
2023~2024 学年(上)期中学业水平质量检测
C21. Anne Frank, the writer of The Diary of a Young Girl was Jew.
A. the B./ C. a D.an
B22. —Now some people in other parts of the world live fear of their lives.
—True. How lucky we are to live in China!
A. on B.in C.at D.to
A23. —I think Millie is the most suitable person to be a teacher.
—I can't agree more. She is so that she always explains what we don't understand again and again.
A. patient B. practice C. modest D. energetic
C24. Work hard, your dream will come true some day.
A. or B. but C. and D.so
A25. We Chinese teenagers love our country and are willing to our lives to our country when necessary.
A. devote B. create C. admire D. survive
B26. Millie is a lively girl. She always takes part in all kinds of activities than others.
A. actively B. more actively C. most actively D. less actively
B27. —Where is Millie —She out for the school volleyball team.
A. tries B.is trying C. has tried D. will try
C28. —What's the best way to keep healthy
—My teachers suggest more and we'd better cat healthily and be happy every day.
A. exercise B.to exercise C. exercising D. exercised
D29. —Perhaps we should the cost before the journey. —OK. You are really an organized person.
A. break out B. put out C. stay out D. work out
A30. Last night, I was reading my favourite English novel the lights suddenly went out.
A. when B. since C. while D. after
A31. Helen showed great when making a speech in front of the whole school, though she's a shy and quiet girl.
A. courage B. thought C. progress D. victory
D32. —When did you go to bed last night —Not until my homework .
A. finishes B. finished C.is finished D. was finished
B33. Safety first, so we. cross the street when the traffic light is red
A. can B. can't C. must D. mustn't
C34. —Could you tell me — Sure. Try to read English aloud every day and speak English as much as possible.
A. Why I should learn English well B. whether can I learn English well
C. how I can improve my spoken English D. what should I do with my English
B35. —While building the high-speed railway, we can't be too careful. —Yes. To us.
A. the early bird catches the worm B. a miss is as good as a mile
C. a good beginning makes a good ending D. many hands make light work
请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B 、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
When I was a boy, I used to love walking in the woods around my home. My mom warned me several times 36 to travel so far that I would lose sight of the house. Being a naughty (淘气的)boy, 37 ,I soon found myself walking further away, testing just 38 I could go into the woods without getting lost. After 39 my way once for two hours, though, I decided that I had better leave a trail (痕迹) the next time I went for a walk.
The next day I decided to try it. I walked into the woods 40 the house was out of sight. Then I broke a small 41 on a young tree to mark the way I walked. I walked further and broke many sticks. In a few places where there were no small sticks, I 42 some daisies (雏 菊) that were growing. After a while I finally got 43 and couldn't walk any further. Then I decided to go back. When I turned around, I easily found my way home, but instead of being proud, I felt 44 . I could see the trail of destruction(破坏) I had left in the woods going on and on. Looking at the broken sticks and dead 45 ,I was ashamed. I promised never to do that again. Instead, I started to cherish(珍惜) my time alone in the woods with nature. I'd sit by the streams and listen to them 46 . I'd watch the birds and squirrels. I'd bend down to smell the flowers. And I even buried an acorn (橡树种子) or two 47 that one day an Oak might grow.
There is an old saying that goes, “We will be known forever by the tracks (痕迹)we leave.” As I have grown older and wiser, I have done my best to never 48 a trail of destruction in my life as I did in the woods that day. I have instead tried to leave tracks of 49 , kindness and goodness and I have also 50 to show others that they can do the same and of course they have succeeded in doing this. May you always leave tracks of joy as you follow your own trail of love.
36.A. usually B. often C. seldom D. never
37.A. whenever B. however C. indeed D. anywhere
38.A. how soon B. how often C. how far D. how long
39.A. losing B. breaking C. finding D. asking
40.A. when B. until C. while D. after
41.A. leaf B. stick C. flower D. fruit
42.A. picked B. watched C. smelled D. enjoyed
43.A. frightened B. stressed C. excited D. tired
44.A. angry B. happy C. sad D. excited
45.A. flowers B. trees C. woods D. grasses
46.A. swim B. dance C. sing D. jump
47.A. realizing B. knowing C. doubting D. hoping
48.A. keep B. leave C. break D. hold
49.A. love B. hate C. miss D. sadness
50.A. chosen B. remembered C. managed D. prepared
请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
At the Rocky Academy After School Club, your children can play outside, try social activities and learn new skills.
