
英 语
时量:120分钟 满分:150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)略
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Eye Opener Volunteers
For about 30 years, the Museum of Science Eye Opener Program has been working with the Boston Public Schools to bring the exciting world of science to second grade students from across the city. Each year, about 3,000 students from over 45 Boston schools visit the museum to explore, ask questions and find answers. Since 1986, funds from the Germeshausen Family Foundation have supported the Eye Opener Program in providing a guided museum experience for second graders.
With the help of a large corps of volunteers, the program introduces these students to the museum and gives them a chance to engage in science. Eye Opener volunteers encourage exploration and the excitement of discovery as they share the museum with the children. They achieve these goals through conversation, hands-on experiments, exploration of exhibits, and practicing scientific thinking skills with program participants.
Each Tuesday morning, the students are grouped into sets of 4 to 6 with a pair of volunteers who give them a tour of the museum. Tours last about two hours and are tailored to the interests of the students.
Learn the lay-out of the museum to share and explore with second graders the exhibits which may be interesting to them.
Encourage children to observe, compare, describe, ask questions and share ideas.
Know museum emergence and safety procedures.
Work in close collaboration with a diverse group of volunteers.
Minimum Qualifications
Patience, sensitivity, and understanding.
Willingness to work with young children and high school students of all backgrounds and abilities.
Interest in informal science education.
Additional details
Commitment: Four- to six-month commitment.
Time: Tuesday mornings (9:30–12:30) throughout the school year.
Training: Attendance at the New Volunteer Orientation session is required.
21. The Museum of Science Eye Opener Program aims to _____________.
A. encourage teenagers to visit the museum
B. guide young girls to fall in love with science
C. direct Boston schools to teach science
D. help kids engage in science
22. What can students do through the program
A. Pay a visit to the museum any day they like.
B. Learn about what they are interested in.
C. Take a tour of the museum in a group of 2.
D. Look around the museum for 4 hours each time.
23. The volunteers are required to _____________.
A. work on Tuesday mornings B. get a diploma in science
C. have a sense of humor D. volunteer for at least one year
In the animal kingdom, killer whales(虎鲸) are social stars: they travel in varied family groups, care for grandchildren, and even imitate human speech. Now, scientists are adding one more behavior to the list: forming fast friendships. A new study shows killer whales can rival animals such as chimpanzees and macaques (a kind of monkey), and even humans when it comes to the kind of “social touch” that indicates strong bonds.
Some ocean animals maintain social structures — including male dolphins that learn the “names” of their close allies(盟友). But there is little data about wild killer whales. That’s where drone(无人机) technology came in. Michael Weiss, a behavioral ecologist, teamed up with his colleagues to launch drones, flying them 30 to 120 meters above a group of killer whales. That was high enough not to trouble the whales, marking the first time drones have been used to study friendly physical contact in whales.
The researchers recorded over 800 instances of physical contact between individuals. Those included hugs, back-to-back and nose-to-nose touches between pairs of whales. Other whales playfully threw young whales into the air, letting them fall into the water. Besides, the drone images revealed clear preferences among individuals, usually for one “best friend” of the same sex and age. Take J49 and J51 — two distantly related young males aged 9 and 6 — for instance. “Every time you see a group of whales, those two are right there interacting with each other,” Weiss says.
The young led most of these interactions, rather than the older females or males. Older males in particular were less important. “The young individuals really seem to be the glue holding the groups together,” Weiss says. As individuals age, this gradual loss of “centrality” is known in many social mammals, including humans. That finding is “especially appealing” to Stacey Tecot, who wasn’t involved in the study. “Scientists have long observed this social
aging trend in animals, but there are still many unanswered questions,” she says. That’s certainly on the researchers’ radar. “We’re already gathering new data, with more advanced equipment,” says Weiss.
24. What does the underlined word “rival” in Paragraph 1 probably mean
A. Benefit from. B. Be equal to. C. Depend on. D. Be fond of.
25. What is new about Weiss’ research
A. The research method. B. The variety of species.
C. The size of the research team. D. The time spent on the research.
26. What did Weiss find about J49 and J51
A. They have a stable friendship.
B. Their interactions are more complicated.
C. Their communicating ways change frequently.
D. They prefer playing with young female whales.
27. What can we infer from the last paragraph
A. More researchers will be involved in the study.
B. Other scientists take a negative attitude to the research.
C. Researchers will collect more data to study killer whales.
D. Researchers will uncover the social aging trend in animals soon.
Thirteen years ago, Ava Kaufman was fighting for her life. Now, thanks to a donor heart and successful organ transplant, she’s alive — and saving others.
“My life changed on a dime,” said Kaufman, who was a professional dancer and black belt in taekwondo(跆拳道) when a disease went undiagnosed and she ended up on life support in intensive care with organ failure. On her birthday in 2009, she received a new heart and promised God if she could live to raise her young daughter, she would do everything she could to give back. Today, Kaufman is doing just that.
