Unit 8 Pets 单元测试 B卷·能力提升 初中英语牛津译林版七年级下册(含解析)

Unit 8(B卷·能力提升)
班级________ 姓名________ 学号________ 分数________
1.There are ________ in the reading room, but some aren’t ________ for the students to read.
A.enough books; easy enough B.enough books; enough easy
C.books enough; easily enough D.books enough; enough easily
2.Jenny, do you have ________ to tell me
A.anything important B.important anything
C.something important D.important something
3.My mother is always ________ me because I can’t look after myself.
A.worry B.worry about C.worried D.worried about
4.—Did you have a good time yesterday
—We had planned to play basketball, but it rained heavily. ________, we had to stay at home.
A.First of all B.On the one hand C.At least D.As a result
5.There is ________ in today’s newspaper.
A.something interesting B.interesting something
C.something interested D.interesting nothing
6.—Do you watch Peppa Pig on TV It’s so funny!
— Well, no, to be __________, I think it’s quite silly.
A.curious B.brave C.gentle D.honest
7.—Why does Mike sit in the front
—Because he sees the words _______ at the back.
A.less noisily B.more noisily C.less clearly D.more clearly
8.We couldn’t buy anything because ________ of the shops were open.
A.all B.both C.nothing D.none
9.Lily      her room every day, so her room is very     .
A.clean; clean B.cleans; cleans C.clean; cleans D.cleans; clean
10.—I feel very ________. May I have a cake
—Sure, you may take one from the fridge.
A.brave B.thirsty C.full D.hungry
Jane is a nice girl and likes small animals. On her way back from school every 11 , she always stops to look at the animals in the 12 shop. She likes to see the dogs. One of them is a little 13 dog, and Jane likes it very much. She watches the dog play in the pet shop. She often 14 the time. So, she comes home very late. One day her parents 15 why she was late. Jane told then about the dog in the pet shop.
The next day Jane stopped to look into the 16 of the pet shop, but she could not see the dog. She was very sad and went home 17 .When she got home, her mother showed her a big cake and her father gave her the little white dog from the pet shop. It was her 18 . Jane was very 19 . From that day on she did not come home late. She ran home early to 20 the little white dog every day.
11.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.night
12.A.pet B.book C.clothes D.snack
13.A.white B.black C.brown D.grey
14.A.remembers B.knows C.forgets D.takes
15.A.asked B.told C.wanted D.said
16.A.wall B.door C.floor D.window
17.A.fast B.late C.early D.first
18.A.birthday B.time C.work D.date
19.A.sad B.glad C.bad D.good
20.A.sleep with B.talk with C.play with D.write with
We are dragonflies. We fly around in the morning or evening of summer, but how much do you know about us
Why are dragonflies in a hurry (匆忙)
Most of us live for only a few months as grown-up (成虫), so we fly around looking for food and a mate (伴侣). The largest dragonflies can fly 40 to 60 kilometers every hour, making us the fastest flying insects (昆虫).
Important facts
1.We have the biggest eyes of any insect. They take up (占据) most of our head and make us see ahead, below and behind, all at the same time. Each compound eye (复眼) has 5,000 very small eyes.
2.There are more than 5,000 different kinds of dragonflies.
3. You can find us in almost every country of the world.
4.We catch other insects and eat them as we fly.
5. We have been for about 300 million (百万) years.
6.We do not hurt (伤害) people.
Life cycle
We drop our eggs (卵) in the water. Our young babies live underwater for many years.
Skilled (熟练的) fliers
Our wings (翅膀) are very powerful (强大的). Each wing can move on its own or together as a pair. Like helicopters (直升机), we can hover (盘旋). That keeps us the same place in the air. We can hover in the air for about one minute.
21.Dragonflies are ________ flying insects.
A.the fastest B.the largest C.the most powerful D.the busiest
22.Why are dragonflies in a hurry
A.Because they only live for a few months. B.Because they can fly 40 to 60 kilometers every hour.
C.Because they are the fastest flying insects. D.Because they are busy looking for food and a mate.
