Unit 11 Electricity A卷·知识通关练(含解析)

Unit 11(A卷·知识通关练)
1.________ you are, ________ mistakes you’ll make.
A.The more carefully; the less
B.The more careful; the fewer
C.The more careful; the less
D.The more carefully; the fewer
2.You ________ wash your hands before meals. It is good for your health.
A.may B.can C.must D.need
3.—Can I take the book out of the reading room
—No, you ________. You ________ read it here. It’s the rule.
A.can; must B.don’t have to; must
C.can’t; have to D.mustn’t; can
4.—Susan, how was your party
—Pretty good. We sang and danced ________ all night.
A.happily B.hardly C.politely D.clearly
5.—Must we get to school at 7:00
—________. 8:00 is OK.
A.No, you needn’t B.No, you mustn’t C.Yes, you must D.Yes, you need
6.The teacher often asks us to be careful ________ our things.
A.for B.with C.on D.over
7.—Jack, could you come to my birthday party tomorrow
—Sorry, I ________. I have to look after my grandmother at home. She’s ill.
A.won’t B.mustn’t C.couldn’t D.can’t
8.—Where will you go during the Spring Festival
—I have no idea. We _________ go to Nanjing Gingko Lake Park. It’s a good place to have fun.
A.may B.must C.should D.need
9.—Mum, ________ I go to the shopping center with Anna now
—I’m afraid you can’t. You should clean your room first.
A.should B.must C.can D.need
10.— Linda, you look busy. Do you need any help
— Thank you, Tom. But I ________ do it myself.
A.need B.might C.can D.may
11.If you want to keep safe, you _______ always be careful with electricity.
A.can B.may C.could D.must
12.You ______ clean the room now. You ________ do it after supper.
A.won’t; must B.don’t have to; may C.needn’t; must D.should; can
13.— Hey, Jenny! What are you doing this evening
— Well, _______ .
A.good idea B.sounds good C.nothing much D.I hope so
14.The soft music sounds __________. We are all listening __________.
A.beautiful; carefully B.noisy; careful
C.moving; careful D.happily; carefully
15.— South Hill is a good place to have fun. ________ we go camping there
— I’m afraid you ________.
A.Can; needn’t B.May; can’t C.Must; mustn’t D.Should; shouldn’t
celebrate dinner wish on show dance late one important they
Do you know Holi Festival It is an 16 festival in India. It is usually in the 17 February or early March every year. It 18 the end of winter and the beginning of spring. People in India also call Holi Festival “Festival of Colors”. They 19 it for over two days. On the 20 day, children need to find some waste wood (废木材). At night they put the wood together and light a fire (点火), because people say it will bring good luck to 21 . Next day, people often get together and throw (扔) colorful water to their families and friends. Then they give their best 22 to each other. People 23 in the street and shout “Holi Hai”. After playing games, people get home and put 24 their clean clothes. Then they get together to have a big 25 . They give each other sweets and warm greetings, too.
26.Have you got a (print)
27.I am so sorry that I don’t have enough time (carry) the heavy boxes for you.
28.The policemen help us live in a place (safe)
29.Tom promises (tidy) his room when he gets back from school.
30.“What a mess!” Tom’s mother shouted when she saw Tom’s bedroom. (tidy)
31.She works (careful) in her school.
32.I think. Maria doesn’t like Indian food. (将两句合并为一句)
I Indian food.
33.Lucy and Lily can dance and sing. (改为否定句)
Lucy and Lily dance sing.
34.We have travelled to some cities by plane.(改为一般疑问句)
you to any cities by plane
35.My brother can play football. (改为一般疑问句)
brother play football
Good morning! I’m Dale. What color is my quilt It’s yellow. What color is my jacket It is blue. This is my key. It’s black. My cup is white. What color is the book It’s purple.
Good morning! I’m Cindy. This is a ruler. What color is it It’s red and white. What’s this in English It’s a pen. It’s Alice’s black pen. This is an orange. It’s yellow.
Hello, I’m Bill. This is my classroom. Can you see my cup It is green. That is my pen. It’s a brown pen. The pen is on (在……上) my ruler.
36.What color is Dale’s key
A.It’s blue. B.It’s white. C.It’s purple. D.It’s black.
37.The girl is ________.
A.Betty B.Cindy C.Alice D.Grace
38.The ________ and the ________ are yellow.
A.quilt; orange B.ruler; orange C.pen; jacket D.quilt; jacket
We Chinese students are very happy to have a festival, 39 . We celebrate it 40 September 10th. It is for our dear teachers. Teachers’ Day began in 1985. And it is 41 years old now. It is a good time for us to 42 thanks to our teachers. They work hard to 43 us students just like gardeners (像园丁一样). They always try to tell us 44 to know the world well.
