
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题:每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
1.What does the woman do
A.A nurse. B.A waitress. C.A saleswoman.
2.How does the man find the movie
A.Great. B.Terrible. C.Good.
3.Why does the woman want to use a computer
A.To book a hotel. B.To book a flight. C.To book a train ticket.
4.Why does the man come to this hotel
A.It has a low price. B.It has comfortable rooms. C.It is close to his home.
5.Where does the conversation take place
A.In a restaurant. B.In a shop. C.In a cinema.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
6.What is Peter doing now
A.He is talking on the phone.B.He is writing an e-mail. C.He is on holiday.
7.How’s the weather in Australia now
A.Cold and windy. B.Hot and sunny. C.Cool and rainy
8.Where are the speakers probably
A.In the middle of a city. B.In a boat. C.On a hill.
9.What are the speakers looking at
A.The ocean. B.The city lights. C.The stars.
10.Why was the man probably surprised
A.A lot of birds flew around him.
B.He wasn't expecting to see his father.
C.A wild animal was coming toward him.
11.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Friends. B.Teacher and student. C.Mother and son.
12.What is Jim worried about
A.His spoken English. B.His written English. C.His relations with classmates.
13.What can we say about Jim
A.He is too shy.
B.He has made great progress.
C.He works hard on his English.
14.What does the woman suggest Jim do
A.Learn more languages.
B.Watch some English movies.
C.Find a language exchange partner.
15.What is the man going to do
A.Meet Mr. Black at the airport.
B.Take a flight for a business deal.
C.Make a reservation at a hotel.
16.What is probably the woman
A.A driver. B.A waitress. C.A secretary.
17.Why does the man want to make a good impression
A.To get a job in Mr. Black's company.
B.To repay Mr. Black's kindness.
C.To get a chance to visit Tokyo.
18.What is the passage mainly about
A.The man hoped his daughters could understand him,
B.The man explained why he competed for the president.
C.The man wanted to get along well with his daughters.
19.What is true according to the passage
A.The man keeps his daughters eating junk food.
B.The man’s wife and daughters might complain him.
C.The man had a little pity in his heart.
20.What made the man’s life change
A.The births of his two daughters.B.The great nation. C.His great ambition.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
Whatever she likes, you can always find something perfect for your mom, whether it is wine, coffee or clothes.
For the bookworm
For the woman who took you to the library to get your very first card, show how much you appreciate her love of language and words with one of these book-themed cups for a Mother’s Day gift. You can choose from a good old-fashioned library card, a funny banned book’s pattern, or ones featuring your favorite literary characters, including Edgar Allen Poe and Alice in Wonderland. These are some of the most meaningful Mother’s Day gifts that moms have ever received. Library Card Cup, $ 18.49, Amazon. com.
For the business traveler
When she’s not busy teaching her children how to tie their shoes and mind their manners, the mom you love is flying across the country for an important client meeting. She needs clothes that don’t give her anything else to worry about. It dries quickly and resists wrinkles. Florence Travel Dress by Orvis, $ 119, Amazon. com.
For the gardener
If gardening is your mom’s beloved pastime, introduce her to the rapidly growing world of succulents (多肉植物) with this DIY kit (工具箱). Inside, you’ll find a white moss ball planter, a metal chain and hanging hook, two colors of reindeer moss (驯鹿苔), planting instructions, and an optional live succulent. Succulent Kokedama String Garden Kit, $ 33.97, .
For the coffee lover
Every kid knows the number one rule of the household: Don’t talk to mom until she’s had her coffee. Show your understanding with a monthly brew (酿造) subscription. The coffee beans come from all over the world, including Peru, Brazil, Papua New Guinea and more. Atlas Coffee Club Subscription, $ 60 for three months, .
21.Which of the following gifts should you send your mother if she loves reading
A.A cup with a library card. B.A fashioned library card.
C.A banned book’s pattern. D.A book with literary characters.
22.What’s the advantage of Florence Travel Dress
A.It can resist being wet. B.It’s convenient to carry.
C.It seems cheap to buy. D.It can be wrinkle-free.
23.What can be learned from the last two paragraphs
A.Moms looking after kids require more coffee.
B.Atlas Coffee Club provides world-class coffee beans.
C.People must purchase succulents in advance.
D.Succulents are popular nowadays.
Tired of a life controlled by their mobile phones, many young people are appealing to extreme measures to kick the bug.
A discussion group called the Screen-Free Project on Douban, now has more than33,000 members, who promise to “quit“ their mobile phone. That generally does not mean they will abandon their phone, but means they will seek to cut down their use of it greatly.
That is a very hard thing to do, particularly when cashless payments are everywhere in China, One way to cut your mobile phone screen time is the mobile phone isolation box. Users simply put their mobile phone in the box and set a time lock that will ban them from having access to the phone for a set time.
