2023-2024广东省肇庆市重点中学高二上学期期中考试英语试题 (原卷版+ 解析版)

第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Best books for 12 to 14-year-olds
Mortal Engines
Author: Philip Reeve
Publisher: Scholastic
London is on the move again: the city searches the world for resources on wheels, eating smaller towns. But when he is thrown off the city, young hero Tom is soon forced to reexamine life as he knows it.
Set in a futuristic (科幻性的) background, this imaginative story is a combination of action and adventure. The book has won the Blue Peter Book Award.
Coram Boy
Author: Jamila Gavin
Publisher: Egmont
Toby’s and Aaron’s lives are linked by the Coram Man, who collects unwanted children from across the country, supposedly to send them to a safe new life. In reality, the man sells the children into slavery (奴役). Soon, Toby and Aaron find themselves united on a journey, filled with danger and excitement.
Rich with historical detail, this book provides an important insight into the 1750s society. It was a winner of the Whitbread Children’s Book Award.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Author: Mark Haddon
Publisher: Red Fox
Seen through the eyes of Christopher, a mathematical genius and Sherlock Holmes fan, this novel begins with the discovery of a dead dog on a neighbor’s lawn (草坪). In his search to discover the identity of the killer, Christopher uncovers some information about his own family and he starts a journey to London to find his mother.
Watership Down
Author: Richard Adams
Publisher: Penguin
Young rabbit Fiver believes that a great disaster is about to strike the place where he lives—but no one will listen to him. At last he manages to ask a few brave rabbits to leave before it’s too late. Hunted by dogs and foxes, their journey is a dangerous one—but the rabbits can still dream of a peaceful and safe new life at Watership Down. This book won both the Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize and the Carnegie Medal.
1. Which book was published by Penguin
A. Coram Boy. B. Mortal Engines.
C. Watership Down. D. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.
2. What information can we get from the book Coram Boy
A. Its main characters are Toby and Aaron.
B. It is about some rabbits escaping a disaster.
C. It won the Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize.
D. Its content involves the background of a future society.
3. How does Christopher find some information about his family
A. When taking his trip to London.
B. When working with Sherlock Holmes.
C. When trying to find the identify of a killer.
D. When communicating with a mathematical genius.
【答案】1. C 2. A 3. C
细节理解题。根据Watership Down部分中“Publisher: Penguin(出版商:企鹅)”可知,Watership Down是企鹅出版社出版的。故选C。
细节理解题。根据Coram Boy部分中“Toby’s and Aaron’s lives are linked by the Coram Man, who collects unwanted children from across the country, supposedly to send them to a safe new life.(托比和亚伦的生活与科拉姆人联系在一起,他从全国各地收集被遗弃的孩子,据说是为了让他们过上安全的新生活)”可知,Coram Boy这本书中主角是托比和亚伦。故选A。
细节理解题。根据The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time部分中“In his search to discover the identity of the killer, Christopher uncovers some information about his own family and he starts a journey to London to find his mother.(在寻找凶手的过程中,克里斯托弗发现了一些关于他自己家庭的信息,他开始了去伦敦寻找他母亲的旅程)”可知,在寻找凶手的过程中,克里斯托弗发现了一些关于他自己家庭的信息。故选C。
Getting to Antarctica is not easy. The few who are lucky enough to visit this most mysterious continent do so by ship. To reach Antarctica, ships must pass through an extremely violent area of ocean called the Drake Passage, considered to be the roughest stretch of sea on the planet.
Walls of water thirty, sometimes forty feet high continually crashed against our ship for two solid days. We would hold on to a rope inside the ship while being violently tipped (倾斜) to one extreme side, then to the other, and then back again. My daughter Claire and I were as mentally prepared as we could be.
About two and a half days after entering the Drake Passage, the waters calmed. Soon, we noticed small black spots on nearby pieces of floating ice. Emperor penguins (企鹅)! Then, we began the two-mile hike over the ice to the penguin colony. Within several hundred yards, small groups of emperors, perhaps ten or so at a time, greeted us, sliding on their bellies and making their wonderful noises, sort of a long, high-pitched sound.
One day two adult emperors with their three chicks following them approached Claire, who was resting on the ice. They left the chicks with her, as if she were the babysitter. Twenty minutes later they returned to collect the chicks. And I will never forget the penguin that, when I jokingly asked which way back to the helicopters, pointed a wing in the correct direction. Every night aboard our safe and warm ship, we thought about what it takes to survive in Antarctica, an incredibly harsh (恶劣的) place.
But each day on the ice, we also thought about the Drake Passage, the impact of the large body of water we had to endure to get where we were. Over the course of our visit, we came to respect the power of that sea. We still talk about the penguins, as I’m sure we always will. But we talk about the Drake Passage, too. Both experiences were unforgettable, an one would not have been possible without the other.
4. Why is the Drake Passage mentioned in the first paragraph
A. The water in the area is usually calm.
B. People can see very attractive scenery there.
C. It is quite a dangerous section of the journey.
D. A lot of sea animals often appear in the area.
5. What is the theme of the third paragraph
A. The visitors appreciated the penguins.
B. The living habits of emperor penguins.
C. How penguins made their wonderful noises.
D. The appearance and shape of emperor penguins.
6. What can we infer from the fourth paragraph
A. Penguins try to avoid human beings.
B. Penguins are not afraid of human beings.
C. Claire played with the two adult penguins for a long time.
D. Claire led the young penguins to where the adult penguins stayed.
7. What does the underlined word “endure” in the last paragraph mean
A. Promote. B. Break. C. Arrange. D. Experience.
【答案】4. C 5. A 6. B 7. D
推理判断题。根据文章第一段“To reach Antarctica, ships must pass through an extremely violent area of ocean called the Drake Passage, considered to be the roughest stretch of sea on the planet. (要到达南极洲,船只必须通过一片被称为德雷克海峡的极其狂暴的海域,这里被认为是地球上最汹涌的海域。)”可知,第一段提到德雷克海峡是因为这是旅程中相当危险的一段。故选C。
主旨大意题。根据文章第三段“About two and a half days after entering the Drake Passage, the waters calmed. Soon, we noticed small black spots on nearby pieces of floating ice. Emperor penguins (企鹅)! Then, we began the two-mile hike over the ice to the penguin colony. Within several hundred yards, small groups of emperors, perhaps ten or so at a time, greeted us, sliding on their bellies and making their wonderful noises, sort of a long, high-pitched sound. (进入德雷克海峡大约两天半后,水面平静下来。很快,我们注意到附近浮冰上的小黑点。帝企鹅!然后,我们开始了两英里的冰上徒步旅行,前往企鹅聚居地。在几百码之内,一小群帝王蝶,也许一次十只左右,向我们打招呼,用腹部滑行,发出美妙的声音,有点像一种长而高的声音。)”可知,第三段的主题是游客们欣赏企鹅。故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章第四段“One day two adult emperors with their three chicks following them approached Claire, who was resting on the ice. They left the chicks with her, as if she were the babysitter. (一天,两只成年帝企鹅带着它们的三只幼鸟靠近正在冰上休息的克莱尔。他们把幼鸟留给她,好像她是保姆。)”可推断,企鹅不怕人类。故选B。
词句猜测题。根据划线词后句“Over the course of our visit, we came to respect the power of that sea. (在我们参观的过程中,我们开始尊重大海的力量。)”可知,到达德雷克海峡必须忍受的巨大水流的冲击。所以endure的意思是”经历,忍受”。A. Promote.提升;B. Break.打破;C. Arrange.安排;D. Experience.经历。故选D。
MANCHESTER, England — Here’s some good news that vegetarians (素食者) can really sink their teeth into: Researchers in UMA Group have developed genetically (转基因地) engineered fruit trees that produce real meat!
