山东省潍坊市2023-2024高二上学期11月期中联考英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)

2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡 上,写在本试卷上无效。
第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5 分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每 段对话仅读一遍。
1.What is the woman probably doing
A.Watching TV. B.Writing a school report. C.Reading a journal article.
2.What will the speakers do first
A.Board the train. B.Shop for some gifts. C.Look for a restaurant.
3.Which place will the speakers probably head for next
A.The garden. B.The kitchen. C.The dining room.
4.What does the man advise the girl to do
A.Play with her brother. B.Buy a new robot. C.Do other things
5.Where will the speakers probably have the picnic
A.In the forest. B.In the nearby town C.At the top of the hill.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5 分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三 个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.How long has the man been a wedding photographer
A.For 16 years. B.For 24 years. C.For 40 years.
7.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.A wedding ceremony. B.The man's career story..C.A modern digital camera.
8.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Husband and wife. B.Doctor and patient, C.Teacher and student.
9.Why does the man apologize to the woman
A.He forgot to buy her a gift.
B.He took a shower for a long time.
C.He watched the movie without her.
10.How does the woman feel at the end of the conversation
A.Amused. B.Annoyed. C.Thankful.
11.Why was the woman worried about Lily
A.She was getting shy and quiet.
B.Her friends were too talkative.
C.She had to study at a new school.
12.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.At home. B.In a library C.In a classroom.
13.What do we know about Lily
A.She is bad at writing stories,
B.She goes to the library every week.
C.She's unable to concentrate on studies.
14.What was John doing at the time of the accident
A.Buying some food. B.Walking to the shop C.Talking on the phone.
15.How did John probably get hurt
A.He fell off a truck. B.He dropped into a hole. C.He tripped over a stone
16.Who will drive John to the hospital
A.The woman's colleague. B.His daughter C.The woman.
17.What happened to the little dog met by Klongsanun
A.He was lost and alone.
B.He had been hit by a car.
C.He was running on a busy road.
18.What did Klongsanun do first to help the dog after the race
A.She took him to a pet hospital.
B.She tried to look for his owner.
C.She adopted him herself.
19.How many cats does Klongsanun have
A.28. B.30. C.58.
20.What is Klongsanun's biggest dream
A.Finding more homeless animals.
B.Becoming a marathon champion.
C.Creating an animal rescue center.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
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21.What's the best thing about Stauer Urban Blue
A.Its raw materials. B.Its accurate timekeeping.
C.Its advanced design. D.Its attractive appearance
22.Why is the Urban Blue priced so low
A.It is promoted at a local bar.
B.It is produced at a very low cost.
C.It is machine-made in large quantities.
D.It is self-designed from its own factory.
23.How much should you pay for an Urban Blue Watch if you are the 2000th customer A.$29. B.$141. C.$170. D.$199.
The 97-year-old botanist,Margaret Bradshaw,is the chief caretaker of Teesdale's rarest flowers.“Everything about Teesdale is unique,”says Bradshaw with pride —and the authority of someone who has just written a 288-page book on the subject.Bradshaw has been recording rare plants here since the early 1950s and has witnessed great decreases.Her data was the first to prove that —and the need to do something about it.
The main reason for the decrease of these plants is an unusual one.The number of sheep in Teesdale had been reduced by half by 2000,as the uplands were generally believed there were too many sheep.Bradshaw says while sheep are hunted in some upland areas,reducing herding in Teesdale has been destructive.Longer grass overshadows the delicate(娇嫩)flowers,taking away the light they need to grow.As a result of her findings and her work with farmers who herd the land —as well as Natural England,which manages it —sheep numbers are increasing and the timing of herding is being carefully managed.This has led to the partial recovery of some plants.
At 93,she set up Teesdale Special Flora Research and Conservation Trust to record rare plants.A keen horse rider,at 95,she did a 55-mile horse journey across Teesdale,raising almost E10,000 for the Trust.When asked about the secret to longevity,"Just keep going,"she says.
“Keep at it.Don't sit down and just watch TV.”
“I recognise I'm getting older and I've been trying to get more people to take over and do the records.They don't believe I won't be here for ever,”Bradshaw says.Despite Bradshaw's guardianship of this land,and the love and energy she has put into saving it,the future here is unknown.The last words of her book speak to this endless loss.“This is our heritage,this unique plant species,mine and yours,"she writes.“In spite of trying,I have failed to prevent its decrease,now it is up to you."
24.What is Margaret Bradshaw's main work with the rare plants
A.Writing a book. B.Preventing their decrease.
C.Collecting their data. D.Directing farmers to grow plants. 25.What contributed to the reduction of rare plants in Teesdale
A.Not enough sheep. B.Lack of fund.
C.Poor management. D.Too many sheep
26.What can we learn from Bradshaw's words in the last paragraph
A.Unity brings strength. B.Many hands make light work.
C.Youthful at heart,regardless of age, D.Advance what the forerunners began.