Lin Tianqi, a student at Belling Technology and Business University, bought an isolation box recently online. She has attached several eye-catching stickers to the box: “Happiness will find you when you are working” and “The harder you work, the luckier you are”. The stickers help remind her of the need to face up to reality.
This summer, Lin says, she will be busy preparing for autumn career recruiting(招聘) and the postgraduate entrance exam. With so much to do, if her mobile phone took up most of her time, it would influence her prospects largely.
Though using a physical box to reduce mobile phone use may not seem so useful. it appears a good thing to the market. However, Liang Wenyu, another college student, looked down at these “useless” attempts. “It is meaningless to use the isolation box, you might as well lock yourself up, as simple as that.” he says, “I can understand why they attach these inspiring stickers on the box-because they lack discipline. Self-disciplined people will succeed without such tricks.”
24.What do the members of the Screen-Free Project intend to do
A.Get rid of their mobile phones. B.Buy a mobile phone isolation box.
C.Lock their mobile phones in a box. D.Reduce their use of the mobile phones.
25.Why did Lin Tianqi attach the eye-catching stickers to the box
A.To warn herself to discipline.
B.To remind herself to launch a career.
C.To start her business on isolation boxes.
D.To apply for a job in Xianfeng Technology.
26.What is the author’s attitude to the mobile phone isolation box
A.Positive. B.Neutral. C.Negative. D.Indifferent.
27.What is the best title for the text
A.All boxed in and free at last B.Kick the bug and dream high
C.A good choice-the isolation box D.Perfect measures- inspiring stickers
Adults understand what it feels like to be flooded with objects(物品). Why do we often think that more is more when it comes to kids and their belongings The good news is that I can help my own kids learn earlier than I did how to live more with less.
I found the pre-holidays a good time to encourage young children to donate less-used things, and it worked. Because of our efforts, our daughter Georgia did decide to donate a large bag of toys to a little girl whose mother was unable to pay for her holiday due to illness. She chose to sell a few larger objects that were less often used when we promised to put the money into her school fund (基金) (our kindergarten daughter is serious about becoming a doctor).
For weeks, I’ve been thinking of bigger, deeper questions: How do we make it a habit for them And how do we train ourselves to help them live with, need, and use less Yesterday, I sat with my son, Shepherd, determined to test my own theory on this. I decided to play with him with only one toy for as long as it would keep his interest. I expected that one toy would keep his attention for about five minutes, ten minutes, max. I chose a red rubber ball — simple, universally available. We passed it, he tried to put it in his mouth, he tried bouncing it, rolling it, sitting on it, throwing it. It was totally, completely enough for him. Before I knew it an hour had passed and it was time to move on to lunch.
We both became absorbed in the simplicity of playing together. He had my full attention and I had his. My little experiment to find joy in a single object worked for both of us.
28.What do the words “more is more” in paragraph 1 probably mean
A.More money, more worries. B.Enough is enough.
C.The more, the better. D.Earn more and spend more.
29.What made Georgia agree to sell some of her objects
A.Saving up for her holiday. B.Raising money for a poor girl.
C.Adding the money to her fund. D.Giving the money to a sick mother.
30.What did the author do in Paragraph 3
A.He tried out an idea. B.He thought of many questions.
C.He helped his son start a hobby. D.He trained his son’s attention.
31.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.Take It or Leave It B.Live More with Less
C.A Lesson from Kids D.The Pleasure of Giving
Teaching is a constant process of upgrade, where every moment you learn new things, not only as a teacher, but also as a human being.
At the start of my career, I believe I should come across to my students as a ‘no-nonsense’ type of person. My entire focus was towards maintaining classroom discipline (纪律). It was tough. Most of my Indian students were from a rural background. They would intentionally use vocabulary that sounded Greek to me. They did all in their power to make me feel like a fish out of water.
My last lecture ended at 2.30 in the afternoon. Some of the students approached me begging to let them leave 15 minutes early as they had a bus to catch. My permission resulted in a stir and restlessness as half of the class stood up to leave. They all had buses to catch! Unable to distinguish between the genuine ones and those faking it, I put a ban on anybody leaving before time.
One evening, I spotted three boys from my last class at the bus stop. I called out, “You constantly blame me for not allowing you to leave early because you have a bus to catch and here you are still hanging around at 5 pm!” One of the boys replied respectfully and humbly, “Madam, the bus leaves at 2:30. If we leave the class at 2:15, we are able to make it. In case we miss it, the next bus to our village comes after three hours. Now we are waiting for it. At this hour, the bus will be overloaded and we will not even get a seat.”
I was full of remorse (懊悔). The next day, I asked all the students who had a bus to catch to write an application, get it signed and leave whenever they wanted, without seeking my permission. I learnt the first lesson of my life as a teacher — learn to empathize (共鸣) with your students, for they would learn better from you when they respect you than when they fear you.
