题型四:阅读表达 (1)考情分析 初中英语2024年中考专题练北京专版(含解析)

Panda Life in the US
Pandas are not just a national treasure in China, but beloved around the world.
On March 16, the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, DC, started a six-month celebration. This year is the 50th anniversary of the arrival of two giant pandas.
The first pandas from China in the US, Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing arrived at the zoo on April 16, 1972. In that year, China and the US established diplomatic (建立外交的) relations. China gifted the US these two pandas to show our goodwill. Over the past 50 years, eight pandas have lived at the zoo.
From meals to daily fun, the zoo teams have found ways to take care of the giant pandas. A food team grows the animals’ favorite food—bamboo—in the zoo. Working with local landowners, it also harvests (收割) bamboo from 20 stands across Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia. Sometimes, the team receives donations from the public. Besides bamboo, the pandas receive apples, sweet potatoes and honey water. Sweet potatoes are a favorite.
The team also sets up fun activities and toys, which help the pandas stay active and smart. For example, there are puzzle feeders. Pandas have to take food out of the feeders by spinning (旋转) or twisting (弯曲) them. Pandas can paint with the zookeepers, too.
Behind the protection work is a close partnership with panda experts (专家) in China. Usually, the zookeepers and Chinese panda experts visit each other several times a year to share knowledge about the animals. During the pandemic, they have communicated through emails and video calls. It has been an unbelievable experience for Brandie Smith, director of the z00, to work with Chinese experts.
“After 50 years, giant pandas remain an iconic species (标志性的物种) for our zoo,” said Smith. She hopes the program will continue at least 50 more years.
1.What did the Smithsonian’s National Zoo do on March 16
2.When did the first pandas arrive at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo
3.Besides bamboo, what is the pandas’ favorite food
4.What did the zoo team do to help the pandas stay active and smart
5.How did the zoo take care of the giant pandas
Spreading Happiness
Jessica Martin and Asherah Weiss are art teachers in a primary school. They thought their students might have the magic words that could bring calm to people in difficult times, so they created a project called “Pep Toc” with their students. The project had two parts—one was setting up a hotline, and the other was making encouraging posters. The two teachers had the same basic question for all the students: “What could you say to help or encourage someone else ”
Students working on the hotline thought of what they would like to say. Then Ms. Martin recorded each one, and sorted out(分类)the recordings into different parts of the telephone hotline. When people call the hotline, they can hear happy voices of children of different ages sharing positive(积极的)messages. For example, pressing 1 brings ideas for people who are “feeling mad or nervous”. Helpful suggestions include: “listen to music”, or “go and get a cookie”. Pressing 2 results in “words of encouragement and life advice”. This includes messages like: “The world is a better place with you in it.” and “You are okay!” By pressing 3, you can hear a group of children saying together: “You can do it! Keep trying, don’t give up!”
Other students made encouraging posters and hung them up around the town. Many posters had strips of paper. When people passed by, they could tear off(撕掉)the strips and take with them. For example, one poster said “If you are mad, think of positive thoughts, and had strips reminding people to “Be happy”.
Ms. Martin thought the project would only attract interest from people near the school. But in its first six weeks, the hotline got 5 million calls from around the world. It has become very popular with stressed adults, patients in hospitals, and others who just want to hear the happy voices of children. For Martin and Weiss, the project shows students that small acts can have a big influence. “If you have an idea, just try to do it and see what happens,” Weiss says. Students now know that they have amazing power. They’re already thinking about new messages to record for the Pep Toc Hotline.
6.Who created the project “Pep Toc”
7.What are the two parts of the project
8.How did Ms. Martin and the students set up the hotline
9.What could people do when they passed by the posters
10.What is the last paragraph mainly about
Red Nose Day is a well-known event in the UK. It is on the second or third Friday in March. It raises money for people in need in Africa and the UK.
Red Nose Day is organized by Comic Relief. This organization was set up by Richard Curtis and Lenny Henry in 1985. They wanted to use comedy and laughter to bring more attention to poverty in the UK and Africa, and make sure that everybody who didn’t have money to see comedy shows could have fun at the same time. That’s why Red Nose Day was born. The British celebrated the first Red Nose Day on February 5, 1988, and they celebrate it every two years now. A third of the money raised goes to projects in the UK and two thirds to projects in Africa.
