
1.We haven’t got ________orange juice to drink. Let’s go to buy some tomorrow.
A.any B.some C.many D.few
2.He felt ________ surprised that he couldn't say a word with his mouth wide open.
A.very B.such C.so D.too
3.Mr. Brown usually ________ some fresh fruit and vegetables for the poor people in his village.
A.sells B.offers C.provides D.gives
4.I thought I couldn’t do it. But ________, I did it.
A.for example B.on my own
C.in fact D.in the future
5.Look! The man is looking into the room ________ the keyhole! It’s strange!
A.across B.along C.past D.through
6.—What about these two coats, madam
—________ of them fits me. Could you show me another one
A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.None
7.Come up, Tom! Help ________ to some fruit!
A.you B.your C.yourself D.yourselves
8.—________ is the price of your brother’s computer
—3600 yuan.
A.How much B.How many C.How D.What
9.There ________ two soccer games in our school next week.
A.is going to have B.are going to have
C.are going to be D.is going to be
10.The volunteer spoke ________, so all the visitors could understand him.
A.quickly B.clearly C.quietly
11.—Do you ________ play basketball after school
—Yes. I play it every day.
A.always B.never C.hardly ever D.sometimes
12.---What a beautiful watch! Did you buy it ____
---No. My mother bought it for me.
A.herself B.yourself C.yourselves D.themselves
13.—Hi, Jack! ________ you come to our English party
—Sorry, I have to look after my little sister at home.
A.Should B.Must C.Can D.Need
14.—Would you like to go with me
—I’d love to, but if she doesn’t go, ________.
A.neither will I B.so did I C.neither do I D.so do I
15.—Don't _____ it. It breaks easily. —Please! I will be very _____. I want to have a close look at it.
A.touch; modern B.leave; careful C.touch; careful
A: You look very well. 16
B: Yes, I play basketball every day. And I run from home to school every morning.
A: Oh, it’s a long way(路很远).
B: Yeah, and 17
A: 18
B: About four times a week. How about you
A: Oh, 19 I often play computer games in my free time. What else do you like to do
B: Well, 20 I often watch NBA games on TV.
A.I like watching TV a lot.
B.I hardly ever(几乎不) do sports.
C.What do you usually do on weekends
D.How often do you go swimming
E.I often go swimming.
F.Do you like to play sports
G.Thanks a lot.
A: Good morning, Lisa!
B: 21
A: How are you
B: 22
A: It’s too hot today. Do you like summer
B: No, I don’t.
A: 23
B: It’s autumn.
A: Look! 24
B: It’s a sunshade(遮阳伞).
A: 25
B: It’s orange.
A.What’s this
B.Good morning.
C.I’m 12 years old.
D.What colour is it
E.I’m fine, thank you.
F.What class are you in
G.What’s your favourite season
Joe Sanders was afraid to talk to his classmates because of the bullies (欺辱) at school. He was always lonely and scared. 26 He walked into a newspaper office and told them about the bullying. His story went into the newspaper and soon all the TV stations in Canada wanted to talk to him about his experiences. They also wanted to hear his ideas to stop bullying.
After that, Joe continued his studies at school, but in his free time he helped other people with bullying problems. With a friend Robin, he made a website called www.bullyingcanada. ca. 27 When people are unhappy, they can talk on the phone or online to Joe and his team. 28 He also speaks to children, teachers and members of government around the country about bullying.
Joe’s most important message is: “when bullies are unkind to you, it isn’t your fault. There’s nothing wrong with you. 29 And remember that people care about your problems. You just have to find those people.” One of Joe’s ideas is “Blue Day”, a special day for stopping bullying in schools. 30 More than 150 Canadian schools now celebrate Blue Day, but Joe won’t stop until there’s a Blue Day in every school in Canada.
A.Students have to wear blue clothes and in class they learn how to stop bullying.
B.When he was fifteen, however, he decided to do something about his problems.
C.So it’s OK for you to say nothing.
D.Visitors to the website can find advice, stories and poems about bullying.
E.So you should try to keep trusting yourself.
F.He didn’t know what to do about the difficult problem.
G.Every weekend Robin answers e-mails to the website.
阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
I am a little helper in the school library. Usually the library is 31 from nine to four. But on Tuesday and Thursday, it opens very early at 7:50. I have to get there by 7:40 to 32 the librarian (图书管理员).
Usually, I do some cleaning with the librarian first. We 33 the floor and then the table. After that, we put the 34 and chairs in place. Students always give back books after school. The next morning, we have to put those books back. It takes lots of 35 . I have to know where 36 kinds of books should go.
After we put all the books back, we turn on (打开) the computer to work. The students can come in and borrow books. We’re always very 37 , but we are happy that students 38 a lot.
31.A.cold B.closed C.open D.over
32.A.thank B.help C.call D.know
33.A.clean B.shop C.run D.drink
34.A.teachers B.vegetables C.students D.tables
35.A.money B.luck C.dreams D.time
36.A.same B.different C.difficult D.delicious
37.A.sad B.easy C.busy D.free
38.A.read B.play C.eat D.speak
Sam comes home from school and puts down his schoolbag on the sofa. He looks upset. “Dear, are you OK ” asks Mrs. Fisher. She’s making chicken soup.