23.What does the underlined word “catch” in Chinese
A.吸引 B.接住 C.陷入 D.捕捉
24.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage
A.A dragonfly can live about 300 million years. B.Some of dragonflies may hurt people sometimes.
C.People can see dragonflies in summer. D.There are 500 kinds of dragonflies in the world.
25.What can we know from the passage
A.Dragonflies have a good eyesight (视力).
B.People can see dragonflies everywhere at any time.
C.Dragonflies can fly in the air for only one minute.
D.Young baby dragonflies can live out of water.
Where do farm animals live Some farms have lots of different animals. Hens, pigs, sheep, and goats live on this farm. Who else lives here Cows live here, too. Look at the map of the farm. The red hens have nests in the barn (谷仓). Some pigs have pens in the barnyard. Sheep and goats stay out where grass grows. Cows and horses stay out in the field, too. They have room to run.
A hen uses her feet to scratch (抓) in the dirt. She looks for seeds and bugs to eat. She uses her beak (鸟嘴) to peck. The hen shows her babies how to peck seeds, too. They love to eat! Who feeds the pigs The farmer feeds them. He brings them corn and other grains. The farmer gives the animals in the field grass and other plants. The animals needs lots of food.
How do farm animals help The farmers get food from some of the animals. Hens lay eggs. We eat eggs. The farmers get milk from some of the cows and goats. We drink milk. Farmers ride the horses, too. Lots of animals live on a farm. They help the farmer, and the farmer helps them.
26.Which of the following sentences (句子) can be in the blank (空格)
A.Why do farm animals eat B.When do farm animals eat
C.What do farm animals eat D.Where do farm animals eat
27.According to the passage, farm animals eat the food EXCEPT (除了) _________.
A.seeds and bugs B.corn and grains C.grass and plants D.milk and eggs
28.How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6
29.Which one is true according to the passage
A.Some pigs have nests in the barnyard.
B.The hens teach their babies how to find the food.
C.The animals in the field only eat grass.
D.The farmers don’t need the animals’ help.
30.What is the best title of this passage
A.Animals on a Farm B.An Interesting Farm
C.Different Animals D.Animals and farmers
We all know ants (蚂蚁). In our eyes, all the ants are small and weak. In fact, you are not right. Sometimes ants may hurt (伤害) us. There are about 8,000 kinds of ants in the world. Most of the ants don’t hurt people. But some of them are dangerous.
African driver ants (非洲行军蚁) can eat a horse or kill a man in a day. The army ants (军蚁) of South and Central America are also terrible. Animals are afraid of them, and people are afraid of them, too. These ants can eat all the animals in their way. They can kill and eat elephants, and they can also eat houses. Sometimes they even kill people. When they come, people leave their homes.
31.In our eyes, all the ants are and .
32. can eat a horse or kill a man in a day.
33.How many ants are there in the word
34.What do people do when the army ants come
A great French writer said we should help each other as much as we can because we often need help ourselves. The small even can help the great. 36
An ant was drinking at a small river and fell in. 37 The poor ant got too tired but was still doing her best when a big bird saw her. 38 With it the ant reached the bank in the end. While she was resting and drying herself in grass, the ant heard a man coming up. He was walking without shoes on his feet and carrying a gun in his hand.
39 However, before he could fire his gun, the ant bit(咬)him in one of his feet. The man gave out a loud cry. 40 It was an animal much weaker and smaller than the bird that had saved her life.
A.She tried her best to reach the river side, but she couldn’t move at all.
B.As soon as the man saw the bird, he pointed his gun at her.
C.The bird felt sorry for the ant and threw a piece of wood to her.
D.Hearing the sound, the bird flew away at once.
E.About this, the writer told the following story.
There is a boy called Henry. He is 41 (real) a kind boy. One day he sees a cat at his door. The cat 42 (look) sad (伤心的) and Henry thinks it must be lost. 43 he decides (决定) to help the cat find its home.
He calls the Lost and Found office. But they say no one loses a cat. Then he asks his 44 (friend) next door. But they 45 (not) lose their cats. Henry wants 46 (ask) his parents for help. But they’re not 47 home. That evening, Henry can’t sleep well. He wants to help the cat but doesn’t know 48 . He puts it in a box.
