Unit 2 Travelling A卷·夯实基础 初中英语牛津译林版八年级下册(含解析)

Unit 2(A卷·夯实基础)
班级________ 姓名________ 学号_________ 分数________
第Ⅰ卷 选择题
1.Because of the heavy rain, I took the bus to school ________ riding a bike this morning.
A.such as B.instead of C.in fact D.at first
2.All the boys in my class like football ________ Tony. He likes volleyball.
A.from B.for C.except D.with
3.Jack knew Rose at a very young age, and he wanted to ________ her at that time.
A.marry B.marry with C.marry to D.be married
4.Wuhan consumption coupon (消费券) plays a ________ in improving people’s life. We can get them through WeChat mini program.
A.information B.action C.role D.character
5.This fruit smells ________ to me, so I never try it. But my mum loves it.
A.wonderful B.terrible C.dangerous D.delicious
6.— What does she think of this TV show
— She thinks it’s ________. She doesn’t like it.
A.fantastic B.creative C.educational D.meaningless
7.My uncle ________ Beijing two weeks. He’ll be back in two days.
A.has gone B.has been to C.has been in D.has gone to
8.________ a little boy can draw ________ many beautiful pictures.
A.So; So B.Such; so C.So; such D.Such; such
9.—Today we have too many ways to chat with others, chat rooms, text messages and so on.
—But we seem ________ the art of communicating face to face.
A.to miss B.getting C.to lose D.finding
10.— _________ you ever _________ to France
—Yes, three times.
A.Have; gone B.Have; been C.Do; go D.Were; going
A rich father took his son on a trip to a village. He wanted to 11 his son what are the differences 12 their life and the villages, so that his son 13 cherish(珍爱)what he had. They spent 14 a few days with a family there.
On their way back home, the father 15 about his son’s ides about the trip. So he asked, “ 16 was the trip ”
“It was great, Dad.”
“What did you learn from the 17 ” the father couldn’t 18 to ask.
The son answered, “We have one dog but the family has four. We have a swimming pool, but they have a big river with many 19 swimming in it. We have very expensive lights, but they have 20 stars at night. We buy food in the supermarket, but they 21 food in their garden for themselves. The food is 22 delicious than ours. We have walls around the house to 23 us, but they have friends to protect them. Dad, you see, they are much 24 than us. 25 poor we are!”
The father couldn’t say anything, and he just stood there quietly.
11.A.ask B.show C.talk D.make
12.A.from B.at C.between D.into
13.A.must B.need C.might D.could
14.A.quite B.many C.quiet D.more
15.A.wondered B.disliked C.worried D.described
16.A.When B.Where C.How D.What
17.A.friend B.trip C.village D.family
18.A.wait B.seem C.decide D.try
19.A.pigs B.hens C.birds D.ducks
20.A.few B.a little C.a lot D.lots of
21.A.order B.grow C.catch D.offer
22.A.more B.much C.many D.very
23.A.hit B.hold C.protect D.fight
24.A.rich B.poor C.richer D.poorer
25.A.What B.How C.Where D.When
Every year, lots of people go to visit the Great Wall. The most popular part is Badaling. However, during my seven years in China, I never visited it. Because there are too many tourists.
Actually, I like places that few people visit. One day, I chose to visit Simatai—another part of the Great Wall. It’s not very easy to go up and few people go there.
At the beginning, I saw some vendors(小贩) walking along the paths(小路) with postcards. They shouted loudly to sell the postcards but I was not interested in them. Soon, one old woman followed me wherever I went. Finally, I became angry. “Don’t you know the meaning of ‘No!’ ” I shouted at her and left.
When I saw the Great Wall, I felt excited and forgot the old woman. I went up the Great Wall.
Then, halfway up, I stopped. I found I was on a very dangerous path. It was no wider than a metre and there were no walls. I remembered that some tourists died here. I couldn’t move at all.
Suddenly, I felt a small hand on my back. A voice told me, “Don’t be afraid.” She said she would help me to the top. All the time, she said to me “Everything will be fine.”
Half an hour later, we reached a safe place. Feeling better, I turned around to see who she was.
It was the old woman. I felt sorry and gave her a big hug. Later, I bought all of her postcards. She smiled and took my hands in hers.
Even now, I still deeply thank the old woman.
26.Why did the writer never visit Badaling
A.Because there were too many visitors. B.Because it was too dangerous to climb.
C.Because the price of the tickets was too high. D.Because it was difficult to get there.
