
2022学年第一学期八年级期末考英语答题卡 请在各题目答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效
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2 2 2 2 2 2
_______ 迹清晰。 3 3 3 3 3 3                                                           考场
3.请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域 4 4 4 4 4 4
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4.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改 7 7 7 7 7 7
液、修正带、刮纸刀。 8 8 8 8 8 8
缺考 9 9 9 9 9 9
1 A B C 6 A B C 11 A B C 16 A B C D 21 A B C D 26 A B C D
2 A B C 7 A B C 12 A B C 17 A B C D 22 A B C D 27 A B C D
3 A B C 8 A B C 13 A B C 18 A B C D 23 A B C D 28 A B C D
4 A B C 9 A B C 14 A B C 19 A B C D 24 A B C D 29 A B C D
5 A B C 10 A B C 15 A B C 20 A B C D 25 A B C D 30 A B C D                                                           
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32 A B C D 37 A B C D                                                           
33 A B C D 38 A B C D
34 A B C D 39 A B C D                                                           
35 A B C D 40 A B C D
Why did Shayna say “it was just as good as being Cinderella”                                                             
42.       43.       44.       45.       46.        
47.       48.       49.       50.       51.       
52.       53.       54.       55.       56.       
57.       58.       59.       60.       61.         
62.       63.       64.       65.       66.       
请在各题目答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效 请在各题目答题区域内作答,超出黑色矩形边框限定区域的答案无效
第 1 页 第 2 页
{#{QQABTQAEoggAAgBAARhCQwUSCgCQkAAAAKoORBAEIAAAQAFABCA=}#}乐 清 外 国 语 2022 学年第一学期八年级(上) 学业水平期末检测
英 语 试 题 2023.1
欢迎参加考试!请你认真审题,积极思考,细心答题,发挥最佳水平。答题时, 请注意以下几点:
1. 全卷共六大题,67 小题,满分 100 分,考试时间 100 分钟。
2. 打*的单词可以在小词典里查找意思。
3. 答案必须写在答题纸相应的位置上。写在试卷或草稿纸上无效。
第一部分 听力部分
一、 听力(本题有 15 小题, 第 1-10 小题每小题 1 分, 第 11-15 小题每小题 2 分, 共 20 分)
第一节:听小对话,请从 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。
( ) 1. Which sport is the boy good at
A. B.
( ) 2. How will the two speakers go to the museum
A. B.
( ) 3. What will the girl buy for Tom
A. B.
( ) 4. What’s the weather like today
A. B.
( ) 5. What animal is the girl’s favourite
A. B.
第二节:听较长对话,请从 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出问题的答案。 听第一段较长对话,回答 6-7 小题。
八年级 (上) 英语试题 第 1 页 (共 8 页)
( ) 6. What is Kate doing now
A. She is acting. B. She is reading. C. She is drawing.
( ) 7. How often does the boy go to the club
A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Once a month.
听第二段较长对话,回答 8- 10 小题。
( ) 8. When will they watch the Beijing Opera
A. This Friday. B. This Saturday. C. This Sunday.
( ) 9. Who will come with the two speakers
A. The boy’s cousin. B. The boy’s sister. C. The boy’s brother.
( ) 10. Where will the two speakers probably go before seeing the Beijing Opera
A. A restaurant. B. A friend’s home. C. A milk tea shop.
第三节:听一段独白,请根据内容从 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,完 成信息记录表。
My home town -- Edinburgh
Location In the 11._________ of scotland
Population Over 12.____________
Famous sights v Famous for 13._______ in Old Town and New Town v The world’s 14._________ City
When may be the best time to visit the city 15___________.
( )11. A. southeast B. northwest C. southwest
( )12. A. 50, 000 B. 500, 000 C. 550, 000
( )13. A. churches B. buildings C. universities
( )14. A. Art B. Music C. Festival
( )15. A. In spring B. In summer C. In winter
第二部分 笔试部分
二、完形填空(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Melody loved the summer! Every morning, she got up in lovely sunshine and the fields were green! There was just one 16 ...
Melody and her mum sold delicious oatmeal* made by a magic pot*. It was popular in winter. But 17 wants to buy hot oatmeal in the warm summer weather!
What could she do Melody 18 how she could make a summer meal that nobody could possibly say no!
Suddenly, she got a good 19 - she knew just what to do!
八年级 (上) 英语试题 第 2 页 (共 8 页)
First, she went to the forest 20 fresh berries*.
Then, she knocked on the door of a farmer.
“Excuse me, do you have any 21 I could buy ”
The farmer laughed. “Of course! And cream too, if you want it!”
Melody smiled. “ 22 !”
She went back to her shop.
