Unit1 Topic3 How old are you B卷提升篇(含解析)仁爱科普版七年级上册

Unit 1 Topic 3 How old are you
1.—What’s that in English
—______a book.
A.This is B.That’s C.It’s D.They are
2.—________ is your friend, Jim
—He is eleven.
A.What B.How old C.What number D.Where
3.Kate is _______ England, but she is ______Shanghai now.
A.in; from B.from; in C.from; to D.in; to
4.—How do you spell it
—Let me _____it.
A.like B.try C.have D.help
5.—Is that ______car
—Yes. It is _______English car.
A.a, an B.an, a C.an, an D.a, a
6.Here are ______books, two English books and three Chinese books.
A.two B.three C.four D.five
7.—Is her name Linda
A.Yes, he is B.Yes, it is C.Yes, she is D.No, he isn’t
8.John is my ______. We are in the same class.
A.teacher B.friend C.student D.dad
9.This is my teacher, Miss Chen. ______is from Shanghai.
A.She B.He C.Her D.His
10.—Can you ______English
—Yes. I can.
A.like B.meet C.have D.speak
Hello! Nice to meet you here. My 11 is Wang Hui. And my English name is David. I'm a high school student. I’m from Shanghai, 12 . I’m thirteen years old. I have(有) 13 friends, Li Wei, Kate and Hill. We are in 14 same grade, but in different(不同的) classes. I’m 15 Class Four Grade Seven. Li Wei is from Shanghai, too. He is twelve. He and I 16 in the same class. Kate and Hill are from the USA. 17 are in Class Five, Grade Seven. Kate and Hill 18 English. They help Li Wei and 19 study(学习)English. But their Chinese isn’t good. We 20 them (他们) study Chinese. We are very happy to be friends.
11.A.family B.school C.class D.name
12.A.China B.Japan C.England D.America
13.A.two B.three C.four D.five
14.A./ B.a C.an. D.the
15.A./ B.in C.to D.from
16.A.am B.is C.are D.be
17.A.He B.She C.We D.They
18.A.speak B.have C.spell D.help
19.A.me B.I C.you D.her
20.A.let B.meet C.help D.try
Look at (看) Li Ming. He is from Guangzhou. He is thirteen years old. Now he is in Guangzhou Yuying Junior High School. He is in Class Five, Grade Eight. His telephone number is (020)7868-9688. Li Ming and Sally are friends. They are in the same class, but not the same age. She is twelve. She’s from Canada. Now Sally and her mom are in the same school. Her mom is a good teacher. Li Ming and Sally are good friends.
根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。
21.Where is Sally from
22.Is Sally thirteen years old
23.How old is Li Ming
24.Are Li Ming and Sally good friends
25.Where are Li Ming and Sally now
My name is Lily. I'm not Lucy. Here is Lucy. We look the same. Smith is our family name. We are from the UK. Now we are in Shanghai International School. We are in the same grade in the same school. But we are not in the same class. I am in Class Eight, Grade Seven. She is in Class Six, Grade Seven. Miss Huang is our English teacher. She is my good friend. She is Lucy’s friend, too. She is a good teacher. She can help her students.
26.Smith is Lucy’s ____________________.
A.given name B.full name C.family name D.first(第一) name
27.Lucy is from_______.
A.America B.Canada C.the USA D.England
28.Lucy is in ________.
A.Class 8, Grade 7 B.Class 6, Grade 7 C.Class 5, Grade 8 D.Class 9, Grade8
29.______is their English teacher.
A.Mr. Smith B.Miss Huang C.Lucy D.Mr. Huang
30.Lily and Lucy aren't in the same______.
A.school B.grade C.class D.family
Dear(亲爱的) George,
I am Li Ping. Li is my family name, and Ping is my given name. I am twelve years old. I am a student of Class Three, Grade Seven. My telephone number is 6673-5918. I like(喜欢) to read English books. I like(喜欢) orange. My schoolbag and pens are orange. And you What do you like
Li Ping