Fruit from the new Meat Trees, developed by British scientists using the gene technology, is closely like ordinary grape-fruit. But when you cut the fruit open, inside is fresh beef!
“Our trees may sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but it’s really true,”declares Dr. Vincent, director of the UMA Group, which created the amazing trees. “Vegetarians have been complaining for years that in spite of their firm belief against eating meat, they still desire the taste of meat once in a while. Now they can have their cake and eat it too.”
Although it’s taken 12 years to develop the trees, the idea is simple. “We take the genes from cattle and put them into the cells (细胞) of grape-fruit trees,” Dr. Vincent says. “When the seeds grow into trees, they produce meat instead of ordinary fruit. You get the taste — even the smell.”
Those who’ve tried the meat agree it tastes like the real thing. “I was a bit unwilling to believe at first when I sank my teeth into a hamburger after they told me it grew on a tree,” says Londoner Mark, who took part in a taste-test. “But it was juicy and delicious ─ nothing leafy about it at all.”
Meat Tree products could be on the market in Great Britain by the end of the year and on dinner plates in the U.S. by 2020. Some vegetarians insist they should never eat meat — even if it grew on a tree. Others love the idea. “My mouth is watering already,” says a devoted vegetarian of 20 years.
8. According to what Dr. Vincent said, we know that ________.
A. vegetarians like to make a cake and enjoy it later
B. the idea of Meat Trees came from a science fiction movie
C. vegetarians can eat meat from the new trees
D. vegetarians can taste and even smell fruit from Meat Trees
9. The passage tells us that ________.
A. Meat Tree products are sure to be popular with vegetarians
B. most vegetarians like the taste of fruit from Meat Trees
C. you can buy fruit from Meat Trees in the supermarket in Great Britain now
D. it’s hard to tell fruit on Meat Trees from ordinary fruit without cutting in
10. In paragraph 5, the author took Mark for example to ________.
A. show he is one of the devoted vegetarians
B. prove the real taste of fruit from Meat Trees
C. tell how a vegetarian eats the new fruit
D. to explain how the taste-test is given
11. By writing this passage, the author wants to ________.
A. show readers a new achievement in gene technology
B. encourage people to eat fruit from Meat Trees
C. explain how meat is produced on trees
D. tell vegetarians good news about Meat Trees
【答案】8. C 9. D 10. B 11. A
细节理解题。根据第三段中“Our trees may sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but it’s really true”(我们的树可能听起来像科幻电影里的东西,但这是真的)及第四段中“ “We take the genes from cattle and put them into the cells (细胞) of grape-fruit trees,” Dr. Vincent says. “When the seeds grow into trees, they produce meat instead of ordinary fruit. You get the taste — even the smell.””(文森特博士说: “我们从牛身上提取基因,并把它们植入葡萄果树的细胞中。当种子长成树时,它们结出的是肉而不是普通的果实。你尝到了味道,甚至是气味。”)可知,素食主义者通过食用这种果树结出的果实,可以尝到肉味。选项C.“vegetarians can eat meat from the new trees”(素食主义者可以从这种新的树上尝到肉的味道和气味)与文意相符,故选C。
细节理解题。根据第二段“Fruit from the new Meat Trees, developed by British scientists using the gene technology, is closely like ordinary grape-fruit. But when you cut the fruit open, inside is fresh beef!”(英国科学家利用基因技术开发出来的新肉树果实,与普通的葡萄果实非常相似。但是当你切开水果的时候,里面是新鲜的牛肉!)可知,利用基因技术开发出来的新肉树果实,与普通的葡萄果实非常相似。但当你切开果实后会发现里面是肉。选项D.“it’s hard to tell fruit on Meat Trees from ordinary fruit without cutting in”(如果不切开的话,很难区分肉树上的果实和普通的果实)与文意相符,故选D。
推理判断题。根据第五段中“But it was juicy and delicious ─ nothing leafy about it at all.”(但它多汁美味,没有任何叶子。)可知,肉树上的果实是多汁美味的,所以作者此处使用马克的事例是为了说明肉树上果实的真正的味道。选项B.“prove the real taste of fruit from Meat Trees”(证明肉树果实的真正味道)与文意相符,故选B。
推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“Researchers in UMA Group have developed genetically (转基因地) engineered fruit trees that produce real meat!”(UMA集团的研究人员已经开发出基因工程的果树,可以产生真正的肉!)可知,本文向读者介绍了基因技术的新的突破:果树可以长出肉。选项A.“show readers a new achievement in gene technology”(向读者展示基因技术的新成就)与文意相符,故选A。
Portia Kapraun has always seen unwelcome ads on Twitter, usually from major brands pitching (竭力推销) her expensive jewelry or vehicles that she, as a librarian in Indiana, could not afford. Ms. Kapraun was not interested. But she soon saw the ads again. And again. And again. “These feel like low-end ads,” she said. In a shaky advertising market in an uncertain economy, ads that few people want to see suddenly seem to be everywhere.
Advancements in digital advertising technology were meant to improve users’ experience. People interested in shoes are intended to get ads for sneakers and boots, not repeated pitches promoting gold investments. And the technology is supposed to remove misleading or dangerous pitches. But lately, on several platforms, the opposite seems to be happening for a variety of reasons, including a slowdown in the overall digital ad market. As numerous deep-pocketed markets have pulled back, and the softer market has led several digital platforms to lower their ad pricing, opportunities have opened up for less demanding advertisers.
Advertising experts agree that poor-quality ads appear to be increasing greatly. They point to a variety of potential causes: internal troubles at technology companies, weak content moderation (审核), and high-level advertisers seeking other choices. Then, there’s the economy: A recent survey of 43 multinational companies representing more than $44 billion in advertising spending found that nearly 30 percent planned to cut back on their marketing spending last year.