32.What gave the author the biggest headache when she started teaching
A.Her students’ serious violent behavior.
B.Her inability to understand Greek words.
C.Her struggle to keep her classes in order.
D.Her students’ diverse educational backgrounds.
33.How did the author deal with the students’ request to leave before time at first
A.She took it seriously. B.She approved it instantly.
C.She rejected it completely. D.She processed it gracefully.
34.How did the author feel the moment she spotted the three boys at the bus stop
A.Embarrassed. B.Concerned.
C.Regretful. D.Annoyed.
35.What advice would the author give to her fellow teachers by sharing the story
A.Show students that you respect them.
B.Relate to students’ emotional experiences.
C.Cooperate with students to promote learning.
D.Evaluate yourself first and the students second.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
There is no way to make somebody stop smoking, and just like with users of any drug, it is very unlikely that a person will stop unless he or she wants to. 36 .
Step One: Make observations
Smoking can affect memory and make it difficult for smokers to focus at work or school. Other bad effects that you may notice include: 37 Is she getting sick more often than she used to
Step Two: Approach the person
Write down your concerns using “I” statements, such as “I feel sad that when you smoke, you give up your artwork.” It's best to approach the person in this manner instead of using attacking “you” statements like, 38 ”.
Express your concerns using the statements you wrote down. Tell him you will be there to support him if and when he decides to give up smoking. He will likely give you one of three responses:
He wants to quit.
He doesn't want to quit.
He wants to stop, but not yet.
39 . If he says he does want to stop, go on with the next step. If not, they will have to be revisited later when he is ready.
Step Three: 40
People can become physically dependent on smoking. However, symptoms only appear after some time of quitting smoke, since the nicotine can stay in the system for a long period of time. This causes some who are addicted to believe that they are not actually addicted and to start using again.
A.Give them more time to relax
B.Prevent him giving up halfway
C.Does he realize the harm of smoking
D.Does this person appear more nervous
E.You are lazy because you smoke too much
F.You must be willing to calmly accept any of these responses
G.But there are steps you can take to support a friend or family member
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
How I Failed My Oxford Interview
As soon as the words left my mouth I knew I’d 41 . “You think Jane Austen is... soft ” The man opposite me asked in disbelief. Then, he and his colleague took turns to 42 my claim, finishing each other’s sentences as they stressed Austen’s novels were, in fact, savage.
“I just mean...” I said in a 43 voice, trying to keep the tone light, “that she’s not as biting as Virginia Woolf.”
The two professors patted this idea around, too, like a couple of cats toying with a frightened bird---giving 44 examples of how Austen’s work was, 45 , more biting than Woolf’s. With no more defensive action to take, I simply smiled and said, “Let’s just agree to disagree, shall we ” And at that moment, my dreams of going to Oxford university 46 in a puff of smoke.
Part of my problem, in hindsight was a lack of confidence. 47 I was a straight A student and had prepared for the interview to the best of my ability, I wasn’t a skilled debater. When faced with two experts who told me that I was wrong, instead of defending myself, I rolled over and accepted 48 .
To pass the interview, you need confidence, of course. You also need a 49 passion for your subject, not just a keen interest. In other words, don’t put comments on your personal statement that you don’t have 50 for your in-person backup.
So, months later, I already knew the contents of my thin envelope when it appeared on my doormat. 51 , I felt a pang of disappointment. I had wanted to go to Oxford since I was 13. I used to look up images of my favorite college with the same 52 of a bride-to-be browsing wedding dresses.
Ultimately, I didn’t have what it took---but, looking back, that was 53 a bad thing. Instead of going to Oxford, I found a university that was a better fit for my interests. I loved my eclectic course, where I could write an essay comparing Jane Eyre to 50 Shades of Grey.
Failing my Oxford interview also provided a valuable life lesson. I’m now more confident in my opinions, more passionate when it comes to debate, and I try to back up my points with 54 evidence. What’s more, I had never since ended a discussion by giving a 55 smile and saying,” let’s just agree to disagree, shall we ”
41.A.produced sensation B.made a mistake C.sparked controversy D.caused disruption
42.A.clarify B.provoke C.manipulate D.challenge
43.A.subtle B.bright C.sophisticated D.vague
44.A.specific B.brief C.ambiguous D.abstract
45.A.for one thing B.in turn C.on the contrary D.at large
46.A.vanished B.facilitated C.implanted D.distributed
47.A.As long as B.Even though C.Despite D.Because
48.A.paradox B.compromise C.defeat D.embarrassment
49.A.burning B.fulfilling C.dying D.innate
50.A.substitute B.readiness C.optimism D.concern
51.A.Previously B.Practically C.Naturally D.Exclusively
52.A.resentment B.controversy C.distraction D.eagerness
53.A.not necessarily B.all but C.in particular D.at length
54.A.stubborn B.hard C.radical D.generous
55.A.stunning B.winning C.overwhelming D.simpering
第二节:(共10个小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
Most students 56 (study) abroad choose to live with a host family because it is relatively cheaper and they can freely communicate with local people. 57 (fortunate), it can be difficult to figure out what kind of person a host is. Some are very friendly. They offer good food 58 overseas students and teach them something about their customs and people. Sometimes, they may even drive students to school. 59 some students may end up with a mean and unfriendly host, 60 will ask them to pay extra charges if they eat too much, or complain because they use the shower too often. So, as a student, one of the 61 (luck) things is to find a pleasant home to live in.
