
(本试卷共45道题 满分90分考试 时间90 分钟)
Educational games for students cover different subjects like science, math, English, arts and so on. These games help them to learn different subjects in a more interesting way in and out of class. Below is the game“Act and guess” that can help you with language learning. ● How to play a. The whole class One student come to the platform,look a ta picture (or a word ) and then act it out. The other students will guess what does he/she do and say it out loudly. b. Competition The class will be divided into four groups. Each group will have two minute s to play. In this two minutes,the group members will run to the platform one by one, choose a piece of paper and act it out . The other group members will guess the meaning and say it out at once. The group get the highest point will win the game . ● Why to play It can teach you the art of expression. It can help you use words in different contexts (语境).
1.What subject can the the game help with
A.Math B.Science C.Arts D..English
2.What do students need to do except _______ in the game
A.To guess what does he/she do B.To read a passage quickly
C.To choose a piece of paper and act it out D.To say it out loudly
3.How can a group score in the game
A.By guessing the meaning and saying it out correctly at once.
B.By talking with the partner for the longest time.
C.By making the longest conversations with the partner.
D.By making sentences in different contexts.
4.Where is the passage most probably from
A.A science book. B.A travel guide C.A school magazine D.A news website.
One’s attitude(态度)is always important. If you are lazy and weak, you will never taste any success. But if you are hard-working, success and happiness will be more likely to come to you.
I love eating persimmons(柿子). But I can’t get them until autumn.
In Grade 9, because of my poor grades, my parents were worried that I wouldn’t be able to get into an excellent high school. They pushed me to study hard, but I didn’t really understand how they were so anxious.
Summer came, and I studied harder than before. Every time I wanted to stop working, Mom would shout, “Hey you! Think about your future. If you don’t work hard, you will regret it!” I had to sit back down again and return to my textbooks which were full of words. But all I thought about was playing with my friends and eating persimmons.
My mom would say to me, with a serious look on her face, “If a persimmon tree doesn’t grow in summer, it can’t bear hundreds of fruit in autumn! Only by hard work can you get the good result of your work.”
Although I didn’t understand it at that time, I gradually came to see the truth of her words. A few months later, I succeeded in getting into the key high school. It was autumn. I knew I wouldn’t succeed without working hard.
Walking in my new school, I could see quite a few persimmon trees. It was such a red fruit that it looked as if it was on fire. Suddenly, I realized that working hard may be bitter but its fruits are sweet. My mom was right, if a persimmon tree doesn’t grow during summer, it can’t bear fruit in autumn. I smiled. I had grown through the summer and now it was autumn. The fruits of my hard work could be enjoyed by me now!
5. If you are hard-working, it will bring you _______and ___________.
A.sadness ,happiness B. success ,happiness C. success,gifts D.trouble,jokes
6. How did mom feel when she knew the writer’s poor grades
A.Excited and proud. B.Bored and lonely.
C.Surprised and unhappy. D.Worried and anxious.
7. The underlined word “bear”in Paragraph 5 probably means “________”.
A.accept B.control C.provide D.dislike
8. When did the writer realize that working hard may be bitter but its fruits are sweet
A.when his mom was anxious. B.when he was in Grade 9
C.after getting into an excellent high school D.before getting into an excellent high school
THE 16-YEAR-OLD confidently walked to the edge of the diving platform (跳台) and turned around. Seconds later, she jumped from the water after a flawless (没有瑕疵的) 407C—the dive she is good at. Because of her excellent performance, all seven judges awarded her a perfect score of 10 points. China’s Olympic champion Quan Hongchan won the women’s 10m platform gold medal at the Hangzhou Asian Games.
Nine years ago, the young girl was playing hopscotch (跳房子) with her classmates on the playground when a coach, Chen Huaming, noticed her. He found her talent on jump and thought that she could jump higher and further. His judgment turned out to be correct. Before the Hangzhou Asian Games, Quan was already an Olympic champion.
In some ways, Quan is like any normal teenager. She loves snacks, amusement parks and grabbing dolls from claw machines (抓娃娃机) like most girls her age. Her favorite doll is a blue one--the color of a swimming pool—her elder brother gave her as a gift. She keeps it on her bed, a quiet friend that is always there to relieve(缓解) her stress.
Unlike her peers (同龄人), the young diver needs to train extremely hard and has to improve her family’s living conditions. Her family live in Maihe Village of Zhanjiang, and her parents have five children to feed with the little money from an orchard (果园). To make matters worse, her mother was disabled in a traffic accident in 2017.