27.Which might be a suitable title for the text
A.Teesdale:Home to Rare Plants B.Battling for Teesdale's Wildflowers
C.Bradshaw:A97-Year-Old Gardener D.Exploring Teesdale's Unique Plants
“Mek thisen at 'ome,lass,”Dimbleby said in the Yorkshire dialect to the group of nearly two-dozen mostly grey-haired students,when the newspaper reporter arrived at his class.This class is part of an increasingly popular movement to revive the local dialect,once spoken by millions but now has almost died out.
“We've got to get more young people involved,”says Dimbleby.The feedback so far has been positive,but the class is mostly made up of retirees.He is hoping to run another course on Saturday mornings,when younger people are available.“Most people's experience of dialect is what they heard from their grandparents.They've never read it or written it,so it's been a new experience for them.”
There are some challenges in making it accessible though.As a spoken dialect with many variations(变体),the written aspect is various.How to correctly spell is a problem,because different people may pronounce it in different ways.For example,"nothing"in Yorkshire is “nowt”,but some people would read “out”,while in most of Yorkshire it has more of an “ohwt” sound that is hard to get across without resorting to the rules of pronunciation.
“I've always been fascinated by the Yorkshire dialect,”says Joanna Kaye,a retired host. “When we were children,we learned all Queen's English.My mother,although she taught me to speak properly,she could speak in the dialect.”
Jean Crampton,here for the first time,has a notebook to write down words used by her parents,who died more than 10 years ago.“When I dressed up for the first time to go to grammar school,my dad said 'dun't she look grand',"she said.“And that's why I've come,to be reminded of them.After they died,that immediacy fades,and language is one of the things that can help bring it back into your mind,which is brilliant.”
28.What is Dimbleby's suggestion for the dialect class
A.More activities to revive the dialect. B.More courses provided for retirees.
C.Greater participation of young people. D.Greater enthusiasm in elderly learners.
29.What does the underlined phrase "resorting to"in paragraph 3 mean
A.Turning to B.Writing down. C.Summing up. D.Speaking of.
30.What makes Joanna Kaye interested in the Yorkshire dialect
A.The Queen's charm. B.His mother's influence.
C.His childhood dream. D.The requirement for a host.
31.Why did Jean Crampton go to the dialect class
A.To pass on the Yorkshire dialect. B.To share her father's experiences.
C.To restore memories from her parents. D.To learn the Yorkshire dialect grammar.
Scientists once considered sleep to be like a shadow getting drawn over a window between the brain and the outside world:when the shadow is closed,the brain stops reacting to outside stimuli(刺激).
A study published on 12 October in Nature Neuroscience suggests that there might be periods during sleep when that shade is partially open.
A few years ago,Oudiette,a cognitive scientist in France,began questioning the definition of sleep after she and her team conducted an experiment in which they were able to communicate with people who are aware that they are dreaming while they sleep —otherwise known as clear dreamers.During these people's reams,experimenters were able to ask questions and get responses through eye and facial-muscle movements.
Karen Konkoly,who was a co-author on that study,says "it was a big open question in our minds whether communication would be possible with non-clear dreamers.”
So Oudiette continued with the work.In her latest study,she and her colleagues observed 27 people with narcolepsy(嗜睡症)—characterized by daytime sleepiness and a high requency of clear dreams —and 22 people without the condition.While they were sleeping,participants were repeatedly asked to frown or smile.All of them responded accurately to at least 70%of these tips.Overall response rates were higher for all participants during REM(rapid eye movement)sleep,when the deenest sleen occurs but the brain remains quite active,than during other sleep stages.
This study is part of a larger advance in the field of sleep research,says Mélanie Strauss,a cognitive scientist in Brussels.Researchers are moving away from monitoring sleep mainly with EEG(脑电图)and towards “fine grained”approaches that combine EEG with various tasks and stimuli—a strategy that could help to cast light on specific diseases or conditions,she says.
32.What did scientists think of sleep in the past
A.It happens during different periods.
B.It is a shadow formed within the brain.
C.It suggests a weakening in the brain's functions.
D.It means a stop in brain's response to the outside.
33.How did clear dreamers react to the experimenters
A.By moving their face and eyes. B,By repeating the questions.
C.By providing accurate answers. D.By talking about their dream.
34.What can we learn about the participants in the latest study
A.They like sleeping in the daytime.
B.They remember their dreams clearly.
C.They do exactly as they're told during sleep.
D.They show higher response in the deepest sleep.
35.What does Mélanie Strauss mainly tell us in the last paragraph
A.The limitation of using EEG. B.A cure for specific diseases.
C.The progress of the sleep research. D.A method of detecting sleep
Play is part of a parent-child friendship
Play is a crucial element of friendship with children.With babies and very young children, we parents play with them,engaging in back-and-forth activities like hide-and-seek and tower building. 36 They pull us into play,and we feel pleasure.
But delight hits a setback when our child learns how to say"no".From this point onward —into adolescence —we focus on getting a child to behave.. 37 It's parenting belief,not specifically defined,but often translated into “because I said so”.
While parents must help children learn to meet adult demands,when we limit our parenting focus to “command and control”we can crowd out"delight". 38 If we can leave space for child-driven activities —without adult demands —we can return to delight.These interactions expand our relationship and help our child learn self-regulation and communication.It's not the same as peer friendship,but we are being a friend.