The next morning he puts up Lost and Found notices (启事) all around his building. On the 49 (three) day, a girl named Anna calls Henry to get the cat. She says thanks to him. They 50 (be) very happy.
1. 为什么人们喜欢养猫、狗等宠物?
2. 饲养宠物有什么利弊?
3. 你对饲养宠物的看法。
1. 参考提示内容,可适当发挥;
2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;
3. 文中不得出现你的任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等);
4. 词数:不少于50词(开头已给出,但不计入总词数)。
Recently, more and more young people like to keep pets.
考查worry的用法。worry动词,担忧;worry about动词词组,担忧;worried形容词,担忧的;worried about担忧。根据固定搭配“be worried about”和“is ”可知,“worried about”符合句意。故选D。
【详解】句意:——昨天你玩得开心吗? ——我们原计划去打篮球,但雨下得很大。结果,我们不得不待在家里。
考查介词短语。First of all首先;On the one hand一方面;At least至少;As a result结果。根据“We had planned to play basketball, but it rained heavily. …, we had to stay at home.”可知,原计划去打篮球, 因为雨下得大,最终的结果是,不得不待在家里。横线处缺的汉意是“结果”As a result。故选D。
【详解】句意:——你在电视上观看《小猪佩奇》了吗?真有趣!——嗯,不,说实话,我认为它很愚蠢。A. curious好奇的;B. brave勇敢的;C. gentle高尚的;D. honest诚实的。to be honest意思是“说实话”,否定对方的观点,提出自己的观点,结合语境可知,答案为D。
考查副词的比较级。less noisily不那么吵;more noisily更加吵闹;less clearly没那么清楚;more clearly更清楚。sees是动词,应用副词来修饰,且应用clearly“清楚地”来修饰;结合语境可知,坐在后面字看不大清楚,因此应用其否定形式less clearly。故选C。
考查不定代词辨析。all(三者或三者以上)都;both(两者)都;nothing没有什么;none(三者或三者以上)都不。根据“We couldn’t buy anything”和“the shops were open.”可知商店都没有开门,商店应该不止一家,因此应该用none。故选D。
考查动词及形容词。cleans打扫,动词三单形式;clean打扫,动词原形;干净的,形容词。根据句意可知,空一是句子的谓语动词,根据空后的“every day”可知,句子是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,所以空处用动词的三单形式cleans,排除选项A和C;根据空二前的“is very”可知,空二处应该用形容词clean作表语。故选D。
考查形容词辨析。brave勇敢的;thirsty口渴的;full饱的;hungry饿的。根据“May I have a cake ”可知,想吃蛋糕,因为饿了,故选D。
11.B 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.C
morning早上;afternoon下午;evening晚上;night夜晚。根据后文“So, she comes home very late.”结合语境可知,她很晚才回家,所以此处是指“下午放学”。故选B。
pet宠物;book书;clothes衣服;snack快餐。根据后文“Jane told then about the dog in the pet shop.”可知,此处是指“宠物店”。故选A。
white白色的;black黑色的;brown棕色的;grey灰色的。根据后文“the little white dog”可知,此处是指“一只小白狗”。故选A。
remembers记得;knows知道;forgets忘记;takes带走。根据后文“So, she comes home very late.”可知,很晚回家,所以此处是指“经常忘记时间”。故选C。
asked问;told告诉;wanted想要;said说。根据“why she was late.”可知,此处是“问”她为什么迟到。故选A。
wall墙;door门;floor地板;window窗户。根据“The next day Jane stopped to look into the...of the pet shop”可知,应是从“窗户”里看。故选D。
fast快速地;late迟地;early早地;first第一。根据“She was very sad and went home...”结合上文可知,以前总是在回家的路上看狗,所以总是回家很晚,今天没有看到小白狗,所以回家早了。故选C。
birthday生日;time时间;work工作;date日期。根据前文“When she got home, her mother showed her a big cake”可知,那天是她的生日。故选A。
sad伤心的;glad高兴的;bad糟糕的;good好的。根据“When she got home, her mother showed her a big cake and her father gave her the little white dog from the pet shop.”可知,当她回到家,她妈妈给她看了一个大蛋糕,她爸爸给了她宠物店的小白狗。所以她是高兴的。故选B。
sleep with和……睡觉;talk with与……交谈;play with和……一起玩;write with用……写。根据“She ran home early to...the little white dog every day.”结合语境可知,是和小白狗一起玩。故选C。
