
一、Listen to ten short conversations and choose the best answers.Each conversation will be read twice.
1.(1分)How many tickets did the boy buy?
2.(1分)What does the girl have to do?
A.Do her homework.
B.Look after her sister.
C.Watch the swimming race.
3.(1分)When will the basketball game begin?
A.At 6:30.
B.At 7:00.
C.At 7:30.
4.(1分)What does Jane's father like?
5.(1分)How will they go to the sports center?
A.On foot.
B.By bus.
C.By bike.
6.(1分)Who doesn't like Peking Opera?
7.(1分)Why is Tony unhappy?
A.Because he argue s with his friends.
B.Because he doesn't have any friends.
C.Because he doesn't like his friends.
8.(1分)When will the man go to Weihai?
A.On October 6th.
B.On October 16th.
C.On October 26th.
9.(1分)Where are the two speakers?
A.In a restaurant.
B.In a museum.
C.In a clothes store.
10.(1分)What does Rose mean?
A.There is no need to do chores.
B.Daniel should help her with some chores.
C.Children should help their parents do some chores.
二、Listen to a passage and choose the best answers.The passage will be read twice.
11.(5分)(1)The boy went to his grandfather because_______.
A.he broke the model plane was over
C.he bad a fight
(2)The good tiger________everything around him. angry with good with interested in
(3)Which sentence about the bad tiger is TRUE?
A.He fights without any reason.
B.He fights because others hate him.
C.He fights because others can't think carefully.
(4)Why does the good tiger control the grandfather?
A.Because the good tiger is kind and friendly.
B.Because the grandfather hates the bad tiger.
C.Because the grandfather treats the good tiger well.
(5)The writer wants to tell us" _______". to feed tigers well to control our feelings to make others like you
三、Listen to a passage and fill in the blanks.The passage will be read twice.
Mary's Saturday
In the morning She helped her mother to buy some food.Then She went to see her grandparents.
They(1)___________(2)__________for her grandparents.
In the afternoon She helped Miss Lee in the school library for an hour.She(3)_______a lot of old books(4)____________(5)_______.
She(6)__________(7)__________with her cousin for two hours.
In the evening She went to Gina's(8)____________(9)__________with some friends.
She felt(10)__________.The party finished at 9:00 pm.
13.(0.5分)The zoo keeper doesn't allow_______here.(  )
A.smoke smoke C.smoking D.smokes
14.(0.5分)Elizabeth______this book______she was a teenager.(  )
A.has bought;since B.bought;since
C.has had;since D.has bought,from
15.(0.5分)Stephen Hawing, a great scientist, had a strong will. His serious illness never ______ him _______ living a meaningful and colorful life.(  )
A.learned;from B.protected;from
C.saved;from D.stopped;from
16.(0.5分)Although we are good friends,it doesn't mean that you can______me all the time.(  )
A.make jokes about B.laughing at
C.make a fun of D.playing tricks on
17.(0.5分)It's said that _____ of the water around the world _____ polluted.(  )
A.two thirds; has B.two thirds; is
C.two third; are D.two thirds; have
18.(0.5分)Daniel was a bad mood and didn't talk to .(  )
A.on;something B.with;anybody;anybody;somebody
19.(0.5分)﹣﹣﹣Why do you like living in the countryside?
﹣﹣﹣Because there's__________ noise and fewer cars there.(  )
A.little B.less C.few D.fewer
20.(0.5分)—Do you know the meanings of these new words?
—Sorry,I don't.Let's ________ in the dictionary.(  )
A.look up them B.look up it
C.look them up D.look it up
21.(0.5分)All of you went to the zoo ________ Wang Hai.He had to look after his grandma.(  )
A.besides B.with C.except D.Beside
22.(0.5分)They were all very tired,but______of them would stop to take a rest.(  )
A.any B.some C.none D.neither
23.(0.5分)Our school team _______the red team from another school and we______the game.(  )
A.fought;beat B.visited;challenged
C.beat;won D.welcomed;beat
24.(0.5分)﹣Where's Peter?
﹣He______Egypt.He has already______there for two months.(  )
A.has gone to;been B.has been to;went
C.has gone to;gone D.has been in;gone
25.(0.5分)Can you imagine what life will be like in ______ time?(  )
A.20 years' B.20 year's C.20﹣years' D.20﹣year
26.(0.5分)﹣Why don't you like winter in Beijing?
﹣Because it is winter in Guangzhou.(  ) cold as B.much colder than
C.not so cold as D.not colder than
27.(0.5分)Laws should be passed to protect tigers.Otherwise,they are certain to______.(  )
A.die out B.die of C.die away D.die down
28.(0.5分)Nanjing isn't so large __________ Shanghai,however,it's the second __________ city in East China.(  );largest;largest;large;large
29.(0.5分)____has Mr White been a member of Greener China since he ____ to China?(  )
A.How soon,comes B.How often,got
C.How long,came D.How far,arrived
30.(0.5分)I usually forget ______ the door. But I remembered_______ it when I left home yesterday.(  ) close, to close B.closing, closing
C.closing, to close close, closing
31.(0.5分)Zhao Lan ________ already ________ in this school for two years.(  )
A.was;studying B.will;study
32.(0.5分)Lily looked forward to______full grades sometimes,but her parents expected her______full grades every time.(  )
A.getting;getting B.getting;to get
C.get;getting D.get to get
33.(10分)As a university student,I decided to learn French.For some reason I really liked the language.but I was not very good at learning it.The grammar(1)   me a lot and even drove me crazy.My only advantage was(2)   ﹣﹣I got an A in every word test I took.After two years of studies.I struggled to communicate in(3)   French and signed up to study in France to complete my degree.It was the(4)   term I would ever have.
The moment I arrived in France,I felt like I was starting from scratch(从头开始).The French I'd learned in university wasn't practical for everyday conversations.It is difficult for me to get around,read email s and talk with my classmates.I was often nervous at school,worried about(5)   I could understand my teachers in class.I only(6)   a little around my eight roommates,who were willing to speak French slowly to me and didn't seem to mind my(7)   .
I chose to study three courses﹣reading&writing,grammar and history.The history class was a big challenge for me.The teacher spoke so(8)   that almost everything he said flew right over my head.I sat in the front,took notes and even recorded every single word he said in class,but(9)   helped.I had no idea what the class was really about...Years have passed,but I never forget how hard(10)   was for me to manage to get my degree.I think my failure that term taught me just as much as my success.
(1)A.gave B.helped C.troubled D.offered
(2)A.listening B.spelling C.speaking D.writing
(3)A.perfect B.poor C.beautiful D.pure
(4)A.hardest B.easiest C.happiest D.shortest
(5)A.what B.whether C.that D.since
(6)A.relaxed B.feared C.wondered D.questioned
(7)A.purposes B.mistakes C.progress D.task
(8)A.slowly B.quickly C.clearly D.fluently
(9)A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing
(10)A.that C.this D.those
34.(5分)Almost all animals need to sleep to stay healthy.But sleeping can also be dangerous because other animals may hurt those who are sleeping.This leads to many different ways of sleeping that help them stay safe.Some of these ways may surprise you!
