七年级英语上册 Unit 7 How much are these socks?短文选词15篇(含解析)

Unit7 短文选词15篇
say, read, listen, speak, see, look, know, one, England, on, he
Bob Smith is my good friend. Bob is his 1 name. So I often call 2 Bob. He is a student and he is 3 . He has a big and nice classroom. Let’s 4 at the picture of his classroom.
His classroom is a new building. We can 5 two maps on the wall. A computer is on the teacher’s desk. What’s next to the computer I don’t 6 what it is. Because it’s too small. Oh, some English words are 7 the blackboard. Can you see them Look here. A sign(指示牌)! It 8 “No loud noise(禁止大声喧哗)”. Is this Bob’ s desk Yes, it is. There are many books on it. Bob says he likes 9 books. And he also 10 English well. Some flowers are at the back of the classroom.
What a nice and clean classroom!
say buy too only much food in dollar sell one nice well
It is Sunday afternoon. Mary goes shopping with her mother. Her mother wants to buy some 11 for supper. Mary wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. They come to a shop.
“What does your shop 12 ” Mary asks. “A lot of things”, the girl in the shop 13 .“You can buy food, drinks, clothes in our shop and school things 14 .”
Mary and her mother go 15 .There are many people in the shop. Mary finds a 16 white skirt. “How 17 is the skirt ” Mary asks the girl in the shop.
“It’s eighty 18 .”
“That’s too dear(贵的), Can I find a cheap(便宜的)one ”
“What about the green 19 It looks nice. And it’s 20 thirty dollars.”
“OK. I’ll take it. Thanks a lot.”
“You are welcome.”
After that, Mary buys some school things, too. Her mother buys a lot of food, like bread, cakes, meat and fish. They get home very late.
long, sale, for, green, buy, sell, at, see, twenty, boy
Come to Yangguang Clothes Store! 21 your clothes at our great 22 . We sell sweaters 23 a very good price—only 24 yuan. Do you need shirts We have 25 , black and white shirts for only 20. Do you need shoes 26 sports They are only 60! We also have skirts for girls and shorts for 27 . You can buy skirts for only 20. We 28 the shorts for 18! We also have 29 jeans and good e and 30 for yourself at Yangguang Clothes Store!
with, be, do, so, gift, she, think, family, see, beautiful
Mary gets the salary(薪水). She wants to buy 31 for her family with 500 yuan. That 32 1/4 of her salary. Mary comes to a big shop. She 33 a pair of brown shoes. “The shoes look good and my father likes the color,” 34 Mary. They’re 239 yuan. 35 she buys them. Then Mary buys a 36 skirt for her mom. It’s on sale and it’s only 120 yuan. Mary wants to buy a book for her brother, but the big shop 37 not sell(卖)books.
She goes to a bookshop and buys 38 brother a book. Now Mary has only 90 yuan. She buys some food. She can eat it 39 her family for dinner. Mary hopes(希望)everyone in her 40 likes their gifts.
long hair next to look at in English is from a pair of
41.—Excuse me, what’s this
—It’s an egg.
42.Sally is me in the photo.
43.My mother buys gloves for me.
44.I know Li Ming Chengdu, Sichuan.
45.Miss Green is tall and has .
look like, a pair of, given name, a lot, look the same, next to
46.Could you tell me your
47.The girl Jane is her pen pal.
48.They are friends, and they .
49.I want to buy gloves for my mom.
50.Jane knows about the book.
two it pass real act play
51.— Do you know food waste(浪费) is also bad for the environment(环境)
— Oh, I will save food from now on.
52.The doctor advises(建议)us to brush our teeth a day.
53.Millie, do you want to be a tennis like Li Na
54.Most of us often take part in(参加) interesting after school every day.
55.Do you often get up late and have breakfast at half eight on Sundays
56.Today Amy wears a new skirt and color is white, so she looks very cool.
A.right away B.take off C. a piece of D.Did E. a pair of
57. you visit your grandparents last winter holiday
58.Can I use scissors to cut the paper
59.In Western countries, people usually open gifts .
60.It becomes warmer and warmer. You should your coat.
61.Give me colour paper, thanks.
bag, hand, desk, telephone, boy
need; what about; how much; here; pair; woman
67.This is your watch. you are.
68.— is the green ruler
—It’s two yuan.
69.Do you bags for school Here are some blue ones.
70.The in my family photo is my mother.
