
The Amio school of English
3 courses
Listening *40 students *30﹣hour courses *Every day of the week *Native teachers *$90 Speaking *30 students *40﹣hour courses *Monday to Friday *Native teachers *$120 Writing *30 students *20﹣hour courses *Saturday only *Experienced teachers *$60
Opening time Monday﹣Friday8:00 am﹣6:00pm Saturday﹣Sunday9:00am﹣5:00pm Contact 0602311688 Find us 136 B Athelet Street Kingdomgate New York NY4 AD
(1)The poster gives information about    .
A.English courses
B.English teachers
C.language schools in New York
D.different activities in Kingdomgate
(2)How much do you need to pay for both listening and speaking?    
A. $60.
B. $120.
C. $150.
D. $210.
(3)If Betty is free on Sunday,she can    
A.have an English class at 8:00
B.improve her writing ability
C.join the possibly largest class
D.have an experienced teacher
(8分)In the village of Liuke in China,houses are built with dark bricks and red windows.They stand quietly among tall and green trees.
Many tourists have come to Liuke village to enjoy its natural beauty and rich culture. "This is just.beautiful," says Zhao Mingzhuo,a tourist from east China's Zhejiang Province."The kids get to enjoy the fields here,and the young people can go camping.It's quite a good experience here."
Liuke is one of the ancient villages that lie beside the Wanquan River in Hainan.The Wanquan River is 163 kilometres long and flows through an area of more than 3,600 square kilometres.A classic Chinese folk song sings in praise of the clear water of the river.And in recent years the Wanquan River has become a calling card for Hainan,thanks to its rich stories and history.
In the old days,when villagers needed to travel to other villages,they had to pass by this village.Gradually(中转站),so it got its name,Liuke.In recent years,but also helped villagers stay.In this way,the village can develop more quickly.
(4)What attracts tourists to the village of Liuke?    
A.The Wanquan River.
B.The rapid developments.
C.The houses with different colours.
D.The natural beauty and rich culture.
(5)How do most people probably know about the Wanquan River?    
A.By the village of Liuke.
B.By the folk song.
C.By the local government.
D.By tourists' introductions.
(6)What do you think of the village through how it got the name?    
A.The villagers were very friendly.
B.The stopover was famous for its name.
C.The location of the village was important.
D.The villagers in other villages like to stay there.
(7)Where can you probably read the passage?    
A.A report.
B.A diary.
C.A story book.
D.A travel magazine.
(8分)It seems that the Earth is in a season of volcanic eruptions recently.Mauna Loa,the biggest active volcano in the world,erupted in Hawaii on 27 November,and lasted for two weeks,firing out lava(熔岩),000 people living nearby moved out of the area.
The volcanoes mentioned above have one thing in common:they are all located in the Ring of Fire,or the Circum﹣Pacific Belt(环太平洋).This is a 40
Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in the Ring of Fire are caused by the active movement of tectonic plates(地壳板块).The plates push against each other and cause the rocks to melt and become magma(岩浆).When too much magma gathers underground,releasing lava at temperatures of 800℃ to 1,000℃.
Some volcanic eruptions are explosive(爆炸性的) and others are not.This depends on the magma.If magma is thin and runny,gases in it can get out easily.Then the magma just flows out slowly,gases can not escape easily.Pressure builds up until the gases escape violently and explode.This type of eruption can be dangerous.The ash(灰) that erupts into the sky can suffocate plants,animals
(8)How many areas are mentioned to prove that "the Earth is in a season of volcanic eruptions"?    
(9)What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?    
A.The similarity of the volcanoes.
B.The location of most volcanoes.
C.The introduction of the Pacific Ocean.
D.The reasons of the volcanic eruptions.
(10)What can we know according to the text?    
A.All volcanoes are located in the Ring of Fire.
B.Volcanoes only erupt in November or December.
C.Volcanic eruptions have no effect on people living nearby.
D.The movement of tectonic plates may cause some natural disasters.
(11)What does the underlined word"violently"in the last paragraph mean in English?    
12.(8分)"My career is in China,my achievement is in China,and my destination(归宿),"the Father of China's Missile" and "the King of Rockets" once said.
