人教PEP版六年级下册英语期末原创检测卷二十八(含答案及听力原文 无听力音频)

时间:60分钟 总分:100分
Zhang Peng即将小学毕业,他想多了解同学们的日常生活情况。请你帮他选出正确的单词,填
( )1.A.clean B.clock C.close
( )2.A.wear B.where C.were
( )3.A.week B.weekday C.weekend
( )4.A.thirty B.three C.thirteen
( )5.A.heavier B.heavy C.heaviest
Zhang Peng想多了解同学们,对他们进行了采访。请你帮他选择合适的答语。
( )6.A.Yes,I will. B.Yes,I won’t. C.No,we won’t.
( )7.A.It was rainy. B.It is rainy. C.It is fine.
( )8.A.They went to Harbin. B.They go to Harbin. C.They will go to Harbin.
( )9.A.She will go by bus. B.She goes by bus. C.She went by bus.
( )10.A.I will cook for her. B.I’m cooking for her. C.I cooked for her.
主要考查学生对所学日常用语的理解力和灵活运用能力,听力材料全部从实际生活问句中提取, 引发学生对语句的理解,探究其句型背后的规律,考查学生归纳、推理分析等能力。
( )11.There are four people in my family.
( )12.I played basketball last weekend.
( )13.Linda went skating with her friends.
( )14.Jim stayed at home and read a book.
( )15.His father went to Shanghai by plane.
Zhang Peng在交友网站上认识了Bill,今天Zhang Peng收到了回信。请根据信的内容,把信息补充完整。
Zhang Peng’s pen pal
Name: Mike Age: 16. From : 17. Live in: 18.
Family members: father,mother, 19. and me.
Their jobs: father ( a 20. ) mother (a 21. )
Favourite subjects: English and 22.
Hobbies: 23. and 24.
Weekend activity: 25.
( )16.A.13 B.12 C.14
( )17.A.English B.China C.USA
( )18.A.Beijing B.Nanjing C.Tianjing
( )19.A.sister B.grandpa C.brother
( )20.A.driver B.doctor C.farmer
( )21.A.teacher B.nurse C.cook
( )22.A.Chinese B.maths C.scientist
( )23.A.dancing B.swimming C.singing
( )24.A.playing football B.playing basketball
C.playing badminton
( )25.A.went camping B.went hiking
C.went boating
五、Zhang Peng今天过生日,他们家好热闹啊,让我们一起了解他们正在做的事情,根据单词画线部分的发音规则,选择正确的单词,填涂相应的编号。(5%)
Hello! I’m Zhang Peng. Today is 26. Day. It’s my birthday. I’m very happy. My mother is making a 27. for me. My father and my 28. are cooking noodles. My little brother is eating a 29. . Where is my cat The 30. is near the black hat. It’s looking at the big cake.
六、Zhang Peng与堂妹利用周末一起制作了一些不同节日的信息卡,请你选择合适的选项补充完整。(5%)
七、五一假期回来后,Zhang Peng meet Sarah on the way to school.选择合适的句子补全对话,填涂相应的编号。(10%)
Sarah: You look so happy, Zhang Peng! 36.
Zhang Peng: 37.
Sarah: Really 38.
Zhang Peng: I went there by train.
Zhang Peng:I went to Shanghai Disneyland. My family had great fun there.
Sarah:Sounds great. 40.
Zhang Peng:Sure. It's very big and nice.We took a lot of pictures. I will show them to you later.
Sarah: Wonderful! I can't wait.
本题设计的背景是Zhang Peng和Sarah分享去上海度假的对话,是真实生活中的场景,本题通过对话将零散的知识点进行整合,注重考查学生英语综合知识的应用能力,同时能较好地达到检测词汇、语言知识等目的。
I had a great Labour Day holiday. I went to Shenzhen. On the 41. day, I went to the Ocean park(海洋公园).I saw many sea animals. On the second day, I 42. my grandparents. They live in Shenzhen. On the third day, I went 43._____ with my mum. On the fourth day, We bought many gifts in the 44. . On the way, I found a little boy crying. He 45.____ lost. I helped 46.____ find his father. That made me feel very 47. ____.
