Unit 3 Online tours B卷·能力提升 初中英语牛津译林版八年级下册(含解析)

Unit 3(B卷·能力提升)
班级________ 姓名________ 学号________ 分数________
第Ⅰ卷 选择题
1.—Hey, Daniel. What do you want to do when you grow up
—I always ________ being an artist, but my parents want me to be a doctor.
A.keep on B.pick up C.lead to D.dream of
2.My geography teacher ________ me the earth ________ around the sun when I was at school.
A.tells; moved B.told; moved C.tells; move D.told; moves
3.Mr. King saw his son ________ computer games when he came back home.
A.play B.playing C.watch D.watching
4.It ________ ten years since I ________ in this new office.
A.is; worked B.has been, has worked C.was; worked D.was; has worked
5.This kind of computer ________ last year. But the sales have dropped a lot because of the newest model.
A.sold well B.were sold well C.sell well D.are sold well
6.The flood in 1998 washed lots of houses __________ and lots of people __________.
A.on; died B.away; dead C.off; dead D.away; died
7.—Would you like to go to buy a book by Cao Wenxuan with me tomorrow He won the 2016 Hans Christian Andersen Awards(国际安徒生奖).
—Really I’d love to, but tomorrow is quite ________ for me.
A.full B.hard C.real D.lucky
8.Jack didn’t _________ my birthday party but _________ us for dinner yesterday evening.
A.take part in; joined B.join; took part in
C.join; take part in D.take part in; join
9.— It’s cold today. Would you mind ________ the windows
— Of course not.
A.to close by me B.we closing C.my closing D.I close
10.Hurry up! The film ________ for 10 minutes.
A.has begun B.began C.has been on D.begins
I used to have little passion (激情) in my life. But what happened the other day changed my mind. It was then that I learned how 11 it is to have a passion in life.
That day I went home in Mom’s car. When Mom 12 at a red light, someone on the side of the road caught my eye. It was a man dressed 13 rags(破旧衣服). He was homeless. That didn’t interest me, 14 I had seen many people like him before. Those people usually looked unhappy and hopeless. But this man was 15 in some way. He was not sitting down with a 16 expression. Instead, he had a 17 in his hand and was dancing happily to the music. The radio seemed to be the most precious thing he had. “Mom, why does that man have a radio though he’s 18 ” I asked
“He 19 it,” she replied.
“But why doesn’t he use the money to buy food or clothes He 20 something that he didn’t need.” “Well, Sarah, sometimes food and clothes aren’t the most important.”
That man must care so 21 about music that he bought a radio instead of food or clothes. I soon realized that 22 is the key to life.
Since then, I am always thinking of 23 is truly important in life. A home, a meal, clothes — these things are only 24 of the life. What we often forget is that we all need a joy, a light in a 25 day. We all need a passion which gives a person the happiness they need to keep going.
11.A.important B.strange C.dangerous D.difficult
12.A.exercised B.walked C.stood D.stopped
13.A.on B.in C.at D.of
14.A.but B.and C.so D.because
15.A.common B.polite C.different D.rude
16.A.nervous B.sad C.mad D.happy
17.A.hat B.phone C.radio D.scarf
18.A.hopeless B.homeless C.careless D.useless
19.A.bought B.made C.fixed D.borrowed
20.A.asked for B.waited for C.paid for D.looked for
21.A.little B.much C.many D.few
22.A.happiness B.health C.knowledge D.friendship
23.A.what B.who C.where D.when
24.A.power B.purpose C.key D.part
25.A.warm B.hot C.dark D.relaxing
Paper or plastic _________________.
Governments around the world are pushing for an end to plastic(塑料) straws(吸管) and bags. More and more businesses are switching to paper products as an alternative(替代品). Paper is considered by many to be better than plastic. However, it, too, is harmful to the environment.
Firstly, paper bags and straws are made from trees. Trees, as you know, can reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere. They can slow down climate change. An increase in the use of paper bags can cause more deforestation.
Secondly, the production of paper items needs more energy and water. About 10% more energy and four times as much water is used to produce a paperback than a plastic one. You might say that we can use recycled(可循环使用的) paper to save the energy and water. This seems to be a good idea. However, it takes even more energy and water to go through the recycling process than to make a brand new paper bag. Products made from recycled paper are also often short-lived.
