
Claire Williams is 15. She is from Wales. Her friends always play volleyball and go to the cinema. They like ___1___ and dancing. But Claire doesn’t. She has ____2____ unusual hobby — beekeeping (养蜂). She’s got four beehives (蜂箱). She isn’t sure, but she thinks she’s raised about 40,000 bees.
In the spring, this is a special Sunday for Claire. Claire gets up ____3____ than other times. She has breakfast with her parents. She puts on her special clothes ____4____ can protect her and goes out into the garden. She ____5____ the bees with sugar and water. She sometimes takes photos of the bees, too.
Claire’s friends Hannah and Kate come round. They don’t go near the hives. “We ____6____ watch Claire with the bees,” They say. “But we’re a bit afraid of them!” Claire talks to her friends for a while. Then Hanna and Kate say goodbye, and Claire goes back to the bees.
It’s lunchtime. Claire likes telling ____7____ family about bees. “They fly 80,000 kilometers to make one kilo of honey!” She says, “And they visit about three million flowers!”
In the afternoon, Claire stays in her room. She loves reading something ____8____ bees on the Internet or in books.
In the summer, a lot of honey ____9____ by Claire’s bees. She takes the honey to a small shop and sells it. She doesn’t spend the money, ____10____ she wants to buy more beehives! She can have more money in the future.
1. A. sing B. sang C. to sing D. singing
2. A. a B. the C. an D. /
3. A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earliest
4. A. that B. what C. whose D. how
5. A. feed B. feeding C. have fed D. feeds
6. A. should B. can C. may D. must
7. A. she B. hers C. herself D. her
8. A. about B. of C. into D. for
9. A. produced B. produces C. is produced D. was produced
10. A. until B. though C. if D. because
【答案】1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. A 9. C 10. D
sing动词原形;sang动词过去式;to sing动词不定式;singing动名词或现在分词。and连接并列宾语,根据dancing可知此处用动名词singing。故选D。
early早,原级;earlier更早,比较级;earliest最早,最高级;the earliest最早,定冠词+最高级。根据“than”可知用副词比较级修饰动词。故选B。
that引导定语从句,先行词指物;what什么;whose谁的,先行词为名词,在从句中作定语;how如何。根据“her special clothes ... can protect her”可知此处是定语从句,先行词her special clothes指物,且在从句中作主语,用that引导定语从句。故选A。
feed动词原形;feeding动名词或现在分词;have fed现在完成时;feeds动词第三人称单数。根据上下文可知用一般现在时,主语“She”后接动词第三人称单数形式。故选D。
should应该;can可以;may可能;must必须。根据“They don’t go near the hives.”可知朋友们不靠近蜂箱,可以观看克莱尔和蜜蜂在一起。故选B。
about关于;of……的;into进入……里面;for为了。根据上文可知爱好是养蜂,结合“She loves reading something ... bees on the Internet or in books.”可知是喜欢读一些关于蜜蜂的东西。故选A。
produced一般过去时;produces一般现在时;is produced一般现在时的被动语态;was produced一般过去时的被动语态。主语“a lot of honey”与动词produce之间是动宾关系,结合上下文可知用一般现在时的被动语态。故选C。
I study in a junior high school in Canada. A few weeks ago, I ____11____ a camping trip at Pitt Lake. ____12____ it was a new experience for me, I was both nervous and excited at first. ____13____, the weather was beautiful, so we got off to a good start. We had one big canoe (独木舟) and one smaller canoe. I chose to be in the smaller canoe with my friend Mirta, but we soon found that this was not a wise ____14____. In order to keep up with the bigger canoe, both of us had to paddle(用桨划) hard. My arms quickly became ____15____. To take our minds off the pain, Mirta and I played “20 questions” while paddling. In this game, one person thinks of an object and the other person asks 20 questions to try and ___16___ what the object is. We had a good laugh.
We ____17____ a fire soon after we arrived. At night, we sat around the fire together, listening to scary stories. Some of the campers put their wet socks beside the fire to dry. However, because of the ____18____, one pair of socks almost caught fire. One person got so ____19____ that he fell out of his folding chair. Everyone thought it was pretty funny!