九、Mike回忆起在从 Shenzhen回来的路上,在高铁上读到一篇有趣的文章,和同学们分享。请根据短文,选择正确的单词把短文意思补充完整,填涂相应的编号。(5%)
A small flower and a big tree are 48 beside the river. “Can I become your friend ” The flower asks. “Friend I'm 49 and stronger than you, I don't want you to be my friend!” The flower 50 very sad.
Spring is coming, the flower is becoming more and more beautiful, many butterflies come here and play 51 the flower. The big tree says,“Why do you play with her but not me " The butterflies say, “ The flower is thinner and shorter 52 you, but she is more beautiful and more friendly than you. Don't laugh at anyone.” The tree realizes(意识到)his own mistake(错误) and says “sorry” to the flower. They are playing together, they are happy.
( )47.A.sand B. stands C.standing
( )48.A.taller B. smaller C.longer
( )49.A.feels B. feeling C.felt
( )50.A. and B. with C.to
( )51.A.with B.than C.the
十、谈起假期,Zhang Peng已经做好了暑假计划。根据短文内容,用所给词的适当形式填空。(10%))
Hello, everyone! I am Zhang Peng. Summer vacation is 53.____(come)soon.I will 54.____(go) to Zibo(淄博)with 55.____(I) family. It is a city in Shandong. It’s a famous(出名)place because the barbecue(烧烤)there is cheap and tasty. I am going to eat 56.______ (lot) of delicious food. I also can take some 57.______ (photo). That will be happy.
Zhang Peng平时很喜欢用wechat记录生活。寒假时疫情放开了,Zhang Peng’s family went
for a trip to Yunnan(云南) during the Spring Festival of 2023. Here are his Moments(朋友圈).
Zhang Peng
We went to Kunming from Huizhou by plane. We ate lunch and read books on the airplane. Then we came to the hotel. The room was nice. We were tired but excited. January 25th,2023 11:00p.m. We went to Dali(大理) by train. We visited the old town and saw the old buildings. We ate the delicious food there. I also bought some gifts for my friends. January 26th,2023 10:00p.m.
We went to Erhai Lake(洱海) by car. It was very beautiful! We went boating on the lake. The water is clean and the air is fresh. We saw lots of fish and birds there.In the afternoon, We rode a bike for three people. We were tired but happy. January 27th,2023 10:00p.m. We went to Lijiang(丽江) by bus. There were many pretty flowers. We put on traditional(传统的)clothes and took some photos. We saw a play in the evening. It was amazing! January 28th, 2023 11:00p.m.
A. . B. C. D.
E. F. G. H.
61.In Dali, Zhang Peng ____ some _____ for his friends.
63.What did Zhang Peng and his family do in the afternoon of January 27th
Zhang Peng 回忆起和家人从云南坐飞机回家的路上。 He read a newspaper of Panda Ya Ya.
Name Allen Age 12
Birthday 6.28 Live in Jiangnan Street,Huizhou
Character(性格) clever Hobby read stories,sing
Want to be scientist Plan visit the Great Wall
( )64.When was Lele born
A. On July 18th,1998 B. On Aug.3rd,2000 C. On July 3rd,2003
( )65. Where can the pandas live older
A.In the zoo B.In the wild C. On the mountain
( ) 66.The baby pandas are __________.
A. They have black spots and they are very big.
B. Their fur is all white and they can see.
C. They are blind and they have no fur.
( )67.Which one is NOT right?
A.Pandas live in China. B.Pandas are black and white.
C.Pandas only eat bamboo. D.Pandas live in mountains
( )68.What do pandas use their special thumb for
A. For counting up to five.
B. To hold bamboo when they eat.
C. To feed milk to their baby.
同学们快要毕业了,请阅读以下毕业纪念册,以“My best friend”为题介绍你最好的朋友Allen以及他的暑假计划.
一、 Zhang Peng即将小学毕业,他想多了解同学们的日常生活情况。请你帮他选出正确的单词,填涂相应编号。每小题听两遍。(5%)
There is a clock in my room.
