
Advertisements are designed to persuade us, but which techniques are effective in talking us in to buy things
____16____ Normalization can lead to higher sales of junk food as people start to see these habits as normal. This is like product placement—where products are shown or mentioned in TV shows and films. Beth, an assistant professor of marketing and advertisement, tells us that product placement is most effective when it is not too obvious. ____17____ It seems that a subtle (不易察觉的) approach can be more persuasive.
Appealing to our emotions is another strategy advertisers use. ____18____ Jannet, a senior lecturer in communication studies, explains that for fear to be an effective tool, we need to believe: when fears are raised, people tend to take action to make a difference, like buying something. But when fears are exaggerated (夸大) or we feel helpless, we are likely to switch off.
Advertisements often show perfect-looking people because marketers believe that we will desire to be like them and buy the products they support. ____19____ The research that she mentions shows these ads can make people feel bad and put them off products. These studies say that seeing a more human side of people can lead us to believe them. ____20____
So, it seems that the best technique advertisers can use to persuade people is to fully understand the people they are selling to.
A. Some of them use fear to persuade us.
B. One way is simply to describe something as normal.
C. Superstars are gradually losing their commercial value.
D. We become defensive if we know that someone is trying to sell us something.
E. However, a researcher in marketing points out this may not be the best strategy.
F. A common technique to make an emotional impact is to create a memorable slogan.
G. And endorsements (代言) from characters who admit their mistakes can be more believable.
We’re lucky to live in an age when the sum total of human knowledge is pretty available at the click of a button. We’ ve never had access to so much information. ____13____. So here are a few strategies to sharpen your critical thinking.
Watch out for confirmation prejudice(偏见). ____14____. In repeated experiments, psychologists have shown we’re much more likely to accept something as evidence if it confirms what we already think we know. And we’re much more likely to ignore information if it is not in line with our views, which will affect our ability to process information.
Acknowledge small differences. In life, most situations are varying and complicated. Admitting that can enrich the way that we view the world. For example, what colour is the sky Well, the obvious answer is blue. But at sunrise or sunset, it can be red. On a cold misty morning, white or gray. ____15____.
Practise intellectual humility (谦逊). One approach to, well, arguing, is to let go of the idea of being “right”. Or at least seriously consider that you might actually be wrong. ____16____. Really try to understand where the other person is coming from. Arguing is just to waste somebody’s time.
____17____. It’s more important than ever to know where your information is coming from. That science-looking paragraphs might look very convincing until you dig a little deeper and find it was just posted by someone having no qualifications. That is the case we should not overlook.
Engaging in critical thinking isn’t as fun as picking up a pitchfork, or feeling like you’re fundamentally right. But in the long run, it leads to a more curious, educated and harmonious society, which is the biggest win of all.
A. Avoid mistakes
B. Check your sources
C. We all enjoy feeling like we’re right
D. But not all of what’s out there is quite what it seems
E. So pay attention to differences in many situations
F. So don’t rush to decide, and be actively prepared to change your mind
G. Putting yourself into the other person’s shoes can have more fruitful outcomes
Most athletes and parents would agree that sportsmanship is an important aspect of athletics. Although it comes in many forms, everyone can list what sportsmanship looks like. We shake hands before and after games. ____16____ These examples are just displaying good sportsmanship.
It is easy for parents and kids to get caught up in a game and become too focused on winning. Although winning is important, it is not always the most important aspect of the game. ____17____ Good sportsmanship is one of those life lessons that should be intentionally learned, taught and practiced.
No matter how much we would like to, we cannot win at everything every time. ____18____ After a hard-fought game, the loser felt frustrated in a losing effort. It can be very difficult to look your opponents in the eye and tell them “good job”. But this is what is asked of athletes. How do we handle losing with dignity
____19____ Almost nobody is willing to come second in a game, but only one can be champion. There is no need to be overcome with defeat. Instead, accept failure and face up to it bravely, believing failure is the mother of success. Recognize the winners and congratulate them.
Winning is fun! It is the reward for your hard work. When we participate in a sport that keeps score, it is our responsibility to the team to do our best to win within the rules of the game and within the spirit of the game. ____20____
A. Keep losing in perspective.
B. So we need to learn to deal with defeat.
C. Besides, winning doesn’t mean you are perfect.
D We clap for injured players once they are on their feet.
E. There is so much to be gained from an athletic experience.
F. We must ensure they have a fun and safe sports experience.
G. But winning becomes a negative when it is a team’s only goal.
"What exactly is a nervous breakdown?It generally describes the feeling of being under long﹣term stress."Dr.David A.Merrill,a neurologist and psychiatrist,further explains the condition,"(1)    "
You can't concentrate.
