
英 语 试 题(LX 2023.11)
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选择题部分 共90 分
I. 听力测试(30分)
A)听录音, 从每组句子中选出一个你所听到的句子。每个句子听一遍。
1. A. That's interesting. B. You did really well. C. You look different.
2. A. I'm new in town. B. I'll try delicious salad. C. I disagree with you.
3. A. Can I go to the park B. Were the forks nice C. Do you like this festival
4. A. I'm interested in sports. B. It wasn't invented yet. C. I don't worry about tests.
5. A. What did you like best B. When did TV appear C. Where can we buy stamps
B)在录音中, 你将听到五段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 从每小题A、 B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。每段对话听两遍。
6. How is Mary's spoken English
A. Poor. B. Good. C. Bad.
7. Where was the watch made
A. In Japan. B. In Switzerland. C. In China.
8. What will Tom buy for his father
A. A tie. B. A shirt. C. A cap.
9. Where is the bank
A. It's near the shop. B. It's next to the hotel. C. It's beside the post office.
10. Why does Emma like Chinese clay art
A. Because it's wonderful. B. Because it's lively. C. Because it's beautiful.
11. When did Amy begin to sing
A. At the age of 5. B. At the age of 6. C. At the age of 7.
12. What did Amy use to be like
A. Outgoing. B. Shy. C. Helpful.
13. How did Amy deal with the problem
A. By practicing singing. B. By reading more books. C. By joining the music club.
14. What will Amy do next
A. She will give a specch, B. She will travel. C. She will learn to cook.
15. What does Amy advise students to do
A. Excrcisc a lot, B. Get enough sleep. C. Work very hard.
|6. What was special about Grandma's visit
A. She was sick. B. She was turning 100. C. She brought special gifts.
17. How did Grandma travel
A. By bus. B. By train. C. By plane.
18. How did the family feel about Grandma's visit
A. Angry. B. Strange. C. Nervous.
19. What will Grandma do on her next birthday
A. Climb Mount Tai. B. Visit the Great Wall. C. Go fishing.
20. What do you think of Grandma
A. Brave. B. Honest. C. Careful.
Ⅱ. 完形填空 阅读短文,从每题 A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。(15 分)
Times change! 21 I heard that the Bright Bookst ore was closing, I was sad. The bookstore had been in the neighborhood for 50 years, and it was a great place where people could connect with each other through their love of books.
When I met Tim, the store's owner, he told me it was 22 to run a traditional bookstore.Most young people preferred reading e-books or reading 23 .
Childhood memories came back to me so 24 . A group of us often went to the 25 . We looked at the new books and 26 hours reading there. Tim encouraged us to share our ideas by writing them on a large board.
A few months later, I was back and was 27 to see that the Bright Bookstore was still open for business. It seemed as old as before, but inside it was like a 28 world. In an area, a book reading was going on. Nearby, some readers were sharing their ideas on a screen 29 th e large board. Some were reading on computers. It even had a coffee shop 30 nice food. Clearly, the Bright Bookst ore was in good, creative hands.
Tim told me that there were 31 community events in the coffee shop such as book readings and even concerts and movie nights. The bookstore was turned 32 a place where the book lovers got together and shared ideas and experiences.
“Well, as you can see, technology and creativity have brought my old bookstore into the 21s century!I'm so glad to see that 33 I wanted for the community is still here,”said Tim.
No matter how times 34 , there are always people who love reading. With the developmen of technology, 35 bookstores should also change in a creative way.
21. A. If B. Until C. When D. Unless
22. A. easy B. difficult C. direct D. helpful
23. A. online B. nearby C. inside D. behind
24. A. widely B. loudly C. clearly D. badly
25. A. websitc B. project C. instrument D. bookstore
26. A. suggested B. spent C. required D. worked
27. A. wise B. patient C. surprised D. relaxed
28. A. private B. different C. terrible D. local
29. A. instead of B. according to C. because of D. across from
30. A. selling B. guarding C. increasing D. dividing
31. A. less B. more C. fewer D. lower
32. A. of B. with C. from D. into
33. A. nothing B. everything C. everybody D. nobody
34. A. change B. see C. stop D. spread
35. A. convenient B. traditional C. educational D. international
Ⅲ. 补全对话 阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。 (5分)
Jimmy: Hello, Lisa.