Generally, rent varies according to your living 62 (require). If you’d like a big house with a garden and want to be the only guest, the rent will obviously be higher. And don’t forget the fact 63 you’ll generally 64 (expect) to pay the rent on a weekly or monthly basis.
Also, the location of the living area is very important. Most students choose to live not far away from their school or college. If you live a little far from where you study, it’s a good idea to live in 65 area with a good transportation.
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
1. 你对笔友的要求;
2. 期待早日交到笔友。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Peter,
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写(满分 25分)
It was time to start a vegetable garden. My kids were twelve and nine years old, and I wanted them to have the experience of growing their own food. On a warm day, I took my power drill out and began to work. After about half an hour, I almost had the whole thing done. I was just leaning over to aim the tip of the screwdriver (螺丝刀) at the “X” in the top of the last screw when I felt a pull on my scalp (头皮) and smelled something burning. Realizing my hair was stuck into the drill, I quickly pushed the “turning back” button. But the drill only took in more hair, and the smell of burning was even stronger.
Terror flooded my mind. Quickly, I moved to unplug the drill. After cutting the drill off from electricity, I tried to pull the drill away, but failed. There seemed to be only about an inch between the drill and my scalp. I pulled harder. There was no movement and the pulling really hurt.
I now had a power tool attached to the side of my head. My twelve-year-old daughter, Floss, was inside, doing her homework upstairs, but I couldn’t let her see me in such a stupid position. I was Mom. I was supposed to know what I was doing.
I decided to call my husband. Using one hand that wasn’t holding the heavy drill, I finally dialed the phone in the kitchen. It rang and rang, and the call went to voicemail. As I listened to the familiar recording, I wondered what message I could possibly leave. None. I hung up. I waited for approximately three seconds, and with my drill-holding arm aching more and more, I tried again. But it was still the voicemail. So I gave up turning to my husband for help.
I walked into the bathroom to look at my situation in a mirror.
“Floss!” I screamed.
W: Good evening, sir. Would you like to start off with something to drink today We have a wide selection of soft drinks.
M: Do you have mineral water as well I have to take some medicine.
W: What do you think of the movie
M: It was worth neither the time nor the money.
W: OK, I have already booked my flights and my hotel. Now I need to arrange a train ticket. Can I borrow your computer, Dad
M: It is in my bedroom. Please save my work before using it.
W: Good morning! Welcome to the Sunshine Hotel. May I help you
M: Some of my friends are coming into town next weekend and they will need a few rooms. Since you are just several minutes' walk from my house, I thought I'd come in and ask about your price.
M: Look at this place! I can’t believe it’s packed at 11:30 a.m. I thought we were being smart by getting here early.
W: It seems like we’re gonna have to wait 20 minutes for a table.
M: Yeah, and I’ve got to be back at one for a meeting.
6.C 7.B
M: Hi, Annie. What are you doing
W: I’m writing an e-mail to my cousin Peter in Australia.
M: In Australia Is he there on holiday
W: Yes, he’s there on holiday.
M: That’s nice. Is the weather good there right now
W: Yes. Peter said it was hot and sunny.
M: Hot But it’s January.
W: In Australia, January is summer, remember
M: Oh, right. I see.
8.C 9.B 10.B
W: Look at the wonderful view from here! It feels like we're at the top of the world!
M: Yes, it is a very nice view. You can see the whole city from this spot.
W: It looks so beautiful! I didn't know London could be this pretty. Look at all the lights!
M: Yeah, I know. I used to come here when I was a little child.
W: This place must be very special to you, then.
M: Yes, it is. I used to come here with my family at night to watch the shooting stars.
W: Did you see a lot of shooting stars
M: Sometimes there were, sometimes there weren't. But I liked coming here even if we didn't see any.
W: Did you ever see any wild animals I heard there are wolves around here. I think it might be scary to see a wolf at night. Did you ever see one
M: I've never seen a wolf, because there aren't any wolves in England anymore. Sometimes deer cross the road in the evening. I've seen many different kinds of birds flying before sunset. Once, I thought I saw a bear. I was a little afraid, especially when it stood up on its back legs. It started coming toward me in the dark.
W: Did you run
M: No. It started talking to me, actually. I was surprised, but then I saw it was just my dad. He'd been looking for something he dropped on the ground.
