
姓名: 1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,
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第一部分 选择题(1-20 每小题 1 分,21-25 每小题 2 分,26-50 每小题 1 分,51-70 每小题 2 分。共 95 分)
1 A B C D E f 6 A B C D 11 A B C D
2 A B C D E f 7 A B C D 12 A B C D
3 A B C D E f 8 A B C D 13 A B C D
4 A B C D E f 9 A B C D 14 A B C D
5 A B C D E f 10 A B C D 15 A B C D
16 A B C D 21 A B C D 26 A B C D 31 A B C D
17 A B C D 22 A B C D 27 A B C D 32 A B C D
18 A B C D 23 A B C D 28 A B C D 33 A B C D
19 A B C D 24 A B C D 29 A B C D 34 A B C D
20 A B C D 25 A B C D 30 A B C D 35 A B C D
36 A B C D 41 A B C D 46 A B C D 51 A B C D
37 A B C D 42 A B C D 47 A B C D 52 A B C D
38 A B C D 43 A B C D 48 A B C D 53 A B C D
39 A B C D 44 A B C D 49 A B C D 54 A B C D
40 A B C D 45 A B C D 50 A B C D 55 A B C D
56 A B C D 61 A B C D 66 A B C D E f
57 A B C D 62 A B C D 67 A B C D E f
58 A B C D 63 A B C D 68 A B C D E f
59 A B C D 64 A B C D 69 A B C D E f
60 A B C D 65 A B C D 70 A B C D E f
五、综合填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
71. 72. 73. 74.
75. 76. 77. 78.
79. 80.
第 1 页 共 2 页
此 区 域 内 请 勿 答 题
六、书面表达(满分 15 分)
第 2 页 共 2 页
Test One
I went to the Great Wall with my parents on National Day.
Test Two
My father is enjoying the beach.
Test Three
It’s good for our health to eat vegetables every day.
Test Four
Dream Movie Theater has the biggest screen.
Test Five
I hope to watch the cartoon this evening.
W: Hi, Tom. Where did you go last weekend
M: I went to visit my grandparents with my parents. What about you, Mary
W: I went to the mountains with my friends.
M: Did you have a good time
W: Yes, everything was excellent.
M:What do you usually do on weekends, Mary
W: I sometimes go shopping with my mother. How about you, Jack
M: I never go shopping. I often exercise. Do you often exercise, Mary
W: I hardly ever exercise.
M: Oh, I think exercising is more important than shopping.
W: Maybe you are right!
W: Who’s your best friend, Jim
M: Peter. Any more question, Mary
W: Why do you like him
M: Because we like to do the same things.
W: Is he different from you in any way
M: Yes. I study harder than he. And he plays basketball better than me.
W: Hi, Jim. Do you want to watch a movie
M: Yes, a great idea!
W: Is there a good movie theater near here
M: Yes. Sunshine Movie Theater. It’s the most popular one near here.
W: Do you often go there, Jim
M: Yes, once a week. And it has the best sound!
W: What about the seats
M: They are very comfortable!
W: Sounds good! Let’s go!
W: Hi, Jack. May I ask some questions about healthy life
M: Sure, go ahead!
W: How often do you eat vegetables
M: Every day! In fact, I don’t like them. But my mother often makes me eat them.
W: I think it’s good for your health.
M: Great!
W: And how often do you exercise
M: More than three times a week.
W: And how often do you eat fruit
M: I sometimes eat fruit. My favorite fruit is oranges!
W: Me, too. Do you like coffee
M: No, I never drink it. I don’t like it at all.
W: Well, thank you very much.
M: You are welcome.
W: What did you do in class today, Tom
M: We had a discussion about TV shows. My classmates like game shows.
What do you think of them, Mary
W: I can’t stand them! I love soap operas. I like to follow the story and see what happens next.
M: I don’t mind the soap operas. But I like the talent shows best!
W: But I think they are boring!
M: Boring I think they are very exciting! And you can learn a lot from them!
W: So, what do you want to be
M: I hope to be like them one day! What about you, Mary!
W: I love soap operas! So, I want to be an actor!
Yesterday Jack asked his father what his favorite movie was. To his surprise, he told his son the lion King was his favorite. Here is what he said.
The Lion King is a cartoon movie. It came out in 1994. It’s the most popular English movie in the world. The movie is about a young lion, Simba. He was the prince of the forest. But his uncle Scar wanted to be the king. So he killed Simba’s father. When Simba grew up, he came back to the forest and had a big fight with his uncle. At last, Simba won and became the true king.