What size do you wear
I went to Huizhou last week.
John is my brother. He is thirteen years old.
The girl is heavier than the boy.
二、Zhang Peng想多了解同学们,对他们进行了采访。请你帮他选择合适的答语。每小题听两遍。(5%)
11.Will you and your parents go to Beijing by plane
12.What was the weather like yesterday
13.Where did they go last winter holiday
14.How does your sister go to the zoo
15.What are you going to do for your mom on Mother's day
Hello, I am Lily. There are five people in my family. Last weekend I played football with my friend
in the playground. Linda is my sister. She stayed at home and read a book. Jim is my brother. He loves
to ice-skate. He went skating with his friends. My father went to Shanghai by plane. And my mother
went shopping. We all enjoyed ourselves.
Zhang Peng在交友网站上认识了Bill,今天Zhang Peng收到了回信。请根据信的内容,把信息补充完整。
Dear Zhang Peng,
I am very glad to be your pen pal.I will tell you something about me and my family.I am twelve years old.I am an English boy, but I live in Beijing now.My favorite subjects are English and Chinese.I like swimming and playing football.There are four people in my family.They are my father, my mother, my brother and me.My father is a doctor, and my mother is a teacher, she teaches English. Last weekend,we went to a park.We went camping and had a good time there.I have a happy family.Please come and meet my family if you have time .
一、1-5 B A A C A
二、6-10 C A A B A
三、11-15 F F F F T
四、16-20 B A A C B 21-25 A A B A A
五、26-30 B C E D A
六、31-35 D E C A B
七、36-40 B C A E D
八、41.first 42.visited 43. cycling 44. supermarket 45. was
46.him 47. happy
九、48-52 C A C B B
十、ing 54.go 55. my 56. lots 57.photos
A: 58.B E 59. D F 60. C H
61.bought gifts
62.Did you see a play in the evening
63.They rode a bike for three people.
B: 64-68 A A C B
Hi!I’m Amy.Allen is my good friend.He is 12 years old.His birthday is on June 28th.
He lives on Jiangnan Street,Huizhou.He is very clever.He likes reading stories and singing.He wants to be a scientist. He is going to visit the Great Wall this summer holiday.
( )1.Name: A. Tim B. Mike C. Tom
( )2.Age: A. 14 B. 40 C. 15
( )3.Height: A.1.85m B. 1.80m C. 1.75m
( )4.Weight: A. 60kg B. 65kg C. 70kg
( )5.Friend: A. Tony B.Peter C John
( )6.Jobs: A. postman B. police officer C. teacher
( )7.Working places: A. university B.museum C. post office
( )8.Ways to go: A.by car B. by subway C. by bike
( )9.Hobby: A. going fishing B. swimming C. reading books
( )10.Last weekend: A. went hiking B.rode a horse C. took pictures
( )11.What’s Mike’s favourite food
A.chicken B.noodles C. beef
( )12. Which season does Mike like best
A.winter B.spring C. autumn
( )13.Where is Ken from
A.Australia B.America C.Italia
( )14.What did Mike and his friend do last winter holiday
went swimming B.made a snowman C. picked apples
( )15.How did they went to Harbin
By plane B. By train C.By subway
三、听第三篇短文,根据短文内容,判断对错,正确写“T”错误写“F”( 10 %)
( )16.Jim is an English boy.
( )17.Jim likes playing basketball and doing kungfu.
( )18.Tony is shorter than Jim.
( )19.Jim went to Beijing with his parents last summer holiday.
( )20.Tony took some pictures of the Great Wall.
Before Now
Character(性格) quiet 21._____________
Favourite season 22.____________ winter
Favourite food beef 23._____________
Abilities play the pipa 24._____________
Hobbies swimming 25._____________
笔试部分( 70 %)
五、完型填空(5 %)
Hi,I am Anna. I am a student.I am 12 years old.I am 26._______tall.I like singing and dancing.
San is my friend.She is 27.________than me. She likes 28________the piano and singing.She
29._______ size 34 shoes. My feet is bigger than 30.________.We are good friends.
