江苏省南通市海安市高级中学2023-2024高一上学期期中考试英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)

英 语
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
1. Where did the man go yesterday
A. To a library. B. To a museum. C. To a tennis court.
2. Who is the woman talking to
A. A neighbor. B. Her son. C. A deliveryman.
3. Why is George late
A. He missed the bus. B. His bike broke down. C. He had to change clothes.
4. How did the man feel after watching the video
A. Excited. B. Moved. C. Surprised.
5. What's the matter with Laura
A. She is under work pressure. B. She pressed the wrong button.
C. She broke the printing machine.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Boss and secretary. B. Receptionist and customer. C. Coach and player.
7. Why is the swimming pool closed
A. It is under decoration. B. Its equipment needs updating. C. Today is weekly cleaning day.
8. What will the speakers have for supper
A. Fried food. B. Italian food. C. Homemade food.
9. What will the woman do next
A. Take a bath. B. Order food online. C. Go to a restaurant.
10. What does the woman think of the man
A. He is creative. B. He is generous. C. He is thoughtful.
11. How does the man like Avatar 2
A. Disappointing. B. Average. C. Impressive.
12. Which part of Avatar I attracted the man most
A. The plot. B. The characters. C. The special effects.
13. What does the woman suggest the man do
A. Compare the two movies. B. Appreciate Avatar 2 again. C. Explain his love for Avatar I.
14. What are the speakers talking about
A. The city marathon. B. The supply distribution. C. The changeable weather.
15. When did the woman complete her course
A. Around 8: 00. B. Around 10: 00. C. Around 12: 00.
16. What was the weather like in the morning
A. Windy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny.
17. What will the man probably do next year
A. Run a race. B. Work as a volunteer. C. Join the law office.
18. What helps women find more scientific clues
A. Their sixth sense. B. Their world view. C. Their research methods.
19. Who contributed to the development of the air conditioner in cars
A. Katie Hafner. B. Rosalind Franklin. C. Margaret Wilcox.
20. What does the radio program mainly focus on
A. Public opinions on science. B. Major scientific breakthroughs. C. Untold stories of female scientists.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
Visiting is a great way to get the feel of everyday life at Harvard College. Take the chance to meet our students and explore the Cambridge/Boston area. We know that many students will not be able to visit colleges before applying (申请) . As an alternative, examining our website will give you a vast amount of information about Harvard's past, present, and future.
Summer 2023 schedule (日程安排)
From June 22, 2023 to August 9, 2023, all admissions (招生) information sessions and tours will start at Sanders Theater in Memorial Hall, 45 Quincy Street, Cambridge, MA. The schedule will feature only one information session per day at 10: 00 am, followed by a tour at 11: 00 am, from Monday through Saturday. Information sessions and tours will not be offered on June 27, 2023, July 3, 2023, July 4, 2023, August 7, 2023 or. August 8, 2023.
From August 10, 2023 to August 21, 2023, all admissions information sessions and tours will start at Agassiz House, 5 James Street, Cambridge, MA. The schedule will feature information sessions each weekday at 10 am and 2 pm, followed by tours of the campus at 11 am and 3 pm.
Registration (报名) is strongly recommended.
Information Sessions and Tours
Admissions tours last about 75 minutes and focus on undergraduate (本科生) life at Harvard. They are intended for students considering entrance to the College. For historical tours, visit the Harvard Information Center.
Please allow one hour before scheduled events to find parking and navigate your way across campus to Sanders Theater. Contact the Visitor Center at 617495-1551 with any questions.
Tour the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS)
Take a student-led tour focused on Harvard's undergraduate programs in engineering and applied sciences. (Groups of 10 or more must email communications@fas. harvard. edu to schedule a separate tour. ) Tours last about 60 minutes. For our current schedule please refer to our Visitor Center Calendar.
Virtual tour of Harvard College
Take our online guided tour to see the Harvard campus at any time, from any location. Student guides lead you through the places in which they live and learn including dorm rooms, classrooms, Widener Library, the freshman dining hall and more.
