
考试时长:120分钟 满 分:120分
二、语法选择 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
A young man returned at a dark night because his wife was seriously ill. When he came to 31 lonely village, a yellow light suddenly appeared at the end of the road. When he came a little nearer, he found a blind man 32 a lantern.
The young man thought, “That’s too strange. A blind man has no idea of day and night, can’t enjoy the beauty of nature 33 even doesn’t know what the light is. Wasn’t he funny to carry a lantern ” So he came up to ask, “Excuse me, are you really blind ”
The blind man answered, “Yes. The moment I stepped into the world, I was not able to see 34 .”
The man asked, “In that case, 35 do you carry a lantern ” The blind man smiled, “At night all the people without light are just as blind as me, so I light a lantern.”
The man said, “I see, you light for others.”
But the blind man said, “No, I do it for 36 .”
The man felt surprised again.
The blind man explained, “Were you ever knocked by others 37 of the dark ”
The man nodded, “Yes, sometimes.”
The blind man said 38 , “Believe it or not. I never knocked anyone. 39 I’m blind, I carry the lantern. I do it not only for others, but let others see me, so they won’t knock me.”
In fact, in our real life everyone 40 a lamp in himself. Don’t put yourself in a dark situation.
( )31. A. a B. an C./ D. the
( )32. A. carried B. carries C. to carry D. carrying
( )33. A. so B. or C. while D. but
( )34. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything
( )35. A. why B. where C. when D. how
( )36. A. you C. myself D. them
( )37. A. in front B. instead C. out D. because
( )38. A. proud B. prouder C. proudly D. more proudly
( )39. A. Once B. Although C. Because D. Since
( )40. A. has B. have C. had D. will have
三、完形填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
New Zealand is an English-speaking country, but the Maori (毛利人的; 毛利人) language is another language in this country. The English sailors began to 41 New Zealand after 1770. They found some dark-skinned people 42 there. These were the Maoris 43 had come from hot island in the Pacific Ocean 400 years before.
Later more and more English settlers (殖民者) came to New Zealand and lived there. The Maoris were 44 to the first settlers. But soon the new settlers 45 their land. So in1844 there was fighting between them. This was the first of several wars between the Maoris and the English setters. The next fifty years were very 46 for the Maoris. Many were killed in the wars. Many more died from new disease that was 47 by the English. In 1840 there were perhaps 200,000 Maoris. By 1859 this number had fallen to 42,000.
However, since last century the Maoris and the English setters have lived in 48 . For many years the “English” New Zealanders looked down upon the Maoris. But in recent years, they have had equal rights, and the Maori language is one of the languages of the country with 49 . Today there are about three hundred thousand Maoris, that is, about 9% of the 50 .
( )41. A. borrow B. defeat C. visit D. punish
( )42. A. living B. writing C. polluting D. greeting
( )43. A. which B. what C. who D. where
( )44. A. rude B. friendly C. dangerous D. angry
( )45. A. decorated B. improved C. returned D. wanted
( )46. A. nice B. bad C. good D. lazy
( )47. A. brought B. taken C. made D. given
( )48. A. war B. danger C. trouble D. peace
( )49. A. Chinese B. Russian C. English D. German
( )50. A. area B. land C. language D. population
四、阅读理解 (本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)
Community Children’s Trash- sorting(垃圾分类) Competition Theme: Trash-sorting About the Competition: The Community Children’s Trash-sorting Competition about the environment will be held in the community next Saturday and there are more and more children joining in this competition. Rules: 1. Age Group: Children between eight and sixteen 2. Name and Contact details(联系详情)(in English only): Full name, age and full address including phone and e-mail. They must be provided while signing up. 3. The competition will be divided into two rounds. First Round: Answer race (抢答)——The host will ask questions about trash-sorting and children will have to answer them as soon as possible. The person who answer the question correctly and fastest can get one point. Second Round: Actual operation(实践操作)— The children will be given real trash, and they have to classify those trash in a limited time. Finally, the judge will count how many points can each person get according to the accuracy(准确度) of their trash-sorting and decide who will be the winner. Prizes for winner(s): The 1st Prize: one person — $600 and a fully-paid trip for the winner. The 2nd Prize: Two persons —$300 each and a fully-paid trip for each winner. The 3rd Prize: Three persons —A certificate (证书) for each winner.
