Exercise and smile
walk and spend some time doing
other exercise every
Smile and make other people smile, too.
Forget and

Try your best to forget your terrible past.
Forgive everyone and
Do such things
Keep in touch with your family and friends.
than you did before and you can
learn more from
)五、听短文,根据短文内容补全所缺信息。短文念三遍。(每小题 1 分;计 5 分)
三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。每小题念两遍。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分;计 10 分)
( )11. A. went to a summer camp. B. went swimming. C. read books at home.
( )12. A. It was sunny every day. B. It was rainy all the time . C. It was fine most of the time. ( )13. A. Jane. B. William. C. Both William and Jane.
( )14. A. Mom and son. B. Teacher and student. C. Classmates.
( )15. A. At the school library. B. At the movie theater. C. At the swimming club. ( )16. A. Steve. B. Henry. C. Tom
( )17. A. John is more serious. B. John is shorter. C. John is heavier. ( )18. A. 12 years old. B. 9 years old. C. 15 years old.
( )19. A. Zijing Cinema. B. Wanda Cinema. C. CGV Cinema.
六、选择填空。(共 15 小题,计 20 分)
—Who is boy behind the tree, Tom
—Are you asking me about the one with umbrella
A. a; an B. the; a C. the; an
—His parents often tell him much time computer games. It’s bad for his eyes.
A. to spend; to play B. not to spend; playing C. not to spend; play
— Can you do the work better with people and money
— I’m afraid I can’t.
A. more; fewer B. the fewest; the least C. the least; the fewest
— Mr. Li, I don’t think we can get there on time by bike.
--- You mean it’s for us to take a taxi.
A. difficult B. necessary C. impossible
it’s late last night, my father is still working.
A. Though; but B. Because; / C. Though; / 36.— do you take a shower, Dave
—About twice a week.
A. How often B. How many C. How long
—My cousin and I are similar each other, but my sister and I have nothing common.
A.with; on B. to; at C. to; in
—Of all students, Jason always finishes the writing . Nobody else can have such great ideas.
A. the most creative B. most creatively C. more creatively
—There’s in a cartoon, because I don’t think I can learn anything from it.
A. something exciting B.nothing enjoyable C. nothing useful 40.—You can join the art club or the music club. .
“Can we see a movie tonight ” Bobby asked, putting his bag on the sofa.
“We will watch your 46 soccer game,” Mom said. “Come on. Take warm clothes. It is 47 in the evening.”
“I just want to 48 in my free time after a busy school day. This isn’t fun for me. Sitting for 49 and being cold, I don’t like it.”
“I didn’t really like it, either,” Mom said. “But this morning Nick told me you and I were his good luck.”
Mom’s words 50 Bobby. He also remembered that Nick came to his school music show last week. Bobby was happy that his brother was there to listen to him sing.
( )46. A. cousin’s B. father’s C. brother’s
( )47. A. cold B. rainy C. wet
( )48. A. relax B. sleep C. read
( )49. A. minutes B. hours C. days
( )50. A. surprised B. saved C. touched
B 篇
Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least have one or two good friends. Your friends will
51 you when you speak, will take care of you when you are sick, and will be together with you in your journey through life.
Everyone 52 friends. Friendship can make us happier. 53 can we find a good friend and get on well with each other Here is some advice.
Make friends with a person who is good 54 you
—OK. I decide to join the music club.
It sounds like fun B. It’s hard to say C. It’s up to you
You should make friends with a person who has
55 in common with you.
补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分;计 10 分)
A: Where do you like to spend your weekends
B: Usually, I stay at home and do homework first. 41
A: How often do you exercise And how long do you do it every time B: 42 On weekends, I sometimes go hiking.
A: Which do you like better, going hiking or exercising at home B: That depends. 43
A: Why do you think that
Give your friend a 56 when he or she is in trouble. Friends should always be 57 to help each other.
Believe (相信) in each other. This is the most 58 thing in a friendship.
Even the best friends may have 59 sometimes. If this happens, don’t let it last too long. Try to make up with (和好) your friends soon.
B: Because it’s more interesting. 44
A: Sounds good. One more question, do you watch TV shows on school days B: 45 And I like to watch some game shows and action movies.
Friendship is a kind of treasure (珠宝) in our life. It
it is kept, the better it will be.
60 a bottle of wine (酒), the longer
beautiful scenery(
Then I have half a day to do some exercise to
for sure if I finish my homework
I exercise every
and at least one hour on school
If I have time, hiking is better, I
七、完形填空 阅读下面两篇短文, 根据短文内容, 从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。
(共 15 小题;计 20 分。A 篇每小题 2 分, 计 10 分; B 篇每小题 1 分, 计 10 分)
A. listen to B. ask C. sound
A. knows B. want C. needs
A. What B. How C. When
A. at B. with C. of
A. nothing B. everything C. something
A. book B. hand C. pen
A. there B. here C. where
58. A. difficult
B. outgoing
C. important
59. A. a fight
B. a laugh
C. a point
60. A. is like
B. look like
C. is liking
Morning: Have a boat trip in
Afternoon: Take a bus to Penang to enjoy the food.
a visit to Pulau Central Square and the Shell
Afternoon: Play on the Sabah Beach. Evening: Have a bonfire(
Morning: Free time for
15: 40-18: 10: Go back to Chengdu by air(3U8755).
Date of Departure(
January 17

