河南省漯河市郾城区2023-2024九年级上学期期中英语试卷 (含答案)

Television Water skis. Earmuffs (御寒耳罩). What do they have in common All were invented by kids! 500, 000 children and teens invent gadgets (小玩意) and games each year. These creations make our lives easier and more fun.
WHEN IS IT On January 17th of each year, the birth of Benjamin Franklin, who invented the first swim flippers (脚蹊) to help swim faster almost 300 years ago at age 12. WHY HOLD IT To help kids become future inventors.
HOW CAN YOU BECOME AN INVENTOR Do you want to be an inventor "But I'm just a kid," you might say. Don't worry about a little thing like age. As a kid, you have something important for an inventor--imagination. Kids always look at things in new and different ways. So what should you do if you have a great idea for an invention Talk to a friend or family member about it. Get advice from others about your idea. Then ask them to help you make a working model called a prototype (原型) of your idea. Once you have a prototype, you can test it. Sometimes your idea is not as great as you thought. At other times, though, you realize it is a good idea and your prototype can help you find out how to make it better. If your idea is really a good one, an adult can help you find companies(公司) that might be interested in it. You will also want an adult's help to get a patent for your idea, so that it can protect your idea and nobody can steal (窃取) it.
21.What can help swim faster
A. Television B. Water skis. C. Earmuffs D. Swim flippers
22. What do you mean by saying "But I'm just a kid "
A. I'm too young to invent anything.
B. I'm old enough to become an inventor.
C.I can do anything though I'm young.
D. I have to learn knowledge from other people.
23.Which is the right order of an invention
a. a model b. a patent c. a good idea d. a few tests
A. acbd. B. dacb. C. bcad. D. cadb.
24.What does the underlined word “patent” mean in Chinese
A.建议 B.资助 C.生产 D.专利
25.What is the main idea of the text
A. Kids always think differently.
B. Kids need adults' help to be inventors.
C. It's possible for kids to be inventors.
D. There are some famous kid inventors in the world.
This is the word "family" written in Chinese“家”. It's a pictographic character(象形文字). The “宀” looks like the roof (屋顶) of a house, and the "豕" is a pictographic character for "pig", which is developed from a picture like this:
The word“家”with a pig under the roof of a house may show the importance of domestic animals(家畜)) to traditional Chinese families.
There is a strong feeling between parents, children and other family members. The father is usually very strict with their children. Parents work very hard to set a good example for their children, while children study hard. Brothers and sisters in the family are very friendly and helpful to each other. All the family members make an effort to live a happy life.
Our ancestors(祖先) will be part of our life and a warm memory forever. _____ We remember our ancestors, not for any advantages for ourselves but to make our feelings more active. Whenever we think of them, they make us stronger inside.
Everyone values the idea of "making all the members of the family happy". We should all have this same idea as the great "China dream".
There are thousands of families in China. Just because every family goes well, China is getting better and better.
26.The word "家" may show us ______ are important to traditional Chinese families.
A. houses' roofs B. domestic animals
C. more children D. hard-working fathers
27.All the family members try their best to ________.
A. live a happy life B. Become very strict
C. help other families D. set a good example
28. Which of the following sentences may be put in________
A. Every family has their own warm houses.
B. We would like to live and study in the past.
C. People always get together to celebrate the day.
D. They connect all the family members together.
29. From the passage we can learn China's_______ depend(s)on every family.
A. memories B. advantages C. value D. development
30. The best title of the passage is _________.
A. Important pigs B. Traditional ideas C. Strong feelings D. Chinese families
A comfort zone is a place, situation or level where there is the least stress. However, stepping into the learning zone can help to bring out the best in us. Here are the reasons.
●Challenging yourself can help you be at your best
Stepping outside one's comfort zone is important for personal development. How can we expect to make ourselves better if we only stick to the routine We should try something we might not succeed in.
●Taking risks is what helps us grow
As children, we're natural risk-takers. But as we get older and learn to fear failure, we start trying fewer new things. We pay a heavy price for our fear of failure. There is no learning without any difficulties.
●Facing new challenges can help us grow better
Our comfort zone seems to become smaller as we get older --but if we can keep expanding(扩大)it, we’ll open ourselves up to a greater world as we grow. As we step into the learning zone, we will get more comfortable with the skills gradually and we'll start to move into the comfort zone. A study found that learning new life skills can help our brain stay sharp as we get older.
However, don't push yourself too far. Have you heard of "Yerkes-Dodson Law" It means performance increases as stress grows, but only up to a point. If the level of stress becomes too high, performance will go down. When stress becomes too great for us to deal with, we enter the danger zone.
( )31.Compared with the comfort zone, people in the learning zone may ______.
A. feel less stressed B. face more challenges
C. make fewer efforts D. refuse more changes
( )32. According to Paragraph 3 , we will learn more if we _________.
A. spend money B. fear failure
C. take risks D. feel natural
( )33.Yerkes-Dodson Law ” can be described by graph________
( )34.You will develop the skills step by step when you are in the ________.
A. comfort zone B. learning zone
C. danger zone D. challenge Zone
( )35. What's the best title for this text
A.A comfort zone makes us safe B. What is a comfort zone
C. Step outside a comfort zone D. Never fear a comfort zone
You will get different answers if you ask people from different countries the question "Could you tell me the way to the post office "
In Japan, people use landmarks (地标) instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, “36_______. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is across from the bus stop.
