初中英语仁爱版七年级上册期中考试测试卷 B卷提升篇 (含解析)

1.Look ____the boy _____white, please! He is my classmate.
A.at, like B.at, in C.like, in D.like, at
2.—Do Lucy and Lily ____ bikes
—Yes. Lucy ____ a new bike, but Lily doesn’t.
A.has; has B.have; has
C.have; have D.has; have
3. —Is that girl Kate Green —Yes, ____.
A.you’re right B.that’s OK
C.he is D.she isn’t
4.—Where do you _______ my English book
—On my desk.
A.find B.meet C.buy D.look
5.—Li Tao, ________ car is that
—It’s ________.
A.who’s, hers B.whose, mine C.whose, her D.who’s, my
6.—What does she look like —____
A.She’s a student. B.She’s twelve. C.She has long arms. D.She likes apples.
7.— What color ________ your ________, Mike
— Black.
A.is; pants B.is; pant C.are; pant D.are; pants
8.—____—They’re books.
A.Are these English books B.Are those English books
C.How do you spell it D.What’re these in English
9.Li Ping and Maria don’t look the same, they are good friends.
A.and B.but C.for D.so
10.—____, Tom. Is this your book —No, it isn’t. I think it’s ____.
A.Excuse me; Jack B.Sorry; Jack’s C.Excuse me; Jack’s D.Sorry; Jack
I’m a student of No.1 Junior High School. Twenty classes are in it. I’m 11 Class Four, Grade Seven. In our 12 , we have 21 boys and 19 girls. Our classroom isn’t 13 , but it looks nice.
Bill is my 14 . He comes from England. He is twelve. He is 15 , but he is not tall. I like 16 very much. Bill’s sister is Mary. She 17 two big eyes. I’m not good at English. They often (经常) 18 me. This morning Bill is in a new 19 . He looks happy. He wants to see a movie (电影). Who is his favorite 20 Can you guess Oh, it’s Jackie Chan.
11.A.in B.of C.to D.at
12.A.class B.school C.family D.grade
13.A.round B.new C.young D.nice
14.A.student B.sister C.classmate D.teacher
15.A.short B.strong C.high D.old
16.A.him B.she C.he D.her
17.A.have B.is C.has D.does
18.A.give B.help C.think D.know
19.A.pants B.jacket C.shoes D.clothes
20.A.man B.boy C.woman D.actor
This is Jim. He is thirteen. He is from the USA. He is a student. He has a good friend. His name is Jack. Jack is fifteen. He is from Canada. Now they are in Beijing, China. Jack is tall, but Jim is short. They are in the same school, but they are in different grades. Jim is in Class Two. Jack is in Class Two, too. Jim’s class is next to Jack’s.
21.Jim and Jack are _________.
A.classmates B.friends C.teacher and student D.from the USA
22.Jim and Jack are in _________.
A.the same grade B.different grades C.different schools D.the same class
23.Jack is in _________.
A.Class 4 B.Class 3 C.Class 2 D.Class 1
24.Where are Jim and Jack now
A.The USA. B.Canada. C.China. D.England.
25.Jim is _______.
A.short B.tall C.strong D.old
My English name is John Smith. I have no Chinese name. Can you give one to me I am from the USA. I can speak English very well (好). But my Chinese is not very good. I like to help my classmates learn English. I’m in Class Five, Grade Seven. I have two friends now. We are in the same class. One is a girl and the other is a boy. Tom Brown is eleven years old. He is tall and has a big nose. His favorite color is blue. He likes to be in the blue T-shirt and blue pants. Lin Tao is a nice girl. She is thirteen years old. She has a round face. Her favorite color is black. She has a black schoolbag and black hair. We are good friends.
26.Tom Brown and Lin Tao are in_______.
A.Class Seven B.Class Five C.Grade Five D.Class Four
A.思考 B.实践 C.学习 D.钻研
28.Tom Brown has ________.
A.a wide mouth B.black hair C.a round face D.a big nose
29.Tom's favorite color is _________.
A.blue B.black C.green D.yellow
30.Which is NOT right
A.John comes from America.
B.John has two friends at school.
C.John can speak Chinese well.
D.Lin Tao and Tom are in Class Five, Grade Seven.
Mr. White is from Canada, but he is in Beijing now. 31 He is tall. He has a big nose and brown hair. 32 He is in black coat and a pair of black pants. He has two children(孩子). 33 He is Jack. 34 she is Mary. They are students. His home (家)is next to our school. They can speak Chinese now. 35
A.One is a boy
B.Do you know him
C.The other is a girl.