As a result, Quan has grown up to be brave and hardworking. She couldn’t even swim before she went to the sports school, but she was the first among all the new students to step onto the 3m springboard and the 10m platform. When asked if she was scared at the time, she answered, “I didn’t think about it that much. I just closed my eyes and jumped.” Soon, she fell in love with diving. Quan shot to fame after winning the gold medal in the women’s 10m platform at the Tokyo Olympic Games.
9.When did Quan’s coach find her talent on jump
A.When she was 9 years old. B.When she was 16 years old.
C.When she was 12 years old. D.When she was 7 years old.
10.In some ways, Quan is like any normal teenager EXCEPT __________.
A.She loves snacks. B.She loves amusement parks
C. She trains extremely hard and has to improve her family’s living conditions. D. She has her favorite doll , a blue one--the color of a swimming pool.
11.What can we infer from paragraph 4
A.Quan Hongchan’s mother was badly hurt in a traffic accident in 2018.
B.Quan Hongchan has a hard life.
C.Quan Hongchan lives in a rich family.
D.Quan Hongchan doesn’t study hard.
12.What does the underlined phrase (划线短语) “shot to fame” mean
A.一劳永逸 B.一举成名 C.一蹴而就 D.一呼百应
The first cellphone was invented fifty years ago. The inventor of that phone, Martin Cooper, is now 94 years old. He has been called the “father of the cellphone”.
In the early 1970s, Cooper worked for American technology company Motorola. At the time, Motorola and other companies were competing to create cellphones. Cooper made the first public call from a handheld telephone in New York City on April 3, 1973. The Dyna-TAC weighed about 1 kilogram and was 28 centimeters long.
He developed the phone with his team at Motorola for over five months. They could only accepted on it for about 25 minutes. Cooper noted that such a call time was not a problem, because this phone was so heavy that you couldn’t hold it up for 25 minutes. Cooper said, “The only thing that I was worried about: ‘Is this thing going to work ’ And it did. At the time, we had no way of knowing this was an important moment in history.”
Today, the phone allows us to do many things. Cooper said the progress of cellphones is sure to continue long into the future. He thinks future phones will monitor our health at all times and batteries (电池) could even be replaced by human energy. He believes that one day, our phones might be small devices inside our ears.
Cooper has also expressed his worry. “We don’t have any privacy (隐私) anymore because everything is now recorded someplace,” Cooper said. However, he said hopefully that cellphones will continue to develop in ways that can greatly help humans.
13.In which company was the first cellphone invented
14.When can’t we use cellphones to call our friends?
In the 1980s B.in the 1960s C.in the 1980s D.in the 2050s
15.Why did Cooper note that such a call time was not a problem
Because the phone is very heavy. B.Because the phone is very light.
Because the phone doesn’t work. D.Because the phone is not very nice.
16.What is Cooper’s worry
Phones will monitor our health at all times B.We don’t have any privacy (隐私) anymore
Cellphones will not continue to develop in ways D.Batteries could be replaced by human energy.
第二节 阅读短文,从方框内所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个多余的选项。
Learning to ride the wave(海浪)
On the first day, the coach taught me some basic(基本的) skills. First, push the surfboard(滑板) into the waves. Then lie down on the surfboard and wait for the waves to come. Finally, when the waves come, let the surfboard “catch” the waves and try to stand on it.
After practicing several times on the beach, I followed the coach to the sea. However, I could not follow him to stand up at the right time. I was too nervous. 17 The coach pointed out my mistake and encouraged me not to give up. He patiently helped me to try over and over again.
After falling into the sea many times, 18 When I successfully stood up for the first time with the rushing waves, a huge feeling of achievement filled my heart. And my coach was even more excited than me.
Over the next several days, I kept practicing. My surfing got better and better. 19 As a result, the coach didn’t need to push my surfboard forward. When I was able to surf alone in the sea, I felt so much excitement and joy.
Now, surfing makes me feel relaxed. Learning to surf not only allowed me to get a new skill, 20 I experienced the joy of realizing a dream for the first time. I also learned that practice makes perfect. It taught me to keep trying, no matter how many times I fell down.
A. but also brought me a sense of achievement.
B.I could pick up enough speed to allow the waves to push the surfboard forward.
C.I fell into the sea and ended up drinking a lot of sea water.
D.I knew that the waves would bring me away.