Furthermore, paper products are heavier than plastic ones. That means they require more fuel to transport. Seven trucks are needed to transport 2 million paper bags, while only one truck is needed to transport the same number of plastic bags. The increased weight also leads to a large amount of waste once the bags are thrown away.
Paper products are actually a lose-lose for both the environment and businesses. They are more expensive than plastic products. A paper straw costs about 5 to 12 cents, while a plastic one usually costs only about 2 cents.
The most environment-friendly solution is to avoid(避免) single-use items altogether. Products like glass water bottles and steel straws can be used over and over again. They are much better than either paper products or plastic products. Through increasing the use of these items, you can greatly reduce your throw away waste and truly make our earth a greener place.
26.According to the article, we may fill in blanks in the title with “________”.
A.Both B.Either C.Neither D.Any
27.The underlined word “deforestation” (in Para 2) probably means the act of ________.
A.planting trees B.climbing trees C.protecting trees D.cutting down trees
28.Compared(和……相比较) with transporting 2 million plastic bags, transporting 2 million paper bags requires ________.
A.fewer trucks B.six more trucks
C.twice as many trucks D.the same number of trucks
29.By writing this article, the author mainly wanted to ________.
①compare plastic products with paper ones
②correct people’s wrong ideas about paper products
③suggest people use reusable products like steel straws
④listed advantages and disadvantages of using paper products
A.①② B.③④ C.②③ D.①④
Do you know anyone who plays Ant Forest It is a game on Alipay. Users collect energy for their tree to grow. When their tree finishes growing, Alipay will plant a real tree in the desert areas of China.
This is part of China’s efforts to fight desertification. China has planted more than 66 billion trees across its dry northern areas, according to China Daily.
Desertification means useful land, especially farmland, changes into desert. About 2.6 million square kilometers of China’s land is covered with sand. That’s about 27 percent(百分之……) of the country’s land. It can also cause sandstorms.
By planting more trees, China cuts its sandstorms by 20 percent. About 100 square kilometers of land becomes oases(绿洲).
Ian, a British photographer, traveled through northern China last year. He said China changed a lot. And he could see many new oases there.
“It is hard to believe that there used to be desert,” he told Wired magazine.
30.What is Ant Forest
A.A group of ants. B.A big forest. C.A game. D.A match.
31.What does the underlined word “desertification” mean in Chinese
A.荒漠化 B.赤贫 C.暴风雪 D.绿化
32.Which of the following is NOT true
A.There are less oases in China now.
B.Land covered with sand can cause sandstorms.
C.Some of China’s land is still covered with sand.
D.Chinese have planted a lot of trees to stop desertification.
33.Where does Ian come from
A. B. C. D.
34.What’s the best title for the text
A.How to Play Ant Forest B.China’s Effort to Fight Desertification
C.How to Stop Desertification D.A British Photographer
Travel in the Future
These days, if you want to travel from New York to Beijing, the flight takes about 16 hours. You also have to wait at the airport, and sometimes you have to transfer(换乘)onto a different airplane. If you add all of that extra time, the trip takes at least 20 hours. But in the future, the trip from New York to Beijing might only take two hours.
Right now, a company is developing something called ET3, which stands for “evacuated tube(真空管)transport technology(技术)”. Here’s how it works. A tube goes all the way from New York to Beijing. The tube is only a few meters wide. Capsules(舱)move through the tube. Six people can sit in one capsule. The capsules use electricity instead of oil. For international travel, the capsules can travel at about 6, 500 kilometers per hour. That’s much faster than airplanes—most modern airplanes usually only fly at about 800 kilometers per hour.
So how is this possible How can these capsules travel so fast The answer is that there is no air inside the tube. When airplanes fly, they have to move through air. The air slows the airplanes down. Because there isn’t any air in the ET3 tubes, the capsules are able to move at a very high speed. Also, the capsules are quite light. Each only weighs 183 kilograms.
There are other advantages to ET3. Because it uses electricity, it’s quite clean. Also, it’s a lot quieter than airplanes and cars. Finally, ET3 tubes and capsules don’t require very much building materials.