Kaufman started her non-profit, Ava’s Heart. She and her organization offer transplant patients services that are often not covered by insurance(保险), including food, gas, and housing. She found out that patients often must show financial security and be able to afford transportation and housing near their transplant hospital to get listed. And for some patients hoping to receive a transplant in a big city like Los Angeles, where rents are high and hotels are expensive, the cost alone could be a barrier.
Kaufman runs two housing locations where she houses up to five transplant patients and their families at a time, at no cost, after their surgery. This allows them to remain close to their transplant hospital for the duration of their aftercare. Since she started, Kaufman has helped about 175 people with post-transplant housing, and about 150 more with support services and financial assistance.
At 72, Kaufman works out every day and has no plans to slow down. “I feel like I was chosen to do this,” she said. “When I made a promise to God, I didn’t know what it was going to be, but it turned out to be my non-profit, Ava’s Heart.”
28. What left Kaufman’s life in danger
A. A heart from a donor. B. An undiagnosed disease.
C. An organ transplant. D. A promise to God.
29. What does the underlined phrase “on a dime” in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Immediately. B. Slightly. C. Frequently. D. Occasionally.
30. What can we know about Ava’s Heart
A. It has offered housing to 150 patients after their transplant surgeries.
B. It plans to slow down because no profit can be made from the patients.
C. It was started by Kaufman to help the transplant patients with insurance.
D. It makes a great difference to the patients who can’t afford the cost.
31. What is the best title for the text
A. A Woman Fighting for Life B. Never Lose Heart in Future
C. Home is Where the Heart is D. Heart Donation to Those in Need
Facebook has developed a kind of AI, translating between any pair of 100 languages without depending on first translating to English.
Facebook’s system was trained on a data set of 7.5 billion sentence pairs collected from the web across 100 languages though not all the languages had an equal number of sentence pairs. “What I was really interested in was cutting out English as a middle man. Globally there are plenty of countries where they speak two languages that aren’t English,” says Angela Fan of Facebook AI who led the work.
For some language pairs, the new system shows obvious improvements in translation quality. For example, translating from Spanish to Portuguese is extremely strong because Spanish is the second-most spoken first language worldwide, meaning the researchers can get a lot of data. Translation between English and Belarusian also is improved because the AI can translate Russian into English, which shares similarities with Belarusian.
While the system isn’t in use on the social network site, Facebook plans to put it to work soon to manage the 20 billion translations made every day when people click “Translate” on posts written in more than 160 languages. “Future work will be done on other language,” says Fan, “especially for languages where we don’t have a lot of data, like South-East Asian and African languages.”
The work “breaks away from the English-centric models and tries to build more different models”, says Sheila Castilho of the ADAPT Centre at Dublin City University, Ireland. “That’s pretty new and different. But it’s hard to know if the AI does right translation work,” says Castilho. “The users may not know the other language, so they cannot judge the correctness of the translation.”
32. What’s Angela Fan’s purpose of making the research
A. To collect data of all kinds of people.
B. To make learning different languages easier.
C. To achieve her dream of becoming a translator.
D. To avoid using English as a middle man in translation.
33. Why is it easy to translate from Spanish to Portuguese by AI
A. There is much data on Spanish.
B. Portuguese is similar to Spanish.
C. Spanish is spoken by the largest number of people.
D. Researchers have a good knowledge of the two languages.
34. What is Castilho worried about
A. The safety of AI translation. B. The way of using Facebook.
C. The correctness of AI translation. D. The number of posts on the website.
35. What is the proper title for the text
A. Facebook AI Can Translate Any Language
B. Facebook Needs a Translation System
C. Facebook Has Translated Many Works
D. Facebook AI Can Do a Good Translation
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Changing your life can come in small, easy steps. You can transform yourself and live a better life by making positive changes along the way. Here are some choices that will lead to your transformation.
Choose to change bad habits
Some bad habits seem to stick around without us even realizing it. 36 . You can overcome them, find better alternatives, and get through your struggle to become a better you! Do it for yourself more than anything.
Choose to grow
It’s easy to get stuck in a fixed way of life. 37 . In choosing to grow, you build character, develop your strengths, become aware of what needs improvement, and turn into the well-rounded person you need to be to succeed.
Choose to seek a balanced life
Where do you need balance Are you all work, no play Or the opposite 38 . If you’re spending too much time working or locked away alone, find the time for social interaction and having fun. If you haven’t committed to a schedule in a while, make the decision to start following one.
This is vital to human existence. We need the loving bonds created by family members and friends. Personal relationships are key to emotional growth and social stability.