January 18

January 19

January 20

January 21

)八、阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。正确的写”A”, 错误的写 “B”。(共 5 小题,每小题 2
分;计 10 分)
What is 5G It is the fifth generation( 代 ) of mobile network technology(移动网络技术). In the past life, 1G let us talk to each other. 2G let us send messages. 3G gave us the Internet. That means we can do more things. We can watch movies at home. We can read what we like without going to the library or book stores. And 4G made all the things faster. 4G network is almost 50 times faster than 3G. But what about 5G
5G network is about 100 times faster than 4G. This means you can download ( 下 载 ) a movie in seconds by using 5G. What’s more, virtual reality(VR,虚拟现实) games will become even more real with 5G.
5G+smart homes
5G also makes the Internet of Things(IoT, 物联网) possible(可能的). For example, you can have your breakfast when you get up at once because your bread maker can work itself after your alarm rings. And if the air in your room is too dry, a smart sprinkler( 洒水器)could water your plants by itself.
5G will also bring us safer self-driving cars. These cars can send messages to each other. 5G will make self-driving safer than human (人) driving.
So, you just need to buy a new mobile phone to use 5G.
( ) 61. In the past, we could read books online after we have 2G. ( ) 62. 5G is about 100 times faster than 3G.
( ) 63. The bread maker can make breakfast itself with 5G after the alarm rings. ( ) 64. You can drive faster and safer with 5G.
( ) 65. The passage tells us what our life will be like with 5G.
九、阅读理解。根据短文选择最佳答案。(共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,计 20 分)
Enjoy Sunshine in Malaysia(4 days)
Day 1
7:25-10:05:Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport(
国 际 机 场
)→Malaysia Kudat International Airport(Sichuan Airline 3U8757)
You have to be at the airport 3 hours earlier.
10:40-13: 30: Check in at Marine Hotel and have lunch in its dining hall. Afternoon: Have a party in the KTV room of the hotel.
( )66. This is a trip from to .
A .Malaysia ; Chengdu B.Chengdu; Malaysia C. Penang ; Chengdu ( )67. On the second day, what can visitors do
Travel by boat. B. Visit Pulau Central Square.
C. Have a party in the KTV room.
( )68. If you decide on the cheapest trip, when should you start
A. On January 17. B. On January 18. C. On January 19. ( )69. How many nights will the visitors stay in Malaysia
A. Five. B. Four. C. Three. ( )70. Where may the passage come from
A. a radio station . B. a travel magazine. C. a movie theater
Luo Zhijie, 14, usually has lunch with his classmates in their dining hall at Tangwai Junior High School in Shanghai. But the other day, a newcomer joined them — the school principal (校长). They talked about the food the dining hall offers and had a nice talk.
Many students across China are also eating with their principals these days. The Chinese government made a new food safety regulation (安全规定) to make sure that students eat better and safer food in schools. The regulation started on April 1, 2019. It asks those who run schools to eat with students in their dining halls. Parents can also join in.
Luo’s school has some seats for school managers (管理者) to sit on and they can eat with students.
After talking with the students, the managers have to write reports and give good ideas to the workers in their dining hall. “It helps us offer healthier and tastier food to students,” said the principal of Luo’s school. After eating with his students, he found that the food in their dining hall wasn’t very good. He also found that his students ate lots of meat and few vegetables. “We are thinking about how to change (改变) the dishes and make our students eat more healthily,” he said.
Liu Haoxuan, 14, from Beijing Dayu School, said he found some changes after the regulation went
into his school. “Some of the unpopular dishes are gone. Some of the other dishes taste better!” he said. “I hope our school keeps on changing the dishes.”
Who joined Luo Zhijie and his classmates for lunch
A. Their parents. B. Their school manager. C. Workers in their dining hall.
72 What is the new food safety regulation about
Students should eat well and healthily.