45 Teachers’ day, teachers usually 46 their best clothes. We usually give our teachers 47 with best wishes and 48 beautiful flowers.
Now, teachers take great pains (辛苦) to teach us. We hope Teachers’ Day can bring them good luck.
39.A.Children’s Day B.the Chinese New Year C.Teachers’ Day D.May Day
40.A.on B.in C.at D.from
41.A.thirty B.thirty-two C.thirty-five D.thirty-seven
42.A.have B.show C.get D.take
43.A.paint B.work C.teach D.learn
44.A.how B.when C.where D.why
45.A.After B.From C.To D.On
46.A.dress B.wear in C.dress up D.dress in
47.A.candies B.cards C.moon cakes D.rice dumplings
48.A.some B.a little C.much D.any
Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)
Every day some people are killed while they are crossing the roads. Most of these people are old people and children. Old people are often killed because they can’t see or h 49 well. Children are killed because they aren’t c 50 . They forget to look and listen before they cross the roads.
A car can’t stop quickly. If a car is going very fast, it will travel many metres before it s 51 . Some people don’t u 52 this. They think a car can stop in a few metres. It’s difficult to know how fast a car is moving. The only way to cross the roads safely is to look b 53 ways, right and left. Then if the roads are empty, you can cross the roads.
At Sunshine Middle School, every boy in Grade Seven becomes a gentleman on school’s Gentlemen’s Day. It is always on the second Tuesday of October. This year it is on 7 October.
On that day, boys must be like gentlemen. The day starts at 8 o’clock in the morning. Boys all dress well and welcome girls at the school gate. After that, they try to make the girls feel like “queens (女王)”. They do many things like opening doors and carrying things for girls. And they say “after you” when they get into the classroom.
Students and teachers like the activity. Tom Web, a teacher at the school, says this is a start for boys to learn how to respect (尊重) girls.
Parents like the activity too. Mrs. Smith, Jane’s mother, thinks it is good for students’ lives.
54.When is Gentlemen’s Day this year
55.Where do boys welcome girls on Gentlemen’s Day
56.What do boys say to girls if they go to the classroom together
57.According to (根据) Tom Web, who do boys learn to respect
58.Is Mrs. Smith a teacher or a student’s parent
59.请用60 词左右,写一篇题为 “My favorite season is ___________.” 的短文。并在文中写出天气变化,描述所做的活动以及当时的心情。
My favorite season is ___________
考查情态动词辨析。can可以;can’t不可以;must必须;don’t have to不需要;have to必须,不得不;mustn’t禁止。“Can I…”表示请求允许,否定回答用No, you can’t。根据“It’s the rule.”可知,这是规则要求,表示“必须”。故选C。
考查副词辨析。happily快乐地,高兴地;hardly几乎不,几乎没有;politely有礼貌地,斯文地;clearly清晰地,清楚地。根据上文“Pretty good”可知是高兴地唱歌跳舞;故选A。
考查一般疑问句及其否定回答。Must引导的一般疑问句否定回答用“needn’t/don’t have to”。故选A。
考查介词。for为了;with和……一起;on在……上面;over超过;根据“The teacher often asks us to be careful...our things.”可知,此处是be careful with sth“小心某物”,故选B。
考查一般疑问句的回答。一般疑问句“Could you…”是表示委婉语气,这里的could不是过去式,回答时用can回答;根据答句“Sorry ...I have to look after my grandmother at home. She’s ill.”可以推知“我”不能去参加生日聚会,所以否定回答用can’t。故选D。