( )51. The theme of the Trash-sorting Competition is about .
A. the traffic B. foreign culture C. the environment D. foreign schools
( )52. Who can take part in the competition according to the passage
A. Eric, who’s a 6-year-old boy. B. Chloe, who’s a I7-year-old schoolgirl.
C. Susan, who’s a middle-aged woman. D. Jordan, who’s a 13-year-old student.
( )53. The rules don’t include according to the passage.
A. the theme of trash-sorting B. the number of the rounds
C. the age of the children D. name and contact details
( )54. Jack, who won the third prize will get .
$600 B. $300 C. a fully-paid trip D. a certificate
( )55. Where can we probably see the passage
A. In a science book. B. In a notice.
C. In a storybook. D. In a travel guide.
Travel to Las Vegas and you’ll likely hear a lot about nearby attractions like the Grand Canyon, the Hoover Dam, and Lake Mead. These places are well worth seeing and are great ways to get away from the lights of Vegas. Besides these crowded tourist spots, there are also a couple of not so well-known areas that are well worth your time, and cost no more than a rental (租赁的) car and a camera.
Red Rock Canyon lies about 15 miles west of Las Vegas. It is just outside the city. When you first get to Red Rock Canyon, there is a visitors’ center where you can check out some of the history of the canyon. You can learn about the Native Americans who first lived in the area, as well as the animals and plants in the canyon.
The canyon itself is made up of red sandstone which is very striking in color when the sun hits the canyon walls. There are many hiking routes that you can stop and hike. They range from easy to difficult. The canyon is also popular for rock climbers, who can often be seen in the area.
The greatest thing about Red Rock Canyon is that you can see the sights without ever leaving your car. If you are a little adventurous, however, you can choose one of the routes and make your way a little off the beaten path. Even though you are just outside Las Vegas, a trip to Red Rock Canyon is a great escape from the noise of the city.
( )56. From the first paragraph, we know that the Grand Canyon .
A. is less crowded than Lake Mead B. attracts a lot of tourists
C. is usually dark at night D. is the best place to take photos
( )57. What can visitors do in the visitors’ center of Red Rock Canyon
A. See different animals in America. B. Know about the history of the canyon.
C. Learn about the history of the world. D. Get information about hiking.
( )58. What is the greatest thing about Red Rock Canyon is that .
A. you can often see rock climbers B. the routes change from easy to difficult
C. the color of the sandstone is red D. you can see the sights in the car
( )59. The underlined words “beaten path” mean in Chinese.
人们常走的路 B. 很少人走的路 C. 从未走过的路 D. 非常危险的路
( )60. The passage is mainly about .
A. travel to Las Vegas B. the Grand Canyon
C. Red Rock Canyon D. the Hoover Dam
( ) 61. Roy is a brave boy. He likes interesting books, but he likes science novels best. He also wants to be a famous scientist when he grows up. ( ) 62. Bonnie is beautiful but a little shy. She loves reading. She is also a bit sensitive. When she reads something sad, she will feel very sorry. She loves romantic books. ( ) 63. Mario is going to England. He wants to know more about people’s daily life and other details in England. ( ) 64. Xiao Jun is new in Shenzhen. She often feels lonely at night. And sometimes she misses her family and friends very much. ( ) 65. John is a high school student. He wants to be a TV announcer after leaving school. He needs to learn from the famous ones. A. It is an adventure book. Ali Baba has many adventures. It is a funny book. There is also a cartoon movie about Ali Baba. B. It is a scary book. It is about science. A famous scientist makes a man in special ways. But the end is a little terrible. Ask the teacher after class. You can also write the questions down on a piece of paper and give it to the teacher. C. It is a romance. The girl in the book has a stepmother and two stepsisters. She usually cleans the house. One day, she goes to dance and meets a prince. They fall in love. It is a great story. D. If you are troubled by loneliness in a strange city, why not read the book by Xia Guang, the city’s noted announcer of a night broadcasting program E. It is a comedy in the USA. You will like Huckleberry and his friends very much. They are funny! F. By Yang Lan, a household TV announcer in China. She published her new book, which records her successful TV talks with famous people and common people. G. What is everyday life like for people in Britain Why do they talk about the weather so much This book will tell you everything you want to know about this interesting country.