Of course, ET3 doesn’t come into use yet. The technology is still being developed. Developers still have to solve a lot of problems. The biggest problem is that right now ET3 would be far too expensive. In order to make ET3 cheaper, we will need much better technology.
It’s exciting to think of how ET3 will change the travel in the future. Who knows Maybe someday you’ll be able to have lunch in New York and dinner in Beijing.
35.According to the passage, an ET3 looks more like a _________.
A.ship B.bus C.plane D.subway train
36.ET3 travels at the very high speed because _________.
A.it is powered by electricity and oil
B.it is much lighter than an airplane
C.it moves through a tube without air
D.it is made up of fewer capsules
37.From the passage, the writer expects that ________.
A.modern technology will be used in airplanes
B.ET3 will take the place of any other way of transportation
C.more money will be spent on the technology of ET3
D.ET3 will change the travel in the future greatly
Thousands of years ago, Britain was covered by thick forests, home to many animals which no longer live in the United Kingdom. There were wolves, bears, many different kinds of deer and large wild cows. There were less than four million people. They lived in small villages protected by wooden walls from the animals outside.
All this has changed, of course. Now the population of the United Kingdom has increased to over sixty-five million. Three quarters of Britain is covered with fields, towns or cities. Although 25 percent of land is countryside, new methods (方法) of farming mean that there are fewer birds and small animals living in fields than ever before. The United Kingdom is one of the few countries in the world that does not have a large wild animal that eats meat. In Scotland there are only 400 wildcats, but these are much smaller than wolves.
Some people would like to change things, however! Some organizations (组织) and writers say that Britain needs to become more natural again. They suggest that trees and plants that grew in the UK before towns and cities were built should be allowed to grow again. They even say that large wild animals which have not lived in the UK should be helped to return and live wild. They call this “rewilding”.
Not everyone agrees. In the last twenty years, over one million trees which at first grew in Scotland have been planted and there are plans for more—but wild animals Some people ask if wolves will attack sheep or even humans. They are also angry that rewilding might mean an end to walking in the hills which so many people enjoy. So far there are no wolves or bears in Britain’s forests—but soon there might be!
38.What was the population of the UK thousands of years ago
A.About 25 million. B.Over 65 million.
C.More than 61 million. D.Not more than four million.
39.Why are there fewer birds and small animals in fields in the UK
A.Because more trees have been planted.
B.Because there are more large wild animals.
C.Because pollution is much worse than before.
D.Because people use new methods of farming.
40.Which paragraph gives opinions from “rewilding” supporters
A.Paragraph 1. B.Paragraph 2. C.Paragraph 3. D.Paragraph 4.
41.What are some people against
A.Living closer to nature. B.Planting more and more trees.
C.Helping large wild animals return. D.Building more villages and towns.
第Ⅱ卷 非选择题
When young people want to travel, one difficult thing they face is that they don’t have money. During summer vacations and weekends, they are able to take on part-time jobs. 42 For example, traveling to Australia from Taiwan can be quite expensive just for a plane ticket.
43 Because although many countries offer(提供)working holiday, these two countries can offer more money and jobs. A young person only needs to take some extra cash(现金)for use if he wants to get a working holiday. 44 That money can help him live there.
Many of the jobs ask for little or no experience(经验), such as picking fruit or working on a busy farm in the countryside. Some of the jobs ask for more experience. 45 You don’t need to worry about this, because there is always something to do if you really want.
46 If you are looking for a way to make a little money and see the world, they might give you a way to make it come true.
A.Most people cannot have it, such as being a teacher working in a school.
B.There are many ads on the Internet for a working holiday.
C.But the money they make is just not enough.
D.After he is there, he can get some money from the job there.
E.Many students tried this way and became rich there.
F.If students want to travel to Australia and New Zealand, they are lucky.
My sister went on a school trip to a large outdoor swimming pool last week. Early 47 the morning, all the children got on a bus with their teacher. It was a very 48 (small) bus, so it was 49 (uncomfortable) trip of all their trips. 50 two hours, they reached their destination (目的地). It was 51 (hot) day of the year. When they saw the pool, the children couldn’t believe their 52 (eye). It was 53 (big) swimming pool they had ever seen. There was even a big water slide (水滑道)! My sister said it was much 54 (enjoyable) than the roller coaster (过山车). Everyone had a good time. When their teacher asked if they had enjoyed the trip, they all agreed that it was much 55 (good) than having lessons 56 school.
