
Basketball Training Lessons Teach basketball and catch advice on healthy habits! Time: 3:00AM -11:00 AM, Jun.12 - Aug.31 (Wednesday) Price: $ 350.00 Place: HERO Kids Sports at Launch Call us at 200 - 5123 - 4589.
In - Season Baseball Performance Training Where to get the useful training Time: 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM, Jun.1 - Aug.31 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday) Price: $ 250.00 for one child Place: The City Sports Square Call us at 200 - 4279 - 6387 for more information.
Saturday Football Class The idea of these classes is to encourage more children to take part in sports and hopefully give them chances to enjoy being part of a football team! Also you can meet some famous football players here. Time: 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM, Jun. 9 - Sep. 9 (Saturday) Place: Serious 4 Sport. Price: $ 140.00 (10% sale off no less than two together) Email football@ for more information.
Volleyball Fall ID Clinic Coaches will provide suggestions to help improve players’ skills and game knowledge. Time: Jun.1 - Oct. 19 (Saturday) Price: $ 100.00 for one child Call us at 200-7582-6122 for more information. www.
1.Where can you get advice on healthy habits
A.In the Basketball Training Lessons.
B.In the Volleyball Fall ID Clinic (诊所).
C.In the Saturday Football Class.
D.In the In - Season Baseball Performance Training.
2.How many times can you learn baseball a week in the In-Season Baseball Performance Training
A.Twice. B.Three times. C.Four times. D.Five times.
3.How much do they have to pay if Regina and Brian attend the Saturday
Football Class
A.$140.00. B.$ 308.00. C.$ 280.00. D.$252.00.
4.If Lucy wants to learn volleyball, which of the following should she call at
A.200 - 5123 - 4589. B.200 - 7582 - 6122 .
C.200 - 4279 - 6387. D.200 - 2546 - 9758.
5.Who is the text written for
A.Teens. B.Parents. C.Teachers . D.Coaches.
Mick Polly, an owner of a toy store, lives with his teenage daughter Carolina in Kentucky. He is known as the Bike Man. Over the past five years, Mick has built hundreds of bikes for needy kids.
One day in 2012, a 13-year-old boy with a broken bike walked by Mick’s house. “I was working in my garage(车库), and he asked if I could fix it,” says Mick, now 53.
The boy’s bike had a broken wheel. Mick sent a post(帖子) on Facebook, asking his friends if they had the needed part. One friend saw the post and gave away two used bikes. Mick took parts from each to build a new set of wheels for the boy.
Soon after, Mick repaired a bike for the boy’s brother and fixed one for his sister. Word spread, and during the year, he had fixed up lots of bikes for local kids whose parents were not able to afford new ones.
“People are throwing away bikes day and night,” says Mick.
Mick puts the bikes and bike parts in his garage. “I take off the good tires or the handlebars or the seats and use them,” he says.
Up to now, the bike man has repaired hundreds of bikes and given away nearly 700 newly repaired bikes. They’re free, but the kids must agree to two things: They have to learn how to put waste things to good use and they have to try their best to study in school.
If a kid’s grades are low, Mick requires a teacher’s note “saying that you’re doing your best,” Mick says. Mick also hopes the bikes will get kids off the sofa. “When I was growing up, we all rode our bikes,” he says. “Hopefully these kids can get some exercise.”
6.Why is Mick known as the Bike Man
A.Because he’s good at riding a bike. B.Because his bikes sell well.
C.Because his daughter likes bikes. D.Because he’s built bikes for needy kids.
7.In order to find the needed part, Mick ________.
A.sent a post on Facebook B.called his friends for help
C.searched his garage D.went to many bike shops
8.The underlined word “ones” refers to(指代) ________.
A.wheels B.bikes C.seats D.garages
9.By repairing and giving away bikes, Mick expects the kids to _________.
① have a rest in the sofa ② study hard ③ recycle waste things
④ get high marks ⑤ exercise more ⑥ learn to repair bikes
A.②③⑤ B.①④⑥ C.③④⑤ D.①②⑥
10.Which can be the best title for the passage
A.Mick Polly’s Garage B.“New” Bikes And a Heart
C.A Successful Businessman D.Health From Riding Bikes
It might be strange to wear clothes made out of plastic bottles. But in fact, some clothing companies are already making clothes like these.
The fashion company of Alia Juma’s showed its newest collection at a workshop in Shanghai. Eighteen clothing kinds from the collection were made from recycled plastic bottles. “We realized that billions of water bottles are thrown into oceans every year and it would take hundreds of years to break down. We should use them to improve the environment,” said Alia Juma, the company’s designer. “Five bottles can make a shirt, 10 a dress, and 20 a short coat.”
