Module 5 My school day测试卷 B卷提升篇(含解析)

Module 5 My school day(B卷提升篇)
第Ⅰ卷 选择题
Hello, everyone! I'm Maria Jones. Today I want to tell you about school breaks and holidays for students in the US. They 1 four breaks: two winter breaks, one spring break 2 one summer break. The longest break is the summer one. It's about ten weeks. 3 longest break is during the winter and is around Christmas. It's about two weeks. Others winter break and the spring break are both one week. This winter break is 4 February. You can 5 it "ski week" 6 many students go skiing during that break. The spring break is in April. There 7 quite a few holidays when students do not go to school. Sometimes on very popular festivals like Thanksgiving, students get 8 three-day holiday.
What do you think about the American students and 9 holidays Do you think they are happy and free Yes, I think so. Thank you for 10 .
1.A.have B.has C.had D.having
2.A.nor B.but C.or D.and
3.A.Two B.The two C.Second D.The second
4.A.on D.of
5.A.calls C.called D.calling B.then C.because D.if
7.A.are B.have D.has
8.A.the B.a D./
9.A.they B.them C.their D./
10.A.listening B.listen C.listened D.listens
My school day
Hi! I’m Alex Greenall. I’m thirteen and I study in Park School in Oxford, England. I go to school on weekdays, but not on Saturday or 11 .
This is my school day. I 12 at half past seven in the morning, and then have breakfast. My school is next to my house. I go to school at half past eight and see my friends. Classes begin at nine o’clock. We have three lessons in the 13 . My favourite 14 is art. We have a break at eleven o’clock. Some of my friends play football in the 15 .
We have 16 in the dinning hall at half past twelve. I have meat and rice vegetables, or hamburgers. I 17 juice or water too. The school lunch is very delicious! We start our 18 in the afternoon at half past one. We have two lessons in the afternoon. Then we go home at half past three.
In the evening, I watch TV and have dinner with my 19 . I do my homework and then go to 20 at ten o’clock.
11.A.Monday B.Wednesday C.Friday D.Sunday
12.A.sit up B.get away C.get up D.walk away
13.A.morning B.noon C.afternoon D.evening
14.A.teacher C.classmate D.subject
15.A.playground B.library C.classroom
16.A.breakfast B.lunch C.supper D.tea B.drink C.make D.sell
18.A.playing B.homework C.lessons D.sleeping
19.A.books B.friends C.teachers C.bed
三、 阅读理解
Alex is Darning's new friend. They live in different countries, so they have to talk with each other on We Chat (微信).
Alex: I'm from England. On weekdays, I get up at half past seven in the morning and then go to school at ten to eight. We have three 1lessons in the morning. Our lunch is at school at twelve o' clock. In the afternoon, there are two lessons. Then we go home at three thirty. In the evening, I do some homework and go to bed at nine o’clock. Darning: I'm in Beijing. I am always very busy on weekdays. In the morning, I get up at six. After breakfast, I go to school at half past six. We have four lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon. We have a break between two lessons, but it is very short, only ten minutes. We have lunch at school. At 5:45 p.m, I go home. In the evening, I can't watch TV because I have too much homework to do. I go to bed at eleven!
21.When does Alex go to school in the morning
A.At 6:30. B.At 7:30 C.At 8:10 D.At 7:50
22.How many lessons does Alex have every day
A.Five. B.Six. C.Seven. D.Eight.
23.What may (也许) Darning do before 11 o' clock in the evening
A.Play games. B.Watch TV. C.Do his homework. D.Do some housework.
24.Which of the following is TRUE
A.Alex gets up at 6:00 in the morning.
B.Alex has lunch ant half past twelve
C.Darning goes home at fifteen to six in the afternoon
D.Darning has breakfast at school.