57.The pen I bought yesterday (not write) well.
58.Lucy got (marry) to a man from her hometown.
59.The old man was found (die) in a wooden house.
60.Simon lives in a big family. He doesn’t know all his ___________ (relative) names.
61.I’m going to visit the places of (interesting )there, such as the Great Wall. the Summer Palace and the Palace Museum.
62.What’s his (fly) number to Hong Kong
63.I'm afraid you (lose) the key, haven’t you
64.How did you know that light (travel) faster than sound
65.It’s useless to save him because he’s already a (die) man.
66.David is a (fantasy) singer who is (talent) in singing than Sam.
He was .
Jia Ling rose to fame overnight as a female director for called Hi, Mom.
The fruit salad looks it tastes.
I can’t stand movie.
—I've a water park.
— .
He always in the daytime and can’t at night.
1. Larry与我不同,比我更风趣,更外向。
2. 我们早餐时尝试了一种很特别的食物一一热干面,它们很美味。
3. 我们骑自行车去武汉大学。然后我们看了一场脱口秀。Lary很喜欢,认为可以从中学到很多。
4. 晚上我们回到酒店,这家酒店离火车站很近,有最舒服的床。
参考词汇:hotel (酒店) ,hot-dry noodles (热干面) ,university (大学)
Dear Amy,
How was your summer vacation My friend Larry and I went on a trip in Wuhan this summer. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Ming
考查动词短语辨析。keep on坚持;pick up捡起;lead to导致;dream of梦想。根据“What do you want to do when you grow up”及“being an artist”可知,梦想着成为一名艺术家,故选D。
考查动词辨析和非谓语动词。根据“when he came back home”可知,他看到他儿子正在玩电脑游戏,see sb. doing sth. 表示 “看到某人在做某事”, 现在分词作宾语补足语。play computer games表示“玩电脑游戏”。故选B。
考查时态。根据“It...ten years since I...in this new office.”可知,此处是“It is+时间段+since+一般过去时”结构,故选A。
考查主动表被动和一般过去时的用法。根据“last year”可知,本句是一般过去时,可排除CD选项;sell well意为“畅销,卖得好”,其中sell为不及物动词,无被动形式。故选A。
考查动词短语和时态。根据“The flood in 1998 washed lots of houses”可知此处指洪水冲走房屋,用wash away表示;句子介绍的是过去的事情,用一般过去时来表达, dead是形容词,不能作谓语,die的过去式died。故选D。
考查形容词辨析。full满的;hard困难的;real真实的;lucky幸运的。根据“I’d love to”及but可知,想去,但是明天安排很满,故选A。
考查动词短语辨析。take part in参加某个活动;join加入某个组织、机构等。第一个空后的my birthday party是生日聚会,因此用take part in,排除B/C;第二个空后是us for dinner,这里是加入我们,此题的时态为一般过去时,因此用joined。故选A。
考查动词时态。由“for 10 minutes”可知,本题用现在完成时,排除B和D;ten minutes为一段时间,应用延续性动词,而begin是非延续性动词,对应的延续性动词为be on,主语The film是第三人称单数,所以用has been on。故选C。
11.A 12.D 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.C 21.B 22.A 23.A 24.D 25.C
11.句意:就是在那时我知道了生活中有激情是多么重要。important 重要的;strange奇怪的,陌生的;dangerous危险的;difficult困难的。根据下文Since then, I am always thinking of   13  is truly important in life.以及文意可知,这篇短文作者通过她的所见,告诉我们生活中有激情是非常重要的。故应选A。
12.句意:当妈妈在等红灯的时候,路边的一个人吸引了我的注意力。exercised 锻炼;walked散步;stood站;stopped停止。根据空后的at a red lights可知,这里是妈妈在红灯前停下来等红灯,故应选D。