Many other fashion companies are finding similar ways to save our planet these days. The process is rather simple. First, the plastic bottles are washed and cut into small pieces. Then they are melted(熔化) and shaped into small balls. Then the balls are melted again to form threads(线). People can then use the threads to make different kinds of clothes.
According to Juma, it takes 67, 000 bottles to originate 1 ton of threads. This cuts down carbon emissions(碳排放) by 4.2 tons and water use by 6.2 tons compared with the normal way of making threads.
Some people might have doubts about wearing something made out of plastic bottles. But in fact, clothes made from plastics can be even better than those made from common materials. Plastic threads can also be made into different materials, such as cotton, silk, or even wool. It seems that this innovation(创新) may lead to a greener future of fashion.
11.What was Alia Juma’s newest collection made from
A.Recycled plastic. B.Recycled glasses. C.Recycled paper. D.Recycled clothes.
12.How do the companies make clothes according to Paragraph 3
①Cut the plastic bottles into small pieces.
②Wash the plastic bottles.
③Melt the balls again to form threads.
④Melt and shape the pieces into small balls.
A.①→②→③→④ B.②→①→④→③ C.③→②→①→④ D.④→②→①→③
13.What does the underlined word “originate” mean
A.Waste. B.Create. C.Find. D.Save.
14.What can we infer(推断) from the last paragraph
A.Plastic clothes will take the place of the clothes made from other materials.
B.Plastics can only be used to make clothes.
C.People don’t like the clothes made from plastics.
D.The future of making plastic clothes is bright.
15.What’s the main idea of this passage
A.Making clothes made from plastics is more environmental.
B.Wearing a new material can be more beautiful.
C.Collecting plastics is everyone’s duty.
D.Choosing different kinds of clothes is helpful to make the world wonderful.
How to make more time on workdays
When you are busy with work or study, sometimes you may find there isn’t
enough time. 16
The following tips may be helpful, if you want to make full use of
your time on workdays and make more time for yourself.
Only have three main things on your daily to-do list. 17 However, the daily plan should include three main and difficult jobs at one time. Doing like this can reduce stress and help you become more effective. If you can finish these jobs in your daily plan, it will give you much confidence and happiness.
18 Supposing that almost everything takes longer than you expect, leave 10 to 15 minutes when you begin a new project. Similarly, to prevent any problem from arriving late, leave ten minutes to make sure you have enough time for your journey or trip.
Prepare for something the night before. Take a journey for example, we’ve all gone through the heavy traffic problem in the morning. 19 Remember to pack everything you need the night before.
20 Even if your project is a long-term one, please start the planning step as soon as possible. You can work out and draw a timeline for important projects. Having short-term goals can help you realize your long-term goals and important projects.
A.Make a timetable for important projects.
B.Leave ten minutes earlier than you need to.
C.Have a daily plan for the work you need to finish.
D.How to make more time on workdays is a question.
E.To avoid it, check the weather and traffic reports.
On December 18th, we played football in the snow in a park. We weren’t paying much 21 to our surroundings (周围环境). And the next thing I knew I was on my back going 22 an ice hill. On my way down I was thinking,” Oh, God, I’m going to get hurt.” There was a wooden fence (栅栏) at the 23 of the hill. When my foot hit the fence, the force traveled up my 24 and into my bone (骨头).
I called my mom and asked her if she could 25 me up out of the park. She said she would be there as fast as she could.
When we met and we drove to the hospital. We waited in the waiting room for a half hour. The whole time I was thinking 26 it took so long. Then I thought there must be a lot more 27 who were a lot worse than me. When they finally took me into the x-ray room she had to 28 me on the bed and position (安置) my leg. The 29 said I broke my bones, so I need stay in bed for about four months. So in the mean time I had something fun to do.
I think the one 30 I remember the most about it all is when my friends took my crutches (拐杖) and hid them in the park. I was sitting on the bench and they asked if they could use my crutches. I said sure. My friends loved to mess around with my crutches. They 31 my crutches and I jumped to find them on one foot. It was a very 32 thing for me to do. When I 33 got the crutches back and I walked up to them and hit them with my crutches right in the leg. Everyone including them started laughing.
I think breaking my leg was a(n) 34 thing for me because it taught me that I needed to pay more attention to my life because 35 things could happen at any time. I’m just glad a broken leg was all I got because it could have been a lot worse.