11.B 12.A 13.C 14.C
M: Excuse me, Ms. Hall. Do you have a few minutes
W: Sure, Jim. What’s up
M: I’ve been having some problems at school. I still don’t think I speak English well enough.
W: You seem to be doing OK to me. Why are you worried about your speaking
M: I find it hard to have discussions with my classmates. Sometimes I don’t know how to express myself, and this has caused some misunderstandings. I read English for 30 minutes every morning, and often watch English movies. But it doesn’t seem to work.
W: I think it’s great that you want to work on your English, but don’t be so hard on yourself, Jim.
M: Thanks, Ms. Hall. What do you suggest I do to improve
W: Use English as much as you can. I would recommend that you look for a language exchange partner. That way you can teach someone Chinese, and they can help you practice English.
M: Okay. I’ll talk to the local students more often, and ask around and see if anyone wants to learn Chinese. Thank you, Ms. Hall
W: Happy to help!
15.A 16.C 17.B
M: Mrs Spencer, what time is Mr Black’s flight expected to arrive at Boston Airport
W:Around 2:00 p.m., sir. Will you go with the company car to meet him
M: Yes. So I’d better leave here no later than now. How about the hotel for Mr Black and his party
W: I made the reservations for them last week and checked again yesterday to be sure everything is ready.
M: Including the welcome room for tonight’s reception
W: That’s right. The manager promised me that everything would be exactly as we have requested.
M: Excellent. I want everything to be the very best.
W: I’m sure it will be. That manager has never let us down yet.
M: We want to make a good impression. Not just to be sure that this business deal is a success, but to pay back the wonderful treatment we received from him in Tokyo last year.
18.B 19.C 20.A
21.A 22.D 23.D
21.细节理解题。根据“For the bookworm”部分中“show how much you appreciate her love of language and words with one of these book-themed cups for a Mother’s Day gift.(用这些以书为主题的杯子作为母亲节礼物,向她表达你对语言和文字的热爱) ”可知,你可以将带有图书卡片的图案的杯子送给喜欢读书的母亲。故选A。
22.细节理解题。根据“For the business traveler”部分中 “It dries quickly and resists wrinkles.(它干得很快,而且抗皱)”可知,这款服装的优点是可以速干,防(无)褶皱。故选D。
23.推理判断题。结合倒数第二段中的“If gardening is your mom’s beloved pastime, introduce her to the rapidly growing world of succulents (多肉植物) with this DIY kit (工具箱).(如果园艺是你妈妈最喜欢的消遣,用这个DIY 工具把她引入到快速发展的多肉植物世界) ”可知,多肉植物如今很受欢迎。故选D。
24.D 25.A 26.B 27.A
24.细节理解题。根据第二段“A discussion group called the Screen-Free Project on Douban, now has more than33,000 members, who promise to “quit“ their mobile phone. That generally does not mean they will abandon their phone, but means they will seek to cut down their use of it greatly. (豆瓣上一个名为“无屏计划”的讨论小组现在有超过3.3万名成员,他们承诺要“戒掉”手机。这通常并不意味着他们会放弃手机,而是意味着他们会尽量减少对手机的使用。)”可知无屏幕项目的成员打算减少使用手机,故选D。
25.推理判断题。根据第四段“Lin Tianqi, a student at Belling Technology and Business University, bought an isolation box recently online. She has attached several eye-catching stickers to the box: “Happiness will find you when you are working” and “The harder you work, the luckier you are”. The stickers help remind her of the need to face up to reality.( 近日,贝陵工商大学学生林天奇(音译)在网上买了一个隔离盒。她在盒子上贴了几张醒目的贴纸:“幸福会在你工作的时候找到你”和“你越努力,你越幸运”。这些贴纸提醒她必须面对现实。今年夏天,林说,她将忙于准备秋季招聘和考研。有这么多事情要做,如果她的手机占据了她的大部分时间,这将极大地影响她的前途。) ”和最后一段“ “It is meaningless to use the isolation box, you might as well lock yourself up, as simple as that.” he says, “I can understand why they attach these inspiring stickers on the box-because they lack discipline. Self-disciplined people will succeed without such tricks.” (“使用隔离箱毫无意义,不如把自己锁起来,就这么简单。他说,“我能理解他们为什么在盒子上贴这些鼓舞人心的贴纸——因为他们缺乏纪律。”自律的人不需要这些技巧也能成功。”)”由此可推断林天奇要把这些醒目的贴纸贴在盒子上是为了警告自己要自律。故选A。