Almost all bats sleep upside down.They hang from a branch of a tree or the ceiling of a cave.Up high,bats are safe from most other animals.If they are in danger,they just fly away.
A dolphin sleeps with just half its brain at a time.It must stay awake to breathe and to watch for danger.Dolphin mothers and babies can go without sleep for as long as two months to stay safe.
Some ducks sleep with just half their brains,too.These ducks often sleep in a line.The ducks at both ends help to keep the group safe.They keep one eye open to watch for danger.The ducks in the middle sleep deeply with both eyes closed.
Seals breathe air,but that doesn't stop some of them from sleeping underwater.They hold their breath and dive deep to sleep for up to twenty minutes at a time.Sleeping deep underwater helps these seals stay safe from animals that hunt them near the surface.
Horses often sleep standing up.Their legs lock in place so they don't fall over.If a horse is lying down,it needs a long time to get up.A horse can run from danger more quickly if it is already standing.
Some seabirds can sleep while they fly.These large birds spend most of their lives over the ocean.They are in danger on the water,but they are safe in the air.They fly for many hours without flapping(拍打)their wings.Sometimes they sleep while they are flying.
Would you like to sleep how they sleep?
(1)The animals that sleep with half their brains are    .
A.ducks and seals
B.dolphins and ducks
C.bats and dolphins
D.horses and sea birds
(2)Horses often stand up when they sleep because    .
A.they car run from danger quickly
B.they are afraid of falling over
C.this helps them to sleep deeply takes them a long time to go to sleep
(3)The underlined word "hunt" probably means    .
A.offer to help
B.come to teach
C.want to kill
D.refuse to protect
(4)Which of the following statements is true?    .
A.Dolphins actually do not need to sleep.
B.Ducks can sleep with their eyes closed.
C.Seals can sleep for over twenty minutes at a time.
D.Seabirds can sleep with the help of their wings.
(5)What is the best title for the passage?    
A.Sleep as animals do
B.Sleep to stay healthy
C.How animals sleep
D.What sleeping animals are like
35.(5分)Time passes.Wendy cooks for the boys.She is very busy,but she likes being their mother.She doesn't worry about her mother and father,but she worries about John and Michael.They are starting to forget their old life.Perhaps this is because there are so many exciting adventures in Neverland.
One night,for example,the Indians attack their house.Some of the Indians go into the holes in the trees and can't get out again.The other Indians have to pull them out,like works(瓶塞)from bottles.
Another day Peter saves Tiger Lily,an Indian princess,from Captain Hook.The Indians become Peter's friends after that.They guard the entrances to the house under the ground and protect the Lost Boys from the pirates(海盗).
Then another day the pirates try to kill the boys with a poisoned(有毒的)cake.Luckily Wendy takes it from them in time.But then the "Night of Nights" arrives.The children don't know it,but this is the last evening on Neverland.In the house under the ground,Wendy puts John and Michael and the Lost Boys to bed.She starts to tell them their favorite story.Usually Peter puts his hands over his ears because he doesn't like this story,but tonight he sits and listens with the others."In this story there is a man,"says Wendy,"and his name is Mrs.Darling.And there is a woman and her name is Mrs.Darling.They are married,and they have..."
(1)Why do John and Michel start to forget their old life?    
A.Because the Indians attack their house.
B.Because they experience a lot of adventures.
C.Because their old life is not good.
D.Because they are happy to stay with Wendy.
(2)What does Peter do to make him and the Indians become friends?    
A.He pulls the Indians out of the holes.
B.He protects the Lost Boys from the pirates.
C.He saves Tiger Lily from the pirates.
D.He helps the Indians kill the pirates.
(3)Where is Wendy's and the boys' house?    
A.In the tree.
B.In the holes.
C.Under the ground.
D.In the bottles.
(4)How many exciting adventures are mentioned in the part?    
(5)What can we infer from the passage?    
A.John and Michel feel unhappy on Neverland.
B.Peter doesn't want Wendy to go home.
C.Wendy doesn't miss her parents at all.
D.The Indians are bad people.
36.(5分)Courage is often thought to be one of the important spirits everyone needs.Then what is courage? (1)   One isn't necessarily born with courage,but one is born with potential(潜力).Kids build courage as they are growing up.
Many people talk about connections between courage and fear. (2)   If there is no fear,there is no need for courage.That is to say,courage is the ability to do what makes you feel afraid.Courage doesn't only mean great actions such as saving one's life or taking a big risk. (3)    For example,we show courage when we raise our hand to answer a hard question during class or try a new sport.
Courage is in everyday choices we make.Can you be kind to the new kid in class? (4)    Or can you stand up for someone in need?Often,these things don't come with praise,but they need courage.
(5)    When we become brave enough to face failure,we'll be more willing to try new things and try again after we fail.Courage doesn't always shout.Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, "I'll try again tomorrow."
A.You should learn to speak in public.
B.It is the ability to do something difficult.
C.Courage always stands side by side with fear.
D.Can you listen to the new person in your group?
E.Learning to fail is another important part of courage.
F.Courage also means the smaller actions of our everyday lives.
(1)   .John:I want to do something meaningful.I love keeping pets and I'm good at taking care of them. (2)   .Lily:I hope I can listen to music while I'm working.I'll be happier if I can see famous singers.It's my big dream. (3)   .Becky:I'm a book lover.How I wish I could work in a place full of books!That will give me a chance to read books. (4)   .Andy:I like playing sports and I can play all kinds of sports.I think they are fun and important.I hope to teach someone to play sports. (5)   .Jenny:I once watched a film about a girl whose parents died when she was young.I felt sorry for her and decided to go somewhere to help children in need. A.The holiday is coming soon.As more people will come to the Central Library,we need some helpers to sort (整理) the books and put them in order on the shelves. B.Beautiful World is a charity shop.It raises money by collecting old clothes and selling them to help sick people.It needs volunteers to help tidy the clothes. C.First Children's Home welcomes students who are kind and careful.We hope you will enjoy sharing your love and joy with the lonely children. D.Sunshine Pets Centre is looking for volunteers to help look after the pets.It will be better if you have experience of keeping pets.You will also learn a lot about keeping pets here. E.Exercise Together needs an assistant (助理) to guide people to exercise.But you must love sports and be patient with people. F.A lot of volunteers are needed for the Leeds Festival.It is a large music festival that will be held at the end of August.Many singers will take part in it and thousands of fans will be there.So we need you.
38.(10分)AI(人工智能)makes our lives easier and better.Let's see some amazing AI products.
A cool driverless bus
A bus door opens and we get on.Wait Where is the driver?Here is a new kind of driverless bus(1)   (call)Apolong.It has 14 seats and doesn't need a driver.The bus follows traffic rule(2)   (care).It stops as soon as it sees a stop light.
An AI friend
This is Xiaobing,a chat robot.It speaks like a 17﹣year﹣old girl.(3)    we feel lonely,we can talk with it.It is good at singing,writing poems and(4)   (tell)stories.It wants to be our friend!