Other factors are also contributing to lower advertising quality. Social media advertising, once only practiced by specialists, is now easily available to anyone. Many of them are avoiding targeted ads—placements intended to reach specific audiences, usually at a higher cost -- in favor of a cheaper spray-and-pray (广撒网式的) approach online, hoping to catch the attention of gullible (容易受骗的) or bored shoppers. Major social media platforms are now like “a mall that used to be good”, Corey Richardson, vice president at a multicultural ad company, says. “But now there’s no longer a mall there —it’s just a place selling anything.”
12. What message does the author want to deliver in Portia Kapraun’s story
A. Repeated ads have a strong power of persuasion.
B. Social media users often encounter unwanted ads.
C. Major brands usually prefer social media advertising.
D. An uncertain economy leads to lower levels of consumption.
13. What can be inferred about the “less demanding advertisers” mentioned in Paragraph 2
A. They are forced to exit the digital ad market.
B. They have benefited from advertising experts.
C. They work hard to improve their users’ experience.
D. They can now advertise at a more affordable price.
14. What is Corey Richardson’s attitude to major social media platforms
A. Negative. B. Unclear. C. Favorable. D. Hopeful
15. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
A. Where is social media advertising heading
B What is shaking up the online advertising market
C. Why are you seeing so many bad digital ads now
D. How are targeted ads impacting your-purchase decisions
【答案】12. B 13. D 14. A 15. C
推理判断题。 根据第一段中“Portia Kapraun has always seen unwelcome ads on Twitter, usually from major brands pitching (竭力推销) her expensive jewelry or vehicles that she, as a librarian in Indiana, could not afford. Ms. Kapraun was not interested. But she soon saw the ads again. And again. And again. (Portia kappraun总是在Twitter上看到不受欢迎的广告,通常是大品牌向她推销昂贵的珠宝或汽车,作为印第安纳州的图书管理员,她买不起这些广告。Ms. Kapraun对此不感兴趣。但她很快又看到了广告。一次又一次。一次又一次。)”可知,作者想在Portia kappraun的故事中传达的信息是社交媒体用户经常会遇到不想要的广告。故选B。
推理判断题。 根据第二段中“As numerous deep-pocketed markets have pulled back, and the softer market has led several digital platforms to lower their ad pricing(随着众多财力雄厚的市场纷纷退出,市场疲软导致一些数字平台降低了广告定价)”可知,由于广告市场放缓,财力雄厚的广告资本退出市场因此很多数字平台降低了广告的定价,由此导致很多要求很低的广告商获得了机会即可以以较低的价格承接广告,因此我们可以从less demanding advertisers推断出他们现在可以以更实惠的价格做广告,故选D。
推理判断题。 根据最后一段中“Many of them are avoiding targeted ads—placements intended to reach specific audiences, usually at a higher cost -- in favor of a cheaper spray-and-pray (广撒网式的) approach online, hoping to catch the attention of gullible (容易受骗的) or bored shoppers.(他们中的许多人都在避免针对特定受众的定向广告投放(通常成本较高),而倾向于采用更便宜的在线投放方式,希望吸引易受骗或无聊的购物者的注意。)”以及“Major social media platforms are now like “a mall that used to be good”, Corey Richardson, vice president at a multicultural ad company, says. “But now there’s no longer a mall there —it’s just a place selling anything.””(一家多元文化广告公司的副总裁Corey Richardson表示,主流社交媒体平台现在就像“一个曾经很好的购物中心”。“但现在那里已经没有购物中心了——只是一个卖东西的地方。”)”可知,如今的社交媒体平台倾向以更便宜的在线“广撒网式的”方式投放广告吸引吸引购物者的注意而非更高成本的定向投入广告,因此降低了广告的质量,因此Corey Richardson对当前社交媒体平台的态度是消极的。故选A。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第二段“But lately, on several platforms, the opposite seems to be happening for a variety of reasons, including a slowdown in the overall digital ad market. As numerous deep-pocketed markets have pulled back, and the softer market has led several digital platforms to lower their ad pricing, opportunities have opened up for less demanding advertisers.(但最近,在一些平台上,由于各种原因,包括整体数字广告市场的放缓,情况似乎正好相反。随着众多财力雄厚的市场收缩,以及市场疲软导致数家数字平台降低广告定价,机会为要求较低的广告商敞开了大门。)”,第三段“Advertising experts agree that poor-quality ads appear to be increasing greatly. They point to a variety of potential causes: internal troubles at technology companies, weak content moderation (审核), and high-level advertisers seeking other choices.(广告专家一致认为,低质量的广告似乎正在大幅增加。他们指出了各种各样的潜在原因:科技公司的内部问题,内容审核不力,以及高级广告商寻求其他选择。)”和第四段“Other factors are also contributing to lower advertising quality.(其他因素也导致广告质量下降。)”可知,本文主要讲的是随着数字广告市场的低迷和经济不确定性,用户开始在社交媒体平台上遇到越来越多低质量的广告,这些低质量的广告导致主要的社交媒体平台逐渐变得没有吸引力,只剩下了一些低价的广告商。因此C选项“Why are you seeing so many bad digital ads now (为什么你现在看到这么多糟糕的数字广告?)”适合文章标题。故选C。
第二节 (共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Everyone thinks they're great listeners. But the truth is that hearing isn’t necessarily listening, nor is it necessarily listening well. Listening is an art as well as a basic life skill that we are encouraged to practise and master.___16___
●Don't interrupt
___17___ To master the art of listening, you need to stop any good thoughts that come to mind and let the person say everything they need to say. Often times people simply need someone to talk to, not someone who will cut in and give their own thoughts and opinions.
●Practice active listening.
To understand better in communication, you can first practice active listening. The art of listening isn't simply about staying quiet 100% of the time, it's also about asking questions, which are for clarification or for further explanation, so that you can fully understand what the speaker is telling you. ___18___ You can also make noises that show you agree with what he person is saying such as “yes”, ‘'yeah", and “okay.”
About 60-75% of our communication is accomplished without speaking. In order to know whether to encourage the speaker, or to open yourself more, it's essential to know what the person's body is saying. Do they display signs of discomfort Are they cautious about you Their body language tells a lot.
●Create a suitable environment.
It can be difficult to listen to another person when the TV is screaming, your phone is buzzing and there are thousands of cars passing by. ___20___ Also, when you indicate it would be good to “find a quiet place," you put importance in the person and what they say, and then you show care and consideration.
