辽宁省辽南协作体2023-2024高一上学期期中考试英语(B)试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)

13.How did the woman learn cooking
A.From her mother.
B.On the Internet
C.From her sister
14.Why did the woman learn to cook
A.To earn her living.
B.To help her mother.
C.To master a life skill.
15.When was the woman's cooking improved
A.After she got married.
B.While she was in high school.
C.When she studied away from home.
16.What will the man probably do next
A.Learn to cook
B.Go on a picnic
C.Prepare for a barbecue.
1.Where are probably the speakers
A.In an office.
B.In the street.
C.In a department store.
17.When did Manfred Steiner gain his medical degree
2.Which does the man like best
A.Table tennis.
C.Board games
18.Where was the research program established
3.What's the weather like now
A.In Vienna.
B.In North Carolina.
C.In Rhode Island.
19.What did Steiner's professor think of him
4.What are the speakers talking about
A.Rice fields.
B.Childhood memory.
C.Game playing.
20.What is Steiner's pian for his future
5.When will the man attend his class
A.To publish his story.
B.To offer advice on suceess.
A.On Friday.
B.On Saturday
C.On Sunday.
C.To help the professors in Brown.
6.What is the relationship between the speakers
Welcome ta Holker Hall Gardens
A.Teacher and student.
C.Father and daughter.
Visitor Informiation
7.What will the woman do after seven
How to Get to Holker
A.Review a course.
B.Take au exam
C.Borrow books.
By Car:Follow brown signs on A590 from J36,M6.Travel times:
minutes,Kendal-25 minates,Laneaster-45 minutes,Manchester-1 hour 30 minutes.
8.How does the wontan feel about classical music
By Rail:The nearest station is Cark-in-Cartmel with trains to Carnforth,Lancasier and
Preston for connections to major cities&airports.
9.Which club are they gcing to join
Opening Times
A.The Tennis Club.
B.The Cinema Club.
C.The Baseball Club
Sunday-Friday (closed on Saturday)11:00 a.m.-4:00p.m.,30th Marei-2nd November.
Admission Charges
10.What gift will the woman buy for her niece
Hall Gardens Gardens
A.A kite.
B.An opera mask.
11.How many people will the woman iuy gifts for
Special Events
12.What do we know about the woman's brother
13th Aprit
A.He is studying Chinese.
B.He starred in Kung Fu movies.
Join us to taste a variety of fresh tocat foud and drinks.Meet the producers aud get some
C.He's graduaied from university
excellent recipe ideas.
Holker Garden Festival
30th May
高一英诏B第1页(共4页)高一英语 B卷 答案
1—5 CBCBA 6—10 BACBA 11—15 BAACC 16—20 ABBCC
21-23DBD 24-27CCDB 28—31CCAB 32-35 DBAC 36—40CEAFG
41-45 CBADC 46-50 BAADC 51-55 BDBCA
56. lovely 57. after 58. works 59. her 60. an
61. but 62. matches 63. faster 64. won 65. eighth
Dear Daniel,
I am sorry to hear you often argue with you parents, which makes you upset. I’d like to offer you some advice.
Firstly, the key to building a harmonious parent-child relationship is regular and honest communication. You’d better choose a good time and share your true feelings calmly with them. Besides, when disagreement arises, you should calm down and try to understand the situation from their point of view.
I sincerely hope that these tips may be beneficial to you and that you will enjoy a harmonious and happy life with your family.
Instantly(立刻), I knew something was seriously wrong. At this moment, Bella faced the door, growling(咆哮着), with the hair raised on her back. I had never seen her like that before. Someone was in my house, and I was in danger. When I felt lost and helpless, Bella charged(冲出)through the bathroom door. I heard a struggle in the living room, crashing of furniture, a man yelling, and then the front door opening again. Bella went barking after him. I jumped out of the shower, got dressed quickly and called 911. Scared to go out, I waited until the police came.
Then I went outside to find Bella with the policemen. Thank goodness, we found her, unharmed. As the police asked questions and searched the house, Bella stayed by my side the whole time. The police found a man hiding behind a house down the street with a broken forearm and blood on his shirt from something that looked like a dog bite. Bella was my hero, and I was so thankful for her courage that night. I couldn't imagine what would have happened if she hadn't reacted so quickly and bravely. There is no doubt that she is my Bella the Angle!