Qian Xuesen was born in Shanghai in 1911.He graduated(毕业) in 1934 from Shang﹣hai Jiaotong University.In 1935,he travelled to the US to study.He studied at the Massa﹣chusetts Institute of Technology and the California Institute of Technology. (1)   
He had a strong will and never gave up.He studied rocketry(火箭) in the US.Because he was so smart,he soon became a young professor. (2)   
However,in 1955,six years after the founding of People's Republic of China(3)    At that time,scientists in China knew little about rockets.
(4)   It was very hard.Qian and his team had to work on their own.In 1964,they launched the first atomic bomb(原子弹).Then in 1970(人造卫星).Their hard work made our country safer.Qian's work also led to the success of China's first manned spacecraft(载人飞船)in 2003!
A.But he still cared about China.
B.He had to work very hard on his own.
C.To protect the country,Qian joined a team to make rockets.
D.His return brought China the hope of developing its space science.
E.He got doctoral(博士的) degrees in both maths and space science in the US.
(15分)A diver hits the water flat(平直地) on his stomach.The sound of skin hitting the water is so loud that everyone can hear it and feel sorry for the diver.Why?
If you've ever belly flopped(腹部着水跳水) into a pool,you must understand it can be quite (13)   .In fact,when you land in the water in this manner,the water will feel almost solid(固体的)
When you fall and hit solid ground,you can clearly (14)    the ground's reactionary force (反作用力) acting on your body.When you fall from a place that is high enough,this force can easily break bones.Water is (15)    the ground.It moves out of your way when you enter it.However,(16)    the ground,water also produces a force on your body.This force (17)   a number of factors(因素).These (18)    the height of your fall,your weigh,and your body's area of contact(接触)19)   .When you walk into water,the water makes room for you slowly,(20)    the force on your body is pretty small.When you jump into water,however,the water has to move out of the way quicker
At standard diving heights,belly flops don't result in serious injuries.However,when jumping from taller heights21)   of suffering a more serious injury increases.
Ideally,when you enter the water,your whole body should (22)    an arrow(箭).So if next time you find yourself mid﹣jump in a belly flop position,try to use your hands or knees to break the water.
(13) A.safe B.painful C.dangerous D.comfortable
(14) A.see B.touch C.feel D.remember
(15) A.close to B.interested in C.the same as D.different from
(16) A.as B.for C.like D.with
(17) A.finds out B.suffer from C.makes up D.depends on
(18) A.show B.need C.include D.influence
(19) A.water B.belly C.force D.ground
(20) A.or B.so C.but D.because
(21) A.risk B.idea C.point D.score
(22) A.look like B.give up C.grow up D.compare with
Have you ever heard of or read anything about Marie Curie?She is probably the (1)   (famous) woman scientist in the world.She was the first person in history to receive two Nobel Prizes.She won the first in 1903 for physics,with her husband Pierre Curie,and she won the (2)   (two),for chemistry,in 1911.
Marie Curie was born in 1867 in Poland.She was so poor that she worked as a teacher in the evenings and studied chemistry,physics and maths during the day.In 1891,she went to Paris to live with one of her sisters and(3)    (accept) into Sorbonne University.Although the family did not have much money,she studied very hard so that she (4)    (be) a scientist.
While Marie was at the university,she was introduced to another scientist,Pierre Cu rie.They worked together and got (5)   (marry) in 1895.
Marie Curie cared about knowledge very much.She also cared about people.As soon as the First World War started,Marie Curie gave her Nobel Prize money (6)    (help) people.X﹣ray machines were introduced by her to treat those(7)    (wound) soldiers.During the First World War,over one million soldiers were treated with the help of these Xray machines.She also produced instruments to keep (8)   (soldier) wounds clean.
Marie Curie died in 1934 of an(9)    (ill) she got because of her dangerous experiments.The notebooks she used are still too dangerous to touch,so they(10)   (keep) in a special box.
Marie Curie is a great model for women around the world.
27.(16分)23﹣year﹣old Reggie Nelson comes from a poor family in London,UK.His mother brought him up after his father died.Life was never easy,but Reggie wanted to be successful in his life.When he was a teenager
Young Reggie first searched for the richest area on the Internet. Then he decided to go door to door to ask for advice.It took him a few weeks to summon up the courage to do it.After the door opened,he had the same speech ready for everyone."My name is Reggie from East London…I just want to know what skills and qualities you have that allowed you to live in such rich area like this,so I can learn from those and use them for myself."