27.What does the underlined word them refer to(指的是)
A.Tourists. B.Paths. C.Postcards. D.Vendors.
28.What did writer do after reaching the safe place
A.He wanted to climb up the Great Wall. B.He forgot the old woman.
C.He bought all of the old woman’s postcards. D.He couldn’t move at all.
29.Which is the right order of the writer’s feelings in the story
A.Afraid — Angry — Thankful B.Angry — Afraid — Thankful
C.Angry — Sorry — Afraid D.Afraid — Sorry — Excited
30.What does the writer mainly want to tell us
A.Be careful all the time when we go climbing.
B.To help others, buy as many things as we can.
C.We can reach the top if we always keep going.
D.We can’t learn about a person only by his job.
December 1st, 2021
Dear parents,
We plan a field trip to Sulphur Ridge for Grade Eight students on Friday, December 17th, 2021. This day is the last activity for the students for Grade Eight. We are planning a 10-km hike behind Miette Hot Springs. After the hike Mr. Fehler will take students to have a quick shower in Miette Hot Springs. And then they will watch an outdoor movie for free.
All the students must bring a nutritious lunch, water or juice, hats, comfortable shoes and rain gear(raincoat, umbrella and rain boots). Please let our teachers know if your children cannot take part in the outdoor hike.
The cost of the hike will be twenty dollars per student. It will cover the transportation(交通) and ticket to the Hot Springs.
We need parent volunteers on the field trip. If you can help, please let us know.
Mr. Leis
Farry Collinge Middle School
Reply Form(回执) My son/daughter will attend the field trip to Sulphur Ridge. Yes No□ I will be able to help during this field trip. Yes No□ Student’s name: Lisa Brown Parent’s name: Kim Brown
31.What is the plan of this field trip
A.hike→movie→shower B.movie→hike→shower
C.shower→hike→movie D.hike→shower→movie
32.Students must bring the following things EXCEPT ________.
A. B. C. D.
33.The underlined word “It” refers to(指的是) ________.
A.The hike B.The spring ticket C.The movie D.The $20
34.Who wants to be a volunteer on the field trip
A.Mr. Fehler. B.Mr. Leis. C.Kim Brown. D.Lisa Brown.
35.What can we learn from the above information
A.All the students in the school must go on this field trip. B.It may be rainy on December 17th, 2021.
C.They will have another trip later. D.Parent volunteers will get $20 for their help.
Have you ever been hiking Hiking is a good way to exercise. What you see and hear on the way can be great fun, but it’s important to be careful. Our school newspaper reporter Nelly asked Hanna, a famous hiker, to share some top tips (建议).
Nelly: It’s important to take the right things when going hiking. What do we need to take
Hanna: Always take enough water and lots of healthy food. Take a map and don’t forget to take a light and a whistle (哨子).
Nelly: A whistle
Hanna: If anything happens, you can use it to call for help.
Nelly: Great! What about clothes Can we wear common clothes
Hanna: It’s important to wear hiking shoes. Take lots of clothes. Not just one T-shirt, but two or three. Not just one pair of socks, but two.
Nelly: Great! Any more tips
Hanna: Always go in a group and respect the countryside. Take your rubbish (垃圾) home with you, don’t pick flowers! And, of course, the most important tip—have a good time! It’s a great activity.
Nelly: Thanks, Hanna! We can’t wait to go!
36.What are Nelly and Hanna talking about
A.The fun of hiking. B.Some tips on hiking.
C.The time of hiking. D.Some places of hiking.
37.Why is a whistle necessary when you go hiking
A.You can play it to have fun. B.You can use it for exercising.
C.You can take it for an adult. D.You can blow it to call for help.
38.Which has the similar meaning with the underlined word “respect”
A.bring out B.find out C.care about D.make up
39.Which of the following should you take when you go hiking
①apples ②flowers ③maps ④hiking shoes
A.①②③ B.①②④ C.①③④ D.②③④
40.Hanna thinks ________ is the most important thing about hiking.
A.enjoying yourself B.taking the right things
C.taking more clothes D.taking the rubbish home
Last week I went to Corsica with my friends on vacation. It was my first visit to this island! We took a ship and it took us six hours to get there. We chatted and played card games to kill time.
When we got there, I got a surprise because of the weather. It was already October! But we just needed to wear T-shirts and shorts. We went to the beach to enjoy the sunshine and some of my friends even went swimming in the sea. The Corsican scenery(风景) was so beautiful. We had a picnic, went for a long walk along the coast and took lots of pictures.
