
1./a m ‘g d t ‘sw m nd ‘ple ‘ba sk tb l/
A.I am going to swim and play basketball.
B.I am good at swimming and playing baseball.
C.I am good at swimming and playing basketball.
2.[wi ] [ dnt] [spend] [tu ] [m t ] [ta m] [ ple ] [ɡe mz]
A.We shouldn’t spend too much time playing games.
B.We shouldn’t spend too much time play games.
C.We shouldn’t spend too much money buying things.
3.[ e ] [ɑ (r)] [ men ] [ d fr nt] [plɑ nts]
A.There aren’t many different plants.
B.There are many different ants.
C.There are many different plants.
4.[ t] [ z] [ k sa t ] [t ] [te k] [ ] [tr p] [ n] [spr ]
A.It is exciting to take a trip in spring.
B.It is interesting to take a trip in spring.
C.It isn’t exciting to take a trip in summer.
5.[ t] [w l] [te k] [ma ] [ ɡr nmɑ ] [ ba t] [ f t ] [ minits] [t ] [get] [ e ]
A.It will take my grandpa about forty minutes to get there.
B.It will take my grandma about forty minutes to get there.
C.It will take my grandma about fourteen minutes to get there.
6.All the students in my class like our new English teacher because she is friendly to each of us.
A.bad B.angry C.kind
7.—John, Su Bingtian did a great job at 2021 Tokyo Olympics!
—Yes. He is good at running. worried about B.does well in interested in
8.—How will you go to the museum, Selina
—I will go there on foot. It’s not far.
A.walk there there C.get there
9.The water from the factory pollutes this river.
A.makes...clean B.makes...dirty C.protects
10.—What are your favourite hobbies
—I enjoy playing the piano when I am free and I win a lot of prizes.
A.things I must do B.things I hate doing C.things I like doing
11.—I feel nervous when I speak English in class. What should I do
—You need more ________. Just speak English as much as you can.
A.time B.practice C.break
12.-Would you like to ________ the game It is quite interesting.
-I’d love to, but I am not good at it.
A.throw away B.take part in C.put into
13.—When will you ________ I miss you so much, Dad.
—I miss you, too. I will be back tomorrow evening. B.leave C.return
14.—The Sun shines brightly. Let’s ________ at Xiaomeisha Beach Park.
—But it is closed now. Our city will rebuild it.
A.go shopping B.go swimming C.go skating
15.When the bell ________, the students run to the playground.
A.starts B.rings C.ends
On a small island, there is an old man. He has four 16 . He wants to teach them a(n) 17 life lesson, so he asks each son to go and look at a pear tree on another island. He tells them that they need to go in different 18 .
So when winter comes he asks his eldest son to 19 the pear tree. Similarly (同样地), he sends his second son there in spring. The third one goes in summer and the 20 one in autumn.
Then the man lets his four sons stand in front of him and 21 what they have seen.
The eldest one says, “The tree is ugly and bare (光秃秃的).”
The second son says, “No, the leaves are 22 , showing signs of new life.”
The third son says, “Its flowers are all open and smell very nice.”
The youngest son says, “All of you are 23 . Its fruits are ripe (成熟的) and some pears are dropping.”
After listening to each of them, the man smiles and says, “You are all right about the tree, because you only see one season in a tree’s life. The condition (情况) of the tree 24 over time. This is the same to people. So, we should 25 judge (评判) others by only one point of their life. This is what I want you to learn.”
16.A.sons B.daughters C.friends D.students
17.A.beautiful B.popular C.important D.easy
18.A.weeks B.seasons C.holidays D.trips
19.A.learn B.visit C.catch D.protect
20.A.youngest B.shortest C.oldest D.biggest
21.A.laugh at B.worry about C.look at about B.brown D.yellow
23.A.sad B.tired C.wrong D.boring
24.A.hurts B.shines C.rests D.changes
25.A.never B.still C.even D.always
The Earth is a beautiful place. It provides us with food, water, air and the place to live. But we humans (人类) are slowly destroying (破坏) it.