( )26. A.153m B.1.45m C.1.58cm
( )27. A. young B. tall C.younger
( )28. A. play B. playing C. plays
( )29. A.wears B. wear C. wearing
( )30. A.her B. his C. hers
Hello, everyone! My name is Sherry. My classmates 31.________ (have) a good time yesterday.
We 32._______(go) to a park. Lily 33.________ (take) some pictures. May 34.________ (ride) a bike with Joe. Sam 35.________ (do)some kung fu. Amy and Jones 36.________(eat)some delicious food. Mary 37.________(play) the pipa.In the evening, we went to the cinema and 38.________(see) a film about the Space travel and 39.________(buy) gifts for our friends. We all 40.________(feel) very happy.
七、选择合适的选项补全对话,并将序号写在横线上。(10 %)
Mike: Hello,Tom!What’s the weather like in winter in your hometown
Tom:41._________I usually make a snowman.
Tom: I am going to visit my primary school with my friends.
Mike: Wow! What’s your primary school like
Tom: 43._________There are three tall buildings、a big playground and so many flowers.
Tom: It was small and old. There was only one small building on a hill.
Mike: How will you go there
Tom:45. _________
八、根据上下文提示,将下列对话补充完整。(10 %)
Amy: Hi! Mike.46.________________________________
Mike:My summer holiday was good.
Amy:What did you do
Mike:I took a trip to the Renmin park.
Mike:I went there with my parents.
Amy:48. __________________________________________
Mike: Yes,I rode a bike there. It was farm.
Amy:What are you going to do this weekend
Mike:49.___________________________________.(用see a film 回答)
Amy:Sounds great! Can I go with you
Mike:Of course!
Mike: We are going to the cinema by subway.
九、阅读理解。(20 %)
Robin at the party
Binbin and Robin are at the birthday party now. Robin is excited. What are they dong Let’s go
and see!
Today is September 20th. Robin is so happy, because today is his fifth birthday. His friends come
to his home. Mike is playing the piano. Zhang Peng is singing an English song. Sarah and Chen Jie
are dancing. Binbin is cooking noodles for them. How happy they are!
( )51.When is Robin’s birthday
A.It’s on September twentieth.
B.It’s on September twelfth.
C.It’s on September 2nd.
( )52.How old is Robin now
A.5 years old.
B.15 years old.
C.25 years old.
( )53.How many people are there at the birthday party
A.Six. B.Five. C.Four.
( )54.What is Binbin doing for his friends
A.Making cakes. B.Cooking food. C.Cooking noodles.
( )55.Are they happy
A.Yes, they are. B.No, they aren’t. C.Yes, they aren’t.
(B)阅读,判断下列各题,正确写“T”,错误的写“F”。(10 %)
The Double Ninth Festival
When autumn comes, the colours are pretty and the weather is good.It’s time for the Chinese Chongyang festival or Double Ninth Festival. The Double Ninth Festival falls on the ninth day of
the ninth month on the Chinese lunar calendar.
In ancient times, people often climbed mountains on that day to enjoy the beautiful leaves. People also drank wine and ate Chongyang cakes on the day.
Now, people see the Double Ninth Festival as the “Festival of the Elderly”. We can know how
to respect the old from this festival.
( ) 56.The colours are pretty and the weather is good in autumn.
( ) 57. The Chinese Chongyang festival is on August 9th.
( ) 58.The Chinese Chongyang festival is also called Double Ninth Festival
( ) 59. In ancient times,people often climbed mountains and ate beef on Chongyang festival.
( ) 60.Now, we can know how to respect the old from Chongyang festival.
( )61.The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China: Printing(印刷), compass(指南针), gunpowder(火药) and _________.
A.car B.boat C.paper-making
( )62.When is the beginning of a new year for China
A.Spring Festival
B.New Year’s Day
C.Mid- Autumn Day
( )63.The four treasures of the study: brush pen, ink, ... and ink stone.
A.paper B.eraser C.ruler
( )64.At 8p.m on February 4th, the opening ceremony of the 2022 Beijing ___ Olympics was held at the National Stadium.