Dear Li Ping,
I am George. I am thirteen years old. I am in Class One, Grade Eight in Beijing International School. 6892-3710 is my telephone number. I like to read English, too. I like Harry Potter very much! It is a good book. Do you like it
A.出售 B.阅读 C.拼写 D.描述
32.How old is Li Ping
A.Eleven. B.Twelve. C.Thirteen. D.Fourteen.
33.What class is George in
A.Class 1. B.Class 3. C.Class 7. D.Class 8.
34.Which one(哪个) is TRUE(对的)
A.Li Ping’s telephone number is 6673-5918. B.George and Li Ping like orange.
C.George and Li Ping like oranges. D.George and Li Ping don’t like English books.
35.Li Ping may(可能) be George’s __________.
A.dad B.teacher C.student D.friend
Look! This is my family photo(照片 ). This is my mom. 36 She is 36 years old. She is an English teacher in a junior high school. She looks very nice in the photo. 37 His name is John Miller. He is 38. He is a teacher, too. 38 She is my sister(姐姐), Mary Miller. She is a student. She is in Class Six, Grade Nine. 39 She is 14 years old. Can you see a boy in the photo
Who's he His name is Mike Miller. He is twelve years old this year. Ha ha! 40 My sister and I are in the same school, but in different grades. I’m in Class Four, Grade Seven.
A.Who is that girl in the photo
B.Her name is Linda Miller.
C.This is my dad.
D.It's me.
E.How old is she


43.你遇到困难,当你的同学Li Tao 要帮助你时,你该怎么说:


46.they, be

47.Jim, in
48.these, your eraser

49.they,the same

50.that, apple
I have three 51 (friend). They are Li Tao, Amy and Fred. Li Tao is thirteen 52 old. He is 53 China. Amy and Fred 54 (be) fourteen. Amy is an 55 (England) girl and Fred is from 56 [ 'mer k ]. Amy is a new 57 [ stju:dnt] here. I’m in Grade Seven. Fred is in Grade 58 , too. Amy has a telephone. 59 (she) telephone number is 135720158635. Fred and I are in the 60 [se m] class. And we are good friends.
61.假如你是 Li Ping,根据下面表格,用英语写一篇自我介绍的短文,不少于6句话。
Name: Li Ping Age: 14 School: Zhengzhou No. 6 Middle School Class: 6 Tel:277187
考查指示代词。this意思是“这个”指的是较近的事物;that意思是“那个”指的是较远的事物;it意思是“它”,指的是同类同物,代指前面出现的词;they意思是“他(她,它)们”是复数,代指前面的复数名词。根据What’s that in English 可知,以this、that为主语的问句,回答均用it来代替,it是第三人称单数形式,后面的系动词用is,故选C。
【详解】句意:——你的朋友多大了,吉姆 ——他11岁了。
考查特殊疑问词辨析。What什么;How old多大、几岁;What number什么号码;Where在哪里。根据答语He is eleven. 他11岁了,可知上文是询问年龄的,用how old,故选B。
考查介词辨析。in后接大地点;from来自;to在……范围外,强调不接壤。“Kate is…England”表凯特来自英国,用介词from;“she is…Shanghai”表她在上海,用介词in。故选B。
考查动词辨析。like喜欢;try尝试;have有,从事;help 帮助试一试。根据问句,可知答语为“尝试拼写一下”,故选B。
考查数词。two二,three三,four四,five五。根据 two English books and three Chinese books.可知,两本英语书和三本语文书,共5本书,故选D。
考查一般疑问句。一般疑问句的肯定回答句式为“Yes,人称代词+助动词”,否定回答句式为“No , 人称代词+助动词+not(用缩略式)”;问句的主语是 her name,答语用it指代,故选B。
考查名词。teacher老师,friend朋友,student学生,dad爸爸。根据We are in the same class.可知我们在同一个班级,因此我们是朋友,故选B。
考查人称代词的用法。根据第一句Miss Chen可知,这里指女性,空格后缺少的是句子的主语。故用代词的主格。应填She,故选A。
【详解】句意:——你能说英语吗 ——是的,我能。
考查动词辨析。like喜欢;meet遇见;have有;speak说。English“英语”,“speak +语言”, 表示说某种语言,故选D。
11.D 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.A 20.C
family家,school学校,class班级,name名字。根据Wang Hui可知,可知此处表示名字,故选D。
two二,three三,four四,five五。根据“ Li Wei, Kate and Hill”可知,此处表示三个朋友,故选B。
/是零冠词;a一个,修饰辅音音素开头的单词;an一个,修饰元音音素开头的单词;the那个,表示特指。the same“相同的”,故选D。
/没有介词;in在......里;to向;from来自。根据“Class Four Grade Seven”可知,表示在某年级某班用介词in,故选B。
am是,主语是I;is是,主语是第三人称单数形式;are是,主语是you或复数形式;be是动词原形。主语He and I是复数形式,谓语用复数形式,故选C。
He他,She她,We我们,They他们。此处代指Kate and Hill这两个人,用代词they,故选D。
me我,是宾格形式;I我,是主格形式;you你;her她,是宾格或形容词性物主代词。根据后文的“We     10     them (他们) study Chinese. ”可知,此处表示我们帮助他们学习汉语,因此他们帮助我学习英语,作为动词help的宾语,用宾格me,故选A。
let让,meet遇见,help帮助,try尝试。help sb do sth“帮助某人做某事”,故选C。
21.Canada 22.No,she isn’t 23.He is thirteen years old. 24.Yes,they are. 25.They are in Guang Zhou Yuying Junior High School.
21.细节理解题。根据She’s from Canada可知,萨利来自于加拿大,故填Canada。
22.细节理解题。根据She is twelve可知,萨利12岁,故填No,she isn’t。
23.细节理解题。根据He is thirteen years old可知,李明13岁,故填He is thirteen years old。
24.细节理解题。根据Li Ming and Sally are good friends可知,李明和萨利是好朋友。故填Yes,they are。
25.细节理解题。根据Now he is in Guangzhou Yuying Junior High School以及Li Ming and Sally are friends. They are in the same class可知,李明在广州育英中学,李明和萨利是好朋友,他们在同一个班级,所以他们都在广州育英中学。故填They are in Guang Zhou Yuying Junior High School。
26.C 27.D 28.B 29.B 30.C
26.细节理解题。根据“Smith is our family name.”可知Smith是Lucy的姓,故选C。
27.细节理解题。根据“We are from the UK.”可知,她们来自英国,故选D。
28.细节理解题。根据“She is in Class Six, Grade Seven.”可知,Lucy在7年级6班,故选B。
29.细节理解题。根据“Miss Huang is our English teacher.”可知,黄老师是她们的英语老师,故选B。
