Unit 4 I have a pen pal 一课一练(含答案)

Unit4 I have a pen pal
Part A Let’s try ﹠ Let’s talk
1. What are Peter’s hobbies
2.He likes reading stories.
3.He lives on a farm.
4.So sometimes he reads to the cows.
5.He likes doing kung fu and swimming.
6.He also likes singing.
7.I’m going to teach him the Chinese song .
( )1.What’s ______ hobby
he B. his C.him
( )2. I like playing football and ______TV.
A. watch B.watches C. watching
( )3. Mike _______ playing football.
A. like B.likes C.are
( )4. Mary _____ English every morning.
A. read B. reading C. reads
( )5.He _______ on a farm.
living B. live C. lives
1. I like__________( play) sports.
2. What is ________( Mike) hobby
3. My friend likes________(climb) mountains.
4. I _______( not) like watching TV.
5. He often _______ ( read) stories.
I _______( 有) a new pen pal. He is a Chinese boy. His _______( 名字)is Zhang Peng. He is a ________(学生)。 He goes to school ________ (步行). He likes ________________( 踢足球). This is my pen pal. I like him.
二、1. listen to music 2. climb mountains 3. draw pictures 4. watch TV 5. play sports
三、1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C
四、1. playing 2. Mike’s 3. climbing 4. don’t 5. reads
五、1. have 2. name 3. student 4. on foot 5. playing football
Part A Let’s Learn ﹠ Do a survey
1.singing 2.dancing
3.reading stories
4. playing football
5.doing kung fu
6.watching TV
B. C.
D. E.
( )1. sing ( )2.do kung fu ( )3. dance
( )4. read a book ( )5. play football
( )1.A.like B. love C. hobby
( )2.A.sing B. story C. swim
( )3.A.football B. ping-pong C. song
( )4.A.reading B. evening C. singing
( )5.A.also B .two C. too
( )1. Some students __________ TV.
A. likes watching B. like watch C. like watching
( )2.What are Peter’s _______
A. hobby B. hobbies C. hobbys
( )3.I’m going to teach______ English.
A. he B. his C. him
( )4.________hobbies are singing and dancing.
A. Me B. My C. I
( )5.John ______ doing kung fu and watching TV.
A. likes B. like C. liking
Zhang Peng: What’s your 1.__________
Sarah: I like singing. What 2._________you
Zhang Peng: I like playing football. My father likes 3._________, too.
He likes 4._______ TV with my mom in the evening.
Sarah: My father likes 5._______kung fu. My mother likes dancing.
I have a good friend. His name is Joe. He lives in Australia. He likes singing. He goes to school by bus. His father works in a school. He teaches math. He likes playing football. He goes to work by car. His mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. She likes dancing. She goes to work by car, too.
( )1. Joe likes playing football.
( )2. His father is a Chinese teacher.
( )3. His father goes to work by bus.
( )4. His mother is a nurse in a hospital.
( )5. His mother likes singing.
二、1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. E
三、1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. B
四、1. C 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A
五、1. C 2. E 3. B 4. D 5. A
六、1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F
Part B Let’s try ﹠ Let’s talk
1.I’m writing an email to my new pen pal .
2. Does he live in Sydney
3. He lives in Canberra.
4. Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking
5. Can I also be his pen pal
( )1. A. write an email
( )2. B. do word puzzles
( )3. C. learn English
( )4. D. live in Sydney
( )5. E. go hiking
( )1. I want to write _____ e-mail to my pen pal today.
A. a B. an C./
( )2.______ Mr Green live in Canberra
A. Is B. Does C. Do
( )3. Can I also _______ your friend
A. be B. to C. am
( )4. Does she ______ up at 7:00 every morning
A. gets B. get C. getting
( )5. My father likes _______ basketball.
A. play B. plays C. playing
1. I like _________(sing/ singing).
2. My mother _______(go/ goes) to bed early.
3. Miss White _______(teach/ teaches) English.
4. Chen Jie likes__________(draws/ drawing) pictures.
5. Does he________(live/ lives) in China
Hello! My name is Chen Jie. I’m twelve years old. I live in Beijing with my family. I have a new pen pal. His name is Wu Lei. He has lots of hobbies. He likes swimming, playing the piano, listening to music and doing word puzzles. I write emails to him once a month.(每月一次) We are good friends.
( )1. Wu Lei is Chen Jie’s new pen pal.
( )2. Chen Jie is 13 and lives with her family.
( )3. Wu Lei has many hobbies.
( )4. Chen Jie writes emails to Wu Lei once a month
( )5. Wu Lei likes doing word puzzles.
二、1. A 2. D 3. C 4. E 5. B
三、1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C
四、1.singing 2. goes 3. teaches 4.drawing 5.live
五、1.T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T
Part B Let’s learn ﹠ Listen, match and say
1. cooks Chinese food
2. studies Chinese
3. does word puzzles
4. goes hiking
5. write an email
( )1. A. does word puzzles
( )2. B. cooks Chinese food
( )3. C. goes hiking
( )4. D. studies Chinese
( )1.A.does B. puzzles C.goes
( )2.A.Chinese B.Australian C. England
( )3.A.word B. come C.see
( )4.A.cook B. learn C.studying
( )5.A.hiking B. writing C. amazing
( )1.Does your father______ ping pong on Sundays
A. play B. plays C. playing
( )2.Look! John _______ his homework.