Corsica is famous for being Napoleon’s(拿破仑) birthplace. Every year millions of tourists come here. And we also went to the Maison Bonaparte. It was Napoleon’s house when he was alive. In fact, it was a museum when we visited it.
The food in Corsica was fantastic and we often visited the market to taste something delicious. We also went to some local restaurants for dinner and ate fresh seafood. At the end of the trip, we were very sad to leave and I hope to return to Corsica again one day.
41.The writer go to Corsica ________.
A.by plane B.by train C.by ship D.by bus
42.The weather in Corsica was ________ when the writer got there.
A.cold B.warm C.hot D.cool
43.Maison Bonaparte is ________ now.
A.Napoleon’s home B.A museum C.A market D.A restaurant
44.The writer and his friends did the following things together EXCEPT ________.
A.enjoying the sunshine on the beach
B.having fun swimming in the sea
C.having a picnic and took a lot of pictures
D.eating fresh seafood in local restaurants
As an exchange student, I’ve been in London for about a year until now. Before I came here, I had no idea what it would be like to live and study in London. 45
Food in London
It is easy to find delicious food in London. 46 Here it is possible to taste food from all over the world. Traditional British food is very delicious such as fish and chips, pudding, pies, cheese, tea and cakes.
Weather in London
Does it always rain in London Not really. Sometimes it rains, and sometimes it’s sunny and beautiful. 47 In fact, local people carry both sunglasses and an umbrella with them throughout the year.
Attractions in London
There are many famous attractions in London such as the London Eye, the Tower of London and the Science Museum. You can take a double-decker bus(双层巴士). 48 The bus usually stops near most tourist attractions. You can get off the bus at any stop. Outside the city there is beautiful countryside and a lot of castles, parks and gardens.
49 It is a great place to visit and learn about.
A.But now I have a clear answer.
B.In a word, London is a good city.
C.It will take you to tour around the city.
D.London is a good place for further studies.
E.There are a lot of restaurants and food markets.
F.The weather in London can change very quickly.
I arrived in Penang in Malaysia yesterday morning with my family. It was sunny and hot, so we decided 50 (go) to the beach near our hotel. My sister and I tried paragliding. I felt like I was a bird. It was so 51 (excite). For lunch, we had something very special — Malaysian yellow noodles. They were delicious! In the afternoon, we rode 52 (bicycle) to Georgetown.
There are a lot of new buildings now, 53 many of the old buildings are still there. I really enjoyed 54 (walk) around the town. Today my father and I went to Penang Hill. Because of the rain, we chose to take the train. We waited over an hour 55 the train because there were too many people. When we got to the top, it was raining really 56 (hard). We were wet and cold because we didn’t have 57 umbrella. We couldn’t see 58 (something) below because of the bad weather. 59 a terrible day!
60.Carol broke her arm last year and Mary made her (feel) better.
61.There are many ways to keep healthy, such as (play) basketball.
62.I can see beautiful (view) through the window of my room.
63.His father has been for ten years. (die)
64.He answered all the questions (除了) the last one.
65.He to London. He will be back in two weeks. (go)
66.I think it’s dangerous to go (sail) on the sea.
67.— Why didn’t she stop him going out
— Sorry, but she (write) a letter and didn’t notice him go out.
68.The most important is to enjoy (we) when travelling.
69.We’ll try our best to stop the air pollution (make) our city more and more beautiful.
Mickey had many problems, his house and girlfriend.
we talk to someone, we certainly worse.
Unless we talk to someone, we’ll ceitainly .
Peter says his cousin a couple of times.
That man can’t be Mr. Wang, he Wuhan for a meeting.
about the book.
1. 给他介绍一下几个有特色的城市。最终去哪几个城市,让Alan自己选择。
2. 推荐交通方式(坐飞机,坐火车还是自驾),并说明理由。
1. 词数100 左右,尽量使用形容词、副词的比较级或最高级;
2. 文章需包含以上要点,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。
Dear Alan,
I’m excited to hear you are coming to China soon. You plan to travel around in some cities, right Now let me introduce some of them to you.
I’m looking froward to meeting you and having a good time together!