E. I finally learned how to stand on the surfboard.
Today, robots can be found just about everywhere. Sometimes they 21 make our lives easier, such as robot cleaners in hotels or robot waiters in restaurants. More importantly, we 22 robots to do things that are either unsafe or that we physically cannot do. In fact, two of the most important places ___23___ robots are helping people are in our oceans and space.
Oceans cover 71 percent of our planet, 24 we’ve only explored about 5 percent of it! Because of the oceans’ unpleasant environment, it’s difficult for humans 25 its large parts, so robots are 26 valuable tool.
One of the first underwater robots was Alvin, which plunged(下降)to a 27 of 10.7 meters in May 1964. Alvin carried three people who operate robotic arms 28 sea lives and dirt so that scientists could study them. Since then, advancements in technology have made our underwater explorations even greater. At the same time, in space, robots are helping us explore our neighboring planets. Last year, Chang’e 5 lunar rover(探测器)collected rocks from the moon’s surface and brought them back to earth. Robots in space have a much 29 history than that.
Like many technological advancements, it’s easy to forget just how great an influence robotics(机器人技术)has had on our lives. However, 30 robots, we never would have discovered the wonders in our skies or learned about the rich biodiversity(生物多样性)lying just under our feet.
21.A.simply B.carefully C. happily D.well
22.A. try on B.put on C.depend on D.come on
23.A.that B.where C.who D.which
24.A.and B.or C.but D.so
25.A. get B.to get C.studied D.to study
26.A.a B.an C.the D. /
27. A.depth B.width C.length D.height
28.A.to catch B.to collect C.to use D.to get
29.A.longer B.long C.shorter D.short
30. A.with B.in C.without D.at
三、语法填空(共10小题,每小题1分; 满分10分)
One day a professor entered her classroom and told her students about a test. The students took their seats and waited for the test 31 ( begin). The professor put a test paper on each student’s desk.
The students were surprised to find that there were no 32 (question) on the paper. But they just found 33 single black dot (圆点). The professor said, “I just want you to write down 34 you see on this paper.”
35 the end of the class, the professor took their test papers and read their answers aloud. All students tried 36 (they)best to describe the black dot — its size, its position on the paper. After the professor finished 37 (read) the class was silent.
She explained, Don’t worry. I won’t grade this test, but I want you to think about something. All of you focused on (关注) the black dot on this test paper and wrote about it, 38 no one wrote about the white area around the dot. We always pay 39 (attend)to the bad things. This paper stands for your life. The white area stands for all of your life experiences and the black dot just stand for the bad thing you’ve ever met. In fact, life gives us many good things such as loved ones and 40 (enjoy) moments. Don’t just focus on the black dot in your life. Think about the big picture more often.
四、阅读与表达(共4小题,41~43小题 每小题2分,44小题4分;满分10分)
Cecilia is a young designer. She makes clothes for kids and teens. For her sixth birthday, Cecilia asked for a sewing (缝纫) machine. She wanted to make her own clothes. She started sewing from then on and never stopped.
Cecilia’s passion (热情) for fashion has become a job as a designer. “I started making clothes for my sister and her friends,” Cecilia told TFK (Time For Kids). Her mom’s friend, a store manager, helped Cecilia start her business. Her creations are sold online and in two stores in California.
The young designer has been asked to speak at schools to share her story. Her message is “Start to realize your dream at an early age.”Cecilia reads fashion books and magazines. “It’s important to know what’s going on in the business,” she says.
Her dream is to have her clothes sold in stores around the world. She would also love to design dresses for Sasha and Malia Obama, “They have such a lovely style,” she says.One day, Cecilia hopes to go to the fashion school in Paris, France. For now, she is busy making 25 to 30 dresses each week.
Cecilia knows there’s more to life than just pretty clothes. She also gives away dresses and money to the poor. After all, fashion comes and goes, but helping others never goes out of style.
41.Where were Cecilia’s clothes sold except in two stores in California
42.Why does Cecilia read fashion books and magazines
43.What does Cecilia think is more important to life than just pretty clothes
What’s your dream Why?How to do that (Write 30 words or more)
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
45.假如你是Lucy,你校开展“文明校园你我他”活动,号召同学们以“How to be a polite middle school student”为题向学校英语报投稿。请根据以下提示信息,写一篇发言稿。
1. 师生见面积极问候;
2. 遵守校规校纪;
3. 和其他人文明交流;
4. 帮助有困难的人...