The slogan for the last Red Nose Day was “Do Something Funny for Money” and the money collected was used to help fund projects in the following areas: treating malaria, education, maternal health and mental health. The BBC Red Nose Day telethon raised 74.3 million! Money-raising events take place all over the country and many schools join in. People also donate (捐赠) money by post, in banks, by phone using a credit card and online.
People call it Red Nose Day because on this day many people buy a plastic red nose to wear. Even if someone doesn’t wear it, he will go and buy one. Some people put the red noses on the front of their cars to show their support. The money made from selling plastic red noses goes to Comic Relief.
So, if you are ever in the UK on Red Nose Day, now you know why you may see normal people wearing red noses and doing silly things! It’s all for a good reason.
11.When is Red Nose Day
12.Who was this organization set up by
13.What was the slogan for the last Red Nose Day
14.Why do people call it Red Nose Day
15.If you are in the UK on Red Nose Day, what should you do and why
Volunteering is a great way to bring positive change to people, communities and society in general. The word “volunteering” started being used in the 18th century when people were willingly joining the military (军事)service. Today, the word is not so much connected with the military service, but with community service.
Official (正式的)organized volunteering appeared in the 19th century and became more popular in the 20th century. And the biggest development in volunteering was brought by the Internet. Organizations can reach people more easily online. Helpful platforms were raised, and more volunteers became interested when they found out about different opportunities.
We can learn a lot from volunteering. It connects us to others. It is a great way to meet new people with common interests. It also helps us make new friends, and improve our social skills.
Volunteering brings fun in our life. It is a fun and easy way to explore our interests and passions. Many people volunteer in order to make time for hobbies outside of work. For example, if a person has a desk job and long to spend time outdoors, he might consider volunteering to help plant a community garden, walk dogs for an animal shelter, or help out at a children’s camp.
Volunteering can also be helpful for our careers(职业). If we are considering a new career, volunteering can help us get experience in other areas and meet people in the field. Also, many volunter opportunities provide training, or can help us build upon skills we already have. Volunteering doesn’t just feel good, it’s good for us.
16.Is the word “volunteering” only connected with military service today
17.When did official organized volunteering appear
18.What brought the biggest development in volunteering
19.If you are considering a new career, how can volunteering work help you
20.What does this passage mainly talk about
Exams play an important role in education and sometimes it is also the source of stress for many students. So it is important for students to learn how to deal with stress caused by the exam. Here are some useful ways.
Before the exam
Study in conditions similar to your test room.
There is a phenomenon in psychology(心理学现象) called context-dependent memory. It refers to the idea that we are best able to remember things in environments similar to when the information was encoded(解码). If you are in a quiet room during your exam, try to simulate(模拟) those conditions while you are preparing for it.
Manage your time wisely.
Do not just cram(临时死记硬背) for an exam at the last minute, because this will surely lead to exam stress. Break up your study time into chunks over days, or weeks even. If possible, try to study at around the same time of day as you will be taking the test, because in this way you will be similarly tired or awake when you study and when you take your test. You will get used to how you feel when dealing with your course material on your test day.
Take frequent breaks.
According to psychology studies, the average human brain can only focus on one task effectively for about 45 minutes. In addition, research in neuroscience(神经科学) suggests that focusing on the same thing for too long weakens the brain’s ability to accurately process it.
During the exam
Eat a proper exam day breakfast.
Without a proper breakfast your energy levels will quickly crash and may lead to stress and anxiety. Be sure to have a healthy, energy-packed breakfast on exam day. Try eating foods that provide long lasting energy, such as eggs or oats. Avoid foods that are high in sugar, which will give temporary energy but may cause you sleepy during the exam.
Read instructions carefully.
Before answering any exam questions, figure out exactly what is expected of you. Skim the test to see its content and give yourself a rough(粗略的) idea of how long each question will take to complete. Ambiguity(不明确) can cause stress, so, by knowing how long the test is, you will reduce your stress.
Avoid rushing.
