
听第 2 段对话,回答第 7 小题。
2023 年秋永春五中片区七年级英语科期中质量检测卷
( )7.Whose pencil is this
(考试时间:120 分钟;满分 150 分) A.Dora's. B.June's. C.Carol's.
听第 3 段对话,回答第 8 小题。
Ⅰ.听力(共三节,20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) ( )8.What does the girl want
第一节 听句子 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三幅图中选出与句子内容相符的选项。 A.A big knife. B.A small knife. C.An eraser.
(每个句子读两遍) 听第 4 段对话,回答第 9 小题。
( )9.Who are in Class Eight
A.Anna and Mike.
B.Anna and her little brother.
C.Mike and his little brother.
1. 听第 5 段对话,回答第 10、11 小题。
( )10.What class is Baker in
A.Class Two,Grade Seven.
B.Class Three,Grade Seven.
C.Class Two,Grade Eight.
( )11.What color is Baker's hair
2. A.Brown. B.Black. C.Blond.
听第 6 段对话,回答第 12、13 小题。
( )12.Where is this actor from
A.Cuba. B.America. C. China.
( )13.What does the actor have
3. A.Big ears. B.Small ears. C. Small eyes.
听第 7 段对话,回答第 14、15 小题。
( )14.Where does Tom come from
A.England. B.Canada. C.America.
( )15.How old is Amy
4. A.11. B.12. C.13.
第三节 听短文 根据你所听到的短文内容,完成下面表格,每空填一词。(短文读三遍)
A Girl Student
Country(国家) ____16___
Age(年龄) ____17___ years old.
第二节 听对话 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确答案。(每段对
话读两遍) Looks ___18___ eyes,a small mouth and a small nose.
听第 1 段对话,回答第 6 小题。
Clothes In a ___19___ T-shirt and a green skirt.
( )6.Where are Tom and Gina now
A.In Gina's class. B.In Tom's class. C.In Gina's home(家). Class In Class ____20____,Grade Seven.
Ⅱ.选择填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) ( ) 34. We want __________ her name.
从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 A. know B. to know C. knows
( )21 选出下列字母中都含有相同音素的一组字母:________。 ( )35. —What nine and eight
A. Aa; Rr; Hh B. Bb; Tt; Zz . C. Oo; Ww; Jj — It’s _________________
( )22. —What is “PRC” in Chinese A. eighteen B. seventeen C. sixteen
—It’s in Chinese.
A. 美国 B. 联合国 C. 中国 III.完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
( )23.—What’s in your hand 从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。
—It’s _________ orange. ________ orange is green.
A. an; The B. a; a C. a; The Hi! Let me introduce(介绍)____36____ sisters to you. I have____37___sisters. They are Diana and
( )24. —_________ do you spell it Lisa. Diana is __38___ , and Lisa is 15, too. They are twins(双胞胎),but they __39__ look the same.
—M-A-P, map. Diana has short brown hair. But Lisa has____40____blonde hair. They have different __41__ .
A. What B. Can C. How Diana's eyes are big, but Lisa's eyes are small.
( )25.—What class are you in In the photo, they are___42__ red sweaters. But they like __43__ clothes. Diana likes skirts, but Lisa
—I’m _________. likes pants. Diana's favorite__44__is yellow, and Lisa likes green. They are students in Yingjie Junior High
A. in Class 4, grade 7 B. in Class 1, Grade 7 C. Class 6, grade 7 School. They are in the same __45__ . Diana is in Class 2, and Lisa is in Class 5
( )26. —_______ you Nancy ( ) 36. A. I B. me C. my
—Yes , ______. ( ) 37. A. two B. three C. four
A. Are , I’m B. are , I’m C. Are , I am ( ) 38. A. 15 year old B. 15 years old C. 15-years-old
( )27. — __________ is Miss Lee ( ) 39. A. Aren't B. don't C. doesn't
— She’s twenty. ( ) 40. A. long B. short C. small
A. Who B. How old C. How ( ) 41. A. eyes B. noses C. ears
( )28.—Your English is very good. ( ) 42. A. with B. for C. in
— ______. ( ) 43. A. different B. same C. old
A. You’re welcome B. Thank you C. That’s good ( ) 44. A. student B. book C. color
( ) 29. — What are those ( ) 45. A. school B. grade C. class
— They are __________.