“What are you doing ” asked her mum. “That’s not 23 you make oatmeal!” “Yes, I know. But watch this!”
When Melody’s mother watched 24 , the pot cooked the oats, milk, cream and berries into a delicious cool meal! Her mum ladled* 25 a big bowl. When she tried some, her eyes opened 26 .
“That is wonderful! So delicious and cooling! It’s like ice cream, 27 much
The other people in the village 28 , and they were soon lining up to buy it. Melody and her mum prepared some 29 tastes - chocolate and banana, and even orange and cheese!
When 30 bowls of her delicious meals to her customers, Melody smiled. Summer really was the best time of the year!
( )16. A. problem ( )17. A. nobody ( )18. A. made sure ( )19. A. plan ( )20. A. on ( )21. A. oats ( )22. A. Wrong ( )23. A. how ( )24. A. helpfully ( )25. A. itself ( )26. A. wide ( )27. A. or ( )28. A. missed ( )29. A. new ( )30. A. breaking
B. accident
B. anybody
B. looked after
B. story
B. off
B. milk
B. Correct
B. why
B. strangely
B. myself
B. calm
B. so
B. agreed
B. wild
B. booking
C. situation
C. somebody
C. threw away
C. example
C. for
C. cream
C. Perfect
C. where
C. surprisedly
C. himself
C. brave
C. but
C. appeared
C. clear
C. throwing
D. difference
D. everybody
D. thought about
D. experience
D. under
D. berries
D. Terrible
D. when
D. confidently
D. herself
D. serious
D. because
D. followed
D. correct
D. offering
三、阅读理解(本题有 11 小题, 第 31-40 小题每小题 2 分, 第 41 小题 5 分。共 25 分)
阅读下面短文, 客观题从每小题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项; 主观 题请在答题纸规定区域内作答。
八年级 (上) 英语试题 第 3 页 (共 8 页)
When to Call 911 for Someone Having a Seizure · Someone asks for medical attention.· Someone has difficulty breathing*.· Seizures happen closer together than usual.· A seizure lasts 5 minutes or longer.· Someone without a history of seizures has one.· Seizures happen one after another.
( ) 31. How many suggestions for seizures are mentioned in the passage
A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12
( ) 32. When need we call 911 if someone is having a seizure
A. He can breathe. B. He needs medical help.
C. He has a seizure for 3 minutes. D. He has a seizure only once. ( ) 33. In which part of a newspaper can we find the reading
Imagine a large open space with two teams running, throwing, passing and catching a disc, a thin flat round dish. It is called flying disc, the newest popular sport in young people in China. A research shows about 60% of people saying they like to
make new friends through the sport. The Chinese Flying Disc Administrative Committee says about 500,000 people in China played flying disc last year, producing over 8,000,000 yuan.
八年级 (上) 英语试题 第 4 页 (共 8 页)
How did flying disc get such great popularity* in China in a short time First, it is a team sport. It helps everyone quickly get to know each other. Second, it is played with a flying disc, thrown by hand. It needs little or no body-touching so it helps avoid being angry and fighting. What’s more, this sport allows people to enjoy it without spending a lot of time learning about the rules or skills.
The growing popularity has drawn attention of the Chinese government. In 2019, the Asia Oceanic Ultimate and Guts Championships was held in Shanghai. It is the first world match in this sport held in China. In July 2022, the General Administration of Sport decided China’s first flying disc tournament* starting in August and the final match to be held in May next year. The sport will certainly have a bigger home market going forward.
( ) 34. How does the writer show the popularity of flying disc
A. By asking questions. B. By using numbers.
C. By telling a short story. D. By giving an example.
( ) 35. What does the underlined word “avoid” mean
A. stop from B. take away C. think about D. warm up
( ) 36. Who might be interested in flying disc
A. Someone who wants to do sports alone.
B. Someone who wants to do sports inside.
C. Someone who wants to do sports easily.
D. Someone who wants to do sports slowly.
( ) 37. What will the writer talk about next after the passage
A. The great future of flying disc.
B. China’s first flying disc tournament.
C. The government’s help for flying disc.
D. The bigger world market of flying disc.
“How did it go, Shayna ” Mom asked after school.
“Terrible, ” I said. “Kristie got the part of Cinderella* but I got nothing.” I said. I ran to my room and started drawing. Drawing always made me feel better.
The next day, Kristie was pleased. But when classes were over, she became worried and hoped me go with her to the practice. In the great hall, Ms. Carson, put an old cardboard castle* onto the middle of the stage*. It was brown with small windows and doors. Ms. Carson turned on the music, and Kristie and the Prince started dancing. Finally, the practice ended.
“When will we get the real ones ” Kristie pointed to the cardboard castle.
“These are the real ones, ” Ms. Carson said. “We don’t have an art teacher this year. So that’s the best we could do.”