D.We are good friends
E.His favorite color is black.
I have my friends’ photos. Look! 36 ( / ɡes/ ), who is this boy He h 37 black hair and brown eyes. He is my 38 ( /nju/) friend, Li Ming. He is from C 39 . He is a Chinese student. 40 (现在) he is in Class Eight, Grade Seven. I am in Class Eight, Grade Seven, too. We are 41 (同班同学). Please l 42 at Li Ming’s jacket. The blue and white jacket isn’t his. It’s m 43 . He can’t f 44 his jacket. I g 45 my jacket to him.
46.these, three
47.his, 78493078
48.Li Tao, from
49.her, pink
50.my, friend, round
51.He is my friend. I meet (he) every day.
52.Look at the books. (it) are mine.
53.These are (bus). They are black.
54.Look at the boy. He is (Ann) friend.
55.—Are these pencils (she)
—No, they are mine.
56.My friend (have) a big nose.
57.Miss Lee is our teacher. We are her s .
58.Lucy is Lily’s sister, and they look the s .
59.—What’s this i English
—It’s an apple.
60.—What c is Joan in now
—She is in pink shirt and a red skirt.
61.This skirt is Lily’s. (对划线部分提问)
62.Amy’s, is, this, shoes, of, pair, think, I (连词成句).
63.His jacket is yellow. (对划线提问)
64.She has two big eyes. (变一般疑问句)

65.This is an red apple.(改复数句)
66.在一次口语训练课上,英语老师组织同学玩Who is it 游戏,请每个同学用英语描述一位他/她最熟悉的同学,让其他同学猜猜。李明想描述他的同学David,请帮助李明完成这个任务。词数50词左右。
考查动词短语及介词用法。look like看起来像;look at看。由“Look…the boy…”可知,此处应为看那个男孩,应用短语look at;由“the boy…white”可知,此处应为穿白色衣服的男孩,“in+颜色 ”表示穿……颜色衣服。故选B。
【详解】试题分析:句意:--Lucy 和 Lily都有自行车吗?--是的,Lucy有一辆新自行车,而Lily没有。疑问句中,助动词体现谓语的时态和数,谓语则用动词原形表示,所以第一个空填have。Lucy是第三人称单数,因此谓语用has.所以选B
【详解】试题分析:句意:——那个女孩是凯特格林吗?——是的,你说的对。You’re right.你说的对;That’s OK.没关系;he is他是;she isn’t她不是。根据Yes可知此处用肯定回答,故选A。
考查动词辨析。find找到;meet遇见;buy买;look看,不及物动词,后面不能直接跟宾语,故排除。由“On my desk”可知,此处应为在哪找到我的英语书。故选A。
考查特殊疑问句及物主代词。who's谁是,对人提问;whose谁的,对事物的归属提问。由“…car is that ”可知,空格后有名词car,故此处应为对车的归属提问,应用Whose,故排除A、D两项。答语空格后没有名词,故应用名词性物主代词mine“我的”代指my car。故选B。
【详解】C 本题考查情景交际。句意:—她看起来是什么样?______. A. She’s a student.她是个学生,是职业;B. She’s twelve.她十二岁了,是年龄;C. She has long arms.她有长胳膊,是外貌;D. She likes apples.她喜欢苹果,是个人爱好。只有C描述人的外貌。故选C。
【详解】句意:—它们是什么?—它们是书。根据答语They’re books.前面不可能是一般疑问句,排除A B. How do you spell it 意为:怎样拼写它 可排除C故选D
【详解】由Is this your book 可知这是询问对方事情。当打扰对方时,我们常用excuse me来表示歉意.名词的所有格常在名词的后面加’s.故选C。
【点睛】名词的所有格形式常在名词的后面加’s,表示所属关系。例如Mike’s bag表示迈克的书包;若名词复数以s结尾便只在词尾加“’”.例如Teachers’ Day表示教师节。
11.A 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.D
in在……中;of……的;to到;at在。由“…Class Four, Grade Seven”可知,班级前应用介词in。故选A。
class班级;school学校;family家庭;grade年级。由“I’m in Class Four…Our classroom isn’t…”可知,此处应为介绍班级的情况。故选A。
round圆的;new新的;young年轻的;nice漂亮的。由“Our classroom isn’t…, but it looks nice.”可知,句中but表转折,即我们教室虽然不新,但是看起来很漂亮。故选B。
student学生;sister姐妹;classmate同学;teacher教师。由“Bill is my…He is twelve.”可知,此处介绍班级的情况,且比尔为一个12岁的男孩,故比尔是我的同学。故选C。