71.Do you like this of trousers Let me buy it for you.
strawberry China twelfth use have
72.It’s Peter’s birthday today. He’s years old.
73.Our teacher says math is a subject.
74.—Do you like to eat —Yes, I do.
75.Linda a soccer ball and two ping-pong balls.
76.I’m from China, so I can speak (说) .
all, many, so, each, little, visit, say, speak, tell, live
77.Tina likes the dress, she wants to buy it.
78.I have friends here. They’re very kind to me.
79.The girl in a red dress is my sister.
80.My friends and I are Chinese. We have black hair.
81. student in my class has a new pen.
82.Mr. Smith is from England but he in Beijing now.
83.Mike can’t Chinese at all.
84.Linda wants to the Great Wall this year.
85.My mother often me something interesting(有趣的).
86.—What’s that Can you it in English
—Sorry, I can’t.
pair, sell, eighteen, this, price
87.—What’s nine and nine
—It’s .
88.Our socks are only five dollars for two .
89.The clothes in the store are at good .
90.His sister clothes in a big clothes store.
91.How much are shorts
look, that, family, be, photo, parent, she, sister, spell, this
92.These my brothers and sisters.
93.Are your brothers
94.Lily and Lucy are .
95.There are four on the wall (墙).
96.Many (许多) have only one child in China.
97.His are in Beijing now.
98. is my sister, Angela.
99.How do you “grandma”
100. ! This is my mother.
101.My aunt is a teacher. name is Zhou Juan.
take help skirt boy buy
102.These are my good friends.
103.These are Jenny’s.
104.This watch is nice. I want it.
105.Daming me get the hat.
106.Come and your shoes at good prices.
shoes, for, T-shirt, in, look
107.The girl purple is my sister. Do you know her
108.These blue sweater are $30 two.
109.This skirt is Kate’s. What about that
110.That yellow jacket nice. I really like it.
111.The brown are my father’s
rice of ask small we
112.Let’s the teacher for help.
113. birthdays are on the same day!
114.What about some for dinner
115.I can see a map China on the wall.
116.The sweater is too . Do you have a bigger one
117.Your arms are (long; longer) than mine.
1.first 2.him 3.English 4.look 5.see 6.know 7.on 8.says 9.reading 10.speaks
1.句意:鲍勃是他的名字。根据“Bob Smith is my good friend. Bob is his...name.”及备选词汇,可知鲍勃是他的名字,first name“名字”。故填first。
2.句意:所以我经常叫他鲍勃。根据“So I often call...Bob.”及备选词汇可知是叫他鲍勃,此处需填人称代词he“他”的宾格him。故填him。
3.句意:他是一名学生,他是英国人。根据“He is a student and he is...”及备选词汇,可知此处在介绍鲍勃的基本信息,表示他是英国人,England“英国”的变形English“英国人”。故填English。
4.句意:让我们看看他教室的照片。根据“Let’s...at the picture of his classroom.”及备选词汇可知是看照片,look at“看”,let sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”。故填look。
5.句意:我们可以看到墙上挂着两幅地图。根据“We can...two maps on the wall.”及备选词汇可知是看到两幅地图,see“看见”,情态动词后加动词原形。故填see。
6.句意:我不知道是什么。根据“I don’t...what it is.”及备选词汇可知不知道是什么,know“知道”,助动词don’t后加动词原形。故填know。
7.句意:哦,黑板上有一些英语单词。根据“Oh, some English words are...the blackboard.”及备选词汇,可知此处需填介词on“在……表面上”。故填on。