30.推理判断题。根据“But we are not in the same class. I am in Class Eight, Grade Seven. She is in Class Six, Grade Seven.”可知,Lily和Lucy不在同一个班,故选C。
31.B 32.B 33.A 34.A 35.D
31.词义猜测题。根据上文“I am a student of...”可知,李萍是学生,因此可推测学生的爱好是“阅读”英语书。故选B。
32.细节理解题。根据文中第一段“I am twelve years old.”可知,李萍12岁了。故选B。
33.细节理解题。根据文中第二段“I am in Class One...”可知,乔治在1班。故选A。
34.细节理解题。根据文中第一段“My telephone number is 6673-5918.”可知,A项表述正确;根据文中第一段“I like orange.”可知,李萍喜欢橘色,并不是喜欢“橘子”,乔治是否喜欢“橘色”或“橘子”,文中未提及,故B项和C项表述错误;根据文中第一段“I like to read English books.”及第二段“I like to read English, too.”可知D项表述错误。故选A。
35.推理判断题。根据文中第一段“I am Li Ping...I am twelve years old.”及第二段“I am George. I am thirteen years old.”可推测两人是朋友关系。故选D。
36.B 37.C 38.A 39.E 40.D
36.根据上文“This is my mom.这是我妈妈。”可知此处应是继续介绍与妈妈有关的信息,选项B“Her name is Linda Miller她的名字叫琳达·米勒。”符合语境,故选B。
37.根据上文已经介绍了妈妈,以及下文“His name is John Miller. He is 38. 他叫约翰·米勒。他38岁。”可知此处应是介绍我的爸爸,选项C“This is my dad. 这是我爸爸。”符合语境,故选C。
38.根据下文“She is my sister, Mary Miller.她是我的妹妹,玛丽·米勒。”可知此处应是问这个女孩是谁,选项A“Who is that girl in the photo 照片里的那个女孩是谁 ”符合语境,故选A。
39.根据下文“She is 14 years old. 她14岁。”可知此处应是问她多大了,选项E“How old is she 她多大了 ”符合语境,故选E。
40.根据上文“Who's he His name is Mike Miller. 他是谁 他的名字叫迈克·米勒。”以及下文“My sister and I are in the same school, 我妹妹和我在同一所学校,”可知此处说的应是作者自己,选项D“It's me. 它是我。”符合语境,故选D。
41.How old are you
【详解】询问年龄,应该用特殊疑问词how old提问,因此你班的新同学Jim,他想知道你多大岁了,他应该问“你多大了?”故填How old are you
42.What class are you in, Mike
【详解】询问Mlike在哪个班级,应用What class提问;主语you为第二人称,故将be动词are提前。故填What class are you in, Mike
43.Thank you./ Thanks
【详解】根据题干要求,当你遇到了困难,你的同学要帮助你,你应说谢谢。故填Thank you./ Thanks.
44.Ann, is this your book
【详解】当你捡到一本书,你问Ann是否是她的,你应该说:Ann,这是你的书吗?用this指代捡到的那本书,一般疑问句,is提前。故填Ann, is this your book
45.What’s this in English
【详解】询问某东西用英语怎么说,应用固定句式:What’s this in English “这个用英语怎么说?”,且位于句首的单词首字母要大写。故填What’s this in English
46.They are oranges. 47.Jim is in Class 8,Grade 7. 48.Are these your erasers 49.They are in the same school. 50.That is an apple.
【解析】46.根据图片和提示词“they;be”,可知本句表达为“它们是橘子。”时态为一般现在时,主语they是复数,be动词用are;“橘子”orange,可数名词,其复数是oranges;故答案为They are oranges.
47.根据图片和提示词“Jim;in”,可知本句表达为“吉姆在七年级八班。”句子时态是一般现在时,主语Jim是第三人称单数形式,be动词用is;“在七年级八班”英文表达是in Class8,Grade 7;故答案为Jim is in Class8,Grade 7.
48.根据图片和提示词“these;your eraser”,结合所给出的标点符号判断,本句为一般疑问句,时态为一般现在时,句意表达为“这些是你(们)的橡皮吗?”主语是these,复数,be动词用are,因是含有系动词be的一般疑问句,需要把系动词提到主语前面,且首字母大写;your eraser置于句末;故答案为Are these your erasers
49.根据图片和提示词“they;the same”,可知本句表达为“他们在同一所学校。” 时态为一般现在时,主语是they,复数,be动词用are;“在同一所学校”英文表达是in the same school;故答案为They are in the same school.
50.根据图片和提示词“that;apple”,可知本句表达为“那是一个苹果。” 时态为一般现在时,主语that是第三人称单数形式,be动词用is;apple是以元音音素开头的单词,所以用不定冠词an修饰,表示“一个苹果”;故答案为That is an apple.
51.friends 52.years 53.in 54.are 55.English 56.America 57.student 58.Seven 59.Her 60.same
53.句意:他在中国。根据所给空后面的China可知,应该是在中国,in China意为“在中国”,故填in。
54.句意:艾米和弗莱德14岁了。根据主语Amy and Fred是复数,所以be动词用复数形式are,故填are。
58.句意:弗莱德也在七年级。根据所给空后面的too以及前文的“ I’m in Grade Seven”可知,应该是弗莱德也在七年级,seven意为“七”,首字母大写,故填Seven。
59.句意:她的电话号码是135720158635。根据所给空后面的“ telephone number”可知,应该用形容词性物主代词,表示她的电话号码,she的形容词性物主代词是her,首字母大写,故填Her。
Hello, everyone. I am Li Ping. I am 14 years old. I study in Zhengzhou No. 6 Middle School. I am in Class 6. My telephone number is 277187.