21. On which date can you attend the information session and go on the campus tour
A. June 27, 2023. B. July 4, 2023.
C. August 9, 2023. D. August 22, 2023.
22. Who are Harvard's admissions tours intended for
A. Exchange students from abroad.
B. Undergraduates studying at the college.
C. Students considering applying for the college.
D. Those who are interested in the history of the college.
23. On a Harvard's SEAS tour, __________.
A. you are required to register ahead of time
B. groups of 10 or more are not permitted to sign up together
C. you're advised to take the college's online guided tour first
D. you can check Visitor Center Calendar to learn about its schedule
Having spent more than a decade on the dance floor, ROME— Niccolo Filippi, a 23-year-old Italian dance performer, recently decided to explore Chinese culture and its traditional dance forms and believes that this experience will not only boost his career, but also broaden his horizons beyond the world of dance.
His interest in diversifying his skills grew after he stumbled upon a short video of traditional Chinese-styled dance on YouTube. “I saw it as an art that combines tradition and modernity, which was mostly the reason why I liked it,” says Filippi.
Ever since, he has been closely following Chinese dance performers and watching numerous videos to learn more about the traditional style that he admires. “I prefer the traditional style because of its light movements. It also reflects my personality with elegance,” he adds.
Filippi's chance came when he was invited to perform for a Chinese New Year celebration in the central Italian city of Florence. He has since fully committed himself to the art form, learning several pieces and putting his newfound passion into practice.
“The biggest difference that I found (compared to other disciplines) is the change of mood and emotional expressions among dances,” says Filippi, adding that he needed to shift from the dynamic moves of hip-hop to the graceful and fluid movements of Chinese dance. Despite various obstacles, Filippi's efforts have not gone unnoticed. Two of his friends shared videos of his performances on social media, and the response was overwhelming. One video garnered 500, 000 views, while the other received 200, 000 views.
Filippi believes that learning about different cultures is priceless, and he sees it as a means of personal growth. “I like to think of a person as a book,” he says. “Embracing different traditions and cultures, such as Chinese culture and many others, is like adding new chapters to my book, making it more diverse and wonderful.”
24. What is the main reason why Filippi falls in love with traditional Chinese dance
A. Its potential to boost his career. B. Its mix of traditional and modern elements.
C. Its graceful and light movements. D. Its true reflection of his elegant personality.
25. How does the author illustrate the popularity of Filippi's videos
A. By listing numbers. B. By giving an example.
C. By sharing a story. D. By making a comparison.
26. What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A. Filippi thinks little of learning from other cultures.
B. People prefer to write down their past experiences.
C. Accepting various cultures boosts personal growth.
D. A book with chapters on traditions is more wonderful.
27. What is the main idea of the passage
A. Chinese-styled dance videos go viral on social media.
B. An Italian's dance journey towards specialization starts.
C. Filippi's desire for Chinese culture extends beyond dance.
D. An Italian dancer shows passion for Chinese-styled dance.
In 2020, Pink launched the World Regret Survey, the largest survey on the topic ever undertaken. With his research team, Pink asked more than 15, 000 people in 105 countries, “How often do you look back on your life and wish you had done things differently ” Most of them said regret was at least an occasional part of their life. About 21 percent said they felt regretful all the time. Only 1 percent said they never felt regretful.
If you are of the “no regrets” school of life, you may think that all this regret is a recipe for unhappiness. But that isn't the case. Letting yourself be overwhelmed by regret is indeed bad for you. But going to the other extreme may be even worse. To extinguish your regrets doesn't free you from shame or sorrow but causes you to make the same mistakes again and again. To truly get over our guilt requires that we put regret in its proper place.
Uncomfortable as it is, regret is an amazing cognitive (认知的) feature. It requires that you go back to a past scene. Imagine that you acted differently to change it, and with that new scene in mind, arrive at a different present-and then, compare that fictional present with the one you are experiencing in reality. Not all regrets are the same, of course. Pink says they come in four basic types, and an instance of regret may involve just one combination.
Many connection regrets overlap (重叠) with moral regrets, which can come about after you go against your own values. For example, you may pride yourself on being a loving person, and thus regret not living up to this image in the relationship you harmed. Moral regrets can also involve just yourself Maybe you regret not living up to your promise to your health when you ate a whole pizza or skipped the gym.
If not analyzed (分析) and managed, any kind of regret can be harmful to your well-being. Regret is linked to depression and anxiety, and too much regret can negatively affect your immune system. But regret doesn't have to be put aside and ignored.