A. Listen to non-verbal communication.
B. Let the person speak without interruption.
C. Listen without forming responses in your mind.
D. Here's how to bring the vital life skill into your daily existence.
E. Additionally, it's important to hold back your negative judgments.
F. Another great way to show your understanding is to respond by nodding.
G. When you remove the distractions and find a quiet place it’s easier to listen attentively.
【答案】16. D 17. B 18. F 19. A 20. G
根据上文“Listening is an art as well as a basic life skill that we are encouraged to practise and master.(听力是一种艺术,也是一种基本的生活技能,我们被鼓励去练习和掌握)”以及下文作者分类介绍了在日常生活中可以应用的各类倾听的方式方法。可知D项:Here's how to bring the vital life skill into your daily existence.(下面是如何将这一重要的生活技能运用到你的日常生活中)合乎题意。故选D。
根据本小节标题“Don't interrupt(不要打断)”,可知本段强调的内容为不要在说话者说话时打断,而应耐心倾听完话者想要表达的意思。此句位于段首,起到概括和解释标题作用。B项:Let the person speak without interruption.(让对方说话时不要打断)概括和解释标题,合乎题意。故选B。
根据下文“you can also make noises that show you agree with what he person is saying such as “yes”, ‘'yeah", and “okay.”(你也可以发出一些声音来表示你同意对方说的话,比如yes和okay)”中的“also”,我们可知设空处描述的情形也应为对某人的发言表示同意或肯定时做出的姿态,从而增进互动,表示理解。F项:Another great way to show your understanding is to respond by nodding.(另一种表示理解的好方法是点头回应)合乎题意。故选F。
设空处概括本段内容,为本段小标题, 设空处与上下段的首句句式保持一致,即应是祈使句。根据下文“About 60-75% of our communication is accomplished without 大约60-75%的交流是在不说话的情况下完成的。为了知道是要鼓励说话者,还是更开放自己,有必要了解这个人的身体在说什么。根据下文“About 60-75% of our communication is accomplished without speaking. speaking. In order to know whether to encourage the speaker, or to open yourself more, it's essential to know what the person's body is saying.(大约60-75%的交流是在不说话的情况下完成的。为了知道是要鼓励说话者,还是更开放自己,有必要了解这个人的身体在说什么)”可知,作者阐述了倾听说话者肢体语言的重要性,也即话语本身以外的身体信号,从而判断倾听者应该采取怎样的方式更好地促进交流。A项:Listen to non-verbal communication.(倾听非语言交流)合乎题意。故选A。
根据上文“It can be difficult to listen to another person when the TV is screaming, your phone is buzzing and there are thousands of cars passing by.(当电视发出刺耳的声音,你的手机嗡嗡作响,成千上万辆汽车驶过时,你很难去听别人说话)”可知,前文叙述了在嘈杂、混乱的环境中良好的倾听一般难以达成,而后文中的“find a quite place(找一个安静角落)”则应是原文再现。由此可推断出此空应为与嘈杂环境相对照,找到一个安静的地方,更有利于凝神倾听。G项:When you remove the distractions and find a quiet place it’s easier to listen attentively.(当你排除干扰,找到一个安静的地方,更容易专心倾听)合乎题意。故答案为G。
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Herb Chasan could have eased into retirement after spending 18 years teaching in high school and another 30 years remodelling homes. But the 80-year-old didn’t ___21___ . He saw a need in the lower-income neighbourhoods near his home and he wanted to ___22___ it.
So Mr. Chasan ___23___ Hoops and Homework, an after-school program providing ___24___ for youths up to age 14. Since 2012, it has helped over 300 children, who otherwise would have gone home to ___25___ houses or wandered around the streets until their parents ___26___ work.
Every Wednesday afternoon, the day’s volunteers—a married couple—would ___27___ the children with their homework, ranging from science to art projects. The air was filled with laughter and ___28___ from those curious minds.
Thanks to the founder Mr. Chasan and a group of ___29___ volunteers, the children have spent their afternoons ____30____ , making crafts, playing basketball, learning violin and gardening in the ____31____ of a small army of tutors (助教).
While the ____32____ after-school operations have been affected by COVID-19, Mr. Chasan is still planning to ____33____ the program for the benefit of more children in need.
“Our ____34____ is to help these kids break the cycle of poverty—to have a good job, to be a success,” says Mr. Chasan. The work isn’t easy, but the ____35____ can be big.
21. A. wait B. change C. rest D. leave
22. A. meet B. feel C. recognize D. emphasize
23. A. consulted B. discovered C. established D. checked
24. A. donations B. interviews C. exams D. activities
25. A. distant B. empty C. messy D. small
26. A. left for B. looked for C. put off D. got off
27. A. assist B. comfort C. impress D. inspire
28. A. advice B. guidance C. questions D. behaviours
29. A. polite B. selfless C. sensible D. cheerful
30. A. casually B. toughly C. competitively D. productively
31. A. rule B. attention C. hope D. evaluation
32. A. costly B. occasional C. regular D. dull
33. A. expand B. replace C. suspend D. choose
34. A. profession B. request C. problem D. goal
35. A. pay B. reward C. demand D. result
【答案】21 C 22. A 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. D 31. B 32. C 33. A 34. D 35. B
【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了,80岁的老人Herb Chasan退休后没有休息,致力于社区贫困家庭学生的课后辅导工作。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:但这位80岁的老人没有休息。A. wait等待;B. change改变;C. rest休息;D. leave离开。由下文的“Hoops and Homework, an after-school program”和“for the benefit of more children in need”可知,80岁的老人Herb Chasan退休后没有休息,设立了篮球和家庭作业项目,帮助社区贫困家庭的学生学习。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他看到他家附近的低收入社区有一种需求,他想满足这种需求。A. meet满足;B. feel感觉;C. recognize认可;D. emphasize强调。由上文的“He saw a need in the lower-income neighbourhoods near his home”,下文的“Hoops and Homework, an after-school program”和“for the benefit of more children in need”可知,80岁的老人Herb Chasan退休后没有休息,设立了篮球和家庭作业项目,是为了满足社区贫困家庭学生学习的需求。故选A项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此,Chasan先生设立了篮球和家庭作业项目,这是一项为14岁以下的青少年提供活动的课后项目。A. consulted咨询;B. discovered发现;C. established建立;D. checked检查。由下文的“Hoops and Homework, an after-school program”和“the founder Mr. Chasan”可知,此处指Chasan先生建立篮球和家庭作业课后服务项目。故选C项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:因此,Chasan先生设立了篮球和家庭作业项目,这是一项为14岁以下的青少年提供活动的课后项目。A. donations捐赠;B. interviews面试;C. exams考试;D. activities活动。