Humans have destroyed one tenth of the Earth’s forests in the last 25 years according to a new study. Humans have been cutting down trees for different reasons (原因), such as building houses or farming. These forests clean the air and provide rain for the world. If we don’t stop cutting down them, all the forests on the Earth will be destroyed badly in less than 100 years.
Also, we are putting our rubbish into rivers and lakes. Some of the rubbish is bad for plants and animals in the water. Factories pour their dirty water into the rivers before it is cleaned. As a result, there is less and less clean water for people to drink.
What’s worse, a lot of animals are killed by humans. Some people kill them for food or clothes. Others hunt them for money. Many animals lose their homes because of human activities. Since humans came to the Earth,1,000 species (物种) have gone. Nearly 20,000 plants and animals are in danger of dying out.
Today our Earth is in great danger. So it is time that we humans should realize our mistakes (错误) and do some things to protect the Earth.
26.What do Paragraphs 2—4 mainly talk about
A.When humans began to destroy the Earth.
B.How humans are destroying the Earth.
C.What humans can do to protect the Earth.
D.What the Earth will be like in the future.
27.Which reason for hunting animals is NOT mentioned
A.To eat their meat. B.To make clothes.
C.To sell them for money. D.To show hunters are good at hunting.
28.What does the underlined word “realize” mean
A.know B.throw C.practice D.plan
29.What will the writer talk about following the last paragraph
A.Where we humans can go if we leave the Earth.
B.Why we humans need to protect the Earth.
C.How we humans live a healthier life.
D.What we humans can do to protect the Earth.
30.In which part of a magazine can we read the passage
A.History and culture. B.Life and science.
C.Humans and environment. D.Food and health.
① When spring ends, there comes the first solar term (节气) of summer, Lixia, or the Start of Summer. Lixia is the seventh of the 24 Chinese solar terms. It started on May 6 of this year and ended on May 20.
② Farmers are usually happy to welcome the coming of Lixia. Plants and crops begin to grow faster during this time. Lixia is the best time of year to plant early rice in the south of China. It is also a good time to collect tea leaves.
③ In China, there’re many old traditions (传统) during Lixia. For example, people cook different kinds of beans (豆) with rice in some places. The beans are red, yellow, black and green while the rice is white. It is also called Five-Coloured Rice and shows people’s good wishes for a colourful life. In other places, parents prepare bags with a boiled egg in them and make their children wear the bags around their necks. They think this can stop their children from getting ill in summer.
④ The tradition of eating ice at the beginning of summer has a long history in China. In old times, during Lixia, emperors would give ice to their courtiers (朝臣). Icy drinks were quite popular then.
⑤ There’re also other Lixia traditions like singing folk songs. People also weigh themselves during Lixia. The tradition started from the Three Kingdoms Period (220—280). People think this will bring health and good luck to them.
31.Which is NOT mentioned (提到) in the first two paragraphs
A.How farmers feel about Lixia.
B.On which day Lixia fell this year.
C.Why crops begin to grow quickly during Lixia.
D.Where Lixia ranks (排名) in the 24 solar terms.
32.What does the underlined word “this” refer to
A.Cooking five-coloured rice.
B.Eating some beans every day.
C.Making wishes on the first day of Lixia.
D.Wearing a bag with a boiled egg in it.
33.Which of the following is TRUE
A.The writer talks about four different traditions during Lixia.
B.The Five-Coloured Rice is made of rice of five different colours.
C.People think weighing themselves during Lixia can bring good luck.
D.The tradition of eating ice started from the Three Kingdoms Period.
34.Which is the structure (结构) of the passage
A.①/②/③④⑤. B.①/②③④/⑤. C.①/②③/④⑤. D.①②/③/④⑤.
35.What is the purpose (目的) of this passage
A.To show the writer’s love for summer.
B.To tell readers something about Lixia.
C.To tell readers how to eat well in summer.
D.To teach readers what to do in summer.
Amy lives on a small island with her grandparents. There is only one school on the island and Amy has few friends in the school. She often feels lonely (孤单的). Amy thinks to herself, “ 36 ” Then she begins to write a letter. In her letter, she writes about the beautiful island and something about herself. She puts her letter into a bottle and then throws the bottle into the sea.