13.句意:这是一个男人,穿着破旧的衣服。on 在…上面;关于;in 在…里面;穿着;at在具体时刻或地点;of…的。dressed in…穿着…,是固定短语,故应选B。
14.句意:那没有引起我的兴趣,我以前见过很多像他那样的人。but 但是;and和,而且;so因此,所以;because因为。根据句意可知,这里解释的是那个人没有引起作者的兴趣的原因,故应选D。
15.句意:但是这个人在某个方面是不一样的。common 普通的,普遍的;polite有礼貌的;different不同的;rude粗鲁的。根据前文Those people usually looked unhappy and hopeless和句中的But表示转折可知,这个人与作者以前看见过的无家可归的人不一样,故应选C。
16.句意:他没有带着一副伤心的表情在那儿坐着。nervous 紧张的;sad 伤心的;mad疯狂的;happy开心的。根据上文Those people usually looked unhappy and hopeless可知,通常无家可归的人都是不开心的、没有希望的,而这个人跟他们不一样,所以他不是伤心的表情,故应选B。
17.句意:相反地,他手里拿着一个收音机,在跟着音乐快乐地跳舞。hat 帽子;phone电话,手机;radio收音机;scarf围巾。根据下文why does that man have a radio…可知,那个人有一个收音机,所以这里应选C。
18.句意:我问:“妈妈,尽管他是无家可归的,那为什么他有收音机呢?”hopeless 没有希望的;homeless无家可归的;careless粗心的;useless没有用的。根据上文He was homeless.可知,这个人是无家可归的。故应选B。
19.句意:她回答说:“是他买的。”bought 买;made制作;fixed修理;borrowed借。根据下文That man must care so  11   about music that he bought a radio instead of food or clothes.可知,收音机是这个人买的。故应选A。
20.句意:他花钱买他不需要的东西。asked for 要求得到;waited for等待;paid for 为…付钱;looked for寻找。根据上文But why doesn’t he use the money to buy food or clothes 可知,作者觉得他为不需要的东西花钱,还不如去买食物或者衣服。因此应选C。
21.句意:那个人一定是如此的喜欢音乐以至于他买收音机而不是买食物或者衣服。little 少,修饰不可数名词;much多,修饰不可数名词;many 许多,修饰可数名词;few少,修饰可数名词。根据句意可知,这个人热爱音乐,所以才会买收音机,这里用much修饰来表示程度,故应选B。
22.句意:我马上意识到快乐才是生活的关键所在。happiness 快乐;health健康;knowledge知识;friendship友谊。根据下文What we often forget is that we all need a joy, a light in a  15   day. We all need a passion which gives a person the happiness they need to keep going.可知,作者认为生活中快乐才是重要的,故应选A。
23.句意:从那以后我总是想起生活中什么才是真正重要的。what 什么;who谁;where在哪里;when什么时候。根据句子结构可知,这里考查的是宾语从句,从句中缺少主语,故用连接代词,排除C和D。根据句子的意思可知应选A。
24.句意:家、食物、衣服—这些东西只是生活中的一部分。power 权力,力量;purpose目的;key钥匙,关键;part部分。根据句意可知,生活中我们需要家、食物和衣服,也需要快乐,所以他们都是生活的一部分,故应选D。
25.句意:我们经常忘记的事情是我们都需要快乐,它是黑暗日子里的一道光。warm 温暖的;hot热的;dark 黑暗的;relaxing令人放松的。根据空前的a light…可知,这里应说的是“黑暗日子里的一道光”,故应选C。
点睛:这篇短文作者通过讲述她亲眼见过的一件事,告诉我们生活中充满激情是很重要的。短文是一篇记叙文,文意比较容易理解。题型是完型填空,考查学生们在具体语境中运用语言的能力,综合性较强。做题时,应先通读全文,了解大意。然后逐空做题,注意空前后的固定搭配和上下文的语境提示。最后应再读一遍短文,检查答案。例如第3小题,考查介词的用法,这里是一个固定短语dressed in…表示穿着…,故选B。再如第7小题,根据下文why does that man have a radio…可知那个人手里拿的是收音机。再如第10小题,根据上文But why doesn’t he use the money to buy food or clothes 可知,作者觉得他为不需要的东西花钱,还不如去买食物或者衣服,所以这里应该是付钱买…,故应选C。
26.C 27.D 28.B 29.C
26.推理判断题。根据第一段中“However, it, too, is harmful to the environment.”然而,纸制品也对环境有害,以及最后一段中“The most environment-friendly solution is to avoid(避免) single-use items altogether.”最环保的解决方案是完全避免使用一次性物品。可知,无论纸还是塑料都不环保,最环保的方案是避免使用一次性物品。故可推出应用Neither“两者都不”,来否定。故选C。