A. three boxes B. three box C. box IV.阅读理解 (共两节,25 小题;满分 45 分)
( ) 30. — ________ Alice _______big eyes 第一节阅读下面 A、B、C、D 四篇短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,
— No, she doesn’t. 选出最佳答案。(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分)
A. Do; have B. Does ; has C. Does; have (A)
( ) 31. Sam has a big nose_______ big ears, _________ his eyes are small. I have eight pencil-boxes. Four are black, the others(其他的) are white. There are(有) some pens
A. and; and B. but; but C. and; but and pencils. I put (放)three pens in each (每个)black pencil-box, and put three pencils in each white
( )32. —Whose photos are these pencil-box and one pencil in each black pencil-box. The number of pencils is my age(年龄).
—They are Jane’s. Please _____________ ( ) 46. I have ____________ pens.
A.give them to her B. give them her C. give her to them A. 4 B. 8 C. 12 D.16
( ) 33. Jack and Tom are in the same___________, but in different______________. ( ) 47. I have ____________ pencils
A. grade; classes. B. grades; class C. grade; class A. 12 B.16 C.18 D.20
( ) 48. What are in the white pencils-boxes They are___________ ( ) 58. What color does Zhao Lei like best(最)
A. twelve pens B. four pens and eight pencils A. Purple. B. White. C. Blue. D. Pink.
C. twelve pencils D. twelve pens and four pencils ( ) 59. How old is Zhao Lei
( ) 49. Where are the pens They are in the ____________ A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15
A. four black pencil-boxes B. four white pencil-boxes ( ) 60. What does Zhao Lei look like
C. a black pencil-box D. a white pencil-box A. His eyes are blue. B. He is tall and thin
( ) 50. I am __________ from the passage C. He has blonde hair D. He is short but strong.
A. 12 B 14. C.16 D. 18
( B ) Good morning. I'm Dong Ming and my English name is Ben. I'm twelve and I'm a Chinese boy. I'm in
Hello, boys and girls! Look at me. Guess, who am I Oh, yes, I’m Class Three, Grade Seven. Brown is my favorite color. I have a brown pen.
Mr. Bean. I’m an English actor. I was born (出生) in England in 1955. My Seventeen boys and nineteen girls are in my class. Sam, Lucy and Tina are my classmates. Sam and I
name is Rowan Atkinson. Look! I have a big head, and my hair is short are of the same age. He comes from Japan. He likes black. He thinks it's cool. The black pencil box is his.
and black. I have a round face, big eyes, a big nose and a wide mouth. My Lucy is an English girl. She is thirteen years old now. Red is her favorite color. She has a red ruler in her
ears are big, too. Now I’m in the USA. I have some (一些) good friends desk. Tina comes from America. She is eleven. She likes white and yellow. She has a white dress and a
here. They are nice to me. Now I’m old, but I’m very happy. yellow schoolbag.
( ) 51. Mr. Bean is an English________. We come from different countries. We don't look the same. We like different colors. But we are good
A. teacher B. actor C. student D. police friends.
( ) 52. How old is Mr. Bean now ( ) 61. How old is Sam
A. 52. B. 63. C. 66. D. 68. A. ten B. eleven C. twelve D.thirteen
( ) 53. Mr. Bean has a _______ nose and a________ face. ( ) 62. Where does Lucy come from
A. small; round B. big; small C. small; big D. big; round A. China B. England C. Japan D.America
( ) 54. Where is Mr. Bean now __________ ( ) 63.Tina has a ___________________
A. In China. B. In England. C. In the USA. D. Japan. A. white dress B. yellow pen C. brown pencil D. red schoolbag
( ) 55. Which is NOT right __________ ( ) 64. The underlined(划线的) word “countries” means__________ in Chinese.
A. Mr. Bean is from Canada. B. Mr. Bean has short black hair. A.身份 B.国家 C.年龄 D.地址
C. Mr. Bean’s friends are nice to him. D. Mr. Bean is old but happy. ( ) 65. From the passage, we can learn that______________.
A. Sam's favorite color is brown B. Lucy and Tina are of the same age
(C) C. Lucy's ruler is in her schoolbag D.36 students are in Ben’'s class
My name is Arthur. I come from England. I'm fourteen years old. I have blue eyes and blond hair. I'm
very tall. My T-shirt is white and my pants are black. Now I'm in Class Seven, Grade Eight. E
Look! That boy in a blue T-shirt is my good friend, Zhao Lei. Blue is his favorite color. He’s from 第二节 阅读下面的短文,从所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项, 使短文通顺、
China. He's fourteen, too. His eyes and hair are black. He is not tall, but very strong. We have different 连贯,意思完整。 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
looks, but we are good friends
( ) 56. Where is Arthur from Hi! My name is Leo. ______66_________ I have a friend. He comes from England. His name is
A. The UK B. The USA C. Japan. D. China Mike.____67______We are the same age. He is tall with long legs. _____68_______ And he has big eyes,
( ) 57. What color is Arthur's T-shirt a big nose and a wide mouth. _____69_____ ,and we are in the same class, too. _____70______His
