
Amal’s family has a new house. There 1 a lot of boxes in the new house. Amal sees a very big 2 . She says, “Hmmm! I can make a car.” Amal goes into the yard (院子) with her box and her paints (画笔) .
A girl next door sits in the yard. She sees Amal, “Hi. I’m Sara. What’s your name ”
Amal says, “Hi. I’m Amal. And I’m painting my new car.”
Sara 3 and walks (走) to Amal, “Do you want 4 orange car ”
Amal says, “No. I’m painting my car 5 .”
Sara asks, “Do you want an orange stripe (条纹) ”
“No. I don’t like orange! My car is blue.” Amal says 6 . Sara looks sad (难过的) .
Amal runs into her house. She gets a box for Sara and puts some paints 7 Sara’s hands. “Here! You can make an orange car! ”
Sara paints 8 car orange and she paints a blue stripe.
Amal says. “I like your car! I want a stripe, too.”
Sara asks, “What 9 do you want ” Amal says, “Orange!”
Sara paints an orange stripe on Amal’s car. They are very happy with their 10 cars.
1.A.am B.is C.are D.be
2.A.box B.ball C.book D.bag
3.A.puts up B.stands up C.sits down D.looks at
4.A.a B.an C.the D./
5.A.red B.orange C.blue D.yellow
6.A.too B.more C.also D.again
7.A.behind B.in C.near D.between
8.A.my B.your C.his D.her
9.A.colour B.food C.number D.day
10.A.old B.nice C.small D.same
Alex’s l0th Birthday Party When: Saturday, November 11th,2023 14:00—18:00 Where: Maple Park, 2075 HIII AVE. The red playground next to the park gate. What: Enjoy food and drinks Play basketball wlth Alex DIY: draw pictures or plant your favorite flowers RIVP: Will you come Please let me know by November 9th. Call Anna Ranch at 589-369
11.How old is Alex going to be (将要)
A.Nine. B.Ten. C.Eleven. D.Twelve.
12.When is the party
A.On November 9th. B.On November 10th. C.On Saturday. D.On Sunday.
13.Where is the party
A.In a playground in a park. B.In Alex’s big house. C.Next to a school gate. D.On Alex’s big farm.
14.What can they do in the party
A.Play football. B.Draw a flower. C.Write a flower song. D.Play on the computer.
15.What can we know from the passage
A.Alex doesn’t like any sports. B.You can call Anna at 729-369.
C.Anna may be Alex’s mother. D.The party is in the morning.
Max is playing a game (游戏) on a phone. Sally, his sister is reading a story (故事) on her ipad. Mom is looking at her computer. Dad is cooking and reading on his phone. No one speaks. Max sees grandpa is in the living room.
Grandpa is sitting on his armchair and watching (观看) TV.
Grandpa sees Max and says, “Hi, Max. This is fun. Come and see!”
“I am playing a game on my phone,” says Max.
After a while, Max stops playing his game, he goes into the room, and says, “Grandpa, it is a football game! It’s fun! You try!”
Grandpa says, “It’s good, but the TV is good, too. Listen, Max. I can see a young me and my family watching our old TV. We often watch football on Friday evening together. It’s a great game! One night, my brother and I are sleeping. Dad and mom get us. ‘Look!’ My dad says, ‘We see a man on the moon (月球) !’ It’s a black and white set, not like this color TV, but we love the small TV.”
Grandpa tells Max a lot of stories about TV.
Max says, “Hey, mom, dad, Sally! Let’s watch TV with grandpa!”
16.Which may be Max’s family photo
A. B. C. D.
17.What is Max doing
A.Playing a game on the phone. B.Watching football on TV. C.Reading a story about football. D.Cooking and reading.
18.What is grandpa’s old TV like
A.It has white and black pictures. B.It’s big but very old.
C.It has a picture of moon on it. D.It’s new and colourful.
19.Which is TRUE (正确的)
A.Max and Sally listen to grandpa’s stories in the living room B.Grandpa wants to play football games with Max on the phone.
C.Grandpa and his brother get up to watch the man on the moon. D.Grandpa’s family often watch football on Sunday evening together.
20.Why does grandpa like watching TV a lot
A.It’s a time for football. B.It’s time for stories. C.It’s a time for books. D.It’s time for family.
阅读Happy School校园建筑介绍,根据介绍内容选择相应的建筑名称 (A-F) 对图中建筑物进行标注,其中一个为多余选项。
Hi, I’m Toby from Happy School. This is a photo of my school. Walking into the school gate, you can see the classroom building in front of you. It’s where we have lessons. Near the gate, on the left is the office building. Our teachers’ office is in the building. The playground is behind the office building, in front of the sports hall. We play sports there in the PE class and after school. The library is on the right of the classroom building. There are five reading rooms for students and two for teachers. You can also borrow books. The building in front of the library, on the right of the school gate is for science. There are ten labs in this building.