An AI anchor(主摔)
Hey,look!The famous Chinese anchor Qiu Hao(5)   (report)the news for us.However,is"he"really Qiu Hao?The answer is"no".This is the world's(6)   (one)Al anchor.It looks and speaks just like(7)    real person.It can work 24 hours and doesn't make any mistakes.We might see it on TV soon.
An AI painting
This(8)   (value)painting was at an auction(拍卖)in 2020.It attracted a lot of people.It is not a work by a famous painter,such as Vincent van Gogh.It was painted by an Al artist.Three(9)   (Germany)created the Al artist.It studied over 15,000 paintings.(10)   this way,it learnt to paint.
We should encourage them      laughing at them.
She    her    to visit her aunt regularly.
He plays the guitar.       ,he writes his own songs.
If I were you,I would       the Internet.
The community       the tourism for its survival.
44.(0.5分)This game is not    (challenge)enough for Kate.It makes her bored.
45.(0.5分)The new bridge is    different from the old one.(total)
46.(0.5分)There are many   (different) between living in a big city and living in the country.
47.(0.5分)They dealt with the trouble things    (intelligence).
48.(0.5分)Edison is one of the greatest   (invent) in the world.
49.(0.5分)The old teacher still works hard though he is in his    (sixty).
50.(0.5分)If an invention is not    (practice),it's useless and meaningless.
51.(0.5分)I question the    (wise)of giving a child so much money.
52.(0.5分)He    (success)in swimming across the river when he was young.
53.(0.5分)How much time do you spend    (play)basketball every week?
54.(3.5分)Leonardo da Vinci was(1)   ,inventor,musician,engineer and scientist.
Da Vinci was born(2)   .From an early age,he showed great intelligence and(3)   .(4)   older,he learnt to do many different things.His paintings are very famous,and one,the Mona Lisa,is perhaps(5)   painting in the world.He also(6)   .For example,(7)   some interesting drawings of flying machines.
55.(3.5分)What can we do with computers?We can use computers to calculate.They can calculate at(1)   than we can and almost never(2)   .We can also(3)   things with them.In addition,computers can do important jobs like(4)   and flying planes and spaceships.
Is a computer(5)   me?The answer is"No".Your brain can (6)    but computers cannot.However,one day computers may(7)   do a better job than human beings...
56.(3分)That night,in the main square of the city,all the Trojans celebrated.They(1)   around the horse,and made jokes about the stupid Greeks."I haven't laughed like this(2)   ." the captain said.After the party,they locked all the gates of the city and then all(3)   .
By midnight,the main square was empty,(4)   the huge horse.Suddenly a secret door opened on the side of(5)   .The horse (6)    Greek soldiers!They quietly climbed out of the horse one by one.
活动目的 1.帮助学生培养良好的阅读习惯: 2.……
活动内容 1.邀请了专家介绍网游的危害: 2.召开了班会讨论阅读的重要性:
学生的感受 自由发挥,至少一点。
远离 stay away from 养成习惯 get into a habit of
Last week,our school held a themed activity "Stay away from online games and get close to classic books"._________________________________________________________________________________________
一、Listen to ten short conversations and choose the best answers.Each conversation will be read twice.
1.(1分)How many tickets did the boy buy?
2.(1分)What does the girl have to do?
A.Do her homework.
B.Look after her sister.
C.Watch the swimming race.
3.(1分)When will the basketball game begin?
A.At 6:30.
B.At 7:00.
C.At 7:30.
4.(1分)What does Jane's father like?
5.(1分)How will they go to the sports center?
A.On foot.
B.By bus.
C.By bike.
6.(1分)Who doesn't like Peking Opera?
7.(1分)Why is Tony unhappy?
A.Because he argue s with his friends.
B.Because he doesn't have any friends.
C.Because he doesn't like his friends.
8.(1分)When will the man go to Weihai?
A.On October 6th.
B.On October 16th.
C.On October 26th.
9.(1分)Where are the two speakers?
A.In a restaurant.
B.In a museum.
C.In a clothes store.
10.(1分)What does Rose mean?
A.There is no need to do chores.
B.Daniel should help her with some chores.
C.Children should help their parents do some chores.
二、Listen to a passage and choose the best answers.The passage will be read twice.
11.(5分)(1)The boy went to his grandfather because_______.
A.he broke the model plane was over
C.he bad a fight
(2)The good tiger________everything around him. angry with good with interested in
(3)Which sentence about the bad tiger is TRUE?
A.He fights without any reason.
B.He fights because others hate him.
C.He fights because others can't think carefully.
(4)Why does the good tiger control the grandfather?
A.Because the good tiger is kind and friendly.
B.Because the grandfather hates the bad tiger.
C.Because the grandfather treats the good tiger well.
(5)The writer wants to tell us" _______". to feed tigers well to control our feelings to make others like you
【解答】11﹣15 CBACB
三、Listen to a passage and fill in the blanks.The passage will be read twice.
Mary's Saturday
In the morning She helped her mother to buy some food.Then She went to see her grandparents.
They(1)___________(2)__________for her grandparents.
In the afternoon She helped Miss Lee in the school library for an hour.She(3)_______a lot of old books(4)____________(5)_______.
She(6)__________(7)__________with her cousin for two hours.
In the evening She went to Gina's(8)____________(9)__________with some friends.
She felt(10)__________.The party finished at 9:00 pm.
【解答】16.cooked 17.lunch 18.put 20.order
21.played 23.birthday 25.relaxed
13.(0.5分)The zoo keeper doesn't allow_______here.(  )
A.smoke smoke C.smoking D.smokes
【解答】A.动词原形;B.不定式;C.动名词;D.第三人称单数形式。根据题干,可知考查allow doing sth允许做某事。
14.(0.5分)Elizabeth______this book______she was a teenager.(  )
A.has bought;since B.bought;since
C.has had;since D.has bought,from
15.(0.5分)Stephen Hawing, a great scientist, had a strong will. His serious illness never ______ him _______ living a meaningful and colorful life.(  )
A.learned;from B.protected;from
C.saved;from D.stopped;from
【分析】伟大的科学家斯蒂芬 霍金有着强烈的意志,他的重病从未阻止他过着有意义和丰富多彩的生活.
【解答】A向某人学习,B保护某人免受,C从…救出某人,D阻止某人做某事;根据句意"伟大的科学家斯蒂芬 霍金有着强烈的意志,他的重病从未阻止他过着有意义和丰富多彩的生活"可知,要填"阻止某人做某事".其它选项语意不通.
16.(0.5分)Although we are good friends,it doesn't mean that you can______me all the time.(  )
A.make jokes about B.laughing at
C.make a fun of D.playing tricks on
17.(0.5分)It's said that _____ of the water around the world _____ polluted.(  )
A.two thirds; has B.two thirds; is
C.two third; are D.two thirds; have
【解答】考查三分之二的表示方法。用英语表达分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于1时,分母加﹣s,三分之二表达为two thirds,水不可数,用单数,且是一般现在时的被动语态,has polluted用于现在完成时的主动语态,C项third后应加s,are是复数形式,D项have不合适.
