Unit 6 Bird watching Reading2 提优练习(无答案)2023-2024牛津译林版英语八年级上册

8A Unit6 Reading2 提优练习
一、 根据中文提示和句意完成单词
1 Just as people can’t live without water, birds can’t fly without (翅膀)
2.Please tell me your (地址),boys and girls. In this way, we can help you find your mothers.
3.Many boys in our class are interested in working as a (主席)
4.The city____________________is trying to provide good environment for the people.(政府)
5.Most of us didn’t know Lily___________________the details of the accident.(描述)
6.___________ _________make a living by fishing.(渔民)
7 A lot of__________________ (观光者)come to the Great Wall every year.
8. The hotel always _________________(提供)good service for all kinds of people.
1.In autumn, there are many yellow _________________ on the ground. ( leaf )
2. It was____________ (possible) to eat watermelons in winter in the past.
3. Do you know the ______________ (important) of learning English
4. The birds can catch the worms for food ___________ (easy) than before.
5.How many__________________come to visit the Great Wall every day (tour)
6.________________________ do a lot of research on birds in the nature reserve.(science)
7.Han Mei acted (active) than any other girl at the party.
8. (write) down what you see, take a notebook with you.
1.I think it important __________ ___ (protect) the environment.
2. Sandy and Daniel, ___________ (not be) late next time.
3. I don’t know if he______________(come) to have a meeting tomorrow.
4. A little girl is lost and her family____________(search) for her everywhere these days.
5.We should prevent fire__________________________ (burn) the house at once.
( )1._______ Zhalong helps us learn more about wildlife.
A. Study B. Studies C. Studying D. Studied
( )2.Shenongjua is an ideal home _____ different kinds of animals____live in.
A. for, for B. to, to C. to, for D. for, to
( ) 3. He is writing to his friend about _________ wild animals.
A. to protect B. protected C. protecting D. protection
( ) 4. The water in the river is becoming ________________.
A. more cleaner B. clean C. more and more clean D. cleaner and cleaner
( )5.This kind of camera looks____and sells______in the shop.
A. nice,well B.good,good C.nicely, well D .good,nice
( )6. Shanghai is bigger than _______ city in China.
A. any other B. any C. all of D. the other
( )7. At last Helen made the baby ________ and began to laugh.
A. stop to cry B. to stop to cry C. stop crying D. to stop crying
( )8. No hurry, we still have _______ time to go there.
little B. much C. many D. no