In the short term,stress can boost your brainpower by releasing hormones that enhance memory storage and improve concentration.But in the long term,chronic stress makes it difficult to block out external distractions. (2)   
You can't stop eating.
Do you reach for a tub of ice cream or a packet of cookies after a long day?There's a good reason for that.Stress causes the brain to release hormones,including adrenaline,which energizes your muscles for a"fight or flight"response.Once the adrenaline wears off,food.
Sometimes stress and anxiety can manifest as stomach aches and cramps.But if you notice a cluster of symptoms that include,abdominal pain or different pains,you could have Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS)
You stop caring about how you look.
Skipping basic daily practices can signal you are having a period of depression or an emotional breakdown. (4)    You spend little or no time on your clothing or hair style.Stress taxes the mind and body,leading to tiredness and indifference,which can cause a loss of happiness or lack of motivation for activities you used to enjoy.
You have a different posture.
Have you ever looked at someone and thought,"(5)   "We communicate a lot through our posture and non﹣verbal gestures,including our mental state.When people adopt a"protective position"—arms crossed,slouching,or facing away—it shows they are feeling very stressed and defensive.
A.That person looks depressed?
B.Your stomach is upset all the time.
C.May I help that person out of depression?
D.You don't shower or brush your teeth as usual.
E.You feel like you are reaching a breaking point.
F.You begin to feel comfortable all over your body.
G.It affects your ability to focus on projects at hand.
Science can help you improve your study methods. For more than 100 years,psychologists have done research on which study habits work best. 31 . Here are 4 tips to improve your study habits.
Space out your studying
Nate Kornell,a psychologist at Williams College,thinks it's a good idea to study the day before a big test. 32 . Instead,space out those study sessions. Kornell compares our memory to water in a bucket that has a small leak. Try to refill the bucket while it's still full,and you can't add much more water. Allow time between study sessions,and some of the material may drip out of your memory. But then you'll be able to relearn it and learn more in your next study session.
Musicians practice their instruments. Athletes practice sports skills. 33 . "If you want to be able to remember information,the best thing you can do is practice," says Katherine Rawson. She's a psychologist at Kent State University in Ohio. In one 2013 study,students took practice tests over several weeks. On the final test,they scored more than a full letter grade better,on average,than students who studied the way they normally had.
Test yourself
Nebel's preferred study habit is one of the best way. Before big tests,Nebel's mom quizzed her on the material. “Now I know that was retrieval(检索)practice,”she says. As Nebel got older,she quizzed herself. “ 34 ,” Nebel suggests. “Put questions on one side and the answers on the other side and try to quiz yourself the way the teacher asks questions,”she adds.
Dig deeper
It's hard to remember a string of facts and figures if you don't push further. Ask why things are a certain way. How did they come about?Why do they matter?Psychologists call this elaboration. It's taking class material and asking a lot of how and why questions about it. This helps you combine new information with other things you know. And it creates a bigger network in your brain of things that relate to one another,she says. 35 .
A.The same should go for learning
B.Some tips help for almost every subject
C.Of course,nothing can replace studying with your mother
