2023-2024福建省泉州重点中学高一上学期11月期中英语试题(原卷版+ 解析版无听力音频无听力原文)

考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共95分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What will Sam do tonight
A. Attend a party. B. Fly to Tokyo. C. Have a meeting.
2. What does the woman suggest doing first
A. Having breakfast. B. Buying the medicine. C. Traveling to the town.
3. Where is the man probably going now
A. A gift shop. B. His brother’s house. C. The Children’s Center.
4. How much is a concert ticket for a child
A. $2. B. $4. C. $8.
5. What does the man like about the movie
A. Its funny plot. B. Its manic. C. Its actors.
6. What did the boy do first last night
A. He listened to music. B. He watched TV. C. He read textbooks.
7. What is Wimbledon about
A. Tennis. B. Films. C. Music.
8. What is the man’s cousin
A. A sailor. B. A teacher. C. A journalist.
9. How does the man like teaching
A. Exciting. B. Boling. C. Challenging.
10. What is the room like
A. Big but old. B. Big and new. C. Small but new.
11. What will be arranged first
A. The chairs. B. The bed. C. The dressing table.
12. Where will the chairs be put
A. Close to the window.
B. In front of the fireplace.
C. Behind the dressing table.
13. Where will the speakers go first
A. A museum. B. A shop. C. A restaurant.
14. What does the woman have no interest in
A. Tasting Indian food. B. Seeing unique animals. C. Taking a walk.
15. Why won’t the speakers go shopping
A. The shopping mall is a little far.
B. They don’t have enough money.
C. It will take them too much time.
16. How will the speakers go to the seashore
A. On foot. B. By subway. C. By car.
17 What can we learn about Mrs. Green
A. She always drives very fast.
B. She has an old and small car.
C. She only drives a day every week.
18. What’s the color of Mike’s car
A. Blue. B. Black. C. White.
19. Who has a very old car
A. Mike. B. Mrs. Bates. C. Joe.
20. What is the relationship between Joe and the speaker
A. His cousin. B. His friend. C. His uncle.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Babysitter (临时保姆) needed
We need someone to look after our son on Fridays. He or she needs to see him to the bus to preschool and be here when he gets home about 3 hours later until my husband gets home from work. That time may vary (变化) our son is a very sweet boy and pretty easy to watch.
Call Mary on 678345211
Newspaper round before school
We need young people to deliver (递送) newspapers on Mon. , Wed. and Fri. mornings. The paper round takes about 30 minutes in the village of Cranbrook. Papers must be delivered before 8 a. m. and you must have your own bike.
Interested Call us on 625432544 for more information.
Holiday job
Do you want to make some money this summer Do you speak another language We need French, Spanish or German speakers to work for us in the City Museum shop Tuesday — Saturday.
Call us on 698542458 if you want more information.
Munchies Cafe part-time work
We are looking for breakfast and lunchtime staff to work in our cafe on Saturdays. The role will include food drink service, making sure the cafe is clean, tidy and presentable at all times, and making our visitors feel welcome.
Come in (8 a.m. — 4 p.m.) or call Bella on 612398745 (after 4 p.m.)
1. What must newspaper deliverers do
A. Start doing their job at 8 a.m. B. Use their own bikes.
C. Be free on weekday mornings. D. Finish their work in 30 minutes.
2. Which number should you call if you want a job relating to languages
A. 678345211. B. 625432544.
C. 612398745. D. 698542458.
3. Where can you most probably find the text
A. In a textbook. B. In a science magazine.
C. In a tourist guidebook. D. In a newspaper.
【答案】1. B 2. D 3. D
细节理解题。根据文章Babysitter(临时保姆)needed部分“Papers must be delivered before 8 a.m. and you must have your own bike.(保证必须在早上8点前送达,你必须使用自己的自行车。)”可知,报纸递送员必须使用自己的自行车,故选B。
细节理解题。根据文章Holiday job部分“We need French, Spanish or German speakers to work for us in the City Museum shop Tuesday-Saturday. Call us on 698542458 if you want more information.(我们需要会说法语,西班牙语和德语的人在城市博物馆从周二到周六工作。如果想要了解更多的信息,请拨打698542458。)”可知,如果你想要一个与语言相关的工作,你需要拨打电话698542458,故选D。
Making a quick decision can be hard when it comes to saving a life even for grown-ups. But one high school student didn’t waste a second when it came to saving a drowning (溺水的) girl.
People say Chloe Payne is quiet. Her mother, Angela Payne, describes her as the kind of girl who doesn’t need too much attention, helpful and respectful (尊重人的). In other words, Chloe, a student at Louisville Male High School, is a gentle, sometimes shy 17-year-old. However, that wasn’t the Chloe who jumped into a pool at the All About Kids swimming pool to save a drowning 4-year-old girl on March 25.
“I was a little surprised by her courage,” Angela Payne said. Well, so was Chloe herself. When she saw that a little girl was not doing anything in the water, her newly learned lifeguard skills kicked in. “I jumped in and I rolled her over and she wasn’t breathing (呼吸),” Chloe explained. “She couldn’t do anything in the water, so I pulled her out and I started CPR (心肺复苏法) and she almost sat up at once and started coughing and crying.”
Chloe’s decision was so brave that even the Jeffersontown fire chief was surprised. Today was the first time in his 27-year career to present such an award to a young lady. “It’s the first time I’ve seen a student do CPR in our area and save a life, so it was pretty special,” Chief Sean Dreisbach said.
As for Chloe, if there’s one thing she’s taken away from this event, it’s about being on close watch. “It’s hard to give young kids advice,” Chloe said with a laugh. “They don’t listen, so I guess everybody has to be more careful.”