Reggie spent hours knocking on the doors.Luck smiled on him when a woman named Elizabeth invited him for a cup of tea.Reggie poured out his story to the couple.Elizabeth was the wife of Quintin Price,head of a famous company in the UK.
Mr Price invited Reggie to the office for the day﹣finally getting him some work experience.He also encouraged Reggie to get a place at Kensington University.Reggie took his advice and studied hard.
Now Reggie has got a good job in the heart of the city."For anyone in a similar position to mine,I would say knock on the right doors and work hard."said Reggie.
(1)Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(将文中划线句子翻译成汉语)
(2)What does the underlined word "those" in paragraph 2 refer to?
(3)What did Reggie get from the couple?
(4)To be successful,what do you learn from Reggie?(至少写出两条)
(5)Give a proper title for the passage.
28.(20分)Teens Around the World是一个国际青少年交流网站,近日有人发帖,假设你是李华,结合自己的生活经历,用英语跟帖。
Teens Around the World
Hey guys!You must have read many books besides your text books.We can learn something useful from the books.What's your favourite book?What is it about?And why do you like it?Looking forward to your replies. Becky,England
The Amio school of English
3 courses
Listening *40 students *30﹣hour courses *Every day of the week *Native teachers *$90 Speaking *30 students *40﹣hour courses *Monday to Friday *Native teachers *$120 Writing *30 students *20﹣hour courses *Saturday only *Experienced teachers *$60
Opening time Monday﹣Friday8:00 am﹣6:00pm Saturday﹣Sunday9:00am﹣5:00pm Contact 0602311688 Find us 136 B Athelet Street Kingdomgate New York NY4 AD
(1)The poster gives information about  A .
A.English courses
B.English teachers
C.language schools in New York
D.different activities in Kingdomgate
(2)How much do you need to pay for both listening and speaking?  D 
A. $60.
B. $120.
C. $150.
D. $210.
(3)If Betty is free on Sunday,she can  C 
A.have an English class at 8:00
B.improve her writing ability
C.join the possibly largest class
D.have an experienced teacher
(1)细节理解题。根据标题The Amio school of English 3 courses(Amio英语学校6门课程)可知海报提供了有关英语课程的信息。
(3)细节理解题。根据表格一*40 students ,她可以参加可能人数最多的班。
(8分)In the village of Liuke in China,houses are built with dark bricks and red windows.They stand quietly among tall and green trees.
Many tourists have come to Liuke village to enjoy its natural beauty and rich culture. "This is just.beautiful," says Zhao Mingzhuo,a tourist from east China's Zhejiang Province."The kids get to enjoy the fields here,and the young people can go camping.It's quite a good experience here."
Liuke is one of the ancient villages that lie beside the Wanquan River in Hainan.The Wanquan River is 163 kilometres long and flows through an area of more than 3,600 square kilometres.A classic Chinese folk song sings in praise of the clear water of the river.And in recent years the Wanquan River has become a calling card for Hainan,thanks to its rich stories and history.
In the old days,when villagers needed to travel to other villages,they had to pass by this village.Gradually(中转站),so it got its name,Liuke.In recent years,but also helped villagers stay.In this way,the village can develop more quickly.
(4)What attracts tourists to the village of Liuke?  D 
A.The Wanquan River.
B.The rapid developments.
C.The houses with different colours.
D.The natural beauty and rich culture.
(5)How do most people probably know about the Wanquan River?  B 
A.By the village of Liuke.
B.By the folk song.
C.By the local government.
D.By tourists' introductions.
(6)What do you think of the village through how it got the name?  C 
A.The villagers were very friendly.
B.The stopover was famous for its name.
C.The location of the village was important.
D.The villagers in other villages like to stay there.
(7)Where can you probably read the passage?  D 
A.A report.
B.A diary.
C.A story book.
D.A travel magazine.