Course hours
After school club session Time Booked sessions Pay as you go
Half session (no snacks included) 3:30 pm—5:00 pm $7.00 $8.20
Full session (including snacks) 3:30 pm—6:30 pm $12.00 $13.20
You can fill out booking forms in the office at the school gate.
To make payments, please visit www..
Staff (职员)
Fully trained and qualified(合格的). We have many years of experience in caring for children.
Rocky Academy, Queen Road, Red ditch, B129BD
For more details, call 01012224536 or 05807303781
E-mail: info@
D51.Students can't at the Rocky Academy After School Club according to the advertisement.
A. play outside B. try social activities C. learn new skills D. have dancing classes
C52.Peter's mother wants him to try “pay as you go” at the club. How much should she pay for full session
A.$8.20 B.$12.00. C.$13.20. D.$7.00
B53. What do we know about the After School Club
A. Half session is from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
B. Parents can pay online if their children want to join the club.
C. The staff there are experienced teachers from famous schools.
D. The club provides lots of information except the telephone number.
① The colorfully decorated opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games has excited the audience both at the scene and around the world as a six-colour hanging screen has become the key focus(焦点), showing the vitality (活力) of the Games and the beauty of Chinese poetry.
② Chinese poetry is the source of inspiration (灵感) for the theme colours. Harmony of Colours, with its Chinese name Danzhuang Nongmo inspired (赋予灵感) by a poem by Song Dynasty (960-1279) poet Su Shi, each of the colours was inspired by a poem describing the host city Hangzhou.
③ Rainbow Purple, the main colour not just for the Asian Games but also for the decorations of the city, was inspired by a line by Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi(772-846)in his poem Memories of Jiangnan: “At sunrise flowers by the riverside are redder than fire; In spring green river waves grow as blue as sapphire.”
④ Lake-and-Mountain Green, the most used colour for the decorations at the opening ceremony as well as ball sports games, was from a line in a poem written by Gong Zizhen, a literary master in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).
⑤ Glimmering Blue, the colour for the clear sky and clearwater, was inspired by the Su Shi line: “The brimming waves delight the eye on sunny days; The dimming hills present a rare view in rainy haze.” The colour will also appear mostly at water sports competitions.
⑥ Glowing Red was inspired by the poem The Lakeside Temple at Dawn, written by the poet Yang Wanli (1127-1206)in Song Dynasty: “Green lotus leaves outspread as far as the boundless sky; Pink lotus blossoms take from sunshine a new dye.” The colour is mostly used in combat sports events.
⑦ Laurus Yellow, representing the laurel (月桂) flower and the sweet smell of it, was also inspired by Bai's poem. The colour will appear mostly at athletic events.
⑧ Mist White was inspired by the poetry of Liu Yong (987-1053), from the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127).
⑨ Guo Jinyong, the designer of the colour project, said the matches of the colours and the poems make them special, which also fit the style of Hangzhou.
A54.Which part of a magazine is the passage probably (可能) from
A. Sports time. B. Science study C. Nature Watch. D. Famous people.
D55.The underlined word “sapphire” probably means “ ” in this passage.
A. a kind of blue colour B. something that is green
C. a kind of green colour D. something that is blue
B56.Which of the following is the structure(结构) of the passage?
C57.From the passage we know that
A. the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games was the best in history
B. many poets wrote poems for the Hangzhou Asian Games to celebrate the event
C. it is wonderful when sports meet with Chinese culture, especially Chinese poetry
D. the six colours that have something to do with Chinese poetry is the most beautiful
Are you sleeping well One third of a person's life is spent sleeping, so sleep is a very important topic. How much do you know about sleep Do you know what kind of relationship there is between sleep and memory
In psychology, memory is learning that has continued over time. Memory is divided into three stages(阶段),one is sensory memory, one is short-term (短期的) memory, and the other is long-term memory. Long-term memory is divided into situational memory, semantic memory (语义记忆), and procedural memory related to "how to do".
After understanding memory, what is a sleep stage Sleep is divided into several different stages as follows, the first stage is just getting ready for sleep, then gently falling asleep, then we go into the deep sleep stage, and finally the rapid eye movement stage.
You might think that your brain rests when you sleep, but that's not the case. In fact, our brain is working very hard when we are sleeping.
There are different forms of brain waves that match different stages of sleep. When we are just about to get ready for sleep, our brain waves go into a steady (稳定的) and rhythmic state, which is called alpha waves. When we enter the deep sleep stage, the brain waves will become slower. This stage is very important for our long-term memory. Besides, it's good for getting rid of tiredness, restore energy and immunity (免疫力) against disease. Finally in the rapid eye movement stage, this is when we are often dreaming.
