Unit 2 Neighbours 单元测试 B卷·能力提升(含解析) 牛津译林版七年级下册

Unit 2(B卷·能力提升)
班级 _______姓名________学号_______ 分数 ________
1.—Do you like fruit and vegetables
—No. I don’t ________ they are delicious (美味的). I only like meat.
A.call B.like C.have D.think
2.There __________ an annual school sports meeting in the school next Monday.
A.is going to have B.is going to is
C.will be D.will have
3.Choose the word with a different sound.
A.stone B.wonderful C.another D.someone
4.________ important information Miss Guo brought us!
A.How B.How a C.What D.What an
5.Mr. Green draws plans of buildings. He is a(n) ________.
A.engineer B.architect C.removal man D.doctor
6.—What’s your brother’s ________
—He’s a policeman.
A.name B.job C.grade D.number
7.Her father works at a police station. He is a(n) ________.
A.manager B.policeman C.actor D.nurse
8.— What do you think of the little boy
— I think he is too ________. He often lies in bed and does nothing.
A.polite B.helpful C.smart D.lazy
9.My parents ________ hamburgers.
A.not like B.isn’t like C.doesn’t like D.don’t like
10.Mrs Miller often helps me with English. I’m very ________ to have such a nice teacher.
A.tired B.busy C.strong D.lucky
Lisa's party
Dear friends,
Please come to my house for a welcome party for Lisa.
Lisa is from America. She,moved here 11 her parents last week. she's my new friend and neighbor. Her house is next to 12 .We usually go to school together.
Lisa and I were born in the same year. She is as old as I am, 13 she is much taller.
Lisa is very beautiful.,Her big eyes make her look 14 .She's very helpful,too. She 15 ready to help others. She also has a good sense of humour,she likes 16 funny jokes(玩笑).I never feel bored or 17 when she's with me. Lisa is a true friend. When 18 worries me,I always go to her for help. I can tell her anything because she can keep secrets(秘密).We like to chat with each other because we always have the same 19 .
Lisa wants to make friends with all of you. She can tell us about her life in America in English. I believe you will be 20 with her because she is a cheerful girl.
The party will begin at 7:00 p.m.in my house on Saturday. We look forward to seeing you then.
11.A.to B.by C.with D.for
12.A.me B.mine C.us D.ours
13.A.but B.however C.and D.because
14.A.well B.sad C.old D.smart
15.A.never B.always C.sometimes D.seldom
16.A.saying B.speaking C.telling D.talking
17.A.interested B.pleased C.glad D.unhappy
18.A.something B.everything C.nothing D.anything
19.A.lesson B.hobbies C.telephone D.test
20.A.happy B.strange C.sad D.different
Two ladies lived next to each other. One day, one of the ladies said to the other, “I have lived here for five years, but I have never met you before. Could I have your name, please ” The other replied, “I am Li Huaying. I moved here three years ago. What should I call you ”
It seems very ridiculous that people living next to each other don’t know each other for such a long time. However, this kind of story is often heard in many cities. With the raising of living standards (水平), many people have moved into modern buildings. They like to stay at home, enjoying the modern life in their houses. They seldom go out after they get home from work. They have little contact (联系) with their neighbours and don’t care about what is happening in the neighbourhood.
Our life is getting better and better, but the relationship (关系) between neighbours is not as close (亲近的) as before. Good relationship of neighbours is important to people. People need trust, understanding and help all the time. Now, we should do something to make a change. People living in the same neighborhood should be organized (组织) to have some social activities so that they can have a better understanding of each other.
21.The two ladies are ________.
A.friends B.sisters C.neighbours D.workmates
22.According to the passage, the underlined word “ridiculous” means “________” in Chinese.
A.可恶的 B.可笑的 C.可怜的 D.可爱的
23.What do many people do after they get home from work now
A.They often go out to have all kinds of activities.
B.They do something to help their neighbours.
C.They stay at home and don’t care about anything that happens outside.
D.They often have a chat with their neighbours.
24.How was the relationship between neighbours before
A.Bad. B.Close. C.Lovely. D.Terrible.
25.This story usually happens ________.
A.in the country B.in small towns
C.in cities D.in big parks
Jane Browning works in a busy hospital in Boston, USA. On weekdays, she usually gets up at six o’clock in the morning and has a shower. Then she goes to work at seven o’clock.