21.A 22.D 23.D 24.C 25.A
21.细节理解题。根据“The largest dragonflies can fly 40 to 60 kilometers every hour, making us the fastest flying insects(昆虫).”可知蜻蜓是飞行最快的昆虫。故选A。
22.细节理解题。根据“Most of us live for only a few months as grown-up(成虫), so we fly around looking for food and a mate(伴侣). ”可知是因为蜻蜓在有限的时间内忙着找食物和伴侣。故选D。
23.词义猜测题。根据“We catch other insects and eat them as we fly.”可知蜻蜓在飞行时捕捉其他昆虫并吃掉它们,所以catch表示“捕捉 ”。故选D。
24.细节理解题。根据“We are dragonflies. We fly around in the morning or evening of summer”可知人们在夏天可以看到蜻蜓。故选C。
25.推理判断题。根据“We have the biggest eyes of any insect. They take up (占据) most of our head and make us see ahead, below and behind, all at the same time. Each compound eye (复眼) has 5,000 very small eyes.”(我们的眼睛是昆虫中最大的。它们占据了我们大部分的头部,让我们同时看到前方、下方和后方。每个复眼都有5000只非常小的眼睛。)可知蜻蜓的视力很好。故选A。
26.C 27.D 28.D 29.B 30.A
26.词句猜测题。根据下文“A hen uses her feet to scratch (抓) in the dirt. She looks for seeds and bugs to eat. She uses her beak (鸟嘴) to peck. The hen shows her babies how to peck seeds, too. They love to eat! Who feeds the pigs The farmer feeds them. He brings them corn and other grains. The farmer gives the animals in the field grass and other plants. The animals needs lots of food.”母鸡用脚在土里抓东西。她寻找种子和虫子吃。她用嘴啄食。母鸡也教她的孩子们如何啄食种子。他们喜欢吃!谁喂猪?农夫喂猪。他给他们带来玉米和其他谷物。农夫给田里的动物喂草和其他植物。动物需要很多食物。本段主要讲农场动物吃什么。结合选项可知,C选项“农场动物吃什么?”符合题意。故选C。
27.推理判断题。根据“A hen uses her feet to scratch (抓) in the dirt. She looks for seeds and bugs to eat. She uses her beak (鸟嘴) to peck. The hen shows her babies how to peck seeds, too. They love to eat! Who feeds the pigs The farmer feeds them. He brings them corn and other grains. The farmer gives the animals in the field grass and other plants. The animals needs lots of food.”母鸡用脚在土里抓东西。她寻找种子和虫子吃。她用嘴啄食。母鸡也教她的孩子们如何啄食种子。他们喜欢吃!谁喂猪?农夫喂猪。他给他们带来玉米和其他谷物。农夫给田里的动物喂草和其他植物。动物需要很多食物。可知,根据这篇文章,农场动物吃的食物有种子和虫子;玉米和谷物;草和植物;不包括牛奶和鸡蛋。故选D。
28.推理判断题。根据“Hens,pigs,sheep,and goats live on this farm. …Cows and horses stay out in the field,too.”母鸡、猪、绵羊和山羊住在这个农场上。牛和马也待在田野里。可知,这篇文章提到了6种动物。故选D。
29.细节理解题。根据“The hen shows her babies how to peck seeds, too.”母鸡也教她的孩子们如何啄种子。可知,根据文章母鸡教它们的宝宝如何找到食物,因此B选项的描述符合文意,故选B。
30.标题归纳题。根据“Where do farm animals live Some farms have lots of different animals.”农场动物住在哪里?有些农场有很多不同的动物。结合文章内容可知,本文主要讲了农场里的动物。所以这篇文章最好的标题是农场里的动物。故选A。
31. small weak 32.African driver ants 33.There are about 8,000 kinds of ants in the world. 34.They leave their homes. 35.大多数蚂蚁不会伤害人。
31.根据“In our eyes, all the ants are small and weak.”可知,在我们眼里,蚂蚁是弱小的。故填small;weak。
32.根据“African driver ants (非洲行军蚁) can eat a horse or kill a man in a day.”可知,非洲行军蚁能够在一天内吃掉一匹马或者杀死一个人。故填African driver ants。
33.根据“There are about 8,000 kinds of ants in the world.”可知,世界上由八千多种蚂蚁。故填There are about 8,000 kinds of ants in the world.