25.What are Alex and Darning talking about on WeChat
A.Their dreams. B.Their school days C.Their countries D.Their families
During the past two weeks we asked students of all ages about their favorite activities. Our survey (调查) showed that most students spent a lot of time watching TV, chatting on the Internet and playing computer games. It also showed that students had lots of different ways of having fun. Here's what the students said:
"I love watching old romantic movies. I sometimes invite my friends around and we watch movies together. We eat popcorn and relax. I also go skating every week. It is a great way to keep fit." Jenny (aged 14).
"I love playing my drums. I would love to be in a band. I enjoy skateboarding and playing basketball with my friends. Sometimes we go to watch football or basketball matches. Ben (aged 13).
"At the moment I am spending a lot of my spare time designing and making my own clothes. I love art and my dream is to be a designer. I like lots of sports but my favorite is judo." Nisha (aged 15).
"I am helping my grandfather to find out about our family history. We are using the Internet and old records to find things out. It's really cool. I'm not very sporty but I love motorcycles." Tony (aged 15).
26.This article is about __________.
A.a survey about students’ study B.a survey about students’ life
C.a survey about students’ favourite activities D.a survey about students’ hobby
27.What is Nisha's dream
A.To be a teacher. B.To be a doctor.
C.To be a designer. D.To be an engineer.
28.Who doesn't like doing sports
A.Jenny B.Ben C.Tony D.Nisha
29.Which isn't talked about in the survey(调查)
A.Watching TV. B.Playing computer games.
C.Using the Internet. D.Playing volleyball.
30.What's the main idea of the passage
A.How to read books. B.How to spend free time.
C.How to go to school. D.How to make friends.
Hello, everyone. My name is Alice. I usually go to school by bus, but the day before Christmas, I ride a bike to school. On my way, I find a box lying on the road. I stop my bike and pick up the box. I open it and see a beautiful new dress in it. How I want to have a new dress as my Christmas present! I think it looks cool on me, but I must give it back to the owner (物主). There is no time to wait for the owner because I may be late for school. So I give it to a policeman.
At night, Mum asks me to put a box under the Christmas tree and says I will get a nice present tomorrow. The next morning, I get up early and run to the Christmas tree. I can’t wait to open the box. I find a beautiful dress and it is just the same dress as I see on the road. A note in it says, “Alice, you are our good girl. This is the dress you find on your way to your school. I lose (丢失)it on my way. Mum”
31.How does Alice go to school on the day before Christmas
A.By bike. B.By taxi. C.By bus. D.By car.
32.What does Alice find on the road
A.A bag. B.A box. C.A present. D.A tree.
33.What does the word “pick up” mean
A.拾起 B.寻找 C.观察 D.检查
34.Who is the owner of the box
A.Alice’s teacher. B.The policeman. C.Alice’s mother. D.Alice’s friend.
35.Why does Alice give the dress to a policeman Because .
A.she doesn’t like the dress
B.she wants the policeman to find the owner
C.she knows she will get a dress on Christmas Eve
D.she hopes the policeman will praise (表扬) her
Next Tuesday is my mother's birthday.I love her and I’d like to give her a nice gift.What should I buy?I hear shopping online is easy and quick And we can buy anything we want through it. But I’m not sure whether the things are good or not.
I’m busy and tired this week,How I wish to relax myself.So this weekend I’m going to the beach with my cousin.When we get there, we’ll swim in the sea walk on the beach and have a picnic,and never think about our homework!We're sure to have fun.
I believe(相信)everyone hopes to see a clean and nice city. But our city isn’t as god as we think.So this Sunday I’ll help clean the city park with my friends!We’re going there by bike.There we will pick up the rubbish and clean the ground.We hope to finish the cleaning in a day.
It’s great to help others.As students,we may try our best to help people in need.Old people are always lonely and they need care and help.So this weekend I'll visit an old people's home with my classmates.We'll help clean the old people's rooms,tell them stories and sing or dance for them.
36.Who will take a trip this weekend?
A.Anna. B.Jack. C.Lucy. D.Dave.