4. What is Chloe like according to Angela Payne
A. She is always respected by others. B. She enjoys a peaceful life.
C. She can be very noisy. D. She is always brave.
5. What did Chloe do to the girl
A. She sat her up. B. She hit her back softly.
C. She checked her breathing. D. She showed her how to do CPR.
6. What did Chief Sean Dreisbach say
A. Chloe did something quite unusual. B. Chloe followed other students’ lead.
C. Chloe had very special swimming skills. D. Chloe would be surprised about the award.
7. What does Chloe think of children
A. They have poor hearing. B. They think swimming is easy.
C. They often take advice lightly. D. They like watching others in the pool.
【答案】4. B 5. C 6. A 7. C
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一名中学生Chloe Payne救助溺水女孩的故事。
推理判断题。根据第二段“People say Chloe Payne is quiet. Her mother, Angela Payne, describes her as the kind of girl who doesn’t need too much attention(大家都说Chloe Payne很安静。她的母亲安Angela Payne形容她是那种不需要太多关注的女孩)”可知,Chloe享受平静的生活。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第三段“I jumped in and I rolled her over and she wasn’t breathing(我跳进水里,把她翻过来,她已经没有呼吸了)”可知,Chloe查看了女孩的呼吸。故选C。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段““It’s the first time I’ve seen a student do CPR in our area and save a life, so it was pretty special,” Chief Sean Dreisbach said.(警长Sean Dreisbach说:“这是我第一次看到学生在我们的地区做心肺复苏术并挽救了一条生命,所以这很特别。”)”可推知,警长Sean Dreisbach说Chloe做了一件很不寻常的事。故选A。
推理判断题。根据最后一段““It’s hard to give young kids advice,” Chloe said with a laugh. “They don’t listen, so I guess everybody has to be more careful.”(“给小孩子建议很难,” Chloe笑着说。“他们不听,所以我想每个人都必须更加小心。”)”可推知,Chloe认为孩子经常轻视别人的建议。故选C。
For Canaan Elementary’s second grade in Patchogue, N.Y., today is speech day, and right now it’s Chris Palaez’s turn. The 8-year-old is the joker of the class. With shining dark eyes, he seems like the kind of kid who would enjoy public speaking.
But he’s nervous. “I’m here to tell you today why you should … should…” Chris trips on the “-ld,” a pronunciation difficulty for many non-native English speakers. His teacher, Thomas Whaley, is next to him, whispering support. “…Vote for …me …” Except for some stumbles, Chris is doing amazingly well. When he brings his speech to a nice conclusion, Whaley invites the rest of the class to praise him.
A son of immigrants, Chris stared learning English a little over three years ago. Whaley recalls (回想起) how at the beginning of the year, when called upon to read, Chris would excuse himself to go to the bathroom.
Learning English as a second language can be a painful experience. What you need is a great teacher who lets you make mistakes. “It takes a lot for any student,” Whaley explains, “especially for a student who is learning English as their new language, to feel confident enough to say, ‘I don’t know, but I want to know.’”
Whaley got the idea of this second-grade presidential campaign project when he asked the children one day to raise their hands if they thought they could never be a president. The answer broke his heart. Whaley says the project is about more than just learning to read and speak in public. He wants these kids to learn to boast (夸耀) about themselves.
“Boasting about yourself, and your best qualities,” Whaley says, “is very difficult for a child who came into the classroom not feeling confident.”
8. What made Chris nervous
A. Telling a story. B. Making a speech.
C. Taking a test. D. Answering a question.
9. What does the underlined word “stumbles” in paragraph 2 refer to
A. Improper pauses. B. Bad manners. C. Spelling mistakes. D. Silly jokes.
10. We can infer that the purpose of Whaley’s project is to _________.
A. help students see their own strengths
B. assess students’ public speaking skills
C. prepare students for their future jobs
D. inspire students’ love for politics
11. Which of the following best describes Whaley as a teacher
A. Humorous. B. Ambitious. C. Caring. D. Demanding.
【答案】8. B 9. A 10. A 11. C
细节理解题。根据第一段“today is speech day(今天是演讲日)”和“With shining dark eyes, he seems like the kind of kid who would enjoy public speaking.(他有着明亮的黑眼睛,似乎是那种喜欢公开演讲的孩子。)”以及第二段第一句“But he’s nervous.(但是他很紧张。)”可知,Chris是因为做演讲紧张,故选B。
词句猜测题。根据第二段““I’m here to tell you today why you should … should…” Chris trips on the “-ld,” a pronunciation difficulty for many non-native English speakers.(“我今天在这里告诉你为什么你应该……应该……”克里斯说到了“-ld”,这是许多非英语母语人士的发音困难。)”可知,他发ld困难,故推知是他有些结巴,停顿不准确,stumbles的意思是“不适当的停顿”,即Improper pauses,故选A。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Whaley says the project is about more than just learning to read and speak in public. He wants these kids to learn to boast (夸耀) about themselves.(威利说,这个项目不仅仅是学习在公众面前阅读和说话。他想让这些孩子学会自我吹嘘。)”以及最后一段““Boasting about yourself, and your best qualities,” Whaley says, “is very difficult for a child who came into the classroom not feeling confident.”(“吹嘘自己和自己最好的品质,”威利说,“对于一个走进教室却不自信的孩子来说是非常困难的。”)”可知,Whaley老师这么做是为了帮助学生认识自己的优势,培养自信,故选A。
推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“Whaley got the idea of this second-grade presidential campaign project when he asked the children one day to raise their hands if they thought they could never be a president.(威利的这个二年级总统竞选项目的灵感来自于他有一天让孩子们举起手,如果他们认为自己永远不会成为总统。)”和“He wants these kids to learn to boast (夸耀) about themselves.(他想让这些孩子学会自我吹嘘。)”可知,这位老师很关心学生的成长。故选C。
In the concert celebrating the Tsinghua University’s 110th anniversary, Fang Jinlong, a master of the traditional Chinese instrument pipa, and three robots from the Tsinghua Moja Robot Band performed several Chinese music pieces. “I’m happy to see our performance can mix (融合) science and technology with traditional Chinese culture,” said Fang.
The robot band was founded in 2018. The band name “Moja” is from Mohism, one of many schools of thought before the Qin Dynasty. It is made up of three robot musicians, Yuheng, Yaoguang and Kaiyang, named after three stars. They played three kinds of traditional Chinese instruments: the bamboo flute (长笛), Chinese harp (竖琴) and paigu (牌鼓), a set of Chinese drums, at the concert. The team behind the band include students, teachers and graduates from Tsinghua University. They have professional backgrounds such as computing, mechanical (机械的) engineering and music composition (作曲).