27.词义猜测题。根据第二段中“Firstly, paper bags and straws are made from trees. Trees, as you know, can reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere. They can slow down climate change.”纸袋和吸管是由树木制成的,树木可以减缓气候变化;因此纸袋使用的增加会导致更多的森林砍伐。可推出deforestation表示的是砍树。故选D。
28.细节理解题。根据文章第四段中“Seven trucks are needed to transport 2 million paper bags, while only one truck is needed to transport the same number of plastic bags.”运输200万个纸袋需要7辆卡车,而运输相同数量的塑料袋只需要一辆卡车。可知,与运输200万个塑料袋相比,运输200万个纸袋需要多六倍的卡车。故选B。
29.作者意图题。根据第一段中“However, it, too, is harmful to the environment.”然而,纸制品也对环境有害,可知作者想要更正人们对于纸制品的错误观点;又根据最后一段中“The most environment-friendly solution is to avoid(避免) single-use items altogether. Products like glass water bottles and steel straws can be used over and over again.”最环保的解决方案是完全避免使用一次性物品,像玻璃水瓶和钢吸管这样的产品可以反复使用。作者还建议人们使用可循环的产品。故选C。
30.C 31.A 32.A 33.D 34.B
30.细节理解题。根据“Do you know anyone who plays Ant Forest It is a game on Alipay.”可知,Ant Forest是一款游戏,故选C。
31.词义猜测题。根据“Desertification means useful land, especially farmland, changes into desert.”可知,Desertification意味着有用的土地,特别是农田,会变成沙漠。即:荒漠化。故选A。
32.推理判断题。根据“About 100 square kilometers of land becomes oases.”及“And he could see many new oases there.”可推测,中国的绿州不是变少了,而且变多了。因此A项“现在中国的绿洲已经减少了。”表述错误。故选A。
33.推理判断题。根据“Ian, a British photographer, traveled through northern China last year.”可知,Ian来自英国。结合选项图片可知,D选项为英国的标志性建筑大本钟,故选D。
34.标题归纳题。根据“This is part of China’s efforts to fight desertification.”“ By planting more trees, China cuts its sandstorms by 20 percent.”以及通读上下文可知,本文主要阐述了中国在防止土地荒漠化方面所作出的努力。B项符合主题,故选B。
35.D 36.C 37.D
35.细节理解题。根据“Here’s how it works. A tube goes all the way from New York to Beijing. The tube is only a few meters wide. Capsules(舱)move through the tube. Six people can sit in one capsule.”(它是这样工作的。从纽约到北京都有地铁直达。管子只有几米宽。舱穿过管。六个人可以坐在一个舱内。)可知ET3更像地铁,故选D。
36.细节理解题。根据“Because there isn’t any air in the ET3 tubes, the capsules are able to move at a very high speed.”(因为在ET3管中没有任何空气,能够以非常高的速度移动。)可知因为它在没有空气的管子里移动,故选C。
37.推理判断题。根据“It’s exciting to think of how ET3 will change the travel in the future. Who knows Maybe someday you’ll be able to have lunch in New York and dinner in Beijing.”(想想ET3将如何改变未来的旅行是令人兴奋的。谁知道呢?也许有一天你能在纽约吃午餐,在北京吃晚餐。)可知作者期待ET3会改变未来的旅行,故选D。
38.D 39.D 40.C 41.C
38.细节理解题。根据“There were less than four million people.”可知,人口不到400万,故选D。
39.细节理解题。根据第二段中“new methods (方法) of farming mean that there are fewer birds and small animals living in fields than ever before”可知,因为人们使用新的耕作方法,所以鸟和小动物更少了,故选D。