Why do we sleep Two very important reasons are that sleep can be very helpful in our health, reducing stress, and that during sleep the brain cleans up waste in the brain and then helps to make those new memories form long-term memories. So when we don't get enough sleep, we lose our memory and along with it, we have mood swings, overeating and other problems.
Obviously(明显地), having a goodnight's sleep is important for our memory.
B58.Why do the writer use the questions in the first paragraph
A. To get readers' answers. B. To introduce the topic.
C. To show the writer's interest. D. To give readers' suggestions.
C59.The second and third paragraphs(段落)are about .
A.3 stages of memory and 3 stages of sleep B. relationship between memory and sleep
C.3 stages of memory and 4 stages of sleep D. long-term memory and stages of sleep
A60.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. Our brain is in the state (状态)of working when we are sleeping.
B. The brain waves becomes slower when we get ready for sleep.
C. We'll lose our memory and get angry easily with enough sleep.
D. The deep sleep stage is only important for our long-term memory.
C61.After the last paragraph, the writer may write about" ”.
A. Why sleep is important to us B. How we have a good memory
C. When we can go to bed D. How we have a goodnight's sleep
Danny was just going to have a shower when he saw his teammate and best friend—Max. He told him Coach wanted to meet him in the principal's office.
So Danny had to go to the office, worrying about if he did something wrong. Taking a big breath, he knocked on the door and then stepped inside. There was the principal (校长), Mr. Irving, at his desk. Across him sat Coach Geller and behind him stood assistant Coach Benson. And when he'd taken an empty seat, he saw his mother. She had been hidden by the open door.
Uh, oh. If his mom was here, he must really be in trouble. But the principal did not look angry.
“I guess you're wondering why I called you in," said Mr. Irving." I've got some bad news. You won't be able to play in the last game of the championship."
“Why not ” he asked. The series was tied, 2-2. The last game would be played this coming Saturday, and Coach Geller was counting on (指望) him.
“Coach Benson carelessly left your name off the list, and the rules say that every player has to be listed in order to take part,” said Mr. Irving.
Danny didn't know what to say, so he looked at Coach Geller, who was shaking his head sadly. Coach Benson was staring at the floor, and Danny's mom seemed ready to cry. Danny knew how she felt.
“I'm very sorry, Danny," said Mr. Irving. “And so is Coach Benson. You should play. But there's nothing we can do."
Danny's mother had been silent, but now she said, “Can't they make an exception It's so unfair(不公平的). ”
“It is unfair,” agreed Coach Geller. “Coach Benson has tried to add his name but failed.”
Danny sat in the stands as the game started. He cheered when his friend Max hit a home run; he groaned when Chad missed a ball. First his team took the lead, then the other team caught up. Finally, Simon knocked one out of the park, scoring the winning run.
Danny jumped out of his seat. He couldn't wait to get down to the field to celebrate the moment with his team. They had won! All the boys were laughing, and giving each other high-fives.
That night, his mother was quiet as he told the story. Finally he stopped. “Is something wrong, Mom You don't seem happy.”
“I'm not” she said. “You should have played. That was your victory, and it was taken from you.”
“No way," he said with the biggest smile of his life. “That win today That was my win, and Max's, and Simon's too. Don't you get it, Mom That's what it means to be part of a team. I helped get us to the championship. I helped win it, too.”
His mother looked at him, smiled and hugged him tightly. "You're right, Danny! Three cheers for your big win!”
A62.How many team members are mentioned in the story except Danny
A. Three B. Four. C. Five. D. Eight
B63.What is the correct order of what happened in the story
a. The principal told Danny he couldn't play in the final.
b. Danny's mother smiled and hugged him tightly.
c. Coach asked Danny to go to the principal's office.
d. Danny celebrate with his team after they won.
e. Danny sat in the stands to watch the last game.
A. c-a-e-b-d B. c-a-e-d-b C. a-c-e-b-d D. d-a-e-b-c
C64.What's the best title for the story
A. Mum's deep love B. An unfair game
C. Danny's big win D. Coach Benson's mistake
C65.What can we infer (推断) from the passage
A. Mum felt sorry for Danny's absence. B. The principle was unfair to Danny.
C. Team spirit matters the most to Danny. D. The coach didn't want Danny to play.
66. —Is everybody here, Daniel
—Sorry, Jack isn't here. He's (缺席的) because he is attending an important meeting.