Dear teachers and students,
I am Lucy. I’m from Class 1 Grade 9. I’m so happy to take part in the English speech contest. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
That’s all. Thanks for your listening.2024年辽宁新中考英语模拟试卷(一)
(本试卷共45道题 满分90分考试 时间90 分钟)
Educational games for students cover different subjects like science, math, English, arts and so on. These games help them to learn different subjects in a more interesting way in and out of class. Below is the game“Act and guess” that can help you with language learning. ● How to play a. The whole class One student come to the platform,look a ta picture (or a word ) and then act it out. The other students will guess what does he/she do and say it out loudly. b. Competition The class will be divided into four groups. Each group will have two minute s to play. In this two minutes,the group members will run to the platform one by one, choose a piece of paper and act it out . The other group members will guess the meaning and say it out at once. The group get the highest point will win the game . ● Why to play It can teach you the art of expression. It can help you use words in different contexts (语境).
1.What subject can the the game help with
A.Math B.Science C.Arts D..English
2.What do students need to do except _______ in the game
A.To guess what does he/she do B.To read a passage quickly
C.To choose a piece of paper and act it out D.To say it out loudly
3.How can a group score in the game
A.By guessing the meaning and saying it out correctly at once.
B.By talking with the partner for the longest time.
C.By making the longest conversations with the partner.
D.By making sentences in different contexts.
4.Where is the passage most probably from
A.A science book. B.A travel guide C.A school magazine D.A news website.
【答案】1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C
1.细节理解题。根据“Below is the game that can help you with language learning.”可知这这个游戏可以帮助学习语言。故选D。
3.细节理解题。根据“group members will guess the meaning and say it out at once. The group get the highest point will win the game .”可知如果一个小组在2分钟的表演和猜测中猜测的单词和表演的单词一致,它就可以得分。故选A。
One’s attitude(态度)is always important. If you are lazy and weak, you will never taste any success. But if you are hard-working, success and happiness will be more likely to come to you.
I love eating persimmons(柿子). But I can’t get them until autumn.
In Grade 9, because of my poor grades, my parents were worried that I wouldn’t be able to get into an excellent high school. They pushed me to study hard, but I didn’t really understand how they were so anxious.
Summer came, and I studied harder than before. Every time I wanted to stop working, Mom would shout, “Hey you! Think about your future. If you don’t work hard, you will regret it!” I had to sit back down again and return to my textbooks which were full of words. But all I thought about was playing with my friends and eating persimmons.
My mom would say to me, with a serious look on her face, “If a persimmon tree doesn’t grow in summer, it can’t bear hundreds of fruit in autumn! Only by hard work can you get the good result of your work.”
Although I didn’t understand it at that time, I gradually came to see the truth of her words. A few months later, I succeeded in getting into the key high school. It was autumn. I knew I wouldn’t succeed without working hard.
Walking in my new school, I could see quite a few persimmon trees. It was such a red fruit that it looked as if it was on fire. Suddenly, I realized that working hard may be bitter but its fruits are sweet. My mom was right, if a persimmon tree doesn’t grow during summer, it can’t bear fruit in autumn. I smiled. I had grown through the summer and now it was autumn. The fruits of my hard work could be enjoyed by me now!
5. If you are hard-working, it will bring you _______and ___________.
A.sadness ,happiness B. success ,happiness C. success,gifts D.trouble,jokes
6. How did mom feel when she knew the writer’s poor grades
A.Excited and proud. B.Bored and lonely.
C.Surprised and unhappy. D.Worried and anxious.
7. The underlined word “bear”in Paragraph 5 probably means “________”.
A.accept B.control C.provide D.dislike
8. When did the writer realize that working hard may be bitter but its fruits are sweet
A.when his mom was anxious. B.when he was in Grade 9
C.after getting into an excellent high school D.before getting into an excellent high school
【答案】 5. B 6.D 7.C 8.C
5.细节判断题,根据if you are hard-working, success and happiness will be more likely to come to you.可知空白处填success ,happiness,故选B.
6.根据my parents were worried ......I didn’t really understand how they were so anxious.可知妈妈感到着急和忧虑,故选D.
7.根据句意If a persimmon tree doesn’t grow in summer, it can’t bear hundreds of fruit in autumn! 可知如果柿子树在夏天不生长,在秋天他就不能结出很多果实。Bear“结果”,和provide“提供”意思接近符合语境,故选C。
根据Walking in my new school...... I realized that working hard may be bitter but its fruits are sweet. 可知作者进入高中之后才意识到妈妈的话是正确的。故选A。
THE 16-YEAR-OLD confidently walked to the edge of the diving platform (跳台) and turned around. Seconds later, she jumped from the water after a flawless (没有瑕疵的) 407C—the dive she is good at. Because of her excellent performance, all seven judges awarded her a perfect score of 10 points. China’s Olympic champion Quan Hongchan won the women’s 10m platform gold medal at the Hangzhou Asian Games.