考查情态动词。may可能;must必须;should应该;need需要。根据“I have no idea.”可知,尚未计划好春节行程,可能会去南京银杏湖公园。故选A。
考查情态动词辨析。should应该;must必须;can可以;need需要。根据答语“I’m afraid you can’t.”可知,用can’t做否定回答,所以用can提问,故选C。
考查情态动词。need需要;might可能;can可以;may或许。根据“I...do it myself.”可知,此处表示能力,“可以”自己做,故选C。
考查情态动词辨析。can可以,能;may也许;could能;must必须。根据句中的“keep safe”和“be careful with electricity”可知为了安全就必须小心用电。故选D。
考查情态动词。won’t将不;don’t have to不必;needn’t不需要;should应该;may可以;must必须;can可以;根据“clean the room now...do it after supper.”可知,空一表达的是“不必现在打扫”,排除A、D;空二表达的是“可以晚饭后打扫”。故选B。
考查情景交际。good idea好主意;sounds good听起来不错;nothing much没什么;I hope so我希望如此。根据“What are you doing this evening ”可知此处应是回答今晚做的事情,nothing much“没什么”符合语境,故选C。
考查情态动词的用法。Can能够;needn’t没必要;May可以;can’t不能;Must必须;mustn’t禁止;Should应该;shouldn’t不应该。根据“...we go camping there ”可知,此处是征求对方同意,应用may;再根据“I’m afraid”可知,此处表示不可以,应用can’t。故选B。
16.important 17.late 18.shows 19.celebrate 20.first 21.them 22.wishes 23.dance 24.on 25.dinner
16.句意:这是印度的一个重要节日。根据“It is an…festival in India”可知,此处使用形容词修饰名词,important“重要的”,形容词。故填important。
17.句意:通常在每年的二月底或三月初。根据“It is usually in the…February or early March every year.”可知,此处指在每年的二月底或三月初,late“晚”与early“早”对应。故填late。
18.句意:它显示了冬天的结束和春天的开始。根据“It…the end of winter and the beginning of spring.”可知,此处指显示了冬天的结束和春天的开始,show“显示”,主语为it,时态为一般现在时,使用动词三单。故填shows。
19.句意:他们会庆祝这个节日的时间超过两天。根据“People in India also call Holi Festival “Festival of Colors”. They…it for over two days.”可知,此处it指代前句中的胡里节,故为庆祝节日,celebrate“庆祝”,主语为They,时态为一般现在时,使用动词原形。故填celebrate。
20.句意:第一天,孩子们需要找到一些废木头。根据“On the…day”和“Next day”可知,此处指第一天,first“第一”,序数词。故填first。
21.句意:晚上他们把木头放在一起生火,因为人们说这会给他们带来好运。根据“because people say it will bring good luck to…”可知,此处使用代词指代people,they“他们”,to为介词,使用宾格。故填them。
22.句意:然后他们互相致以最良好的祝愿。根据“Then they give their best…to each other. ”可知,give their best wishes“致以他们最良好的祝愿”,使用名词复数。故填wishes。
23.句意:人们在街上跳舞,高喊“你好”。根据“People…in the street and shout “Holi Hai”.”可知,此空需要填入动词与and后的shout并列,结合所给词,此处指在街上跳舞,dance“跳舞”,主语为复数名词,时态为一般现在时,使用动词原形。故填dance。
24.句意:玩完游戏后,人们回到家,穿上干净的衣服。根据“put…their clean clothes”可知,put on“穿上”,故填on。
25.句意:然后他们聚在一起吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。根据“Then they get together to have a big…”可知,此空需要填入名词,指吃一顿丰盛的晚餐,dinner“晚餐”,使用单数形式。故填dinner。
27.to carry
【详解】句意:很抱歉,我没有足够的时间帮你搬这些沉重的箱子。have enough time to do sth.“有足够的时间去做某事”,carry“搬”,是动词,此处用动词不定式,故填to carry。
29.to tidy
【详解】句意:汤姆承诺放学回来后整理他的房间。promise to do sth.表示“承诺做某事”。故填to tidy。
【详解】句意:“这么乱啊!”当Tom的妈妈看到Tom凌乱的房间时吼道。根据“What a mess”可知Tom的房间很乱。tidy整洁的,变为其反义词加un-前缀,untidy不整洁的。故填untidy。
31.(the) most carefully
【详解】句意:在她的学校她工作是最认真地。此空修饰动词“work”,因此需用“careful”的副词“carefully”;后面“in her school”表示范围,因此需用副词的最高级“the most carefully”,副词最高级中“the”可以省略。故填(the) most carefully。
32. don’t think Maria likes
33. can’t or
34. Have travelled
35. Can your
36.D 37.B 38.A
36.细节理解题。根据第一栏“This is my key. It’s black.”可知,戴尔的钥匙是黑色的。故选D。
38.细节理解题。根据第一栏“What color is my quilt It’s yellow.”和第二栏“This is an orange. It’s yellow.”可知,戴尔的被子和辛迪的橙子是黄色的。故选A。
39.C 40.A 41.D 42.B 43.C 44.A 45.D 46.D 47.B 48.A
Children’s Day儿童节;the Chinese New Year春节;Teachers’ Day教师节;May Day劳动节。根据“Teachers’ Day began in 1985.”,可知本文介绍的是教师节,故选C。