67. Lily is the person who always gives us warmth and she has also won our (信任).
68. I feel stressed because my parents are too (making sure that rules are obeyed)with me in my study.
69. Shanghai has (achieve something that you have been trying to do)in holding the 6th China International Import Expo (进口博览会).
70. —Could you tell me the meaning of the new word, Mum
—Sorry. Why not look it up in the It is the most useful when we learn a language.
absent trust strict achieved dictionary
71. Though my grandfather is in his , he still looks young.
72. When talking with others, we'd better not ask them about their information. 73. —Why do you admire Jack so much
—Because he never gives up when he has learning English.
74.Children may depend on parents too much if they don't learn to look after from a
young age.
75.The old man walked home yesterday because he had no money left to take a taxi.
sixties personal difficulty themselves simply
76. In Western culture, "Black Friday" sometimes an unlucky day.
77. —Which coat do you like better, the red one or the black one
—The black one. But I red when I was young.
78. I to an email of my friend when my mother came into my room.
79. —From the article, we know Spud Web never gives up though he _many times.
—Yes, we should learn from him.
80. —Congratulations! You from junior high soon.
—Thank you. But now I must work hard so that I can enter my dream high school.
represents preferred was replying has failed will graduate
When my friend Judy was a young man, he wanted to change the world. When he found it was i 81 to change the world, he tried to change his country. When he found he couldn't change the country, he b 82 to focus on his hometown. When he found he couldn't change his hometown, he tried to change his family.
Now, as an old man, he r 83 the only thing he can change is to change himself. He keeps doing e 84 to keep himself healthy. Also, he spends much time r 85 different types of books. He is kind to others and often help people in need. To our s 86 , Judy has influenced his family. They will i 87 their neighbours as well. Their influence could have changed the country and he could really have changed the w. 88
My dear friends, please s 89 dreaming big about your future. Instead, it's necessary for you to change yourselves little by little. Then, we have the power to change our thoughts and make tomorrow a b 90 day than today.
impossible began realizes exercise reading surprise influence world stop better
The new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict (巴以冲突) has lasted for some time, as a result, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have to leave their homes and thousands of them have died. What is worrying is that this conflict, which can be traced back (追溯)more than 70 years ago, is becoming worse and worse.
Now, the conflict is happening in the Gaza Strip. Over 2 million Palestinians live there. In order to eat away at Palestinian lend and prevent Palestinians, Israel has built a long wall, which is 8 meters high. Anyone who breaks into the arca will be shot to death.
In 1947, a group of Jews from Europe arrived at a port in Palestine. These Jews held up a sign, which read, “The Germans have destroyed our homeland, please do not destroy our hope.”
Arabs (阿拉伯人)took pity on the Jews’ experiences during World War Ⅱ, they welcomed this group of newcomers who had come from faraway places. But they didn't expect that these Jews came here to build a Jewish country.
After realizing what the Jewish people wanted, Arab leaders said, “We do feel sorry for the hardships that Jews experienced during the war, but it was not we Arabs who caused their suffering, Why should they come and seize (占领) our land ”
However, with the strong support of the United States and the Soviet Union, Jews built a state of Israel though Arabs were against it. Later, conflicts often broke out between the two sides.
It's worth mentioning that today, the area of Israel is far larger than Palestinian's. The Jewish people have seized most of Palestinian land.
The Palestinians received unfair treatment. They were forced to leave their own homes. Most of them can only live in refugee(难民) camps in the Gaza Strip. What's even worse, these Palestinians live a hard and hopeless life and are unable to make their voices heard by the outside world
91.When was the first Palestinian-Israeli conflict
more than 70 years ago
92.Who destroyed the Jews’ homeland during World War II The Germans have destroyed their homeland.
93.What did the Jews want to build after they arrived in Palestine a Jewish country
94.Which country's area is smaller, Israel's or Palestine's
95.What do you think of a war (请自拟一句话作答) The war is such a disaster.
八、书面表达(本题满分25分) 96. 时间在不经意中从指尖划过,转眼我们已是九年级的学生。蓦然回首,成长的路上留下 一串串或深或浅的脚印,记载着欢乐,记载着忧伤,伴随我们一路走来。请你根据以下思 维导图的提示,任选一点或自拟,分享你的成长故事。
Growing up W Being encouraged by heroes
注意:1.词数90左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。 2. 表达中请勿提及真实校名及姓名。 Growing up How time flies! Now we are Grade Nine students. I feel happy and sometimes sad when growing up. Here is what I'd like to share with you.2023~2024 学年(上)期中学业水平质量检测
21. Anne Frank, the writer of The Diary of a Young Girl was Jew.
A. the B./ C. a D.an
22. —Now some people in other parts of the world live fear of their lives.