The time ____20____ quickly. Soon, it was time to go back. We agreed that we would hang out together again sometime soon.
11. A. looked up to B. looked forward to C. took pride in D. took part in
12. A. Though B. Because C. If D. Until
13. A. Finally B. Luckily C. Certainly D. Normally
14. A. hobby B. reason C. choice D. goal
15. A. painful B. harmful C. helpful D. careful
16. A. find out B. leave out C. make up D. take up
17. A. fought B. caught C. started D. searched
18. A. storm B. snow C. smoke D. wind
19. A. relaxed B. scared C. tired D. excited
20. A. moved B. went C. grew D. flew
【答案】11. D 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. D
looked up to抬头看;looked forward to期待;took pride in以……为傲;took part in参加。根据“a camping trip”可知是参加了露营旅行。故选D。
Though尽管;Because因为;If如果;Until直到……为止。根据“it was a new experience for me”可知,因为是一次新的经历,所以作者既紧张又兴奋,因此应用because来引导原因状语从句。故选B。
Finally最后;Luckily幸运地;Certainly当然;Normally通常。根据“the weather was beautiful”可知天气很好是一件幸运的事情。故选B。
hobby爱好;reason理由;choice选择;goal目标。根据“I chose to be in the smaller canoe”可知作者他们选择乘坐较小的独木舟不是一个明智的选择。故选C。
painful疼痛的;harmful有害的;helpful有帮助的;careful仔细的。根据“ both of us had to paddle(用桨划) hard”可知因为用力划桨,因此双臂疼痛。故选A。
find out找出,查明,弄清楚;leave out省略;make up编造;take up占用。根据“what the object is”可知要找出这个物品是什么,应用动词短语find out表示“找出,查出”。故选A。
fought打架;caught抓住;started开始;searched搜寻。根据下文“At night, we sat around the fire together”可知此处是指到达后生火,应用start a fire表示“生火”。故选C。
storm暴雨;snow雪;smoke烟;wind风。根据上文“Some of the campers put their wet socks beside the fire to dry”可知有人把袜子放在火堆旁边烤干,风一吹,袜子被吹到火上差点就着火了。故选D。
relaxed放松的;scared恐惧的;tired疲倦的;excited兴奋的。根据上文“one pair of socks almost caught fire”可知袜子差点着火了,有人因此被吓到了。故选B。
moved移动;went走;grew成长;flew飞逝。根据“The time...quickly.”可知指时光飞逝,应用动词flew表示“飞逝,流逝”。故选D。
If you have only three minutes to get something that you can take from your home, and the other things are lost forever, what will you take The following information will help you.
B.O.B B.O.B is short for Bug Out Bag (求生背包). It’s a bag with a collection of things that are needed for life in it.
Reasons to use a B.O.B When disasters (灾难) like earthquakes and heavy rainstorms happen, many people will have to run away from their homes and they may not return for a long time. They need to continue to live without food, water or a shelter in some unexpected situations.
Things in B.O.B A sleeping bag, or at least a thin quilt. High-calorie foods, such as chocolate and biscuits. Drinking water. Necessary medicines. Something for making a fire A few basic tools like a knife. A flashlight. Money. (Be sure to make a B.O.B. as light as possible)
Places to keep a B.O.B You should put a B.O.B at a place where you can get it easily when disasters happen. Your home, your car, or your office can be a good place to put it.
A B.O.B is very helpful to the people in need. You’d better prepare more than one B.O.B.
