人教新目标(Go for it)版九年级全册Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section B分课时练习(含答案)

Unit 8 It must belong to Carla
Section B第一课时同步练习(附答案)
1.express (v.)表达---___________ (n.)表达方式;表情
2.leader (n.)领导;领袖---____________(v.)引导
3.medical(adj.) 医疗的;医学的---_____________(n.)药物
4.history(n.) 历史---_____________(n.)历史学家
5.mystery (n.) 奥秘;神秘事物---___________(pl.)奥秘;神秘事物
6.victory (n.) 胜利;成功---___________(n.)胜利者
7.century (n.) 世纪---______________(pl.)世纪
( )1.I_________ be late. so don't wait for me to start the meeting
A. mustn't B. needn’t C. need D. may
( )2. As a teacher, I really feel worried to see so many students________ glasses.
A. wearing B. dressing C. putting on D. being in
( )3. -Do you know the woman_________ a bag
-She could be_________ the TV station.
A. with; from B. in; at C. for; in D. by; to
( )4. -The news says a dog_________ a kid and the kid's parents had a fight with the dog owner.
-I think the dog owner should walk the dog with a rope.
A. dealt with B. worried about C. ran after D. walked into
( )5.-Where's Jeff
-I’m not sure, He might _________football on the ground.
A. be play B. be playing C. to play D. to playing
1. I often do many grammar_________exercise to learn English well.
2.We can see two boys_________ (run)on the playground now.
3. The plane was checked carefully after_________ (land )successfully.
4. The policeman might be running _________(catch )the thief.
5. Mother could be_________(shop) in the supermarket now.
A: Hello, Nick Have you seen David
B: No, I haven’t. 1._________
A: I found a yellow jacket on the playground. I think it belongs to David.
B It can’t be his. 2._________
A: Then it must be Bob's. I saw him on the playground just now.
B: But Bob's jacket is black.
B: Let me have a look. Oh, it must be John's.
B: Look! I found his school ID card in one of the pockets.
A: You're right. 5. _________
B:OK. He must be in the library. Let's go.
Whose do you think it could be
B. What color is the jacket C. What's up D. Let's go and give it to him.
E. He bought this jacket last week. F. Why y do you think so G. The jacket is much too small for him.
Unit 8 It must belong to Carla
Section B第二课时同步练习(附答案)
1.My father bought me a _________(照相机) as my birthday present.
2. The plane will take off from Wuhan Tianhe Airport and_________(着陆)in Beijing
Capital Airport.
3. There are a lot of birds flying in the_________(天空).
4. saw an _________(外星人) walking into a shop just now.
5.Mr Wang wears a black_________(西装) today.
1.at the same time _____________ 2.not only... but also ______________
3.指出________________ 4.墓地________________
5.以某种方式________________ 6.a kind of ________________
7.the position of the stone________________ 8.被用于________________
1.Every year it ___________ ___________ ___________ 750,000 visitors.
2.For many years, historians ___________ Stonehenge was a temple ___________ ancient leaders tried to ___________ ___________ the gods.
3.They think the stones can ___________ illness and ___________ ___________ ___________.
4.Others think it ___________ ___________ to celebrate a ___________ ___________ an enemy.
Stonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one of Britain’s most famous ___________(history)places, but one of its greatest______________(mystery). Different people have different ideas about it.
Most historians thought Stonehenge was a temple_______ancient leaders____________ (communicate) with the gods._________,others believed it might be a kind of calendar______
it directly related to the sun.But some other people hold the view that the stones can prevent_______ (ill)and keep people_______(health).
Although no one is sure what Stonehenge was used for,they agree that the position of the stones ______ be for a special purpose.In 2001, some volunteers tried to build another Stonehenge, _____ failed.
Ⅰ. 阅读思维导图
Ⅱ. 听文章并回答以下三个问题
( )Jessica Siskin comes from______
A.England B. France C. Japan D. America
( )2. How does Jessica Siskin feel about her work
A. Surprised. B.Proud C. Sad D. Excited
( )3. What does Jessica do
A. A worker. B. A business woman. C.A teacher. D. A painter.
Ⅲ. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
1.Some great ______________(history) are studying this tomb now.