Her husband (丈夫), David usually gets up at seven o’clock. He is a science teacher. They have one son. His name is Andy. Andy is thirteen. He goes to school at seven thirty in the morning with his father.
After Jane gets to the hospital, she talks to her patients and asks how they are. Then she meets the new patients. At about one o’clock in the afternoon she has lunch.
Usually Jane gets home at six o’clock in the evening and she is very tired. But she loves her job because she likes helping people.
26.When does Jane go to work every day
A.At 6:00 a.m. B.At 6:30 a.m. C.At 7:00 a.m. D.At 7:30 a.m.
27.What subject does David teach
A.Science. B.Math. C.English. D.Art.
28.What does the underlined word “patients” mean in Chinese
A.顾客 B.病人 C.游客 D.演员
29.Why does Jane love her job
A.Because it is relaxing. B.Because she can help people.
C.Because it helps her make friends. D.Because she doesn’t need to get up early.
30.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Jane’s son is 12.
B.Jane usually has no lunch.
C.Jane’s husband goes to work at 7:00 a.m.
D.Jane usually comes back from work at 6:00 p.m.
sale key this about be
31.Look at the on the desk! They are mine.
32.The women in the picture his favorite sports stars.
33.He is worrying his father.
34.All the clothes in Mr. Cool’s Store are on . They are very cheap.
35.Can you see girls in red skirts They’re having a good time.
Jon Brown,an office worker,lives in Washington D.C。He inherited(继承)$1,000,000 when he was 23.He didn't feel happy at all. His college friends were looking for their first jobs, but he didn't have to. John decided to keep living a simple life like everyone else. He didn't tell any of his friends and gave one hundred thousand dollars of his money to a charity that helped poor children to live better lives. Today he is 36. He still wears cheap shoes and clothes and drives a small car, he is much happier.
Up to now,John has helped 15 children from poor countries all over the world,$200 a month for each. The children do not receive the money in cash(现金).He pays for the children's school expenses(费用),food,medical care and clothing. John receives a report each year on the children's progress. They can write to each other,but usually the children do not speak English.
When John first heard about these children,he wanted to help them. “It was not anything special,"he said." Until I had the chance to go to these countries and meet the children I was helping,I did not know any thing about the tope of life they had."
36.How much money did John give to help poor children to live better lives
37.How old is John now
38.Do the children get the money from John in cash
39.What's the job of John
40.How do you like Brown
V. 阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空
Dear Jim,
I have good news to tell you. Our football team 41 (play)with Moonlight Middle School tomorrow. Would you like to watch it?The match is important. All the players 42 ( practice )hard for the match these days. I am sure they 43 (play)well. I hope they 44 (have)good luck in the match. And I can't wait to watch Jacky play football. Jacky often 45 (help)his team win(赢).
46.根据下表提示,以“My dream community”为题用英语写一篇短文,词数150左右。
概述 社区很大,居民不多
设施 花园、运动场 (playground)、游泳池……
环境 花草树木多;空气清新
邻居 善良,友好;一些邻居是志愿者,他们有一技之长,帮人们解决问题;帮老人购物、打扫房屋;帮孩子们学习……
其他 我打算为社区做点事:(1)……(2)……
1. 内容必须包括表格中的要点,可适当发挥;
2. 条理清楚,语句连贯。
My dream community
考查动词辨析。call称呼;like喜欢;have有;think认为。结合语境和下一句“I only like meat.”可知第二个人只喜欢肉,认为果蔬不好吃,所以空处用动词think,后面宾语从句的否定一般要转移到前面的主句上。故选D。