8.句意:上面写着“禁止大声喧哗”。根据“It...‘No loud noise(禁止大声喧哗).’”及备选词汇可知是指示牌上写着,句子用一般现在时,主语是It,谓语动词用单三。故填says。
9.句意:鲍勃说他喜欢看书。根据“Bob says he likes...books.”及备选词汇可知是喜欢读书,read“阅读,看”,like doing sth.“喜欢做某事”。故填reading。
10.句意:他的英语说得也很好。根据“And he also...English well.”及备选词汇可知是说英语,speak“说,会讲(某种语言)”,句子用一般现在时,主语是he,谓语动词用单三。故填speaks。
11.food 12.sell 13.says 14.too 15.in 16.nice 17.much 18.dollars 19.one 20.only
11.句意:她的妈妈想要去买一些晚餐用的食物。根据“Her mother wants to buy some...for supper.”可知,some后缺名词,去买晚餐用的食物,food不可数,故填food。
12.句意:“你的商店卖些什么?”。根据“What does your shop...?”可知,此处缺少动词原形,应该是问商店卖些什么。故填sell。
13.句意:“很多东西”,商店的那个女孩说。根据“the girl in the shop....”可知,主语是the girl,文章用的一般现在时,所以谓语动词要用第三人称单数,故填says。
14.句意:“你可以在我们店里买食物,饮料,衣服也能买到学校用品。”根据“You can buy food, drinks, clothes in our shop and school things....”可知,在肯定句的末尾要用too来表示“也”。故填too。
15.句意:玛丽和她妈妈进去。根据“Mary and her mother go....”可知,她和她妈妈要进入商店。go in“进去”。故填in。
16.句意:玛丽发现了一件漂亮的白色短裙。根据“Mary finds a...white skirt.”可知,在名词前面要用形容词nice来修饰。故填nice。
17.句意:“这个短裙多少钱?”。根据“How...is the skirt ”和“‘It’s eighty...”可知,此处询问价钱,应该用how much来问。故填much。
18.句意:80美元。根据“It’s eighty....”可知,此处回答价钱,故填dollars。
19.句意:“绿色那件怎么样?”。根据“What about the green... ”可知,此处问这件绿色的怎么样,用one来代指上文提到的skirt。故填one。
20.句意:它只要30美元。根据“And it’s...thirty dollars.”可知,此处表达只需要30美元。故填only。
21.Buy 22.sale 23.at 24.twenty 25.green 26.for 27.boys 28.sell 29.long 30.see
21.句意:在我们的大甩卖中买你的衣服吧。这是祈使句,动词原形放句首。根据“We sell”,可知句子表达买衣服,用动词“buy”。句首首字母“b”大写。故填Buy。
22.句意:在我们的大甩卖中买你的衣服吧。根据“a very good price”,可知句子表达“大减价”,用短语“at our great sale”。故填sale。
23.句意:我们卖毛衣的价格很好——只要20元。根据“a very good price”,可知句子表达价格很不错,用介词“at”。故填at。
25.句意:我们有绿色,黑色和白色的衬衫,只卖20元。根据“black and white shirts”,可知用表示颜色的词形成并列,用形容词“green”,表达“绿色的”。故填green。
26.句意:你需要运动鞋吗?根据“need shoes”及“sports”,可知表达鞋子的用途,用介词“for”。故填for。
27.句意:我们也有女孩子的裙子和男孩子的短裤。根据“skirts for girls”,可知是并列结构,句子表达男孩子穿的短裤,用复数名词“boys”。故填boys。
28.句意:我们卖短裤,价格是18元。根据“We ... the shorts for 18!”,可知句子表达商店卖短裤,用动词“sell”。故填sell。
29.句意:我们也有长的牛仔裤和好的夹克。根据“jeans and good jackets”,可知是并列结构,用形容词修饰名词“jeans”。句子表达“长的牛仔裤”,用形容词“long”。故填long。
30.句意:亲自到阳光服装店来看一看吧。这是祈使句,根据“come and”,可知用动词原形形成并列,根据“for yourself at Yangguang Clothes Store”,可知句子表达的是来店里“看”,用动词“see”。故填see。
31.gifts 32.is 33.sees 34.thinks 35.So 36.beautiful 37.does 38.her 39.with 40.family
31.句意:她想用500块钱给家人买一些礼物。根据最后一句“Mary hopes(希望)everyone in her… likes their gifts.”可知,是Mary想给家人买一些礼物,故空处应是gift“礼物”,可数名词,此处应用复数形式表示类别。故填gifts。
32.句意:那是她的四分之一的薪水。根据句子结构可知,空处应用系动词be;根据前句“She wants to buy…for her family with 500 yuan.”和后句“Mary comes to a big shop.”语境可知,句子是一般现在时,主语“That”是第三人称单数形式,故be用is。故填is。
33.句意:她看见了一双棕色的鞋子。承接前句“Mary comes to a big shop.”语境可知,应是看见了一双棕色的鞋子;根据前句时态可知,此句也应是一般现在时,主语“She”是第三人称单数形式,故动词应用单三式。故填sees。
34.句意:“这双鞋看起来不错,我爸爸喜欢这个颜色,”玛丽想。根据句子结构可知,空处应是谓语动词;根据前句“The shoes look good and my father likes the color,”和选项可知,空处应是think“想”,动词;句子是一般现在时,主语“Mary”是第三人称单数形式,故动词应用单三式。故填thinks。
35.句意:所以她买了它们。空后“she buys them.”是由上文““The shoes look good and my father likes the color,” …Mary.”引出的结果,故空处应是so“所以”,句首首字母大写。故填So.