Take your time going through the exam. If you get stuck in a question for a long time, instead of getting stressed about it, keep in mind that it is just one question on the exam. If possible, skip(跳过) that question and return to it at the end if you have time. Keep an eye on the clock and give yourself five to ten minutes to go over your answers to check for any mistakes or to guess on any questions that you initially skipped.
21.Why does the writer advise us to study at around the same time of day as we will be taking the test
22.How long can human brain focus on one task effectively
23.What kind of food should you have for breakfast on the exam day from the passage
24.What should you do if you get stuck in a question for a long time from the passage
25.What does the passage mainly talk about
Touch down to Earth
China welcomed three heroic astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu home on April 16. This return ended the Shenzhou XIII astronauts’ six-month space mission. It also marks a major (重大的) breakthrough for China’s efforts in space.
In order to return home safety, they did a lot of preparation before leaving the space station.
If you are coming home after a long journey, you have to pack up. For astronauts in space, besides their personal belongings, they “packed” experimental data (数据) and samples, so they would be further researched on Earth.
The astronauts had to tidy up a large number of materials, including goods on the Tianzhou 3 cargo (货物) spacecraft, according to Zhong Weiwei, a researcher at the China Astronaut Research and Training Center.
Since the space station had no room service, the three astronauts needed to “clear the house” themselves. They collected a great amount of waste. This included leftover foods, sanitary (卫生) waste and waste from in-orbit experiments. The waste was then put into the orbital module (轨道舱), which burnt up as it reentered Earth’s atmosphere.
They also had to put all equipment in place correctly since there would be a gap of more than one month before the astronauts of Shenzhou XIV enter the space station, according to Zhong. They needed to make sure some items, such as gym equipment, were fixed to the walls to avoid floating and slipping (滑落).
Astronauts experienced microgravity for long periods of time during their stays on the space station, which had an effect on their bodies. This included a loss of fluid (体液) muscle atrophy (萎缩) as well as bone loss.
To ensure their safe and sound return, the three astronauts had been doing physical exercises to train their muscles for the return to Earth. Based on their in-orbit physical examinations and data, experts had customized (定制) exercise plans for each of them to ensure a safe landing.
Just like a house that will be vacant (空着的) for a long time must have it’s water and power switched off, astronauts checked everything before they left. Based on experience at home and abroad, they checked and adjusted 40 to 50 items to ensure that the space station could transmit valid parameters (参数) to the ground during subsequent unmanned missions.
26.When did the three astronauts return to earth safety
27.What did they “pack” experimental data and samples for
28.Where did they put the waste they collected
29.How did experts help the three astronauts return
30.What do you think of staying in space Why do you think so
The Sport of Concentration
Every day, it seems, a new gadget (设备) promises to help me increase the distance and pace I run, or the number of hours I sleep, or the rate of my heartbeats. It will make me a “better me,” or so the story goes.
Maybe some of them actually help to do these things, but nonetheless, I still decided to sell all of my sports gadgets a few months ago and simply record my running times with a pen and a notepad. Soon after, I began to train for a marathon the old-fashioned way, without something on my wrist telling me my pace and current heart rate. As it turned out, running without knowing all that information was a great pleasure.
In the past, whenever I was running slower than my smartwatch said I should be, I’d force myself to speed up, even if it was clear that my body didn’t want to. But this time, I ran the way I wanted to.
On more than a few occasions, when I’d look at my notepad following key workouts (锻炼), I was shocked to see that I’d had some real breakthroughs (突破), running much faster than I thought I could. I was so shocked about these numbers and thought that if I’d seen them during the workout itself, I would have probably slowed down. Yet, because I was blind to them, I just kept on running.
Another positive thing about getting rid of all my running gadgets is that it’s helping me concentrate (集中注意力) more on the running itself. Since I no longer feel like I need technology to run well, I can go out and run without worrying about whether everything has enough battery power.
So, what’s the lesson here Well, we could very easily replace the example of running with writing, studying, or anything else. No matter what it is the more time we spend worrying about how to make ourselves better at something, the more our performance is affected.
Should you stop using technology to “improve” your performance Of course, that’s up to you. However, if I were to be asked that question, I’d certainly say that I’m better off without it.