2.Mr. Zhang will talk about the problem with our ______________ (lead) next morning .
3.The Great Wall was used for preventing ____________ (enemy).
4.Some think that Stonehenge is a ___________(bury) place.
5. Sally, try to prevent yourself from ____________ (catch) a flu these days.
( )1. ________ Sarah ________ Henry speaks good Chinese, so they can communicate with these Chinese students very well.
A.Both, and B. Not only, but also C.Neither, nor D. Either, or
( )2. We should care more about our health _______ good health is the first step towards success.
A.so B. if C. but D. because
( )3. His family are worried about him because they haven't ____ letters from him for a long time.
A. accepted B. received C. written D. collected
( )4. He ____ the dangers of driving after drinking.
A. pointed out B. took out C. found out D. pointed to
( )5. Jennifer takes a lot of exercise every day and she is always full of_______.
A. knowledge B. energy C. change D. courage
Ⅴ. 根据句意和首字母提示完成句中单词。
1. It's said that this place was built to h__________ these heroes who died in Korean war.
2. I r_________ many paper flowers from my students on Teachers' Day.
3. The young man has enough e_________and he never feels tired.
4. These ancient buildings were built slowly over a long p________ of term.
5. The boy couldn't describe the exact p________ where he stayed.
6. The children clapped their hands to celebrate their v_________against the competing team.
7. The young woman has a big c________ of friends.
8. It's said that this medicine can p_________ COVID-19.
Ⅵ. 根据句意,用合适的词完成句子,每空限填一词。
1.Hurry up, or you___________ be late for school.
2.The girl in the classroom ________ be Monica because she was called into the office by teacher just now.
3.We see something flying in the sky. They __________be kites. Some children are running there.
4.Look! That man __________ be running to catch a train. But I'm not sure.
5.She _________ be very glad because she received an offer to Peking University just now.
Ⅶ. 选词填空。
1.________ it was late, we came back soon.
2.I don't like English_________ my brother does.
3.We can't have a picnic in the park _________ it is raining heavily.
4.Jim was badly ill yesterday ______ he didn't go to school.
5. She _________ plays chess well, __________ studies math.
6.Children like to watch TV to relax________ adults prefer to.
Ⅷ. 阅读理解
Egypt has opened two of its oldest pyramids. They are now open to the public for the first time since 1965. Hundreds of people gathered outside the Bent Pyramid at a special opening ceremony(开幕式) on July13,2019.
The Bent Pyramid was built 4,600 years ago. It was built for the ancient Egyptian pharaoh(法老)Sneferu.It is 101 meters high. Builders used new techniques to build it and experts say it was an important step in the development of pyramid building. Tourists can also enter a "side pyramid" next to the Bent Pyramid. This was built for King Sneferu's wife Hetepheres.
The two pyramids are part of the Memphis Necropolis(墓地),a UNESCO World Heritage Site(联合国教科文组织世界遗产地). Egypt hopes the opening of the pyramids will improve the country's tourism industry. Egypt was a famous tourist resort(胜地), but its tourist numbers fell after 2011. To travel to ancient sites in Egypt is one of the dreams of many people around the world. At the Bent Pyramid, tourists will be able to go through a narrow tunnel to reach two rooms deep inside. They will also be able to see ancient treasures found inside the pyramid.Egyptian experts uncovered a collection of stone, clay and wooden coffins that people were buried in. Some of the coffins contained mummies(木乃伊).
1. How long had the two ancient pyramids been closed to the public
A. 13 years. B. 54 years. C. 56 years. D. 65 years.
2. Which of the following is NOT true about the Bent Pyramid
A. It is more than 100 meters in height. B. There is a "side pyramid" next to it.
C. New techniques were used to build it. D. It was built for King Sneferu's wife Hetepheres.
3. Why do Egyptians open the two old pyramids to the public again
A. Because they are very proud of the two old pyramids
B. Because they want to make people know about their history.
C. Because they want to improve the country's tourism industry.
D. Because the two pyramids are part of the Memphis Necropolis.
4. What's the meaning of the underlined word “coffins”
A.棺材 B.卧室 C.殿堂 D.广场
5.What’s the best title of the passage
A.Secrets of the Egyptian pyramids B.The development of pyramid building
C.Two ancient Egyptian pyramids have been opened to the public for the first time in more than 50 years
D.Egypt is one of the dreams of many people around the world
Ⅸ. 谚语翻译
Fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn much from fools.