考查there be句型的一般将来时。根据“next Monday”可知,此处用there be句型的一般将来时结构there will be或there is/are going to be,故选C。
考查元音字母的发音。stone/st n/;wonderful/ w nd f( )l/;another/ n (r)/;someone/ s mw n/。划线字母读音不同的一项是A,故选A。
考查名词辨析。engineer工程师;architect建筑师;removal man搬运工;doctor医生。根据“Mr. Green draws plans of buildings.”可知,他绘制建筑物的平面图,因此他的职业是建筑师。故选B。
考查名词辨析。name名字;job工作;grade等级;number数字。根据“He’s a policeman.”可知,询问工作是什么,故选B。
考查名词辨析。manager经理;policeman警察;actor演员;nurse护士。根据“Her father works at a police station.”可知,在警察局工作,所以是警察,故选B。
考查形容词辨析。polite有礼貌的;helpful乐于助人的;smart聪明的;lazy懒惰的。根据“He often lies in bed and does nothing.”可知,他很懒,故选D。
考查否定句。like“喜欢”,实义动词,变否定要借助助动词;主语“My parents”为复数名词,故否定助动词用don’t,后接动词原形。故选D。
考查形容词辨析。tired疲惫的;busy忙碌的;strong强壮的;lucky幸运的。根据“I’m very … to have such a nice teacher.”可知,拥有这样一位好老师是很幸运的,故选D。
11.C 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.A
11.句意:她和她的父母上周搬到这里来。考查介词辨析。to到,表方向;by通过,表方式;with和,表伴随;for为了,表对象或目的。根据句意语境,可知with her parents符合句意,故选C。
14.句意:她的大眼睛使她看上去很机灵。考查形容词辨析。well健康;sad伤心的;old老的;smart机灵的。Her big eyes她的大眼睛,根据句意语境,可知smart符合句意,故选D。
15.句意:她总是乐意帮助他人。考查副词辨析。never从不,表否定;always总是;sometimes有时;seldom很少,表否定。根据上文She's very helpful,too.,可知ACD不合句意,故选B。
16.句意:她喜欢讲有趣的笑话。考查动词辨析。say着重指说话的内容;speak 用来指人们对语言的掌握或使用;tell的意思是“告诉”,“讲述”,“吩咐”,后面常跟两个宾语,用于 “tell sb. sth.”或 “tell sb. about sth.” 的句型中;talk 一般用作不及物动词,着重指连续地说话或与人交谈。讲有趣的笑话,需用动词tell。根据句意语境,故选C。
17.句意:当她和我在一起的时候,我从不觉得无聊或不开心。考查形容词辨析。由前句She also has a good sense of humor可知她是个幽默的人,因此推断当“我”和她在一起时,从不感到无聊或者不快乐。unhappy不开心的,故选D。
19.句意:我们喜欢在一起聊天,因为我们总有相同的爱好。考查名词辨析。A. lesson课程;B. hobbies爱好;C. telephone电话;D. test测验。根据We like to chat with each other,可知有相同的爱好,故选B。
20.句意:因为丽莎是一个快乐的女孩,所以我相信和她在一起是快乐的。考查形容词辨析。because因为,表原因;根据because she is a cheerful girl.,可知happy(快乐的)符合句意,故选A。
21.C 22.B 23.C 24.B 25.C
21.细节理解题。根据“Two ladies lived next to each other.”可知,她们是邻居。故选C。
22.词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“people living next to each other don’t know each other for such a long time.”可知,住在隔壁的人这么长时间彼此互不相识,这是一件很可笑的事情,由此推知画线词意为“可笑的,荒唐的”。故选B。
23.细节理解题。根据“They like to stay at home, enjoying the modern life in their houses...what is happening in the neighborhood.”可知,现在许多人下班之后都待在家里,对外面发生的事毫不关心。故选C。
24.推理判断题。根据“Our life is getting better and better, but the relationship (关系) between neighbours is not as close (亲近的) as before.”可以推知,过去邻里之间的关系是亲近的。故选B。
25.细节理解题。由第二段中的“However, this kind of story is often heard in many cities.”可知,这个故事通常发生在城市里。故选C。
26.C 27.A 28.B 29.B 30.D
【分析】本文介绍了Jane Browning和她的丈夫的工作和生活。
26.细节理解题。根据“Then she goes to work at seven o’clock.”可知,Jane七点钟去上班。故选C。
27.细节理解题。根据“Her husband (丈夫), David usually gets up at seven o’clock. He is a science teacher.”可知,David是一名科学老师。故选A。
28.词义猜测题。分析“After Jane gets to the hospital, she talks to her patients and asks how they are.”可知,Jane到了医院后,她和她的病人交谈,问他们怎么样了。此处patients的意思是“病人”,故选B。
29.细节理解题。根据“But she loves her job because she likes helping people.”可知,但她热爱她的工作,因为她喜欢帮助别人。 故选B。
30.推理判断题。根据“Usually Jane gets home at six o’clock in the evening”可知,Jane通常在晚上六点钟回家,故选D。
31.keys 32.are 33.about 34.sale 35.these
【解析】31.句意:看桌子上的钥匙!它们是我的。根据“Look at the ... on the desk”可知,空处应是一个名词,结合备选词key符合语境,由they可知,此处应用复数,故填keys。
32.句意:照片中的女人是他最喜欢的体育明星。分析句子可知,本句是“主系表”结构,主语是The women,表复数,be动词用are。故填are。
33.句意:他正在担心他的父亲。worry about“担心”,固定短语。故填about。
34.句意:酷先生店里所有的衣服都在打折。它们很便宜。根据“They are very cheap.”可知,衣服都在打折,on sale“廉价出售”,固定短语,故填sale。
36.$100,000. /One hundred thousand dollars. 37.36. /Thirty-six. 38.No. /No,they don't. 39.An office worker. 40.Helpful and kind. /Generous.