31.When did the writer decide to sell all of the sports gadgets
32.Why was the writer shocked
33.What’s another positive thing without any running gadgets
34.What does the writer learn from the example of running
35.What do you think of sports gadgets Why do you think so
Hear Me Roar
Are you a tiger According to the Chinese Zodiac (生肖), people born in the Year of the Tiger are kind and energetic. That may be true, but those characteristics are not generally related to real tigers. While we admire the handsome animals, we also fear them. But there are lessons everyone can learn from the lives of these amazing cats.
Tigers seldom feed in groups in the wild, but when they do, males allow females and cubs to eat first. In other words, big, strong male(雄性的) tigers wait their turn and think of others before themselves. We, too, should consider the needs of others before we act.
Tigers can also teach us how to be strategic (有策略的). These smart animals study a situation before acting. They hardly attack prey (猎物) on sight but will consider their strategy several times, if necessary, before rushing forward.
Tigers go after large prey, so they have big ideas. Despite all their planning, tigers only end up with a meal once out of every 12 attempts (尝试) to catch something. Yet they do not give up; they keep trying until they succeed.
Most kinds of cats avoid water, but tigers enjoy water and are very capable swimmers. This love of water allows them to live in many different environments including forests, grasslands and mangrove swamps. Learn from the tiger, and decide for yourself what you can and cannot do. Try things that others consider impossible. Explore surprising places.
Tigers’ love of water also allows them to hunt and fight crocodiles. This kind of animals are extremely difficult to kill. Usually, tigers kill by biting the neck of their prey. But a crocodile’s neck has a thick coat of armor. Tigers are not put off by this. Instead, they change their strategy and attack the creature’s weak areas like its stomach or eyes. Like the tiger, don’t let difficult situations stop you from succeeding. Try more than one method if your usual strategy isn’t successful.
Tigers are as different as people are. The fur of every tiger has a unique pattern. So be yourself and show off your stripes. Take a few hints from the tiger, and let others hear you roar this year.
36.What are people born in the Year of the Tiger like
37.What do male tigers do when they feed in groups
38.How many attempts do tigers end up with a meal
39.Usually, how do tigers kill
40.What do you want to learn from tigers most Why
Why do We Celebrate Festivals
Festivals are celebrated all around the world. Every festival has its different customs. However, no matter how different they may seem, all over the world, the spirit of sharing joy, thanks, love, or peace is common in all festivals.
Of all the traditional festivals, the harvest(丰收) festival can be found in almost every culture. This important festival takes place after all the crops have been gathered in. People celebrate to show that they are thankful for the year’s supply of food. In ancient Egypt, the harvest festival was celebrated during the springtime—the Egyptian harvest season. It had a parade and a great large meal with music dancing, and sports. Today, in some European countries, people decorate town halls with flowers and fruit, and get together to celebrate over a meal. During the Mid-Autumn Festival in China, families gather to admire the shining moon and enjoy delicious moon cakes.
Customs play an important role in festivals, but sometimes they can change over time because of the development of modem society and the spread of new ideas. One example is the Chinese Spring Festival custom of lighting fireworks to drive away the evil(恶毒的) spirits and celebrate the new year. Nowadays, many big cities have given up this custom in order to avoid air pollution. Another example is Halloween, which slowly became an exciting festival for children which is far from its original custom.
Festivals are becoming more and more commercial(商业的) with businesses taking advantage of the celebrations. Online shopping websites and social media apps have made it much easier for the public to spend more on gifts for their loved ones. Although some believe festivals should not be commercialized, others believe the increase in spending is good for the economy(经济) and public happiness.
Festivals are an important part of society. They show people’s wishes, beliefs and attitudes towards life. They allow us to relax and enjoy life, and forget about our work for a little while. They help us understand where we came from, who we are, and what to thank for. And if you study festivals carefully, you may be surprised to find that different cultures actually have a lot in common after all.
41.What is the common spirit in all festivals
42.Which festival can be found in almost every culture
43.Why do customs in some festivals change over time
44.What’s the main idea of the last paragraph
45.What do you think of festivals’ becoming more commercial Why do you think so
Could what you believe about yourself have an effect on your success or failure According to Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, your beliefs play a key role in what you want and whether you achieve it. Dweck has found that it is your mindset that plays an important role in deciding achievement and success. So, what exactly is a mindset A mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. It influences how you think, feel, and behave in any given situation.