21. A B.O.B has a collection of things ________ in it.
A. for research B. for traffic C. for life D. for study
22. Many people run away from their homes with a B.O.B. because ________.
A. they have to save many people’s lives B. they have no other useful things to take
C. they will be able to return in a short time D. they need to continue to live
23. People should make a B.O.B as ________ as they can.
A. huge B. light C. common D. heavy
24. People had better not put a B.O.B ________.
A. at home B. in the car C. at the office D. on the road
25. According to the passage, which of the following is true
A. Expensive things should be put in a B.O.B safely.
B. People should take a B.O.B. with them everywhere.
C. It’s better to prepare more than one B.O.B if possible.
D. People are advised to put some more clothes in a B.O.B.
【答案】21. C 22. D 23. B 24. D 25. C
细节理解题。根据“It’s a bag with a collection of things that are needed for life in it.”可知包里装了生活必需品。故选C。
细节理解题。根据“They need to continue to live without food, water or a shelter in some unexpected situations.”可知灾难发生后,他们需要继续生活,所以要带着求生背包。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“Be sure to make a B.O.B. as light as possible”可知求生背包要尽可能轻。故选B
细节理解题。根据“Your home, your car, or your office can be a good place to put it.”可知人们最好不要把求生背包放在路上。故选D。
细节理解题。根据“You’d better prepare more than one B.O.B.”可知如果可能的话,最好准备多份求生背包,C项正确。故选C。
From plastic bottles to disposable (一次性的) coffee cups, humans produce a lot of plastic waste. Plastic pollution has become a serious problem. To solve this problem, many companies and designers are starting to turn to nature. They have made products out of plants, which will help to reduce plastic waste.
Bamboo is a fast-growing plant. Some kinds of bamboo can grow about 60 cm a day. This makes bamboo best suited to making consumable products, such as paper. If we cut down a bamboo plant to make paper, within weeks another fully-grown bamboo plant will be ready for harvesting (收获).
There are many different kinds of squashes (南瓜属植物). The one you know best is probably pumpkin. But do you know squashes can be made into cups Creme, a US company, has created squash cups. The company first grows a squash inside a 3D-printed mold. Then, the vegetable is dried out. After it is dried, you can use it to drink. When you’re done drinking from it, this environmentally-friendly cup can be used as fertilizer (肥料).
Some bottle packaging can be made out of mycelia (菌丝体) that come from mushrooms. Mycelia are very thin and they are found on the underside of certain mushrooms. Ecovative Design, a US company, mixes agricultural waste and mycelia from mushrooms together. Over time, the mycelium fibers begin to grow around the waste and form a shape. The mycelium fibers need six days to grow and about 180 days to break down in the soil.
26. From the passage we know some kinds of bamboo can grow about ________ in a week.
A. 60cm B. 180cm C. 360cm D. 420cm
27. The under lined words “consumable products” probably mean “________” in Chinese.
A. 消耗品 B. 奢侈品 C. 耐用品 D. 纪念品
28. Three kinds of plants helpful to the environment are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT ________.
A. bamboo B. squashes C. mushrooms D. cabbage
29. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. Mycelia come from bamboo.