—True. How lucky we are to live in China!
A. on B.in C.at D.to
23. —I think Millie is the most suitable person to be a teacher.
—I can't agree more. She is so that she always explains what we don't understand again and again.
A. patient B. practice C. modest D. energetic
24. Work hard, your dream will come true some day.
A. or B. but C. and D.so
25. We Chinese teenagers love our country and are willing to our lives to our country when necessary.
A. devote B. create C. admire D. survive
26. Millie is a lively girl. She always takes part in all kinds of activities than others.
A. actively B. more actively C. most actively D. less actively
27. —Where is Millie —She out for the school volleyball team.
A. tries B.is trying C. has tried D. will try
28. —What's the best way to keep healthy
—My teachers suggest more and we'd better cat healthily and be happy every day.
A. exercise B.to exercise C. exercising D. exercised
29. —Perhaps we should the cost before the journey. —OK. You are really an organized person.
A. break out B. put out C. stay out D. work out
30. Last night, I was reading my favourite English novel the lights suddenly went out.
A. when B. since C. while D. after
31. Helen showed great when making a speech in front of the whole school, though she's a shy and quiet girl.
A. courage B. thought C. progress D. victory
32. —When did you go to bed last night —Not until my homework .
A. finishes B. finished C.is finished D. was finished
33. Safety first, so we. cross the street when the traffic light is red
A. can B. can't C. must D. mustn't
34. —Could you tell me — Sure. Try to read English aloud every day and speak English as much as possible.
A. Why I should learn English well B. whether can I learn English well
C. how I can improve my spoken English D. what should I do with my English
35. —While building the high-speed railway, we can't be too careful. —Yes. To us.
A. the early bird catches the worm B. a miss is as good as a mile
C. a good beginning makes a good ending D. many hands make light work
请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B 、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
When I was a boy, I used to love walking in the woods around my home. My mom warned me several times 36 to travel so far that I would lose sight of the house. Being a naughty (淘气的)boy, 37 ,I soon found myself walking further away, testing just 38 I could go into the woods without getting lost. After 39 my way once for two hours, though, I decided that I had better leave a trail (痕迹) the next time I went for a walk.
The next day I decided to try it. I walked into the woods 40 the house was out of sight. Then I broke a small 41 on a young tree to mark the way I walked. I walked further and broke many sticks. In a few places where there were no small sticks, I 42 some daisies (雏 菊) that were growing. After a while I finally got 43 and couldn't walk any further. Then I decided to go back. When I turned around, I easily found my way home, but instead of being proud, I felt 44 . I could see the trail of destruction(破坏) I had left in the woods going on and on. Looking at the broken sticks and dead 45 ,I was ashamed. I promised never to do that again. Instead, I started to cherish(珍惜) my time alone in the woods with nature. I'd sit by the streams and listen to them 46 . I'd watch the birds and squirrels. I'd bend down to smell the flowers. And I even buried an acorn (橡树种子) or two 47 that one day an Oak might grow.
There is an old saying that goes, “We will be known forever by the tracks (痕迹)we leave.” As I have grown older and wiser, I have done my best to never 48 a trail of destruction in my life as I did in the woods that day. I have instead tried to leave tracks of 49 , kindness and goodness and I have also 50 to show others that they can do the same and of course they have succeeded in doing this. May you always leave tracks of joy as you follow your own trail of love.
36.A. usually B. often C. seldom D. never
37.A. whenever B. however C. indeed D. anywhere
38.A. how soon B. how often C. how far D. how long
39.A. losing B. breaking C. finding D. asking
40.A. when B. until C. while D. after
41.A. leaf B. stick C. flower D. fruit
42.A. picked B. watched C. smelled D. enjoyed
43.A. frightened B. stressed C. excited D. tired
44.A. angry B. happy C. sad D. excited
45.A. flowers B. trees C. woods D. grasses
46.A. swim B. dance C. sing D. jump
47.A. realizing B. knowing C. doubting D. hoping
48.A. keep B. leave C. break D. hold
49.A. love B. hate C. miss D. sadness
50.A. chosen B. remembered C. managed D. prepared
请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
At the Rocky Academy After School Club, your children can play outside, try social activities and learn new skills.