28. What could be concluded from Pink's research
A. Half of the people felt regretful. B. Most people lived without regrets.
C. None could live a life without regrets. D. Most of the people had regrets.
29. What does the underlined word “extinguish” in paragraph 2 mean
A. Destroy. B. Admit. C. Treasure. D. Experience.
30. What is paragraph 4 mainly about
A. The harm of moral regrets. B. The importance of promise.
C. The relationship between regrets and values. D. The connection between reality and imagination.
31. What might the author continue talking about
A. Types of regrets. B. Causes of regrets.
C. Benefits of experiencing regrets. D. Ways of dealing with regrets.
Ants know when an earthquake is about to strike, researchers have discovered. Their behavior changes greatly before the quake and they resume normal functioning only a day after it. Gabriele Berberich of the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany presented these findings according to Live Science.
Berberich and her team discovered that red wood ants preferred to build their homes right along active faults (断层) in Germany. They counted 15, 000 mounds (土堆) lining the faults. These faults are the places where the earth breaks in earthquakes.
Using a special camera that tracked changes in activity, Berberich and her team tracked the ants round the clock for three years. They found that the ants' behavior changed only when the quake was over magnitude 2. 0. There were 10 earthquakes between magnitude 2. 0 and 3. 2 during this period, and many smaller ones. Humans can also sense quakes over magnitude 2. 0 only.
According to Berberich, normal ant activity is made up of going about collecting food during the day and resting in the night. But before an earthquake, the ants didn't go back to their mound in the night and moved around outside it. This strange behavior continued till a day after the earthquake, Berberich told a news conference, according to Live Science.
How do ants know an earthquake is coming Berberich suggested that they could either be picking up changing gas or noting small changes in the earth's magnetic fields (磁场) . “Red wood ants have special cells which can sense changes in carbon dioxide levels. They also have special cells for discovering electromagnetic fields” she said. Berberich and her team are planning to continue the research in areas where there are more and bigger earthquakes.
32. What does the underlined word “resume” in Paragraph 1 probably mean
A. present. B. avoid. C. quit. D. recover.
33. What is the purpose of the first paragraph
A. To explain a finding. B. To introduce the topic.
C. To make the text interesting. D. To tell how to predict an earthquake.
34. What happens to the ants before an earthquake
A. They are too excited to rest. B. They don't collect their food.
C. They get lost on their way back home D. They don't go inside their mound in the night.
35. What can be learned about the ants from the passage
A. They can only sense smaller earthquakes.
B. They have two ways to predict earthquakes.
C. The result of the research is completely reliable.
D. They can be depended on to warn people of earthquakes.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
Your mind is very powerful. Yet, if you're like most people, you probably spend very little time reflecting on the way you think. After all, who thinks about thinking 36
If you draw wrong conclusions about whom you are and what you're capable of doing, you'll limit your potential. Your thoughts are a catalyst (催化剂) for self-perpetuating (自我持续的) cycles. 37 So if you think you're a failure, you'll feel like a failure. Then, you'll act like a failure, which strengthens your belief that you must be a failure. I see this happen all the time in my office. Someone will come in saying, “I'm just not good enough to advance in my career.” That opinion leads her to feel discouraged and causes her to put in less efforts. 38
Once you draw a conclusion about yourself, you're likely to do two things: look for evidence that strengthens your belief and consider anything that runs against your belief unimportant. Someone who develops the belief that he's a failure, for example, will view each mistake as evidence that he's not good enough. 39 Consider for a minute that it might not be your lack of talent or lack of skills that are holding you back. Instead, it might be your beliefs that keep you from performing at your peak (巅峰) .
40 That's not to say positive thoughts have magical powers. But optimistic thoughts lead to productive act, which increases your chances of a successful outcome.
A. When he does succeed, he'll owe it to luck.
B. Once that belief gets rooted in his mind, he will suffer a lot.
C. That lack of efforts prevents her from having a better career.
D. Creating a more positive thought can lead to better outcomes.
E. What you think influences how you feel and how you behave.
F. However, the way you think about yourself turns into your reality.
G. If we make an effort on purpose, you can learn to think more positively.
第三部分 语言运用(共4节,满分45分)
For long, a question disturbed a little boy. He couldn't understand why his next-desk-pal (同伴) could rank 1st whenever he wanted to, while he himself 41 to.