The team’s chief scientist Mi Haipeng is an associate professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Tsinghua. He took part in the research and development of a robot rock band when he studied in Japan. That experience inspired his dream to make a Chinese robot band.
Mi said traditional Chinese instruments’ sound and playing techniques are different from those of Western musical instruments. The focus is more on the artistic conception (概念) and expression of the players. This kind of non-quantitative (非定量的) control brings challenges to Moja robot development. “In our research, we continuously explore how to solve these problems so that the robots can maintain the Chinese traditional characteristics when playing music,” he added.
Mi said the music pieces in the concert were specially made for the robots to play. The robots’ stage clothes were made with 3D-printing technology. He added that there are more performance plans for Moja in the future, introducing new music pieces. The team, meanwhile, would improve the musical expression of the robots.
12. What is the performance like according to Fang Jinlong
A. traditional yet creative B. modern and fashionable
C. funny yet meaningful D. dynamic and inspiring
13. What can we learn about the band
A. It has a stable performing style.
B. Its name came from online language.
C. It successfully mixes high-tech and tradition.
D. Its performers play western musical instruments.
14. Where can you find the difficulty of the band’s development
A. In paragraph 2. B. In paragraph 3.
C. In paragraph 4. D. In paragraph 5.
15. What will the developers do in the future
A. Create more new robot musicians.
B. Get the robots to practise more often.
C. Design new clothes for the robots.
D. Improve the robots’ musical performance.
【答案】12. A 13. C 14. C 15. D
细节理解题。根据首段中的““I’m happy to see our performance can mix (融合) science and technology with traditional Chinese culture,” said Fang.(“我很高兴看到我们的表演能够将科学技术与中国传统文化相结合,”方说。)”可知,方锦龙说这次表演是传统与科技的结合,由此可知,他认为这次表演是传统且富有创造力的。故选A项。
推理判断题。根据首段中的““I’m happy to see our performance can mix (融合) science and technology with traditional Chinese culture,” said Fang.(“我很高兴看到我们的表演能够将科学技术与中国传统文化相结合,”方说。)”可知,方锦龙说这次表演是传统与科技的结合,结合第二段中的“It is made up of three robot musicians, Yuheng, Yaoguang and Kaiyang, named after three stars. They played three kinds of traditional Chinese instruments: the bamboo flute (长笛), Chinese harp (竖琴) and paigu (牌鼓), a set of Chinese drums, at the concert. The team behind the band include students, teachers and graduates from Tsinghua University. (乐队由三位机器人音乐家组成,它们分别是玉衡、瑶光和开阳,以三星的名字命名。它们在音乐会上演奏了三种中国传统乐器:竹笛、竖琴和牌鼓。乐队背后的团队包括清华大学的学生、教师和毕业生)”可知,该乐队是有三位机器人音乐家组成,它们在音乐会上演奏的是三种中国的传统乐器,在乐队背后的团队包括清华大学的学生、教师和毕业生,综合以上信息可知,该乐队成功地将高科技与传统结合在一起。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Mi said traditional Chinese instruments’ sound and playing techniques are different from those of Western musical instruments. The focus is more on the artistic conception (概念) and expression of the players. This kind of non-quantitative (非定量的) control brings challenges to Moja robot development.(米海鹏说,中国传统乐器的声音和演奏技巧与西方乐器不同。更注重的是演奏者的意境和表现。这种非定量控制给Moja机器人的发展带来了挑战。)”可知,中国传统乐器更注重演奏者的意境和表现,给Moja机器人的发展带来了挑战,所以第四段陈述了机器人乐队发展面临的困难。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据尾段中的“He added that there are more performance plans for Moja in the future, introducing new music pieces. The team, meanwhile, would improve the musical expression of the robots. (他补充说,Moja未来还有更多的演出计划,推出新的音乐作品。与此同时,该团队将改进机器人的音乐表现力。)”可知,米海鹏补充说,Moja有更多的演出计划,同时,该团队将改进机器人的音乐表达,由此可知,研发人员将改进机器人乐队的音乐表现力。故选D项。
You want to start doing exercise Congratulations! You have just taken your first step towards a new and improved you. But how to make it Here are some helpful tips for you.
Understand the benefits of exercise. ____16____ But what exactly are its health benefits To start with, physical activity increases the efficiency (效率) of your heart and lungs. During exercise, your heart and lungs must work harder. Besides, exercise is good for your mental health. Working out can help you reduce stress and get over bad feelings.
____17____ When you are planning, the first thing to consider is what you expect to improve: heart and lung efficiency, muscle strength or flexibility, which involves aerobic (有氧的) activities, strength training, and flexibility training. Choose activities you enjoy. ____18____
Eat and drink right. To help your muscles recover and repair themselves after exercise, you need to eat foods rich in protein (蛋白质). When to eat is also of great importance. Generally speaking, you should have your meal an average of 1.5 to 2.5 hours before exercising. Do not eat immediately after exercise. ____19____ Remember to drink throughout exercise to make up for water lost to sweat.
Avoid injury. To prevent soft tissue (组织) injury, make sure that you wear proper clothes and equipment when exercising. You should also start small and slowly work your way to longer and harder exercise to avoid getting hurt. ____20____
So, now you know the benefits of exercise and how to do it safely and effectively. What are you waiting for