34.根据“When they come, people leave their homes.”可知,当军蚁来了的时候,人们会离开他们的家。故填They leave their homes.
35.分析句子可知,本句是陈述句的否定形式,most of翻译为“大多数的”;the ants翻译为“蚂蚁”;don’t hurt 翻译为“不会伤害”; people翻译为“人”。故填“大多数蚂蚁不会伤害人。”
36.E 37.A 38.C 39.B 40.D
37.根据“An ant was drinking at a small river and fell in.”可知,蚂蚁掉进河里后应该是尽力想爬上岸,选项A“她尽最大努力要到达河边,但是她根本动不了。”符合语境。故选A。
38.根据“...when a big bird saw her...With it the ant reached the bank in the end.”可知,空处应该是小鸟给蚂蚁提供了帮助,所以蚂蚁上了岸。选项C“小鸟为蚂蚁感到难过,向她扔了一块木头。”符合语境。“With it”中的“it”指代的就是那块木头。故选C。
39.根据“However, before he could fire his gun, the ant bit(咬)him in one of his feet.”可知,男人要开枪应该是要打那只鸟,所以蚂蚁才咬了他的脚。选项B“那个男人一看到小鸟,就把枪对准了它。”符合语境。故选B。
40.根据“The man gave out a loud cry...It was an animal much weaker and smaller than the bird that had saved her life.”可知,蚂蚁救了小鸟,小鸟应该是听到男人的喊叫声飞走了。选项D“听到那个声音,小鸟立刻飞走了。”符合语境。故选D。
41.really 42.looks 43.So 44.friends 45.don’t 46.to ask 47.at 48.how 49.third 50.are
42.句意:这只猫看起来很伤心,亨利认为它一定是迷路了。根据“thinks”可知,时态是一般现在时,主语是The cat,所以谓语动词用三单形式,故填looks。
43.句意:所以他决定帮助这只猫找到它的家。上文“Henry thinks it must be lost”是后文“he decides (决定) to help the cat find its home.”的原因,空后表示结果,所以用so连接,故填So。
44.句意:然后他问他隔壁的朋友们。根据“But they...”可知,此处应用名词复数形式friends,故填friends。
46.句意:亨利想向他的父母求助。want to do sth“想要做某事”,固定短语,故填to ask。
47.句意:但他们不在家。at home“在家”,固定短语,故填at。
50.句意: 他们都很开心。主语是they,时态是一般现在时,所以be动词用are。故填are。
Recently, more and more young people like to keep pets. Some of them regard their pets as one of their family members. They say that pets can help them do some useful things and bring them joy and happiness. However, pets may also cause a lot of problems. For example, if there are more pets on the streets, it’s easy for people to get some diseases from them. Some pets are dangerous to people. What’s more, keeping pets may cost people lots of time and money.
I like pets. Pets are our good friends. But I think people should keep them clean and don’t trouble others. What’s more, we should spend more time with our family instead of the pets. As long as we do like these, we can have a better life with our pets.
① 题材:本文是一篇议论文,为材料作文;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
③ 提示:写作要点已给出,考生应注意不要遗漏信息提示中对饲养宠物的看法,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
① regard...as...把……视为……
② for example例如
③ what’s more此外
④ instead of而不是
① For example, if there are more pets on the streets, it’s easy for people to get some diseases from them.(if引导的条件状语从句)
② As long as we do like these, we can have a better life with our pets.(as long as引导的条件状语从句)