Lisa: Hi, Jimmy. Nice to see you back. How was your trip to China
Jimmy: 36
Lisa: How long did you stay there
Jimmy:About three weeks and we went to four cities. 37
Lisa:No, I just stayed at home to read. What do you like about your trip
Jimmy: Everything. 38
Lisa: For example
Jimmy: Beijing opera, paper cutting and Chinese kung fu.
Lisa: Paper cutting What's that
Jimmy: Chinese paper cutting, or Jianzhi, is a kind of art. People use scissors to cut red paper int'different kinds of things. Look! 39
Lisa:A gift Wow, how beautiful it is! Thank you, Jimmy. 40
Jimmy: You are welcome!
36. A. I guess so. B. It was so great.
C. It was so bad. D. I just forgot it.
37. A. What did you do yesterday B. How did you go there
C. Did you go anywhere D. How was your school trip
38. A. But I like traditional Chinese culture best.
B. But Chinese sounds really graceful.
C. But Chinese food is my favorite.
D. You should go to visit China, too.
39. A. It's made of paper. B. I drive my car.
C. He will try that. D. I have a gift for you.
40. A. I don't think so. B. It's really kind of you.
C. It must be chcap. D. You know a lot about it.
IV.阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 (40分)
Lucy, an eight-year-old girl, is the daughter of my neighbor. She used to stay in a small village only with her randparents. When she grew older, her parents brought her to town to live with them. But very soon my neighbor found something wrong with his daughter. She always shouted loudly and said bad words to others, even to her parents. She also jumped up and down in their apartment. That made the people downstairs so angry that they moved away.
Her parents tried many ways to change her, such as buying her books, spending time with her and talking to her. At first, they thought it wouldn't take too long to make it. But seven months later,it didn't work at all. They became upset and didn't know what to do next.
One day a retired teacher moved downstairs. When they met for the first time, the new neighbor gave Lucy a beautiful snow-white dress as a gift. At once, it caught the girl's eyes and made them shine brightly.
The girl put on the dress and became quite another person. She neither shouted no r jumped up and down. She began to be friendly to others wherever she went.
Perhaps everyone has a beautiful dress hidden somewhere in his or her heart. However, they may not realize it. Sometimes they just forget it or throw it away.
41. Where did Lucy use to live
A. In a city. B. In a hotel. C. In a village. D. In a forest.
42. What did Lucy's parents do to change her
A. They shouted loudly. B. They jumped up and down.
C. They said bad words. D. They bought her books.
43. Who changed Lucy
A. Her parents. B. Her grandparents. C. Her relatives. D. Her new neighbor.
44. How was Lucy at last
A. Polite. B. Unlucky. C. Lazy. D. Wild.
45. What's the best title of this passage
A. A Sweet Smile B. A Big Dream
C. A Beautiful Dress D. A Useful Talk
46. How many places are mentioned
A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
47. If Tom wants to know historical stories about China, what may he visit
A. West Lake B. Leifeng Pagoda
C. Qiantang River D. The Grand Canal (Hangzhou Section)
48. Which is NOT included in the cost
A. The train tickets. B. Tickets for Leifeng Pagoda.
C. The stay in hotels. D. Delicious lunch and dinner.
49. You can book the tour at the following time EXCEPT .
A.10:00 on Tuesday B.17:00 on Friday
C. 10:00 on Saturday D.17:00 on Saturday
50. Which of the following is true A. West Lake is the most famous place there.
B. You can book the travelling only by calling.
C. You have to pay for your breakfast and supper.
D. You can watch the tide in the Grand Canal(Hangzhou Section).
Rebecca is an American food photographer. A year ago, she bought her first air fryer(空气炸锅). She started with usual air-fryer dishes, like pizza and egg tarts. Soon she realized that it could make almost everything. Four months later, she was amazed to see a cheesecake come out of the machine. It was cooked well in just 20 minutes. Then she thought, what else could she cook in the air fryer Crab legs, apple pies, and you name it. Rebccca now calls it her“magic box”.