五、短文填空 (本大题共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
recent relax watch collect be I teach could way well
The most interesting museum I’ve ever 66 to is the American Computer Museum. They have information about different computers and who invented them. The old computers were much bigger. It’s unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way! I’ve also learned that there was a special computer. It could play chess even 67 than humans. I wonder how much more computers will be able to do in the future.
I’ve 68 been to a very unusual museum in India, the International Museum of Toilets. I just 69 believe 70 eyes when I saw so many different kinds of toilets there. The museum 71 people about the history and development of toilets. It also encourages governments and social groups to think about 72 to improve toilets in the future.
Last year I went to the Hangzhou National Tea Museum. It’s a peaceful place near a lake. I felt 73 when I stayed here. The tea art performances show how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets. 74 the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself. I've finally realized why my grandpa loves drinking tea and 75 tea sets.
A 回答问题 (本题共5小题;每小题2分,共10分) 请阅读下面的短文,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确,语义完整,并把答案写在答题卡指定位置。
Your education, your future
No matter what you want to do with your life, you’ll need an education first. You make your own future. You want to be a doctor, a teacher, or a sportsman A good, education is required for every single one of those careers (职业). And what you’re learning in school today will decide whether your country can meet the greatest challenge in the future.
The truth is that being successful is hard. Some of the most successful people in the world are the ones who’ve had the most failures (失败). For example, the first book of J. K. Rowling, the writer of Harry Potter, was refused 12 times before it was finally published--Michael Jordan was once kicked off his high school basketball team. He lost hundreds of games and thousands of shots during his career. But he said, “I have failed over and over again in my life. But that’s why I succeed.”
These people succeeded because they understood that they couldn’t let their failures define (定义) themselves but to teach themselves. So if you get a bad grade, that doesn’t mean you’re stupid. Instead, you need to spend more time studying.
I expect you to put your best effort into everything you do. So don’t let us down, don’t let your family or country down. Most importantly, don’t let yourself down.
76. How many careers are mentioned in Paragraph 1
77. Who wrote Harry Potter
78. What sport did Michael Jordan play
79. Why did the famous people succeed
80. What is the writer’s most important suggestion
为助力打造“书香校园”,你校英语社团将举办以“热爱阅读”为主题的征文活动。请以 “Enjoy Reading, Enjoy Life” 为标题写一篇短文。
(2)短文不能出现真实的人名和校名。80词左右 (标题已给出,不计入总词数)。
参考词汇: experience, habit, knowledge, pleasure
Enjoy Reading, Enjoy Life
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2023-2024 学年惠阳高级中学九年级上学期期中检测
考试时长:120 分钟 满 分:120 分
二、语法选择 (本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)
A young man returned at a dark night because his wife was seriously ill. When he came to 31 lonely
village, a yellow light suddenly appeared at the end of the road. When he came a little nearer, he found a blind man
32 a lantern.
The young man thought, “That’s too strange. A blind man has no idea of day and night, can’t enjoy the beauty
of nature 33 even doesn’t know what the light is. Wasn’t he funny to carry a lantern ” So he came up to ask,
“Excuse me, are you really blind ”
The blind man answered, “Yes. The moment I stepped into the world, I was not able to see 34 .”
The man asked, “In that case, 35 do you carry a lantern ” The blind man smiled, “At night all the people
without light are just as blind as me, so I light a lantern.”