37.What will Lucy do this weekend?
A.Buy something online.
B.Go to the beach.
C.Help clean the city park.
D.Visit an old people's home.
38.How will Dave and his classmates help the old people this weekend?
A.By buying gifts for them online.
B.By taking walks with them.
C.By cleaning the ground for them.
D.By singing or dancing for them.
39.How many things may Jack do?
A.Two. B.Three. C.Six. D.Five.
40.What can we know from the passage?
A.Anna thinks she can buy a good gift online.
B.Jack will do some fun activities on the beach.
C.Lucy will clean the city park with her cousin.
D.Dave will help clean his classmates1 rooms.
第II卷 非选择题
41.Let’s (观看) a football match (比赛) tomorrow.
42.—What's your favourite (科目),Harry
43.In China, lessons (结束)at five o’clock in the afternoon.
44.We have a (休息) time for ten minutes between two classes.
45.What about (get) to school at seven tomorrow morning
46.It's hot today. Let's go (swim) this afternoon.
47.They (not go) to school on Saturdays. They stay at home.
48. you (do) your homework in the evening
49.What an (interest) story it is!
50.The girl is busy (watch) TV in the room.
I'm David. I g 51 up early in the morning. I have breakfast at about seven. And I go to school at half p 52 seven. I get to school at seven fifty. Ten m 53 later school starts. I have four lessons in the morning. At twelve fifteen,I come back home for lunch. In the afternoon I am not very b 54 . After school I do my h 55 and play with other students.
In the e 56 my parents come back from work. My mother cooks dinner and we have dinner t 57 . After that my mother and I r 58 books or listen to music. Sometimes we w 59 TV. I go to b 60 at nine thirty. But my father often works late at night.
I always like watching English programmes(节目) because I like English. I learn a lot from English TV shows.
In England, children's shows are usually on from Monday to Friday. Many children usually watch TV after school.
There are a lot of cartoons. On BBC2, there is a funny(有趣的) cartoon. Its name is The Simpsons(《辛普森一家》). It is the story of the Simpson family. Mr Simpson is a fat man. Mrs Simpson is a nice woman. She has got blue hair. Lisa and Bart are their children. Lisa is very clever and Bart is naughty(淘气的). The family sometimes meet something unhappy, but they always solve(解决) the problems in the end(最后,最终).
There are many other programmes. Some teach children how to draw or make things. Children's shows usually change(变化).
61.What does the writer like watching
62.When can children watch their programmes in England
64.The Simpsons have got children.
65.Choose the best title(标题) for the passage.
A.When to watch children's TV programmes in England
B.How to draw or make things
C.English programmes for children
D.The Simpsons are funny
1. 字数:70字左右。