At home, he asked his Mom, “Mom, am I more 42 than others I feel I study as hard as him, but why do I 43 lay behind ” Staring at him, she went 44 . not knowing how to explain.
She felt an impulse (冲动) to say, “You are too 45 . You are not really as hard-working as others.” but she stopped 46 she knew her son was suffering from the pains of 47 grades and rankings. She thought it cruel to add any additional burden to his son and was trying to find out a 48 answer.
Time went by quickly, the son finished primary school. Despite studying harder and better, he was still unable to 49 his pal. To show her pride of him, Mom decided to take him to the sea. During the trip, she managed to give out an answer.
Now, the son no longer 50 his rankings, because, with the 1st ranking, he was 51 to Harvard University.
Back home in winter vacation, he was invited to give a speech to the students and parents in his high school. In the speech, he mentioned a (n) 52 experience in his childhood. When my mother and I were lying on the beach, she pointed to the front and said, “Do you see the seabirds flying for food over there When the 53 come near, little birds can escape quickly 54 “clumsy” seagulls would take more time to complete the process (过程) . However, have you noticed birds that 55 fly across the endless ocean are none other than “clumsy” (笨拙的) seagulls ”
41. A. refused B. decided C. failed D. afforded
42. A. troublesome B. stupid C. naughty D. careless
43. A. always B. never C. hardly D. even
44. A. wrong B. worried C. crazy D. wordless
s45. A. young B. lazy C. clever D. energetic
46. A. although B. before C. because D. unless
47. A. worrying B. surprising C. doubting D. unsatisfying
48. A. natural B. harmonious C. perfect D. ordinary
49. A. get through B. come across C. compare with D. keep up with
50. A. cares about B. doubts about C. wonders about D. worries about
51. A. invited B. admitted C. welcomed D. dismissed
52. A. private B. valuable C. interesting D. unexpected
53. A. wave B. food C. Wind D. time
54. A. and B. since C. until D. while
55. A. suddenly B. immediately C. finally D. gradually
第二节 语篇语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
The new curriculum (课程) standard 56 is aimed for labor (劳动) education in secondary and primary schools was published in China this April. The standard 57 (make) labor education an independent course ever since and students have to take courses on labor skills at least once a week starting from the fall semester (学期) .
Education on the hardworking spirit is 58 important part of the socialist education system with Chinese characteristics. 59 progress has been made in terms of labor education, the unique value of the hardworking spirit has still been ignored in recent years. 60 a result, some teenagers don't value the fruits of hard work and are not interested in working hard.
The whole society must pay close attention to such education and take 61 (effect) measures to strengthen it, the guideline said. Students should learn basic labor skills for livelihood and individual 62 (develop) , and form good working habits through such education. Young children in primary school should learn 63 (take) care of themselves in daily lives and understand that everyone needs to work. 64 (old) children in primary school should help parents do house work and learn to cooperate with others while working. Students in middle school should develop 65 (quality) such as being responsible and bearing hardship.
第三节 根据语境完成句子(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
66. Learning a new language can be a c___________ (挑战) but rewarding experience
panies should act r ___________ (有责任, 负责) by implementing sustainable practices and reducing their carbon footprint.
68. The art of ___________ (书法) requires patience and a deep appreciation for the power of language.
69. This was a very impressive ___________ (表现) by the young player, who scored 12 points within the first 10 minutes.
70. It's a new country, hoping for diplomatic ___________ (承认, 认可) from the international community.
71. The car ___________ was parked in front of my house was blocking the driveway
72. The house windows were shattered in the storm is now being repaired.
73. He came up to the teacher, ___________ (道歉) for his not handing in the homework.
74. Currently, we ___________ (寻求) new ways of expanding our membership.
75. ___________ (担心) about the safety of their children, the parents decided to call the police.