According to Dweck, there are two basic mindsets: fixed and growth. If you have a fixed mindset, you believe your abilities are fixed and therefore can’t be changed. You may also believe that your talent and intelligence(智商)alone leads to success. And effort is not required. If you have a growth mindset, you believe that your talents and abilities can be developed over time through effort and determination(决心). People with this mindset don’t necessarily believe that everyone can become Einstein or Mozart just because they try. They do, however, believe that everyone can get smarter or more talented if they work at it.
Your mindset plays an important role in how you deal with life’s challenges. When children have a growth mindset, they hunger for learning and have a desire to work hard and discover new things. This often translates into achievement in education. As adults, these same people are more likely to keep going in the face of difficulties. Instead of giving up, adults with a growth mindset view it as an opportunity to learn and grow. On the other hand, those with fixed mindsets are more likely to give up in the face of challenging situations. Dweck suggests that people should get rid of their fixed mindset. Here’s how:
● Focus on the journey. When building a growth mindset, it is important to see the value in your journey. When you’re fixated on the end result, you miss out on all the things you could be learning along the way.
● Add “yet” to your life. If you’re having trouble with a task, remind yourself that you just haven’t mastered it “yet”. Adding this word into your vocabulary shows that in the face of troubles, you can overcome (克服)anything.
● Pay attention to your words and thoughts. Replace negative thoughts with more positive ones to build a growth mindset.
● Take on challenges. Making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn. So, instead of shying away from challenges, welcome them.
46.What is a mindset
47.Which mindset makes you believe your abilities can’t be changed
48.What do adults with a growth mindset think of difficulties
49.What are Dweck’s suggestions about developing a growth mindset
50.Someone says, “I’m not good at English, and I can do nothing about it.”
Is this an example of a growth mindset or a fixed mindset Why
1.Started a (six-month) celebration. 2.(April 16,) 1972. 3.Sweet potatoes. 4.Set up fun activities and toys. 5.Grow and collect food/ set up fun activities and toys/ communicate with Chinese
experts/ share knowledge about the animals with Chinese panda experts/….
1.根据“On March 16, the Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, DC, started a six-month celebration.”可知,史密森尼国家动物园在3月16日开始了为期六个月的庆祝活动。故填Started a (six-month) celebration.
2.根据“The first pandas from China in the US, Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing arrived at the zoo on April 16, 1972.”可知,第一只大熊猫是在1972年4月16日到达美国的。故填(April 16,) 1972.
3.根据“Besides bamboo, the pandas receive apples, sweet potatoes and honey water. Sweet potatoes are a favorite.”可知,除了竹子,熊猫最喜欢红薯。故填Sweet potatoes.
4.根据“The team also sets up fun activities and toys, which help the pandas stay active and smart.”可知,动物园团队设置有趣的活动和玩具来帮助熊猫保持活跃和聪明。故填Set up fun activities and toys.
5.根据“A food team grows the animals’ favorite food—bamboo—in the zoo. Working with local landowners, it also harvests (收割) bamboo from 20 stands across Washington, DC, Maryland and Virginia. ”“The team also sets up fun activities and toys, which help the pandas stay active and smart.”以及“Usually, the zookeepers and Chinese panda experts visit each other several times a year to share knowledge about the animals.”可知,动物园是通过种植和收集食物/设置有趣的活动和玩具/与中国专家交流/与中国熊猫专家分享关于动物的知识/等方式来照顾大熊猫。故填Grow and collect food/ set up fun activities and toys/ communicate with Chineseexperts/ share knowledge about the animals with Chinese panda experts/….
6.Two art teachers, Jessica Martin and Asherah Weiss, and their students. 7.Setting up a hotline and making encouraging posters. 8.The students thought of positive messages. Then Ms. Martin recorded them and sorted out the recordings into different parts of the hotline. 9.They could tear off the strips and take with them. 10.The influence of the project on other people and the students.
6.根据“Jessica Martin and Asherah Weiss are art teachers in a primary school...so they created a project called ‘Pep Toc’ with their students.”可知,两位小学美术老师和他们的学生一起创建“PepToc”项目。故填Two art teachers, Jessica Martin and Asherah Weiss, and their students.