In Kansas, America, there are no towns or buildings within miles.37._______ For example, people will say, "Go north two miles. Turn east, and then go another mile. "
38._________ A person will often say, "Follow me." Then he or she will take you through the streets of the city to the post office,
Sometimes if a person doesn't know the answer to your question, he or she, like a New Yorker, might say, "Sorry, I have no idea. " But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers "I don't know." People there think saying "I don't know" is not polite. They' usually give an answer but often a wrong one. 39_____________
But one thing will help you everywhere. You might, not understand a person's words, but maybe you can understand his or her body language. 40._______ Go on in that direction and you may find the place you're going to.
A. A visitor can always get lost in Yucatan.
B. So instead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distance.
C. He or she will usually point to the correct direction.
D. Go straight down to the corner.
E. People in Greece sometimes do not even try to give directions.
There are purple clothes, purple handbags, purple bicycles, purple furniture, even purple computers! So purple is one of the most 41_______ colors today. But in the past, purple was a very expensive and unusual color. Let's take a look at the rich 42______ of the color purple.
Some scientists believe that the first plants to appear on Earth over 500 million years ago 43_______ looked purple, not green. Plants today are green because 44_______ use green chlorophyll(叶绿素) to produce energy. 45_______ these early plants probably used something called retinal, which is a dark purple color.
During the time of the Roman Empire(37BC-AD476), it was very 46______ to make purple dye(染料).The dye came from sea snails(海螺). But 10,000 dead sea snails 47_______ you just one gram(克) of purple dye...as well as a very bad smell! This 48______ purple dye was called Tyrian purple, and it was the preferred 49______ of emperors.
In 16th-century England, purple was 50______ for the kings family members. Queen Elizabeth I’s clothes were purple, but ordinary people were not allowed to 51______ the color.
In 1856, William Perkin, an 18-year-old 52_______ student, noticed something strange while doing an experiment(实验). The chemicals(化学药品) he used to clean his instruments 53______ with the chemicals he used in his experiment and produced a bright purple color. This 54_____ let Perkin to start a company using this chemical mixture to make purple dye. The dye was much 55______ than sea-snail dye. Thanks to Perkin, now anyone can afford to wear purple clothes.
( )41.A. peaceful B. popular C. exciting D. serious
( )42.A. history B. style C. research D. product
( )43..A. gradually B. especially C. exactly D. probably
( )44.A. others B. they C. we D. some
( )45.A.And B. So C. But D. Until
( )46.A. dangerous B. common C. difficult D. strange
( )47.A. got B. passed C. wasted D. cost
( )48.A.basic B. harmful C. special D. perfect
( )49.A.color B. smell C. plant D. animal
( )50.A.even B. never C.se1dom D. only
( )51.A.wear B. sell C. change D. make
( )52A.geography B. science C. art D. math
( )53.A.compared B. mixed C. collected D. kept
( )54.A.survey B. suggestion C. discovery D. exam
( )55.A.healthier B. thicker C. cheaper D. darker
appear dish foreign staff like square other choose hundred abroad
In Western countries, Chinese takeout (外卖食品) is a popular kind of food. It is delivered(派送) to your house in small 56_______ boxes, with rice and fortune cookies (幸运曲奇). It is a great 57________ if you feel lazy and don't want to cook or go out to eat.
But this kind of Chinese food isn't very authentic(正宗的). In fact, it is very different from real Chinese food. Now over the years, real Chinese 58_______ have become more popular in foreign countries.
In the United States, people are eating hot pot. In Russia, 59_______ of tanghulu will be sold in just a few hours. Latiao is even 60______in overseas classrooms. A lot of these foods are similar to Western food. This may explain why they interest 61________.
Chinese people who live 62________ introduce most of these foods. Some of them are new, 63_______ latiao. Some of them have been popular in foreign countries for many years.
But what do foreigners really think about all of these authentic Chinese food To find out, some foreign 64________ tried many kinds of Chinese dishes.
Some of these dishes are familiar (熟悉的) to them, while 65_______ are new. But one thing is for sure: they have a lot of fun while eating them.
56.________57._________58._________ 59.________ 60.__________
61.________ 62.________ 63._________ 64.________ 65.__________
I used to be shy in my primary school. I 66._______ weak in English at that time, especially in my spoken English. So I was afraid to answer the teacher's questions during English classes. After I entered my dream middle school, something changed. I started to read many interesting English stories and my English teacher was very patient 67.______ help me a lot. I studied hard in class and practiced 68 _______ watching English movies and listening to English songs in my free time. Little by little, I found 69.______ more and more interesting to learn English. I could even talk with my classmates fluently in English and I was not 70._______ shy girl anymore. At last, I got good grades in English and I believe I will become better and better at English in the future.
66.________ 67.________ 68.________ 69.__________ 70._____________
A: Jim, what are you going to do tonight
B: I've no idea. What's the matter
B: Sounds good! But I hear there will be a talk at 7:00 in the Children's Palace.
B: The Culture of America. I want to know more about it. 73 ____________________________.
A: I like it, too.74 _______________________________________
B: That's a good idea. But we must be quick. There are only 15 minutes left.
A: 75.______________________________________
B: We’d better take a taxi.
A:OK, let’s go.
自我保护(self-protection)是青少年需要具备的一种意识和能力。请结合自身看法, 以"How Can We Protect Ourselves"为题写一篇100词左右的短文, 谈谈在生活中青少年应该怎样进行自我保护。
How Can We Protect Ourselves
选词:square, choice, dishes, hundreds, appearing, foreigners, abroad, like, staff, others
盲填:was, by, to, it, a
对话:1.Would you like to go to the movies with me
2.What’s it about
3.I’m interested in it.
4.Why not get there together / Why not go to listen to it
5.How shall we go there