“Why do you like the movie, Dad ” Jack asked his father. “It is exciting and educational, I think.” His father answered.
1—5BFCDE 6—10 ACCBC 11—15 ACBCB 16—20 CBCCA 21—25 CBCAC
(1-20每题一分,21-25每题二分 共计30分)
二、26—30 DDCBA 31—35 DCCBB
三、36—40 BCDBA 41—45DBBCD 46—50 AACDB
(26-50每题一分, 共计25分)
四、51—53DBD 54—57BBAD 58—61DCBC 62—65 BCCD
66—70 ACEFD
(51-70每题二分, 共计40分)
五、71. an 72.more interesting 73.to feel/feeling 74. in 75.watching
76.writers 77.but 78.best 79.as 80.to enjoy
(71-80每题一分, 共计10)
How to improve mental health
Nowadays, many students have some problems improving mental health. Here I have some advice for you.
First of all, good living habits is good for mental health. We should exercise every day. And we need to keep a healthy eating habits. For example, we can eat more vegetables and fruit. Next, making friends do help with mental health. If we have some good friends, we can share our problems and happiness with them. We can communicate with them if we are unhappy. Finally, better plans for after-school classes make better mental health. We can relax by watch some shows on TV or on the Internet. But we must choose some good shows, like Readers and so on.
All in all, if you want to improve mental health, you should live healthily. Hope that you can be happy every day. (123words)2023年秋湖北省知名中小学教联体联盟 八年级期中质量检测英语试题
(考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分)
命题人 : 审题人 :
温薯提醒 :
1. 答卷前,请将自己的姓名 、班级 、考号等信息准确填写在指定位置 。
2. 请保持卷面的整洁,书写工 整 、美观 。
3. 请认真审题,仔细答题,诚信应考,乐观自信,相信你 一 定会取得满意的成绩!
第 I卷(选择题95分)
一 、 听力测试(共三节;满分 30分)
第 一 节(共 5小题;每小题 1分,满分 5分)
听句子 。从下面所给的 A、B、C、D、E、F六个选项中,按顺序选出与所听句子内容 相符的图片 。 听完每个句子后,你将有 5秒钟的作答时间 。每个句子读两遍 。
第二节(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
听下面6段对话 。每段对话后面有几个小题,从题后所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选 出最佳选项 。 听完每段对话后,你将有10或15秒钟的作答时间 。每段对话读两遍 。
听第 1段对话,回答第 6、7小题 。
( )6. where did Tom go la松t weekend?
A. vi松ited grandparent松. B. went to the mountain松. C. went camping.
( )7. who did Mary go with?
A. Her grandparent松. B. Her parent松. C. Her friend松.
听第 2段对话,回答第 8、9小题 。
( )8. How often doe松 Mary go 松hopping?
A. Hardly ever. B. Never. C. sometime松.
( )9. who often exerci松e松 on weekend松?
A. Mary. B. Jack. C. Mary , 松mother.
听第 3段对话,回答第 10、11小题 。
( )10. why doe松Jim like Peter?
A. They like to do different thing松. B. They are in the 松ame cla松松.
C. They like to do the 松ame thing松.
( )11. who 松tudie松 harder?
A. Jim. B. Peter. C. Mary.
八年级期中质量检测英语试题.第 1页.(共 8页)
听第 4段对话,回答第 12、13、14小题 。
( )12. what do they want to do?
A. watch TV shows. B. Listen to music. C. watch a movie. ( )13. How often does Jim go to the movie?
A. once a month. B. once a week. C. Everyday. ( )14. why do they go to sunshine Movie Theater?
A. It , s the closest to home. B. It is the cheapest.
C. It is the best theater.
听第 5段对话,回答第 15、16、17小题 。
( )15. How often does Jack eat vegetables?
A. Hardly ever. B. Everyday. C. sometimes.
( )16. How many times does Jack exercise a week?
A. Less than three times. B. Twice C. More than three times.
( )17. How does Jack like coffee?
A. Very much. B. Not at all. C. A little. 听第 6段对话,回答第 18、19、20小题 。
( )18. what does Mary think of game shows?
A. she loves them. B. she doesn , t mind them.
C. she can , t stand them.
( )19. which kind of TV shows does Tom like best?
A. Game shows. B. soap operas. C. Talent shows.
( )20. what does Mary want to be?
A. Actor. B. Player C. writer.
第三节(共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分)
听下面一篇短文 。根据你所听到的短文内容,选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案 。 听完短文后,你将有 25秒钟的作答时间 。短文读两遍 。
( )21. what , s Jack , s father , s favorite movie?