Nine years ago, the young girl was playing hopscotch (跳房子) with her classmates on the playground when a coach, Chen Huaming, noticed her. He found her talent on jump and thought that she could jump higher and further. His judgment turned out to be correct. Before the Hangzhou Asian Games, Quan was already an Olympic champion.
In some ways, Quan is like any normal teenager. She loves snacks, amusement parks and grabbing dolls from claw machines (抓娃娃机) like most girls her age. Her favorite doll is a blue one--the color of a swimming pool—her elder brother gave her as a gift. She keeps it on her bed, a quiet friend that is always there to relieve(缓解) her stress.
Unlike her peers (同龄人), the young diver needs to train extremely hard and has to improve her family’s living conditions. Her family live in Maihe Village of Zhanjiang, and her parents have five children to feed with the little money from an orchard (果园). To make matters worse, her mother was disabled in a traffic accident in 2017.
As a result, Quan has grown up to be brave and hardworking. She couldn’t even swim before she went to the sports school, but she was the first among all the new students to step onto the 3m springboard and the 10m platform. When asked if she was scared at the time, she answered, “I didn’t think about it that much. I just closed my eyes and jumped.” Soon, she fell in love with diving. Quan shot to fame after winning the gold medal in the women’s 10m platform at the Tokyo Olympic Games.
9.When did Quan’s coach find her talent on jump
A.When she was 9 years old. B.When she was 16 years old.
C.When she was 12 years old. D.When she was 7 years old.
10.In some ways, Quan is like any normal teenager EXCEPT __________.
A.She loves snacks. B.She loves amusement parks
C. She trains extremely hard and has to improve her family’s living conditions. D. She has her favorite doll , a blue one--the color of a swimming pool.
11.What can we infer from paragraph 4
A.Quan Hongchan’s mother was badly hurt in a traffic accident in 2018.
B.Quan Hongchan has a hard life.
C.Quan Hongchan lives in a rich family.
D.Quan Hongchan doesn’t study hard.
12.What does the underlined phrase (划线短语) “shot to fame” mean
A.一劳永逸 B.一举成名 C.一蹴而就 D.一呼百应
【答案】9.D 10.C 11.B 12.B
9.推理判断题。根据“THE 16-YEAR-OLD confidently walked to the edge of the diving platform”和“Nine years ago, the young girl was playing hopscotch with her classmates on the playground when a coach, Chen Huaming, noticed her.”可知,全红婵现在16岁,她九年前,也就是七岁时教练注意到她并发现了他的才能。故选D。
10.细节理解,根据“She loves snacks, amusement parks and grabbing dolls from claw machines (抓娃娃机) like most girls her age.”可知他也一个普通的孩子。“he young diver needs to train extremely hard and has to improve her family’s living conditions.”这一句看出全红婵与众不同的地方,故选C。
11.推理判断题。根据“her parents have five children to feed with the little money from an orchard (果园).....her mother was disabled in a traffic accident in 2017.”可知,全红婵家的生活很艰苦。故选B。
12.词句猜测题。根据“ Quan shot to fame after winning the gold medal in the women’s 10m platform at the Tokyo Olympic Games.”句意可知,全红婵在东京奥运会上获得女子0米跳水金牌后一举成名,故选B。
The first cellphone was invented fifty years ago. The inventor of that phone, Martin Cooper, is now 94 years old. He has been called the “father of the cellphone”.
In the early 1970s, Cooper worked for American technology company Motorola. At the time, Motorola and other companies were competing to create cellphones. Cooper made the first public call from a handheld telephone in New York City on April 3, 1973. The Dyna-TAC weighed about 1 kilogram and was 28 centimeters long.
He developed the phone with his team at Motorola for over five months. They could only accepted on it for about 25 minutes. Cooper noted that such a call time was not a problem, because this phone was so heavy that you couldn’t hold it up for 25 minutes. Cooper said, “The only thing that I was worried about: ‘Is this thing going to work ’ And it did. At the time, we had no way of knowing this was an important moment in history.”
Today, the phone allows us to do many things. Cooper said the progress of cellphones is sure to continue long into the future. He thinks future phones will monitor our health at all times and batteries (电池) could even be replaced by human energy. He believes that one day, our phones might be small devices inside our ears.