26.推理判断题。根据第三段“That is a very hard thing to do, particularly when cashless payments are everywhere in China, One way to cut your mobile phone screen time is the mobile phone isolation box. Users simply put their mobile phone in the box and set a time lock that will ban them from having access to the phone for a set time.(这是一件非常困难的事情,特别是在中国无现金支付无处不在的情况下。减少手机屏幕时间的一个方法是手机隔离盒。用户只需把手机放进盒子里,并设置一个时间锁,在规定的时间内禁止使用手机。)”以及下文的两个例子,可知作者是在客观的描述了两个对使用隔离箱的评论,所以作者对手机隔离盒的态度是中立的。故选B。
27.主旨大意题。根据第三段“That is a very hard thing to do, particularly when cashless payments are everywhere in China, One way to cut your mobile phone screen time is the mobile phone isolation box. Users simply put their mobile phone in the box and set a time lock that will ban them from having access to the phone for a set time.(这是一件非常困难的事情,特别是在中国无现金支付无处不在的情况下。减少手机屏幕时间的一个方法是手机隔离盒。用户只需把手机放进盒子里,并设置一个时间锁,在规定的时间内禁止使用手机。)”以及下文两个例子对使用手机隔离箱的评论,可知文章的中心思想是围绕使用手机隔离箱来减少使用手机进行讨论的。故A选项“放进盒子里和不放进盒子”符合本文题意,故选A。
28.C 29.C 30.A 31.B
28.词义猜测题。在第一段中作者通过Why do we often think这样的语句来说明他并不支持more is more这一观点,随之提出了live more with less(拥有的更少,活得更精彩)这一主张,并在后文中加以印证,所以这里more is more与下文的live more with less形成了一种对比,便是“越多越好”的意思,故选C。
29.细节理解题。答案定位在第二段She chose to sell a few larger objects that were less often used when we promised to put the money into her school fund (基金)可知他们答应女儿把卖掉的钱当作她的教育基金时,她才卖掉一些不经常用的玩具,故选C。
30.细节理解题。答案定位在第三段I sat with my son, Shepherd, determined to test my own theory on this.可知作者通过和Shepherd玩球的目的是“检验他自己的理论”,故选A。
31.主旨大意题。文章在第一段最后一句live more with less,然后记叙的内容就是对这一观点的印证。让女儿捐玩具卖物品,陪儿子玩单一的物品得到快乐,都是围绕用简单的东西得到更多的快乐这一主题,故选B。
32.C 33.B 34.D 35.B
32.细节理解题。由第二段“My entire focus was towards maintaining classroom discipline (纪律). It was tough.(我的整个工作焦点是维持教室纪律。那很困难)”可知,作者工作全部重心是维持纪律,但是做起来很困难,让作者头疼。故选C。
33.细节理解题。由第三段“My permission resulted in a stir and restlessness as half of the class stood up to leave. (由于一半学生站起来要离开,我的允许导致混乱和不安)”可知,一开始作者是同意学生提前离开的请求的。故选B。
34.推理判断题。由第四段作者的话语“You constantly blame me for not allowing you to leave early because you have a bus to catch and here you are still hanging around at 5 pm! (你们经常怪我不允许你们早点离开去赶车,可是现在5点钟了还在这里闲逛)”可知,作者认为学生在闲逛,说明作者有些气恼。故选D。
35.推理判断题。由最后一段“I learnt the first lesson of my life as a teacher — learn to empathize (共鸣) with your students(作为老师,我学到了人生的第一个教训——学会和学生产生共鸣)”可知,作者学会了拥有同理心,这也是作者会给其他老师的建议,B选项中“relate to”表示理解并同情。故选B。
36.G 37.D 38.E 39.F 40.B
36.根据上文“There is no way to make somebody stop smoking, and just like with users of any drug, it is very unlikely that a person will stop unless he or she wants to.(没有办法让某人戒烟,就像任何毒品的使用者一样,除非他或她想戒烟,否则不太可能戒烟)”结合后文提到了帮助朋友或家人戒烟的三个步骤,可知本句与上文构成转折,指出可以采取一些措施来支持你的朋友或家人。故G选项“但是你可以采取一些措施来支持你的朋友或家人”符合语境,故选G。
37.根据上文“Smoking can affect memory and make it difficult for smokers to focus at work or school. Other bad effects that you may notice include(吸烟会影响记忆力,让吸烟者很难在工作或学习时集中注意力。你可能会注意到的其他不良影响包括)”以及后文“Is she getting sick more often than she used to (她比以前更常生病了吗?)”可知,本句与后文并列,都是关于吸烟不良影响的设问句。故D选项“这个人看起来更紧张吗”符合语境,故选D。
