
一、听力 听选答案 第一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。
2.(1分)A.On foot.
B.By bus.
C.By bike.
5.(1分)A.Some apples.
B.Some oranges.
C.Some juice.
6.(1分)A.A Chinese teacher.
B.An English teacher.
C.A math teacher.
7.(1分)A.For 3 days.
B.For 4 days.
C.For 5 days.
8.(1分)A.At 1:00.
B.At 1:15.
C.At 1:50.
10.(1分)A.She had a bad cold.
B.She had a fever.
C.She got up late.
11.(4分)(1)What kinds of balls does the boy have?
A.3 basketballs and 2 volleyballs.
B.2 basketballs and 3 volleyballs.
C.3 basketballs and a soccer.
(2)What does the boy think of soccer?
12.(6分)(1)What's the relationship between the speakers?
A.Mom and son.
B.Teacher and student.
C.Doctor and patient.
(2)Where is the boy's model plane?
A.It's on the desk.
B.It's in the bookcase.
C.It's on the wall.
(3)Where will they meet?
A.At home.
B.In the bank.
C.At the school gate.
第三节听填信息 本题你将听到一段独白,读两遍。请根据所听内容,用单词或短语完成下列各题。 (每空限填一个单词。)
13.(10分)(1)Jack    America,but he likes Chinese very much.
(2)Jack's favourite color is    .
(3)Jack isn't a    boy and his things are everywhere.
(4)Jack's mother asks him to clean the room    a week.
(5)Jack usually goes swimming with his family,because he think it's good for his    .
二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。
Archimedes and lever principle
In ancient times,people could use lever principle(杠杆原理).But they (1)    know what it was before Archimedes found it.When he found it,he said (2)    if someone gave him a point,he could hand up the earth.
One day,the king of Syracuse asked Archimedes (3)    a problem.The king asked (4)    men to make a wonderful ship and wanted to give it to the king of Egypt(埃及) Ptolemy.(5)    the ship was so big,they couldn't move into the ocean.Archimedes saw that and (6)    .He ordered the (7)    to install(安装) the pulley(滑车)and the lever.100 people (8)    to pull one side of a rope together and the king pulled (9)   
side of the rope.Slowly, (10)    ship went into the ocean.From then on,no matter what Archimedes said,the king believed in him.
(1)A.aren't B.didn't C.doesn't D.weren't
(2)A.excited B.more excited C.the most excited D.excitedly
(3)A.to cause B.cause C.to solve D.solve
(4)A .his B.he C.him D.himself
(5)A.And B.So C.Because D.But
(6)A.smile B.smiles C.smiled D.is smiling
(7)A.worker B.workers C.stranger D.strangers
(8)A.asks B.asked C.are asked D.were asked
(9)A.other B.the other C.others D.the others
(10)A.the B.a C.an D./
When I was 9 years old,we moved to Xi'an,Shaanxi Province.(15)    was new for me.
On a sunny morning,I had to go to a new (16)    .I was so (17)    at first.But when I introduced myself,I(18)    many smiles on my classmates' faces.I felt very happy.And they have much interest in me so they asked me many (19)    questions after class.(20)    chatting,I made many friends.And they had the same interest with me.
But I made a (21)    in studying.(22)    ,I met many sweet and patient teachers.They helped me with my study and gave me some useful (23)    .It made me feel warm.With the help of my classmates and teachers,I (24)   used to my new life quickly.
(15) A.Everything B.Something C.Nothing D.Anything
(16) A.house B.hospital C.school D.company
(17) A.happy B.nervous C.angry D.strict
(18) A.saw B.held C.reached D.received
(19) A.brave B.personal C.careless D.true
(20) A.When B.Until C.If D.After
(21) A.friend B.meal C.mess D.event
(22) A.Correctly B.Luckily C.Certainly D.Exactly
(23) A.tools B.topics C.opinions D.suggestions
(24) A.get B.avoid C.share D.mind
三、阅读理解 阅读短文,从所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。
(6分)Do you know a boy called Sima Guang?