Half a year later, Amy receives a letter. She has no idea who can write to her. 37 The letter reads as follows:
Dear Amy,
I find your lovely bottle on the beach and read your letter. I’m so surprised that the bottle is from a place so far. You and I have a lot in common (共同之处). 38 Most of the people I know are my family. I feel lonely, too. I really hope to get a friend. 39 If you do, please write back to me and tell me more about your life.
Your new friend,
Amy is excited to find a friend. 40 In the following years, the two girls write to each other once a month. They write about something interesting in their schools, their holidays and their favourite foods. They hope they can be friends forever.
A.What is your dream
B.I also live on a small island.
C.She writes back to Renata soon.
D.She opens the letter curiously (好奇地).
E.I should find a friend far away from here.
F.Would you like to make friends with me
A.Mount Huang is a mountain in Anhui Province. It is well known for its natural beauty and the wonderful views of the clouds from above.
B.West Lake lies in the western part of Hangzhou. It is one of the most famous lake gardens in China. You can also see many old bridges there.
C. The Forbidden City (紫禁城) is in the middle of Beijing. People can visit many traditional buildings. A lot of artists often come here to draw pictures.
D.The Summer Palace is a well-known garden in China. It is in the northwest of Beijing and you can see many beautiful buildings there.
E. The Great Wall was built to protect people and it was very difficult to build it without any modern machines. It is one of the longest buildings in the world.
F. The Terracotta Army (兵马俑) in Xi’an is the largest ancient military (古代军事) museum in China. People can also see over 8,000 life-size terracotta soldiers and horses in the museum.
41.Jerry is good at drawing and wants to be an artist in the future. He wants to visit some traditional buildings in his hometown, Beijing and draw some pictures.
42.Cathy shows great interest in the history of ancient war. She dreams of seeing some lifelike soldiers and wants to learn more about the history.
43.Emily loves climbing mountains because she enjoys the natural beauty. She believes it is nice to have good views from the top of the mountains.
44.Lucy is very interested in lake gardens, so she wants to visit a well-known lake garden in China. She also likes taking some beautiful photos of old bridges.
45.Tom is interested in famous buildings. It is amazing that people could build such a long building in ancient China, so he will visit this building this summer holiday.
You may think that life in the old people’s home is nothing but quiet. But in an old people’s home called So Young in Sichuan, life is so 46 (interest).
Jia Lin and Zhou Hang, two young 47 (woman), opened So Young. They got the idea of So Young when they couldn’t find 48 good old people’s home for Jia Lin’s grandfather. Jia Lin and Zhou Hang are both around 30 years old. The nurses in So Young are as old as them. They are active (活跃的) 49 always ready to help. They help the old with their life and talk and play games 50 them.
In So Young, the old can eat nice food and talk with each other like those in other old people’s homes. In their free time, they 51 (usual) sing, dance, work in the fields, wear makeup (化妆), take photos and do other fun things that they like.
Grandma Yang is 90 years old. She loves buying and 52 (wear) beautiful clothes. She often talks with the nurses about ladies’ fashion. Grandpa Wang often 53 (sing) for others and he says he’s very happy in So Young. He hopes more of his friends can come here and have fun with 54 (he).
Jia Lin and Zhou Hang want 55 (tell) people that getting old is not something bad. And old people can also live a fun life.
56.V. 书面表达
1. 来自中国。今年13岁。又高又瘦。
2. 跟父母一起住在深圳的一所公寓里。
3. 父亲是一名医生,母亲是一名英语老师。
1. 是一名初中生,每天在学校过得很开心。
2. 擅长弹吉他,经常和朋友们参加学校乐队训练。
3. 最喜欢的科目是地理。在课上了解到地球上有很多污染。因此日常生活中做很多事来保护地球。比如骑单车上学,去超市时带自己的购物袋,离开房间时关灯,……(补充至少一点)
1. 必须包含以上提示内容,可适当发挥。
2. 条理清晰、行文连贯、标点正确、书面整洁。
3. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校。
4. 80词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Anna,
Hi! I saw your blog on the Internet and I’d like to be your e-friend.