A. Make a plan for your exercise.
B. Exercise for your physical health.
C. Instead, wait at least 30 minutes afterwards.
D. Finally, remember to warm up before exercising.
E. In this way, you’re more likely to stick with them.
F. Therefore, don’t have too much water before exercise.
G. Most people think that regular exercise does wonders for the body and mind.
【答案】16 G 17. A 18. E 19. C 20. D
根据下文“But what exactly are its health benefits To start with, physical activity increases the efficiency (效率) of your heart and lungs. During exercise, your heart and lungs must work harder. Besides, exercise is good for your mental health. Working out can help you reduce stress and get over bad feelings.(但是它到底有什么健康益处呢 首先,体育活动可以提高你的心肺的效率。在运动中,你的心肺必须更努力地工作。此外,锻炼对你的心理健康有好处。锻炼可以帮助你减轻压力,克服不良情绪)”可知,锻炼可以给身心都带来好处,由此可知G项“大多数人认为有规律的锻炼对身心有神奇的作用。”符合文意,适合填入空处,引出下文内容,故选G项。
根据下一句“When you are planning, the first thing to consider is what you expect to improve: heart and lung efficiency, muscle strength or flexibility, which involves aerobic (有氧的) activities, strength training, and flexibility training. (当你做计划时,首先要考虑的是你期望提高什么:心肺效率、肌肉力量或柔韧性,其中包括有氧运动、力量训练和柔韧性训练)”可知,本段内容介绍的是锻炼计划,空处位于段首,应概括锻炼内容,A项“为你的锻炼制定一个计划。”符合文意,故选A项。
根据上一句“Choose activities you enjoy.(选择你喜欢的活动)”可知,在做计划的时候选择喜欢的活动,可以让你更容易坚持下去,E项“这样,你就更有可能坚持下去。”符合文意,故选E项。
根据前文“Generally speaking, you should have your meal an average of 1.5 to 2.5 hours before exercising. Do not eat immediately after exercise. (一般来说,你应该在运动前平均1.5到2.5小时进餐。运动后不要立即进食)”可知,此处建议锻炼时应注意饮食的时间,并且提出不要运动后立刻进食,下文应提出合适的进食时间,C项“相反,至少要等30分钟。”符合文意,故选C项。
根据段落主题“Avoid injury.(避免受伤)”和前文内容“To prevent soft tissue (组织) injury, make sure that you wear proper clothes and equipment when exercising. You should also start small and slowly work your way to longer and harder exercise to avoid getting hurt. (为防止软组织受伤,请确保在运动时穿合适的衣服和装备。为了避免受伤,你也应该从小的锻炼开始,慢慢地进行更长、更艰苦的锻炼)”可知,本段提出锻炼时应避免受伤,D项内容“Finally, remember to warm up before exercising.(最后,记得在运动前热身)”也属于避免受伤的方式,符合文意,故选D项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)
It is just past five o’clock on the Chinese New Year’s Eve. The dinner table is already ____21____ with white china plates and bowls full of all sorts of dishes. Luo Yan, ____22____ the cover of a large bowl to breathe in the ____23____ smell of the soup his wife and mother have prepared. His son, Bofeng, happily takes a ____24____ of the chicken his grandfather has already ____25____ for him.
Six-year-old Bofeng has not ____26____ his grandparents in person for almost a year, and he is full of joy and excitement. ____27____, the whole family could not be happier to be together. Despite (尽管) the ____28____ outside, their happy faces fill the air with warmth while merry ____29____ rings (环绕) throughout the house. The young couple and their son have settled in the ____30____ city. Every year, like most Chinese, they travel a long way back for the Spring Festival. It’s ____31____ for Chinese to get together to enjoy the joy of “three generations under the same roof” on this special day.
After, dinner, the whole family ____32____ around the television to watch the Spring Festival Gala, while eating snacks and ____33____ each other excitedly. In the warmth and ____34____ of the room, Luo Yan talks about his plan for the future. “I hope we won’t have to be separated again,” he says, looking at his ageing parents. “We’ll come back more ____35____. After all, home is where all family members are together.”
A. surrounded B. replaced C. decorated D. set
A. drags B. lifts C. presses D. delivers
A. rich B. strange C. ordinary D. entire
A. sight B. bite C. chance D. picture
A. sought B. colleted C. sorted D. prepared
A. seen B. greeted C. contacted D. confirmed
A. Thus B. Besides C. Indeed D. Meanwhile
A. cold B. pressure C. suffering D. challenges
A. noise B. accent C. laughter D. leisure
A. distant B. crowded C. native D. attractive
A. stressful B. tough C. typical D. convenient
A. run B. circle C. wonder D. move
A. dealing with B. chatting with C. calling on D. focusing on
A. protection B. comfort C. fortune D. convenience
A. responsibly B. definitely C. frequently D. independently
【答案】21. D 22. B 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. A 29. C 30. A 31. C 32. B 33. B 34. B 35. C
考查动词词义辨析。句意:餐桌上已经摆满了白色的瓷盘和碗,摆满了各种各样的菜肴。A. surrounded包围;B. replaced替换;C. decorated装饰;D. set摆放。根据“full of all sorts of dishes.”(摆满了各种各样的菜)可知,除夕夜餐桌上摆放满了餐具和菜。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:罗岩掀开大碗盖,闻着妻子和母亲准备的浓汤的味道。他的儿子博峰高兴地咬了一口爷爷给他选好的鸡肉。A. drags拉拽;B. lifts提起 ;C. presses按压 ;D. delivers运送。根据“the cover of a large bowl”(盖在大碗上的盖子)可知,要打开碗的盖子才能闻到味道。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:罗岩掀开大碗盖,闻着妻子和母亲准备好的浓汤的香味。A. rich香浓的;B. strange奇怪的;C. ordinary普通的;D. entire整个的。根据“his wife and mother have prepared.”(他的妻子和母亲准备的菜)可知,由家人制作的汤应该味道非常香浓。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:他的儿子博峰高兴地咬了一口爷爷给他选好的鸡肉。A. sight景象;B. bite咬;C. chance机会;D. picture图片。根据“It is just past five o’clock on the Chinese New Year’s Eve. ”(这是刚刚过了5点的除夕夜。)以及“His son, Bofeng, happily”(他的儿子,博峰非常高兴)可知,这是除夕夜吃饭的场景,由此判断,儿子咬一口鸡肉。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的儿子博峰高兴地咬了一口爷爷给他选好的鸡肉。A. sought寻找;B. collected收集;C. sorted分类;D. prepared准备。根据“his grandfather has already”(他的爷爷已经为他准备的)以及“for him.”(为他)可知,鸡肉是爷爷给他准备好了的。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:六岁的博峰已经快一年没见到爷爷奶奶了,他充满了喜悦和兴奋。A. seen看到;B. greeted问候 ;C. contacted联系;D. confirmed确认。根据“he is full of joy and excitement.”(他充满了喜悦和兴奋)可知,孩子因为好久不见爷爷奶奶,所以见到爷爷奶奶孩子感到喜悦兴奋。故选A。