37.句意:但是这个商店不卖书。根据前句“Mary wants to buy a book for her brother,”和空后but的提示可知,应是这个商店不卖书;句子是一般现在时,主语“the big shop”是第三人称单数形式,动词是实义动词,故否定句的助动词应用does not。故填does。
38.句意:她去一家书店,给她弟弟买了一本书。根据上文“Mary wants to buy a book for her brother,”可知,应是给她的弟弟买了一本书;she“她”,主格代词,对应的形容词性物主代词是her“她的”。故填her。
39.句意:她可以和家人一起吃晚饭。根据空后“her family for dinner”可知,此处是表示“和某人一起”,故应用with。故填with。
40.句意:Mary希望家人喜欢他们的礼物。根据上文“She wants to buy…for her family with 500 yuan.”可知,应是希望家人喜欢他们的礼物,故空处应是family“家人”。故填family。
41.in English 42.next to 43.a pair of 44.is from 45.long hair
【解析】41.句意:——请问这用英语怎么说?——它是一个鸡蛋。根据“what’s this ...”,“It’s an egg.”和备选词汇可知,此处应是“用英语说”,in English符合句意,故填in English。
42.句意:照片中萨莉在我旁边。根据“Sally is ... me in the photo”和备选词汇可知,萨莉在我旁边,next to“旁边、紧邻”符合句意,故填next to。
43.句意:我妈妈给我买了一副手套。根据“gloves”和备选词汇可知,a pair of“一副”作为量词修饰gloves。故填a pair of。
44.句意:我知道李明来自四川成都。根据“Chengdu, Sichuan”和备选词汇可知,此处应是“来自四川成都”,be from“来自”符合句意。故填is from。
45.句意:格林小姐很高,留着长发。根据“Miss Green is tall and has ...”和备选词汇可知,格林小姐留着长发,long hair“长发”符合句意。故填long hair。
46.given name 47.next to 48.look the same 49. a pair of 50.a lot
【解析】46.句意:你能告诉我你的名字吗?空处在your后,应是名词,given name“名”符合,故填given name。
47.句意:简旁边的女孩是她的笔友。分析句子并结合所给词可知,next to“在……旁边”符合,next to Jane作定语修饰the girl。故填next to。
48.句意:他们是朋友,并且他们长得一样。句子缺谓语,look like缺宾语,故排除。look the same“长得一样”,可放在句末,符合题意,故填look the same。
49.句意:我想要给我妈妈买一双手套。修饰gloves应用a pair of“一双”,故填a pair of。
50.句意:简很了解这本书,know about是动词短语,空处应填副词修饰动词know,a lot符合题意。故填a lot。
51.really 52.twice 53.player 54.activities 55.past 56.its
【解析】51.句意:——你知道浪费食物对环境也有害吗?——哦,真的吗? 从现在开始我会节省食物。根据“I will save food from now on.”及备选单词可知,此处同意对方的意见,really“真的”,副词。故填really。
52.句意:医生建议我们每天刷两次牙。根据“brush our teeth…a day”及备选单词可知,此处表达频度,twice“两次”符合语境。故填twice。
53.句意:米莉,你想成为像李娜那样的网球运动员吗?根据“a tennis …like Li Na”及备选单词可知,此处表达网球运动员,player“运动员”符合语境。故填player。
54.句意:我们大多数人经常在放学后参加有趣的活动。根据“take part in(参加) interesting… after school every day”及备选单词可知,此处表达有趣的活动,activity“活动”符合语境,空处应用复数形式。故填activities。
55.句意:你经常在周末很晚起床并在八点半吃早饭吗?根据“at half … eight on”及备选单词可知,此处表时间,half past eight“八点半”。故填past。
56.句意:今天艾米穿了一条新裙子,颜色是白色的,所以她看起来很酷。根据“color is white”及备选单词可知,此处指代裙子的颜色,空处缺少形容词性物主代词,its“它的”符合语境。故填its。
57.D 58.E 59.A 60.B 61.C
58.句意:我能用一把剪刀来剪纸吗?结合空后的“scissors”及方框里提供的单词和短语可知,应填a pair of,表示“一把剪刀”。故选E。