B. Squash cups can be used as fertilizer.
C. Bamboo isn’t suitable for making drinking straws.
D. It takes the mycelium fibers six days to break down in the soil.
30. What does the passage mainly tell us
A. People should protect plants. B. People should grow more plants.
C. Plants can help reduce plastic pollution. D. Plastic pollution is becoming more and more serious.
【答案】26. D 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. C
推理判断题。由“Some kinds of bamboo can grow about 60 cm a day.”可知,一些竹子一天大约能长60 厘米。由此可计算出,它们一周大约能长60×7=420(厘米)。故选D。
词义猜测题。根据“such as paper”可知画线部分后面用作例子的纸是生活中的消耗品,由此可猜测consumable products的意思是“消耗品”。故选A。
细节理解题。由“When you’re done drinking from it, this environmentally-friendly cup can be used as fertilizer.”可知,南瓜属植物做杯子可以用作肥料,B项正确。故选B。
主旨大意题。由“They have made products out of plants, which will help to reduce plastic waste.”以及下文的介绍可知,这篇文章主要讲的是植物可以帮助减少塑料污染。故选C。
____31____. Mark is very interested in UFO and aliens. He plans to learn something about them. He is going to attend a talk. ____32____. Joanna’s teeth are unhealthy. She wants to know some medical knowledge to keep her teeth healthy. ____33____. Benjamin is strong and tall. He is interested in playing basketball but he is not good at playing it. So he needs to take basketball classes to learn some skills. ____34____. Jessica is crazy about inventions. She wants to catch every chance to show her works so as to get good ideas from others. ____35____. Simba is very interested in modern dance. But he is short of dancing skills. He wants to improve himself very much. A. Tuesday, 8:30-10:30. Rock & Roll and Modern Dance by Tina. More dancing skills help to improve yourself. If you want to be a good dancer, please join us. B. Wednesday, 19:00-21:00. Talk on UFO and aliens by Elizabeth. The picture show helps to learn more about space. You can also learn more about the outer space by a trip to the science and technology museum recognized by us. C. Friday, 8:00-10:45. Show Time by School Teaching Affair’s Office. Invention works can be shown for advice. You can make your own inventions here. The best ones will be awarded (奖励). D. Saturday, 14:00-17:30. Basketball Training Classes by P.E. teachers. Basketball playing skills are free for training. At the end of the training, we will hold a basketball match. The team that wins the race will get a new basketball. E. Sunday, 18:00-20:30. How to Protect Your Teeth by the Medical Club members. We will teach some tips about how to keep healthy and beautiful teeth. You can bring your brush here and we will teach you the right method of brushing teeth. F. Monday, 17:00-20:00. English novel classes by teachers from famous universities. Here you can have a discussion about the novels you like. You can learn more about English novels and famous writers. G. Thursday, 16:00-18:00. Music classes by some volunteers who are good at playing certain musical instruments. So here you can learn to play the violin, the guitar, the piano and so on.
【答案】31. B 32. E 33. D 34. C 35. A
根据“Mark is very interested in UFO and aliens.”可知马克对UFO和外星人感兴趣,B项“星期三,9:00-21:00。伊丽莎白谈UFO和外星人。图片展示有助于更多地了解太空。你也可以通过参观我们认可的科技馆来了解更多关于外太空的知识。”符合其情况。故选B。
根据“Joanna’s teeth are unhealthy. She wants to know some medical knowledge to keep her teeth healthy.”可知乔安娜想要知道如何让牙齿健康,E项“星期天,18:00-20:30。如何保护你的牙齿由医疗俱乐部会员。我们将教一些关于如何保持健康和美丽的牙齿的建议。你可以把牙刷带来,我们会教你正确的刷牙方法。”符合其情况。故选E。
根据“Benjamin is strong and tall. He is interested in playing basketball but he is not good at playing it. So he needs to take basketball classes to learn some skills.”可知班杰明想要学习打篮球的技能,D项“星期六,14:00-17:30。体育老师的篮球训练班。篮球技术免费培训。训练结束时,我们将举行一场篮球赛。赢得比赛的队伍将得到一个新篮球。”符合其情况。故选D。
根据“Jessica is crazy about inventions. She wants to catch every chance to show her works so as to get good ideas from others.”可知杰西卡痴迷于发明,想要展示自己的作品,C项“星期五,8:00-10:45。演出时间由学校教务处决定。可以展示发明作品以征求意见。你可以在这里做你自己的发明。最好的将会得到奖励。”符合其情况。故选C。
根据“Simba is very interested in modern dance. But he is short of dancing skills. He wants to improve himself very much.”可知辛巴想要提高自己的跳舞水平,A项“星期二,8:30-10:30。蒂娜的摇滚和现代舞。更多的舞蹈技巧有助于提高自己。如果你想成为一名优秀的舞者,请加入我们。”符合其情况。故选A。
Johnny’s best friends are good at painting. ___36___, he couldn’t draw a nice picture after a year’s hard work. Having a terrible feeling, he walked in a park and sat in a corner. There he met an ___37___ man that had only one arm. He told the old man his feeling, “Why can’t I paint well Everybody does better than me.” The old man looked at him ___38___ a smile. He said nothing but began to whistle(吹口哨). Soon he saw many birds ___39___ to them quickly and then land on a tree beside them. Then the old man stopped and said, “Everyone has got one thing ___40___ no one else can compare, so have you.”
The boy was touched by those ___41___. He said to ___42___, “I must have something better than ___43___ people.” Year after year, he found that he was talented at gardening and brought beauty to the places where he worked.