Cooper has also expressed his worry. “We don’t have any privacy (隐私) anymore because everything is now recorded someplace,” Cooper said. However, he said hopefully that cellphones will continue to develop in ways that can greatly help humans.
13.In which company was the first cellphone invented
14.When can’t we use cellphones to call our friends?
In the 1980s B.in the 1960s C.in the 1980s D.in the 2050s
15.Why did Cooper note that such a call time was not a problem
Because the phone is very heavy. B.Because the phone is very light.
Because the phone doesn’t work. D.Because the phone is not very nice.
16.What is Cooper’s worry
Phones will monitor our health at all times B.We don’t have any privacy (隐私) anymore
Cellphones will not continue to develop in ways D.Batteries could be replaced by human energy.
【答案】13.D 14.B 15.A 16.B
【主旨】本文主要介绍了手机的发明者Martin Cooper以及他对手机的看法。
13.细节理解题,根据“Cooper worked for American technology company Motorola....Cooper made the first public call from a handheld telephone... ”可知第一部手机在摩托罗拉公司发明的,故选D。
14.逻辑推理题,根据“Cooper made the first public call from a handheld telephone in New York City on April 3, 1973. ”可知手机在1973年被发明,选项B的时间二十世纪六十年代手机还未发明,故选B.
15.细节理解题,根据“Cooper noted that such a call time was not a problem, because this phone was so heavy that you couldn’t hold it up for 25 minutes.”可知手机太沉了,故选A。
16.细节理解题,根据“We don’t have any privacy (隐私) anymore because everything is now recorded someplace,”可知因为现在一切东西都被记录在某个地方,我们不再有隐私。故选B.
第二节 阅读短文,从方框内所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个多余的选项。
Learning to ride the wave(海浪)
On the first day, the coach taught me some basic(基本的) skills. First, push the surfboard(滑板) into the waves. Then lie down on the surfboard and wait for the waves to come. Finally, when the waves come, let the surfboard “catch” the waves and try to stand on it.
After practicing several times on the beach, I followed the coach to the sea. However, I could not follow him to stand up at the right time. I was too nervous. 17 The coach pointed out my mistake and encouraged me not to give up. He patiently helped me to try over and over again.
After falling into the sea many times, 18 When I successfully stood up for the first time with the rushing waves, a huge feeling of achievement filled my heart. And my coach was even more excited than me.
Over the next several days, I kept practicing. My surfing got better and better. 19 As a result, the coach didn’t need to push my surfboard forward. When I was able to surf alone in the sea, I felt so much excitement and joy.
Now, surfing makes me feel relaxed. Learning to surf not only allowed me to get a new skill, 20 I experienced the joy of realizing a dream for the first time. I also learned that practice makes perfect. It taught me to keep trying, no matter how many times I fell down.
A. but also brought me a sense of achievement.
B.I could pick up enough speed to allow the waves to push the surfboard forward.
C.I fell into the sea and ended up drinking a lot of sea water.
D.I knew that the waves would bring me away.
E. I finally learned how to stand on the surfboard.
【答案】 17.C 18.E 19.B 20. A
17.根据“However, I could not follow him to stand up at the right time. I was too nervous. ”可知,作者不能跟着教练站起来,又很紧张,选项C“我落入水里又喝了许多口海水。”符合语境,故选C。
18.根据“When I successfully stood up for the first time...”可推测,此处表示作者终于学会了怎么站在冲浪板上,选项E“我终于学会了如何站在冲浪板上。”符合语境。故选E。
19.根据“I kept practicing. My surfing got better and better. ”可推测,作者应该练习了很多次,冲浪越来越好。选项B“我能够以足够的速度允许海浪推动冲浪板前进。”符合语境。故选B。
20.根据“Learning to surf not only allowed me to get a new skill,”可知,作者学习冲浪不仅获得了新的技巧,而且带给作者一种成就感,选项符合语境。关联词组Not only ...but also...,故选A。
Today, robots can be found just about everywhere. Sometimes they 21 make our lives easier, such as robot cleaners in hotels or robot waiters in restaurants. More importantly, we 22 robots to do things that are either unsafe or that we physically cannot do. In fact, two of the most important places ___23___ robots are helping people are in our oceans and space.
Oceans cover 71 percent of our planet, 24 we’ve only explored about 5 percent of it! Because of the oceans’ unpleasant environment, it’s difficult for humans 25 its large parts, so robots are 26 valuable tool.