59.句意:在西方国家,人们经常立即打开礼物。结合句意及方框里提供的单词和短语可知,应填短语right away作状语,表示“立即打开礼物”。故选A。
60.句意:天气变得越来越温暖了。你应该脱掉你的外套。根据情态动词“should”可知,空缺处应填动词短语take off,表示“脱掉”。故选B。
61.句意:给我一张彩纸,谢谢。根据名词“colour paper”可知,应填a piece of,表示“一张彩纸”。故选C。
62.telephone 63.boy 64.bag 65.desk 66.hand
67.Here 68.How much 69.need 70.woman 71.pair
【解析】67.句意:这是你的手表。给你。根据“you are.”可知这里表示给你吧。Here you are 是口语中常见的句子,意思是“给你”。故填Here。
68.句意:——绿色的尺子多少钱?——两块钱。根据“It’s two yuan.”可知是问价格,how much“多少钱”符合题意。故填How much。
70.句意:我全家福里的女人是我妈妈。根据“in my family photo is my mother.”可知是指全家福中的女人,woman“女人”符合题意。故填woman。
71.句意:你喜欢这条裤子吗?让我给你买吧。根据“Do you like this...of trousers”可知,此处应填pair,表示“一对;一双”。故填pair。
72.twelve 73.useful 74.strawberries 75.has 76.Chinese
【解析】72.句意:今天是Peter的生日。他今年12岁了。“基数词+years old”表示“……岁”,因此填twelfth的基数词twelve“十二”,故填twelve。
75.句意:Linda有一个足球和两个乒乓球。根据宾语“a soccer ball and two ping-pong balls”及备选词汇可知,空处应表示“拥有”,主语是第三人称单数,谓语填三单。故填has。
76.句意:我来自中国,所以我会说汉语。根据“I’m from China”可知,此处应表示“我会说汉语”,故填Chinese。
77.so 78.many 79.little 80.all 81.Each 82.lives 83.speak 84.visit 85.tells 86.say
【解析】77.句意:Tina喜欢那条连衣裙,所以她想买下它。空格后的“she wants to buy it.”是“Tina likes the dress”的结果,备选词汇so“因此”符合语境。故填so。
79.句意:那个穿红色连衣裙的小女孩是我的妹妹。girl为名词,其前应用形容词修饰。根据“my sister”可知指“妹妹”,因此是“小女孩”,备选词汇little“小的”符合语境。故填little。
80.句意:我和朋友们都是中国人。我们都长着黑色的头发。根据“My friends and I”可知我和我的朋友们应是三人或三人以上,因此备选词汇all“都”符合语境。故填all。
82.句意:史密斯先生来自英国,但是他现在住在中国。根据“in Beijing now”可知他现在在北京生活,句子应用一般现在时,主语he为第三人称单数,备选词汇live“生活”的三单形式lives符合语境。故填lives。
84.句意:Linda想要今年去游览万里长城。want to do sth表示“想要做某事”。根据“the Great Wall”可知备选词汇visit“游览”符合语境。故填visit。
85.句意:我妈妈经常给我讲一些有趣的事情。根据“me something interesting”可知此处指
“告诉”我有趣的事情,often说明句子应用一般现在时,主语My mother为第三人称单数,因此备选词汇tell“讲述”的三单形式tells符合语境。故填tells。
86.句意:——那是什么?你能用英语说吗?——抱歉,我不能。情态动词can后接动词原形。根据“it in English”可知此处指“用英语表达它”,因此备选词汇say“说”符合语境。故填say。
87.eighteen 88.pairs 89.prices 90.sells 91.these
【解析】87.句意:——九加九是多少?——十八。根据“What’s nine and nine”以及所给词可知九加九等于十八,此处用基数词eighteen“十八”。故填eighteen。
88.句意:我们的袜子两双只要五美元。根据“Our socks are only five dollars for two”以及所给词可知两双袜子是五美元,two后加名词复数pairs“双”。故填pairs。
89.句意:店里的衣服物美价廉。根据“The clothes in the store are at good”以及所给词可知此处指价格好,at good prices“以很好的价格”。故填prices。