(4)细节理解题。根据文中第2段:Many have to village enjoy natural and culture.(许多游客来到柳柯村欣赏它的自然美景和丰富的文化,自然美景和丰富的文化吸引游客来到柳珂村。
(7)细节理解题。根据文中第3段:A Chinese song in of clear of river.(一首经典的中国民歌歌颂了清澈的河水,大多数人知道万泉河是因为一首民歌。
(6)细节理解题。根据文中第6段:In old ,when needed travel other ,they to by village.Gradually village a stopover(中转站) it got name,当村民需要前往其他村庄时。渐渐地,因此它得名柳柯,通过这个名字的由来。故选C。
(7)细节理解题。根据文中第2段:Many have to village enjoy natural and culture.(许多游客来到柳柯村欣赏它的自然美景和丰富的文化 recent ,the government worked to tourists the sightseeing have set the has only tourists also villagers this ,the can more ,当地政府努力吸引游客来到这个村庄。现在这个村庄不仅吸引了游客。这样。)可知,所以可能会在旅游杂志上看到。
(8分)It seems that the Earth is in a season of volcanic eruptions recently.Mauna Loa,the biggest active volcano in the world,erupted in Hawaii on 27 November,and lasted for two weeks,firing out lava(熔岩),000 people living nearby moved out of the area.
The volcanoes mentioned above have one thing in common:they are all located in the Ring of Fire,or the Circum﹣Pacific Belt(环太平洋).This is a 40
Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in the Ring of Fire are caused by the active movement of tectonic plates(地壳板块).The plates push against each other and cause the rocks to melt and become magma(岩浆).When too much magma gathers underground,releasing lava at temperatures of 800℃ to 1,000℃.
Some volcanic eruptions are explosive(爆炸性的) and others are not.This depends on the magma.If magma is thin and runny,gases in it can get out easily.Then the magma just flows out slowly,gases can not escape easily.Pressure builds up until the gases escape violently and explode.This type of eruption can be dangerous.The ash(灰) that erupts into the sky can suffocate plants,animals
(8)How many areas are mentioned to prove that "the Earth is in a season of volcanic eruptions"?  C 
(9)What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?  A 
A.The similarity of the volcanoes.
B.The location of most volcanoes.
C.The introduction of the Pacific Ocean.
D.The reasons of the volcanic eruptions.
(10)What can we know according to the text?  D 
A.All volcanoes are located in the Ring of Fire.
B.Volcanoes only erupt in November or December.
C.Volcanic eruptions have no effect on people living nearby.
D.The movement of tectonic plates may cause some natural disasters.
(11)What does the underlined word"violently"in the last paragraph mean in English?  B 
(8)细节理解题。根据第1段中提到的Mauna 、Indonesia's Semeru in and ,有四个地区被提及来证明"地球正处于火山爆发的季节"。
(3)段落大意题。根据第2段The mentioned have thing common:they all in Ring Fire the Belt...(上面提到的火山有一个共同点:它们都位于火环或环太平洋带……)可知,故选:A。
(10)推理判断题。根据第3段首句Volcanic and in Ring Fire caused the movement tectonic 。)以及通读全文可知,故选:D。
(11)词义猜测题。根据最后一段中带下划线句子Pressure up the escape and ,直到气体……逸出并爆炸,最后一段中带下划线的单词"violently"在英语中意思是"强烈地"。
12.(8分)"My career is in China,my achievement is in China,and my destination(归宿),"the Father of China's Missile" and "the King of Rockets" once said.
Qian Xuesen was born in Shanghai in 1911.He graduated(毕业) in 1934 from Shang﹣hai Jiaotong University.In 1935,he travelled to the US to study.He studied at the Massa﹣chusetts Institute of Technology and the California Institute of Technology. (1) E 
He had a strong will and never gave up.He studied rocketry(火箭) in the US.Because he was so smart,he soon became a young professor. (2) A 
However,in 1955,six years after the founding of People's Republic of China(3) C  At that time,scientists in China knew little about rockets.
(4) D It was very hard.Qian and his team had to work on their own.In 1964,they launched the first atomic bomb(原子弹).Then in 1970(人造卫星).Their hard work made our country safer.Qian's work also led to the success of China's first manned spacecraft(载人飞船)in 2003!
A.But he still cared about China.
B.He had to work very hard on his own.
C.To protect the country,Qian joined a team to make rockets.
D.His return brought China the hope of developing its space science.