The man said, “I see, you light for others.”
But the blind man said, “No, I do it for 36 .”
The man felt surprised again.
The blind man explained, “Were you ever knocked by others 37 of the dark ”
The man nodded, “Yes, sometimes.”
The blind man said 38 , “Believe it or not. I never knocked anyone. 39 I’m blind, I carry the
lantern. I do it not only for others, but let others see me, so they won’t knock me.”
In fact, in our real life everyone 40 a lamp in himself. Don’t put yourself in a dark situation.
( )31. A. a B. an C./ D. the
( )32. A. carried B. carries C. to carry D. carrying
( )33. A. so B. or C. while D. but
( )34. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything
( )35. A. why B. where C. when D. how
( )36. A. you C. myself D. them
( )37. A. in front B. instead C. out D. because
( )38. A. proud B. prouder C. proudly D. more proudly
( )39. A. Once B. Although C. Because D. Since
( )40. A. has B. have C. had D. will have
三、完形填空 (本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)
New Zealand is an English-speaking country, but the Maori (毛利人的; 毛利人) language is another language
in this country. The English sailors began to 41 New Zealand after 1770. They found some dark-skinned
people 42 there. These were the Maoris 43 had come from hot island in the Pacific Ocean 400 years
Later more and more English settlers (殖民者) came to New Zealand and lived there. The Maoris were 44
to the first settlers. But soon the new settlers 45 their land. So in1844 there was fighting between them. This
was the first of several wars between the Maoris and the English setters. The next fifty years were very 46 for
the Maoris. Many were killed in the wars. Many more died from new disease that was 47 by the English. In
1840 there were perhaps 200,000 Maoris. By 1859 this number had fallen to 42,000.
However, since last century the Maoris and the English setters have lived in 48 . For many years the
“English” New Zealanders looked down upon the Maoris. But in recent years, they have had equal rights, and the
Maori language is one of the languages of the country with 49 . Today there are about three hundred thousand
Maoris, that is, about 9% of the 50 .
( )41. A. borrow B. defeat C. visit D. punish
( )42. A. living B. writing C. polluting D. greeting
( )43. A. which B. what C. who D. where
( )44. A. rude B. friendly C. dangerous D. angry
( )45. A. decorated B. improved C. returned D. wanted
( )46. A. nice B. bad C. good D. lazy
( )47. A. brought B. taken C. made D. given
( )48. A. war B. danger C. trouble D. peace
( )49. A. Chinese B. Russian C. English D. German
( )50. A. area B. land C. language D. population
四、阅读理解 (本大题共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分)
请阅读 A、B 两篇短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案,并
Community Children’s Trash- sorting(垃圾分类) Competition
Theme: Trash-sorting
About the Competition:
The Community Children’s Trash-sorting Competition about the environment will be held in the community next
Saturday and there are more and more children joining in this competition.
1. Age Group: Children between eight and sixteen
2. Name and Contact details(联系详情)(in English only): Full name, age and full address including phone and e-
mail. They must be provided while signing up.
3. The competition will be divided into two rounds.
First Round: Answer race (抢答)——The host will ask questions about trash-sorting and children will have to
answer them as soon as possible. The person who answer the question correctly and fastest can get one point.
Second Round: Actual operation(实践操作)— The children will be given real trash, and they have to classify those
trash in a limited time.
Finally, the judge will count how many points can each person get according to the accuracy(准确度) of their
trash-sorting and decide who will be the winner.
Prizes for winner(s):
The 1st Prize: one person — $600 and a fully-paid trip for the winner.
The 2nd Prize: Two persons —$300 each and a fully-paid trip for each winner.
The 3rd Prize: Three persons —A certificate (证书) for each winner.
( )51. The theme of the Trash-sorting Competition is about .
A. the traffic B. foreign culture C. the environment D. foreign schools
( )52. Who can take part in the competition according to the passage
A. Eric, who’s a 6-year-old boy. B. Chloe, who’s a I7-year-old schoolgirl.
C. Susan, who’s a middle-aged woman. D. Jordan, who’s a 13-year-old student.
( )53. The rules don’t include according to the passage.