D.Some experts hold that studying late at night can be really useful
E.That larger network makes it easier to learn and remember things
F.Create a pack of flash cards every time you learn new information
G.But research shows it's a bad idea to force all your studying into that day
【答案】16. B 17. D 18. A 19. E 20. G
空处为段首句,为本段主要内容。根据本段“Normalization can lead to higher sales of junk food as people start to see these habits as normal. This is like product placement—where products are shown or mentioned in TV shows and films. (正常化会导致垃圾食品的销量增加,因为人们开始认为这些习惯是正常的。这就像植入式广告——在电视节目和电影中展示或提到产品。)”可知,在广告中自然呈现商品,表现得拥有这些商品很正常,会有利于商品售出。选项B“One way is simply to describe something as normal. (一种方法是简单地把某事描述为正常。)”与下文内容一致,指的都是将商品呈现得正常化。故选B。
根据空前“Beth, an assistant professor of marketing and advertisement, tells us that product placement is most effective when it is not too obvious. (市场营销和广告学助理教授贝丝告诉我们,植入式广告在不太明显的情况下最有效。)”可知,植入式广告在不太明显的情况下最有效。选项D“We become defensive if we know that someone is trying to sell us something. (如果我们知道有人试图向我们推销什么东西,我们就会变得有戒心。)”是上文内容的延续,指的是如果我们发觉有人试图向我们推销什么东西,我们就会有戒心。同时与空后“It seems that a subtle (不易察觉的) approach can be more persuasive. (似乎不易察觉的方法可能更有说服力。)”保持一致。故选D。
根据空后内容“Jannet, a senior lecturer in communication studies, explains that for fear to be an effective tool, we need to believe: when fears are raised, people tend to take action to make a difference, like buying something. But when fears are exaggerated (夸大) or we feel helpless, we are likely to switch off. (传播学高级讲师珍妮特解释说,要使恐惧成为一种有效的工具,我们需要相信:当恐惧被唤起时,人们倾向于采取行动来改变,比如买东西。但是当恐惧被夸大或者我们感到无助时,我们很可能就会停止。)”可知,下文讲述的是有时候恐惧有时候会让我们购物。选项A“Some of them use fear to persuade us. (他们中的一些人用恐惧来说服我们。)”与下文内容一致,故选A。
根据空前“Advertisements often show perfect-looking people because marketers believe that we will desire to be like them and buy the products they support .(广告中经常出现长相完美的人,因为营销人员相信我们会渴望像他们一样,购买他们支持的产品。)”可知,有时候广告中会出现长相完美的人,因为营销人员相信我们会渴望像他们一样,购买他们支持的产品。而空后“The research that she mentions shows these ads can make people feel bad and put them off products. (她提到的研究表明,这些广告会让人们感觉不好,让他们放弃产品。)”可知,研究表明这些广告并不会起效。选项E“However, a researcher in marketing points out this may not be the best strategy. (然而,一位市场研究人员指出,这可能不是最好的策略。)”承上启下,承接上文说明这个策略不好,引出下文具体的研究结果。故选E。
根据上文内容“The research that she mentions shows these ads can make people feel bad and put them off products. These studies say that seeing a more human side of people can lead us to believe them. (她提到的研究表明,这些广告会让人们感觉不好,让他们放弃产品。这些研究表明,看到人们更人性化的一面会让我们相信他们。)”可知,如果代言产品的人会有人性化的一面会使广告更可信。选项G“And endorsements (代言) from characters who admit their mistakes can be more believable.(会承认错误的代言人所代言的产品会更可信。)”与上文内容一致,指的都是代言人更具人性化会使广告更可信。故选G。
【答案】13. D 14. C 15. E 16. G 17. B
上文“We’re lucky to live in an age when the sum total of human knowledge is pretty available at the click of a button. (我们很幸运地生活在一个只需点击一下按钮就可以获得人类知识总量的时代)”说明我们生活在一个信息量大而且获取信息非常容易的时代。下文“So here are a few strategies to sharpen your critical thinking. (因此,这里有一些策略可以增强你的批判性思维)”说明要采取策略提高批判性思维,D项“但并不是所有东西都和表面看起来一样”与上文构成转折关系,承接下文,符合题意。故选D。
上文“Watch out for confirmation prejudice. (谨防确认偏见)”说明要防止偏见。下文“In repeated experiments, psychologists have shown we’re much more likely to accept something as evidence if it confirms what we already think we know. (在重复的实验中,心理学家表明,如果某件事证实了我们已经知道的东西,我们就更有可能接受它作为证据)”说明对于已经知道的东西,我们就更可能接受它是对的,C项“我们都喜欢感觉自己是对的”引出下文,符合题意。故选C。
上文“Acknowledge small difference. In life, most situations are different and complicated. Admitting that can enrich the way that we view the world.(承认微小差异。在生活中,大多数情况都是不同和复杂的。承认这些可以丰富我们看待世界的方式)”说明要承认差异,E项中“differences”是关键词,E项“因此,请注意许多情况下的差异”承接上文,符合题意。故选E。
下文“Really try to understand where the other person is coming from. (真正试着去理解其他人的想法)”说明要站在其他人的角度思考问题。G项中“设身处地为他人着想会有更丰硕的成果”表示设身处地为他人着想。语意一致,引出下文,符合题意。故选G。
下文“It’s more important than ever to know where your information is coming from. (知道你的信息来源比以往任何时候都重要)”说明知道信息的来源是很重要的。B项“核实你的信息来源”引出下文,符合题意。故选B。