40.推理判断题。根据第三段“They even say that large wild animals which have not lived in the UK should be helped to return and live wild. They call this ‘rewilding’”可知,此段提到了“没有在英国生活过的大型野生动物返回并在野外生活”,所以是第三段给出了支持者的意见,故选C。
41.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Some people ask if wolves will attack sheep or even humans. They are also angry that rewilding might mean an end to walking in the hills which so many people enjoy”可知,狼群攻击羊群甚至是人类,人们可能要结束在山上行走这项活动,这些都是大型野生动物回归以后可能造成的后果,所以一些人反对帮助大型野生动物回归,故选C。
42.C 43.F 44.D 45.A 46.B
42.根据下一句“For example, traveling to Australia from Taiwan can be quite expensive just for a plane ticket.”可知,仅凭一张机票,从台湾到澳大利亚旅游就可能非常昂贵。再由上一句“During summer vacations and weekends, they are able to take on part-time jobs. ”可知,年轻人们在暑假和周末,可以去兼职打工,由此可知,即便这样,这兼职挣到的钱还是远远不够支付这张机票。选项C“但是他们赚到的这笔钱还是远远不够。”符合语境。故选C。
43.根据下一句“Because although many countries offer(提供)working holiday, these two countries can offer more money and jobs.”可知,尽管许多国家提供工作假期,这两个国家可以提供更多的薪资和工作,由此可知此处应是谈到了两个国家。选项F“如果学生们想要去澳大利亚和新西兰旅行,他们是幸运的。”符合语境。故选F。
44.根据下一句“That money can help him live there.”可知,那笔钱可以帮助他在那里生活,由此可知此处应是讲述他在那里因工作得到可以生存的钱。选项D“他到那里之后,可以从那里的工作挣到一些钱。”符合语境。故选D。
45.根据上一句“Some of the jobs ask for more experience.”可知,有些工作要求要有工作经验,这对于一些年轻人来说,或许是不可能有的。选项A“大多数人不能拥有它,比如当一名在校老师。”符合语境。故选A。
46.根据下一句“If you are looking for a way to make a little money and see the world, they might give you a way to make it come true.”可知,如果你正在寻找能边看世界边挣点小钱的方法,它们可能会给你一种实现它的办法。由此可知此处应是提供一种如何实现边旅行边挣钱的方法。选项B“在网上有很多关于工作假期的广告。”符合语境。故选B。
47.in 48.small 49.the most uncomfortable 50.After 51.the hottest 52.eyes 53.the biggest 54.more enjoyable 55.better 56.at##in
47.句意:一大早,所有的孩子和他们的老师上了一辆公共汽车。介词“in”后接“早晨/下午/晚上”,in the morning“在清晨”。故填in。
48.句意:那是一辆非常小的公共汽车,所以这是他们所有旅行中最不舒服的一次。根据空后“bus”可知,此处是形容词“small (小的)”在句中作定语,修饰名词“bus”;空前的程度副词“very”后接形容词的原级,因此空处直接填“small”。故填small。
49.句意:那是一辆非常小的公共汽车,所以这是他们所有旅行中最不舒服的一次。根据“of all...”可知,此处填最高级;uncomfortable意为“不舒服的”,最高级是“the most uncomfortable”。故填the most uncomfortable。
51.句意:它是一年中最热的一天。根据题干中的“of the year”可知,空处需要用“hot”的最高级“the hottest”,即它是一年中最热的一天。故填the hottest。
52.句意:当他们看到游泳池时,孩子们不能相信他们的眼睛。“eye (眼睛)”是可数名词,根据空前的“their”可知,空处需要用“eye”的复数“eyes”。故填eyes。
53.句意:这是他们见过的最大的游泳池。“big”形容词,意为“大的”;题干“they had ever seen”是定语从句,意为“他们曾经看到的”,修饰前面的先行词“swimming pool”,那么空处应填形容词“big”的最高级“the biggest”。故填the biggest。
54.句意:我的妹妹说它比过山车令人愉快得多。“enjoyable”形容词,意为“令人愉快的”;根据空后的连词“than”以及空前的“much”可知,此处应填“enjoyable”的比较级“more enjoyable”。故填more enjoyable。
56.句意:他们都同意它(指这次旅行)比上课好得多。空前的“having lessons”意为“上课”,那么“上课”应该“在学校”,因此空处应填介词“at/in”。故填at/in。
57.doesn’t write