A. Action movie B. scary movie C. Cartoon
( )22. when did the Lion king come out?
A. In1984 B. In1994 C. In2004
( )23. what kind of movie is it?
A. Chinese movie. B. French movie. C. English movie.
( )24. who became the king at last?
A. simba B. simba , s uncle. C. simba , s father
( )25. what does Jack , s father think of the movie?
A. Exciting but meaningless. B. Boring but educational.
C. Exciting and educational
二 、 选择填空 O(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分)
从 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 。
( )26. — sam,how did you know the time of the train to Hangzhou?
— Igot the from the Internet.
A. question B. activity C. program D. information
八年级期中质量检测英语试题.第 2页.(共 8页)
( )27. — How do you like the talent show last night?
— It has , Ireally enjoyed it.
A. funny something B. nothing funny
C. funny anything D. something funny ( )28. — Ithink Mary is than before!
— yes! But she was very quiet last year!
A. outgoing B. much quieter C. more outgoing D. quiet
( )29. — what do you do in your free time?
— Ialways spend time our family.
A. on B. with C. for D. of
( )30. — do you visit your grandparents?
— once a week. I only have time on weekends.
A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How much ( )31. — Ialways feel unhappy. Can you help me?
— you relax yourself , you will find many happy things around you.
A. As far as B. As well as C. A good as D. As long as ( )32. — Did you go to anywhere interesting during the Golden week?
— yes. I to Hangzhou to watch Asian Games.
A. am going B. go C. went D. going
( )33. —Jack , why do you think your English class is so interesting?
— Because Ms. Li. often some funny stories to make us laugh!
A. feels like B. cares about C. makes up D. dresses up
( )34. — Did you go to the shopping center with your mother yesterday? — No. My mom decided online. Because it , s cheaper.
A. shopping B. to shop C. shopped D. shop ( )35. — what do you think of the movie under the light(《坚如礬石》)?
— . The actors acted so great in it.
A. Ican , t stand it. B. It , s wonderful.
C. Ihope not D. That , s nothing. 三 、 完形填空 O(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
阅读下面的短文 , 从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中 , 选出可填入空白处的 最佳选项 , 使短文意思完整 。
Ivan sat on the floor covered with sand deep down in thesea. He was bored and 36 . He watched other pretty fish swimming in and out of rocks. They were laugh- ing and dancing in the 37 .“why amIso different?”he said to himself.
“ you are an octopus(章鱼), Ivan. That is special. ”The sweet 38 of Peter , a beautiful white dolphin(海胚), always made Ivan 39 better. Ivan looked up at the white dolphin and smiled. Peter said ,“ Let , s play games 40 . ”
They were having a lot of 41 and they didn , t know they swam far from home. suddenly Peter saw a large shark(鳖鱼) swimming next to them.“ It is Big white. . . the biggest , most 42 shark in thesea , ”he shouted to Ivan. Peter 43
Big white hopelessly. Peter was very afraid and he couldn , t 44 . Just at this mo-
八年级期中质量检测英语试题.第 3页.(共 8页)
ment,Big white rushed down towards(冲向) 45 . An 46 came to Ivan. He quickly sprayed(喷)a very dark cloud of black liquid(液体)to the shark , s eyes. Then Ivan and Peter swam away 47 got home safely.
“ Are you Ok?”asked Ivan.“ yes. That was the most interesting trip ever! you save me just now. Iam lucky 48 you as my friend!”Ivan , s face turned red.“ I guess being different 49 others can be so cool sometimes,”Ivan said.“ That is
what Itry to 50 to you,”Peter said.
( )36. A. happy B. unhappy C. excited D. interested
( )37. A. river B. lake C. sea D. pool
( )38. A. sound B. noise C. shout D. voice
( )39. A. to feel B. feel C. felt D. feels
( )40. A. together B. almost C. only D. also
( )41. A. trouble B. care C. problems D. fun
( )42. A. hardworking B. dangerous C. friendly D. talented
( )43. A. looked after B. looked at C. looked like D. looked for
( )44. A. walk B. fly C. swim D. run
( )45. A. me B. you C. her D. them
( )46. A. idea B. action C. ability D. example
( )47. A. and B. but C. or D. after
( )48. A. having B. have C. to have D. had
( )49. A. with B. about C. as D. from
( )50. A. tell B. say C. speak D. talk
四 、 阅读理解 O(共 20小题;每小题 2分,满分 40分)
第 一 节 阅读下面四篇短文,根据短文内容,从每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中 选出最佳选项 。(共 15小题;每小题 2分,满分 30分)
walking through the ancient town Time:10:00am — 2:00pm,Friday — saturday place:yiwu Ancient Town price:丹90each person Tel:82101973 while walking through the ancient town,you can know what life of the Chinese traders was like here in the past.
kung fu show Time:7:30pm — 8:30pm,Thursday — Friday place:Peace square price:丹80each person Tel:83227232 Chinese kung fu is getting more and more popular. Here you can experience and learn it from a great master,they come here.