E.He got doctoral(博士的) degrees in both maths and space science in the US.
(1)细节推理题。根据上文In ,he to US study.He at Massa﹣chusetts of and California of ,他到美国留学。)可知讲的是钱学森的求学经历。"符合题意。
(2)细节推理题。根据上文Because was smart soon a young ,他很快就成了一名年轻的教授。A项"但他仍然关心中国。故选A。
(3)细节推理题。根据下文At time in knew about ,中国的科学家对火箭知之甚少。C项"为了保卫国家。"符合题意。
(4)细节推理题。根据上文At time in knew about ,中国的科学家对火箭知之甚少,中国的科学家对火箭知之甚少。"符合题意。
(15分)A diver hits the water flat(平直地) on his stomach.The sound of skin hitting the water is so loud that everyone can hear it and feel sorry for the diver.Why?
If you've ever belly flopped(腹部着水跳水) into a pool,you must understand it can be quite (13) B .In fact,when you land in the water in this manner,the water will feel almost solid(固体的)
When you fall and hit solid ground,you can clearly (14) C  the ground's reactionary force (反作用力) acting on your body.When you fall from a place that is high enough,this force can easily break bones.Water is (15) D  the ground.It moves out of your way when you enter it.However,(16) C  the ground,water also produces a force on your body.This force (17) D a number of factors(因素).These (18) C  the height of your fall,your weigh,and your body's area of contact(接触)19) A .When you walk into water,the water makes room for you slowly,(20) B  the force on your body is pretty small.When you jump into water,however,the water has to move out of the way quicker
At standard diving heights,belly flops don't result in serious injuries.However,when jumping from taller heights21) A of suffering a more serious injury increases.
Ideally,when you enter the water,your whole body should (22) A  an arrow(箭).So if next time you find yourself mid﹣jump in a belly flop position,try to use your hands or knees to break the water.
(13) A.safe B.painful C.dangerous D.comfortable
(14) A.see B.touch C.feel D.remember
(15) A.close to B.interested in C.the same as D.different from
(16) A.as B.for C.like D.with
(17) A.finds out B.suffer from C.makes up D.depends on
(18) A.show B.need C.include D.influence
(19) A.water B.belly C.force D.ground
(20) A.or B.so C.but D.because
(21) A.risk B.idea C.point D.score
(22) A.look like B.give up C.grow up D.compare with
(13)考查形容词。句意:如果你曾经腹部着水跳水。A安全的;C危险的。根据when land the in manner water feel solid(当你以这种姿势落水。故选B。
(15)考查固定短语。句意:水和地面不一样;B对......感兴趣;D与......不同 moves of way you it.(当你落水时。)可知水和地面是不一样的。
(22)考查动词词组。句意:理想情况下,整个身体应该像一支箭一样;B放弃;D对比 arrow可知此处指"看起来像"。
Have you ever heard of or read anything about Marie Curie?She is probably the (1) most famous (famous) woman scientist in the world.She was the first person in history to receive two Nobel Prizes.She won the first in 1903 for physics,with her husband Pierre Curie,and she won the (2) second (two),for chemistry,in 1911.
Marie Curie was born in 1867 in Poland.She was so poor that she worked as a teacher in the evenings and studied chemistry,physics and maths during the day.In 1891,she went to Paris to live with one of her sisters and(3) was accept  (accept) into Sorbonne University.Although the family did not have much money,she studied very hard so that she (4) could be  (be) a scientist.
While Marie was at the university,she was introduced to another scientist,Pierre Cu rie.They worked together and got (5) married (marry) in 1895.
Marie Curie cared about knowledge very much.She also cared about people.As soon as the First World War started,Marie Curie gave her Nobel Prize money (6) to help  (help) people.X﹣ray machines were introduced by her to treat those(7) wounded  (wound) soldiers.During the First World War,over one million soldiers were treated with the help of these Xray machines.She also produced instruments to keep (8) soldiers' (soldier) wounds clean.
Marie Curie died in 1934 of an(9) illness  (ill) she got because of her dangerous experiments.The notebooks she used are still too dangerous to touch,so they(10) are kept (keep) in a special box.
Marie Curie is a great model for women around the world.