38.根据上文“Write down your concerns using “I” statements, such as “I feel sad that when you smoke, you give up your artwork.” It's best to approach the person in this manner instead of using attacking “you” statements like,( 用“我”的说法写下你的担忧,比如“当你吸烟时,你放弃了你的艺术作品,我感到难过。”最好是用这种方式接近对方,而不是使用“你”这样的攻击性语句:)”可知,本句应承接上文说明攻击性语句的内容:你懒惰是因为你抽烟太多了。故E选项“你懒惰是因为你抽烟太多了”符合语境,故选E。
39.根据上文“He wants to quit. He doesn't want to quit. He wants to stop, but not yet.(他想放弃。他不想放弃。他想停下来,但还不是时候)”后文“If he says he does want to stop, go on with the next step. If not, they will have to be revisited later when he is ready.(如果他说他想停下来,那就继续下一步。如果没有,等他准备好了以后再去看)”可知,上文列举了一些他人对戒烟的反应,后文则提到了如何应对这些反应,可知本句是在说明该如何对待这些反应:必须愿意平静地接受这些反应中的任何一个。故F选项“你必须愿意平静地接受这些反应中的任何一个”符合语境,故选F。
40.根据本段内容“People can become physically dependent on smoking. However, symptoms only appear after some time of quitting smoke, since the nicotine can stay in the system for a long period of time. This causes some who are addicted to believe that they are not actually addicted and to start using again.(人们的身体会对吸烟产生依赖。然而,症状只有在戒烟一段时间后才会出现,因为尼古丁会在体内停留很长一段时间。这导致一些上瘾的人相信他们实际上并没有上瘾,并开始再次复吸)”可知,本段主要说明了吸烟的人会有复吸的问题,所以要及时阻止他们戒烟半途而废。故B选项“阻止他半途而废”符合语境,故选B。
41.B 42.D 43.B 44.A 45.C 46.A 47.B 48.C 49.A 50.B 51.C 52.D 53.A 54.B 55.D
41.考查动词短语辨析。句意:话音刚落,我就知道我犯了一个错误。A. produced sensation产生感觉;B.made a mistake犯错;C. sparked controversy 引发争议;D. caused disruption 造成破坏。根据下文““You think Jane Austen is... soft ” The man opposite me asked in disbelief. Then, he and his colleague took turns to  2  my claim”可知,作者认为简·奥斯汀的作品是柔和的,这个观点遭到了考官的轮流抨击,他们认为简·奥斯汀的作品是野蛮的。实际上,作者刚刚一表达出这个观点就意识到自己犯错了(made a mistake),故选B项。
42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,他和他的同事轮流争先恐后地挑战我的观点,因为他们强调奥斯汀的小说实际上是野蛮的。A.clarify澄清;B.provoke引发;C.manipulate操纵;D.challenge挑战。根据“as they stressed Austen’s novels were, in fact, savage”可知,考官们与作者的观点截然相反,他们都认为简· 奥斯汀的作品是野蛮的,因此,他们挑战(challenge)作者的观点。故选D项。
43.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“我的意思是……”我用一种轻快的声音说,尽量保持轻松的语气,“她不像弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫那么刻薄。”A.subtle微妙的;B.bright轻快的;C.sophisticated复杂的;D.vague模糊的。根据“trying to keep the tone light”可知,作者非常紧张,所以尽可能用一种轻快的(bright)语气来让自己保持轻松。故选B项。
44.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这两位教授也把这个想法转来转去,就像一对猫在玩弄一只受惊的小鸟——举了具体的例子,说明奥斯汀的作品恰恰相反,比伍尔夫的作品更具攻击性。A.specific具体的;B.brief短暂的;C.ambiguous模棱两可的;D.abstract抽象的。根据“examples of how Austen’s work was,   5  , more biting than Woolf’s”可知,两位教授对于他们认为“奥斯汀的作品更有攻击性”的观点举出了具体的(specific)例子。故选A项。
45.考查介词短语辨析。句意:这两位教授也把这个想法转来转去,就像一对猫在玩弄一只受惊的小鸟——举了具体的例子,说明奥斯汀的作品恰恰相反,比伍尔夫的作品更具攻击性。A.for one thing一方面;B.in turn轮流;C.on the contrary相反地;D.at large大多数。根据第一段“The man opposite me asked in disbelief. Then, he and his colleague took turns to  2  my claim”可知,教授们与作者对于奥斯汀的作品的观点是相反地(on the contrary)。故选C项。
46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在那一刻,我上牛津大学的梦想化为乌有。A.vanished消失;B.facilitated促进;C.implanted注入;D.distributed分发。根据第五段“I felt a pang of disappointment”可知,作者在这次面试中失败了,因为他在陈述对于奥斯汀的作品的观点时,与考官们的想法背道而驰。因此,他意识到他上牛津大学的梦想消失了(vanished)。故选A项。
47.考查连词词义辨析。句意:尽管我是个优等生,并已尽我所能准备面试,但我并不是一个熟练的辩论家。A.As long as只要;B.Even though即使;C.Despite尽管;D.Because因为。根据句意“I was a straight A student and had prepared for the interview to the best of my ability(我是个优等生,并已尽我所能准备面试)”与“I wasn’t a skilled debater(我并不是一个熟练的辩论家)”之间构成让步关系,故用Even though(即使)引导让步状语从句。虽然despite也有此意,但该词后只能接名词性质的词。故选B项。
48.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当面对两个告诉我我错了的专家时,我没有为自己辩护,而是接受了失败。A.paradox矛盾;B.compromise妥协;C.defeat失败;D.embarrassment尴尬。根据“instead of defending myself”可知,作者面对考官的挑战,没有做过多的辩驳,而是接受了失败(defeat)。故选C项。