A. the theme of trash-sorting B. the number of the rounds
C. the age of the children D. name and contact details
( )54. Jack, who won the third prize will get .
A. $600 B. $300 C. a fully-paid trip D. a certificate
( )55. Where can we probably see the passage
A. In a science book. B. In a notice.
C. In a storybook. D. In a travel guide.
Travel to Las Vegas and you’ll likely hear a lot about nearby attractions like the Grand Canyon, the Hoover Dam,
and Lake Mead. These places are well worth seeing and are great ways to get away from the lights of Vegas. Besides
these crowded tourist spots, there are also a couple of not so well-known areas that are well worth your time, and
cost no more than a rental (租赁的) car and a camera.
Red Rock Canyon lies about 15 miles west of Las Vegas. It is just outside the city. When you first get to Red
Rock Canyon, there is a visitors’ center where you can check out some of the history of the canyon. You can learn
about the Native Americans who first lived in the area, as well as the animals and plants in the canyon.
The canyon itself is made up of red sandstone which is very striking in color when the sun hits the canyon walls.
There are many hiking routes that you can stop and hike. They range from easy to difficult. The canyon is also popular
for rock climbers, who can often be seen in the area.
The greatest thing about Red Rock Canyon is that you can see the sights without ever leaving your car. If you
are a little adventurous, however, you can choose one of the routes and make your way a little off the beaten path.
Even though you are just outside Las Vegas, a trip to Red Rock Canyon is a great escape from the noise of the city.
( )56. From the first paragraph, we know that the Grand Canyon .
A. is less crowded than Lake Mead B. attracts a lot of tourists
C. is usually dark at night D. is the best place to take photos
( )57. What can visitors do in the visitors’ center of Red Rock Canyon
A. See different animals in America. B. Know about the history of the canyon.
C. Learn about the history of the world. D. Get information about hiking.
( )58. What is the greatest thing about Red Rock Canyon is that .
A. you can often see rock climbers B. the routes change from easy to difficult
C. the color of the sandstone is red D. you can see the sights in the car
( )59. The underlined words “beaten path” mean in Chinese.
A. 人们常走的路 B. 很少人走的路 C. 从未走过的路 D. 非常危险的路
( )60. The passage is mainly about .
A. travel to Las Vegas B. the Grand Canyon
C. Red Rock Canyon D. the Hoover Dam
( ) 61. Roy is a brave boy. He likes interesting books, A. It is an adventure book. Ali Baba has many adventures. It
but he likes science novels best. He also wants to be a is a funny book. There is also a cartoon movie about Ali
famous scientist when he grows up. Baba.
( ) 62. Bonnie is beautiful but a little shy. She loves B. It is a scary book. It is about science. A famous scientist
reading. She is also a bit sensitive. When she reads makes a man in special ways. But the end is a little terrible.
something sad, she will feel very sorry. She loves Ask the teacher after class. You can also write the questions
romantic books. down on a piece of paper and give it to the teacher.
( ) 63. Mario is going to England. He wants to know C. It is a romance. The girl in the book has a stepmother and
more about people’s daily life and other details in two stepsisters. She usually cleans the house. One day, she
England. goes to dance and meets a prince. They fall in love. It is a
great story.
( ) 64. Xiao Jun is new in Shenzhen. She often feels
lonely at night. And sometimes she misses her family D. If you are troubled by loneliness in a strange city, why not
and friends very much. read the book by Xia Guang, the city’s noted announcer of a
night broadcasting program
( ) 65. John is a high school student. He wants to be
a TV announcer after leaving school. He needs to learn E. It is a comedy in the USA. You will like Huckleberry and
from the famous ones. his friends very much. They are funny!
F. By Yang Lan, a household TV announcer in China. She
published her new book, which records her successful TV
talks with famous people and common people.