(2)考查序数词。句意:1903年,1911年。根据She the in for ,可知第二次获得诺贝尔化学奖。
(4)考查情态动词。句意:虽然家里没有多少钱,为了能成为一名科学家 studied hard ,可知是为了能够成为科学家,情态动词用could。
(5)考查形容词。句意:他们一起工作。get married结婚。故填married。
(6)考查不定式。句意:第一次世界大战一爆发。根据 her Prize (捐出了诺贝尔奖的奖金),表目的用不定式。
(8)考查名词所有格。句意:她还制造了清洗士兵伤口的仪器 ...(soldier) clean(使......伤口保持清洁),用名词所有格。故填soldiers'。
(10)考查被动语态。句意:她用过的笔记本仍然太危险,所以被保存在一个特殊的盒子里 notebooks ,和keep(保存)是被动关系,结构为be+过去分词 still dangerous ,主语是they。故填are kept。
 Let's go somewhere good to have a picnic. 
根据题干可知该句可用let祈使句表达,句型结构是:Let's+动词原形+其他,somewhere good表示好地方,作目的状语。
故填:Let's go somewhere good to have a picnic.
 I dropped my father's cup to the ground when I was cooking. 
根据题干,可知:drop my father's cup to the ground把爸爸的杯子掉地上;由句意可知主句时态是一般过去时,I接was+doing。
故答案为:I dropped my father's cup to the ground when I was cooking.
 If Daming tells you the truth now,it shows that he is honest. 
故填:If Daming tells you the truth now,it shows that he is honest.
27.(16分)23﹣year﹣old Reggie Nelson comes from a poor family in London,UK.His mother brought him up after his father died.Life was never easy,but Reggie wanted to be successful in his life.When he was a teenager
Young Reggie first searched for the richest area on the Internet. Then he decided to go door to door to ask for advice.It took him a few weeks to summon up the courage to do it.After the door opened,he had the same speech ready for everyone."My name is Reggie from East London…I just want to know what skills and qualities you have that allowed you to live in such rich area like this,so I can learn from those and use them for myself."
Reggie spent hours knocking on the doors.Luck smiled on him when a woman named Elizabeth invited him for a cup of tea.Reggie poured out his story to the couple.Elizabeth was the wife of Quintin Price,head of a famous company in the UK.
Mr Price invited Reggie to the office for the day﹣finally getting him some work experience.He also encouraged Reggie to get a place at Kensington University.Reggie took his advice and studied hard.
Now Reggie has got a good job in the heart of the city."For anyone in a similar position to mine,I would say knock on the right doors and work hard."said Reggie.
(1)Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.(将文中划线句子翻译成汉语)
(2)What does the underlined word "those" in paragraph 2 refer to?
 The skills and qualities that the rich have. 
(3)What did Reggie get from the couple?
 Work experience and the advice about going to university. 
(4)To be successful,what do you learn from Reggie?(至少写出两条)
 Never give up and work hard. 
(5)Give a proper title for the passage.
 The story of Reggie Nelson 
(1)英译汉题。Then于是;decided to do sth."决定做某事";to ask for advice去寻求建议。
(2)代词指代替。根据第二段I want know skills qualities have allowed to in rich like ,(我只想知道你有什么样的技能和品质让你能生活在这样一个富裕的地区,此处的those指代的是"富人拥有的技能和素质"
(3)细节理解题。根据第四段Mr invited to office the getting some experience.He encouraged to a place Kensington ,最终让他获得了一些工作经验。)可知。故填Work experience and the advice about going to university.
(4)主观表达题。我们应不放弃。故填Never give up and work hard.
(5)标题归纳题。通读全文可知,所以他向富人征求意见,所以标题应为"雷吉 纳尔逊的故事"
28.(20分)Teens Around the World是一个国际青少年交流网站,近日有人发帖,假设你是李华,结合自己的生活经历,用英语跟帖。
Teens Around the World
Hey guys!You must have read many books besides your text books.We can learn something useful from the books.What's your favourite book?What is it about?And why do you like it?Looking forward to your replies. Becky,England
My favourite book is Robinson Crusoe written by Daniel Defoe.(书名)It is a well﹣known western classic.This book is ,he thought of many ways to save himself.【高分句型二】After he lived on the island for 28 years



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