Kristie and I walked outside.
“You were great, ” I said. “Everyone will love the play.”
八年级 (上) 英语试题 第 5 页 (共 8 页)
“Thanks, ” Kristie said. ”But did you see the cardboard castle ____________ ”
I thought for a moment. Maybe there’s something we can do. I spent that evening drawing and the next day I showed my ideas to Ms. Carson and she liked them. Over the next weeks, a corner of the lunchroom was filled with cardboard and paints. And lots of kids painting.
Finally, opening night arrived. When it began, everyone saw a magical land with rolling hills, a beautiful carriage and a wonderful castle. Kristie was an excellent Cinderella. Everyone did love the play.
When it was over, Ms Carson came to the stage. She said, “I’d like to thank the many students who painted all these cardboards, especially Shayna. Her hard work made this night more special.”
Everyone clapped*. For me! I did get a part in the play after all. And it was just as good as being Cinderella.
( ) 38. Why did Shayna feel terrible at first
A. She didn’t do well in the practice.
B. She didn’t get the part of Cinderella.
C. She didn’t get high scores in painting.
D. She didn’t get on well with her friends.
( ) 39. Which of the following can be put into _______ in Paragragh 8
A. What a surprise! B. That’s the main thing.
C. It could not be worse. D. I was not sure about that.
( ) 40. What is the best title for the story
A. As good as being Cinderella
B. My important part in the play
C. There is something we can do
D. Cardboards make a special play
41. Why did Shayna say “it was just as good as being Cinderella” (请用约 40 词回答)
四、词汇运用(本题共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分)
A. 用方框中所给的单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。
thin five except prepare possible
42. It was ____________ their best scores ever. Nice job!
43. While John ____________ for his report, his mother brought him some fruit.
44. There isn’t much room ________ a table in the kitchen. How small the kitchen is!
45. More than one __________ of the students said they would not run to catch a bus.
46. Anna keeps running every morning, and now she looks much ________ and healthier.
八年级 (上) 英语试题 第 6 页 (共 8 页)
B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成下列短文。
The Weddell seal is one of the world’s southernmost animals. It can get up to 10 feet (3 meters) long. The Weddell seal can live on and under the 47 (厚) ice. It can stay under for 45 minutes and it 48 (捕食; 喂养) underwater. In order to get food under the ice, Weddell seals make 49 (洞; 孔) with their big strong front teeth. The work is heavy. 50 (然而;但是), after finishing this difficult job, Weddell seals still have a long way to go and sometimes even have 51 (困难;烦恼) finding food. The way back to the ice is not easy either. They often fight 52 (对抗) each other for the air.
Weddell seal babies are born with brown coats. If a baby’s coat gets wet, the cold weather 53 (立刻;当即) turns the water into ice and lets the baby seal stay 54 (干). But the baby might easily become cold and die in a warmer 55 (地区;区域), because the water does not turn to ice quickly enough.
Weddell seals are not in danger because there are still about five hundred thousand to one 56 (百万) Weddell seals on the Earth. But people have already developed some plans to protect them.
五、语法填空 (本题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)
According to a report by the United Nations, the world’s population is probably going to hit 8 billion on 15 November 2022. And it could 57 (grow) to around 8.5 billion in 2030 and 9.7 billion in 2050. More than half of the possible population increase up to 2050 will mainly be in eight 58 (country), such as Egypt, Pakistan and India. And India is probably going to become the country with the 59 (large) population in the world in 2023.
There is something further in the report. It 60 (take) the world’s population 12 years to grow from 7 to 8 billion in the past, 61 it will only take about 15 years to hit 9 billion in the near future. That means the world’s population is growing 62 (slow) than before.
The UN Secretary General, António Guterres, talked about 63 serious problem. The world has grown richer but the differences 64 the rich and the poor have grown as well. A great number of people still don’t get enough food 65 (eat). There are also a lot of people in the world leaving 66 (they) homes for many causes.
八年级 (上) 英语试题 第 7 页 (共 8 页)
六、书面表达(本题有 1 小题,共 15 分)
67. 近二十年来,温州发生了翻天覆地的变化。温州人民的生活方式日新月异, 温州人民的生活品质得到持续改善。《21世纪英语报》正在举行英语征文活动, 请你以“Great Changes in Wenzhou”为题, 至少选择以下 1 个方面,撰写一篇英语 征文投稿。
Living places Transportation Way of life
ü ü ü Houses/Streets/... Nature ... ü ü ü ü BRT buses S1 light rail CRH trains ... ü Sports/Having fun ü Food/Tradition/... ü ...