18.(0.5分)Daniel was a bad mood and didn't talk to .(  )
A.on;something B.with;anybody;anybody;somebody
【解答】根据Daniel was a bad mood and didn't talk to .以及结合选项可知,此处说的是"丹尼尔心情不好,没有和任何人说话";in a bad mood 意为"处于一种坏情绪当中";talk to sb 意为"和某人说话"。somebody 某人,常用于肯定句,在否定句和疑问句中要用anybody 来代替。
19.(0.5分)﹣﹣﹣Why do you like living in the countryside?
﹣﹣﹣Because there's__________ noise and fewer cars there.(  )
A.little B.less C.few D.fewer
20.(0.5分)—Do you know the meanings of these new words?
—Sorry,I don't.Let's ________ in the dictionary.(  )
A.look up them B.look up it
C.look them up D.look it up
【解答】句意:﹣你知道这些生词的意思吗?﹣对不起,我没有。我们查字典吧。look...up 意为"查阅",动副结构代词放中间,因为此处替代的words是复数名词,用them代替。
21.(0.5分)All of you went to the zoo ________ Wang Hai.He had to look after his grandma.(  )
A.besides B.with C.except D.Beside
【解答】答案:C;A.besides除了…还有 B.with,和; C.except,除了,在整体中减去一部分; D.around大约;根据句中信息He had to look after his grandma可知王海没去;故用介词except;故选C.
22.(0.5分)They were all very tired,but______of them would stop to take a rest.(  )
A.any B.some C.none D.neither
23.(0.5分)Our school team _______the red team from another school and we______the game.(  )
A.fought;beat B.visited;challenged
C.beat;won D.welcomed;beat
【解答】fight打架;visit参观;beat打败,接对手;win赢,接奖品,比赛等;challenge挑战;welcome欢迎。根据the red team(红队)可知是对手,第一空用beat;the game(比赛)。根据Our school team _______the red team from another school(我们的校队打败了来自另一所学校的红队)可知,我们赢得了比赛,因此第二空用won
24.(0.5分)﹣Where's Peter?
﹣He______Egypt.He has already______there for two months.(  )
A.has gone to;been B.has been to;went
C.has gone to;gone D.has been in;gone
【解答】根据语境及题干问句可知,题干中的"He"不在此地,已经去了埃及,因此第一空应用现在完成时态has gone to,表"去了某地(不在此地)";题干答语第二句的关键信息是for a week(一周),表明"他已待在那里一周了",这里的been相当于"been in+地点"(在here和there前省略介词in)。
25.(0.5分)Can you imagine what life will be like in ______ time?(  )
A.20 years' B.20 year's C.20﹣years' D.20﹣year
【解答】答案:A 结合题干及选项,可知本题考查名词所有格的用法.在本句中所缺的词作time的定语,这里是指20 years,为复数,当名词为复数作定语时,直接在后面加'即可,所以在本句中应为20 years',意为"20年的".故选A.
26.(0.5分)﹣Why don't you like winter in Beijing?
﹣Because it is winter in Guangzhou.(  ) cold as B.much colder than
C.not so cold as D.not colder than
根据in Beijing和in Guangzhou可知,这是"北京的冬天"和"广州的冬天"两者之间的比较,应该用比较级形式;本句由Why don't you like winter in Beijing可知,"不喜欢北京的冬天",说明"它比广州的冬天…";又根据much+形容词或副词的比较级,此处表示"…多/更…",此处意思是"更冷";形容词cold的比较级是colder,故选:B。
27.(0.5分)Laws should be passed to protect tigers.Otherwise,they are certain to______.(  )
A.die out B.die of C.die away D.die down
【解答】A.灭绝;B.死于;C.消失;D.减弱。根据Laws should be passed to protect tigers.(应该通过法律来保护老虎。)可知此处是指应该通过法律来保护老虎。否则,它们肯定会灭绝。
28.(0.5分)Nanjing isn't so large __________ Shanghai,however,it's the second __________ city in East China.(  );largest;largest;large;large
【解答】根据Nanjing isn't so large __Shanghai,可知这里的意思是南京不如上海大,这里考查的是not so…as表示前者在某方面不如后者,中间需用原级.再根据"in East China在中国东部"可知是三者以上的比较,所以前面的形容词应该用最高级形式.
29.(0.5分)____has Mr White been a member of Greener China since he ____ to China?(  )
A.How soon,comes B.How often,got
C.How long,came D.How far,arrived
【解答】答案:C.考查疑问词.句意"怀特先生已经成为绿色中国的一员多久了,自从他来到中国?".how soon"多快/多久以后",其后用in加一段时间来回答.how often多久一次,对频率提问.how long多久,对段时间提问,通常用现在完成时态.how far多远,对距离提问.根据has been现在完成时态,及since自从…,可知表示时间段,用how long.第二个空since引导的时间状语从句,主句用现在完成时态,从句用一般过去时态,came to来到.不应该用到达.答案是C.
30.(0.5分)I usually forget ______ the door. But I remembered_______ it when I left home yesterday.(  ) close, to close B.closing, closing
C.closing, to close close, closing
【解答】forget to do 忘记去做某事,remember doing 记得做过某事,此题根据语境:我通常忘记关门,但我记得昨天离家时关门了.
31.(0.5分)Zhao Lan ________ already ________ in this school for two years.(  )
A.was;studying B.will;study
【解答】根据句中"already"和时间状语"for two years"可知,此题时态应用现在完成时,其结构为:have/has +过去分词。
32.(0.5分)Lily looked forward to______full grades sometimes,but her parents expected her______full grades every time.(  )
A.getting;getting B.getting;to get
C.get;getting D.get to get
【解答】getting动名词;to get不定式。根据题干,可知第一空考查look forward to doing 上台阶期待做某事;第二空考查expect sb to do sth期待某人做某事。
33.(10分)As a university student,I decided to learn French.For some reason I really liked the language.but I was not very good at learning it.The grammar(1) C me a lot and even drove me crazy.My only advantage was(2) B ﹣﹣I got an A in every word test I took.After two years of studies.I struggled to communicate in(3) B French and signed up to study in France to complete my degree.It was the(4) A term I would ever have.
The moment I arrived in France,I felt like I was starting from scratch(从头开始).The French I'd learned in university wasn't practical for everyday conversations.It is difficult for me to get around,read email s and talk with my classmates.I was often nervous at school,worried about(5) B I could understand my teachers in class.I only(6) A a little around my eight roommates,who were willing to speak French slowly to me and didn't seem to mind my(7) B .
I chose to study three courses﹣reading&writing,grammar and history.The history class was a big challenge for me.The teacher spoke so(8) B that almost everything he said flew right over my head.I sat in the front,took notes and even recorded every single word he said in class,but(9) D helped.I had no idea what the class was really about...Years have passed,but I never forget how hard(10) B was for me to manage to get my degree.I think my failure that term taught me just as much as my success.