Course hours
After school club session Time Booked sessions Pay as you go
Half session (no snacks included) 3:30 pm—5:00 pm $7.00 $8.20
Full session (including snacks) 3:30 pm—6:30 pm $12.00 $13.20
You can fill out booking forms in the office at the school gate.
To make payments, please visit www..
Staff (职员)
Fully trained and qualified(合格的). We have many years of experience in caring for children.
Rocky Academy, Queen Road, Red ditch, B129BD
For more details, call 01012224536 or 05807303781
E-mail: info@
51. Students can't at the Rocky Academy After School Club according to the advertisement.
A. play outside B. try social activities C. learn new skills D. have dancing classes
52. Peter's mother wants him to try “pay as you go” at the club. How much should she pay for full session
A.$8.20 B.$12.00. C.$13.20. D.$7.00
53. What do we know about the After School Club
A. Half session is from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
B. Parents can pay online if their children want to join the club.
C. The staff there are experienced teachers from famous schools.
D. The club provides lots of information except the telephone number.
① The colorfully decorated opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games has excited the audience both at the scene and around the world as a six-colour hanging screen has become the key focus(焦点), showing the vitality (活力) of the Games and the beauty of Chinese poetry.
② Chinese poetry is the source of inspiration (灵感) for the theme colours. Harmony of Colours, with its Chinese name Danzhuang Nongmo inspired (赋予灵感) by a poem by Song Dynasty (960-1279) poet Su Shi, each of the colours was inspired by a poem describing the host city Hangzhou.
③ Rainbow Purple, the main colour not just for the Asian Games but also for the decorations of the city, was inspired by a line by Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi(772-846)in his poem Memories of Jiangnan: “At sunrise flowers by the riverside are redder than fire;In spring green river waves grow as blue as sapphire.”
④ Lake-and-Mountain Green, the most used colour for the decorations at the opening ceremony as well as ball sports games, was from a line in a poem written by Gong Zizhen, a literary master in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).
⑤ Glimmering Blue, the colour for the clear sky and clearwater, was inspired by the Su Shi line: “The brimming waves delight the eye on sunny days; The dimming hills present a rare view in rainy haze.” The colour will also appear mostly at water sports competitions.
⑥ Glowing Red was inspired by the poem The Lakeside Temple at Dawn, written by the poet Yang Wanli (1127-1206)in Song Dynasty: “Green lotus leaves outspread as far as the boundless sky; Pink lotus blossoms take from sunshine a new dye.” The colour is mostly used in combat sports events.
⑦ Laurus Yellow, representing the laurel (月桂) flower and the sweet smell of it, was also inspired by Bai's poem. The colour will appear mostly at athletic events.
⑧ Mist White was inspired by the poetry of Liu Yong (987-1053), from the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127).
⑨ Guo Jinyong, the designer of the colour project, said the matches of the colours and the poems make them special, which also fit the style of Hangzhou.
54. Which part of a magazine is the passage probably (可能) from
A. Sports time. B. Science study C. Nature Watch. D. Famous people.
55. The underlined word “sapphire” probably means “ ” in this passage.
A. a kind of blue colour B. something that is green
C. a kind of green colour D. something that is blue
56. Which of the following is the structure(结构) of the passage?
57. From the passage we know that
A. the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games was the best in history
B. many poets wrote poems for the Hangzhou Asian Games to celebrate the event
C. it is wonderful when sports meet with Chinese culture, especially Chinese poetry
D. the six colours that have something to do with Chinese poetry is the most beautiful
Are you sleeping well One third of a person's life is spent sleeping, so sleep is a very important topic. How much do you know about sleep Do you know what kind of relationship there is between sleep and memory
In psychology, memory is learning that has continued over time. Memory is divided into three stages(阶段),one is sensory memory, one is short-term (短期的) memory, and the other is long-term memory. Long-term memory is divided into situational memory, semantic memory (语义记忆), and procedural memory related to "how to do".
After understanding memory, what is a sleep stage Sleep is divided into several different stages as follows, the first stage is just getting ready for sleep, then gently falling asleep, then we go into the deep sleep stage, and finally the rapid eye movement stage.
You might think that your brain rests when you sleep, but that's not the case. In fact, our brain is working very hard when we are sleeping.
There are different forms of brain waves that match different stages of sleep. When we are just about to get ready for sleep, our brain waves go into a steady (稳定的) and rhythmic state, which is called alpha waves. When we enter the deep sleep stage, the brain waves will become slower. This stage is very important for our long-term memory. Besides, it's good for getting rid of tiredness, restore energy and immunity (免疫力) against disease. Finally in the rapid eye movement stage, this is when we are often dreaming.