Choose to live your passion
Whatever your dream is, you can have it. The person you wish to be and the things you wish to achieve are within you. Make the choice to pursue those passions at whatever cost. It may mean clearing out your schedule or doing something you’ve never done. 40 .
A. Choose to spend time with those you love B. Choose to organize your schedule flexibly C. Make the choice today so that you won’t be ruled by them D. Neither extremes will lead you to a pleasant life for very long E. However, with re-evaluation and growth comes a beautiful freedom F. It’s good to change, and you’ve only got so many years to refresh yourself G. However, the reward from success and personal achievement will be worth it
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分55分)
第一节 (共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)
Last month, Koch went to make breakfast and found a(n) 41 guest using his pool. A large moose(驼鹿) was swimming in the deep end, 42 in the solar cover(太阳能覆盖膜).
“I looked out in the backyard and there’s the moose absolutely scared and 43 ,” Koch told The Dodo. “She stepped on the solar cover and put her 44 through it and she was 45 trying to get free.”
Koch has noticed more wildlife around his home in Ottawa, but he had 46 seen an animal this impressive before. He rushed outside and 47 the solar cover off the poor moose, who continued swimming around the pool, proving to be a 48 skilled swimmer.
The wild moose seemed to be having trouble finding her way out of the pool, so Koch called the police and wildlife services to see if they could 49 a hand. “She looked so pitifully sad out there that my wife said, ‘I want to give her a 50 .’”
Workers from wildlife services intended that they would get her to a safer spot, but they couldn’t 51 it until she was out of the water. “The 52 thing that happened was that after 3.5 hours she climbed out of the shallow end and 53 the fence,” Koch said.
The moose 54 unhurt, but the same can’t be said for Koch’s pool — which now has two hoof-sized(马蹄大小的) holes in the 55 .
41. A. informal B. ordinary C. generous D. unexpected
42. A. attracted B. stuck C. removed D. tricked
43. A. struggling B. sleeping C. shouting D. searching
44. A. shoulder B. foot C. face D. back
45. A. regularly B. passively C. anxiously D. unwillingly
46. A. always B. usually C. never D. sometimes
47. A. pulled B. called C. put D. dropped
48. A. surprisingly B. slightly C. fortunately D. simply
49. A. donate B. recognize C. lend D. cure
50. A. lift B. hug C. smile D. credit
51. A. recover B. follow C. cancel D. manage
52. A. most awkward B. best C. funniest D. strangest
53. A. broke into B. showed off C. jumped over D. let go of
54. A. escaped B. participated C. hesitated D. fainted
55. A. top B. cover C. wall D. bottom
A little girl who battled against cancer received a special gift on her third birthday, thanks to a creative stranger from Idaho. Jessica Sebastian, owner of Sebastian Design, was 56 by Danielle Munger, whose daughter, Brynn, lost an eye because of cancer. Danielle asked Jessica if she could make a bunny doll with one 57 .
“I make dolls, which is not a heroic 58 . But recently I was asked to make a doll for a little girl who is a true 59 ,” Jessica wrote.
“A madam contacted me and asked if I would make a bunny doll with one eye for her two-year-old daughter because she 60 dolls. The girl lost her left eye to cancer and had started to notice that she was different and her sweet mom read articles about how a doll which looks like a child can be 61 and therapeutic(有益健康的). She 62 her daughter to have a doll with only one eye just like her. 63 , I don’t think I’ve ever been asked to create something so tender(温柔的) and 64 .”
Brynn received the 65 gift on March 25 during her family birthday party. “She was so excited that she 66 took the doll out of the box so that she could 67 the doll to all her cousins and family,” Danielle said.
That evening, Danielle took a photo of Brynn in her Wonder Woman pajamas(睡衣) looking at the bunny doll happily. She recalled her daughter saying, “She 68 me!” “My favorite part of this 69 is how she is wearing her Wonder Woman costume,” Jessica said. “It perfectly represents the 70 and courage of this little superhero.”
56. A. invited B. respected C. contacted D. supported
57. A. eye B. leg C. foot D. ear
58. A. behavior B. profession C. story D. trick
59. A. winner B. leader C. superhero D. director
60. A. hates B. misses C. makes D. loves
61. A. wild B. unbelievable C. interesting D. helpful
62. A. encouraged B. wanted C. required D. forced
63. A. So far B. At once C. Just now D. At present
64. A. attractive B. abnormal C. strange D. meaningful
65. A. ordinary B. expensive C. flexible D. special
66. A. immediately B. actually C. definitely D. hardly
67. A. give away B. show off C. take on D. put up
68. A. likes B. creates C. saves D. matches
69. A. moment B. saying C. photo D. doll
70. A. strength B. kindness C. wisdom D. honesty
Adolescence, in general, is 71 (challenge) for both parents and their children. Many parents struggle to redefine their relationships with their growing children and the changes that come with 72 . Some may still cling on to(坚持) the 73 (behave) that was right when the children were little because they are afraid of losing the closeness they 74 (enjoy) while their child was still little.