【详解】句意:我昨天买的那只钢笔不好写。分析句子结构可知,“I bought yesterday”是定语从句,修饰先行词“pen”,所以空处在句中作谓语;且分析句意可知,句子表达的是钢笔的固有属性,且是现在的状态,所以语态用主动表示被动,时态用一般现在时。故填doesn’t write。
【详解】句意:露西和来自她家乡的那个男人结婚了。get married to sb.表示同某人结婚。故填married。
【详解】句意:我要去参观那里的名胜,比如长城。颐和园和故宫博物馆。the places of interest表示名声;根据句意,故填interest 。
【详解】句意:他去香港的航班号是多少?flight number“航班号”,使用名词作定语,故填flight。
63.have lost
【详解】句意:恐怕你把钥匙弄丢了,是吗?lose“丢失”,根据“haven’t you”可知反义疑问句的陈述部分用现在完成时的肯定形式have/has done,主语是you,助动词用have。故填have lost。
【详解】句意:你怎么知道光比声音传播得快?根据“How did you know that light…(travel) faster than sound ”可知,本句考查宾语从句的时态。如果宾语从句表示客观真理、普遍真理或习惯性动作、谚语、格言等,不论主句用何种时态,从句一律用一般现在时。根据“light …(travel) faster than sound ”可知,这是客观事实,需用一般现在时,主语是“light”光,不可数名词,谓语动词需用单数形式travels。故填travels。
【详解】句意:救他已经没用了,因为他已经是个死人了。根据“It’s useless to save him”可知,因为已经死了,所以不用去救,dead“死亡的”,故填dead。
66. fantastic more talented
【详解】句意:大卫是一个很棒的歌手,他在唱歌方面比山姆更有天赋。空一修饰其后的名词,应哟共形容词形式;空二位于is后,应用形容词作表语,构成短语be talented in“在……方面有天赋”,结合“than”可知,此处形容词应用比较级形式,故填fantastic;more talented。
67.sleeping through the ride
【详解】sleep“睡觉”,由空前的was可知,此处应动词现在分词;through the ride“一路上”。故填sleeping through the ride。
68.directing a film##directing a movie
【详解】根据“for”可知,需要动名词形式;“执导电影”direct a film/movie。故填directing a film/movie。
69. as delicious as
【详解】look delicious“看起来美味”;同级比较句型结构“as+形容词或副词原级+as…”,“与……一样”。故填as delicious as。
70. watching such a meaningless
【详解】根据中英文对照可知,缺少“看如此毫无意义的”,can’t stand doing sth无法忍受做某事。watch看,movie是可数名词单数,用such a meaningless movie,故填watching such a meaningless。
71. never been to Me neither
【详解】句中“I've”为I have的缩写形式,此句为现在完成时,have/has been to去过某地,have/has never been to从未去过某地;Me neither.我也不,常用于对某种否定的情况作出回应,表示自己也没有做过。故填never;been;to;Me;neither。
72. feels sleepy fall asleep
【详解】根据中英文对照可知,缺少“昏昏欲睡”和“睡着”。“昏昏欲睡”可意译为“感到困倦”,feel sleepy感到困倦,根据always可知,是一般现在时,主语为he,谓语用三单形式,即feels sleepy;fall asleep入睡、睡着,且根据空前情态动词can’t可知,空处用动词原形,即fall asleep。故填feels;sleepy;fall;asleep。
Dear Amy,
How was your summer vacation My friend Larry and I went on a trip in Wuhan this summer. Larry is different from me. He is more interesting and outgoing than me. We tried a very special food at breakfast-hot and dry noodles. They are very delicious. We went to Wuhan University by bike. Then we watched a talk show. Larry likes it and thinks he can learn from it. In the evening, we returned to the hotel, which is very close to the railway station and has the most comfortable bed.
Li Ming
①by bike骑自行车
②learn from sth从……学习
①In the evening, we returned to the hotel, which is very close to the railway station and has the most comfortable bed.(定语从句)
②He is more interesting and outgoing than me.(比较级句型)