Why do we sleep Two very important reasons are that sleep can be very helpful in our health, reducing stress, and that during sleep the brain cleans up waste in the brain and then helps to make those new memories form long-term memories. So when we don't get enough sleep, we lose our memory and along with it, we have mood swings, overeating and other problems.
Obviously(明显地), having a goodnight's sleep is important for our memory.
58. Why do the writer use the questions in the first paragraph
A. To get readers' answers. B. To introduce the topic.
C. To show the writer's interest. D. To give readers' suggestions.
59. The second and third paragraphs(段落)are about .
A.3 stages of memory and 3 stages of sleep B. relationship between memory and sleep
C.3 stages of memory and 4 stages of sleep D. long-term memory and stages of sleep
60. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. Our brain is in the state (状态)of working when we are sleeping.
B. The brain waves becomes slower when we get ready for sleep.
C. We'll lose our memory and get angry easily with enough sleep.
D. The deep sleep stage is only important for our long-term memory.
61. After the last paragraph, the writer may write about" ”.
A. Why sleep is important to us B. How we have a good memory
C. When we can go to bed D. How we have a goodnight's sleep
Danny was just going to have a shower when he saw his teammate and best friend—Max. He told him Coach wanted to meet him in the principal's office.
So Danny had to go to the office, worrying about if he did something wrong. Taking a big breath, he knocked on the door and then stepped inside. There was the principal (校长), Mr. Irving, at his desk. Across him sat Coach Geller and behind him stood assistant Coach Benson. And when he'd taken an empty seat, he saw his mother. She had been hidden by the open door.
Uh, oh. If his mom was here, he must really be in trouble. But the principal did not look angry.
“I guess you're wondering why I called you in," said Mr. Irving." I've got some bad news. You won't be able to play in the last game of the championship."
“Why not ” he asked. The series was tied, 2-2. The last game would be played this coming Saturday, and Coach Geller was counting on (指望) him.
“Coach Benson carelessly left your name off the list, and the rules say that every player has to be listed in order to take part,” said Mr. Irving.
Danny didn't know what to say, so he looked at Coach Geller, who was shaking his head sadly. Coach Benson was staring at the floor, and Danny's mom seemed ready to cry. Danny knew how she felt.
“I'm very sorry, Danny," said Mr. Irving. “And so is Coach Benson. You should play. But there's nothing we can do."
Danny's mother had been silent, but now she said, “Can't they make an exception It's so unfair(不公平的). ”
“It is unfair,” agreed Coach Geller. “Coach Benson has tried to add his name but failed.”
Danny sat in the stands as the game started. He cheered when his friend Max hit a home run; he groaned when Chad missed a ball. First his team took the lead, then the other team caught up. Finally, Simon knocked one out of the park, scoring the winning run.
Danny jumped out of his seat. He couldn't wait to get down to the field to celebrate the moment with his team. They had won! All the boys were laughing, and giving each other high-fives.
That night, his mother was quiet as he told the story. Finally he stopped. “Is something wrong, Mom You don't seem happy.”
“I'm not” she said. “You should have played. That was your victory, and it was taken from you.”
“No way," he said with the biggest smile of his life. “That win today That was my win, and Max's, and Simon's too. Don't you get it, Mom That's what it means to be part of a team. I helped get us to the championship. I helped win it, too.”
His mother looked at him, smiled and hugged him tightly. "You're right, Danny! Three cheers for your big win!”
62. How many team members are mentioned in the story except Danny
A. Three B. Four. C. Five. D. Eight
63. What is the correct order of what happened in the story
a. The principal told Danny he couldn't play in the final.
b. Danny's mother smiled and hugged him tightly.
c. Coach asked Danny to go to the principal's office.
d. Danny celebrate with his team after they won.
e. Danny sat in the stands to watch the last game.
A. c-a-e-b-d B. c-a-e-d-b C. a-c-e-b-d D. d-a-e-b-c
64. What's the best title for the story
A. Mum's deep love B. An unfair game
C. Danny's big win D. Coach Benson's mistake
65. What can we infer (推断) from the passage
A. Mum felt sorry for Danny's absence. B. The principle was unfair to Danny.
C. Team spirit matters the most to Danny. D. The coach didn't want Danny to play.
66. —Is everybody here, Daniel
—Sorry, Jack isn't here. He's (缺席的) because he is attending an important meeting.