Best wishes,
Li Hua
考查单词的读音。[a ]I我;[ m]am是 [ g d]good好的;[ t]at在;[ sw m ]swimming游泳;[ nd]and和;[ ple ]playing玩;[ ba sk tb l]basketball篮球。根据音标可知句子是:I am good at swimming and playing basketball. 故选C。
考查单词的读音。We shouldn’t spend too much time playing games.我们不应该花太多时间玩游戏;We shouldn’t spend too much time play games.错误表达;We shouldn’t spend too much money buying things.我们不应该花太多钱买东西。time[ta m]时间;playing games[ ple ] [ɡe mz]玩游戏。故选A。
考查单词的读音。[ e ]对应单词为there;[ɑ (r)]对应单词为are;[ men ]对应单词为many;[ d fr nt]对应单词为different;[plɑ nts]对应单词为plants。因此本句应为There are many different plants。故选C。
考查单词的读音。根据题干中的音标,[ t]It;[ z]is;[ k sa t ]exciting;[t ]to;[te k]take;[ ]a;[tr p]trip;[ n]in;[spr ]spring,可知选项A“It is exciting to take a trip in spring.”(在春天旅行是令人兴奋的。)符合题意。故选A。
考查单词的读音。对比三个选项可知,只有第五和第七个单词不一样;[ ɡr nmɑ ]对应单词为grandma“奶奶”;[ f t ]对应单词为forty“四十”。故选B。
考查形容词短语和动词短语。be worried about担心;do well in做得好;be interested in对……感兴趣。be good at意为“擅长”,和do well in意义相近。故选B。
考查动词辨析。walk there走路去那里;drive there开车去那里;get there到达那里。go there on foot意为“步行去那里”,和walk there同义。故选A。
考查同义词及词汇辨析。makes...clean使……干净;makes ...dirty使……变脏;protects保护。句中划线单词pollutes表示“污染”,与makes ...dirty意思相近。故选B。
考查名词辨析。things I must do我必须要做的事情;things I hate doing我讨厌做的事情;things I like doing我喜欢做的事情。hobbies意为“爱好”,即喜欢做的事情。故选C。
考查名词辨析。time时间;practice练习;break间断。根据“Just speak English as much as you can.”可知要尽可能多地说英语。也就是“练习”。故选B。
考查动词短语。throw away扔掉;take part in参加,参与;put into把……放进。根据“Would you like to ...the game It is quite interesting.”可知,是问想加入游戏吗,故选B。
考查动词辨析。email发电子邮件;leave离开;return返回。根据“I will be back tomorrow evening.”可知明天晚上回来,因此是问“什么时候回来”。故选C。
考查动词短语辨析。go shopping购物;go swimming游泳;go skating溜冰。根据“Xiaomeisha Beach Park”可知,他们要去的是沙滩公园,与沙滩有关的活动是游泳。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。starts开始;rings响;ends结束。根据“the students run to the playground”可知,铃声响起,学生们跑到操场上,故选B。
16.A 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.A 21.D 22.C 23.C 24.D 25.A
sons儿子;daughters女儿;friends朋友;students学生。根据“he asks each son”可知是有四个儿子。故选A。
beautiful美丽的;popular受欢迎的;important重要的;easy容易的。根据“life lesson”可知是重要的人生课。故选C。
weeks周;seasons季节;holidays假期;trips旅行。根据“when autumn”可知是在不同的季节。故选B。
learn学习;visit参观;catch抓住;protect保护。根据“asks each son to go and look at a pear tree”可知是参观梨树。故选B。
youngest最年轻的;shortest最短的;oldest最老的;biggest最大的。根据“his eldest son...his second son...The third one...”可知此处指最小的儿子。故选A。
laugh at嘲笑;worry about担心;look at看;talk about谈论。根据“what they have seen”可知是谈论他们所看到的景象。故选D。
red红色;brown棕色;green绿色;yellow黄色。根据“showing signs of new life”可知绿色显示出新生命的迹象。故选C。
sad悲伤的;tired劳累的;wrong错误的;boring无聊的。根据“Its fruits are ripe (成熟的) and some pears are dropping”可知最小的儿子觉得他的哥哥们说的是错误的,他认为水果都成熟了。故选C。
hurts伤害;shines照耀;rests休息;changes改变。根据“over time”以及前文的描述可知,树的情况会随时间而改变。故选D。
never从不;still仍然;even甚至;always总是。根据“judge (评判) others by only one point of their life”以及上文内容可知永远不应该只凭一个人的一点来评判别人,因为人也会随着时间而改变。故选A。