90.句意:他姐姐在一家大服装店卖衣服。根据“clothes in a big clothes store”以及所给词可知是在服装店卖衣服,sell“卖”,描述客观情况,用一般现在时,主语是His sister,谓语动词用单三。故填sells。
91.句意:这些短裤多少钱?根据“How much are…shorts”以及所给词可知是这些短裤多少钱,these“这些”。故填these。
92.are 93.those 94.sisters 95.photos 96.families 97.parents 98.This 99.spell 100.Look 101.Her
94.句意:莉莉和露西是姐妹。根据“Lily and Lucy are...”并结合备选单词可知,sister“姐姐/妹妹”符合语境,此处表示俩人是姐妹,故用复数sisters。故填sisters。
95.句意:墙上有四张照片。根据“There are four...on the wall.”可知,空处需填一个名词,作主语。结合备选单词可知,photo“照片”符合语境。“four”后用名词复数。故填photos。
96.句意:在中国,许多家庭只有一个孩子。根据“Many...have only one child...”及备选单词可知,family“家庭”符合语境。“many”修饰可数名词复数,故用families,在句中作主语。故填families。
98.句意:这是我的妹妹Angela。根据“...is my sister, Angela.”可知,此句为介绍某人,且系动词为单数is,故用指示代词this“这”,位于句首,首字母t大写。故填This。
99.句意:你怎么拼“外婆”这个单词?根据“How do you...‘grandma’ ”并结合备选单词可知,动词spell“拼写”符合语境。助动词“do”后用动词原形,故填spell。
100.句意:看!这是我妈妈。根据“...! This is my mother.”可知,此处为祈使句,用动词原形。结合备选单词可知,look“看”符合语境,位于句首,首字母l大写。故填Look。
101.句意:我的伯母是一名教师。她的名字是周娟。根据“My aunt is a teacher...name is Zhou Juan.”可知,此处表示“她的名字……”,用形容词性物主代词修饰名词,she变her“她的”符合语境,位于句首,首字母h大写。故填Her。
102.boys 103.skirts 104.to take 105.helps 106.buy
【解析】102.句意:这些男孩是我的好朋友。根据所给词和“my good friends”可知是这些男孩是我的朋友。由These“这些”可知后面用名词复数,以元音加y结尾的名词变复数,直接加s,故填boys。
103.句意:这些裙子是珍妮的。根据所给词和“are Jenny’s”可知是裙子是珍妮的,根据These“这些”可知后面用名词复数,裙子的复数是skirts,故填skirts。
104.句意:这只表很好。我想买它。根据词组want to do“想要做什么”,可知空格处填动词不定式,由所给词和“This watch is nice.”可知想买它,take“买,拿走”符合题意,故填to take。
105.句意:大明帮我拿了帽子。根据主语“Daming”三单,谓语动词应用三单,结合所给单词和“Daming…me get the hat.”可知是帮助我去拿帽子,help“帮助”符合题意,三单形式是helps。故填helps。
106.句意:来买你的鞋子,现在很便宜。此句是祈使句,谓语动词是and连接的两个动词,这个两个动词都应用原形。结合所给单词和“Come and…your shoes at good prices.”可知是来买鞋子,buy“买”符合题意。故填buy。
107.in 108.for 109.T-shirt 110.looks 111.shoes
109.句意:这条裙子是凯特的。那件T恤呢?根据前一句“This skirt is Kate’s. ”和“What about that ...”可知,下句谈论的也是衣服。故填T-shirt。
110.句意:那件黄色夹克看起来不错。我真的很喜欢。“nice”形容词,前要加系动词,又因主语“That yellow jacket”为单数,系动词要用三单形式。故填looks。
112.ask 113.Our 114.rice 115.of 116.small
【解析】112.句意:让我们向老师寻求帮助。根据“the teacher for help”可知,此处指的是“寻求帮助”,let’s后接动词原形,ask sb. for help“向某人寻求帮助”。故填ask。
114.句意:晚饭吃点米饭怎么样?根据“for dinner”及选词可知,此处指的是吃的东西,rice“米饭”符合语境。故填rice。
115.句意:我能在墙上看到一张中国地图。此处指的是“中国地图”,属于所有格结构,表达为a map of China“一张中国地图”。故填of。
116.句意:这件毛衣太小了。你有大一点的吗?根据“Do you have a bigger one ”及选词可知,此处指的是small“小的”,形容词作表语。故填small。