2. 文章必须包含所有提示内容,并可作适当发挥。
3. 不得出现真实姓名和校名。
4. 条理清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范。
1.A 2.D 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.A
nor也不;but但是;or 或者;and和,而且。根据句意可知,空前“two winter breaks, one spring break“和空格后“one summer break”是并列关系,应用and连接,故选D。
“the +序数词+形容词最高级”表示“第几最……”。根据上文“The longest break is the summer one”可知这里说的是“第二长的假期……”,故应选D。
so因此,所以;then然后,于是;because因为;if如果。后句“many students go skiing during that break”表示“滑雪周”的原因,可知用because引导原因状语从句。故选C。
此句是“there be”句型,“there be”句型中be动词的形式是就近原则, 根据空格后“quite a few holidays”是复数,可知填are。故选A。
listening听,动名词形式;listen动词原形;listened过去式或过去分词形式;listens第三人称单数形式。空前是短语Thank you for…“为……而感谢”,后面跟名词或者动名词形式。故选A。
11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.C
【分析】本文Alex Greenall.介绍了他在英国上学的情况。他在早上七点半起床。他们在9点钟开始上课。他最喜欢的科目是美术。在11点,他们在操场上休息,和朋友谈话,去操场踢足球。他喜欢学校的午饭。下午,他们在一点半上课,两节课后,在三点半,他就回家。晚上他吃完晚饭,写作业,在十点睡觉。
Monday周一; Wednesday周三; Friday周五; Sunday周日。根据“but not on Saturday”可知这里是说周六。根据题意,故选D。
sit up坐起来;坐直;get away把……收起来;get up起床;walk away逃避;脱身。根据“at half past seven in the morning, and then have breakfast.”可知,这里是说在七点半起床。根据题意,故选C。
morning早上; noon中午; afternoon下午;evening晚上;根据上文“Classes begin at nine o’clock”.及下文“We start our   8   in the afternoon at half past one. We have two lessons in the afternoon.”可知这里是说上午有三节课。故选A。
teacher老师; book书; classmate同学;subject科目。美术是科目,根据题意,故选D。
playground操场; library图书馆; classroom教室;office办公室。根据play football可知这里是在操场在踢足球。根据题意,故选A。
breakfast早饭; lunch午饭;supper晚饭;tea茶。根据 “in the dinning hall at half past twelve”可知这里是吃午饭。故选B。
eat吃; drink喝; make使,制作;sell买。根据“juice or water too”可知,这里是喝橘子汁和水。根据题意,故选B。
books书; friends朋友; teachers老师;family家人。根据“In the evening, I watch TV and have dinner with”可知,这里是和我的家人。根据题意,故选D。
school学校; study书房; bed床;work工作。根据上文“I do my homework ”及下文“at ten o’clock.”可知在十点去睡觉。根据题意,故选C。
21.B 22.A 23.C 24.C 25.B
21.细节理解题。根据“On weekdays, I get up at half past seven in the morning and then go to school at ten to eight.”可知,亚历克斯在早上七点半起床,故选B。
22.推理判断题。根据“We have three lessons in the morning. Our lunch is at school at twelve o' clock. In the afternoon, there are two lessons.”可知,亚历克斯上午3节课,下午2节课,因此一天一共是5节课,故选A。
23.细节理解题。根据“In the evening, I can't watch TV because I have too much homework to do. I go to bed at eleven!”可知,大明在晚上11点之前做作业,故选C。
24.推理判断题。根据“I get up at half past seven in the morning”可知,亚历克斯是在早上7:30起床,不是在6点钟,因此A项不正确。根据“Our lunch is at school at twelve o' clock.”可知,亚历克斯的午饭是在12点,不是在12:30,因此B项不正确。根据“At 5:45 p.m, I go home.”可知,大明在下午5点45分回家,因此是差15分钟到6点,因此C项正确。根据“In the morning, I get up at six. After breakfast, I go to school at half past six. ”可知,大明在家吃早饭,因此D项不正确。故选C。
25.推理判断题。根据“Alex: I'm from England. On weekdays, I get up at half past seven in the morning and then go to school at ten to eight.”和“Darning: ……We have four lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon.”可知,亚历克斯和大明在微信上讨论他们的学校生活。故选B。