考查连词词义辨析。句意:的确,全家人聚在一起是再幸福不过的事了。A. Thus因此;B. Besides另外;C. Indeed的确;D. Meanwhile与此同时。根据“the whole family could not be happier to be together.”(全家人聚在一起是再幸福不过的事了)可知,全家团聚的确是一件幸福的事。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管外面很冷,但他们快乐的脸充满了温暖,快乐的笑声响彻整个房子。A. cold寒冷;B. pressure压力;C. suffering痛苦;D. challenges挑战。根据“their happy faces fill the air with warmth”(他们快乐的脸上充满温暖)可知,尽管外面寒冷但他们快乐的脸充满温暖,屋内的温暖和外面的寒冷形成了鲜明的对比。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管外面很冷,但他们快乐的脸充满了温暖,快乐的笑声响彻整个房子。A. noise噪音;B. accent口音;C. laughter大笑;D. leisure闲暇。根据“their happy faces fill the air with warmth ”(他们快乐的脸充满了温暖)可知,房间都是快乐的笑声。故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这对年轻夫妇和他们的儿子已经在遥远的城市定居下来。A. distant遥远的;B. crowded拥堵的;C. native本地的;D. attractive有吸引力的。根据“Every year, they travel a long way back for the Spring Festival, ”(每年,他们都要长途跋涉回来过春节,)可知,年轻夫妇一家在遥远城市定居了,每年都要长途跋涉才能回到老家。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在这个特殊的日子里,中国人团聚共享“三代同堂”的幸福是非常典型的。A. stressful紧张的;B. tough坚硬的;顽固的;C. typical典型的;D. convenient方便的。根据“three generations under the same roof.”可知,三世同堂这是人们认为的一种非常典型的情况。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:晚饭后,全家人围着电视看春节联欢晚会,一边吃零食,一边兴奋地聊天。A. run跑步;B. circle围绕;C. wonder好奇;D. move移动。根据“around the television to watch the Spring Festival Gala”可知,全家应该是围坐在电视旁。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:晚饭后,全家人围着电视看春节联欢晚会,一边吃零食,一边兴奋地聊天。A. dealing with处理;B. chatting with聊天;C. calling on号召;D. focusing on关注。根据“watch the Spring Festival Gala, while eating snacks”(春节联欢晚会,一边吃零食)可知,过年期间就是要全家边看春晚,边吃零食,边聊天。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在温暖舒适的房间里,罗岩讲述了他对未来的计划。A. protection保护;B. comfort舒适;C. fortune运气;D. convenience方便。根据“In the warmth”(温暖的)可知,家温暖而舒适。故选B。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们会更频繁地回来。毕竟,家是所有家庭成员团聚的地方。A. responsibly 负责地;B. definitely肯定;C. frequently经常;D. independently独立。根据“I hope we won’t have to be separated again,”(希望我们再也不用分开)以及“After all, home is where all family members are together.”(毕竟,家是所有家庭成员相聚的地方。)可知,罗岩以后会经常回家聚聚。故选C。
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共55分)
Zhang Tian graduated from university and got a teacher’s certificate last year. He ____36____ (inspire) by wonderful teachers from small villages to go and teach where he was needed. He applied ____37____ (be) a volunteer teacher in a village school after graduation. Before he went to the village, he was eager to live ____38____ (independent) and do all sorts of things to help the children in the school. But when he arrived, he found the school was much smaller than he had expected ____39____ the living conditions in the village was also more challenging than he had thought. Every day he worked hard and tried to adapt ____40____ the tough life there. ____41____ (teach) in Guizhou Province has been quite ____42____ experience for him.
To make school life healthier and livelier, Zhang Tian introduced more subjects to the school. Now the students do well in English and their school lives are more attractive and interesting, ____43____ makes Zhang Tian feel ____44____ (satisfy). Besides teaching, Zhang Tian also brought changes to the village. He made a great _____45_____ (contribute) to the village, so he became very popular among the villagers.
【答案】36. was inspired
37. to be 38. independently
39. and 40. to
41. Teaching
42. an 43. which
44. satisfied
45. contribution
考查谓语动词。句意:他受到来自小村庄的优秀教师的启发,去需要他的地方教书。分析句子结构可知,此处为谓语动词,根据全文讲述的内容为介绍张天的支教经历以及其他句子中的谓语动词was needed 以及applied等可知,此处应使用一般过去时,inspire与句子主语he之间为被动关系,且句子主语为第三人称单数。故填was inspired。
考查动词不定式。句意:毕业后,他申请到一所乡村学校支教。分析句子结构可知,此处为apply to do sth意为“申请做某事”符合句意,所以此处应使用动词不定式形式。故填to be。
考查介词。句意:他每天都努力工作,试图适应那里艰苦的生活。分析句子结构可知,此处为固定短语adapt to意为“适应”符合句意。故填to。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,是学校英文报Have Your Say栏目编辑,最近收到学生来信,谈及因学业等问题而倍感压力。请你根据以下要点提示,用英语写封回信,内容包括:
1. 保持良好心态;
2. 多运动;
3. 常与他人交流。
注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear friend,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear friend,
I am sorry to learn that you are suffering from stress. My suggestions are as follows.
First, you should learn to develop a right attitude. For example, when you feel down, think about the progress that you have made. Besides, taking exercise regularly is of great help as well. It can not only make you energetic but also help reduce stress. What’s more, do remember to talk to your teachers and parents about your problems or seek professional help.
I hope you will get out of your trouble sooner and live happily.
Li Hua
例如:for example → for instance
此外:Besides/What’s more→In additon
有很大帮助:is of great help→ is greatly beneficial
原句:First, you should learn to develop a right attitude.
拓展句:First, you should learn to develop a right attitude, which can make you confident whenever facing problems.
【点睛】【高分句型1】I am sorry to learn that you are suffering from stress. My suggestions are as follows.(运用了that引导的宾语从句。)
【高分句型2】For example, when you feel down, think about the progress that you have made. (运用了when引导的状语从句及that引导的定语从句。)
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Grandma called me in from the yard. “Would you please go to the store for me I’m ready to bake rolls, and there isn’t enough yeast(酵母). Take a quarter from my little change purse.”
I found Grandma’s purse and put the quarter in my pocket. I was soon in the little general store that served our farming community.
“Mr.Jenkins,”I said,“Grandma needs some yeast.”