【答案】16. D 17. E 18. B 19. A 20. G
根据空后内容“These examples are just displaying good sportsmanship.(这些例子只是展示了良好的体育精神。)”可推测出,空处指的是展示良好体育精神的例子。选项D“We clap for injured players once they are on their feet.(一旦受伤的球员站起来,我们就为他们鼓掌。)”和空前“We shake hands before and after games.(我们在比赛前后握手。)”都是展现良好的体育精神的例子,与下文内容一致。故选D。
根据空前内容“Although winning is important, it is not always the most important aspect of the game. (虽然获胜很重要,但它并不总是比赛中最重要的方面。)”可知,获胜并非是比赛中最重要的方面。再根据空后内容“Good sportsmanship is one of those life lessons that should be intentionally learned, taught and practiced.(良好的体育精神正是这些人生课程之一,应该有意识地学习、教授和实践。)”可知,空处指的是我们可以从比赛中学到很多。选项E“There is so much to be gained from an athletic experience.(从运动经历中可以学到很多东西。)”承上启下,承接上文说明从运动中可以学到很多,又引出下文,我们可以从中学到体育精神。故选E。
根据空后内容“After a hard-fought game, the loser felt frustrated in a losing effort. It can be very difficult to look your opponents in the eye and tell them “good job”. But this is what is asked of athletes.(在一场激烈的比赛后,失败者因失败而感到沮丧。你很难直视对手的眼睛,对他们说“干得好”。但这就是对运动员的要求。)”可知,下文讲述的是要学会面对失败。选项B“So we need to learn to deal with defeat.(所以我们需要学会面对失败。)”与下文内容一致,指的都是学会面对失败。故选B。
空处为段首句,为本段主要内容。根据下文“Almost nobody is willing to come second in a game, but only one can be champion. There is no need to be overcome with defeat. Instead, accept failure and face up to it bravely, believing failure is the mother of success. Recognize the winners and congratulate them.(几乎没有人愿意在比赛中屈居第二,但只有一个人能成为冠军。没有必要因失败而气馁。相反,接受失败,勇敢地面对它,相信失败是成功之母。认识到成功者并向他们表示祝贺。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是要正确地看待失败。选项A“Keep losing in perspective.(保持对失败的正确看法。)”符合本段主要内容。故选A。
根据空前内容“Winning is fun! It is the reward for your hard work. When we participate in a sport that keeps score, it is our responsibility to the team to do our best to win within the rules of the game and within the spirit of the game.(获胜很有趣!这是对你辛勤工作的奖励。当我们参加一项记分的运动时,我们有责任在比赛规则和比赛精神的范围内尽我们最大的努力赢得比赛。)”可知,上文讲述的是赢得比赛确实很有趣。选项G“But winning becomes a negative when it is a team’s only goal.(但是当胜利是团队唯一的目标时,胜利就变成了消极的东西。)”则再次指出,比赛中获胜并不是最重要的。与本文主题相一致,指的是要有良好的体育精神。故选G。
【解答】(1)联系下文题。根据前文What is a breakdown generally the of under stress.(什么是神经衰弱。)可知,介绍什么是神经衰弱。
(2)联系下文题。根据前文But the term stress it to out distractions.(但从长远来看。)可知,介绍长期的压力的影响。
(3)主题判断题。根据下文Sometimes and can as aches cramps.(有时压力和焦虑会表现为胃痛和痉挛,B选项"你的胃一直不舒服"可以作为本段的主题句,故选B。
(4)联系下文题。根据前文Skipping daily can you having a of or emotional 。)可知,举例说明没有进行常规活动。
(5)联系下文题。根据前文Have ever at and 。)可知,说明你有没有看着别人想,故选A。
第二节 (共5题 满分12.5分 每题2.5分)
31--35 B G A F E
31.根据前一句“ For more than 100 years,psychologists have done research on which study habits work best. ”(100多年来,心理学家一直在研究哪些学习习惯最有效。),推断B选项(一些技巧对几乎每一门学科都有帮助)承接上文,引出下文的4 tips。故选B
32.根据空格前一句“Nate Kornell,a psychologist at Williams College,thinks it's a good idea to study the day before a big test.”(威廉姆斯学院的心理学家内特·科内尔认为,在大考前一天学习是个好主意。),根据后句的instead体现出后文说明的是相反的做法,G选项(但研究表明,把你所有的学习都拖到那天是个坏主意),“but”一词表示句间逻辑的转折。故选G。
33.根据空格前两句“Musicians practice their instruments. Athletes practice sports skills.”(音乐家们练习他们的乐器。运动员练习运动技能。),根据下文“If you want to be able to remember information,the best thing you can do is practice," says Katherine Rawson. ”(如果你想记住信息,最好的办法就是练习。”凯瑟琳·罗森说道)A选项(学习也是如此)符合题意,表明学习也需要练习。后文是对选项的解释。故选A。
34.根据上文“Before big tests,Nebel's mom quizzed her on the material. “Now I know that was retrieval(检索)practice,”she says. As Nebel got older,she quizzed herself. ”段落介绍了Nebel最初是考试前妈妈给她进行检索式复习。随着年龄增长,她自己采取这种方法复习。此句是引用Nebel说的话,她举例介绍检索式复习的一种方式。F选项(每次学习新信息时,创建一组闪存卡)符合要求。故选F。
35.根据前一句“And it creates a bigger network in your brain of things that relate to one another,she says.”(她说:“它在你的大脑中建立了一个更大的网络,把相互关联的事物联系起来。”。)可知,选项承接上文说明更大的网络使的作用。E选项(那个更大的网络使学习和记忆东西变得更容易。)中的that larger network的指代就非常明显,指代前一句中的a bigger network。故选E。




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