Sam says he has too much homework to do. Mrs. Fisher says, “But it’s Friday today. You’ve got two days to do your homework.”
“No, Mom. I must stay up late to do it tonight,” Sam says. “Bill has a ping-pong game next Tuesday. He wants me to practice it with him tomorrow. Toby’s birthday is next Monday and he asks me to help him tidy up his house on Sunday. I really don’t have time for my homework.” Mrs. Fisher stops washing tomatoes and says, “Dear, I’m very happy to know that you want to help your friends, but you need to have time for yourself, too.”
Sam knows his mother is right. He says, “Maybe I can tell Bill that I can only practice with him tomorrow morning. And I can help Toby with the cleaning tomorrow afternoon. Mom, do you think they will get angry ”
“Dear, they’re your friends. Tell them that you need time for homework. I’m sure they will understand (理解).”
Hearing this, Sam calls his friends. When he puts down the phone, he says happily, “Mom, thanks. I think I will have a great weekend.”
39.The underlined word “upset” means ________ in Chinese.
A.感激的 B.孤单的 C.沮丧的 D.震惊的
40.Bill asks Sam to ________.
A.practice ping-pong with him B.help tidy up his house
C.make chicken soup for him D.help him with his homework
41.Sam will help Toby tidy up the house on ________.
A.Saturday morning B.Saturday afternoon C.Sunday morning D.Sunday afternoon
42.From the passage, we can infer that ________.
A.Sam won’t play ping-pong with Bill
B.Sam doesn’t need to stay up late on Friday night
C.Mrs. Fisher knows Sam’s friends will get angry
D.Mrs. Fisher doesn’t want Sam to help his friends
43.What does the passage mainly want to tell us
A.We need to help our friends at any time.
B.We can’t help too many friends at a time.
C.With too many things to do, we can’t help our friends.
D.We need to have time for ourselves when helping our friends.
I’m Anna. Today is Sunday. I don’t need to go to school. I enjoy 44 (cook) with my mom on Sunday. I can cook 45 (noodle), cakes and fish well.
After finishing my homework, I find there 46 (be) little food in the fridge. So I go to the supermarket 47 my mom. There are many kinds of food in the supermarket. My mom likes Chinese food very much. She 48 (buy) dumplings and some meat-balls. I like western (西方的) food, 49 I buy some hamburgers and bread. I want 50 (have) vegetables. We also buy some potatoes. They look very good.
All the food is 122 yuan, I 51 (give) the saleswoman 150 yuan and she gives me 38 yuan. She makes a mistake. I give 52 (she) 10 yuan and tell her why. She thanks me and says I’m 53 good girl. Then I go home with my mom. I am very happy. I get the food I like and do something good.
54.Welcome to our restaurant. We (提供) lunch and afternoon tea.
55.The earth is one of the sun’s (行星).
56.They must do (正如) what they said.
57.—There is nothing better than eating a (西瓜) in summer.
—Yes, I think so.
58.It’s so hot today. Is the (温度)over 38℃
59.There are some (different) between the twin (孪生的)brothers.
60.There are some new (build) in my hometown.
61.They enjoyed (they) in the park last weekend.
62.It was cool and sunny,so we decided (play ) football.
63.Did they go to the beach with (someone)
64.I feel so happy because my foreign friend (come) to see me some day.
65.Get yourselves ready, and you are sure to in the coming tests. (success)
66.These are those (climber) clothes. Please take care of them.
67.Bill is (thin) of the two.
要点:1. 活动时间:上周六,早上8点;
2. 活动地点:东山公园;
3. 集合地点:学校大门口;
4. 活动内容:上午,爬山、钓鱼;中午,野餐;下午,玩游戏、放风筝;
5. 你的感受:......。
要求:1. 包括所有内容要点,不要逐句翻译,可以适当发挥;
2. 文中不能出现考生的真实校名、人名、地名等信息;
3. 60词左右。
参考词汇:activity; Saturday; gate; picnic
An Outdoor Activity
16.F 17.E 18.D 19.B 20.A
21.B 22.E 23.G 24.A 25.D
26.B 27.D 28.G 29.E 30.A
31.C 32.B 33.A 34.D 35.D 36.B 37.C 38.A
39.C 40.A 41.B 42.B 43.D
44.cooking 45.noodles 46.is 47.with 48.buys 49.so 50.to have 51.give 52.her 53.a
59.differences 60.buildings 61.themselves 62.to play 63.anyone
64.will come
67.the thinner
An Outdoor Activity
Last Saturday, our class had an outdoor activity. We visited the Dongshan Park and had a good time there.
We met at the school gate at 8:00 a.m. In the morning, some of us climbed the hills, and others went fishing. At noon, we had a picnic in the park. The food was delicious. In the afternoon, we played games and flew kites. We were very happy.
We had fun in the park. We hope to have another activity like this.