21.A.attention B.condition C.attraction D.consideration
22.A.down B.towards C.up D.along
23.A.bottom B.top C.board D.body
24.A.arm B.eye C.leg D.hand
25.A.drive B.pick C.cheer D.take
26.A.why B.if C.how D.what
27.A.players B.drivers C.patients D.doctors
28.A.lie B.lay C.pull D.drop
29.A.pictures B.machines C.results D.patients
30.A.memory B.person C.story D.note
31.A.hid B.played C.took D.stole
32.A.relaxing B.exciting C.moving D.tiring
33.A.finally B.still C.almost D.just
34.A.good B.bad C.lucky D.boring
35.A.unusual B.unexpected C.unlucky D.unsuccessful
quick be hear become importance how good mean much make
As the proverb goes, “The early bird catches worms.” It 36 that the person who works early will achieve success.
Many of my friends don’t know 37 to say “The early bird catches worms.” in Chinese. I guess it is “捷足先登”.
Most of the Chinese people like my parents 38 early birds. They believe that a person who gets up early in the morning to work hard will have the 39 chance to achieve success.
When I was a little boy, I 40 this proverb. My parents told me that this proverb means that those who act more 41 than others are more likely to achieve success or get what they want. As early birds in the Chinese market, many famous big companies have 42 a huge investment(投资)in China already, and they have made China an 43 market in their business strategy.
China has an attractive, broad market and it will 44 even more important in the coming years. Now is my chance, and as an early bird I must learn Chinese from now on. The more I know about China, the 45 I can catch the worms.
When I was sixteen years old, I met an American teacher. He taught us English.
One day, he wrote an English poem on the blackboard and asked us what it meant. 46 was a long silence.
Unluckily, the teacher chose me to answer the question.
I said 47 a low voice, “Sorry, I don’t know.” To my surprise, he didn’t tell us the meaning of the poem. Instead, he spent 48 rest of the class explaining my answer.
“‘I don’t know’ is a wrong answer. You should at least have some ideas about the question, no matter how difficult it is. Your answer doesn’t mean that you don’t know. 49 means that you are in lack of courage, and you are afraid of making mistakes.” he said.
After that, I said goodbye to the wrong answer “I don’t know”, because any answer was better 50 that one.
A: Hello! This is David. 51
B: Yeah, it’s me, Tony. How is it going these days, David
A: Not bad. Tony, you sound so weak and unhappy. 52
B: I tested positive (阳性的) for COVID 19(新型冠状病毒) four days ago. My head hurts and I have a terribly high fever, what’s worse, I’m always coughing day and night. I’m dying, I think!
A: 53 Have you ever been to the doctor
B: Yes, my father took me there! But there were so many people in the hospital that we waited for no end. As a result, we went to a clinic and had some Chinese medicine back with us.
A: So sorry for you, my dear! Does it work
B: It’s hard to say. I do feel better a little, 54 , because nothing tastes good for me now.
A: It really needs time to recover. 55 . By the way, our teacher told us to get books from school this Saturday, can you go for it If necessary, I’d like to fetch them for you.
A: That’s too nice of you! Thanks a lot.
B: Don’t mention it. All best wishes! Bye!
A: Bye!
56.在你的学习和生活中,一定有过让你为之感到自豪的经历。你校英语社团将举办以“我引以为豪的经历”为主题的征文活动,请以“I am proud of myself”为题,用英文写一篇短文向该社团投稿。
1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A
1.细节理解题。根据“Basketball Training Lessons”及“Teach basketball and catch advice on healthy habits!”可知,你可以在篮球训练课程中得到健康习惯的建议。故选A。