Lin Tao
考查介词短语辨析。such as例如;instead of代替;in fact事实;at first起初。根据“took the bus to school… riding a bike”可知,骑自行车来代替坐公共汽车,故选B。
考查介词辨析。from“从……”;for“为了”;except“除了”;with“带有”。根据“He likes volleyball”他喜欢排球,可知,此处表达的是“除了托尼,我班上所有的男孩都喜欢足球”。故选C。
考查marry的用法。marry“结婚,嫁,娶”,marry sb.“与某人结婚”;marry to sb.“嫁给某人”;be married“已婚”,表示一种状态。根据“he wanted to ... her at that time.”可知,他那时想和她结婚,应用marry sb.。故选A。
考查名词辨析。information信息;action行动;role角色;character人物。根据“plays a...in improving people’s life”可知此处是短语play a role in“在……方面发挥作用”。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。wonderful精彩的;terrible糟糕的;dangerous危险的;delicious美味的。根据“so I never try it”可知,这种水果闻起来糟糕。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。fantastic极好的;creative有创造力的;educational有教育意义的;meaningless没有意义的。根据“She doesn’t like it.”可知,应填一个贬义的形容词,meaningless符合语境,故选D。
考查现在完成时。has gone to意为“已经去了……(现在不在说话地点)”;has been to意为“(曾经)到过……”;has been in意为“已经在……(常与时间段连用)”。根据“He’ll be back in two days.”可知,叔叔已经在北京待了两个星期。故选C。
考查so和such的区别。so如此,修饰形容词/副词;such这样的,修饰名词。“a little boy”中心词是名词boy,用such修饰;第二空修饰形容词“many”,用so。故选B。
考查非谓语动词和动词辨析。seem to do sth. 意为“似乎做某事”,是固定用法,排除B、D。miss“错过”;lose“失去”。根据“Today we have too many ways to chat with others, chat rooms, text messages and so on.”可知,这些方式里不包含面对面聊天,所以是指我们“失去”了面对面交流的机会。故选C。
考查时态。根据句子中的ever以及回答“Yes, three times.”可知,句子是现在完成时,故助动词用have,另外have been to去过(已经回来),have gone to意思是去了(还没有回来);这里表示“去过”用have been to,故选B。
11.B 12.C 13.D 14.A 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.D 21.B 22.A 23.C 24.C 25.B
ask问;show展示;talk说话;make制作。根据“his son what are the differences”可知是展示他们的生活和乡村生活的不同。故选B。
from从;at在;between在两者之间;into进入。根据“their life and the villages”可知是他们的生活和乡村生活之间的不同。故选C。
must必须;need需要;might可能;could能够。根据“cherish(珍爱) what he had”可知他希望他儿子能够珍惜自己所拥有的一切。故选D。
quite相当;many很多;quiet安静的;more更多。quite a few“相当多”,固定用法。故选A。
wondered好奇;disliked不喜欢;worried担心;described描述。根据“about his son’s ides about the trip”可知是想知道 他儿子对这次旅行的看法。故选A。
when什么时候;where哪里;how如何;what什么。根据“It was great”可知是询问这次旅行怎么样。故选C。
friend朋友;trip旅行;village乡村;family家庭。根据“was the trip”可知是从这次旅行中学到什么。故选B。
wait等待;seem似乎;decide决定;try尝试。根据“the father couldn’t...to ask”可知父亲迫不及待想知道儿子对这次旅行的看法。故选A。
pigs猪;hens母鸡;birds鸟;ducks鸭子。根据“swimming in it”可知鸭子在河里游泳。故选D。
few几乎没有,修饰可数名词复数;a little一点,修饰不可数名词;a lot很多;lots of很多。此处表示肯定意义,修饰可数名词复数stars,用lots of。故选D。
order命令;grow种植;catch抓住;offer提供。根据“food in their garen”可知是在花园里种植食物。故选B。
more更多;much很多,修饰不可数名词;many很多,修饰可数名词复数;very非常。根据“than”可知此处用比较级more delicious。故选A。
hit击打;hold持有;protect保护;fight打架。根据“walls around the house”可知房子周围的墙起到了保护作用。故选C。
rich富有的;poor穷的;richer更富;poorer更穷。根据“poor we are”可知他们比较富有,than前加比较级。故选C。
26.A 27.C 28.C 29.B 30.D
26.细节理解题。根据“Because there were too many tourists.”可知,作者从没去过八达岭是因为那里人太多了,故选A。
27.词义猜测题。根据“They shouted loudly to sell the postcards but I was not interested in them”可知,作者对他们所售卖的明信片不感兴趣,所以them是指代“Postcards明信片”,故选C。
28.细节理解题。根据“Half an hour later, we reached a safe place…Later, I bought all of her postcards”可知,到达安全的地方之后,作者为了表达歉意和感谢,把这位老妇人的明信片全买了,故选C。
29.细节理解题。根据“Finally, I became angry”可知,刚开始感到生气;根据“Don’t be afraid”可知,紧接着感到担心;根据“Even now, I still deeply thank the old woman”可知,最后感到感谢,故选B。