A.Spring B.Summer C.Winter
( )65.2023 is a year of the ____.
rabbit B.tiger C.mouse
十一、书面表达。(10 %)
亲爱的同学们,学期即将结束,在你的心里面一定有位最敬佩的老师,请以“My favourite teacher”为题,围绕以下思维导图提示用英语介绍你最喜欢的老师。要求:语句通顺,书写工整,不少于50词。
一、听第一篇短文,选择你所听到的信息。( 10 %)
I’m Tom. I’m 40 years old. I’m 1.80m and 70kg. Peter is my best friend. He is 2 years older than me. We work in the same university. I teach English but he teaches Chinese. We go to work by car. We all like swimming. Last weekend , we went swimming and took pictures in Sanya. We were so happy.
二、听第二篇短文,选择相应的答语。( 5%)
Hello! My name is Mike. I am a student from Canada, but I live in China now. My favourite food is beef. I have a best friend. He is Ken. Ken is an Italian boy. We like winter best. Last winter holiday, we went to Harbin by plane. We made a snowman and played in the snow there. It was a nice holiday.
三、听第三篇短文,根据短文内容,判断对错,正确写“T”错误写“F”( 10 %)
Jim is my new pen pal. He’s from England. He is 13 years old. His brother Tony is 2 years younger than him. But Jim is shorter than Tony. Tony likes playing football. Jim likes playing basketball and doing kung fu. Last winter holiday, he went to Beijing with his family. Tony took some pictures of the Great Wall. Jim ate some delicious food. They had a good time.
Hello, my name is Amy. I changed a lot these years. Before, I was quiet., but now, I’m very active in class. I like summer before, but now my favorite season is winter. Before, I liked eating beef. Now, I like chicken best. Before, I could play the pipa, but now I can draw cartoons. I liked swimming before, but now I love to ice-skate. We are all different now!
一、 听第一篇短文,选择你所听到的信息。( 10 %)
1.C 2. B 3.B 4. C 5.B
6.C 7.A 8.A 9.B 10. C
二、 听第二篇短文,选择相应的答语。( 5%)
11. C 12. A 13. C 14. B 15.A
三、听第三篇短文,根据短文内容,判断对错,正确写“T”错误写“F”( 10 %)
16.T 17.T 18. F 19.F 20. T
21. active 22. summer 23.chicken 24. draw cartoons
25. ice-skate
五、完型填空(5 %)
26. B.解析:根据上下文及尝识,可以选出答案为B。
27. C 解析:从后面“than”可知此处用比较级。
28. B 解析:like后面加动词ing形式。
29. A 解析;she是第三人称单数,wear要用三单形式wears。
30. C解析:此处用名词性物主代词,Anna是女的,故用hers。
31.had 32. went 33. took 34. rode 35. did 36. ate
37. played 38. saw 39. bought 40. felt
七、选择合适的选项补全对话,并将序号写在横线上。(10 %)
41.B 42.E 43. D 44. C 45.A
八、根据上下文提示,将下列对话补充完整。(10 %)
46. How was your summer holiday
47. Who did you go there with
48. Did you ride a bike there
49. I’m going to see a film.
50. How will we go to the cinema / How are we going to the cinema
九、阅读理解。(20 %)
51. B 52.A 53.A 54. C 55. A
(B)阅读,判断下列各题,正确写“T”,错误的写“F”。(10 %)
56.T 57. F 58.T 59.F 60. T
十、生活常识。(5 %)
61.C 62.A 63. A 64. C 65.A
十一、书面表达。(10 %)
亲爱的同学们,学期即将结束,在你的心里面一定有位最敬佩的老师,请以“My favourite teacher”为题,围绕以下思维导图提示用英语介绍你最喜欢的老师。要求:语句通顺,书写工整,不少于50词。
My favourite teacher(仅供参考)
I’m Amy. Ms Li is my favourite teacher. She is tall and thin. She has long hair and two big eyes. She likes singing and dancing.She goes to work by car.Her favourite food is beef.Last winter holiday,she went to Sanya with her friends. They went there by plane. They took lots of pictures and ate some delicious food. They had a good time.




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