【点睛】小题4有难度,需要把四个选项,在文中找到相应的句子,进行比较分析,判断出正确与错误。根据“I get up at half past seven in the morning”可知,亚历克斯是在早上7:30起床,不是在6点钟,因此A项不正确。根据“Our lunch is at school at twelve o' clock.”可知,亚历克斯的午饭是在12点,不是在12:30,因此B项不正确。根据“At 5:45 p.m, I go home.”可知,大明在下午5点45分回家,因此是差15分钟到6点,因此C项正确。根据“In the morning, I get up at six. After breakfast, I go to school at half past six. ”可知,大明在家吃早饭,因此D项不正确。故选C。
26.C 27.C 28.C 29.D 30.B
26.细节理解题。根据短文第一段中“During the past two weeks we asked students of all ages about their favorite activities. ”可知本文对不同年龄的学生的业余时间活动进行了调查,故选C。
27.细节理解题。根据短文中倒数第二段中的“I love art and my dream is to be a designer.”可知,Nisha想成为一名设计师。故选C。
28.细节理解题。根据短文最后一段Tony说话的内容“I’m not very sporty but I love motorcycles.”可知,Tony不喜欢运动。故选C。
29.细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“Our survey showed that most students spent a lot of time watching TV, chatting on the Internet and playing computer games.”可知,Playing volleyball没有提及。故选D。
30.主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要是对不同年龄的学生的业余时间活动进行的调查, How to spend free time. “如何度过空闲时间”符合文章大意。故选B。
31.A 32.B 33.A 34.C 35.B
31.细节理解题。根据but the day before Christmas,I ride a bike to school.但圣诞节前一天,我骑自行车去学校。可知骑自行车去学校;故答案选A。
32.细节理解题。根据 On my way,I find a box lying on the road.在路上,我发现一个盒子。可知是发现一个盒子;故答案选B。
33.词义猜测题。根据下文I open it and see a beautiful new dress in it.我打开它,看到里面有一条漂亮的新裙子。可知结合选项,应说我停下自行车,拿起盒子;所以pick up意为拾起、捡起;故答案选A。
34.细节理解题。根据I lose (丢失)it on my way."我在路上把它丢了。可知盒子是爱丽丝的妈妈的;故答案选C。
35.细节理解题。根据I think it looks cool on me, but I must give it back to the owner (物主). There is no time to wait for the owner because I may be late for school. So I give it to a policeman.我觉得这对我来说很酷,但我必须把它还给主人,因为我上学可能会迟到,所以没时间等主人因此我把它给了警察。可知她想让警察找到失主,故答案选B。
36.B 37.C 38.D 39.B 40.B
36.细节理解题。根据文中Jack 的描述So this weekend I’m going to the beach with my cousin.可知,本周末Jack打算去旅行,故答案选B。
37.细节理解题。根据文中Lucy 的描述So this Sunday I’ll help clean the city park with my friends!可知,本周末Lucy打算和她的朋友一起去帮助打扫城市公园,故答案选C。
38.细节理解题。根据文中Dave的描述So this weekend I'll visit an old people's home with my classmates.We'll help clean the old people's rooms,tell them stories and sing or dance for them.可知,Dave和他的同学们打算帮助老人打扫房间,为他们讲故事、唱歌或跳舞,结合选项可知D选项符合题意,故答案选D。
39.细节理解题。根据文中Jack 的描述When we get there, we’ll swim in the sea walk on the beach and have a picnic,and never think about our homework!可知,Jack将游泳、散步、野餐,所以他可以做三件事情,故答案选B。
40.理解判断题。A. Anna认为她可以在网上买到一份好礼物,根据文中Anna的描述I hear shopping online is easy and quick And we can buy anything we want through it. But I’m not sure whether the things are good or not.可知,Anna不能确定她买的东西是好还是坏,所以A选项错误。B. Jack将在海滩上做一些有趣的活动,根据文中Jack 的描述When we get there, we’ll swim in the sea walk on the beach and have a picnic,可知这些活动都是有趣的,所以B选项正确。C. Lucy将和她的表妹一起打扫城市公园,根据文中Lucy的描述I’ll help clean the city park with my friends!可知,Lucy将和她的同学一起打扫城市公园,所以C选项错误。D.将帮助他的同学们打扫房间,根据文中Dave的描述We'll help clean the old people's rooms,可知,Dave将帮助老人们打扫房间,所以D选项错误。故答案选B。