2.细节理解题。根据“In - Season Baseball Performance Training”及“Time: 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM, Jun.1 - Aug.31 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday)”可知,在棒球训练课程中,周一,周二,周三及周五有训练,所以每周4次。故选C。
3.细节理解题。根据“Saturday Football Class”及“Price: $ 140.00 (10% sale off no less than two together)”可知,两人办理会有10%的优惠,也就是140乘以2再乘以0.9,结果是252。故选D。
4.细节理解题。根据“Volleyball Fall ID Clinic”及“Call us at 200 - 7582 - 6122 for more information.”可知,如果想学排球,可以打200 - 7582 - 6122。故选B。
6.D 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.B
【分析】短文讲述Mick Polly被称为“自行车人”,为有需要的孩子建造了数百辆自行车,并要求孩子们必须学会如何将废物利用好,要在学校努力学习,做一些锻炼,表现出了他的爱心。
6.细节理解题。根据“He is known as the Bike Man. Over the past five years, Mick has built hundreds of bikes for needy kids.”可知,他被称为“自行车人”,在过去的五年里,Mick为贫困的孩子们建造了数百辆自行车。故选D。
7.细节理解题。根据“Mick sent a post (帖子) on Facebook, asking his friends if they had the needed part.”可知,Mick在Facebook上发了个帖子,问他的朋友们有没有需要的零件。故选A。
8.创意推断题。根据“Word spread, and during the year, he had fixed up lots of bikes for local kids whose parents were not able to afford new ones.”可知,消息传开了,在这一年里,他为当地父母买不起新自行车的孩子们修理了很多自行车。此处ones指的是“自行车”,故选B。
9.细节理解题。根据“They have to learn how to put waste things to good use and they have to try their best to study in school.”和“Hopefully these kids can get some exercise.”可知,Mick希望孩子们必须学会如何利用浪费的东西,必须尽力在学校学习,得到更多的锻炼。故选A。
10.最佳标题题。本文主要介绍Mick Polly被称为“自行车人”,为有需要的孩子建造了数百辆自行车,并要求孩子们必须学会如何将废物利用好,要在学校努力学习,做一些锻炼,表现出了他的爱心。故选B。
11.A 12.B 13.B 14.D 15.A
11.细节理解题。根据第二段“The fashion company of Alia Juma’s showed its newest collection at a workshop in Shanghai. Eighteen clothing kinds from the collection were made from recycled plastic bottles.”可知,她最新系列的服装是由回收的塑料瓶制成的。故选A。
12.细节理解题。根据第三段“First, the plastic bottles are washed and cut into small pieces. Then they are melted(熔化) and shaped into small balls. Then the balls are melted again to form threads(线). People can then use the threads to make different kinds of clothes.”可知,这个公司制作服装的过程是:先清洗塑料瓶并切成小块,然后熔化为小球状,然后再次把球熔化形成线。顺序为②→①→④→③。故选B。
13.词句猜测题。根据第四段“According to Juma, it takes 67, 000 bottles to originate 1 ton of threads.”可知,此处表示67000个瓶子可以产1吨丝线。create表示“产生;创造”,符合题意。故选B。
14.推理判断题。根据最后一段“It seems that this innovation(创新) may lead to a greener future of fashion.”可知,制造塑料衣服的前景是光明的。故选D。
16.D 17.C 18.B 19.E 20.A
【导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了如何在繁忙的工作日充分利用时间,做事更高效。
16.根据“When you are busy with work or study, sometimes you may find there isn’t enough time.”可知,本段在叙述一个在工作日没有足够的时间的问题,此处抛出一个问题以承上启下,选项D“如何在工作日腾出更多的时间是一个问题”符合语境。故选D。
17.根据“Only have three main things on your daily to-do list.”可知,本段介绍了制定每日计划的方法,选项C“为你需要完成的工作制定一个每日计划”符合语境。故选C。
18.根据“... leave 10 to 15 minutes when you begin a new project.”可知,本段介绍了预留时间的方法,选项B“提前预留十分钟”符合语境。故选B。
19.根据“Prepare for something the night before.”可知,本段介绍了提前做好准备的方法,选项E“为了避免早高峰,要提前查看天气和交通”符合语境。故选E。
20.根据“Even if your project is a long-term one, please start the planning step as soon as possible.”可知,本段介绍了制定时间表的方法,选项A“为重要计划制定时间表”符合语境。故选A。
21.A 22.A 23.A 24.C 25.B 26.A 27.C 28.B 29.C 30.A 31.A 32.D 33.A 34.A 35.B
attention关注;condition情况;attraction吸引;consideration考虑。短语pay attention to“对……关注”,固定搭配。故选A。
down向下;towards朝向;up向上;along随着。根据“On my way down I was thinking”可知,方向是向下。故选A。
bottom底部;top顶部;board板;body身体。根据“I was on my back going...an ice hill.”可知,是向山下摔去,故选A。
arm手臂;eye眼睛;leg腿;hand手。根据“When my foot hit the fence”可知,是腿受伤了。故选C。
drive驾驶;pick捡;cheer欢呼;take拿。根据语境可知,此处指能不能来接我,短语pick up“接”。故选B。