67. Lily is the person who always gives us warmth and she has also won our (信任).
68. I feel stressed because my parents are too (making sure that rules are obeyed)with me in my study.
69. Shanghai has (achieve something that you have been trying to do)in holding the 6th China International Import Expo (进口博览会).
70. —Could you tell me the meaning of the new word, Mum
—Sorry. Why not look it up in the It is the most useful when we learn a language.
71. Though my grandfather is in his , he still looks young.
72. When talking with others, we'd better not ask them about their information. 73. —Why do you admire Jack so much
—Because he never gives up when he has learning English.
74.Children may depend on parents too much if they don't learn to look after from a
young age.
75.The old man walked home yesterday because he had no money left to take a taxi.
76. In Western culture, "Black Friday" sometimes an unlucky day.
77. —Which coat do you like better, the red one or the black one
—The black one. But I red when I was young.
78. I to an email of my friend when my mother came into my room.
79. —From the article, we know Spud Web never gives up though he _many times.
—Yes, we should learn from him.
80. —Congratulations! You from junior high soon.
—Thank you. But now I must work hard so that I can enter my dream high school.
When my friend Judy was a young man, he wanted to change the world. When he found it was i 81 to change the world, he tried to change his country. When he found he couldn't change the country, he b 82 to focus on his hometown. When he found he couldn't change his hometown, he tried to change his family.
Now, as an old man, he r 83 the only thing he can change is to change himself. He keeps doing e 84 to keep himself healthy. Also, he spends much time r 85 different types of books. He is kind to others and often help people in need. To our s 86 , Judy has influenced his family. They will i 87 their neighbours as well. Their influence could have changed the country and he could really have changed the w 88
My dear friends, please s 89 dreaming big about your future. Instead, it's necessary for you to change yourselves little by little. Then, we have the power to change our thoughts and make tomorrow a b 90 day than today.
The new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict (巴以冲突) has lasted for some time, as a result, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have to leave their homes and thousands of them have died. What is worrying is that this conflict, which can be traced back (追溯)more than 70 years ago, is becoming worse and worse.
Now, the conflict is happening in the Gaza Strip. Over 2 million Palestinians live there. In order to eat away at Palestinian lend and prevent Palestinians, Israel has built a long wall, which is 8 meters high. Anyone who breaks into the arca will be shot to death.
In 1947, a group of Jews from Europe arrived at a port in Palestine. These Jews held up a sign, which read, “The Germans have destroyed our homeland, please do not destroy our hope.”
Arabs (阿拉伯人)took pity on the Jews’ experiences during World War Ⅱ, they welcomed this group of newcomers who had come from faraway places. But they didn't expect that these Jews came here to build a Jewish country.
After realizing what the Jewish people wanted, Arab leaders said, “We do feel sorry for the hardships that Jews experienced during the war, but it was not we Arabs who caused their suffering, Why should they come and seize (占领) our land ”
However, with the strong support of the United States and the Soviet Union, Jews built a state of Israel though Arabs were against it. Later, conflicts often broke out between the two sides.
It's worth mentioning that today, the area of Israel is far larger than Palestinian's. The Jewish people have seized most of Palestinian land.
The Palestinians received unfair treatment. They were forced to leave their own homes. Most of them can only live in refugee(难民) camps in the Gaza Strip. What's even worse, these Palestinians live a hard and hopeless life and are unable to make their voices heard by the outside world
91.When was the first Palestinian-Israeli conflict
92.Who destroyed the Jews’ homeland during World War II
93.What did the Jews want to build after they arrived in Palestine
94.Which country's area is smaller, Israel's or Palestine's
95.What do you think of a war (请自拟一句话作答)
八、书面表达(本题满分25分) 96. 时间在不经意中从指尖划过,转眼我们已是九年级的学生。蓦然回首,成长的路上留下 一串串或深或浅的脚印,记载着欢乐,记载着忧伤,伴随我们一路走来。请你根据以下思 维导图的提示,任选一点或自拟,分享你的成长故事。
Growing up W Being encouraged by heroes
注意:1.词数90左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。 2. 表达中请勿提及真实校名及姓名。 Growing up How time flies! Now we are Grade Nine students. I feel happy and sometimes sad when growing up. Here is what I'd like to share with you.



上一篇:第二章 海水中的重要元素--钠和氯 测试题(含解析)2023-2024高一上学期化学人教版(2019)必修第一册
