人教PEP版六年级下册英语期末原创检测卷二十五(含答案及听力原文 无听力音频)

班级: 姓名: 座号: 成绩:
1、I am Amy.I am good at English.I can choose the right words.
( )1.A.watch B.washes C.washed
( )2.A.thin B.thinnest C.thinner
( )3.A.rode B.read C.ride
( )4.A.wear B.where C.were
( )5.A.feel B.felt C.fell
( )6.A.15cm B.50cm C.5cm
( )7.A.went camping B.went boating C.went fishing
( )8.A.right B.straight C.ice-skate
( )9.A.couldn’t B.can C.could
( )10.A.puzzles B.stories C.horses
二、Do you want to be Amy’s friend. Let’s learn more about Amy.(听音判断,选择正确
( )11.What is Amy’s hobby
A.She likes ice-skating. B.She likes go cycling. C.She likes swimming.
( )12.How heavy is Amy
A.She is 35kg. B.She is 30kg. C.She is 45kg.
( )13.Were there any tall buildings in the old school
A.Yes,there were. B.No,there weren’t. C.Yes,there are.
( )14.When did Amy go to the bookstore
A.Last Saturday. B.Last Sunday. C.Last Friday.
( )15.What is Amy going to buy next week
A. She is going to buy a gift. B.She bought some gifts. C.She is going to buy some gifts.
三、I can introduce my friend Amy.(听音,填写正确的单词)2*5=10分
16.Amy is my friend.She is ______ and thin.
17.And she is good at sports.She likes playing _________.
18.If you like sports,you can be a ______.
19.She often plays sports in the _____ after school.
20.She is going to ______ TV this evening.
四、Amy’s trip in Huizhou.(听短文,对的选T,错的选F)1*5=5分
( )21.Amy went to Hangzhou with her grandparents.
( )22.It was a long trip.
( )23.The first day,they visited the Luofu Mountain.
( )24.They took many pictures and ate yummy food.
( )25.They stayed in Huizhou for 6 days.
五、Can you help Amy finish her homework.(找出每组单词中不同类的一项)1*5=5分
( )26. A. buses B. tomatoes C. goes D. shoes
( )27. A. evening B. morning C. singing D. afternoon
( )28. A. mine B. your C. hers D. ours
( )29. A. T-shirt B. clothes C. jacket D. skirt
( )30. A. scientist B. doctor C. cleaner D. shorter
六、This is a story about Amy.(根据上下文语境,选择合适的选项完成填空)1*10=10分
Amy was seven 31____ old, and one day one of her teeth began hurting. She cried in her class 32____ school, and her teacher said, 33“____ is the matter, Amy ”
“One of my teeth hurts.”answered Amy.
“Tell 34____ mother about it.”said the teacher, “And then go and see a doctor.”
That afternoon Amy spoke to her mother about her tooth, and her mother 35____ her to see a doctor a few days later. The doctor36 ____ at the tooth and then he said to Amy, “It's very 37____ . I'm going to take it38 ____ , and then you're going to get a new tooth. It will be as nice as the others 39____ year.”He pulled the tooth out.
The next day Amy’s teacher asked her about the tooth. She said,“Does it still hurt, Amy ”“I don't know. You'd
40 ____ ask the doctor.”Amy answered.
“Why ”the teacher said.
“Because the doctor has got it.”Amy answered.
( )31.A. years B. days C. year
( )32. A. on B. at C. of
( )33. A. What B. How C. Where
( )34. A. your B. you C. yours
( )35. A. takes B. took C. take
( )36. A. looked B. see C. look
( )37. A. worse B. well C. bad
( )38. A. in B. out C. off
( )39. A. next B. last C. tomorrow
( )40. A.better B. good C. badly
七、Amy’s good friend.(用所给词的适当形式填空)1*10=10分
see heavy sing listen the feels active Chinese in ill
Lily is my good friend .She is a 41____ girl. She is ten years old. She is tall. And she is 42____ than me. She likes 43____ .She often 44 ____ to music and plays 45____ erhu on the weekend. She wants to be a singer one day. We study 46 ____ No.1Primary School. She is very 47 ____ in our class. Everyone likes her. Yesterday, she was 48____ . She went to the hospital and 49____a doctor. So she 50 ____ better now.
八、Amy’s family.(根据文本内容,按要求完成句子)2*5=10分
There are 3 people in my family. My father, my mother and me. My father is a factory worker. 51(He works at a factory. )He likes doing kung fu . My mother is a housewife. She is good at cooking. She likes writing. I am a student . I liked blue before, but now I like white. I like playing basketball with my friends.
Last Labor Day holiday, 52(went, I, to, the West Lake, my, with, parents. ) We went boating and took many pictures. 53(bought,for,I,some, friends,gifts,my.)I had a lot of fun over my holiday.
51.What dose Amy’s father do
52. (连词成句)
53. (连词成句)
54. How was your last Labor Day Holiday (根据实际情况回答问题)
55. What did you do last Labor Day Holiday (根据实际情况回答问题)
九、Amy在学校遇见Mrs White,选择句子补全对话,把字母编号写在横线上。2*5=10分
Amy: Hello, Mrs White! I didn’t see you last week.56.______________
Mrs White: I went to Hainan. My daughter works there.
Amy: Hainan is a great place. 57. ______________________
Mrs White: Yes, we went to many places.