Actually, people may have totally different talents. Focusing on the strengths(力量)makes it easier for a person to succeed. On the other hand, ___44___ you keep pushing yourself hard on the things you are not good at, you may lose confidence. As a ___45___, you will have less courage to achieve your dreams. So focus on and develop your strength!
【答案】36. However
37. old 38. with
39. fly 40. that
41. words 42. himself
43. other 44. if
45. result
句意:在那里他遇到了一个只有一只手臂的老人。根据后文“He told the old man his feeling”可知应该是遇到一位老人。故填old。
句意:很快,他看到许多鸟飞向他们,然后降落在他们旁边的一棵树上。分析语境可知此处指看到很多鸟飞过来。fly意为“飞”,see sb. do sth.看见某人做某事。故填fly。
句意:每个人都有一件别人无法比拟的东西,你也一样。此句为定语从句,先行词是one thing,用that引导。故填that。
句意:他对自己说:“我一定有比其他人更好的东西。”分析句子结构可知空处缺少宾语,结合语境可知此处指Johnny自言自语,say to oneself表示“对自己说”,主语是he,应用he的反身代词himself指代Johnny自己。故填himself。
句意:结果,你实现梦想的勇气就会减少。as a result意为“结果”,此处指如果一直强迫自己做不擅长的事情,结果会导致自己没有实现梦想的勇气。故填result。
Tina’s grandma is a kind and adventurous traveler with snow-white hair and a pair of glasses. During the summer last year, Tina and her grandma went to Japan together. They ate delicious Japanese food, visited beautiful temples, and took the high-speed train. Tina’s grandma was so open-minded about the new things they saw there. They also bought funny items from different stores and vending machines (自动售货机) that they would never find in America. They went to Tokyo, Hiroshima and Kyoto, which were all different and very fascinating.
This summer break, Tina and her family flew to visit her grandma in Maine, a state about 3000 miles away from Los Angeles. The town her grandma lives in is small and pretty with many local boutique shops. Her grandma’s house is right on a lake, and they went swimming and kayaking (皮划艇) in the sparkling water. Tina loved jumping of a small bridge and diving into the water. Her grandma’s dog, Paulinka, would join in the fun and jump in the water as well.
Maine is on the east coast and near the Atlantic Ocean, so they ate fish and chips and lobster (龙虾) very often. Sometimes, her grandma took them on a boat to catch lobsters. In a little hidden town, the whole family got to walk in nature, lay under the stars and most importantly, enjoy each other’s company (陪伴).
Tina is looking forward to the winter break because her grandma is going to come over and stay with them for some time. Tina is sure their house will light up while her grandma is here.
46. Where did Tina and her grandma go last summer
47. How far is it from Maine to Los Angeles
48. Who would join in the fun and jump in the water with Tina
49. What did Tina’s family often eat in Maine
50. Why is Tina looking forward to the winter break
51. 书面表达
Nowadays, more and more people love to travel quite often. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
【答案】46. Japan.
47. About 3000 miles.
48. Her grandma’s dog, Paulinka.
49. Fish and chips and lobster.
50. Because her grandma is going to come over and stay with them for some time.
51. 例文:
Nowadays, more and more people prefer to travel quite often. By traveling, we not only can relax ourselves but also open our eyes. It can also make us learn more knowledge.
Last week I visited with my friends. When we got there, we checked in at the hotel and then went out to taste the local dishes. The next day, we went to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. As we reached the high floor of it, we enjoy the beautiful night view of the city. What an amazing scenery! On the last day, we went to Nanjing Road, the busiest street in Shanghai. We walked from one shop to another and bought many things.
The trip was interesting and we really enjoyed ourselves.
根据“During the summer last year, Tina and her grandma went to Japan together.”可知去年夏天Tina和奶奶去了日本。故填Japan.
根据“This summer break, Tina and her family flew to visit her grandma in Maine, a state about 3000 miles away from Los Angeles.”可知缅因州到洛杉矶的距离是大约3000英里。故填About 3000 miles.
根据“Her grandma’s dog, Paulinka, would join in the fun and jump in the water as well.”可知她奶奶的狗,Paulinka,也会加入其中,在水里跳来跳去。故填Her grandma’s dog, Paulinka.