G. What is everyday life like for people in Britain Why do
they talk about the weather so much This book will tell you
everything you want to know about this interesting country.
五、短文填空 (本大题共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
recent relax watch collect be I teach could way well
The most interesting museum I’ve ever 66 to is the American Computer Museum. They have
information about different computers and who invented them. The old computers were much bigger. It’s
unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way! I’ve also learned that there was a special computer.
It could play chess even 67 than humans. I wonder how much more computers will be able to do in the
I’ve 68 been to a very unusual museum in India, the International Museum of Toilets. I just 69
believe 70 eyes when I saw so many different kinds of toilets there. The museum 71 people about
the history and development of toilets. It also encourages governments and social groups to think about 72 to
improve toilets in the future.
Last year I went to the Hangzhou National Tea Museum. It’s a peaceful place near a lake. I felt 73 when
I stayed here. The tea art performances show how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets. 74
the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself. I've finally realized why my grandpa loves drinking
tea and 75 tea sets.
六、读写综合(本大题分为 A、B 两部分,共 25 分)
A 回答问题 (本题共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 请阅读下面的短文,根据所提供的信息,回答 5 个问
Your education, your future
No matter what you want to do with your life, you’ll need an education first. You make your own future. You
want to be a doctor, a teacher, or a sportsman A good, education is required for every single one of those careers (职
业). And what you’re learning in school today will decide whether your country can meet the greatest challenge in
the future.
The truth is that being successful is hard. Some of the most successful people in the world are the ones who’ve
had the most failures (失败). For example, the first book of J. K. Rowling, the writer of Harry Potter, was refused 12
times before it was finally published--Michael Jordan was once kicked off his high school basketball team. He lost
hundreds of games and thousands of shots during his career. But he said, “I have failed over and over again in my
life. But that’s why I succeed.”
These people succeeded because they understood that they couldn’t let their failures define (定义) themselves
but to teach themselves. So if you get a bad grade, that doesn’t mean you’re stupid. Instead, you need to spend more
time studying.
I expect you to put your best effort into everything you do. So don’t let us down, don’t let your family or country
down. Most importantly, don’t let yourself down.
76. How many careers are mentioned in Paragraph 1
77. Who wrote Harry Potter
78. What sport did Michael Jordan play
79. Why did the famous people succeed
80. What is the writer’s most important suggestion
B.书面表达(本题 15 分)
为助力打造“书香校园”,你校英语社团将举办以“热爱阅读”为主题的征文活动。请以 “Enjoy Reading, Enjoy
Life” 为标题写一篇短文。
(2)短文不能出现真实的人名和校名。80 词左右 (标题已给出,不计入总词数)。
参考词汇: experience, habit, knowledge, pleasure
Enjoy Reading, Enjoy Life
考试时长:120分钟 满 分:120分
二、语法选择 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
31-35 ADBDA 36-40 CDCBA
三、完形填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
41-45 CACBD 46-50 BADCD
四、阅读理解 (本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)
51-55 CDADB 56-60 BBDAC 61-65 BCGDF
五、短文填空 (本大题共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
66. been 67. better 68. recently 69. couldn’t 70. my
71. teaches 72. ways 73. relaxed 74. watching 75. collecting
A. 回答问题
l. Three / 3.
2. J.K.Rowling
3. He played basketball
4. Because they understood that they couldn’t let their failures define themselves but to teach themselves
5. Don’t let yourself down.
B. 书面表达(本题共 15分)
Enjoy Reading, Enjoy Life
As a saying goes: “Reading makes a full man.”
I have a great passion for reading and it has become a part of my life. Every morning, I read newspapers for the latest news. I'm also fond of novels and magazines. Besides, book reviews provide me with different ideas on great books.
When reading, I feel relaxed and pleased. It's the best moment to get knowledge and pleasure in life. What’s more, reading opens my eyes and broadens my mind. Through reading, I can experience what I haven’t seen or done before.
With a deep love for reading. I can’t wait to read more.