八年级期中质量检测英语试题.第 4页.(共 8页)
Art Exhibition Time:9:00am — 9:00pm,August1— 10 place:star Gallery price:丹120each person Tel:86552545 A famous Chinese ink painter uses traditional painting style“ gong bi”to paint Chinese women.
( )51. How much will you pay if you enjoy Art Exhibition with your parents?
A. 丹279. B. 丹240. C. 丹290. D. 丹360. ( )52. when can you watch kung fu show?
A. 8:30pm — 9:30pm on Friday. B. 7:30pm — 8:30pm on Friday.
C. 7:30am — 8:30amon Thursday. D. 7:30am — 6:30pm on Thursday. ( )53. where can we probably see this passage?
A. In a dictionary. B. In a storybook.
C. In a diary. D. In a guidebook.
Iam taking part in a summer camp on a farm! Today is the first day. After get- ting up,we did morning exercises. Then we learned how to grow vegetables. In the af- ternoon,the farmers took us to peel the corn(剥玉米)and told usa lot about corn.
All in all,Iam busy all day,but Ireally enjoy the life here!
In the morning,we milked the cows. we ate organic(有 机 的)vegetables for lunch. In the afternoon,we picked fruit. After that,we had asmall party for the short trip. Everyone was so happy about this. At last,we danced and sang together.
Iarrived home at8:20p. m. Now Iam writing down somethings about these two days in my bedroom. They are so interesting that I,d like togo to the summer camp again!
( )54. what did the writer do on the morning of August26?
A. He milked the cows. B. He did morning exercises.
C. He peeled the corn. D. He picked vegetables and fruit. ( )55. who took the writer to peel the corn?
A. Teachers. B. Farmers. C. Parents. D. Friends. ( )56. where did the writer keep the second diary?
A. At home. B. At school.
C. on the farm. D. At the restaurant. ( )57. which of the following is RIGHT?
A. The writer spent three days on the summer camp.
B. The writer learned how to grow corn on the farm.
C. The writer arrived home at8:20p. mon saturday.
D. The writer thinks the life of the camp is interesting.
八年级期中质量检测英语试题.第 5页.(共 8页)
Hi , Iam Li Lei. Many young people are worried about the relationship of their parents! Forme , my father always stands by my side. He is the“ VIP”(very impor- tant person)in my life. Now Iwant to share some stories between us.
when Iwasakid , my father was often busy with his work. Ispenta lot of time with my grandmother. At that time Ididn , t know why my father couldn , t just stay at home and play with me like other children , s fathers. All I remembered about my father , s love was some candies.
As time went by , Istudied in a boarding school(寄宿学校). one day Itold my fa- theron the phone that Imissed my mother , s dishes very much. To my surprise , when Iwas going to bed , one of my classmates told me that someone was calling me. Iran out and saw that my father was outside with a lunch-box in his hand. He went over and gave me that lunch-box. He was very tired from the long trip. without saying an- ything , he went away in the dark. Back to the room , Icried.
By sharing the stories , Ijust want to tell you that your parents are loving you in their special way.
( )58. who did Li Lei spend much time with when he was a child?
A. Father. B. Mother. C. Grandfather. D. Grandmother. ( )59. what did Li Lei tell his father on the phone one day?
A. He missed his mother. B. He missed his father.
C. He wanted to eat mother , s dishes. D. He wanted to see his mother. ( )60. How did Li Lei feel when he got the lunch-box?
A. sorry. B. Moved(感动). C. sad. D. unhappy. ( )61. why did Li Lei share the story?
A. we should love our parents.
B. Don , t make your parents sad.
C. Parents care aboutus in their special way
D. Parents have to make delicious food.
once aking got two nice falcons(猎鹰)from his son. He never saw the beautiful falcons before. He loved them so much and he asked the best falconer to train(训练) them to fly.
After a few months , the king came to see how the training was going on. He found that one falcon could fly high in the sky , but the other was just staying on the slick(树核)of atree quietly.