第四节 翻译句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
76. 我紧紧地抓着她的手,深深凝视着她的眼睛,尝试给她一些鼓励。
77. 每当我感到压力或不知所措时,我的父母总是在我身边,给我一个可以依靠的肩膀。
78. 欢快的歌声在房间里飘荡,两姐妹沉浸在音乐的美妙之中
79. 他把手放在儿子的肩膀上,说世界充满了可能性,鼓励他不要害怕尝试新事物和犯错误。
80. 她扑进了妈妈的怀抱,眼中充满了喜悦的泪水。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分25分)
第一节 应用文(满分15分)
1. 表示理解并给予安慰;2. 提出建议;3. 表达美好祝愿。
注意:1. 词数120左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);
2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear Lisa,
Best wishes,
Li Hua
第二节 片段写作(满分10分)
We were three thousand miles away from home on a Random Acts of Kindness and Volunteerism Road Trip. Our funds were running low, so we had two goals today. Firstly, try out our new “Smile!” signs and see how much kindness and joy we could spread. Secondly, raise a pitiful $20 a piece by doing street performances. Singing, drawing cartoons, storytelling, as long as it is enough for the trip to Portland.
We weren't sure how people would react to our signs. I nervously raised one up and shouted “Hi there!” to a young couple. They looked over, momently confused, then read my sign and broke into smiles. It worked.
Before long, our signs were popular. Strangers stopped to ask us about them. The signs are more than an invitation to “Smile!”. They're an excuse to connect with strangers and to remember this world is full of good people. We got so wrapped up in our “Smile!” project that we forgot our other goal. Before we knew it, the sun was setting, and we had no money for our trip to Portland.
Then we noticed that a blind musician was playing guitar when suddenly a passing crowd kicked over his change jar. Change and cash scattered everywhere. Before we could run over, another man rushed to collect all the money for him. And we met the dogooder, Jared. “We want to praise you on your good deed,” I said. Jared looked at my signs curiously. We told him about our road trip, which reminded him of something similar he did when he was young. He seemed moved.
1. 只需续写第一段,词数应为100左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Para 1: We sat down to watch a musician play the guitar while we thought about our second goal.
Para 2: Our little band of five attracted a large audience.
英 语 答 案
1-5 AACBA 6-10 BCBAC 11-15 ACBAB 16-20 BBACC
21-23 CCD 24-27 BACD 28-31 DACD 32-35 DBDB
七选五: 36-40 FECAD
完型填空:41-45 CBADB 46-50 CDCDD 51-55 BBADC
56. that/ which 57. has made 58. an 59. Although / Though 60. As
61. effective 62. development 63. to take 64. Older 65. qualities
66 challenging 67. responsibly 68. calligraphy 69. performance 70. recognition
71. that/which 72. whose 73. apologizing 74. are seeking 75. Concerned/ Worried
76. I seized her hand tightly and gazed deep into her eyes, trying to give her courage.
77. Whenever I'm feeling stressed or overwhelmed, my parents are always at my side to offer me a shoulder to cry on.
78. Cheerful singing floating in the room, the two sisters immersed themselves in the beauty of the music
79. He put a hand on his son's shoulder, telling him that the world was full of possibilities and encouraging him not to be afraid to try new things and make mistakes
80. She threw herself into her mother's arms, her eyes filled with tears of joy.
Dear Lisa,
I am sorry to hear that you are going through a hard time at the moment. The truth is that a number of students are under stress when entering senior high school, so there is no need for you to feel anxious.
Here I'd like to offer you some useful suggestions.
First of all, try to put yourself into your parents' shoes, and then you will understand why they expect so much of you— maybe they wish you to have a bright future. Second, you could try communicating your feelings to your parents in a friendly way, which will help you reduce your stress. Last but not least, be confident about yourself, and everything will come out all right in the end.
I sincerely hope my suggestions will be of help to you, and you can free yourself from the stress soon.
Best wishes,
Li Hua
We sat down to watch a musician play the guitar while we thought about our second goal. It seemed that it was tough to achieve. Now we didn't have much time to lose. Suddenly, a good idea flashed through my mind. I gathered my courage and walked straight toward the musician and asked him to do us a favor. To our great delight, he enthusiastically supported our money project and agreed to form a band with us. With an empty hat on the ground in front of us, we began our performance.
Our little band of five attracted a large audience. We received a storm of applause. A gentleman in his fifties was the first to put some change into our hat. His act of kindness was soon followed by more donations. A little boy, holding his mom's hand, carefully dropped a coin and gave us the most beautiful smile in the world. Before it was dark, we were sure we had made it. The amount of money gathered totaled $92. What a sweet victory! We thanked the musician and went on with our journey. In the depth of my heart, I would keep these heartwarming moments forever.