Mr.Jenkins set three cakes of yeast on the counter(柜台). His eyes twinkled(眨眼), and he smiled at me. “And what do you need ”
knew what he meant. I was always allowed to pick a cent’s candy when I came to the store with Grandma.But Grandma wasn’t here, and she hadn’t said anything about spending a penny.
“How much change do I have from a quarter ” I asked.
“Four cents,” Mr. Jenkins replied. “The yeast is seven cents a cake.”
I thought that over quickly. I would have four cents back. I was sure Grandma wouldn’t care if l spent one cent, and if she were here, she might even say I could have them all. The longer I looked at the candy, the more certain I became that I needed one cent’s worth as a reward for coming to the store alone.
As Mr.Jenkins handed me the candy and three cents, a voice inside me said this was not a really honest thing to do. That wasn’t my money, and I hadn’t asked if I might spend it.However, I put the cents in my pocket and started home, running past Uncle Roy, who was heading in the direction of my home.
“Thank you,” Grandma said when I laid the yeast on the table. “Did you put the change back in my purse ”
“Yes, Grandma,” I replied, hurrying out to the passage(走廊), I hadn’t really lied to Grandma.I argued with myself. I did put back all the change I had.
I knew I had cheated Grandma, and I was nervous.
I watched Uncle Roy make his way home, his words repeating in my mind.
I knew I had cheated Grandma and I was nervous. As I was wondering what to do, Uncle Roy came to the house for a glass of tea. Finding that I looked anxious, he sat down beside me on the steps. “Something on your mind ” He asked. “I guess so I’m thinking it over,” I replied slowly. “If there’s something you should do, I’d advise you to get busy and do it.” He said as he got up to leave.
I watched Uncle Rov make his way back, his words repeating in my mind. Grandma loved me so much that I couldn’t afford to keep anything from her. I went back to the kitchen while Grandma was taking the hot rolls out. I gathered all my courage and told her about the candy with a shame. She nodded when I finished my story. “I’m glad you told me about the cents, and of course I’ll forgive you, honey.” Smiling, Grandma gave me a big hug, and suddenly I felt a great sense of relief.
③返回:go back/return
①.羞愧地:with a shame/in shame
【点睛】[高分句型1]. Finding that I looked anxious, he sat down beside me on the steps.(运用了现在分词作状语和that引导的宾语从句)
[高分句型2]. If there’s something you should do, I’d advise you to get busy and do it.(运用了if引导的条件状语从句)泉州惠南中学2023年秋季期中考试卷
考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共95分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What will Sam do tonight
A. Attend a party. B. Fly to Tokyo. C. Have a meeting.
2. What does the woman suggest doing first
A. Having breakfast. B. Buying the medicine. C. Traveling to the town.
3. Where is the man probably going now
A. A gift shop. B. His brother’s house. C. The Children’s Center.
4. How much is a concert ticket for a child
A. $2. B. $4. C. $8.
5 What does the man like about the movie
A. Its funny plot. B. Its manic. C. Its actors.
6. What did the boy do first last night
A. He listened to music. B. He watched TV. C. He read textbooks.
7. What is Wimbledon about
A. Tennis. B. Films. C. Music.
8 What is the man’s cousin
A. A sailor. B. A teacher. C. A journalist.
9. How does the man like teaching
A. Exciting. B. Boling. C. Challenging.
10. What is the room like
A. Big but old. B. Big and new. C. Small but new.
11. What will be arranged first
A. The chairs. B. The bed. C. The dressing table.
12. Where will the chairs be put
A. Close to the window.
B. In front of the fireplace.
C. Behind the dressing table.
13. Where will the speakers go first
A. A museum. B. A shop. C. A restaurant.
14. What does the woman have no interest in
A. Tasting Indian food. B. Seeing unique animals. C. Taking a walk.
15. Why won’t the speakers go shopping
A. The shopping mall is a little far.
B. They don’t have enough money.
C. It will take them too much time.
16. How will the speakers go to the seashore
A. On foot. B. By subway. C. By car.
17. What can we learn about Mrs. Green
A. She always drives very fast.
B. She has an old and small car.
C. She only drives a day every week.
18. What’s the color of Mike’s car
A. Blue. B. Black. C. White.
19. Who has a very old car
A. Mike. B. Mrs. Bates. C. Joe.
20. What is the relationship between Joe and the speaker
A. His cousin. B. His friend. C. His uncle.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Babysitter (临时保姆) needed
We need someone to look after our son on Fridays. He or she needs to see him to the bus to preschool and be here when he gets home about 3 hours later until my husband gets home from work. That time may vary (变化) our son is a very sweet boy and pretty easy to watch.
Call Mary on 678345211
Newspaper round before school
We need young people to deliver (递送) newspapers on Mon. , Wed. and Fri. mornings. The paper round takes about 30 minutes in the village of Cranbrook. Papers must be delivered before 8 a. m. and you must have your own bike.
Interested Call us on 625432544 for more information.
Holiday job
Do you want to make some money this summer Do you speak another language We need French, Spanish or German speakers to work for us in the City Museum shop Tuesday — Saturday.
Call us on 698542458 if you want more information.
Munchies Cafe part-time work
We are looking for breakfast and lunchtime staff to work in our cafe on Saturdays. The role will include food drink service, making sure the cafe is clean, tidy and presentable at all times, and making our visitors feel welcome.
Come in (8 a.m. — 4 p.m.) or call Bella on 612398745 (after 4 p.m.)
1. What must newspaper deliverers do
A. Start doing their job at 8 a.m. B. Use their own bikes.
C. Be free on weekday mornings. D. Finish their work in 30 minutes.
2. Which number should you call if you want a job relating to languages
A. 678345211. B. 625432544.
C. 612398745. D. 698542458.
3. Where can you most probably find the text
A. In a textbook. B. In a science magazine.
C. In a tourist guidebook. D. In a newspaper.
Making a quick decision can be hard when it comes to saving a life even for grown-ups. But one high school student didn’t waste a second when it came to saving a drowning (溺水的) girl.