But what is the story behind this“magic box" The original version(版本) was invented by William Maxson in the USA and Fred van der Weij, from Nethcrlands, started developing the modern air fryer in 2005. The idea came from his personal experience. Making French fri es at home used to take too long and usually led to terrible results. Cooperating with the company Philips, his egg-shaped f ryer came out in 2010. Since then, it has been widely accepted by people all over the world.
Nowadays, nearly 60 percent of U. S. families own an air fryer. Many people have turned to the air fryer for some simple reasons. Healthy lifestyle plays a major role. Although the price of the air f ryer goes higher, people still choose it because it can do deep-frying with little oil. Just like Rebecca,they have also discovered that it can cook more than just crispy food. An air f ryer can help you make breakfast, lunch and dinner. In some families, it has nearly replaced the oven or microwave(烤箱和微波炉). People also share recipes and tips in a social media group called Easy Air Fryer Recipes run by Rebecca.
Microwaves and ovens might have had their day because they are now taking a break in most homes. How long will the popularity of air fryer last
51. What did Rebecca think of her first air fryer
A. Boring. B. Awful. C. Safe. D. Amazing.
52. Where did Fred get the idea of developing the modern air fryer
A. From people's deep love for crispy food.
B. From his terrible experience in making French fries.
C. From Easy Air Fryer Recipes run by Rebecca.
D. From the book he read when he was young.
53. Why do so many people in America choose the air fryer now
A. It can do deep-frying while using little oil.
B. It is much cheaper than ovens and microwaves.
C. It is only used for making breakfast and lunch.
D. It takes more than 30 minutes to make a cheesecake.
54. What does the underlined phrase“have had their day”mean
A. 习以为常. B. 风光不再.
C. 不可或缺. D. 大受欢迎.
55. In which part of a magazine can we probably read the passage
A. Culture. B. Traffic. C. Lifestyle. D. Sports.
Embroidery(刺绣) is an important art form in Chinese culture. The most famous embroidery styles are Su embroidery, Shu embroidery, Xiang embroidery and Yue embroidery. Even though embroidery is well-known at home and abroad, the skill of it is in danger of dying out.
Embroidery takes time and patience. It usually takes several months to complete one piece.Since modern machines can make cheaper embroidery products today, fewer people buy handmade ones. Another important reason is that many young people have lost interest in being embroiders. To save the skill, professional embroiders are doing their part. Meng Dezhi is one of them.
Meng has been making Shu embroidery for forty years. She is a national-level inheritor(传承人) and used to work at the Shu Embroidery Factory in Chengdu. But in 2006, the factory was closed down and Meng lost her job. Although facing a difficult situation, she fought on. Meng rented (租) a small space of ten square meters to teach Shu embroidery to others. Here her students needed to divide each silk thread(线) into more than 10 or even 30 pieces. Each piece is thinner than a single human hair. It's really hard work. In 2016, Meng was invited to make a logo for Qixi Festival.It was a small logo, but it required the use of 45 types of sewing techniques (针法) and 35,000stitches(针).
Meng is trying to influence more people by giving speeches in different universities and communities. As a result, a growing number of people begin to join her.“In the early days, I make Shu embroidery just for living. But now I feel that I have the duty to pass on Shu embroidery skills to young generations, because Shu embroidery stands for thousands of years of Sichuan culture and should be saved. It is like sowing a seed-I share my skills and knowledge with young people and look forward to seeing them grow and become guardians of Shu embroidery.”she said.