(1)A.gave B.helped C.troubled D.offered
(2)A.listening B.spelling C.speaking D.writing
(3)A.perfect B.poor C.beautiful D.pure
(4)A.hardest B.easiest C.happiest D.shortest
(5)A.what B.whether C.that D.since
(6)A.relaxed B.feared C.wondered D.questioned
(7)A.purposes B.mistakes C.progress D.task
(8)A.slowly B.quickly C.clearly D.fluently
(9)A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing
(10)A.that C.this D.those
【解答】(1)动词辨析。句意:语法使我很烦恼,甚至使我发疯。A.gave给;B.helped帮助;C.troubled麻烦;D.offered提供。根据even drove me crazy(甚至使我发疯)可知,语法使我很烦恼。故选C。
(2)名词辨析。句意:我唯一的优势是拼写——我参加的每一次单词测试都得A。A.listening听力;B.spelling拼写;C.speaking说;D.writing写。根据I got an A in every word test I took.(我参加的每一次单词测试都得A。)可知,此处指拼写测试。故选B。
(3)形容词辨析。句意:我努力用蹩脚的法语与人交流,并报名去法国学习以完成我的学位。A.perfect完美的;B.poor差的;C.beautiful漂亮的;D.pure纯的。根据I struggled to communicate(我努力交流)可知,此处指努力用蹩脚的法语与人交流,因此选poor。故选B。
(4)形容词最高级辨析。句意:这是我一生中最努力的一学期。A.hardest最努力的;B.easiest最内容的;C.happiest最开心的;D.shortest最短的。根据I struggled to communicate in(3)___French and signed up to study in France to complete my degree.(我努力用蹩脚的法语与人交流,并报名去法国学习以完成我的学位。)可知这是我一生中最努力的一学期,。故选A。
(5)连词辨析。句意:在学校我经常很紧张,担心在课堂上我是否能听懂老师的话。A.what什么;B.whether是否;C.that连接词,无实义;D.since自从。根据I was often nervous at school(在学校我经常很紧张)可知,此处指我担心在课堂上我是否能听懂老师的话。故选B。
(6)动词辨析。句意:我只有和我的八个室友在一起时才稍微放松一点,他们愿意慢慢地和我说法语,似乎并不介意我的错误。A.relaxed放松;B.feared害怕;C.wondered想知道;D.questioned提问。根据I was often nervous at school(在学校我经常很紧张)可知,此处指我和室友在一起时才稍微放松一点。故选A。
(7)名词辨析。句意:我只有和我的八个室友在一起时才稍微放松一点,他们愿意慢慢地和我说法语,似乎并不介意我的错误。A.purposes目的;B.mistakes错误;C.progress进步;D.task任务。根据I struggled to communicate in(3)___French(我努力用蹩脚的法语与人交流)可知,他们并不介意我的错误。故选B。
(8)副词辨析。句意:老师讲得太快了,他说的几乎每件事我都不明白。A.slowly慢慢地;B.quickly快速地;C.clearly清晰地;D.fluently流利地。根据almost everything he said flew right over my head(他说的几乎每件事我都不明白)可知,老师讲得太快了。故选B。
(9)代词辨析。句意:我坐在前排,记笔记,甚至录下他在课堂上说的每一个字,但无济于事。A.something某物;B.anything任何事情;C.everything每件事情;D.nothing没有什么。根据I had no idea What the class was really about...(我根本不知道这门课到底在讲什么......)可知,此处指无济于事,因此选nothing。故选D。
(10)代词辨析。句意:许多年过去了,但我永远不会忘记获得学位对我来说有多难。A.that那个;B.it它;C.this这个;D.those那些。根据for me to manage to get my degree(获得学位对我来说)可知,本句为形式宾语句,it是从句中的形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。故选B。
34.(5分)Almost all animals need to sleep to stay healthy.But sleeping can also be dangerous because other animals may hurt those who are sleeping.This leads to many different ways of sleeping that help them stay safe.Some of these ways may surprise you!
Almost all bats sleep upside down.They hang from a branch of a tree or the ceiling of a cave.Up high,bats are safe from most other animals.If they are in danger,they just fly away.
A dolphin sleeps with just half its brain at a time.It must stay awake to breathe and to watch for danger.Dolphin mothers and babies can go without sleep for as long as two months to stay safe.
Some ducks sleep with just half their brains,too.These ducks often sleep in a line.The ducks at both ends help to keep the group safe.They keep one eye open to watch for danger.The ducks in the middle sleep deeply with both eyes closed.
Seals breathe air,but that doesn't stop some of them from sleeping underwater.They hold their breath and dive deep to sleep for up to twenty minutes at a time.Sleeping deep underwater helps these seals stay safe from animals that hunt them near the surface.
Horses often sleep standing up.Their legs lock in place so they don't fall over.If a horse is lying down,it needs a long time to get up.A horse can run from danger more quickly if it is already standing.
Some seabirds can sleep while they fly.These large birds spend most of their lives over the ocean.They are in danger on the water,but they are safe in the air.They fly for many hours without flapping(拍打)their wings.Sometimes they sleep while they are flying.
Would you like to sleep how they sleep?
(1)The animals that sleep with half their brains are  B .
A.ducks and seals
B.dolphins and ducks
C.bats and dolphins
D.horses and sea birds
(2)Horses often stand up when they sleep because  A .
A.they car run from danger quickly
B.they are afraid of falling over
C.this helps them to sleep deeply takes them a long time to go to sleep
(3)The underlined word "hunt" probably means  C .
A.offer to help
B.come to teach
C.want to kill
D.refuse to protect
(4)Which of the following statements is true?  B .
A.Dolphins actually do not need to sleep.
B.Ducks can sleep with their eyes closed.
C.Seals can sleep for over twenty minutes at a time.
D.Seabirds can sleep with the help of their wings.
(5)What is the best title for the passage?  C 
A.Sleep as animals do
B.Sleep to stay healthy
C.How animals sleep
D.What sleeping animals are like
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第三段A dolphin sleeps with just half its brain at a time.(海豚一次只用半个大脑睡觉。)和第四段第一句Some ducks sleep with just half their brains,too.(一些鸭子也只有一半的大脑睡眠。)可知海豚和鸭子只用一半的大脑睡觉,故选B。
(2)细节理解题。根据第六段A horse can run from danger more quickly if it is already standing.(马站立睡眠是为了能更快的逃离危险。)可知马站立睡眠是为了能更快的逃离危险,故选A。
(3)词义猜测题。根据第五段Sleeping deep underwater helps these seals stay safe from animals that hunt them near the surface.(睡在深水下能帮助海豹保持安全远离那些在水面......的动物。)可知结合选项,应说睡在深水下能帮助海豹保持安全远离那些在水面捕猎的动物,所以hunt意为捕猎,故选C。
(4)细节理解题。根据第四段The ducks in the middle sleep deeply with both eyes closed.(中间的鸭子闭着眼睛睡得很沉。)可知鸭子可以闭着眼睛睡觉,故选B。
(5)主旨归纳题。根据整篇文章内容及其第一段句子Almost all animals need to sleep to stay healthy.But sleeping can also be dangerous because other animals may hurt those who are sleeping.This leads to many different ways of sleeping that help them stay safe.Some of these ways may surprise you!(几乎所有的动物都需要睡眠来保持健康,但睡眠也可能是危险的,因为其它动物可能会伤害那些正在睡觉的动物,这会导致许多不同的睡眠方式,帮助它们保持安全!)结合下文,可知文章主要说的是动物如何睡觉,故选C。
35.(5分)Time passes.Wendy cooks for the boys.She is very busy,but she likes being their mother.She doesn't worry about her mother and father,but she worries about John and Michael.They are starting to forget their old life.Perhaps this is because there are so many exciting adventures in Neverland.