26.B 27.D 28.A 29.D 30.C
26.主旨大意题。根据“Humans have destroyed one tenth of the Earth’s forests in the last 25 years”“Also, we are putting our rubbish into rivers and lakes”以及“What’s worse, a lot of animals are killed by humans.”可知这三段主要介绍了人们是如何破坏地球的。故选B。
27.细节理解题。根据“Some people kill them for food or clothes. Others hunt them for money”可知有些人为了食物或衣服杀死他们,其他人为了钱而猎杀它们。故选D。
28.词义猜测题。根据“So it is time that we humans should realize our mistakes (错误) and do some things to protect the Earth”可知是意识到自己的错误,做一些事情保护地球,故此处划线部分和know意义相近。故选A。
29.推理判断题。根据“So it is time that we humans should realize our mistakes (错误) and do some things to protect the Earth”可知是意识到自己的错误,做一些事情保护地球,故接下来会介绍应如何保护地球。故选D。
31.C 32.D 33.C 34.A 35.B
31.细节理解题。根据“Farmers are usually happy to welcome the coming of Lixia”可知农民们通常很高兴地迎接立夏的到来,排除A;根据“It started on May 6 of this year and ended on May 20.”可知立夏从今年5月6日开始,到5月20日结束,排除B;根据“Lixia is the seventh of the 24 Chinese solar terms”可知立夏是中国二十四节气中的第七个,排除D。故选C。
32.词义猜测题。根据“In other places, parents prepare bags with a boiled egg in them and make their children wear the bags around their necks. They think this can stop their children from getting ill in summer.”可知父母会准备一个装着煮鸡蛋的袋子,让孩子把袋子戴在脖子上,他们认为这样可以防止他们的孩子在夏天生病,故此处this指代“戴着一个装着鸡蛋的包”。故选D。
33.细节理解题。根据“People also weigh themselves during Lixia. The tradition started from the Three Kingdoms Period (220—280). People think this will bring health and good luck to them.”可知人们在立夏会称重,因为他们认为这会给他们带来好运。故选C。
36.E 37.D 38.B 39.F 40.C
36.根据上文“There is only one school on the island and Amy has few friends in the school. She often feels lonely (孤单的). Amy thinks to herself,”可知,Amy在学校几乎没有朋友,她感到很孤单,所以她应是想要找到可以成为自己朋友的人,选项E“我应该找一个离这里很远的朋友”符合语境。故选E。
37.根据上文“Half a year later, Amy receives a letter. She has no idea who can write to her.”和下文“The letter reads as follows:”可知,Amy在半年后收到了一封信,但她不知道那是谁写给她的,下文提及了信的内容,所以此处应是表示她把信打开了,选项D“她好奇地打开了信”符合语境。故选D。
38.根据上文“You and I have a lot in common (共同之处).”和下文“I feel lonely, too.”可知,Renata说自己和Amy有很多共同之处,Renata也感到很孤单,与之对应的此空应是选项B“我也住在一个小岛上”,在文章第一段的第一句“Amy lives on a small island with her grandparents.”已提到Amy住在一个小岛上,所以“住在小岛上”和“感到孤单”都属于两人的共同点。故选B。
39.根据上文“I really hope to get a friend.”和下文“If you do, please write back to me and tell me more about your life.”可知,此处应是Renata在询问Amy是否愿意成为她的朋友,选项F“你愿意和我交朋友吗”符合语境。故选F。
40.根据Renata写给Amy的信“If you do, please write back to me and tell me more about your life.”和上文“Amy is excited to find a friend.”可知,Amy很兴奋找到一个朋友了,所以Amy应会给Renata回信,选项C“她很快给Renata写了回信”符合语境。故选C。
41.C 42.F 43.A 44.B 45.E
41.根据“Jerry is good at drawing and wants to be an artist in the future. He wants to visit some traditional buildings in his hometown, Beijing and draw some pictures”可知他想参观家乡北京的一些传统建筑,并画一些画,选项C“紫禁城在北京市中心。人们可以参观许多传统建筑。很多艺术家经常来这里画画”符合。故选C。