At the age of 7,he once played hide and seek with other children in the garden.A boy wanted to hide into a big vat(缸),but it was unexpectedly full of water.Luckily(边) of the vat.The other children were afraid and ran around because they were too young to help the boy.But Sima Guang remained there and looked around.Suddenly,he found a rock and broke the vat with it at once.The water ran over and the boy was saved.The boy's father thanked him very much.The people around them were very surprised and spread the story.
The story of Sima Guang told us that we should spend more time learning and thinking and try to be a brave and wise man.
(25)Where did the children play hide and seek?    
A.In the house.
B.By the lake.
C.In the garden.
D.On the bridge.
(26)The other children were afraid and    .
A.helped out
B.ran away
C.climbed up
D.looked around
(27)Sima Guang saved the boy with    .
A.a stick
B.a pot
C.a rock
D.a knife
(8分)There are many rules in my family.My parents said that the family rules can make us a happy family.Let me tell you something about them.
Family rules:
Respect:We should respect each other.When my parents talk to me,I should listen to them carefully.Besides,when my mother cooks mealswaste food.
Do housework:All of us are the members of our family,so we should do housework together.And if I do housework,my parents will give me some money.I can keep it or buy some school things.
Keep safe:Don't open the door for anyone except your family and friends.Keep the door locked all the time.
These rules may sound pretty strict,but when it become the part of your daily life,you will find how they help you feel safe.
(28)The family rules can make the writer's family    .
(29)The underlined word "waste" means "    " in the passage.
(30)How many family rules are mentioned?    
(31)What can learn from the passage?    
A.When my parents talk to me,I should listen to them careless.
B.If I do housework,I will be given some money by my parents.
C.Don't open the door for anyone and keep the door locked all the time.
D.When the rules become the part of your daily life,you will find how they help you feel happy.
(6分)Many teenagers think their friends are the most important in the world.They think their parents don't know them more than their friends.
In some large families,there are always three or four children.The brothers or sisters fight with each other from time to time.And then they talk with their friends and ask them for some advice.So it's very important for them to have a good friend or a group of friends.But how can we make it?It needs teachers and families to work together.Many parents may stop their children from meeting their friends when they are in trouble.Parents can't help them to choose a friend,but can teach the teenagers what kind of friend is worth making.Both the school and the family should communicate more with them.This communication is very important in children's growing up.
(32)Who can know the teenagers better?    
A.Their classmates.
B.Their friends.
C.Their teachers.
D.Their parents.
(33)Many parents may stop their children from     when they are in trouble.
A.meeting their friends
B.staying at home
C.playing games
D.doing homework
(34)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?    
A.Many teenagers think their friends are the most important in the world.
B.The teenagers always talk with their friends and ask them for some advice.
C.The school and the family should work together.
D.Parents can help their children to choose a friend.
35.(5分)Good friendship are often two people helping each other to be a better one.
Many researchers discovered that a good friendship not only makes a big difference to stress level but also a person's health.There are many difficulties in our daily life.(1)   .We should let it out or we will get crazy.So it's important for us to have a friend to talk to.(2)   ,we will be in a bad health.
But do you know how we can make our friendship fresh.On the one hand,we shouldn't depend on social media.(3)   .But we should spend more face﹣to﹣face time together whenever it is possible.(4)   .In order to lead a better communication and understanding,we should promise that the friendship is a keeper.
(5)   ?It's a single soul dwelling(居住) in two body.
A.They lead us to make mistakes
B.They give us more stress
C.What is friend
D.How can we make friends easily
E.And if we don't do anything
F.It's very easy to have a connection through social media
G.On the other hand,thinking more about each other will be helpful
Jack's     include swimming and gardening.
We shouldn't     others.
Our teacher told us to help the people    .
During Chinese New Year,children often receive     from their elders.
More and more foreigners are     in hanfu.