One night,for example,the Indians attack their house.Some of the Indians go into the holes in the trees and can't get out again.The other Indians have to pull them out,like works(瓶塞)from bottles.
Another day Peter saves Tiger Lily,an Indian princess,from Captain Hook.The Indians become Peter's friends after that.They guard the entrances to the house under the ground and protect the Lost Boys from the pirates(海盗).
Then another day the pirates try to kill the boys with a poisoned(有毒的)cake.Luckily Wendy takes it from them in time.But then the "Night of Nights" arrives.The children don't know it,but this is the last evening on Neverland.In the house under the ground,Wendy puts John and Michael and the Lost Boys to bed.She starts to tell them their favorite story.Usually Peter puts his hands over his ears because he doesn't like this story,but tonight he sits and listens with the others."In this story there is a man,"says Wendy,"and his name is Mrs.Darling.And there is a woman and her name is Mrs.Darling.They are married,and they have..."
(1)Why do John and Michel start to forget their old life?  B 
A.Because the Indians attack their house.
B.Because they experience a lot of adventures.
C.Because their old life is not good.
D.Because they are happy to stay with Wendy.
(2)What does Peter do to make him and the Indians become friends?  C 
A.He pulls the Indians out of the holes.
B.He protects the Lost Boys from the pirates.
C.He saves Tiger Lily from the pirates.
D.He helps the Indians kill the pirates.
(3)Where is Wendy's and the boys' house?  C 
A.In the tree.
B.In the holes.
C.Under the ground.
D.In the bottles.
(4)How many exciting adventures are mentioned in the part?  B 
(5)What can we infer from the passage?  B 
A.John and Michel feel unhappy on Neverland.
B.Peter doesn't want Wendy to go home.
C.Wendy doesn't miss her parents at all.
D.The Indians are bad people.
【解答】 (1)细节理解题。根据They are starting to forget their old life.Perhaps this is because there are so many exciting adventures in Neverland.(他们开始忘记过去的生活。也许这是因为梦幻岛有太多令人兴奋的冒险。)可知,是因为他们经历了很多冒险。故选B。
(2)细节理解题。根据第三段Another day Peter saves Tiger Lily,an Indian princess,from Captain Hook.The Indians become Peter's friends after that.(另一天,彼得从胡克船长手中救下了印第安部落的虎莲公主。从那以后,印第安人成了彼得的朋友。)可知,彼得救了虎莲公主之后,他和印第安人成为了朋友。故选C。
(3)细节理解题。根据最后一段In the house under the ground,Wendy puts John and Michael and the Lost Boys to bed.(在地下的房子里,温迪把约翰、迈克尔和迷路的男孩们放到了床上。)可知,温蒂和男孩们的家在地下。故选C。
(4)细节理解题。根据第二段One night,for example,the Indians attack their house.(例如,一天晚上,印第安人袭击了他们的房子。)和第三段Another day Peter saves Tiger Lily,an Indian princess,from Captain Hook.(另一天,彼得从胡克船长手中救下了印第安部落的虎莲公主。)以及最后一段Then another day the pirates try to kill the boys with a poisoned(有毒的)cake.(然后又有一天,海盗们试图用一个有毒的蛋糕杀死这些男孩。)可知,文章提到了3次激动人心的冒险。故选B。
(5)推理判断题。根据最后一段She starts to tell them their favorite story.Usually Peter puts his hands over his ears because he doesn't like this story,but tonight he sits and listens with the others."In this story there is a man,"says Wendy,"and his name is Mrs.Darling.And there is a woman and her name is Mrs.Darling.They are married,and they have..."(她开始给他们讲他们最喜欢的故事。通常彼得用手捂住耳朵,因为他不喜欢这个故事,但今晚他和其他人一起坐着听。"在这个故事里有一个男人,"温迪说,"他的名字叫达林太太。还有一个女人,她的名字叫达林太太。他们结婚了,他们有......")可推知,彼得不想让温蒂回家。故选B。
36.(5分)Courage is often thought to be one of the important spirits everyone needs.Then what is courage? (1) B One isn't necessarily born with courage,but one is born with potential(潜力).Kids build courage as they are growing up.
Many people talk about connections between courage and fear. (2) C If there is no fear,there is no need for courage.That is to say,courage is the ability to do what makes you feel afraid.Courage doesn't only mean great actions such as saving one's life or taking a big risk. (3) F  For example,we show courage when we raise our hand to answer a hard question during class or try a new sport.
Courage is in everyday choices we make.Can you be kind to the new kid in class? (4) D  Or can you stand up for someone in need?Often,these things don't come with praise,but they need courage.
(5) E  When we become brave enough to face failure,we'll be more willing to try new things and try again after we fail.Courage doesn't always shout.Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, "I'll try again tomorrow."
A.You should learn to speak in public.
B.It is the ability to do something difficult.
C.Courage always stands side by side with fear.
D.Can you listen to the new person in your group?
E.Learning to fail is another important part of courage.
F.Courage also means the smaller actions of our everyday lives.