由下文的“with their homework, ranging from science to art projects”和“making crafts, playing basketball, learning violin and gardening”可知,篮球和家庭作业课后服务项目包括解答问题、制作工艺品、打篮球、学习小提琴和园艺等各种各样的活动。故选D项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:自2012年以来,它已经帮助了300多名儿童,这些儿童原本要回家住空房子,或者在街上闲逛,直到他们的父母下班。A. distant遥远的;B. empty空的;C. messy混乱的;D. small小的。由上文的“the lower-income neighbourhoods”和常识可知,低收入社区的家长们在外工作忙于生计,孩子下课后只能回到空荡荡的家。故选B项。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:自2012年以来,它已经帮助了300多名儿童,这些儿童原本要回家住空房子,或者在街上闲逛,直到他们的父母下班。A. left for前往;B. looked for寻找;C. put off推迟;D. got off离开。由上文的“the lower-income neighbourhoods”,“wandered around the streets”和常识可知,低收入社区的家长们在外工作忙于生计,无暇顾及孩子,孩子下课后只能闲逛到父母下班为止,get off work (下班)。故选D项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:每周三下午,当天的志愿者——一对已婚夫妇——将帮助孩子们完成家庭作业,从科学到艺术项目。A. assist帮助;B. comfort安慰;C. impress给……留下深刻印象;D. inspire激励。由上文的“the day’s volunteers—a married couple”可知,这对夫妻是篮球和家庭作业课后服务项目的志愿者,志愿者会帮助孩子们答疑解惑。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:空气中充满了那些好奇的人的笑声和问题。A. advice建议;B. guidance帮助;C. questions问题;D. behaviours行为。由上文的“the day’s volunteers—a married couple—would ___7___ the children with their homework, ranging from science to art projects”可知,篮球和家庭作业课后服务项目的志愿者夫妻会帮助孩子们答疑解惑,所以空气中应该是充满了孩子们提问题的声音。故选C项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:多亏了创始人Chasan先生和一群无私的志愿者,孩子们在一小群助教的关注下,富有成效地度过了下午,制作工艺品、打篮球、学习小提琴和园艺。A. polite礼貌的;B. selfless无私的;C. sensible明智的;D. cheerful令人愉快的。由下文的“volunteers”和常识可知,志愿者都是无私奉献的人。故选B项。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:多亏了创始人Chasan先生和一群无私的志愿者,孩子们在一小群助教的关注下,富有成效地度过了下午,制作工艺品、打篮球、学习小提琴和园艺。A. casually随意地;B. toughly顽强地;C. competitively有竞争力地;D. productively有成果地。由下文的“making crafts, playing basketball, learning violin and gardening”可知,在篮球和家庭作业课后服务项目中,孩子们制作工艺品、打篮球、学习小提琴和园艺,这是富有成效地度过了下午。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:多亏了创始人Chasan先生和一群无私的志愿者,孩子们在一小群助教的关注下,富有成效地度过了下午,制作工艺品、打篮球、学习小提琴和园艺。A. rule规则;B. attention关注;C. hope希望;D. evaluation评价。由下文的“a small army of tutors (助教)”可知,志愿者助教们是来帮助孩子们的,所以助教会关注孩子们。故选B项。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然定期的课后活动受到2019冠状病毒疾病的影响,但Chasan先生仍计划扩大该项目,以造福更多需要帮助的儿童。A. costly昂贵的;B. occasional偶尔的;C. regular定期的;D. dull沉闷的。由下文的“after-school operations have been affected by COVID-19”和常识可知,2019冠状病毒疾病搅乱了一切,也打断了定期的课后活动。故选C项。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然定期的课后活动受到2019冠状病毒疾病的影响,但Chasan先生仍计划扩大该项目,以造福更多需要帮助的儿童。A. expand扩大;B. replace代替;C. suspend暂停;D. choose选择。由下文的“for the benefit of more children in need”可知,Chasan先生想要造福更多需要帮助的儿童,就需要扩大该项目。故选A项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我们的目标是帮助这些孩子打破贫困的循环,找到一份好工作,取得成功,”Chasan先生说。A. profession职业;B. request需要;C. problem问题;D. goal目标。由下文的“to help these kids break the cycle of poverty—to have a good job, to be a success”可知,“帮助这些孩子打破贫困的循环,找到一份好工作,取得成功”是Chasan先生建立篮球和家庭作业课后服务项目的目标。故选D项。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这项工作并不容易,但回报可能很大。A. pay薪水;B. reward回报;C. demand需求;D. result结果。由上文的“to help these kids break the cycle of poverty—to have a good job, to be a success(帮助这些孩子打破贫困的循环,找到一份好工作,取得成功)”可知,篮球和家庭作业课后服务项目积极影响很多,可得出该项目的回报可能很大。故选B项。
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
The story started with the killing of a 19-year-old female elephant at the hands of hunters in northern Kenya in 2016. Her two calves (幼崽) then started a journey to the area where their mother ___36___(kill). They were too young to deal with the hidden danger in the wild ___37___ the protection of adults.
According to that sad but inspiring true story, elephant-lover Sun Xiao wrote a children’s book Samburu, I’m Back. Sun is ___38___ witness to the story told in his book. He was, at the time, in Kenya working for Save the Elephants, a UK charity ___39___ (base) in Nairobi, capital of Kenya. When he and his peers found the two calves wandering in the wild, they tried to change their course. ___40___ (lucky), through great efforts they managed to transport them to an elephant reserve.
In the past decade, Sun ___41___ (devote) himself to spreading knowledge of elephants via a ___42___ (various) of methods, such as writing children’s storybooks ___43___ (feature) the elephants, sharing photos he took of elephants ___44___ posting hundreds of articles he wrote on social networks. He intended to raise public awareness of the urgent need to protect the creatures from hunters, ____45____ kill them for their ivory tusks.
【答案】36. was killed##had been killed
37. without
38. a 39. based
40. Luckily
41. has devoted
42. variety
43. featuring
44. and 45. who
【导语】这是一篇说明文。主要说明了大象爱好者孙晓写了一本儿童读物《桑布鲁,我回来了》,讲述是一只19岁的母象被猎人杀死。 然后,她的两只幼崽开始前往它们的母亲被杀害的地区。
考查时态语态。句意:然后,她的两只幼崽开始前往它们的母亲被杀害的地区。主语与谓语构成被动关系,此处可用一般过去时的被动语态,也可用过去完成时的被动语态,表示“过去的过去”。故填was killed/had been killed。
考查非谓语动词。句意:当时,他正在肯尼亚为一家总部设在肯尼亚首都内罗毕的英国慈善机构“拯救大象”工作。分析句子结构可知base在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语a UK charity构成被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。故填based。
考查时态。句意:在过去的十年里,孙通过各种方式致力于传播关于大象的知识,比如写关于大象的儿童故事书,分享他拍摄的大象照片,在社交网络上发布数百篇他写的文章。根据上文In the past decade可知为现在完成时,主语为Sun,助动词用has。故填has devoted。
考查固定短语。句意:在过去的十年里,孙通过各种方式致力于传播关于大象的知识,比如写关于大象的儿童故事书,分享他拍摄的大象照片,在社交网络上发布数百篇他写的文章。结合句意表示“各种各样的”可知短语为a variety of。故填variety。
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
46. 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Jim对中国文化很感兴趣,你想邀请他来参加你市举行的国际文化交流节,请你根据以下提示给他写一封邀请信。内容包括:
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
【答案】Dear Jim,
I’m exceedingly delighted to tell you that an International Cultural Festival is to be held in my city. I wonder if you would like to enjoy it with me.