【详解】句意:我们明天去看足球赛吧。“观看”英文表达为watch,表示长时间的观看;让某人干某事:let sb do sth。故填watch。
【详解】句意:在中国,课程在下午5点钟结束。根据语境和时间状语“in the afternoon”,可知句子时态是一般现在时,因主语是复数,所以动词用原形,结合汉语意思,故填finish。
【详解】句意:两节课之间我们有10分钟的休息时间。根据汉语提示,空格处应是名词break,间歇、休息,构成短语have a break,休息一下。故填break。
【详解】句意:今天天气炎热。让我们今天下午去游泳吧。swim游泳,动词。“go+动词-ing”是固定结构,大部分表示从事运动,消谴或娱乐活动。go swimming去游泳,固定搭配。故填swimming。
47.don’t go
【详解】句意:他们周六不上学。他们待在家里。根据句意可知句子时态为一般现在时,陈述一般事实。go是谓语动词,其否定需加助动词don't 或doesn't,由于主语是they,不是第三人称单数,故填don't go。
48. Do do
【详解】句意:这个女孩在房间里忙着看电视。be busy (in) doing sth.表示“忙于做某事”,watch要变成watching,故填watching。
51.get 52.past 53.minutes 54.busy 55.homework 56.evening 57.together 60.bed
51.句意:我早上起得很早。这是David叙述他一天的情况,根据首字母提示以及空格的“up”可知,本题考查动词短语“get up”,故填get。
52.句意:我七点半去学校。根据语境可知,这里说的是“七点半去上学”。七点半“half past seven”,故填past。
53.句意:十分钟以后学校开始上课。根据上文可知,这里说的是“十分钟后上课”,对应的英文为“ten minutes later”,故填minutes。
54.句意:下午,我不是很忙。根据下文的句子“play with other students.”可推测,下午David不是很忙。busy表示“忙碌的”。故填busy。
55.句意:放学后,我做家庭作业和其他同学玩。这里考查短语“do one's homework”,故填homework。
56.句意:晚上我父母下班回来。联系上文可知,这里谈到的是晚上的情况。“in the evening”为固定搭配。故填evening。
57.句意:我们一起吃晚饭。根据上文“In the evening,my parents come back from work”,可推测,这里说的是“他们一起吃饭”。together“一起”。故填together。
58.句意:晚饭后,我和我的妈妈看书或者是听音乐。根据首字母提示以及空格后的“books”可知,这里考查动词短语“read books”,故填read。
59.句意:有时,我们看电视。根据首字母提示以及空格后的单词“TV”可知,这里考查动词短语“watch TV”,故填watch。
60.句意:我九点半去睡觉。根据空格前的“go to”可知,这里考查动词短语“go to bed”,故填bed。
61.He likes watching English programmes. 62.After school. 63.这个家庭有时会遇到一些不愉快的事情,但最终他们总能解决问题。 64.two 65.C
61.细节理解题。根据句子“I always like watching English programmes...”可知作者喜欢看英语节目,主语是第三人称单数He,指代作者,谓语动词like要用三单形式likes,like doing sth. 表示“喜欢做某事”,故填He likes watching English programmes.
62.细节理解题。根据句子“Many children usually watch TV after school.”可知许多孩子都是在课后看电视,故填After school.
63.本句是but连接的并列复合句。family“家庭”,sometimes“有时”,meet“遇见”,something unhappy“一些不开心的事”,always“总是”,solve the problems“解决问题”,故填:这个家庭有时会遇到一些不愉快的事情,但最终他们总能解决问题。
64.细节理解题。根据句子“Lisa and Bart are their children.”可知辛普森一家有两个孩子,two表示“二”,故填two。
66.My name is John. I'm 12 years old, and I study in No. 1 Middle School. My school is very big and beautiful. I'm very happy in the school.
We have eight classes every day. The first class begins at 7:30 a.m. I like all the classes, because my teachers can make the classes lively and interesting. My favourite subject is English, so I join English Corner every week. I can speak English with many other students there. It's very interesting and exciting.
I think it's helpful for me to learn English well. After class, I always play games with my friends. We play basketball, volleyball, football, table tennis and so on. They are very relaxing.




下一篇:Unit 4 Do it yourself 测试卷 B卷提升篇 (含解析)