One of the first underwater robots was Alvin, which plunged(下降)to a 27 of 10.7 meters in May 1964. Alvin carried three people who operate robotic arms 28 sea lives and dirt so that scientists could study them. Since then, advancements in technology have made our underwater explorations even greater. At the same time, in space, robots are helping us explore our neighboring planets. Last year, Chang’e 5 lunar rover(探测器)collected rocks from the moon’s surface and brought them back to earth. Robots in space have a much 29 history than that.
Like many technological advancements, it’s easy to forget just how great an influence robotics(机器人技术)has had on our lives. However, 30 robots, we never would have discovered the wonders in our skies or learned about the rich biodiversity(生物多样性)lying just under our feet.
21.A.simply B.carefully C. happily D.well
22.A. try on B.put on C.depend on D.come on
23.A.that B.where C.who D.which
24.A.and B.or C.but D.so
25.A. get B.to get C.studied D.to study
26.A.a B.an C.the D. /
27. A.depth B.width C.length D.height
28.A.to catch B.to collect C.to use D.to get
29.A.longer B.long C.shorter D.short
30. A.with B.in C.without D.at
【答案】21.A 22.C 23.B 24.C 25.D 26.A 27.A 28.B 29.A 30.C
21.句意:有时机器人仅仅让我们的生活更容易,A.simply仅仅, B.carefully仔细地,C. happily高兴地,D.well好,副词修饰动词make, B,C,D不符合句意,故选A.
22.句意:更重要的是,我们依靠机器人做一些或者不安全或者我们身体不能做的事情。A. try on试穿,B.put on穿上,C.depend on依靠,D.come on加油,故选C。
23.句意:机器人帮助人们的两个最重要地方是海洋和太空。考查定语从句,先行词是地点做状语,选关系词where ,故选B.
24.句意:我们的星球71%被海洋覆盖,但是我们仅仅探索了5%...,A.and和,B.or或者, C.but但是,D.so 因此,前后来句是转折关系,用but表示,故选C。
27.句意:机器人 Alvin在1964年5月下降到10.7米的深度. A.depth深度,B.width宽度,C.长度, D.height高度 根据情境,本空需要名词depth深度符合,故选A.
28.句意:“阿尔文号”上有三个人,他们操作机械臂收集海洋生物和污垢A.to catch抓,B.to collect 收集,C.to 使用,D.to get获得。此空考查不定时做目的状语,collect符合句意,故选B.
29.句意:在太空的机器人有着更悠久的历史。 句子中有标志词than ,用比较级longer ,故选A。
30.句意:然而,没有机器人,我们将不会发现在我们天空中的奇迹。A.with带有 , B.in在...里, C.without 没有,D.at 在,结合句意用without,故选C.
三、语法填空(共10小题,每小题1分; 满分10分)
One day a professor entered her classroom and told her students about a test. The students took their seats and waited for the test 31 ( begin). The professor put a test paper on each student’s desk.
The students were surprised to find that there were no 32 (question) on the paper. But they just found 33 single black dot (圆点). The professor said, “I just want you to write down 34 you see on this paper.”
35 the end of the class, the professor took their test papers and read their answers aloud. All students tried 36 (they)best to describe the black dot — its size, its position on the paper. After the professor finished 37 (read) the class was silent.
She explained, Don’t worry. I won’t grade this test, but I want you to think about something. All of you focused on (关注) the black dot on this test paper and wrote about it, 38 no one wrote about the white area around the dot. We always pay 39 (attend)to the bad things. This paper stands for your life. The white area stands for all of your life experiences and the black dot just stand for the bad thing you’ve ever met. In fact, life gives us many good things such as loved ones and 40 (enjoy) moments. Don’t just focus on the black dot in your life. Think about the big picture more often.