(1)根据" Then what is courage?"(那什么是勇气?)可知,此处应该介绍勇气的含义,选项B"它是做困难事情的能力。"符合语境,故选B。
(2)根据"If there is no fear,there is no need for courage."(如果没有恐惧,就不需要勇气。)可知,如果没有恐惧,就不需要勇气,所以二者是共存的,选项C"勇气总是与恐惧并肩而行。"符合语境,故选C。
(3)根据"Courage doesn't only mean great actions such as saving one's life or taking a big risk."(勇气并不仅仅意味着伟大的行动,比如拯救一个人的生命或者冒很大的风险。)可知,勇气不仅意味着挽救生命或冒大风险等伟大的行动,选项F"勇气也意味着我们日常生活中的小事。"符合语境,故选F。
(4)根据"Can you be kind to the new kid in class? ...Or can you stand up for someone in need?"(你能对班上新来的孩子好一点吗?...或者你能为有需要的人挺身而出吗?)可知,此处也应是一个Can开头的一般疑问句,选项D"你能听听小组里新来的人的声音吗?"符合语境,故选D。
(5)根据"When we become brave enough to face failure,we'll be more willing to try new things and try again after we fail."(当我们变得足够勇敢面对失败时,我们会更愿意尝试新事物,并在失败后再次尝试。)可知,当我们变得足够勇敢面对失败,我们会更愿意尝试新事物,并在我们失败后再次尝试。此处强调勇气与失败的关系,选项E"学会失败是勇气的另一个重要组成部分。"符合语境,故选E。
(1) D .John:I want to do something meaningful.I love keeping pets and I'm good at taking care of them. (2) F .Lily:I hope I can listen to music while I'm working.I'll be happier if I can see famous singers.It's my big dream. (3) A .Becky:I'm a book lover.How I wish I could work in a place full of books!That will give me a chance to read books. (4) E .Andy:I like playing sports and I can play all kinds of sports.I think they are fun and important.I hope to teach someone to play sports. (5) C .Jenny:I once watched a film about a girl whose parents died when she was young.I felt sorry for her and decided to go somewhere to help children in need. A.The holiday is coming soon.As more people will come to the Central Library,we need some helpers to sort (整理) the books and put them in order on the shelves. B.Beautiful World is a charity shop.It raises money by collecting old clothes and selling them to help sick people.It needs volunteers to help tidy the clothes. C.First Children's Home welcomes students who are kind and careful.We hope you will enjoy sharing your love and joy with the lonely children. D.Sunshine Pets Centre is looking for volunteers to help look after the pets.It will be better if you have experience of keeping pets.You will also learn a lot about keeping pets here. E.Exercise Together needs an assistant (助理) to guide people to exercise.But you must love sports and be patient with people. F.A lot of volunteers are needed for the Leeds Festival.It is a large music festival that will be held at the end of August.Many singers will take part in it and thousands of fans will be there.So we need you.
A.假期马上就要到了。随着越来越多的人来到中央图书馆,我们需要一些助手来整理(整理) 把书放在书架上。
E.一起锻炼需要助手(助理) 引导人们锻炼身体。但你必须热爱运动,对人要有耐心。
【解答】(1)细节推理题。根据John: ...I love keeping pets and I'm good at taking care of them.(约翰:......我喜欢养宠物,而且我很善于照顾它们。)可知,约翰喜欢养宠物,比如狗狗和猫猫,他擅长照顾它们。D选项"阳光宠物中心在寻找志愿者帮助照顾宠物,如果有养宠物的经验更好,你还会学到很多关于养宠物的知识。"与之对应。故选D。
(2)细节理解题。根据Lily:I hope I can listen to music while I'm working.I'll be happier if I can see famous singers.It's my big dream.(莉莉:我希望我能在工作的时候听音乐。如果我能看到著名的歌手,我会更高兴。这是我的大梦想。)可知,莉莉希望工作时可以听音乐,如果可以亲自看到出名的歌手她会更开心,因为是她的梦想。F选项"利兹音乐节需要很多志愿者……许多歌手将参加,成千上万的歌迷将会到场。"与之对应。故选F。
(3)细节理解题。根据Becky:I'm a book lover.How I wish I could work in a place full of books!That will give me a chance to read books.(贝基:我是个爱书的人。我多么希望我能在一个满是书的地方工作啊!那将给我一个读书的机会。)可知,贝基是个书迷,希望能在一个充满书的地方工作。A选项"假期马上就要到了,由于来中央图书馆的人越来越多,我们需要一些帮手把书分类,并把它们整齐地放在书架上。"与之对应。故选A。
(4)细节理解题。根据Andy:I like playing sports and I can play all kinds of sports.I think they are fun and important.I hope to teach someone to play sports.(安迪:我喜欢运动,我可以参加各种各样的运动。我认为它们既有趣又重要。我希望教别人运动。)可知,安迪喜欢做运动,会做各种运动;他认为有趣又很重要,希望教某人做运动。E选项"一起锻炼需要一个助手来指导人们锻炼。但是你必须热爱运动,对人要有耐心。"与之对应。故选E。
(5)根据Jenny:I once watched a film about a girl whose parents died when she was young.I felt sorry for her and decided to go somewhere to help children in need.(珍妮:我曾经看过一部关于一个女孩的电影,她的父母在她小的时候就去世了。我为她感到难过,决定去某个地方帮助有需要的孩子。)可知,珍妮受电影启发,决定去某个地方帮助有需求的孩子们。C选项"第一儿童之家欢迎善良细心的学生。我们希望你能与孤独的孩子们分享你的爱和快乐。"与之对应。故选C。
38.(10分)AI(人工智能)makes our lives easier and better.Let's see some amazing AI products.
A cool driverless bus
A bus door opens and we get on.Wait Where is the driver?Here is a new kind of driverless bus(1) called (call)Apolong.It has 14 seats and doesn't need a driver.The bus follows traffic rule(2) carefully (care).It stops as soon as it sees a stop light.
An AI friend
This is Xiaobing,a chat robot.It speaks like a 17﹣year﹣old girl.(3) If  we feel lonely,we can talk with it.It is good at singing,writing poems and(4) telling (tell)stories.It wants to be our friend!
An AI anchor(主摔)
Hey,look!The famous Chinese anchor Qiu Hao(5) is reporting (report)the news for us.However,is"he"really Qiu Hao?The answer is"no".This is the world's(6) first (one)Al anchor.It looks and speaks just like(7) a  real person.It can work 24 hours and doesn't make any mistakes.We might see it on TV soon.
An AI painting
This(8) valuable (value)painting was at an auction(拍卖)in 2020.It attracted a lot of people.It is not a work by a famous painter,such as Vincent van Gogh.It was painted by an Al artist.Three(9) Germans (Germany)created the Al artist.It studied over 15,000 paintings.(10) In this way,it learnt to paint.
(5)考查动词时态。句意:中国著名主持人邱昊为我们报道新闻。根据Hey,look!(嘿,看!)可知,此处用现在进行时,用am/is/are doing结构,主语为第三人称单数,因此be动词用is。故填is reporting。
(6)考查序数词。句意:这是世界上第一个人工智能主播。空格部分修饰Al anchor(人工智能主播)可知,因此用序数词形式。故填first。
(8)考查形容词。句意:这幅 非常名贵的画是在2020年的一次拍卖会上拍的。根据at an auction(拍卖)(在拍卖会上)可知,这是一幅名贵的画,因此用形容词valuable"有价值的,珍贵的"。故填valuable。
(10)考查介词。句意:以这种方式,它学会了画画。in this way为固定搭配,意为"以这种方式",位于句首首字母大写。故填In。
We should encourage them instead  of laughing at them.
【分析】We should encourage them instead of laughing at them.
【解答】instead of 代替,而不是;固定短语。
故答案是instead of
She  kept her  promise to visit her aunt regularly.
【解答】考查短语搭配。keep one's promise信守诺言,固定搭配。由句意可推知为一般过去时。
He plays the guitar.  In  addition ,he writes his own songs.
【解答】根据题干,可知设空处应填:in addition此外,介词短语。
故答案为:In addition。
If I were you,I would  keep  off the Internet.
【解答】根据题干,可知设空处应填:keep off远离。情态动词would接动词原形。
故答案为:keep off。
The community  depends  on the tourism for its survival.