on后加星期/日子/具体某一天;in后加年/月/季节/世纪;at后加点钟;from从……。空格后“September 10th”是具体的某一天,时间介词用on,故选A。
thirty三十;thirty-two三十二;thirty-five三十五;thirty-seven三十七。根据上一句“Teachers’ Day began in 1985.”,可知教师节于1985年设立,到现在2022年,已经有37年历史了,故选D。
have有;show展示;get得到;take拿走。根据空格后“ thanks to our teachers”,show sb. sth.“向某人展示……”,此处指向老师们展示我们的感谢。故选B。
paint画;work工作;teach教;learn学习。根据空格前“They work hard to”,此处的“they”,代指老师,老师的工作职责是教学生。故选C。
After在……之后;From来自;To到;On加具体某一天。根据后一句“teachers usually …their best clothes.”,可知描述在教师节这一天,老师们的穿着,on作时间介词,后加具体某一天。故选D。
dress给(某人)穿衣服,后加人;wear in作穿着无此搭配;dress up乔装打扮;dress in穿着(后加衣服)。根据空格后“their best clothes”,四个选项中后面能加衣服的只有“dress in”。故选D。
candies糖果;cards卡片;moon cakes月饼;rice dumplings粽子。此处描述在教师节那一天给老师的礼物,月饼和粽子分别属于中秋节和端午节的礼物,糖果对于老师太幼稚,带有美好祝福的卡片最合适,故选B。
some一些,后加不可数名词或可数名词复数;a little一些,后加不可数名词;much一些,后加不可数名词;any任何,一般用于否定句或疑问句。根据空格后“beautiful flowers”,四个选项中能加可数名词复数,且用于肯定句中的,只有some。故选A。
49.(h)ear 50.(c)areful 51.(s)tops 52.(u)nderstand 53.(b)oth
50.句意:孩子们死亡因为他们不小心。根据后一句“They forget to look and listen before they cross the roads.”可知,他们过马路时候忘记看和听,比较粗心,不细致,不小心。“are”后面加形容词,构成表语,“c”开头的形容词表示“仔细的,小心的”,用“careful”,故填(c)areful。
51.句意:如果一辆车开得很快,在它停车之前还会开出好几米。根据第二段第一句“A car can’t stop quickly.”可知,一辆车不会很快停下。所以在它停之前,还会开出好几米。“s”开头,表示“停止”,用“stop”。“before”表示“在……之前”,引导时间状语从句,遵循主将从现,主句用将来时,从句应该是一般现在时,“it”是第三人称单数,谓语动词变三单,故填(s)tops。
52.句意:一些人不理解这个。根据后一句“They think a car can stop in a few metres.”可知,他们认为汽车可以在几米内停下来。对于“车在停止之前还要开出好多米”这件事人们表示不理解,“don’t”后面加动词原形,故填(u)nderstand。
53.句意:安全过马路的唯一方式就是左右两边都要看。根据本句“The only way to cross the roads safely is to look b…ways, right and left.”可知,安全过马路要看左边和右边,所以应该是两边,“两者都”用“both”,故填(b)oth。
54.On 7 October. 55.At the school gate. 56.They say “after you”/After you. 57.Girls. 58.A student’s parent.
54.根据“This year it is on 7 October.”可知,今年的绅士节在10月7号,故填On 7 October.
55.根据“Boys all dress well and welcome girls at the school gate.”可知,男生都穿着得体,在学校门口欢迎女生。故填At the school gate.
56.根据“And they say “after you” when they get into the classroom.”可知,当他们进入教室时,他们会说“在你之后”。故填They say “after you”/After you.
57.根据“Tom Web, a teacher at the school, says this is a start for boys to learn how to respect (尊重) girls.”可知,男孩需要学会尊重女孩,故填Girls.
58.根据“Mrs. Smith, Jane’s mother, thinks it is good for students’ lives.”可知,简的母亲应该是学生家长,故填A student’s parent.
My favorite season is spring
Among the four seasons, I like spring best. When spring comes, days are getting longer and longer and nights are getting shorter and shorter. In spring days, the sun shines brightly and the weather is warm, and everything comes to life again. Trees and grass turn green and flowers come out. Our world is covered with green trees and colorful flowers.
I love spring. Green trees and beautiful flowers make me happy and active. I can have a field trip with my classmates and relax myself in spring. That’s really exciting. I love the season, a beautiful and lively season.
③提示:题目要求以“My favorite season is…”为题,介绍自己最喜欢的季节,适当增加细节,并突出写作要点。
①come to life苏醒过来
②come out花开
When spring comes, days are getting longer and longer and nights are getting shorter and shorter.(when引导的时间状语从句)



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