A. Black. B. White . C. Yellow. D. Green. favorite film star is Jack, but my favorite film star is Julia.
A. We are in the same grade VII. 短文填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
B. Do you have a friend 阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的词,要求所填的
C. He is twelve years old now. 词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。
D. He has a long face and short hair
E. We are in Class Fifteen, Grade Seven Hello! I am Rose. I 81 from Cuba. But now I am in China. I have a 82 /nju:/ friend in
China. She is Han Mei. She is a 83 (China) girl. Her English 84 /ne m/ is Mary. We are 85
Ⅴ. 情景交际(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据情景提示,完成下列各题。 Class One, Grade Seven in Zhengzhou No. 1 High School. So (因此)we are 86 (classmate). Han Mei
71.你在早上遇到你的老师时,可以这样打招呼: 87 (have) a round face and big eyes. Her mouth is wide and her ears are small. She has 88 white
___________________________________________________, Mr. Wang! cat. It has a nice name -Snow. It looks very nice. At school, my Chinese is not good. My friends often(经常)
72.假如你是 Sara,自我介绍时,可以这么说: help 89 (I) , and she is so nice. Look! The girl in a red 90 /dres/ is her. Let’s go and say hello to
____________________________________________________________. her.
73.当你把铅笔递给同桌时,你可以这样说: 81._______ 82. ________ 83. ________ 84. _______ 85. ________
________________________________________________________. 86._______ 87. ________ 88. ________ 89. _______ 90. ________
74.当你想知道新同学 Linda 的长相,可以这样问:
____________________________________________________________ VIII. 书面表达。(15 分)
75. 你想知道 Jane 最喜欢的老师是谁可以这样问: 91. 全红婵,在刚刚结束的第 19 届亚运会中获得 10 米跳台冠军。请你根据提示,用英文写一篇介
_______________________________________________________,Jane 绍她的短文。
要求:1.把信息表达准确;2.可以适当补充;3.不少于 50 词。
VI. 看图写话 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 1. Age(年龄):16
根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。 2. From: Guangdong,China
3. Job(职业): player
4. Looks(长相): tall and strong ; short hair,a big nose and small eyes;
5. Her favorite color: white
6. Clothes((穿着):Black pants and a white coat
76. Kangkang, in 77. from 78. he, wide ______________________________________________________________________________________
79. these 80. skirt, blue
第一节 听句子 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的A、B、C三幅图中选出与句子内容相符的选项。(每个句子读两遍)
第二节 听对话 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。(每段对话读两遍)
(  )6.Where are Tom and Gina now
A.In Gina's class.  B.In Tom's class.  C.In Gina's home(家).
(  )7.Whose pencil is this
A.Dora's. B.June's. C.Carol's.
(  )8.What does the girl want
A.A big knife. B.A small knife. C.An eraser.
(  )9.Who are in Class Eight
A.Anna and Mike.
B.Anna and her little brother.
C.Mike and his little brother.
(  )10.What class is Baker in
A.Class Two,Grade Seven.
B.Class Three,Grade Seven.
C.Class Two,Grade Eight.
(  )11.What color is Baker's hair
A.Brown. B.Black. C.Blond.
(  )12.Where is this actor from
A.Cuba. B.America. C. China.
(  )13.What does the actor have
A.Big ears. B.Small ears. C. Small eyes.
(  )14.Where does Tom come from
A.England. B.Canada. C.America.
(  )15.How old is Amy
A.11. B.12. C.13.
第三节 听短文 根据你所听到的短文内容,完成下面表格,每空填一词。(短文读三遍)
A Girl Student
Country(国家) ____16___
Age(年龄) ____17___ years old.
Looks ___18___ eyes,a small mouth and a small nose.
Clothes In a ___19___ T-shirt and a green skirt.
Class In Class ____20____,Grade Seven.
( )21选出下列字母中都含有相同音素的一组字母:________。
A. Aa; Rr; Hh B. Bb; Tt; Zz . C. Oo; Ww; Jj
( )22. —What is “PRC” in Chinese
—It’s in Chinese.
A. 美国 B. 联合国 C. 中国
( )23.—What’s in your hand
—It’s _________ orange. ________ orange is green.
A. an; The B. a; a C. a; The
( )24. —_________ do you spell it
—M-A-P, map.
A. What B. Can C. How
( )25.—What class are you in
—I’m _________.
A. in Class 4, grade 7 B. in Class 1, Grade 7 C. Class 6, grade 7
( )26. —_______ you Nancy
—Yes , ______.