31.to begin 32.surprised 33.a 34.what 35.At 36.their 37.reading 38.but 39.attention 40.enjoyable
31.句意:学生们坐好等着考试开始。根据“The students took their seats and ...for the test to begin.”可知,学生们坐着,等着考试。用不定式to begin作the test的后置定语,故填to begin。
32.句意:学生们惊讶地发现试卷上没有题目。根据 there were no的动词were是复数。故填questions。
34.句意:教授说:“我只想让你们把在这张试卷上看到的写下来。” write down后接宾语从句,所以该空是宾语从句的连接词。从句中see缺少宾语,用what作宾语,what you see“你所看到的”。故填what。
35.句意:在结束时,教授拿着他们的试卷,大声朗读他们的答案。根据“the professor took their test papers”可知,是在考试的结束时。at the end of“在……的结尾”,且句首字母大写。故填At。
36.句意:所有的学生都尽力描述这个黑点——它的大小,它在纸上的位置。try one’s best“尽某人最大努力”,所以该空填主语对应的形容词性物主代词。主语是all students,对应的形容词性物主代词是their“他们的”。故填their。
37.句意:教授读完后,全班鸦雀无声。根据前文“the professor took their test papers and read their answers aloud.”可知,教授在读答案,所以教授读完后,全班沉默了。read“读”,finish doing“某事完成”。故填reading。
39.句意:我们总是关注不好的事情。根据后文“Don’t just focus on the black dot in your life.”可知,不要总是关注生活中不好的事情,也就是说人们总是关注不好的事情。pay attention to“关注”,固定短语。故填attention。
四、阅读与表达(共4小题,41~43小题 每小题2分,44小题4分;满分10分)
Cecilia is a young designer. She makes clothes for kids and teens. For her sixth birthday, Cecilia asked for a sewing (缝纫) machine. She wanted to make her own clothes. She started sewing from then on and never stopped.
Cecilia’s passion (热情) for fashion has become a job as a designer. “I started making clothes for my sister and her friends,” Cecilia told TFK (Time For Kids). Her mom’s friend, a store manager, helped Cecilia start her business. Her creations are sold online and in two stores in California.
The young designer has been asked to speak at schools to share her story. Her message is “Start to realize your dream at an early age.”Cecilia reads fashion books and magazines. “It’s important to know what’s going on in the business,” she says.
Her dream is to have her clothes sold in stores around the world. She would also love to design dresses for Sasha and Malia Obama, “They have such a lovely style,” she says.One day, Cecilia hopes to go to the fashion school in Paris, France. For now, she is busy making 25 to 30 dresses each week.
Cecilia knows there’s more to life than just pretty clothes. She also gives away dresses and money to the poor. After all, fashion comes and goes, but helping others never goes out of style.
41.Where were Cecilia’s clothes sold except in two stores in California
42.Why does Cecilia read fashion books and magazines
43.What does Cecilia think is more important to life than just pretty clothes
What’s your dream Why?How to do that (Write 30 words or more)
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
【答案】 41.They were sold online 42.Because it’s important to know what’s going on in the business 43.helping others 44.eg: I want to be a scientist.because I am interested in science very much.I like exploring the secret of nature.I’m going to study hard at maths and English.
41.细节理解,根据第二段中“Her creations are sold online and in two stores in California.”可知,她的作品除了在加利福尼亚州的两家商店出售,还在在网上出售。故填They were sold online .
42.根据第三段中“It’s important to know what’s going on in the business”可知,塞西莉亚认为了解业务进展很重要。故填Because it’s important to know what’s going on in the business。
43.总结归纳题,根据最后一段中“After all, fashion comes and goes, but helping others never goes out of style.”可知作者认为帮助其他人很重要,故填helping others。
45.假如你是Lucy,你校开展“文明校园你我他”活动,号召同学们以“How to be a polite middle school student”为题向学校英语报投稿。请根据以下提示信息,写一篇发言稿。
1. 师生见面积极问候;
2. 遵守校规校纪;
3. 和其他人文明交流;
4. 帮助有困难的人...
Dear teachers and students,
I am Lucy. I’m from Class 1 Grade 9. I’m so happy to take part in the English speech contest. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
That’s all. Thanks for your listening.
Dear teachers and students,
I am Lucy. I’m from Class 8 Grade 9. I’m so happy to take part in the English speech contest. As middle school students, we should follow the school rules first. We must wear school uniforms everyday. We can’t be late for school. We shouldn’t fight with others.
Besides, when we see teachers or classmates at school, we should greet them actively. And we should communicate with others politely. And we can say, “Excuse me. Could you please… ” The polite expressions sound much more polite.
What’s more, if we see the strangers who are in trouble, we should help them actively. Helping others is helping ourselves.
That’s all. Thanks for your listening!
①take part in参与 ②fight with sb与某人打架
③communicate with与某人交流 ④what’s more此外
⑤in trouble陷入困境
①Besides, when we see teachers or classmates at school, we should greet them actively.(when引导的时间状语从句)
②What’s more, if we see the strangers who are in trouble, we should help them actively. (if引导的条件状语从句)