Unit 8 It must belong to Carla
Section B第三课时同步练习(附答案)
1. People can’t explain the mystery over a long ________(一段时间) of time.
2. The kids stood in a________(圆圈) to listen to the old man.
3. The ________ (目的)of the meeting is to choose a new president.
4. Our basketball team won the game easily and the fans are celebrating the ______(胜利).
5. The map may help you find the________(位置)of the train station quickly.
( )1. Maria is always full of ________because she takes exercise every day.
A. energy B. talent C. humor D. wealth
( )2. -Jim’s wounded leg may prevent him from ___in the soccer game tomorrow.
-Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
A.plays B. play C. to play D. playing
( )3.A break between classes is a good time for students to play sports and talk with their classmates. So it_______helps with students’ health, ______improves their social skills.
A. either;or B. neither; nor C. not only; but also D. between; and
( )4.Susan a camera from her friend,but she didn’t it because it was too expensive.
A. received; accept B. accepted;receive
C. accepted; accept D. received; receive
( )5. -Song of Autumn by Liu Yuxi describes autumn in different way.
-I agree. Most poets(诗人) describe this season to ________a feeling of sadness, but
in Liu's eyes autumn is full of life and hope.
A. excuse B. express C. expect D. explain
1. To save people’s lives, the doctors and scientists are risking their lives to do________ (medicine) research.
2. We should discuss all the Problems with our team________ (lead).
3. Jack wants to be a ________(history ) when he grows up.
4. The two men used to be good friends but now they are ________(enemy) .
5. In ________(British)you should drive on the left.
1.Don’t blame(责备)him. He didn’t break the window________(故意地).
2.My cousin can________(与…交流) foreigners easily.
3.________(同时) you can feel the energy from your feet move up your body there.
4.His illness________(阻止他) achieving his dreams.
5.M y teacher not only________(指出) my problem but helped me solve it.
6. The stones were put together ________(用一种特定的方式).
Unit 8 It must belong to Carla
Section B第一课时同步练习(附答案)
一.1.expression 2.lead 3.medicine 4.historian 5.mysteries
6. victor 7.centuries
3、1.exercises 2.running 3.landing 4.to catch 5.be shopping]
4、CGAFDUnit 8 It must belong to Carla
Section B第二课时同步练习(附答案)
一、1.camera 2.land 3.sky 4.alien 5.suit
二.1.同时 2. 不但...而且... 3.point out 4.burial place 5.in a certain way
7. 一种 7.石头的位置 8.be used for
三.1.receives, more, than 2.believe,where,communicate,with 3.prevent,keep,people,healthy
4. was,built,victory,over
四.historical, mysteries, where, communicated, However, because, illness, healthy, must, but
Ⅰ.1.one of its greatest mysteries 2.the sun rising 3.communicate with the gods
4.a medical purpose
Ⅲ. 1. historians 2. leaders 3. enemies 4. burial 5. catching
Ⅴ. 1. honor 2. received 3. energy 4. period 5. position 6. victory 7. circle 8. prevent
Ⅵ.1. might/could 2. can’t 3. might 4. might/may 5. must
Ⅶ.1. As 2. but 3. Because 4. So 5. not only…but also 6. while
Unit 8 It must belong to Carla
Section B第三课时同步练习(附答案)
一、1.period 2.circle 3.purpose 4.victory 5.position
3、1.medical 2.leader 3.historian 4.enemies 5.Britain
4、1.on purpose 2.communicate with 3.At the same time
4.prevents him from 5.pointed out 6.in a certain way
as not only…but also… but while so because



上一篇:河南省焦作市沁阳市2023-2024上期期中五年级英语( 含答案 无听力原文及音频)