【解答】根据题干,可知设空处应填:depend on依靠,动词短语。由句意可知时态是一般现在时,主语是单数,接动词第三人称单数形式。
故答案为:depends on。
44.(0.5分)This game is not  challenging (challenge)enough for Kate.It makes her bored.
45.(0.5分)The new bridge is  totally different from the old one.(total)
46.(0.5分)There are many differences (different) between living in a big city and living in the country.
47.(0.5分)They dealt with the trouble things  intelligently (intelligence).
【解答】根据题干,可知是指他们明智地处理麻烦的事情。intelligently明智地,副词修饰dealt with。
48.(0.5分)Edison is one of the greatest inventors (invent) in the world.
【解答】答案:inventors 根据前文Edison及常识,我们知道爱迪生是发明家,故需要用表示人的名词inventor,前文one of后接可数名词的复数形式,表示…之一,故答案为inventors.
49.(0.5分)The old teacher still works hard though he is in his  sixties (sixty).
【解答】根据题干,可知是指这位老教师虽然已经六十多岁了,但仍然努力工作。考查短语in one's sixties某人六十多岁。
50.(0.5分)If an invention is not  practical (practice),it's useless and meaningless.
51.(0.5分)I question the  wisdom (wise)of giving a child so much money.
【解答】句子中定冠词the后面跟名词形式,wise的名词是 wisdom。
52.(0.5分)He  succeeded (success)in swimming across the river when he was young.
【解答】根据题干可知他年轻时成功地游过了这条河,其中划线处缺一个动词作谓语;其次由when he was young可知该句是描述发生在过去的事情,则应用一般过去时,结构是:主语+动词过去式。success表示成功,名词,其动词是succeed,表示成功做成,succeed in doing sth.表示成功做到某事。succeed的过去式是succeeded。
53.(0.5分)How much time do you spend  playing (play)basketball every week?
【解答】根据题干,可知是指你每星期花多少时间打篮球?spend...doing sth花费……做某事。
54.(3.5分)Leonardo da Vinci was(1) an Italian painter ,inventor,musician,engineer and scientist.
Da Vinci was born(2) in the countryside .From an early age,he showed great intelligence and(3) artistic ability .(4) As he grew older,he learnt to do many different things.His paintings are very famous,and one,the Mona Lisa,is perhaps(5) the most famous painting in the world.He also(6) had many inventions .For example,(7) his notebooks include some interesting drawings of flying machines.
【分析】这篇短文主要介绍了列奥纳多 达 芬奇的生平事迹。他是一位杰出的画家、发明家、音乐家、工程师和科学家。从小他就展现出了极高的智慧和才华,他的画作如《蒙娜丽莎》等非常著名。他还设计了一些有趣的飞行器。
【解答】(1)考查名词短语。句意:列奥纳多 达 芬奇是一位意大利画家、发明家、音乐家、工程师和科学家。根据Leonardo da Vinci以及第二段His paintings are very famous(他的画很有名)可知,列奥纳多 达 芬奇也是一位意大利画家。故填an Italian painter。
(2)考查介词短语。句意:达 芬奇出生在乡村。be born in sp.出生在某地,结合常识可知,达 芬奇出生在乡村。故填in the countryside。
(3)考查形容词和名词。句意:从很小的时候起,他就表现出了极高的智慧和艺术才华。根据后文His paintings are very famous(他的画很有名)可知,他很有艺术才华。故填artistic ability。
(4)考查介词短语。句意:随着年龄的增长,他学会了做许多不同的事情。根据he learnt to do many different things.(他学会了做许多不同的事情。)可知,是指随着年龄的增长,他学会了做许多不同的事情。位于句首,单词首字母要大写,用一般过去时。故填As he grew。
(5)考查形容词最高级。句意:他的画非常有名,其中一幅《蒙娜丽莎》也许是世界上最著名的画作。根据in the world可知,此处要用形容词最高级,是指《蒙娜丽莎》也许是世界上最著名的画作。故填the most famous。
(6)考查动词短语。句意:他也有许多发明。根据后句For example...some interesting drawings of flying machines.(例如......一些有趣的飞行机器的图画。)可知,他也有许多发明。用一般过去时。故填had many inventions。
(7)考查名词短语和动词。句意:例如,他的笔记本包括一些有趣的飞行机器的图画。根据...some interesting drawings of flying machines.(......一些有趣的飞行机器的图画。)可知,他的笔记本包括一些有趣的飞行机器的图画。笔记本不止一本,用复数,阐述事实,用一般现在时,主语his notebooks是复数,主谓一致。故填his notebooks include。
55.(3.5分)What can we do with computers?We can use computers to calculate.They can calculate at(1) a faster speed than we can and almost never(2) give wrong answers .We can also(3) type and draw things with them.In addition,computers can do important jobs like(4) operating railways and flying planes and spaceships.
Is a computer(5) cleverer than me?The answer is"No".Your brain can (6) produce new ideas  but computers cannot.However,one day computers may(7) be able to do a better job than human beings...
【解答】(1)考查名词短语。句意:他们的计算速度比我们快,而且几乎从不答错答案。结合空后比较级标志than,空缺处应填a faster speed,at a faster speed以更快的速度,故填:a faster speed。
(2)考查动词短语。句意:他们的计算速度比我们快,而且几乎从不答错答案。结合语境及空前almost never(几乎从不),空缺处应填动词短语give wrong answers(给出错误的答案),故填:give wrong answers。
(3)考查动词短语。句意:我们也可以用他们打字和画画。结合语境及空前情态动词can,空缺处应填动词短语type and draw(打字和画画),故填:type and draw。
(4)考查动名词短语。句意:此外,计算机还可以做一些重要的工作,比如操作铁路、飞行飞机和宇宙飞船。like doing sth.喜欢做某事;结合语境及空前动词like,空缺处应填动名词短语operating railways(操作铁路),故填:operating railways。
(5)考查形容词比较级。句意:电脑比我更聪明吗?答案是"不"。结合语境,空缺处应填cleverer than(比……更聪明),故填:cleverer than。
(6)考查动词短语。句意:你的大脑可以产生新的想法,但计算机不能。结合语境及空前情态动词can,空缺处应填动词短语produce new ideas,故填:produce new ideas。
(7)考查动词短语。句意:然而,总有一天,计算机可能会比人类做得更好……be able to do sth.能做某事;结合语境及空前情态动词may,空缺处应填动词短语be able to,故填:be able to。
56.(3分)That night,in the main square of the city,all the Trojans celebrated.They(1) sang and danced around the horse,and made jokes about the stupid Greeks."I haven't laughed like this(2) since my childhood ." the captain said.After the party,they locked all the gates of the city and then all(3) went to sleep .
By midnight,the main square was empty,(4) except for the huge horse.Suddenly a secret door opened on the side of(5) the wooden horse .The horse (6) was full of  Greek soldiers!They quietly climbed out of the horse one by one.
【解答】(1)考查动词时态。句意:他们围着木马又唱又跳,并取笑愚蠢的希腊人。根据and made jokes about the stupid Greeks(并