根据“Maine is on the east coast and near the Atlantic Ocean, so they ate fish and chips and lobster very often.”可知在缅因州Tina的家人经常吃炸鱼薯条和龙虾。故填Fish and chips and lobster.
根据“Tina is looking forward to the winter break because her grandma is going to come over and stay with them for some time.”可知Tina盼望着寒假的到来,因为她奶奶要过来和他们一起住一段时间。故填Because her grandma is going to come over and stay with them for some time.
①not only ... but also ... 不仅……而且……
②go out 出去
①When we got there, we checked in at the hotel and then went out to taste the local dishes.(when引导时间状语从句)
②What an amazing scenery!(感叹句)2020-2021学年度第一学期教学质量自查
Claire Williams is 15. She is from Wales. Her friends always play volleyball and go to the cinema. They like ___1___ and dancing. But Claire doesn’t. She has ____2____ unusual hobby — beekeeping (养蜂). She’s got four beehives (蜂箱). She isn’t sure, but she thinks she’s raised about 40,000 bees.
In the spring, this is a special Sunday for Claire. Claire gets up ____3____ than other times. She has breakfast with her parents. She puts on her special clothes ____4____ can protect her and goes out into the garden. She ____5____ the bees with sugar and water. She sometimes takes photos of the bees, too.
Claire’s friends Hannah and Kate come round. They don’t go near the hives. “We ____6____ watch Claire with the bees,” They say. “But we’re a bit afraid of them!” Claire talks to her friends for a while. Then Hanna and Kate say goodbye, and Claire goes back to the bees.
It’s lunchtime. Claire likes telling ____7____ family about bees. “They fly 80,000 kilometers to make one kilo of honey!” She says, “And they visit about three million flowers!”
In the afternoon, Claire stays in her room. She loves reading something ____8____ bees on the Internet or in books.
In the summer, a lot of honey ____9____ by Claire’s bees. She takes the honey to a small shop and sells it. She doesn’t spend the money, ____10____ she wants to buy more beehives! She can have more money in the future.
1. A. sing B. sang C. to sing D. singing
2. A. a B. the C. an D. /
3. A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earliest
4. A. that B. what C. whose D. how
5. A. feed B. feeding C. have fed D. feeds
6. A. should B. can C. may D. must
7. A. she B. hers C. herself D. her
8. A. about B. of C. into D. for
9. A. produced B. produces C. is produced D. was produced
10. A. until B. though C. if D. because
I study in a junior high school in Canada. A few weeks ago, I ____11____ a camping trip at Pitt Lake. ____12____ it was a new experience for me, I was both nervous and excited at first. ____13____, the weather was beautiful, so we got off to a good start. We had one big canoe (独木舟) and one smaller canoe. I chose to be in the smaller canoe with my friend Mirta, but we soon found that this was not a wise ____14____. In order to keep up with the bigger canoe, both of us had to paddle(用桨划) hard. My arms quickly became ____15____. To take our minds off the pain, Mirta and I played “20 questions” while paddling. In this game, one person thinks of an object and the other person asks 20 questions to try and ___16___ what the object is. We had a good laugh.
We ____17____ a fire soon after we arrived. At night, we sat around the fire together, listening to scary stories. Some of the campers put their wet socks beside the fire to dry. However, because of the ____18____, one pair of socks almost caught fire. One person got so ____19____ that he fell out of his folding chair. Everyone thought it was pretty funny!
The time ____20____ quickly. Soon, it was time to go back. We agreed that we would hang out together again sometime soon.
11. A. looked up to B. looked forward to C. took pride in D. took part in
12. A. Though B. Because C. If D. Until
13. A. Finally B. Luckily C. Certainly D. Normally
14. A. hobby B. reason C. choice D. goal
15. A. painful B. harmful C. helpful D. careful
16. A. find out B. leave out C. make up D. take up
17. A. fought B. caught C. started D. searched
18. A. storm B. snow C. smoke D. wind
19. A. relaxed B. scared C. tired D. excited
20 A. moved B. went C. grew D. flew
If you have only three minutes to get something that you can take from your home, and the other things are lost forever, what will you take The following information will help you.