Text 1
M: Jenny! I haven't seen you for ages! What are you doing here
W: Well, I'm shopping for a suit. I have a job interview next week.
Text 2
W: Do you still play table tennis every day
M: No. I play bowling every other day and it's my favorite. On the weekends I also play board games.
Text 3
M:It looks as if it might rain soon. There have been clouds this morning. I'm afraid our outdoor party this afternoon will become impossible.
W: Well, I don't think so. The wind is clearing them and you will see the sun.
Text 4
M: The green rice fields here remind me of my childhood. It is sweet. What about yours
W: Absolutely great! I often remember playing hide and seek with my friends.
Text 5
M: Do you have psychology classes for this Friday afternoon
W: I'm sorry, but for Friday morning, we do. For the afternoon classes, you can choose Saturday or Sunday.
M: I am not available on weekends. So I have to rearrange for morning classes.
Text 6
M: Hey, Sarah! How did your geography test go
W: Oh, it went really well. I can't thank you enough for helping me with the subject! I owe you a treat for that.
M: It's my pleasure. So, do you feel like going over math for next week's examination
W: Yeah, sure! Meet me at the library after seven
M: All right. I'll bring my notes.
W: See you then. Bye.
Text 7
W: Hi, David! What are you doing
M: Oh, Joanna. Just looking at these club notices. Why don't we join a club together
W: Good idea! How about the Tennis Club
M: Actually, I'm not good at sports at all. What about the Classical Music Club
W: Oh, give me a break. You know how I feel about classical music.
M: OK. I get it. How about the Cinema Club
W: Sounds great to me. I like movies.
M: I am glad we can join the same club.
W: I hope you will do more sports so that we can join clubs like baseball or basketball.
M: I am afraid it's a matter of debate.
Text 8
W: I'm going back to California this summer, so I'm thinking about gifts to bring back for my family. Any suggestions
M: Oh, there are so many choices, like Chinese kites, Beijing Opera masks, or Chinese clothing.
W: My niece likes flying kites. I'm sure she will get a kick out of flying a Chinese style kite too.
M: And maybe you could bring back some masks for your dad.
W: You're a genius! He will really like it. Now do you think I can buy my mum a Qipao
M: If she likes dresses, I'm sure she will love one.
W: Okay, now the toughest one—my brother.
M: Didn't you tell me that your brother is studying Chinese now
W: Yes. He hopes to come to China after he graduates from university.
M: So why not buy him some DVDs so that he can watch movies in Chinese
W: Sure, he'd love them especially those of Kung Fu movies.
Text 9
M: What a delicious meal! Did you learn it online
W: No, my mom is the best cook. She taught me and my sister everything about how to make soup, salad, cakes, etc.
M: What drove you to learn it
W: It's an essential life skill. I also want to be a good cook like my mom when I get married. I will prepare the best dishes for my husband and children.
M: So, when did you begin to learn it
W: When I was in high school. The skill was strengthened when I lived apart from my family for study.
M: Have you benefited from the skill development
W: Yes. It makes me more confident whenever I go on a picnic outside. I'm always responsible for the BBQ.
M: Wow! I really hope to do something when we are picnicking. I wonder if you can teach me how to cook.
W: No problem!
M: When can we start I can't wait.
W: Right now.
Text 10
An 89 year old man from the state of Rhode Island has reached a goal he spent nearly a lifetime thinking about.
As a young man in Vienna, Austria, Manfred Steiner followed his mother's advice and entered the University of Vienna in 1951, where he earned a medical degree four years later. Then he moved to the United States. At the University of North Carolina, Steiner established a research program and directed it until he retired from medicine in 2000.
Steiner found medical research pleasing, but it was not quite the same as his interest in physics. At age 70, he started taking undergraduate classes in Brown University. By 2007, he had earned enough credits to join the doctoral program. One of his Physics professors said, “Steiner was serious about the subject and worked hard. What is really true about him is that he always sticks to his dream.”
Steiner now hopes to assist the professors in Brown with their research.
After the university published the story about Steiner on its website, people across the U.S. contacted him for advice on how to go after their dreams in life. His advice is: Do what you love to do!