A.Science building B.Library C. Classroom building D.Dining hall E. Office building F. Sports hall
26 Can you help me, please A.OK. Good idea!
27 What day is it today B.Yes, of course.
28 Let’s play basketball after school! C. Yes, they are.
29 Hello. Tony. Nice to meet you. D.It’s Tuesday.
30 Are these your grandparents E. Nice to meet you, too.
31.colour, is, pen, the, what

32.time, is, it, to, go, now
33.do, how, spell, it, you

34.are, any, maps, the, there, of, world, not (.)
35.is, furniture, in, there, I, the, lot, room, of (.)
man between that open last
36.His name is Author King. King is his name.
37.Look over there! Are Paul’s daughter and son
38.The new bus station is the theatre and the library.
39. your books, boys and girls. Let’s read the new words.
40.I have a big family. The two in the photo are my uncles.
Hello, boys and girls! I’m Lianlian. I am from Hangzhou, the 41 (省会) of Zhejiang. It’s warm in 42 (春天) with many beautiful flowers and trees, but a little 43 (炎热的) in summer. But I 44 (真正地, 相当地) like summer, because I like 45 (游泳) a lot. I always wear a 46 (绿色) coat. Next to me are my good 47 (朋友) . Their names are Congcong and Chenchen. We are busy this year from 48 (星期一) to Sunday, but we are happy that 49 (每个人) has a good time in the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou. 50 (欢迎) to China and enjoy yourself!
Nationality (国籍)
My Favourite Person
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.B
am是;is是;are是;be是(原型)。此处考查there be 句型,根据there be 句型的就近原则,因为后面主语为“a lot of boxes”,为复数,故选are。故选C。
box盒子;ball球;book书;bag包。根据上文“There are a lot of boxes in the new house”可知此处应选box。选A。
puts up张贴,搭建;stands up站起来;sits down坐下;looks at 看着。根据后面“walks (走) to Amal”可知此处她应该是先站起来。故选B。
red红色的;orange橘色的;blue蓝色的;yellow黄色的。根据下文“My car is blue”可知Amal想要把自己的车涂成蓝色。故选C。
behind在之后;in在里面;near在附近;between在两者之间。根据后面“her hands”可知应该是把颜料放到手里。故选B。
colour颜色;food食物;number数字;day天。根据下文回答“Orange! ”可知此处询问的是颜色。故选A。
old老的;nice漂亮的;small小的;same同样的。根据“be happy with”意为“对……满意”,可知此处应填一个褒义词。故选B。
11.B 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.C
11.细节理解题。根据“Alex’s l0th Birthday Party”可知,艾利克斯即将10岁。故选B。
12.细节理解题。根据“When: Saturday, November 11th, 2023”可知,这个生日派对在2023年的11月11日周六召开。故选C。
13.细节理解题。根据“Maple Park,2075 HIII AVE.The red playground next to the park gate”可知,生日派对在公园门旁边的红色操场上举办。故选A。
14.细节理解题。根据“DIY: draw pictures or plant your favorite flowers”可知,可以画画,故选B。
15.推理判断题。根据“When: Saturday, November 11th, 202314:00—18:00”、“Call Anna Ranch at 589-369”以及“Play basketball wlth Alex”可知,生日派对在周六下午举行,可以和艾利克斯一起打篮球以及拨打589-369联系安娜,排除ABD。故选C。
16.C 17.A 18.A 19.C 20.D
16.细节理解题。根据“Max is playing a game (游戏) on a phone. Sally, his sister is reading a story (故事) on her ipad. Mom is looking at her computer. Dad is cooking and reading on his phone. No one speaks. Max sees grandpa is in the living room.”可知,家里总共五个人,爷爷、爸爸妈妈,还有两个孩子。故选C。
17.细节理解题。根据“Max is playing a game (游戏) on a phone. ”可知,Max在玩手机游戏。故选A。
18.细节理解题。根据“It’s a black and white set, not like this color TV,”可知,旧电视是黑白电视。故选A。