A. Are , I’m B. are , I’m C. Are , I am
( )27. — __________ is Miss Lee
— She’s twenty.
A. Who B. How old C. How
( )28.—Your English is very good.
— ______.
You’re welcome B. Thank you C. That’s good
( ) 29. — What are those
— They are __________.
three boxes B. three box C. box
( ) 30. — ________ Alice _______big eyes
— No, she doesn’t.
Do; have B. Does ; has C. Does; have
( ) 31. Sam has a big nose_______ big ears, _________ his eyes are small.
A. and; and B. but; but C. and; but
( )32. —Whose photos are these
—They are Jane’s. Please _____________
A.give them to her B. give them her C. give her to them
( ) 33. Jack and Tom are in the same___________, but in different______________.
A. grade; classes. B. grades; class C. grade; class
( ) 34. We want __________ her name.
A. know B. to know C. knows
( )35. —What nine and eight
— It’s _________________
A. eighteen B. seventeen C. sixteen
Hi! Let me introduce(介绍)____36____ sisters to you. I have____37___sisters. They are Diana and Lisa. Diana is __38___ , and Lisa is 15, too. They are twins(双胞胎),but they __39__ look the same.
Diana has short brown hair. But Lisa has____40____blonde hair. They have different __41__ . Diana's eyes are big, but Lisa's eyes are small.
In the photo, they are___42__ red sweaters. But they like __43__ clothes. Diana likes skirts, but Lisa likes pants. Diana's favorite__44__is yellow, and Lisa likes green. They are students in Yingjie Junior High School. They are in the same __45__ . Diana is in Class 2, and Lisa is in Class 5
( ) 36. A. I B. me C. my
( ) 37. A. two B. three C. four
( ) 38. A. 15 year old B. 15 years old C. 15-years-old
( ) 39. A. Aren't B. don't C. doesn't
( ) 40. A. long B. short C. small
( ) 41. A. eyes B. noses C. ears
( ) 42. A. with B. for C. in
( ) 43. A. different B. same C. old
( ) 44. A. student B. book C. color
( ) 45. A. school B. grade C. class
IV.阅读理解 (共两节,25小题;满分45分)
I have eight pencil-boxes. Four are black, the others(其他的) are white. There are(有) some pens and pencils. I put (放)three pens in each (每个)black pencil-box, and put three pencils in each white pencil-box and one pencil in each black pencil-box. The number of pencils is my age(年龄).
( ) 46. I have ____________ pens.
A. 4 B. 8 C. 12 D.16
( ) 47. I have ____________ pencils
A. 12 B.16 C.18 D.20
( ) 48. What are in the white pencils-boxes They are___________
A. twelve pens B. four pens and eight pencils
C. twelve pencils D. twelve pens and four pencils
( ) 49. Where are the pens They are in the ____________
A. four black pencil-boxes B. four white pencil-boxes
C. a black pencil-box D. a white pencil-box
( ) 50. I am __________ from the passage
A. 12 B 14. C.16 D. 18
( B )
Hello, boys and girls! Look at me. Guess, who am I Oh, yes, I’m Mr. Bean. I’m an English actor. I was born (出生) in England in 1955. My name is Rowan Atkinson. Look! I have a big head, and my hair is short and black. I have a round face, big eyes, a big nose and a wide mouth. My ears are big, too. Now I’m in the USA. I have some (一些) good friends here. They are nice to me. Now I’m old, but I’m very happy.
( ) 51. Mr. Bean is an English________.
A. teacher B. actor C. student D. police
( ) 52. How old is Mr. Bean now
A. 52. B. 63. C. 66. D. 68.
( ) 53. Mr. Bean has a _______ nose and a________ face.
A. small; round B. big; small C. small; big D. big; round
( ) 54. Where is Mr. Bean now __________
A. In China. B. In England. C. In the USA. D. Japan.
( ) 55. Which is NOT right __________
A. Mr. Bean is from Canada. B. Mr. Bean has short black hair.
C. Mr. Bean’s friends are nice to him. D. Mr. Bean is old but happy.
My name is Arthur. I come from England. I'm fourteen years old. I have blue eyes and blond hair. I'm very tall. My T-shirt is white and my pants are black. Now I'm in Class Seven, Grade Eight.
Look! That boy in a blue T-shirt is my good friend, Zhao Lei. Blue is his favorite color. He’s from China. He's fourteen, too. His eyes and hair are black. He is not tall, but very strong. We have different looks, but we are good friends
( ) 56. Where is Arthur from
A. The UK B. The USA C. Japan. D. China
( ) 57. What color is Arthur's T-shirt
A. Black. B. White . C. Yellow. D. Green.
( ) 58. What color does Zhao Lei like best(最)
Purple. B. White. C. Blue. D. Pink.