As scheduled, the festival is to be held in the city hall on October 26th, lasting for three days. Participants from all over the world will show their country’s cuisine, costumes, arts and crafts. Chinese painting and calligraphy are also included. I’m sure the festival will promote your understanding of different cultures.
I promise you will learn a lot and have a good time.
Li Hua
想做某事:would like to do→feel like doing
原句:As scheduled, the festival is to be held in the city hall on October 26th, lasting for three days.
拓展句:As scheduled, the festival, which will last for three days, is to be held in the city hall on October 26th.
【点睛】【高分句型1】I’m exceedingly delighted to tell you that an International Cultural Festival is to be held in my city. (运用了that引导的宾语从句)
【高分句型2】I wonder if you would like to enjoy it with me.(运用了if引导的宾语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整的短文。
Amanda felt as gray as the sky outside when she looked across the table at her three-year-old sister. Li sat on a booster scat, drinking from her sippy cup. Wondering why Li was still afraid of her, Amanda took a cookie off her plate and held it out to Li, “Want a bite ”
As soon as Li saw Amanda reaching over, her eyes widened. She jumped down from her seat and raced to her room. What an annoyance! Amanda complained to Mom that she had thought being a big sister would be fun. Mom took Amanda’s hand reminding her that Li was in a new country with a new family and how scared she might be.
“Honey, she is still getting used to you,” Mom added. “It’s only been two weeks.”
Over a year ago, Amanda’s parents said that they were adopting a daughter from China, and Amanda had danced with excitement. She’d dreamed of taking her sister to the park, reading books to her, and teaching her to ride a bicycle. That hadn’t happened, though. In the weeks since their trip to China, Li had only let their mom and dad near her. Amanda had drawn pictures for her, read to her, and made funny faces, but none had worked. Whenever she got close, Li ran away.
“I just wish I knew how to help her,” Amanda said to herself, thinking of Li’s frightened eyes. As she sat onto the couch, she turned on the TV and began to watch a cartoon about a dog and a cat. After a few seconds, Amanda realized that the cartoon was in another language. The show looked funny, but she didn’t understand any of it. She frowned, turning off the TV. It reminded her of when they were in China. She had got frustrated when people talked in Mandarin, the language spoken in Li’s province.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
“That’s it,” Amanda sped to her room.
Mom came to the door and found them sitting side by side.
【答案】Para 1:
“That’s it.” Amanda sped to Li’s room. She gathered all her courage to ask Li in Mandarin whether she would like to see a cartoon with her. For the first time ever, Li nodded her head in delight, excitement shining from her eyes. Although Amanda was nearly at a loss to understand what the cartoon was about, Li spared no effort to make the program come across. Both sisters were immersed in the warmth between them.
Para 2:
Mom came to the door and found them sitting side by side. Happiness welled up from the bottom of her heart. Not in her wildest dream could she imagine that her two beloved daughters would get along well with each other. It was not until mom patted the two on the back that they realized mom’s presence. Mom was delighted to see the special bonds created between her daughters. With sunlight streaming into the room, the family were in the seventh heaven.
鼓起勇气:gather courage / get up the courage
想要做某事:would like to do sth./ feel like doing sth.
尽力:spare no effort to / try one’s best to
困惑:be at a loss / be confused
高兴:in delight / happiness/ delighted/ pleased
【点睛】[高分句型1] Although Amanda was nearly at a loss to understand what the cartoon was about, Li spared no effort to make the program come across. (运用了although引导让步状语和what引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2] Not in her wildest dream could she imagine that her two beloved daughters would get along well with each other. (运用了部分倒装)肇庆市第一中学2023-2024学年第一学期
第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Best books for 12 to 14-year-olds
Mortal Engines
Author: Philip Reeve
Publisher: Scholastic
London is on the move again: the city searches the world for resources on wheels, eating smaller towns. But when he is thrown off the city, young hero Tom is soon forced to reexamine life as he knows it.
Set in a futuristic (科幻性的) background, this imaginative story is a combination of action and adventure. The book has won the Blue Peter Book Award.
Coram Boy
Author: Jamila Gavin
Publisher: Egmont
Toby’s and Aaron’s lives are linked by the Coram Man, who collects unwanted children from across the country, supposedly to send them to a safe new life. In reality, the man sells the children into slavery (奴役). Soon, Toby and Aaron find themselves united on a journey, filled with danger and excitement.
Rich with historical detail, this book provides an important insight into the 1750s society. It was a winner of the Whitbread Children’s Book Award.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Author: Mark Haddon
Publisher: Red Fox
Seen through the eyes of Christopher, a mathematical genius and Sherlock Holmes fan, this novel begins with the discovery of a dead dog on a neighbor’s lawn (草坪). In his search to discover the identity of the killer, Christopher uncovers some information about his own family and he starts a journey to London to find his mother.
Watership Down
Author: Richard Adams
Publisher: Penguin
Young rabbit Fiver believes that a great disaster is about to strike the place where he lives—but no one will listen to him. At last he manages to ask a few brave rabbits to leave before it’s too late. Hunted by dogs and foxes, their journey is a dangerous one—but the rabbits can still dream of a peaceful and safe new life at Watership Down. This book won both the Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize and the Carnegie Medal.
1. Which book was published by Penguin
A. Coram Boy. B. Mortal Engines.
C. Watership Down. D. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.
2. What information can we get from the book Coram Boy
A. Its main characters are Toby and Aaron.
B. It is about some rabbits escaping a disaster.
C. It won the Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize.
D. Its content involves the background of a future society.
3. How does Christopher find some information about his family
A. When taking his trip to London.
B. When working with Sherlock Holmes.
C. When trying to find the identify of a killer.
D. When communicating with a mathematical genius.
Getting to Antarctica is not easy. The few who are lucky enough to visit this most mysterious continent do so by ship. To reach Antarctica, ships must pass through an extremely violent area of ocean called the Drake Passage, considered to be the roughest stretch of sea on the planet.