7.根据“The project had two parts—one was setting up a hotline, and the other was making encouraging posters.”可知,这个项目有两个部分:设立热线电话和制作鼓舞人心的海报。故填Setting up a hotline and making encouraging posters.
8.根据“Students working on the hotline thought of what they would like to say. Then Ms. Martin recorded each one, and sorted out(分类)the recordings into different parts of the telephone hotline.”可知,学生们想出能帮助或鼓励人们的话,马丁女士则将这些话录制成录音,并将录音整理到热线电话的不同按键里。故填The students thought of positive messages. Then Ms. Martin recorded them and sorted out the recordings into different parts of the hotline.
9.根据“When people passed by, they could tear off the strips and take with them.”可知,当人们经过海报前,他们可以撕下纸条并带走。故填They could tear off the strips and take with them.
10.细读最后一段可知,本段主要描述这个项目对他人及学生产生的影响。故填The influence of the project on other people and the students.
11.It is on the second or third Friday in March. 12.Richard Curtis and Lenny Henry. 13.Do Something Funny for Money. 14.Because on this day many people buy a plastic red nose to wear. 15.I will buy a plastic red nose to wear because it can raise money for people in need in Africa and the UK.
11.根据“It is on the second or third Friday in March”可知,英国红鼻子日在三月的第二或第三个星期五。故填It is on the second or third Friday in March.
12.根据“This organization was set up by Richard Curtis and Lenny Henry in 1985.”可知,英国红鼻子日是由Richard Curtis和Lenny Henry创立的。故填Richard Curtis and Lenny Henry.
13.根据“The slogan for the last Red Nose Day was ‘Do Something Funny for Money’”可知,上一个红鼻子日的口号是“为钱做点有趣的事”,故填Do Something Funny for Money.
14.根据“People call it Red Nose Day because on this day many people buy a plastic red nose to wear”可知,人们称之为红鼻子日,因为在这一天,许多人会买一个塑料红鼻子来戴。故填Because on this day many people buy a plastic red nose to wear.
15.根据“It raises money for people in need in Africa and the UK … on this day many people buy a plastic red nose to wear … ”可知,红鼻子日为非洲和英国需要帮助的人筹集资金,在这天许多人会买一个塑料红鼻子来戴。故填I will buy a plastic red nose to wear because it can raise money for people in need in Africa and the UK.
16.No, it isn’t. 17.In the 19th century. 18.The Internet. 19.Volunteering can help us get experience in other areas and meet people in the field. 20.The history and benefits of volunteering.
16.根据“Today, the word is not so much connected with the military service, but with community service.”可知,今天,这个词与军队服务联系不大,而是与社区服务联系在一起。所以此处用否定回答。故填No, it isn’t.
17.根据“Official (正式的)organized volunteering appeared in the 19th century”可知,官方组织的志愿活动出现在19世纪,故填In the 19th century.
18.根据“And the biggest development in volunteering was brought by the Internet. ”可知,志愿服务活动最大的发展是互联网带来的。故填The Internet.
19.根据“ If we are considering a new career, volunteering can help us get experience in other areas and meet people in the field.”可知,如果我们正在考虑一份新的职业,志愿服务可以帮助我们在其他领域获得经验,并结识该领域的人。故填Volunteering can help us get experience in other areas and meet people in the field.
20.通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了志愿服务的历史发展及带来的好处。故填The history and benefits of volunteering.
21.Because in this way you will be similarly tired or awake when you study and when you take your test. You will get used to how you feel when dealing with your course material on your test day. 22.For about 45 minutes. 23.Foods that provide long lasting energy, such as eggs or oats. 24.Instead of getting stressed about it, keep in mind that it is just one question on the exam. 25.Some useful ways to deal with stress caused by the exam.
21.根据“try to study at around the same time of day as you will be taking the test, because in this way you will be similarly tired or awake when you study and when you take your test. You will get used to how you feel when dealing with your course material on your test day.”可知,因为这样一来,当你学习和考试的时候,你同样会感到疲劳或清醒。你会习惯在考试当天处理课程材料时的感觉,故填Because in this way you will be similarly tired or awake when you study and when you take your test. You will get used to how you feel when dealing with your course material on your test day.