People say Chloe Payne is quiet. Her mother, Angela Payne, describes her as the kind of girl who doesn’t need too much attention, helpful and respectful (尊重人的). In other words, Chloe, a student at Louisville Male High School, is a gentle, sometimes shy 17-year-old. However, that wasn’t the Chloe who jumped into a pool at the All About Kids swimming pool to save a drowning 4-year-old girl on March 25.
“I was a little surprised by her courage,” Angela Payne said. Well, so was Chloe herself. When she saw that a little girl was not doing anything in the water, her newly learned lifeguard skills kicked in. “I jumped in and I rolled her over and she wasn’t breathing (呼吸),” Chloe explained. “She couldn’t do anything in the water, so I pulled her out and I started CPR (心肺复苏法) and she almost sat up at once and started coughing and crying.”
Chloe’s decision was so brave that even the Jeffersontown fire chief was surprised. Today was the first time in his 27-year career to present such an award to a young lady. “It’s the first time I’ve seen a student do CPR in our area and save a life, so it was pretty special,” Chief Sean Dreisbach said.
As for Chloe, if there’s one thing she’s taken away from this event, it’s about being on close watch. “It’s hard to give young kids advice,” Chloe said with a laugh. “They don’t listen, so I guess everybody has to be more careful.”
4. What is Chloe like according to Angela Payne
A. She is always respected by others. B. She enjoys a peaceful life.
C. She can be very noisy. D. She is always brave.
5 What did Chloe do to the girl
A. She sat her up. B. She hit her back softly.
C. She checked her breathing. D. She showed her how to do CPR.
6. What did Chief Sean Dreisbach say
A. Chloe did something quite unusual. B. Chloe followed other students’ lead.
C. Chloe had very special swimming skills. D. Chloe would be surprised about the award.
7. What does Chloe think of children
A. They have poor hearing. B. They think swimming is easy.
C. They often take advice lightly. D. They like watching others in the pool.
For Canaan Elementary’s second grade in Patchogue, N.Y., today is speech day, and right now it’s Chris Palaez’s turn. The 8-year-old is the joker of the class. With shining dark eyes, he seems like the kind of kid who would enjoy public speaking.
But he’s nervous. “I’m here to tell you today why you should … should…” Chris trips on the “-ld,” a pronunciation difficulty for many non-native English speakers. His teacher, Thomas Whaley, is next to him, whispering support. “…Vote for …me …” Except for some stumbles, Chris is doing amazingly well. When he brings his speech to a nice conclusion, Whaley invites the rest of the class to praise him.
A son of immigrants, Chris stared learning English a little over three years ago. Whaley recalls (回想起) how at the beginning of the year, when called upon to read, Chris would excuse himself to go to the bathroom.
Learning English as a second language can be a painful experience. What you need is a great teacher who lets you make mistakes. “It takes a lot for any student,” Whaley explains, “especially for a student who is learning English as their new language, to feel confident enough to say, ‘I don’t know, but I want to know.’”
Whaley got the idea of this second-grade presidential campaign project when he asked the children one day to raise their hands if they thought they could never be a president. The answer broke his heart. Whaley says the project is about more than just learning to read and speak in public. He wants these kids to learn to boast (夸耀) about themselves.
“Boasting about yourself, and your best qualities,” Whaley says, “is very difficult for a child who came into the classroom not feeling confident.”
8. What made Chris nervous
A. Telling a story. B. Making a speech.
C. Taking a test. D. Answering a question.
9. What does the underlined word “stumbles” in paragraph 2 refer to
A. Improper pauses. B. Bad manners. C. Spelling mistakes. D. Silly jokes.
10. We can infer that the purpose of Whaley’s project is to _________.
A. help students see their own strengths
B. assess students’ public speaking skills
C. prepare students for their future jobs
D. inspire students’ love for politics
11. Which of the following best describes Whaley as a teacher
A. Humorous. B. Ambitious. C. Caring. D. Demanding.
In the concert celebrating the Tsinghua University’s 110th anniversary, Fang Jinlong, a master of the traditional Chinese instrument pipa, and three robots from the Tsinghua Moja Robot Band performed several Chinese music pieces. “I’m happy to see our performance can mix (融合) science and technology with traditional Chinese culture,” said Fang.
The robot band was founded in 2018. The band name “Moja” is from Mohism, one of many schools of thought before the Qin Dynasty. It is made up of three robot musicians, Yuheng, Yaoguang and Kaiyang, named after three stars. They played three kinds of traditional Chinese instruments: the bamboo flute (长笛), Chinese harp (竖琴) and paigu (牌鼓), a set of Chinese drums, at the concert. The team behind the band include students, teachers and graduates from Tsinghua University. They have professional backgrounds such as computing, mechanical (机械的) engineering and music composition (作曲).
The team’s chief scientist Mi Haipeng is an associate professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Tsinghua. He took part in the research and development of a robot rock band when he studied in Japan. That experience inspired his dream to make a Chinese robot band.
Mi said traditional Chinese instruments’ sound and playing techniques are different from those of Western musical instruments. The focus is more on the artistic conception (概念) and expression of the players. This kind of non-quantitative (非定量的) control brings challenges to Moja robot development. “In our research, we continuously explore how to solve these problems so that the robots can maintain the Chinese traditional characteristics when playing music,” he added.
Mi said the music pieces in the concert were specially made for the robots to play. The robots’ stage clothes were made with 3D-printing technology. He added that there are more performance plans for Moja in the future, introducing new music pieces. The team, meanwhile, would improve the musical expression of the robots.
12. What is the performance like according to Fang Jinlong
A. traditional yet creative B. modern and fashionable
C. funny yet meaningful D. dynamic and inspiring
13. What can we learn about the band
A. It has a stable performing style.
B. Its name came from online language.
C. It successfully mixes high-tech and tradition.
D. Its performers play western musical instruments.
14. Where can you find the difficulty of the band’s development
A. In paragraph 2. B. In paragraph 3.
C. In paragraph 4. D. In paragraph 5.
15. What will the developers do in the future
A. Create more new robot musicians.
B. Get the robots to practise more often.
C. Design new clothes for the robots.
D. Improve the robots’ musical performance.
You want to start doing exercise Congratulations! You have just taken your first step towards a new and improved you. But how to make it Here are some helpful tips for you.