short矮的;strong强壮的;high高的;old年老的。由“He is…, but he is not tall.”可知,句中but表转折,故此处应为他虽然强壮,但是不高。故选B。
him他,人称代词宾格;she她,人称代词主格;he他,人称代词主格;her她,人称代词宾格。由上文“He is strong, but he is not tall.”可知,此处应为我非常喜欢比尔,比尔是男孩,故应用人称代词宾格him作动词like的宾语。故选A。
have有,动词原形;is be动词;has有,第三人称单数形式;does助动词。由“She…two big eyes.”可知,句中缺少实义动词,本句陈述客观事实,故为一般现在时,主语she为第三人称单数,故应用谓语动词的三单形式。故选C。
give给;help帮助;think认为;know知道。由上文“I’m not good at English.”可知,我的英语不好,所以他们经常帮助我。故选B。
pants裤子;jacket夹克衫;shoes鞋子;clothes衣服。由“Bill is in a new…”可知,句中a表示此处应为名词单数,pants、shoes和clothes都为复数,故排除。故选B。
man男人;boy男孩;woman女人;actor演员。由上下文“He wants to see a movie…Oh, it’s Jackie Chan.”可知,成龙是一位演员,故此处应为询问他最喜欢的演员是谁。故选D。
21.B 22.B 23.C 24.C 25.A
21.细节理解题。根据文中“This is Jim. ... He has a good friend. His name is Jack.”可知,Jim和Jack是朋友,故选B。
22.细节理解题。根据文中“They are in the same school, but they are in different grades.”可知,他们在同一个学校不同的年级,故选B。
23.细节理解题。根据文中“Jim is in Class Two.”可知,Jim在二班,故选C。
24.细节理解题。根据文中“Now they are in Beijing, China.”可知,现在他们在中国北京,故选C。
25.细节理解题。根据文中“but Jim is short.”可知,Jim是矮的,故选A。
26.B 27.C 28.D 29.A 30.C
26.细节理解题。根据“I’m in Class Five, Grade Seven…We are in the same class…Tom Brown…Lin Tao”可知,汤姆和林桃是约翰的朋友,他们都在七年级五班。故选B。
27.词句猜测题。根据“I can speak English very well…I like to help my classmates learn English.”可知,我的英语很好,所以我喜欢帮助同学学习英语,故划线部分learn意为“学习”。故选C。
28.细节理解题。根据“Tom Brown…has a big nose.”可知,汤姆有一个大鼻子。故选D。
29.细节理解题。根据“Tom Brown…His favorite color is blue.”可知,汤姆最喜欢蓝色。故选A。
30.细节理解题。根据“But my Chinese is not very good.”可知,约翰的汉语不太好。故选C。
31.B 32.E 33.A 34.C 35.D
31.根据上下文“Mr. White is from Canada, but he is in Beijing now. …He is tall.”可知,此处与介绍怀特先生有关,选项B“你知道他吗”可起到承上启下的作用。故选B。
32.根据下文“He is in black coat and a pair of black pants.”可知,此处应与怀特先生喜欢黑色有关,选项E“他最喜欢的颜色是黑色”符合语境。故选E。
33.根据上下文“He has two children(孩子)…He is Jack.”可知,此处与介绍怀特先生的孩子有关,选项A“一个是男孩”符合语境。故选A。
34.根据上下文“One is a boy. He is Jack. …she is Mary.”可知,此处应为介绍怀特先生的另一个孩子,选项C“另一个是女孩”符合语境。故选C。
35.根据上文“They are students. His home (家)is next to our school. They can speak Chinese now”可知,上文介绍杰克和玛丽的基本信息,意在推出选项D“我们是好朋友”。故选D。
36.Guess 37.has 38.new 39.China 40.Now 41.classmates 42.look 43.mine 44.find 45.give
36.句意:猜猜,这个男孩是谁?根据后句“who is this boy ”以及音标提示可知,此处指的是“猜测”,英语是guess,位于句首字母要大写。故填Guess。
39.句意:他来自中国。根据“He is a Chinese student.”可知,此处指的是“来自中国”,国家是专有名词,所以首字母要大写,故填China。
42.句意:请看李明的夹克。根据句意及及空格后的“at”可知,此处表达的是“看”,英语是look at,而句子是“Please”开头的祈使句,所以此处用原形,故填look。
43.句意:它是我的。根据前句“The blue and white jacket isn’t his.”可知,此处指的是“我的”,而句子指的是“我的夹克”,空格后没有名词,所以此处用名词性物主代词,故填mine。
44.句意:他找不到他的夹克了。根据后句“I…my jacket to him.”可知,此处指的是“找到”,英语是动词find,空格前有情态动词,所以此处用原形,故填find。
45.句意:我把我的夹克给了他。根据前句“He can’t…his jacket.”可知,此处指的是“给”,英语是动词give,主语是第一人称,所以动词用原形,故填give。
46.These are three oranges. 47.His telephone number is 78493078. 48.Li Tao is from China. 49.Her dress is pink. 50.My friend has a round face.