22.根据“According to psychology studies, the average human brain can only focus on one task effectively for about 45 minutes.”可知,人类大脑平均只能有效地专注于一项任务约45分钟,故填For about 45 minutes.
23.根据“Be sure to have a healthy, energy-packed breakfast on exam day. Try eating foods that provide long lasting energy, such as eggs or oats.”可知,要吃能提供持久能量的食物,如鸡蛋或燕麦,故填Foods that provide long lasting energy, such as eggs or oats.
24.根据“If you get stuck in a question for a long time, instead of getting stressed about it, keep in mind that it is just one question on the exam.”可知,如果你在一个问题上卡了很长时间,不要为此感到压力,要记住这只是考试中的一个问题,可以先跳过,故填Instead of getting stressed about it, keep in mind that it is just one question on the exam.
25.根据“Exams play an important role in education and sometimes it is also the source of stress for many students. So it is important for students to learn how to deal with stress caused by the exam. Here are some useful ways.”以及整个文章的理解可知,本文主要是介绍如何应对考试带来的压力的一些方法,故填Some useful ways to deal with stress caused by the exam.
26.On April 16. 27.For that they could be further researched on Earth. 28.They put it into the orbital module. 29.They customized exercise plans for each of them. 30.I think it interesting. Because I can experience something different from staying on the Earth.
26.根据“China welcomed three heroic astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu home on April 16”可知,在4月16日安全回到地面,故填On April 16.
27.根据“For astronauts in space, besides their personal belongings, they “packed” experimental data (数据) and samples, so they would be further researched on Earth”可知,为了可以在地球上进行进一步的研究,故填For that they could be further researched on Earth.
28.根据“They collected a great amount of waste. This included leftover foods, sanitary (卫生) waste and waste from in-orbit experiments. The waste was then put into the orbital module ”可知,把它放进了轨道舱,故填They put it into the orbital module.
29.根据“Based on their in-orbit physical examinations and data, experts had customized (定制) exercise plans for each of them to ensure a safe landing”可知,专家们为他们每个人定制了运动计划,以确保安全着陆,故填They customized exercise plans for each of them.
30.开放性题,答案合理即可。参考答案为I think it interesting. Because I can experience something different from staying on the Earth.
31.A few months ago. 32.Because the writer/she/he had some real breakthroughs, running much faster. 33.It’s helping the writer/her/him concentrate more on the running itself. 34.No matter what it is the more time we spend worrying about how to make ourselves better at something, the more our performance is affected. 35.One possible key: I agree with the writer. I think they’re not necessary for me. Because I don’t need technology to run well, I can go out and run without worrying about whether everything has enough battery power.
Another possible key: I think they are helpful for me. Because I can know the data from sports gadgets and improve my performance from time to time.
31.根据“I still decided to sell all of my sports gadgets a few months ago”可知,几个月前,决定卖掉我所有的运动设备,故填A few months ago.
32.根据“I was shocked to see that I’d had some real breakthroughs (突破), running much faster than I thought I could”可知,作者很震惊地发现有了一些真正的突破,跑得比想象的要快得多,故填Because the writer/she/he had some real breakthroughs, running much faster.
33.根据“Another positive thing about getting rid of all my running gadgets is that it’s helping me concentrate (集中注意力) more on the running itself”可知,另一个摆脱所有跑步设备的好处是,它帮助作者更专注于跑步本身,故填It’s helping the writer/her/him concentrate more on the running itself.
34.根据“No matter what it is the more time we spend worrying about how to make ourselves better at something, the more our performance is affected.”可知,这让作者明白无论如何,我们花在如何让自己在某件事上做得更好的时间越多,我们的表现就越受影响,故填No matter what it is the more time we spend worrying about how to make ourselves better at something, the more our performance is affected.
35.开放性题,答案合理即可,参考答案为:One possible key: I agree with the writer. I think they’re not necessary for me. Because I don’t need technology to run well, I can go out and run without worrying about whether everything has enough battery power.
Another possible key: I think they are helpful for me. Because I can know the data from sports gadgets and improve my performance from time to time.