Understand the benefits of exercise. ____16____ But what exactly are its health benefits To start with, physical activity increases the efficiency (效率) of your heart and lungs. During exercise, your heart and lungs must work harder. Besides, exercise is good for your mental health. Working out can help you reduce stress and get over bad feelings.
____17____ When you are planning, the first thing to consider is what you expect to improve: heart and lung efficiency, muscle strength or flexibility, which involves aerobic (有氧的) activities, strength training, and flexibility training. Choose activities you enjoy. ____18____
Eat and drink right. To help your muscles recover and repair themselves after exercise, you need to eat foods rich in protein (蛋白质). When to eat is also of great importance. Generally speaking, you should have your meal an average of 1.5 to 2.5 hours before exercising. Do not eat immediately after exercise. ____19____ Remember to drink throughout exercise to make up for water lost to sweat.
Avoid injury. To prevent soft tissue (组织) injury, make sure that you wear proper clothes and equipment when exercising. You should also start small and slowly work your way to longer and harder exercise to avoid getting hurt. ____20____
So, now you know the benefits of exercise and how to do it safely and effectively. What are you waiting for
A. Make a plan for your exercise.
B. Exercise for your physical health.
C. Instead, wait at least 30 minutes afterwards.
D. Finally, remember to warm up before exercising.
E. In this way, you’re more likely to stick with them.
F. Therefore, don’t have too much water before exercise.
G. Most people think that regular exercise does wonders for the body and mind.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分45分)
It is just past five o’clock on the Chinese New Year’s Eve. The dinner table is already ____21____ with white china plates and bowls, full of all sorts of dishes. Luo Yan, ____22____ the cover of a large bowl to breathe in the ____23____ smell of the soup his wife and mother have prepared. His son, Bofeng, happily takes a ____24____ of the chicken his grandfather has already ____25____ for him.
Six-year-old Bofeng has not ____26____ his grandparents in person for almost a year, and he is full of joy and excitement. ____27____, the whole family could not be happier to be together. Despite (尽管) the ____28____ outside, their happy faces fill the air with warmth while merry ____29____ rings (环绕) throughout the house. The young couple and their son have settled in the ____30____ city. Every year, like most Chinese, they travel a long way back for the Spring Festival. It’s ____31____ for Chinese to get together to enjoy the joy of “three generations under the same roof” on this special day.
After, dinner, the whole family ____32____ around the television to watch the Spring Festival Gala, while eating snacks and ____33____ each other excitedly. In the warmth and ____34____ of the room, Luo Yan talks about his plan for the future. “I hope we won’t have to be separated again,” he says, looking at his ageing parents. “We’ll come back more ____35____. After all, home is where all family members are together.”
A. surrounded B. replaced C. decorated D. set
A. drags B. lifts C. presses D. delivers
A. rich B. strange C. ordinary D. entire
A. sight B. bite C. chance D. picture
A. sought B. colleted C. sorted D. prepared
A. seen B. greeted C. contacted D. confirmed
A. Thus B. Besides C. Indeed D. Meanwhile
A. cold B. pressure C. suffering D. challenges
A. noise B. accent C. laughter D. leisure
A. distant B. crowded C. native D. attractive
A. stressful B. tough C. typical D. convenient
A. run B. circle C. wonder D. move
A. dealing with B. chatting with C. calling on D. focusing on
A protection B. comfort C. fortune D. convenience
A. responsibly B. definitely C. frequently D. independently
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共55分)
Zhang Tian graduated from university and got a teacher’s certificate last year. He ____36____ (inspire) by wonderful teachers from small villages to go and teach where he was needed. He applied ____37____ (be) a volunteer teacher in a village school after graduation. Before he went to the village, he was eager to live ____38____ (independent) and do all sorts of things to help the children in the school. But when he arrived, he found the school was much smaller than he had expected ____39____ the living conditions in the village was also more challenging than he had thought. Every day he worked hard and tried to adapt ____40____ the tough life there. ____41____ (teach) in Guizhou Province has been quite ____42____ experience for him.
To make school life healthier and livelier, Zhang Tian introduced more subjects to the school. Now the students do well in English and their school lives are more attractive and interesting, ____43____ makes Zhang Tian feel ____44____ (satisfy). Besides teaching, Zhang Tian also brought changes to the village. He made a great _____45_____ (contribute) to the village, so he became very popular among the villagers.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,是学校英文报Have Your Say栏目编辑,最近收到学生来信,谈及因学业等问题而倍感压力。请你根据以下要点提示,用英语写封回信,内容包括:
1. 保持良好心态;
2. 多运动;
3. 常与他人交流。
注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear friend,
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Grandma called me in from the yard. “Would you please go to the store for me I’m ready to bake rolls, and there isn’t enough yeast(酵母). Take a quarter from my little change purse.”
I found Grandma’s purse and put the quarter in my pocket. I was soon in the little general store that served our farming community.
“Mr.Jenkins,”I said,“Grandma needs some yeast.”
Mr.Jenkins set three cakes of yeast on the counter(柜台). His eyes twinkled(眨眼), and he smiled at me. “And what do you need ”
knew what he meant. I was always allowed to pick a cent’s candy when I came to the store with Grandma.But Grandma wasn’t here, and she hadn’t said anything about spending a penny.
“How much change do I have from a quarter ” I asked.
“Four cents,” Mr. Jenkins replied. “The yeast is seven cents a cake.”
I thought that over quickly. I would have four cents back. I was sure Grandma wouldn’t care if l spent one cent, and if she were here, she might even say I could have them all. The longer I looked at the candy, the more certain I became that I needed one cent’s worth as a reward for coming to the store alone.
As Mr.Jenkins handed me the candy and three cents, a voice inside me said this was not a really honest thing to do. That wasn’t my money, and I hadn’t asked if I might spend it.However, I put the cents in my pocket and started home, running past Uncle Roy, who was heading in the direction of my home.
“Thank you,” Grandma said when I laid the yeast on the table. “Did you put the change back in my purse ”
“Yes, Grandma,” I replied, hurrying out to the passage(走廊), I hadn’t really lied to Grandma.I argued with myself. I did put back all the change I had.
I knew I had cheated Grandma, and I was nervous.
I watched Uncle Roy make his way home, his words repeating in my mind.