36.题意:约翰捐了多少钱帮助贫困的孩子过上更好的生活 考查数字理解题。根据文章第一段“. . gave one hundred thousand dollars of his money to a charity. . …”可知,他向慈善机构捐赠了十万美元来帮助那些贫穷的孩子,故填$100,000. /One hundred thousand dollars.。
37.题意:约翰现在多大了 考查细节理解题。根据文章第一段倒数第二句“Today he is36. ”可知他现在36岁,故填36. /Thirty-six.。
38.题意:孩子们从约翰那里得到现金吗 考查细节理解题。根据文章第二段“The children do not receive the money in cash. ”可知,孩子们不以现金的方式收到钱,故填No. /No,they don't.。
39.题意:约翰的工作是什么 考查细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句“John Brown,an office worker”可知约翰是一名办公室工作人员,故填An office worker.。
40.题意:你觉得布朗怎么样 考查观点态度题。根据文章“gave one hundred thousand dollars of his money to a charity”及“Up to now,John has helped 15 children from poor countries all over the world”可推知约翰·布朗是一个有爱心的,愿意帮助别人的人,故填Helpful and kind. /Generous.。
41.will/is going to play 42.are practising 43.will play 44.will have 45.helps
由tomorrow可知,本题用一般将来时,结构是:will/shall+动词原形。或者是用be going to结构。shall一般用于第一人称I/We,其他人称用will。本题是一般将来时的陈述句,主语是Our football team,因此用will/is going to+动词原形。故答案为will/is going to play。
根据The match is important. All the players  2  ( practice )hard for the match these days. 比赛很重要。这些天所有的运动员都在努力练习比赛。说明本句话的时态为现在进行时。结构是:am/is/are+动词的现在分词。主语是All the players,因此be动词用are。故答案为are practising。
其结构是:will/shall+动词原形。shall一般用于第一人称I/We,其他人称用will。本题是一般将来时的陈述句,主语是they,因此用will +动词原形。故答案为will play。
结合语境可知,比赛还没有进行,因此祝他们在比赛中好运。所以该句话用一般将来时。其结构是:will/shall+动词原形。shall一般用于第一人称I/We,其他人称用will。本题是一般将来时的陈述句,主语是they,因此用will +动词原形。故答案为will have。
My dream community
My dream community is very big, but there aren’t many people living there. There are lots of trees and beautiful flowers in the neighbourhood,so the air there is fresh. We have a big garden, a swimming pool and some playgrounds. We can have a good time playing there.
All my neighbours are nice and helpful. Some of them are volunteers with different skills. If we have any problems,they can help us. They also help old people do some shopping and clean their houses. If children have problems with their lessons, they will give them a helping hand.
I will do some things for my neighbourhood. I am going to pick up the rubbish in the community centre. If my neighbour is not good at English,I will help her/him with her/his English after school. My community will be a good place to live in.
【详解】题干解读:该题目属于记叙文写作。写作时注意围绕题目“My dream community”展开叙述。内容要包括要求中所给的所有要点,缺一不可。内容要积极向上,条理要清晰。



上一篇:Unit 6 Outdoor fun 单元测试 A卷·夯实基础(含答案) 牛津译林版七年级下册