The king called all his falconers together and asked them to try every way to make the other falcon fly. But all of them failed(失败). one day , when the king was taking a walkin the forest , he had an idea suddenly. He sent for a farmer in the forest into his palace to train it.
The next morning , the king saw the other falcon flying above in the sky freely. “ It is unbelievable!”shouted the king.“ How could you make it happen?”
The farmer answered ,“It, s very easy. Ijust cutoff the slick where the falcon rested. ”
八年级期中质量检测英语试题.第 6页.(共 8页)
It is always the same to us. we all have“ two flying wings(翅膀)”as well,but we don , t often notice(注意到)them and stay where we are just for safety and comfort. we won , t know we can fly so high and freely till we have no stick to reston.
( )62. why did the king call all his falconers together?
A. Because he wanted to get more falcons.
B. Because he wanted the other falcon to fly.
c. Because he wanted them to see his falcons.
D. Because he wanted to know more about his falcons.
( )63. who finally made the other falcon fly freely in the sky?
A. The king. B. The king , s son.
c. The farmer. D. The best falconer.
( )64. what does the underlined part“sent for”mean?
A. Looked for. B. went to someone for advice.
c. Asked someone to come. D. caught someone.
( )65. According to the passage,which of the following is the best title?
A. The clever king B. The Nice Falcons
c. The Best Falconer D. The Flying wings
第二节 阅读还原(共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10分)
阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最 佳选项 。(每个选项只用一次,选项中有一项为多余选项)
Bill and Jane in the picture are getting on the boat to Qingrendao,Hainan. They will join in a program called I,mIn china for one day.
66 About500people from across the world come to it to have different expe- riences(经历).
67 chengdu,sichuan is the first stop of the I,min china program. The par- ticipants(参与者)can care about pandas , life together with zoo kepers. They can learn kung fuat shaolin Temple in Henan. They can be a high — speed train worker in wu- han,Hubei. And they can learn how to make hand — pulled noodles in Lanzhou,Gan- su. 68 In fact,for most foreigners,one of their biggest wishes is to see pandas be- fore coming to china.
I,minchina opens a new door for china to the world. with warm heart,the pro- gram welcomes foreign friends to see china for themselves. 69 Through the pro- gram,the outside world can know more about china. The workers of the program will choose the best from those500people. These best people will work as ambassadors (大 使)to share their real experiences of chinese culture with the world. 70 —Reported B>xinlang.
A. It is a new reality show(真人秀)on TV. B. Many of them have something in common. c. There are many kinds of activities in the program. D. They are like a bridge between china and the world. E. Taking care of pandas in chengdu is the most popular activity. F. By joining it,they can find out what everyday life is like in china.
八年级期中质量检测英语试题.第 7页.(共 8页)
第 Ⅱ卷(非选择题 25分)
五 、 综合填空 O(共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分)
阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入 一 个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式填 空 。(每空不超过三个词)
“ The grass(草) looks greener on the other side of the fence(栅栏) . ”That , s 71 old saying in English. It means other places often look better and 72
(interesting)than the place where you live. These days,most people worry that young chinese are beginning 73 (feel)that way. More and more young chinese become less interested 74 chinese culture. Instead,they are buying Japanese cartoon books, 75 (watch)korean soap operas and celebrating western holidays.
Foreign books and soap operas are good,but chinese 76 (write)and actors are excellent too. christmas is nice, 77 it can , t have the special meaning for chinese. And let , s not forget the part of chinese culture — its friendliness which is the 78 (good)we like. Not all countries are as warm 79 china.
It , s good 80 (enjoy)other cultures and to learn from them,but they can , t be the place of our own culture. You will find that the grass isn , t always greener on the other side of the fence.
六 、 书面表达 O(共 1小题,满分 15分)
进入了八年级之后,随着学习科目的增多和知识难度的增加,很多同学心理压力 倍增 。请你用英语写一篇短文,谈谈平时的生活中如何提升心理健康水平,缓解学习 压力 。
1. 好的生活习惯有利身心健康(如锻炼,饮食……)
2. 交朋友有利身心健康(如分享,沟通……)
3. 更好地计划课后活动方式和时间有利身心健康(如电视节目,网络……) 写作要求:
1. 词数 90词左右(开头已经给出,不计入总词数);
2. 根据要点提示,可以适当发挥;
3. 文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名 。
参考词汇:living habits生活习惯 communicate 心. 沟通 pressure压力 How to improvemental health?
Nowadays,many students have some problems in improving mental health.
八年级期中质量检测英语试题.第 8页.(共 8页)




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