Walls of water thirty, sometimes forty feet high continually crashed against our ship for two solid days. We would hold on to a rope inside the ship while being violently tipped (倾斜) to one extreme side, then to the other, and then back again. My daughter Claire and I were as mentally prepared as we could be.
About two and a half days after entering the Drake Passage, the waters calmed. Soon, we noticed small black spots on nearby pieces of floating ice. Emperor penguins (企鹅)! Then, we began the two-mile hike over the ice to the penguin colony. Within several hundred yards, small groups of emperors, perhaps ten or so at a time, greeted us, sliding on their bellies and making their wonderful noises, sort of a long, high-pitched sound.
One day two adult emperors with their three chicks following them approached Claire, who was resting on the ice. They left the chicks with her, as if she were the babysitter. Twenty minutes later they returned to collect the chicks. And I will never forget the penguin that, when I jokingly asked which way back to the helicopters, pointed a wing in the correct direction. Every night aboard our safe and warm ship, we thought about what it takes to survive in Antarctica, an incredibly harsh (恶劣的) place.
But each day on the ice, we also thought about the Drake Passage, the impact of the large body of water we had to endure to get where we were. Over the course of our visit, we came to respect the power of that sea. We still talk about the penguins, as I’m sure we always will. But we talk about the Drake Passage, too. Both experiences were unforgettable, an one would not have been possible without the other.
4. Why is the Drake Passage mentioned in the first paragraph
A. The water in the area is usually calm.
B. People can see very attractive scenery there.
C. It is quite a dangerous section of the journey.
D. A lot of sea animals often appear in the area.
5. What is the theme of the third paragraph
A. The visitors appreciated the penguins.
B. The living habits of emperor penguins.
C. How penguins made their wonderful noises.
D. The appearance and shape of emperor penguins.
6. What can we infer from the fourth paragraph
A. Penguins try to avoid human beings.
B. Penguins are not afraid of human beings.
C. Claire played with the two adult penguins for a long time.
D. Claire led the young penguins to where the adult penguins stayed.
7. What does the underlined word “endure” in the last paragraph mean
A. Promote. B. Break. C. Arrange. D. Experience.
MANCHESTER, England — Here’s some good news that vegetarians (素食者) can really sink their teeth into: Researchers in UMA Group have developed genetically (转基因地) engineered fruit trees that produce real meat!
Fruit from the new Meat Trees, developed by British scientists using the gene technology, is closely like ordinary grape-fruit. But when you cut the fruit open, inside is fresh beef!
“Our trees may sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but it’s really true,”declares Dr. Vincent, director of the UMA Group, which created the amazing trees. “Vegetarians have been complaining for years that in spite of their firm belief against eating meat, they still desire the taste of meat once in a while. Now they can have their cake and eat it too.”
Although it’s taken 12 years to develop the trees, the idea is simple. “We take the genes from cattle and put them into the cells (细胞) of grape-fruit trees,” Dr. Vincent says. “When the seeds grow into trees, they produce meat instead of ordinary fruit. You get the taste — even the smell.”
Those who’ve tried the meat agree it tastes like the real thing. “I was a bit unwilling to believe at first when I sank my teeth into a hamburger after they told me it grew on a tree,” says Londoner Mark, who took part in a taste-test. “But it was juicy and delicious ─ nothing leafy about it at all.”
Meat Tree products could be on the market in Great Britain by the end of the year and on dinner plates in the U.S. by 2020. Some vegetarians insist they should never eat meat — even if it grew on a tree. Others love the idea. “My mouth is watering already,” says a devoted vegetarian of 20 years.
8. According to what Dr. Vincent said, we know that ________.
A. vegetarians like to make a cake and enjoy it later
B. the idea of Meat Trees came from a science fiction movie
C. vegetarians can eat meat from the new trees
D. vegetarians can taste and even smell fruit from Meat Trees
9. The passage tells us that ________.
A Meat Tree products are sure to be popular with vegetarians
B. most vegetarians like the taste of fruit from Meat Trees
C. you can buy fruit from Meat Trees in the supermarket in Great Britain now
D. it’s hard to tell fruit on Meat Trees from ordinary fruit without cutting in
10. In paragraph 5, the author took Mark for example to ________.
A. show he is one of the devoted vegetarians
B. prove the real taste of fruit from Meat Trees
C. tell how a vegetarian eats the new fruit
D. to explain how the taste-test is given
11. By writing this passage, the author wants to ________.
A. show readers a new achievement in gene technology
B. encourage people to eat fruit from Meat Trees
C. explain how meat is produced on trees
D. tell vegetarians good news about Meat Trees
Portia Kapraun has always seen unwelcome ads on Twitter, usually from major brands pitching (竭力推销) her expensive jewelry or vehicles that she, as a librarian in Indiana, could not afford. Ms. Kapraun was not interested. But she soon saw the ads again. And again. And again. “These feel like low-end ads,” she said. In a shaky advertising market in an uncertain economy, ads that few people want to see suddenly seem to be everywhere.
Advancements in digital advertising technology were meant to improve users’ experience. People interested in shoes are intended to get ads for sneakers and boots, not repeated pitches promoting gold investments. And the technology is supposed to remove misleading or dangerous pitches. But lately, on several platforms, the opposite seems to be happening for a variety of reasons, including a slowdown in the overall digital ad market. As numerous deep-pocketed markets have pulled back, and the softer market has led several digital platforms to lower their ad pricing, opportunities have opened up for less demanding advertisers.
Advertising experts agree that poor-quality ads appear to be increasing greatly. They point to a variety of potential causes: internal troubles at technology companies, weak content moderation (审核), and high-level advertisers seeking other choices. Then, there’s the economy: A recent survey of 43 multinational companies representing more than $44 billion in advertising spending found that nearly 30 percent planned to cut back on their marketing spending last year.
Other factors are also contributing to lower advertising quality. Social media advertising, once only practiced by specialists, is now easily available to anyone. Many of them are avoiding targeted ads—placements intended to reach specific audiences, usually at a higher cost -- in favor of a cheaper spray-and-pray (广撒网式的) approach online, hoping to catch the attention of gullible (容易受骗的) or bored shoppers. Major social media platforms are now like “a mall that used to be good”, Corey Richardson, vice president at a multicultural ad company, says. “But now there’s no longer a mall there —it’s just a place selling anything.”
12. What message does the author want to deliver in Portia Kapraun’s story
A. Repeated ads have a strong power of persuasion.
B. Social media users often encounter unwanted ads.
C. Major brands usually prefer social media advertising.
D. An uncertain economy leads to lower levels of consumption.
13. What can be inferred about the “less demanding advertisers” mentioned in Paragraph 2
A They are forced to exit the digital ad market.