31.D 32.C 33.D 34.C 35.B
31.细节理解题。根据“We are planning a 10-km hike behind Miette Hot Springs. After the hike Mr. Fehler will take students to have a quick shower in Miette Hot Springs. And then they will watch an outdoor movie for free”可知,顺序是hike→shower→movie,故选D。
32.细节理解题。根据“All the students must bring a nutritious lunch, water or juice, hats, comfortable shoes and rain gear(raincoat, umbrella and rain boots)”可知,学生必须携带营养午餐、水或果汁、帽子、舒适的鞋子和雨具,不包括“太阳镜”,故选C。
33.词义猜测题。根据“The cost of the hike will be twenty dollars per student. It will cover the transportation(交通) and ticket to the Hot Springs”可知,20美元包括交通和门票,所以it指代“The $20”,故选D。
34.细节理解题。根据回执单可知,Kim Brown想做志愿者,故选C。
35.推理判断题。根据“rain gear(raincoat, umbrella and rain boots)”可知,提醒要带上雨具,说明可能会下雨,故选B。
36.B 37.D 38.C 39.C 40.A
36.主旨大意题。根据第一段中“Have you ever been hiking...to share some top tips.”可知,她们探讨的是去远足的一些建议。故选B。
37.细节理解题。根据“If anything happens, you can use it to call for help.”可知,如果发生什么事,可以用哨子来求助。故选D。
38.词义猜测题。根据“Take your rubbish (垃圾) home with you, don’t pick flowers!”可知,要做到爱护环境。所以划线单词表示“关心”,与care about同义。故选C。
39.细节理解题。根据“Always take enough water and lots of healthy food. Take a map and don’t forget to take a light and a whistle (哨子)...It’s important to wear hiking shoes...”可知,应带上水果,地图和登山鞋。故选C。
40.细节理解题。根据“And, of course, the most important tip—have a good time! It’s a great activity.”可知,最重要的建议是玩得开心。故选A。
41.C 42.C 43.B 44.B
41.细节理解题。根据第一段“Last week I went to Corsica…We took a ship and it took us six hours to get there.”可知,作者坐船去的科西嘉岛,故选C。
42.推理判断题。根据第二段“When we got there, I got a surprise because of the weather. It was already October! But we just needed to wear T-shirts and shorts.”可知,当作者在科西嘉岛只需要穿T恤和短裤,由此推测当时科西嘉岛比较热,故选C。
43.细节理解题。根据第三段“And we also went to the Maison Bonaparte. It was Napoleon’s house when he was alive. In fact, it was a museum when we visited it.”可知,Maison Bonaparte是拿破仑的故居,但在我们参观的时候,它是一家博物馆,故选B。
44.细节理解题。根据第二段“We went to the beach to enjoy the sunshine and some of my friends even went swimming in the sea”可知,作者和朋友们一起在海边享受了阳光,在海边野餐,并且拍了许多照片,但只有一些朋友去游了泳,故选B。
45.A 46.E 47.F 48.C 49.B
45.根据“Before I came here, I had no idea what it would be like to live and study in London”及下文的介绍可知,对伦敦有了新认知,A选项“但现在我有了一个明确的答案”符合,故选A。
46.根据“It is easy to find delicious food in London”可知,此处提到了可以品尝美食的地方,E选项“有很多餐馆和食品市场”符合,故选E。
47.根据“Sometimes it rains, and sometimes it’s sunny and beautiful”可知,此处提到了天气情况,F选项“伦敦的天气变化很快”符合,故选F。
48.根据“You can take a double-decker bus”可知,双层巴士可以带着你去旅游观光,C选项“它将带你游览这座城市”符合,故选C。
49.根据“It is a great place to visit and learn about”可知,这是总结概括的一句话,B选项“总之,伦敦是一个好城市”符合,故选B。
50.to go 51.exciting 52.bicycles 53.but 54.walking 55.for 56.hard 57.an 58.anything 59.What
【导语】 本文讲述了作者和家人到达了马来西亚的槟城,因为下雨又没带伞,度过了糟糕的一天。
50.句意:天气晴朗又热,所以我们决定去酒店附近的海滩。decide to do sth.“决定做某事”。故填to go。
52.句意:下午,我们骑自行车去乔治敦。根据“rode ...”可知空前无限定词,此处用复数形式。故填bicycles。
54.句意:我真的很喜欢在城里散步。enjoy doing sth.“喜欢做某事”。故填walking。
55.句意:我们等了一个多小时的火车,因为人太多了。wait for“等待”。故填for。
56.句意:当我们到达山顶时,雨下得很大。rain hard“雨下得大”。故填hard。