Parents have to eat with their children at school.
The school principals must have talks with their students.
What can we learn from the passage
A Luo dislikes the dishes in his school’s dining hall.
Many students are afraid to talk with the principal of their school.
Some students in Luo’s school don’t have good eating habits.
What does the last paragraph mainly talk about
The problems of the food in Liu’s school.
The changes in the dishes in Liu’s school.
Good ideas from the principal of Liu’s school.
In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage
B 卷(50 分)
一、根据首字母及句意补全单词。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分;计 5 分)
Of all the s ,my favorite one is "A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart"
The air in the mountain is much f than that in the big city.
Lucy likes watching TV. Running Man and Happy Camp are her favorite p .
The seats are very big in Movie World and you can sit the most c .
The w prizes are not just money in 2018 Chengdu International Marathon(马拉松).
二、完成对话。在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。(共 10 小题,每
小题 1 分;计 10 分)
A: Do you have any activities in your school this term
B: Yes, there is always something special in our school. Only the students in our school have this activity this term. That is Four Skills Learning(四学会).
A: Wow. That must be cool. Can you tell me more about it
B: We learned many things 1 listening to lectures (讲座) ,watching movies and some other things.
They are 2 from the subjects we are learning in class. We can learn something in the nature ( 野外).
A: What made you the most excited
B: The cooking 3 .We cooked in groups, and our teacher chose who cooked best.Luckily, I won.
A: That’s fantastic. I know you 4 cook at home.
B: That’s true. I only cook on my parents’ birthdays. It’s my 5 time to cook with my classmates. However, I cooked 6 than anyone that day. At last, I got the first prize. I was so happy. You know 7 in the world is happier than getting rewords( 回 报 ) after we work hard. And I took quite a few photos that day.
A: Really Would you mind 8 them with me. I 9 what dishes you cooked and how delicious they were.
B: Of course. They are in my phone. Let’s see.
A: Wow, the dishes look so wonderful. It seems that you did a good job. You are 10 talented in cooking.
B: Thank you. These activities taught me a lot. A: I hope I can go with you next time.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
三、短文填空。从下面方框中选出 10 个单词,并将其正确形式填写在相应题号后,使短文意思正确通顺。(每
词限用一次)(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分;计 10 分)
“A picture is like a thousand words.” People could use many words to describe an event in their life. Or they could 1 show the event with a selfie(自拍照).
A selfie is a photo that you take mainly of your face, usually with a mobile phone. People have been taking photos of 2 since cameras came out. One of 3 selfies was from 1914, from Russian Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna. She was 13 years old. At that time, cameras were very large and difficult to use. After taking some photos, she 4 one and sent it to a friend. The letter with it said, “ I took this picture when I was looking at the mirror. Isn’t there 5 wrong with it Haha, my hands were shaking(抖动) then.”
Today, people have better cameras and you can take photos much 6 than before. Many people take selfies and put them on social media websites( 社交媒体网站). Usually, they compare their selfies with their 7 . Why do people like to put their selfies online Dr. Pamela Rutledge says selfies are a natural part of communicating(交流). They know other people will see their selfies online. Selfies make it easy and quick for people 8 their lives with friends.
Frederic Della Faille is CEO of the photo-sharing APP. He said, “The idea of a selfie is that it is
9 to use words. Your face tells a story.”
However, selfies can do more harm(有害的) than good. Many people take photos all day. They just care more about their 10 and can’t look deeper inside.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
四、阅读理解。(共 10 小题;计 10 分)
The reason why Lin Tao is late for school
that morning because his son played computer games online so late the night