(2) 词数约为 90 词,标题已给出,不计入总词数。
Great Changes in Wenzhou
小词典 berry n. 浆果 clap v. 鼓掌 pot n. 锅;罐;壶 breathe v. 呼吸 ladle v. (用大勺)舀 seizure n. 癫痫 castle n. 城堡 oat n. 燕麦 stage n. 舞台 Cinderella n. 灰姑娘 popularity n.人气;受欢迎 tournament n. 锦标赛2022学年第一学期八年级(上)学业水平期末检测
听 力 材 料 2023.1
W: I hear Mike won the swimming match.
M: Yes, he did. He is really good at swimming and he works very hard.
W: Hi, Tom. How about going to the new museum by underground this afternoon
M: Great! Taking the underground is the fastest way. It can save us a lot of time.
W: Tom's birthday is coming. I want to buy him a book.
M: Good idea. I'm sure he'll like it. He loves reading very much.
W: It has rained for a whole day. What bad weather it is!
M: Yes. London is always wet in winter.
M: Alice, what’s your favourite animal
W: My favourite animal is the symbol of China. Guess what it is
M: Kate, what are you doing now
W: I'm reading the famous play Romeo and Juliet. It tells a very sad story.
M: Oh, I know this play. Our club held a show about it last month.
W: Wow! It sounds interesting. Can I join your club
M: Of course. We usually meet once a week. You can come and join us next time.
W: Mark, would you like to see the Beijing Opera with me this weekend I’ve got two tickets this Saturday.
M: This Saturday Let me see… Oh, I’m free that day. Let’s go together!
W: That’s great!
M: Well, my cousin Tony is also interested in the Beijing Opera Can he come with us
W: Of course. I’ll buy one more ticket on the Internet.
M: You are so kind! And where shall we meet
W: What about meeting at my house
W: No problem. Before seeing the Beijing Opera, we can buy milk tea first. That’s my favourite.
My name is Vicky and I come from Edinburgh, a beautiful city in the southeast of Scotland. It is also the capital city of Scotland. It has a population of over 500,000. But every year, more than 1 million visitors come to Edinburgh. Edinburgh is famous for old buildings in the Old and New Towns. Visitors walking along the streets might want to see horses rather than cars. Edinburgh is also known as the world’s Festival City. It holds 11 festivals a year. Half of them are in July and August. And during these two months, you can see more tourists from around the world visit the city than in any other month.
英 语 答 案 2023.1
1-5 CBABA 6-10 BABAC 11-15 ABBCB
16-20 AADAC 21-25 BCACD 26-30 ACBAD
31-33 ABD 34-37 BACA 38-40 BCA
41. Being Cinderella is really good because it's the main part of the play.(2分) Shayna didn’t get it but she offered to draw new cardboards for the play and worked hard with her classmates. (2分) These new cardboards made opening night more special. (1分) (40词)
分数值 给分标准
第五档:5分 理解题意,给出完整、合理的答案,依据充分,逻辑严密,语言规范
第四档:4分 理解题意,给出较完整、较合理的答案,有依据,语言规范
第三档:3分 理解题意,给出基本合理的答案,语言有问题,影响理解
第二档:2分 给出与问题相关的答案,语言水平低,很难读懂
第一档:0分 不作答或回答不相关
42-46: possibly was preparing except fifth thinner
47-51 thick feeds holes However trouble
52-56 against immediately dry area million
57-61 grow countries largest took but
62-66 more slowly a between to eat their
分数值 评卷标准
满分档 (15分) 准确理解写作任务;文本长度符合要求、书写规范,涵盖所有要点、结构规范、条理清楚、逻辑严密,语言丰富、没有语法错误。
第五档 (12-14分) 理解写作任务;文本长度符合要求、书写规范,涵盖所有要点、结构规范、条理清楚、逻辑严密,语言较丰富、有少量语法错误。
第四档 (9-11分) 文本长度符合要求、书写规范,涵盖所有要点、行文基本连连贯,词汇不够丰富、有一些语法错误。
第三档 (6-8分) 文本长度与要求有明显距离、书写不规范,要点不完整、行文不连贯,词汇不足、错误较多、勉强能看出作文意图。
第二档(3-5分) 能有句子表达,错误百出,只能勉强猜测出作文意图。
第一档(0-2) 有一些英语单词;空白卷0分。
Sample: Great Changes in Wenzhou
The way people getting around Wenzhou has changed a lot.
In the past, it usually took people a long time to travel around Wenzhou. There were not so many buses or cars and roads were not as wide as those today. People often chose to walk or ride a bike.
But now, we can travel faster and more comfortably. Every family owns a car and buses are everywhere. Besides, we have more choices, such as BRT buses, S1 light rail and CRH trains. They make it possible to get to a place or a city far away in a very short time. (102词)




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