42.根据“Cathy shows great interest in the history of ancient war. She dreams of seeing some lifelike soldiers and wants to learn more about the history”可知她梦想看到一些栩栩如生的士兵,并想了解更多的历史,选项F“西安兵马俑是中国最大的古代军事博物馆。在博物馆里,人们还可以看到8000多个真人大小的兵马俑”符合。故选F。
43.根据“Emily loves climbing mountains because she enjoys the natural beauty. She believes it is nice to have good views from the top of the mountains”可知埃米莉喜欢爬山,因为她喜欢大自然的美丽,选项A“黄山是安徽省的一座山。它以其自然之美和从上面俯瞰云彩的美妙景色而闻名”符合。故选A。
44.根据“Lucy is very interested in lake gardens, so she wants to visit a well-known lake garden in China. She also likes taking some beautiful photos of old bridges”可知露西对湖泊花园很感兴趣,所以她想参观中国一个著名的湖泊花园。她还喜欢拍一些旧桥的美丽照片,选项B“西湖位于杭州的西部。它是中国最著名的湖泊花园之一。你还可以在那里看到许多古老的桥梁”符合。故选B。
45.根据“Tom is interested in famous buildings. It is amazing that people could build such a long building in ancient China, so he will visit this building this summer holiday”可知汤姆对著名的建筑感兴趣,令人惊奇的是,在中国古代人们能够建造这么长的建筑,所以他将在这个暑假参观这座建筑,选项E“修建长城是为了保护人民,如果没有任何现代化的机器,修建长城是非常困难的。它是世界上最长的建筑之一”符合。故选E。
46.interesting 47.women 48.a 49.and 50.with 51.usually 52.wearing 53.sings 54.him tell
【导语】本文主要介绍了一个叫作So Young的老人院,那里的生活很有趣。
46.句意:但在四川一家名为So Young的老人院,生活是如此有趣。作be动词的表语用形容词,形容物用interesting“有趣的”。故填interesting。
47.句意:贾琳和周航,两位年轻的女性,开了So Young。two后加可数名词复数women“女性”。故填women。
48.句意:当她们找不到一个好的老人院给贾琳的爷爷时,他们产生了So Young的想法。此处泛指“一个好的老人院”,good以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词a。故填a。
49.句意:她们积极主动,随时准备提供帮助。根据“active...always ready to help”可知此处表示并列,用and连接。故填and。
50.句意:她们帮助老人的生活,与他们交谈和玩游戏。play games with sb.“和某人玩游戏”。故填with。
53.句意:王爷爷经常为别人唱歌。根据“She often talks with...”可知句子用一般现在时,主语是Grandpa Wang,谓语动词用单三sings“唱歌”。故填sings。
55.句意:贾琳和周航想告诉人们,变老并不是坏事。want to do sth.“想要做某事”。故填to tell。
Dear Anna,
Hi! I saw your blog on the Internet and I’d like to be your e-friend.
My name is Li Hua. I am 13 years old. I am tall and thin. I live in a flat in Shenzhen with my parents. My father is a doctor, and my mother is an English teacher.
I am a junior high school student and I always have a good time at school. I am good at playing the guitar. I often take part in the school band practice. My favourite season is autumn. It is nice to go on a trip with my classmates. My favourite subject is Geography. On geography classes, I learn that there is a lot of pollution on Earth. So I do many things to protect the Earth in my daily life. First, I go to school by bike. Second, I usually take my own shopping bag to the supermarket. What’s more, I turn off the lights and taps when I do not use them.
I’d like to make friends with you and I hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes,
Li Hua
①take part in擅长
②by bike骑自行车
③turn off关闭
①I am a junior high school student and I always have a good time at school.(and连接的并列句)
②I learn that there is a lot of pollution on Earth.(that引导的宾语从句)
③I turn off the lights and taps when I do not use them.(when引导的时间状语从句)