why为什么;if如果;how怎样;what什么。根据“Then I thought there must be a lot more...who were a lot worse than me.”可知他是在思考为什么这样长时间。故选A。
players运动员;drivers司机;patients病人;doctors医生。根据“Then I thought there must be a lot more...who were a lot worse than me.”我受伤了在医院,比我更严重的肯定就是其他病人了。故选C。
memory记忆;person人;story故事;note纸条。根据“...is when my friends took my crutches and hid them in the park.”可知是对过去记忆的叙述。故选A。
hid藏;played玩;took拿;stole偷。根据“...is when my friends took my crutches and hid them in the park.”可知,朋友是爱藏我的拐杖。故选A。
good好的;bad坏的;lucky幸运的;boring无聊的。根据“because it taught me that I needed to pay more attention to...”可知,这件事教会了作者道理,是好事。故选A。
36.means 37.how 38.are 39.best 40.heard 41.quickly 42.made 43.improtant 44.become 45.more
【导语】本文主要介绍了“The early bird catches worms”谚语的含义以及中国人对它的尊崇。
37.句意:我的许多朋友不知道如何用中文说“The early bird catches worms”。how“怎么样;如何”,“疑问副词+不定式”结构作know的宾语。故填how。
38.句意:像我父母这样大多数的中国人是早起的鸟儿。根据“Most of the Chinese people like my parents...early birds”并结合备选词汇可知,be动词符合语境,时态为一般现在时,主语为复数名词,所以be动词应用are。故填are。
40.句意:当我还是个小男孩时,我就听过这个谚语。根据“When I was a little boy”可知,本句时态为一般过去时,动词需用过去式形式,hear“听到”过去式为heard。故填heard。
41.句意:我父母告诉我,这句谚语的意思是,那些行动比别人快的人更有可能取得成功或得到他们想要的。根据“I guess it is ‘捷足先登’”并结合备选词汇可知,此处指行动更快的人,quickly“快速地”,副词修饰动词act,其比较级为more quickly。故填quickly。
42.句意:作为中国市场的早起鸟,许多著名的大公司已经在中国进行了巨额投资,并将中国作为其商业战略的重要市场。make investment“进行投资”,结合设空处前have可知,本句时态为现在完成时,所以动词make应用其过去分词形式made。故填made。
44.句意:中国有一个有吸引力、广阔的市场,在未来几年将变得更加重要。become“变得”,动词,根据“in the coming years”可知,本句时态为一般将来时will do结构,所以动词使用原形。故填become。
46.There 47.in 48.the 49.It 50.than
46.句意:有了很长一段沉默。本句是there be句型,句首首字母大写。故填There。
47.句意:我低声地说。 in a low voice“低声”,固定短语。故填in。
48.句意:相反,他用了这节课的剩余时间来解释我的答案。the rest of“剩余的”,固定短语。故填the。
49.句意:这意味着你缺乏勇气,你害怕犯错误。根据“Your answer doesn’t mean that you don’t know ... means that”可知,此处是指前文的“Your answer”,用代词it指代,在句中作主语,且句首首字母应大写。故填It。
50.句意:那以后,我告别了错误的答案“我不知道”,因为任何答案都比那个答案好。根据“better ... that one.”可知,空处用介词than“比”,后跟比较的对象。故填than。
51.Is that Tony 52.What’s wrong with you/What’s the matter with you 53.I’m so sorry to hear that 54.but I don’t want to eat anything 55.You’d better have a rest
51.根据“Hello! This is David.”及“Yeah, it’s me, Tony.”可知,此处是打电话用语,询问对方是否是Tony,故填Is that Tony。
52.根据“Tony, you sound so weak and unhappy.”可知,Tony不开心,所以问Tony怎么啦,故填What’s wrong with you/What’s the matter with you。
53.根据“My head hurts and I have a terribly high fever, what’s worse, I’m always coughing day and night.”可知,Tony很难受,故此处应该表示很遗憾,故填I’m so sorry to hear that。
54.根据“I do feel better a little.”及“because nothing tastes good for me now.”可知,虽然好点了,但是没胃口吃东西,故填but I don’t want to eat anything。
55.根据“It really needs time to recover.”可知,生病需要好好休息才会好,故填You’d better have a rest。
I am proud of myself
We all do some unforgettable things which make us feel proud of ourselves in our daily life. Let me share one of mine with you.
Last Sunday, my parents were not at home because of their work. So I had to do everything by myself. In the morning, I did my homework carefully, then cooked a simple breakfast for myself. After that, I cleaned our house and threw the rubbish.
I was a little tired that day. But I was also full of pride at the same time, because I realized I could take care of myself well.
① 题材:本文是一篇记叙文,为话题作文;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”和“一般过去时”;
③ 提示:根据所给提示完成写作,不能遗漏信息,以第一人称为主。
①because of因为
②a little有点
③be full of充满
①We all do some unforgettable things which make us feel proud of ourselves in our daily life.(which引导的定语从句)
②But I was also full of pride at the same time, because I realized I could take care of myself well.(because引导的原因状语从句)




下一篇:第3章 物质构成的奥秘 检测题(含解析)2023-2024沪教版(全国)初中化学九年级上册