B. They have benefited from advertising experts.
C. They work hard to improve their users’ experience.
D. They can now advertise at a more affordable price.
14. What is Corey Richardson’s attitude to major social media platforms
A. Negative. B. Unclear. C. Favorable. D. Hopeful
15. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
A. Where is social media advertising heading
B. What is shaking up the online advertising market
C. Why are you seeing so many bad digital ads now
D. How are targeted ads impacting your-purchase decisions
第二节 (共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Everyone thinks they're great listeners. But the truth is that hearing isn’t necessarily listening, nor is it necessarily listening well. Listening is an art as well as a basic life skill that we are encouraged to practise and master.___16___
●Don't interrupt
___17___ To master the art of listening, you need to stop any good thoughts that come to mind and let the person say everything they need to say. Often times people simply need someone to talk to, not someone who will cut in and give their own thoughts and opinions.
●Practice active listening.
To understand better in communication you can first practice active listening. The art of listening isn't simply about staying quiet 100% of the time, it's also about asking questions, which are for clarification or for further explanation, so that you can fully understand what the speaker is telling you. ___18___ You can also make noises that show you agree with what he person is saying such as “yes”, ‘'yeah", and “okay.”
About 60-75% of our communication is accomplished without speaking. In order to know whether to encourage the speaker, or to open yourself more, it's essential to know what the person's body is saying. Do they display signs of discomfort Are they cautious about you Their body language tells a lot.
●Create a suitable environment.
It can be difficult to listen to another person when the TV is screaming, your phone is buzzing and there are thousands of cars passing by. ___20___ Also, when you indicate it would be good to “find a quiet place," you put importance in the person and what they say, and then you show care and consideration.
A. Listen to non-verbal communication.
B. Let the person speak without interruption.
C. Listen without forming responses in your mind.
D. Here's how to bring the vital life skill into your daily existence.
E. Additionally, it's important to hold back your negative judgments.
F. Another great way to show your understanding is to respond by nodding.
G. When you remove the distractions and find a quiet place it’s easier to listen attentively.
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Herb Chasan could have eased into retirement after spending 18 years teaching in high school and another 30 years remodelling homes. But the 80-year-old didn’t ___21___ . He saw a need in the lower-income neighbourhoods near his home and he wanted to ___22___ it.
So Mr. Chasan ___23___ Hoops and Homework, an after-school program providing ___24___ for youths up to age 14. Since 2012, it has helped over 300 children, who otherwise would have gone home to ___25___ houses or wandered around the streets until their parents ___26___ work.
Every Wednesday afternoon, the day’s volunteers—a married couple—would ___27___ the children with their homework, ranging from science to art projects. The air was filled with laughter and ___28___ from those curious minds.
Thanks to the founder Mr. Chasan and a group of ___29___ volunteers, the children have spent their afternoons ____30____ , making crafts, playing basketball, learning violin and gardening in the ____31____ of a small army of tutors (助教).
While the ____32____ after-school operations have been affected by COVID-19, Mr. Chasan is still planning to ____33____ the program for the benefit of more children in need.
“Our ____34____ is to help these kids break the cycle of poverty—to have a good job, to be a success,” says Mr. Chasan. The work isn’t easy, but the ____35____ can be big.
21 A. wait B. change C. rest D. leave
22. A. meet B. feel C. recognize D. emphasize
23. A. consulted B. discovered C. established D. checked
24. A. donations B. interviews C. exams D. activities
25. A. distant B. empty C. messy D. small
26. A. left for B. looked for C. put off D. got off
27. A. assist B. comfort C. impress D. inspire
28. A. advice B. guidance C. questions D. behaviours
29. A. polite B. selfless C. sensible D. cheerful
30. A. casually B. toughly C. competitively D. productively
31. A. rule B. attention C. hope D. evaluation
32. A. costly B. occasional C. regular D. dull
33. A. expand B. replace C. suspend D. choose
34. A. profession B. request C. problem D. goal
35. A. pay B. reward C. demand D. result
第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
The story started with the killing of a 19-year-old female elephant at the hands of hunters in northern Kenya in 2016. Her two calves (幼崽) then started a journey to the area where their mother ___36___(kill). They were too young to deal with the hidden danger in the wild ___37___ the protection of adults.
According to that sad but inspiring true story, elephant-lover Sun Xiao wrote a children’s book Samburu, I’m Back. Sun is ___38___ witness to the story told in his book. He was, at the time, in Kenya working for Save the Elephants, a UK charity ___39___ (base) in Nairobi, capital of Kenya. When he and his peers found the two calves wandering in the wild, they tried to change their course. ___40___ (lucky), through great efforts they managed to transport them to an elephant reserve.
In the past decade, Sun ___41___ (devote) himself to spreading knowledge of elephants via a ___42___ (various) of methods, such as writing children’s storybooks ___43___ (feature) the elephants, sharing photos he took of elephants ___44___ posting hundreds of articles he wrote on social networks. He intended to raise public awareness of the urgent need to protect the creatures from hunters, ____45____ kill them for their ivory tusks.
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
46. 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Jim对中国文化很感兴趣,你想邀请他来参加你市举行的国际文化交流节,请你根据以下提示给他写一封邀请信。内容包括:
注意:1. 词数80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整的短文。
Amanda felt as gray as the sky outside when she looked across the table at her three-year-old sister. Li sat on a booster scat, drinking from her sippy cup. Wondering why Li was still afraid of her, Amanda took a cookie off her plate and held it out to Li, “Want a bite ”
As soon as Li saw Amanda reaching over, her eyes widened. She jumped down from her seat and raced to her room. What an annoyance! Amanda complained to Mom that she had thought being a big sister would be fun. Mom took Amanda’s hand reminding her that Li was in a new country with a new family and how scared she might be.
“Honey, she is still getting used to you,” Mom added. “It’s only been two weeks.”
Over a year ago Amanda’s parents said that they were adopting a daughter from China, and Amanda had danced with excitement. She’d dreamed of taking her sister to the park, reading books to her, and teaching her to ride a bicycle. That hadn’t happened, though. In the weeks since their trip to China, Li had only let their mom and dad near her. Amanda had drawn pictures for her, read to her, and made funny faces, but none had worked. Whenever she got close, Li ran away.
“I just wish I knew how to help her,” Amanda said to herself, thinking of Li’s frightened eyes. As she sat onto the couch, she turned on the TV and began to watch a cartoon about a dog and a cat. After a few seconds, Amanda realized that the cartoon was in another language. The show looked funny, but she didn’t understand any of it. She frowned, turning off the TV. It reminded her of when they were in China. She had got frustrated when people talked in Mandarin, the language spoken in Li’s province.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
“That’s it,” Amanda sped to her room.
Mom came to the door and found them sitting side by side.




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