59.句意:多么糟糕的一天啊!感叹句中心词day是可数名词单数,此处用“What a+形容词+可数名词单数!”结构。故填What。
【详解】句意:卡罗尔去年摔断了胳膊,玛丽让她感觉好些了。make sb do sth“使某人做某事”,省略to的动词不定式作宾补,故填feel。
【详解】句意:有很多保持健康的方法,比如打篮球。“such as”用于举例,后用名词或动名词作宾语,因此此处应用“play”的动名词形式“playing”。故填playing。
【详解】句意:除了最后一个,他几乎回答了所有的问题。根据“all the questions”及“the last one”可知,句子表达不包括后面的信息,用介词“except”表达“除了”。故填except。
65.has gone
【详解】句意:他去伦敦了。 他将在两周后回来。根据“He will be back in two weeks”可知,去了伦敦还未回来,用have/has gone to表示“去了某地”,主语he是第三人称单数形式,助动词用has,故填has gone。
【详解】句意:我认为去海上航行是很危险的。sail航行,航海,是一个动词。这里go sailing是固定短语, 去航海。故填sailing。
67.was writing
【详解】句意:——她为什么不阻止他出去?——对不起,但是她正在写信,没有注意到他出去。write“写”,根据“but she...a letter and didn’t notice him go out”可知此处表示他出去的时候她正在写信,用过去进行时was/were doing,主语是she,be动词用was。故填was writing。
【详解】句意:最重要的是旅行时享受自己。玩得开心:enjoy oneself,固定用法,因此we变成反身代词“ourselves”。故填ourselves。
69.to make
【详解】句意:我们将尽最大努力阻止空气污染,使我们的城市越来越美丽。根据“stop the air pollution”可知,停止污染的目的是为了让我们的城市越来越美丽,需要动词不定式作目的状语,to make符合句意;故填to make。
70.such as losing
【详解】空格后无逗号,且是举出多个例子,所以用such as表示“例如”,后接动名词,lose“失去”,故填such as losing。
71. Unless will feel
【详解】“除非”为unless,引导条件状语从句,句首首字母大写;“感觉”为feel,动词;从句是一般现在时,根据“主将从现”的原则,主句应用一般将来时,构成形式为:will do。故填Unless;will;feel。
72.feel worse
【详解】根据中英文可知,feel worse“感到更糟糕”,will+动词原形,故填feel worse。
73.has been there
【详解】have been to+地方“去过某地(现在已经回来)”,与副词连用时,要省略to;主语为“his cousin”,助动词要用has;there“那里”,副词。故填has been there。
74.has gone to
【详解】分析所给中英文可知要翻译的是“去”。“go”对应的英文是“go”,此处表示“已经去了且没有回”。应用现在完成时中have/has gone to的结构。主语是“he”,故助动词用has。故填has gone to。
75.There is nothing special
【详解】there be“有”,nothing special“没什么特别的”;主语是不定代词,be动词用is,故填There is nothing special。
76.Dear Alan,
I’m excited to hear you are coming to China soon. You plan to travel around in some cities, right Now let me introduce some of them to you.
Xi’an is an ancient city. It is also the city that has the most museums of the four cities. There are also many beautiful old buildings here. Qingdao is a city by the sea. It has beautiful scenery, a pleasant climate and friendly and welcoming people. Shanghai is a busy but crowded city. Although the price here is high, the quality of goods is good. Chengdu is a city where you can feel relaxed. There are many teahouses in which you can chat with friends or do business. In addition, Chengdu is also the hometown of the pandas. Guangzhou is a modern city with numerous snacks, making it a great place to taste food.
I think that travelling by train is the best way to get around, as you can not only enjoy the scenery along the way, but also relax yourself.
I’m looking froward to meeting you and having a good time together!
Lin Tao
① plan to do sth. 计划做某事
② chat with friends 与朋友交谈
③ look forward to 期盼
④ have a good time 玩得开心
① Although the price here is high, the quality of goods is good.(although引导的让步状语从句)
② There are many teahouses in which you can chat with friends or do business.(定语从句)
③ I think that travelling by train is the best way to get around, as you can not only enjoy the scenery along the way, but also relax yourself.(as引导的原因状语从句;not only... but also 不仅……而且……)



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