Amy: 58.____________________________
Mrs White: Of course.We took a ferry(轮渡)there.It was amazing!
Amy: Sounds great. Did you eat any good food
Mrs White: Yes.59_________________It was wonderful!
Amy: Sanya is a coastal(沿海的)city.It must be rich in seafood.
Mrs White: Right.There are also many birds there.I bought a postcard about birds for you.
Amy: 60__________________Thank you.
Mrs White: You're welcome.
A. We had different kinds of seafood. B. Did you have a good time
C. I went there by train. D. Did you visit Sanya
E. Where did you go F. It is so nice.
Amy went to a beautiful park on Monday with her friends. It was sunny and cool. So they had great fun playing in the park. In the afternoon, they went shopping. But the shops were crowded, they didn’t really enjoy it. The next day, it was rainy, so they went to a museum. It was boring. Amy found a small boy crying in the corner. The boy was lost. She helped the boy find his father. Amy was very happy. But she had no money for a taxi. So she had to walk back to the hotel. That made her very tired. On Wednesday, the weather was very cool. So they played tennis(网球). They played all morning. It was really fun.
( )61. Amy went shopping on Monday morning
( )62. It was sunny and hot on Monday
( )63. Amy went to the museum on Wednesday morning
( )64. Amy helped a small boy find his father on Tuesday
( )65. Amy played tennis on a cool day.
A small flower and a big tree are standing(站立)beside the river .“Can I become your friend ”The small flower asks. “My friend I’m taller and stronger than you.I don’t want you to be my friend!”The small flower feels very sad.
Spring is coming.The small flower is becoming more and more beautiful.Many butterflies(蝴蝶) come here and play with the flower.The big tree says,“Why do you play with her but not me I am taller and stronger than her.”The butterflies say,“Sure,the flower is shorter and thinner than you, but she is more beautiful and more friendly than you.Don’t laugh at(嘲笑)anyone.”The big tree realizes(认识)his own mistake and says sorry to the flower. They begin to play together.They are happy.
( )66. The flower is_________than the tree.
A. taller and stronger B. shorter and thinner
( )67. The flower wants to make friends with__________.
A. the tree B.butterflies
( )68. The butterflies play with the flower because she is more__.
A.beautiful and friendly B. beautiful and strong
( )69. At last,the flower__________ the tree.
A. forgives (原谅) B. doesn't forgive
( )70. We should_______at anyone.
A.laugh B. not laugh
要求:1、条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范。 2、题目自拟,不少于6句话。
一、I am Amy.I am good at English.I can choose the right words.
1.She often washes her clothes on the weekend.
2.Lily is the thinnest in our class.
3.I couldn’t ride my bike well when I was seven.
4.They wear the same T-shirt.
5.I felt sad because I was ill.
6.The dog is 50cm tall.
7.Ann went boating with her parents last week.
8.Turn left and then go straight.
9.Could you ice-skate
10.I like doing word puzzles.
二、Do you want to be Amy’s friend. Let’s learn more about Amy.(听音判断,选择正确的答语。)1*5=5分
11.Lily likes go cycling.Amy likes ice-skating.Ann likes swimming.
Q:What is Amy’s hobby
12.Lily is 42kg.Amy is 3kg heavier than Lily.
Q:How heavy is Amy
13.This is Amy’s old school.There were small buildings in it.But now there are tall buildings in the school.
Q:Were there any tall buildings in the old school
14.Today is Sunday.And Amy went to the bookstore the day before yesterday.
Q:When did Amy go to the bookstore
15.Amy is going to Huizhou next week.She will go by plane.She is going
to buy some gifts.
Q:What is Amy going to buy next week
三、I can introduce my friend Amy.(听音,选择正确的答语)2*5=10分
16.Amy is my friend.She is tall and thin.
17.And she is good at sports.She likes playing badminton.
18.If you like sports,you can be a coach.
19.She often plays sports in the gym after school.
20.She is going to watch TV this evening.
四、Amy’s trip in Huizhou.(听短文,对的选T,错的选F)1*5=5分
Amy’s uncle lives in Huizhou.Amy went there with her parents last week.They went there by plane.It was a long trip.The sky was beautiful.The clouds are white.The second day,they visited the Luofu Mountain.They climbed the Feiyun peak.They took many pictures.They also ate yummy food.They stayed in Huizou for 5 days.They came back to Hangzhou yesterday.
一、1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.A
二、11.A 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.C
三、16.tall 17.badminton 18.coach 19.gym 20.watch
四、21.F 22.T 23.F 24.T 25.F
五、26.C 27.C 28.B 29.B 30.D
六、31.A 32.B 33.A 34.A 35.B 36.A 37.C 38.B 39. A 40.A
七、41.Chinese 42.heavier 43.singing 44.listens 45.the
46.in 47.active 48.ill 49.saw 50.feels
八、51.Where does he work
52.Do you like playing basketball with your friends
53.I didn’t go to the West Lake with my parents.
54.I bought some gifts for my friends.
55.It was good/great/so so...
九、56.E 57.B 58.D 59.A 60.F
10、(一)61.F 62.F 63.F 64.T 65.T
(2) 66.B 67.A 68.A 69.A 70.B



上一篇:外研版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Meeting the muse Developing ideas & Presenting ideas同步课时训练(含答案)