No parent is perfect, and even parents need help or a little push to get past an emotional hurdle(情感障碍) 75 is holding them back. Some may even be 76 (total) sure that what they’re doing is correct.
When the time is right, start a conversation with your mom 77 an empathetic(感同身受的) point of view. Tell her that you appreciate all that she has done 78 (raise) you and the lengths she will go to make sure you are happy and doing well at school, but 79 it’s starting to make you uncomfortable. Sometimes, there really is too much of a good thing, and she needs to pull back a bit so you don’t feel 80 (hold) back from growing up. But no matter what happens, you will be fine. You will still love and appreciate her, and she can trust you on that.
It can be a big headache to balance your developing 81. _________________ (精神需求) too. You enter a strange middle ground — no longer a small child but not quite an adult. You have both a new desire for independence and a continued need for your parents’ love and support. You feel ready to be more responsible and make decisions 82. _________________ (自行). Unfortunately, your parents do not always agree and that makes you feel unhappy. “Why can’t they just let me go ” you may wonder. 83. _________________ (另一方面), when you are struggling to control your feelings, you wish they could be more caring and patient — sometimes they forget that growing up is 84. _________________ (一段艰难的旅程). It can be difficult when your parents treat you like a child but expect you to 85. _________________ (行事) an adult. All of this can lead to a breakdown in your relationship.
Although sometimes it may seem impossible to get along as a family, you can 86. _________________ (采取措施) to improve the situation. The key to keeping the peace is 87. _________________ (定期和诚实的沟通). When you disagree with your parents, take a minute to calm down and try to understand the situation 88. _________________ (从他们的角度). Perhaps they have experienced something similar and do not want you to go through the same pain.
After you have thought it through, explain your actions and feelings calmly, listen carefully, and 89. _________________ (解决他们的担忧). Through this kind of healthy discussion, you will learn when to 90. _________________ (退缩) and when to ask your parents to relax their control.
Jennifer Jones, 15, told friends in her class that she was feeling unwell. She then passed 91. _________________ in her morning PE lesson and 92. _________________ (rush) to hospital.
Jennifer was found to have 93. _________________ (danger) low blood sugar levels and was treated immediately. Her worried parents told the doctor that their daughter missed breakfast that day 94. _________________ hardly touched her dinner the night 95. _________________. Fortunately, she is now out of danger. Her doctor says that she will make a full recovery 96. _________________ a day or two.
Jennifer’s classmates hope to see her back at school soon. 97. _________________ say that she has struggled with eating problems for a long time. “Jennifer thought that skipping meals would be a simple way 98. _________________ (reach) her target weight,” her friend Laura Williams told our reporter. “She has not eaten breakfast for the last few months. She told me she had trouble 99. _________________ (concentrate) in class. I warned her that skipping meals was 100. _________________ (health), but she wouldn’t listen.”
第四部分 写作(满分15分)
101. 假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Mike休学返校后无法融入到同学之中,感觉很孤独。请你写封邮件,给他提出一些建议,内容包括:
1. 表达关切和鼓励;
2. 给出具体建议;
3. 表达祝愿。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear Mike,
Best wishes!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
第一部分 听力 略
第二部分 阅读
第一节 短文理解
21—23 DBA 24—27 BAAC
28—31 BADC 32—35 DACD
第二节 七选五
36—40 CEDAG
第三部分 语言运用
第一节 完形填空
41—45 DBABC 46—50 CAACB
51—55 DBCAD
56—60 CABCD 61—65 DBADD
66—70 ABDCA
第二节 语法填空
71. challenging 72. it
73. behavior 74. enjoyed
75. which / that 76. totally
77. from 78. to raise
79. that 80. holding
第三节 课文填空
81. mental needs 82. on your own
83. On the other hand 84. a rough ride
85. act like 86. take action
87. regular and honest communication 88. from their point of view
89. address their concerns 90. back down
91. out 92. was rushed
93. dangerously 94. and
95. before 96. in
97. They 98. to reach
99. concentrating 100. unhealthy
第四部分 写作
Dear Mike,
Thank you for telling me what’s been upsetting you. I can relate to how you feel. I know you’re lonely, but don’t be discouraged! All you need to do is make some small changes.
First, I think it would be more helpful if you could take the initiative to talk to your classmates. Bear in mind that good communication is essential to forming good relationships with people. Second, show a genuine interest in what your classmates do, which is a good way to start interacting with them. Last, always wear a smile when you see them. It may take a lot of effort, but the reward will be amazing.
Best wishes!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua




下一篇:人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级下册 Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?测试卷 A卷·夯实基础(含解析)