56. According to Paragraph 1&2, what do we know about embroidery
A. There are three embroidery styles. B. It doesn't take time and patience.
C. More people want to work on it. D. Products made by machines are cheaper.
57. In Paragraph 3, how does the writer show embroidery is really hard work
A. By asking questions. B. By listing numbers.
C. By comparing facts. D. By giving opinions.
58. What does the underlined word“It”in the last paragraph refer to
A. Setting up a company for making a living.
B. Writing many books about Shu embroidery.
C. Making modern products of Shu embroidery.
D. Passing on Shu embroidery to young people.
59. According to the passage, what do you think of Meng
A. She is silly. B. She is understanding.
C. She is mean. D. She is responsible.
60. What's the passage mainly about
A. Four embroidery styles. B. A famous embroidery factory.
C. A logo for Qixi Festival. D. The protection of embroidery.
非选择题部分 共60分
V. 阅读填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
There is a small but important thing in our daily life. We usually put it in the bathroom and use it(61) least twice a day. If you refuse(62) (use) it, you might have tooth problems. Can you guess what it is Yes, it's the toothbrush. But do you know anything about (63) (it) history Do you wonder how the ancient people brushed their teeth
According to some research, people have been using tools to clean their teeth for much, much longer. Before toothbrushes (64) (appear), the ancient Chinese people cleaned their teeth with some small tree branches(树枝). About 800 years ago, people started to make a kind of brushes with pig hair and bamboo. It might be(65) (early) toothbrush in the world. As time went by, the forms of toothbrushes changed. For example, people chose horse-tail hair instead of pig hair (66) pig hair was too hard. Imagine that you travel back to hundreds of years ago and brush your teeth(67) (comfortable). It sounds fantastic, doesn't it
Around the 15th century, the Chinese toothbrush (68) (bring) into Europe. It became popular among local people soon. Then a kind of new material, nylon, took the place of the natural animal hair. In 1954, the first electric toothbrush was invented in Switzerland.
The(69) (invent) of toothbrushes was not as famous as that of paper-making, but it was very(70) (use) in daily life. Today we have a good habit of brushing teeth. We should thank the ancient Chinese for it.
VI.阅读理解七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (10分)
Are you looking forward to next year's Olympic Games 71 Its organizers have found a new way of going green: In some of the venues(场馆) in Seine-Saint-Denis, about 11,000 seats are made from recycled plastic.
The seats were produced by recycling company Lemon Tri and a few partners. They collected plastic waste and turned it into small pieces. 72 After that, they were compressed(压缩) in machines. The result was black or white plastic sheets with flecks of color. These sheets were then polished, cut and make up into seats.
You may ask if these seats are of good quality(质量). Don't worry! A number of tests have been carried out on them. There were a UV resistance(抗紫外线) test, a fire resistance test, and more.73
The seats were made from about 100 tons of plastic waste. 74 Local schools also collected about five million colored soda bottle caps and they were used in the making of the seats.
75 Augustin Jaclin is the co-founder of Lemon Tri.“Our kids put their bottles in the bins,”he said.“Next year, they’ll sit on the seats made from these bottles. This will teach them to recycle more in their daily lives.”
A. These pieces were mixed together and heated.
B. Sunglasses can protect you from the sun in hot summer.
C. About 80% of the waste came from local recycling bins.
D. Paris 2024 promises to be a“green”event.
E. People can sit safely in the chairs and enjoy the excitement of the game!
F. Teachers help us understand the importance of environmental protection.
G. The seats not only help the environment, but also educate people about recycling.
Ⅶ. 书面表达(35分)
第一部分 情境运用 根据所提供的图片,用一个完整的句子提问或应答。 (10分)
第二部分写作 (25分)
为帮助初一新生快速适应初中生活,我校英文报开展以“多彩初中·快乐成长”为主题的征文活动。 作为初三的学长, 你对他们有什么建议呢 请踊跃投稿!
1. 可参考图片信息, 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
3. 不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。
How to Live a Happy and Colorful Life
21-25 CBACD 26-30 BCBAA 31-35 BDBAB
36-40 BCADB 41-45 CDDAC 46-50DDBDB
51-55 DBABC 56-60DBDDD
61-65 at; to use; its;appeared; the earliest
66-70 because; comfortably; was brought; invention; useful
71-75 DAECG
76. I learn history by taking notes.
77. Could you please tell me when the library opens
78. We usually eat mooncakes.
79. Did Leo use to be fat
80. where were the kites made in




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