36.Kind and energetic. 37.Allow females and cubs to eat first. 38.Twelve./12. 39.By biting the neck of their prey. 40.What I want to learn most is the fearless spirit of tigers. Because I want to surpass myself and I have to find ways to overcome difficulties. If the method is wrong, I will try other methods.
36.根据“According to the Chinese Zodiac, people born in the Year of the Tiger are kind and energetic.”可知,根据中国的生肖,虎年出生的人善良而精力充沛。故填Kind and energetic.
37.根据“Tigers seldom feed in groups in the wild, but when they do, males allow females and cubs to eat first.”可知,雄性老虎成群觅食时,它们会允许雌性和幼崽先吃。故填Allow females and cubs to eat first.
38.根据“Despite all their planning, tigers only end up with a meal once out of every 12 attempts to catch something.”可知,老虎每12次捕捉猎物的尝试中,只有一次能吃到。故填Twelve./12.
39.根据“Usually, tigers kill by biting the neck of their prey.”可知,通常,老虎通过咬住猎物的脖子来杀死猎物。故填By biting the neck of their prey.
40.开放性作答,结合文章,言之有理即可,参考答案为What I want to learn most is the fearless spirit of tigers. Because I want to surpass myself and I have to find ways to overcome difficulties. If the method is wrong, I will try other methods.
41.The spirit of sharing joy, thanks, love, or peace. 42.The harvest festival. 43.Because of the development of modem society and the spread of new ideas. 44.The reason why festival are an important part of society. 45.I think it does more harm than good, because it makes it easy for young people to compare with others.
41.根据第一段“ However, no matter how different they may seem, all over the world, the spirit of sharing joy, thanks, love, or peace is common in all festivals.”可知,无论它们看起来有多么不同,在世界各地,分享欢乐、感谢、爱或和平的精神在所有节日中都很普遍,故答案为The spirit of sharing joy, thanks, love, or peace.
42.根据第二段“Of all the traditional festivals, the harvest festival can be found in almost every culture.”可知,在所有的传统节日中,收获的节日几乎存在于每一种文化中,故答案为The harvest festival.
43.根据第三段“Customs play an important role in festivals, but sometimes they can change over time because of the development of modem society and the spread of new ideas.”可知,由于现代社会的发展和新思想的传播,习俗会随着时间的推移而改变,故答案为Because of the development of modem society and the spread of new ideas.
44.根据最后一段“They show… They help…”可知,这一段主要是说节日是社会的重要组成部分的原因,故答案为The reason why festival are an important part of society.
45.本题为个人观点题,即表达出个人观点即可。对于节日正变得越来越商业化,我认为它弊大于利,因为它使年轻人很容易与他人进行比较,故答案为I think it does more harm than good, because it makes it easy for young people to compare with others.
46.It is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. 47.The fixed mindset. 48.They view difficulties as an opportunity to learn and grow. 49.Focus on the journey; add “yet” to our life; pay attention to our words and thoughts; take on challenges. 50.It’s a fixed mindset. Because he thinks talent and intelligence alone leads to success. And effort is not required.
46.根据“A mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself.”可知,心态是一套塑造你如何理解世界和自己的信念,故填It is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself.
47.根据“If you have a fixed mindset, you believe your abilities are fixed and therefore can’t be changed.”可知,如果你有一个固定的心态,你认为你的能力是固定的,因此不能改变;故填The fixed mindset.
48.根据“Instead of giving up, adults with a growth mindset view it as an opportunity to learn and grow.”可知,具有成长型心态的成年人不会放弃,而是把它视为学习和成长的机会;故填They view difficulties as an opportunity to learn and grow.
49.根据“Focus on the journey.”;“Add ‘yet’ to your life.”;“Pay attention to your words and thoughts.”和“Take on challenges.”可知,提出了4个建议;故填Focus on the journey; add “yet” to our life; pay attention to our words and thoughts; take on challenges.
50.根据“If you have a fixed mindset, you believe your abilities are fixed and therefore can’t be changed.”可知,这个人对自己的英语无能为力,而不努力,这种属于固定型心态;因为他认为英语需要智商和才能,不需要努力,故填It’s a fixed mindset. Because he thinks talent and intelligence alone leads to success. And effort is not required.