【解析】46.根据图片和“these, three”可知,本句应表达为“这些是三个橘子”,时态为一般现在时;主语these;系动词are;表语three oranges。故填These are three oranges.
47.根据图片和“his, 78493078”可知,本句应表达为“他的电话号码是78493078”,时态为一般现在时;主语his telephone number;系动词is;表语78493078。故填His telephone number is 78493078.
48.根据图片和“Li Tao, from”可知,本句应表达为“李涛来自中国”,时态为一般现在时;主语Li Tao;系动词is;表语from China。故填Li Tao is from China.
49.根据图片及“her, pink”可知,本句应表达为“她的连衣裙是粉色的”,时态为一般现在时;主语her dress;系动词is;表语pink。故填Her dress is pink.
50.根据图片及“my, friend, round”可知,本句应表达为“我的朋友有一张圆圆的脸”,时态为一般现在时,主语“我的朋友”为第三人称单数,故谓语动词用其第三人称单数形式;主语my friend;谓语has;宾语a round face。故填My friend has a round face.
【详解】句意:看这些书。他们是我的。根据前句“Look at the books”可知,此空应填复数形式,结合英语单词提示,首字母大写,故填They。
【详解】句意:我的朋友有一个大鼻子。本句陈述客观事实,故为一般现在时,主语my friend为第三人称单数,故应用谓语动词have“有”的第三人称单数形式。故填has。
【详解】句意:Miss Lee是我们的老师。我们是她的学生。由“Miss Lee is our teacher”可知,此处应为我们是她的学生;student学生,可数名词,由句中we可知,此处应用其复数形式。故填students。
【详解】句意:露西是莉莉的妹妹,她们看起来一样。由所给首字母s及“Lucy is Lily’s sister”可知,露西和莉莉是姐妹,所以她们看起来一样,故此处应为形容词same“相同的”。故填same。
【详解】句意:——这个用英语怎么说?——它是一个苹果。由“It’s an apple”可知,此处应为某物用英语怎么说,应为介词in。故填in。
根据答语“She is in pink shirt and a red skirt.”可知,此空是“颜色”的意思,根据首字母提示,故填color。
61.Whose is this skirt
【详解】句意:这条裙子是莉莉的。划线部分Lily's为名词所有格,表事物的归属,对其提问应用疑问词Whose;划线部分在原句中作表语,故疑问句句式结构为:Whose+一般疑问句is this skirt 。故填Whose is this skirt
62.I think this pair of shoes is Amy’s.
【详解】分析所给单词,本句应用that(已省略)引导宾语从句;I作主句主语;think作主句谓语;this pair of shoes作从句主语;is作从句系动词;Amy’s作从句表语。故填I think this pair of shoes is Amy’s.“我认为这双鞋是艾米的。”
63.What color is his jacket
【详解】句意:它的夹克是黄色的。划线部分是颜色,疑问词用what color,句首首字母w大写。原句有系动词is,变一般疑问句直接提前即可,再加上句子的主语his jacket。故填What color is his jacket
64.Does she have two big eyes
【详解】句意:她有两只大眼睛。根据She has,可知是一般现在时的肯定句,主语是She,变一般疑问句借助助动词does,并且位于句首,实义动词has变回原形have,后面语序不变。故填Does she have two big eyes
65.These are red apples.
【详解】句意:这是一个红苹果。将其改为复数句,需将主语指示代词this“这个”改为these“这些”;be动词is改为are;去掉不定冠词an;单数名词apple改为复数名词apples。故填These are red apples.
I have a classmate. His name is David. He is from the USA. He is 12 years old. He is tall and has brown hair. He has a round face, a big nose, a small mouth and big ears. What is his favorite color Blue is his favorite. He is in blue pants and blue shoes. We are good friends.




下一篇:Unit 4 Topic 1 What can I do for you?A卷 基础篇(含解析)