六、短文填空:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。 (每个单词限用一次。每空只填一个单词。)
he deep can be give learn wife fill good classmate
Li Keqiáng,former premier of the State Council(国务院原总理),was born in 1995 and passed away in 2023.
When he was a college student,most of them didn't know English very well.But he did a lot to learn it.It gave a deep impression on his(1)   At first,he was told he wasn't good at (2)    English,but he didn't give up.He had a little notebook and it was(3)   with words.There(4)   two sides of each paper.One was English and the other was Chinese.He took it with him everywhere in order that he (5)   read these words:on the street,on the way home,on the bus and so on.He always taught (6)
    and solved problems on his own.Because of his efforts,he did (7)   
in English.He kept his good habit until now and he even(8)    some English speeches in some important meetings.At home,he sometimes talked to his wife,an English professor(9)
   help,he improved a lot.
We should learn from him and we will (10)   miss him.And we should believe,to work hard is the key to success.
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in America on the fourth Thursday of November.On this day,people get together with family,friends and relatives.
This holiday has long history.And it started in 1620.A new religious(宗教) group known as pilgrims(朝圣者) arrived in the new world and lived in Massachusetts(马塞诸塞州),the local people taught them how to grow corn,hunt and fish.In the autumn of 1621,barley,beans,they praised Lord and thanks him.This is how the festival activities got started.
There are many traditions:family reunion,tradition of turkey,parades,dress-up and so on.Do you want to know more about Thanksgiving Day?
(1)When is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?
It is celebrated    .
(2)Why half of the pilgrims died from hunger?
Because they arrived too late to     .
(3)Who taught them how to grow corn,hunt and fish?
   taught them how to grow corn,hunt and fish.
(4)How long did the first Thanksgiving Day last?
It lasted     .
(5)How many traditions are mentioned in the passage?
There are    traditions in the passage.
八、补全对话 根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。
43.(5分)A:Good morning,Linda!(1)   ?
B:Not bad.I did many things last weekend.
A:What did you do?
B:(2)   .
A:Climb mountains?Sounds interesting.(3)   ?
B:I went there with my parents.(4)   ?
A:I visited my grandparents and took them to the central park.
B:Wow,so sweet.It's time to have a class.See you.
A:(5)   .
44.(15分)假如你是 Anna,你的同桌 David 最近情绪不是很好。你在跟他沟通之后,发现他经常因为各种各样的问题惹他的父母生气。他想要改变自己,因为他不想让他的父母失望。根据他的情况,请你给他提出一些建议来帮助他。
参考词汇:let...down,carefully,communicate,share,help with,a close relationship,be happy with,get along well with
My friend David always drives his parents mad.
一、听力 听选答案 第一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。
第三节:听填信息 本题你将听到一段独白,读两遍。请根据所听内容,用单词或短语完成下列各题。 (每空限填一个单词。)
二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。
三、阅读理解 阅读短文,从所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最佳答案。
37.【答案】laugh at
38.【答案】in trouble
39.【答案】red envelopes
六、短文填空:用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确。 (每个单词限用一次。每空只填一个单词。)
41.【答案】(1)classmates (2)learning (3)filled (4)were (5)could (6)himself (7)well (8)gave (9)wife's (10)deeply
42.【答案】(1)on the fourth Thursday of November(2)farm the land (3)The local people(4)three days(5)four
八、补全对话 根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。
43.【答案】(1)How was your weekend
(2)I went to climb mountains
(3)Who did you go there with
(4)What did you do last weekend
(5)See you
My friend David always drives his parents mad.He often angers his parents with various problems.He wants to change himself because he doesn't want to disappoint his parents.
First of all,discuss the rules ahead of time .In this way he will be able to know whether they will agree or not before you make plans.What's more,it's a good idea to communicate with them personally.Try to keep calm when his parents disagree with him.Last but not least,spend time with his family .He'd better do some activities that his whole family will enjoy together such as going for a hike,a bike ride,or going to the beach.
Hopefully,he will find my suggestions helpful.



