Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected句型篇练习(含答案)

Unit 12 句型篇
Every time she went to see that movie, she crying her eyes out.
Great changes in my hometown in the last few years.
They said this medicine would help people .
He home at the age of thirteen.
Mr. Green asks us to practice spoken English .
The mother her child who was sleeping.
Bad things can good things if you can mistakes.
When his mom came out of the kitchen, he the door and gone to school.
Look, the bottle milk.
Don’t look at me .
Don’t your umbrella the bus.
They like to each other.
We should read English possible.
I want to that kind of medicine.
I up, my brother in the shower.
But I the bus stop, the bus already .
My bad luck into a good thing.
Now, this small village has a big modern city.
What a heavy rain! Thank you for .
As I was other office workers, I heard a loud sound.
They had learnt 1,000 English words last month.
Xi’an is a city with many places of interest and tourists come here every year.
I realized that I my key at home.
succeed, you must overcome any difficulties.
She to learn from the teachers.
26.你曾经睡过头过吗? you ever ?
Many people ran to the supermarket to buy spaghetti they could.
All the tickets have been .
By the time I to school, the bell .
30.The meeting began at 8:00. We arrived at 8:10.(合并为一句)
The meeting for ten minutes when we arrived at 8:10.
31.The man wanted to know. What has the boy done (合并为一句)
The man wanted to know done.
32.I had finished my homework before my mother came in. (改为否定句)
I my homework before my mother came in.
33.He doesn’t like sad movies. I don’t like sad movies, either. (合为一个句子)
he I sad movies.
34.Please take good care of my pet, (改反义疑问句)
35.It had stopped raining when I woke up this morning. (改为一般疑问句)
it raining when you woke up this morning
36.She has gone to Shanghai. (用by the time 改写句子)
She to Shanghai by the time I arrived there.
37.Jenny had already cleaned the room before she went to school.(改否定句)
Jenny cleaned the room before she went to school.
38.You haven’t read the book. He hasn’t read the book, either.(改同义句)
you nor he read the book.
39.He had left before she could say a word.(改一般疑问句)
he before she could say a word?
40.My father finished making the apple pie. I got home from school.(合并句子)
By the time I got home from school, my father making the apple pie.
41.Jack has never visited the park before. She told me.(合并句子)
She told me Jack never the park before.
42.By the time I arrived, Tom had finished doing the work.(对画线部分提问)
What Tom by the time you arrived
43.I overslept this morning because my alarm didn’t go off. (对划线部分提问)
you this morning
44.By the time I got up, my sister had taken a shower.(就划线部分提问)
your sister done by the time you got up
45.By the time I got up, my brother had read English for an hour.(就划线部分提问)
had my brother read English by the time I got up
46.It’s five minutes’ walk from my home to the park.(就划线部分提问)
is it from your home to the park
47.By the time I got up, my brother had gone to work by taxi.(就划线部分提问)
your brother gone to work by the time you got up
48.It’s reported that the medical team is going to start. (同义句改写)
It’s reported that the medical team is start.
49.I will work hard and I won’t disappoint my parents. (改为同义句)
I will work hard and I won’t my parents .
50.He doesn’t want to eat anything. (改为同义句)
He doesn’t anything.
51.The coffee became cold. I arrived at the coffee shop. (用before和正确时态连成一句话)
Before the coffee cold, I at the coffee shop.
52.I bought the bike ten years ago.(改同义句)
I the bike since ten years ago.
53.My aunt drives me to school on her way to her company every morning.(改同义句)
My aunt me a to school every morning.
54.Before he got to the station, the train had already gone.(改同义句)
the he got to the station, the train had already gone.
55.Tom asked Lily, “Have you seen the film before ” (改同义句)
Tom asked Lily she seen the film before.
56.The famous singer appeared at the ceremony at last.(改同义句)
The famous singer at the ceremony at last.
57.She was very sad because her dog died.(改同义句)
Her dog’s her very sad.
58.The basket is filled with eggs.(改为同义句)
The basket is eggs.
59.I can’t finish my work on time if he doesn’t help me.(改同义句)
I can’t finish my work on time help.
60.You shouldn’t behave like this at table. It’s impolite.(改同义句)
You to behave like this at table. It’s impolite.
1. ended up 2. have taken place
3. lose weight 4. ran away from
5. as much as we can
6.stared at
7. turn into learn from
8.had rushed out of
9. is full of
10. in disbelief
11.leave on
12.play jokes on
13.as much as
14.find out how to get
15.By the time got had already gotten
16.before got to had left
17.had unexpectedly turned 18.turned into
19.giving me a lift 20.waiting in line with
21.by the end of 22.thousands of
23.had left 24.In order to
25.got a good chance
26. Have overslept
27. as much as
28. sold out
29. got back had rung
30. had been on
31. what the boy had
32. hadn’t finished
33. Neither nor like
34. will you
35. Had stopped
36. had gone
37. hadn’t yet
38. Neither has
39. Had left
40. had finished
41. had visited
42. had done
43. Why did oversleep
44. What had
45. How long
46. How far
47. How had
48. about to
49. let/make down/disappointed
50. feel like eating
51. became had arrived
52. have had
53. gives lift
54. By time
55. if/whether had
56. showed up
57. death made
58. full of
59. without his
60. aren’t supposed