government took
The Chinese government made a draft regulation to deal with this problem

in January this year

The influence of the regulation
The ID
in deciding if you can play online

Game companies will control teenagers' online
game time

Others are not sure whether it
players from playing games too

)A.补全短文。根据短文内容,从短文后的A~F 选项中选出适当的选项补全短文。(共 5 小题, 每小题 1 分;计 5 分)
It’s just another day at school. You and your friend are chatting in your classroom. 1 What would you do Would you just stand there, without knowing what to do Or would you do something to help your friend
In daily life, we run into emergencies(紧急情况)now and then. 2 But if you learn some basic first aid (急救) skills, you can help people during emergencies and maybe even save their lives.
The second Saturday of September is World First Aid Day, which fell on Sept 8 this year. Right now is a good time for us to learn more about first aid.
First aid, as its name tells us, refers to the first steps you can take to care for someone who’s injured. It includes keeping them safe and staying calm. 3
4 That’s an average of six people per minute, according to study. Experts say that the first 10 minutes after an accident can make the difference between life and death. 5
Every year in China, 3.2 million people die in emergencies.
This is why it’s important for us to learn first aid.
Suddenly, your friend’s nose starts to bleed (流血).
It also includes getting help, either by telling other people or calling 120.
You can take courses offered by some hospitals.
Nosebleeds are just one kind of emergency.
B. 完成表格,阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成图表中所缺的信息(。共5 小题,每小题1 分;计5 分) It was already 8 :30 in the morning .Lin Tao ,a 14-year-old schoolboy ,still didn't appear at school .He was often later for school! The teacher called his father and got to know he played computer games online late the night before and couldn't get up that morning.In fact,he had played
online games since the age of 11.He almost dropped out of school last year.
Lin Tao is not alone. Information from China Internet Center shows that the number of teenage Internet users in China had been about 170 million by the end of December,2016.Many of them,like Lin Tao,spend too much time playing computer game online.
To deal with this problem ,the Chinese government made a draft regulation (法规草案)in January this year .From the regulation ,players need to use their own ID cards to play online games.Game companies(公司)will control teenagers' online game time.They will not be able to play online games between 12:00 at night and 8:00
in the morning.If they are still playing during the time,the game companies will lock(锁) them out .Many people think that the regulation can surely better help Chinese young game players online ,while others are not sure whether it is useful. "More and more people come to know that playing online games too much not only brings
teenagers healthy and study problems,but also makes them depressed (沮丧的) and lonely, "Tong Xiaojun,a director from a university,told CCTV. We need support from the whole society to solve the problem."
五.请根据以下提示以 My Best Friend 为题写一篇短文介绍自己的朋友。
Differences between you
and your friend:
he likes:
The trip with your friends:
(Two things you did)
Free time activities:
How often:
要求: 1.短文应包含图中所提示信息。可适当发挥。2.适当使用比较级和最高级。
A 卷
1-5 ABBBC 6-10 BDAEC 11-15 CCAAC 16-20 ACBAC 21-25 CBCBC
26 live a better life/ live better 27 . the most important 28 . 40-minute/40 minutes’
because 30. more reading/more readings
31-35:CBBBC 36-40 ACBBC
41-45: BDEAC
完形填空 46-50: CAABC
51-55 : ACBBC 56-60 : BACAA
阅读理解 61-65: BBABA 66-70:BABCB
sayings 2. fresher 3. programs 4. comfortably 5. winner’s
(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分。词根正确, 可得0.5分)
through/by 2. different 3. competition 4. hardly 5. first
better 7. nothing 8. sharing 9. wonder 10. truly/really
三、短文填空。从下面方框中选出10个单词,并将其正确形式填写在相应题号后,使短文意思正确.词根正确, 可得0.5分
1. just 2. themselves 3. the oldest 4. chose 5. anything
6. more easily 7. friends’ 8. to share 9. unnecessary 10. looks
A. 补全短文。根据短文内容,从短文后的A-F选项中,选出适当的选项补全短文。(有
1.wake up 2. action 3. play a role/ are needed 4.ideas/ opinions 5. stop
五 略