B.O.B B.O.B is short for Bug Out Bag (求生背包). It’s a bag with a collection of things that are needed for life in it.
Reasons to use a B.O.B When disasters (灾难) like earthquakes and heavy rainstorms happen, many people will have to run away from their homes and they may not return for a long time. They need to continue to live without food, water or a shelter in some unexpected situations.
Things in BO.B A sleeping bag, or at least a thin quilt. High-calorie foods, such as chocolate and biscuits. Drinking water. Necessary medicines. Something for making a fire. A few basic tools like a knife. A flashlight. Money. (Be sure to make a B.O.B. as light as possible)
Places to keep a B.O.B You should put a B.O.B at a place where you can get it easily when disasters happen. Your home, your car, or your office can be a good place to put it.
A B.O.B is very helpful to the people in need. You’d better prepare more than one B.O.B.
21. A B.O.B has a collection of things ________ in it.
A. for research B. for traffic C. for life D. for study
22. Many people run away from their homes with a B.O.B. because ________.
A. they have to save many people’s lives B. they have no other useful things to take
C. they will be able to return in a short time D. they need to continue to live
23. People should make a B.O.B as ________ as they can.
A. huge B. light C. common D. heavy
24. People had better not put a B.O.B ________.
A. at home B. in the car C. at the office D. on the road
25. According to the passage, which of the following is true
A. Expensive things should be put in a B.O.B safely.
B. People should take a B.O.B. with them everywhere.
C. It’s better to prepare more than one B.O.B if possible.
D. People are advised to put some more clothes in a B.O.B.
From plastic bottles to disposable (一次性的) coffee cups, humans produce a lot of plastic waste. Plastic pollution has become a serious problem. To solve this problem, many companies and designers are starting to turn to nature. They have made products out of plants, which will help to reduce plastic waste.
Bamboo is a fast-growing plant. Some kinds of bamboo can grow about 60 cm a day. This makes bamboo best suited to making consumable products, such as paper. If we cut down a bamboo plant to make paper, within weeks another fully-grown bamboo plant will be ready for harvesting (收获).
There are many different kinds of squashes (南瓜属植物). The one you know best is probably pumpkin. But do you know squashes can be made into cups Creme, a US company, has created squash cups. The company first grows a squash inside a 3D-printed mold. Then, the vegetable is dried out. After it is dried, you can use it to drink. When you’re done drinking from it, this environmentally-friendly cup can be used as fertilizer (肥料).
Some bottle packaging can be made out of mycelia (菌丝体) that come from mushrooms. Mycelia are very thin and they are found on the underside of certain mushrooms. Ecovative Design, a US company, mixes agricultural waste and mycelia from mushrooms together. Over time, the mycelium fibers begin to grow around the waste and form a shape. The mycelium fibers need six days to grow and about 180 days to break down in the soil.
26. From the passage we know some kinds of bamboo can grow about ________ in a week.
A. 60cm B. 180cm C. 360cm D. 420cm
27. The under lined words “consumable products” probably mean “________” in Chinese.
A. 消耗品 B. 奢侈品 C. 耐用品 D. 纪念品
28. Three kinds of plants helpful to the environment are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT ________.
A. bamboo B. squashes C. mushrooms D. cabbage
29. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. Mycelia come from bamboo.