49.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你还需要对你的学科有一个强烈的激情,而不仅仅是一个热烈的兴趣。A.burning强烈的,火辣的;B.fulfilling满足的;C.dying垂死的;D.innate天生的。根据“not just a keen interest”可知,作者认为,面试时不仅仅要对自己的学科有强烈的激情,而不仅仅是兴趣,“burning”与“keen”相呼应。故选A项。
51.考查副词词义辨析。句意:自然,我感到一阵失望。A.Previously以前;B. Practically实际上;C.Naturally自然;D.Exclusively专门。根据下一句“I had wanted to go to Oxford since I was 13.”可知,作者自从13岁开始,就梦想考上牛津大学,因此,当他得知自己没有被录取的时候,自然地(Naturally)感到很失望。故选C项。
52.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我过去常常像准新娘急切地浏览婚纱一样浏览我最喜欢的大学的照片。A.resentment怨恨;B.controversy争议;C.distraction分心;D.eagerness急切。根据“a bride-to-be browsing wedding dresses.”可知,作者将自己对于能够升入牛津大学的渴望,就如同待嫁新娘急切(eagerness)想穿婚纱一样。故选D项。
53.考查副词短语辨析。句意:最终,我没有得到所需要的——但是,回头看,这不一定是件坏事。A.not necessarily不一定;B.all but但是;C.in particular特别地;D.at length终于。根据“Instead of going to Oxford, I found a university that was a better fit for my interests.”可知,虽然没有考上牛津大学,但是作者找到了一所更适合自己兴趣的大学,因此,当初没有考上牛津,在作者看来,不一定(not necessarily)是坏事。故选A项。
54.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我现在对自己的观点更有信心,在辩论时更有激情,我努力用牢固的证据来支持我的观点。A.stubborn固执的;B.hard坚固的,牢固的;C.radical激进;D.generous慷慨的。根据“Failing my Oxford interview also provided a valuable life lesson. I'm now more confident in my opinions, more passionate when it comes to debate”可知,作者认为,牛津大学的面试失败给了他经验和教训,因此,在以后的辩论前,他都会做足充分的准备,用牢固的(hard)证据来支持自己的观点。故选B项。
56.studying 57.Unfortunately 58.to 59.But 60.who 61.luckiest/lucky 62.requirements 63.that 64.be expected 65.an
58.考查介词。根据短语offer sth. to sb.表示“向某人提供某物”。故填to。
61.考查最高级。句意:所以,作为一名学生,(最)幸运的事情之一就是找到一个愉快的家居住。根据上文one of the,可知应用形容词最高级作定语;此处也可用形容词lucky修饰名词things,表示“愉快的事情之一”。故填luckiest或lucky。
62.考查名词的数。句意:一般来说,房租会根据你的生活需求而变化。此处表示“生活需求”短语为living requirement,且requirement指所需的(或所要的)东西,常用复数。故填requirements。
63.考查连接词。本句为同位语从句修饰先行词the fact,且从句中成分完整,故用that引导同位语从句。故填that。
64.考查动词语态。本句主语和expect之间是被动关系,所以用被动语态,且will后跟动词原形。故填be expected。
66.Dear Peter,
Does everything go well with you I want to have a pen pal with interests similar to me, hopefully a boy in your high school.
As far as I am concerned, he’d better be fond of travelling and doing sports. Besides, it would be better for him to have a pet dog as I have. With such a pen friend, I can share my experiences with him in travelling, taking care of pets, or whatever we have in common. I believe I can improve my English by doing so.
I’d appreciate it if you could help me find one. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Li Hua
67.I walked into the bathroom to look at my situation in a mirror. Much to my surprise and embarrassment, almost all of my hair was rolled into the drill, which was slightly attached to the side of my head. What’s worse, my face was bleeding, with a long scratch across my left cheek. On thinking that my husband didn’t come to help me, my anger boosted out of my chest.
“Floss!” I screamed. Finally, I decided to call my daughter for help. The moment she saw my situation, Floss burst into tears and hugged me to comfort me. “Mom, I know you hope that we can grow plants by ourselves, and you have done so much for us.” Meanwhile she helped me to loosen the drill and my hair, carefully sweeping the blood from my face. It was at that instant that I was filled with love from my daughter and realized that she seemed more like an adult to some extent than her father.



上一篇:天津市滨海新区重点中学2023-2024高二上学期第一次月考英语试题(无答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)