19.细节理解题。根据“It’s a great game! One night, my brother and I are sleeping. Dad and mom get us. ‘Look!’ My dad says, ‘We see a man on the moon (月球) !’”可知,爷爷和他的哥哥起床和爸爸妈妈一起看电视,电视里是月球上有一个男人。故选C。
20.细节理解题。根据“I can see a young me and my family watching our old TV. We often watch football on Friday evening together. It’s a great game!”可知,爷爷喜欢的不是电视,而是和家人一起看电视,喜欢的是和家人在一起的时光。故选D。
21.F 22.C 23.B 24.E 25.A
21.根据“The playground is behind the office building, in front of the sports hall.”可知操场后边是体育馆。故选F。
22.根据“Walking into the school gate, you can see the classroom building in front of you.”可知,校门口前方是教学楼,故选C。
23.根据“The library is on the right of the classroom building.”可知,教学楼右边是图书馆。故选B。
24.根据“Near the gate, on the left is the office building.”可知,在校门口左边是办公楼。故选E。
25.根据“On the right of the school gate is for science. There are ten labs in this building.”可知,在校门口的右边是科学楼。故选A。
26.B 27.D 28.A 29.E 30.C
【解析】26.句意:你能帮我吗?根据“Can you help me”可知此处回答愿不愿意提供帮助,选项B“是的,当然”符合语境。故选B。
27.句意:今天是星期几?根据“What day is it today”可知此处回答周几,选项D“周二”符合语境。故选D。
28.句意:放学后让我们打篮球吧!根据“Let’s play basketball after school!”可知此处是对对方建议的回答,选项A“好的。好主意”符合语境。故选A。
29.句意:你好。托尼。很高兴认识你。根据“Nice to meet you.”可知此处回答“见到你也很高兴”,选项E“见到你也很高兴”符合语境。故选E。
30.句意:这些是你的祖父母吗?根据“Are these your grandparents”可知此处作肯定回答或否定回答,选项C“是的,他们是”符合语境。故选C。
31.What colour is the pen
【详解】由标点可知,该句为特殊疑问句。分析所给单词,what colour“什么颜色”,引导特殊疑问句;is系动词,作谓语;the pen“钢笔”,作主语。故填What colour is the pen“这支钢笔是什么颜色的”。
32.It is time to go now
【详解】根据所给词以及标点可知,句子是陈述句,是结构it is time to do sth.“是时候做某事”,go“走”,now“现在”。故答案为:It is time to go now“现在该走了”。
33.How do you spell it
【详解】根据所给标点可知应用疑问句的形式,分析所给单词可知,how是特殊疑问词,位于句首,首字母需大写;do是助动词;you作主语;spell作谓语动词;it作宾语。故答案为:How do you spell it“你怎么样拼写它”。
34.There are not any maps of the world
【详解】根据所给词以及标点可知,句子是陈述句,是there be结构,否定词not放be动词后面,主语是any maps of the world。故填There are not any maps of the world“那儿没有任何世界地图”。
35.There is a lot of furniture in the room
【详解】根据标点可知此句应用陈述句形式,考查there be句型。分析所给单词,furniture作主语,in the room 放在句子后面作地点状语,a lot of 放在主语前面进行修饰限定。故答案为:There is a lot of furniture in the room“房间里有许多家具”。
36.last 37.those 38.between 39.Open 40.men
【解析】36.句意:他的名字叫阿瑟 金。金是他的姓氏。根据“His name is Author King.”可判断阿瑟是他的名,金是他的姓氏。故填last。
37.句意:看那边!那些是保尔的女儿和儿子吗?根据“Look over there! ”可判断是远指that;根据“daughter and son ”可判断是两个人应用复数those。故填those。
40.句意:我有一个大家庭。照片中那两个男士是我的叔叔们。根据“my uncles”可判断男士,并且是复数。故填men。
41.capital 42.spring 43.hot 44.really 45.swimming 46.green 47.friends 48.Monday 49.everyone/everybody 50.Welcome
42.句意:春天很温暖,有许多美丽的花和树,但是夏天有点热。根据汉语提示“春天”可知,此处应填名词spring“春天”,in spring“在春天”为固定搭配。故填spring。
47.句意:在我旁边的是我的好朋友。根据汉语提示“朋友”可知,此处应填名词friend作宾语,被形容词good所修饰,结合后句的“Their names”可知,此处应用friend的复数形式。故填friends。
50.句意:欢迎来中国玩得开心!根据“to China and enjoy yourself!”可知,本句为祈使句,空格处应用动词原形,结合汉语提示“欢迎”可知,动词welcome符合句意。故填Welcome。
My favourite person is my mother. She is a kind woman. My mother is a worker. She works from Monday to Friday, she is always very busy. She likes dancing. She always gets up early in the morning and cooks nice breakfast for my father and me. I love my mother very much.
②like doing喜欢做某事
①She always gets up early in the morning and cooks nice breakfast for my father and me. (and连接并列句)




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