B. Squash cups can be used as fertilizer.
C. Bamboo isn’t suitable for making drinking straws.
D. It takes the mycelium fibers six days to break down in the soil.
30. What does the passage mainly tell us
A. People should protect plants. B. People should grow more plants.
C. Plants can help reduce plastic pollution. D. Plastic pollution is becoming more and more serious.
____31____. Mark is very interested in UFO and aliens. He plans to learn something about them. He is going to attend a talk. ____32____ Joanna’s teeth are unhealthy. She wants to know some medical knowledge to keep her teeth healthy. ____33____. Benjamin is strong and tall. He is interested in playing basketball but he is not good at playing it. So he needs to take basketball classes to learn some skills. ____34____. Jessica is crazy about inventions. She wants to catch every chance to show her works so as to get good ideas from others. ____35____ Simba is very interested in modern dance. But he is short of dancing skills. He wants to improve himself very much. A. Tuesday, 8:30-10:30. Rock & Roll and Modern Dance by Tina. More dancing skills help to improve yourself. If you want to be a good dancer, please join us. B. Wednesday, 19:00-21:00. Talk on UFO and aliens by Elizabeth. The picture show helps to learn more about space. You can also learn more about the outer space by a trip to the science and technology museum recognized by us. C. Friday, 8:00-10:45. Show Time by School Teaching Affair’s Office. Invention works can be shown for advice. You can make your own inventions here. The best ones will be awarded (奖励). D. Saturday, 14:00-17:30. Basketball Training Classes by P.E. teachers. Basketball playing skills are free for training. At the end of the training, we will hold a basketball match. The team that wins the race will get a new basketball. E. Sunday, 18:00-20:30. How to Protect Your Teeth by the Medical Club members. We will teach some tips about how to keep healthy and beautiful teeth. You can bring your brush here and we will teach you the right method of brushing teeth. F. Monday, 17:00-20:00. English novel classes by teachers from famous universities. Here you can have a discussion about the novels you like. You can learn more about English novels and famous writers. G. Thursday, 16:00-18:00. Music classes by some volunteers who are good at playing certain musical instruments. So here you can learn to play the violin, the guitar, the piano and so on.
Johnny’s best friends are good at painting. ___36___, he couldn’t draw a nice picture after a year’s hard work. Having a terrible feeling, he walked in a park and sat in a corner. There he met an ___37___ man that had only one arm. He told the old man his feeling, “Why can’t I paint well Everybody does better than me.” The old man looked at him ___38___ a smile. He said nothing but began to whistle(吹口哨). Soon he saw many birds ___39___ to them quickly and then land on a tree beside them. Then the old man stopped and said, “Everyone has got one thing ___40___ no one else can compare, so have you.”
The boy was touched by those ___41___. He said to ___42___, “I must have something better than ___43___ people.” Year after year, he found that he was talented at gardening and brought beauty to the places where he worked.
Actually, people may have totally different talents. Focusing on the strengths(力量)makes it easier for a person to succeed. On the other hand, ___44___ you keep pushing yourself hard on the things you are not good at, you may lose confidence. As a ___45___, you will have less courage to achieve your dreams. So focus on and develop your strength!
Tina’s grandma is a kind and adventurous traveler with snow-white hair and a pair of glasses. During the summer last year, Tina and her grandma went to Japan together. They ate delicious Japanese food, visited beautiful temples, and took the high-speed train. Tina’s grandma was so open-minded about the new things they saw there. They also bought funny items from different stores and vending machines (自动售货机) that they would never find in America. They went to Tokyo, Hiroshima and Kyoto, which were all different and very fascinating.
This summer break, Tina and her family flew to visit her grandma in Maine, a state about 3000 miles away from Los Angeles. The town her grandma lives in is small and pretty with many local boutique shops. Her grandma’s house is right on a lake, and they went swimming and kayaking (皮划艇) in the sparkling water. Tina loved jumping of a small bridge and diving into the water. Her grandma’s dog, Paulinka, would join in the fun and jump in the water as well.
Maine is on the east coast and near the Atlantic Ocean, so they ate fish and chips and lobster (龙虾) very often. Sometimes, her grandma took them on a boat to catch lobsters. In a little hidden town, the whole family got to walk in nature, lay under the stars and most importantly, enjoy each other’s company (陪伴).
Tina is looking forward to the winter break because her grandma is going to come over and stay with them for some time. Tina is sure their house will light up while her grandma is here.
46. Where did Tina and her grandma go last summer
47. How far is it from Maine to Los Angeles
48. Who would join in the fun and jump in the water with Tina
49 What did Tina’s family often eat in Maine
50. Why is Tina looking forward to the winter break
51. 书面表达
Nowadays, more and more people love to travel quite often. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



上一篇:2023-2024外研版英语七年级上册 Module 9 People and places单元达标题(含答案)