( ) 59. How old is Zhao Lei
A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15
( ) 60. What does Zhao Lei look like
A. His eyes are blue. B. He is tall and thin
C. He has blonde hair D. He is short but strong.
Good morning. I'm Dong Ming and my English name is Ben. I'm twelve and I'm a Chinese boy. I'm in Class Three, Grade Seven. Brown is my favorite color. I have a brown pen.
Seventeen boys and nineteen girls are in my class. Sam, Lucy and Tina are my classmates. Sam and I are of the same age. He comes from Japan. He likes black. He thinks it's cool. The black pencil box is his. Lucy is an English girl. She is thirteen years old now. Red is her favorite color. She has a red ruler in her desk. Tina comes from America. She is eleven. She likes white and yellow. She has a white dress and a yellow schoolbag.
We come from different countries. We don't look the same. We like different colors. But we are good friends.
( ) 61. How old is Sam
A. ten B. eleven C. twelve D.thirteen
( ) 62. Where does Lucy come from
A. China B. England C. Japan D.America
( ) 63.Tina has a ___________________
A. white dress B. yellow pen C. brown pencil D. red schoolbag
( ) 64. The underlined(划线的) word “countries” means__________ in Chinese.
A.身份 B.国家 C.年龄 D.地址
( ) 65. From the passage, we can learn that______________.
A. Sam's favorite color is brown B. Lucy and Tina are of the same age
C. Lucy's ruler is in her schoolbag D.36 students are in Ben’'s class
第二节  阅读下面的短文,从所给的五个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项, 使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
Hi! My name is Leo. ______66_________ I have a friend. He comes from England. His name is Mike.____67______We are the same age. He is tall with long legs. _____68_______ And he has big eyes, a big nose and a wide mouth. _____69_____ ,and we are in the same class, too. _____70______His favorite film star is Jack, but my favorite film star is Julia.
A. We are in the same grade
B. Do you have a friend
C. He is twelve years old now.
D. He has a long face and short hair
E. We are in Class Fifteen, Grade Seven
Ⅴ. 情景交际(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据情景提示,完成下列各题。
___________________________________________________, Mr. Wang!
75. 你想知道Jane最喜欢的老师是谁可以这样问:
VI. 看图写话 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
76. Kangkang, in 77. from 78. he, wide
79. these 80. skirt, blue
VII. 短文填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Hello! I am Rose. I 81 from Cuba. But now I am in China. I have a 82 /nju:/ friend in China. She is Han Mei. She is a 83 (China) girl. Her English 84 /ne m/ is Mary. We are 85 Class One, Grade Seven in Zhengzhou No. 1 High School. So (因此)we are 86 (classmate). Han Mei 87 (have) a round face and big eyes. Her mouth is wide and her ears are small. She has 88 white cat. It has a nice name -Snow. It looks very nice. At school, my Chinese is not good. My friends often(经常) help 89 (I) , and she is so nice. Look! The girl in a red 90 /dres/ is her. Let’s go and say hello to her.
81._______ 82. ________ 83. ________ 84. _______ 85. ________
86._______ 87. ________ 88. ________ 89. _______ 90. ________
VIII. 书面表达。(15分)
91. 全红婵,在刚刚结束的第19届亚运会中获得10米跳台冠军。请你根据提示,用英文写一篇介绍她的短文。
1. Age(年龄):16
2. From: Guangdong,China
3. Job(职业): player
4. Looks(长相): tall and strong ; short hair,a big nose and small eyes;
5. Her favorite color: white
6. Clothes((穿着):Black pants and a white coat
I. 1-5 ACBBC 6-10 AABCA 11-15 CCBAB
16. America 17. Thirteen/13 18. Big 19. pink
20. Fifteen
II. 21-25 BCACB 26—30 CBBAC 31—35 CAABB
Ⅲ. 36-40 CABBA 41-45 ACACB
IV. 46-50 CBCAC 51-55 BDDCA 56-60 ABCCD
61-65 CBABD 66-70 BCDAE
V. 71. Good morning
72. I am Sara.
73. Here you are. 
74. What does she look like
75. Who is your favorite teacher
VI. 76. Kangkang is in Class One, Grade One .
77. He is from China.
78. He has a wide mouth.
79. These are (four) pencils.
80. Her skirt is blue.
VII.81.am/come 82.new 83. Chinese 84 .name 85. in
86. classmates 87. has 88. a 89. me 90. dress
VIII. 书面表达: 略初一英语48题干中的pencils改为pencil-boxes