A. is going to do B. does C. is doing
( )3.My parents _______ in Shanghai.
A. live B. lives C. living
( )4. Amy reads English ________.
A. tomorrow B. last year C. every morning
( )5. I have a pen pal, _____name is John.
A. him B. his C. he
1. We are going to meet _____ 6:00 p.m.
2. The students are doing sports ______ the playground.
3. I want to learn something ______ science.
4. Jim is writing an email _____ his cousin.
5. I’m interested _______English.
Tom likes English very much. He works very hard. He reads English every morning. He loves speaking English. He likes watching TV. But he watches it only on Saturday evening. He doesn’t like dancing. But he likes singing and he can sing very well. He likes drawing, too. His parents like him.
( )1. Tom reads English every evening.
( )2. He watches TV every day.
( )3. He doesn’t like dancing.
( )4. He likes singing and playing football.
( )5. His parents likes him.
二、1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A
三、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C
四、1. A 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B
五、1. at 2. on 3. about 4. to 5. in
六、1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T
Part B Let’s check ﹠Let’s wrap it up
1. Andy likes playing football.
2. Mike goes to school on foot.
3. Amy loves to read stories.
4. John’s mother likes watching TV in the morning.
1. like _________ 2. have_________ 3. study_________
4. do _________ 5.teach _________ 6. sleep_________
( )1. Sarah likes _______ kites.
A. fly B. flies C. flying
( )2.---What is Mike’s hobby
--- _____________.
A. He is swimming B. He is going to the cinema.
C. He likes reading stories and going hiking.
( )3.--- What do you do _______Sundays
--- I often watch TV..
A. in B. on C. at
( )4. I want ______that song.
A. learn B. to learn C. learning
( )5. This is my pen pal _______ Canada.
A. on B. with C. from
( )6. His hobbies ______reading and swimming.
A. is B. are C. like
( )7. Do you want to________ us
A. joining B. joins C. join
( )8. I write an email ______ Mike every month.
A. from B. to C. at
( )9.---Does your aunt ________ books
---Yes, she does.
A. likes reading B. like read C. like reading
( )10. He lives in Canada, ______he speaks Chinese.
A. but B. or C. so
1. Andy likes _________ _________.
2. Mike goes to school _________ _________.
3. Amy loves to _________ _________.
4. John’s mother likes _________ _________ in the morning.
A: I have a new pen pal, she is Lucy. 1._________
B: Yes, I do. His name is Bob.
A: 2.____________
B: He lives in the USA. He likes swimming.3.____________
A: She likes swimming. She is a teacher.
B: 4.____________
A: 5.____________ She teaches maths.
二、1. likes 2. has 3. studies 4. does 5. teaches 6.sleeps
三、1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. A
四、1. playing football 2. by bike 3. read stories 4. watching TV
五、1. B 2. D 3. E 4. C 5. A
Part B Read and write
1. I like dancing and I need a partner.
2. What do you do on Sundays
3. See you on the playground.
4. Do you want to learn about robots
5. He teaches students to make robots.
6. Join our football club.
1.come(现在分词) ____________
2. have(现在分词) ____________
3. watch(第三人称单数) ____________
4. do(第三人称单数) _____________
5. study(第三人称单数) ____________
6. hobby(复数) ____________
7. swim(现在分词) ____________
( )1.______ father goes to work by bus.
A. She B. You C. His
( )2. Let’s _______ together!
A. to read B. reading C. read
( )3. He teaches me ______ study English.
A. make B. to make C. making
( )4. My parents ______ singing.
A. likes B. like C. is
( )5. How many _____ can you find in the text
A. hobby B. hobbys C. hobbies
( )1. What’s your hobby
( )2. What’s her mother’s hobby
( )3. How old is your pen pal
( )4. What are they talking about
( )5. Does he live in Beijing
Tony is my new friend. He lives in Canada. He goes to school by bike . He likes reading. He reads books every evening. His father works in a school. He is a teacher. He goes to work by bus. His mother is a nurse. She goes to work by car. She likes dancing and she dances well.
( )1.Tony is from Canada.
( )2. Tony likes singing.
( )3. Tony’s father goes to work by car.
( )4. Tony’s mother likes dancing.
二、1. coming 2. having 3. watches 4. does 5. studies
hobbies 7. swimming
三、1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C
四、1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. E
五、1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T
A. doing B. playing football C. hobby D. watching E. about
in, to , on, at, about
A. No, she doesn’t.
B. Do you have a pen pal
C. Does she teach English
D. Where does he live
E. What’s your pen pal’s hobby
A. They are talking about their new teacher.
B. She likes listening to music.
C. She is fourteen years old.
D. I like reading stories.
E. Yes, he does.
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