39 The key is following your child's lead.As they get older and they are deep into other things,friendly play might include teaching you to play their favorite video game or share their YouTube.Your child won't want you to be their primary friend in these spaces,but being curious and kind is a way to be a friend and a parent.You will be an uncool friend who will never fully get it,but you will be a friend.
40 Especially as they get older,they will set more limits on it.But if you make a habit of friendly play with your child,that space will always be there between you,and it will vastly expand your parenting toolbox.
A.They often start the game,and we join in.
B.Kids won't always want you to play with them.
C.We are told in many ways to be the parent,not the friend.
D.Highlighting our role as taskmasters limits our parenting tools.
E.It can be a powerful tool for developing parent-child relationships.
F.This looks different from babyhood to youth but it's always essential.
G.Friendly play with children can range from building blocks to hide-and-seek.
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选
I can remember the first time it happened.Class was getting out of hand.Our teacher,after quieting us six times as she tried to keep our 41 on the task at hand,finally gave up and informed we could take a rest.Instantly,the classroom erupted with students 42 their seats,
laughing and talking.
And then there was me.I sat 43 in my chair.I finished the activity and then worked on a project,completely content.I didn't associate what I was doing with 44 behavior;I
just had no desire to be loud and crazy.
As parents started to arrive,our teacher . 45 the chattering children with a half-hearted smile.But when my mother 46,she commented,“Your daughter is such a nice girl in class.
She's a 47 .”And there it was:my first“nice”.
Whether or not I knew it,a 48 had been set for my future behavior,though my
teacher probably didn't mean it.
As years passed,I became . 49 in the art of nice.But as much as I loved praise,I was too 50 to dare be anything but nice.
People rarely see the Real Me,because the Real Me is . 51 .She doesn't clean her room as often as she should.She's 52 at making decisions.Nice became a shelter I 53 .my
real feelings behind
“It's like living a . 54 life,”I thought.I am. 55 with being nice.I want to be the
best of myself,not the nicest.
41.A.sight B.focus C.spirit D.preference
42.A.moving B.changing C.adjusting D.leaving
43.A.excitedly B.hopelessly C.quietly D.nervously
44. A.positive B.normal C.complex D.strange
45. A.picked out B.handed over C.showed off D.drove away
46. A.arrived B.demanded C.followed D.insisted
47. A.treasure B.legend C.star D.champion
48. A.plan B.style C.standard D.goal
49. A.poorly-adapted B.well-trained C.annoyed D.confused
50. A.actiye B.honest C.eager D.scared
51. A.shy B.perfect C.messy D.unique
52. A.terrible B.quick C.wise D.careful
53. A.managed B.shared C.expressed D.hid
54. A.simple B.comfortable C.double D.busy
55.A.familiar B.tired C.confident D.please
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Located at the western part of Hangzhou,just under 5 km away from the West Lake,Xixi National Wetland Park distinguishes itself as 56 exceptional urban place.This park is a pioneering example of how urban life combines agriculture with culture,making it a 57 (true unique destination.Along with Xihu and Xiling famous,respectively, their natural scenery and cultural heritage,Xixi National Wetland Park is one of the celebrated “Three Xi's of Hangzhou”.
Covering a vast area of 11.5 sq km,the park consists of three causeways( 堤 道 ) 59 features ten famous sights.Nearly 70%of the park - 60 (occupy)by river ports,ponds and small lakes,which explains a wetland environment.These waterways cross the park, 61(divide)it into distinct sections:the east,the west,and the central part.
Recently the govermment 62 (establish)ecological protection zones as well as an sightseeing zone.Additionally,visitors can explore the Wetland Science Exhibition Hall,conveniently 63 (locate)at the park's main entrance.
There is no right way . 64 _(see)the Xixi wetlands.It is an area of unmatched peace and quiet —filled with history and natural beauty.The only true thing that can be said of the Xixi wetlands is 65 if you haven't seen them,you haven't really seen Hangzhou.
66.A f (根本的)key to healthy eating is to eat slowly.
67.John Snow s (怀疑)that the water pump was to blame.
68.Just like spoken language,body language v (变化)from culture to culture.
69.What concemed Yuan Longping most was that farmers had a serious s (短缺)of food to eat
70.Some people would prefer to stop the use of man-made chemicals in agriculture e (完全).
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
上周六你校学生会邀请外教Mr.Brown 做了主题为“Healthy Growth”的知识讲座,请你为校英文报写一则简报,内容包括:
2. 学生反应。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
A teenage boy named Joel lived in a small faraway town.Joel was an ambitious rapper who spent countless hours in his bedroom writing lyrics(歌词)and perfecting his flow.But he never performed on stage.His dream was to make it big in the music industry and share his passion for rap with the world.He hoped that one day his dream would become a reality.Little did he know,this dream was about to come true in the most unexpected way.
One sunny afternoon,Joel was walking through his neighborhood when he heard booming music coming from a nearby park.Interested,he followed the sound and discovered a crowd of people gathered around a stage.To his surprise,the famous rapper Latto was in town and performing her show for the community.Joel had always been Latto's faithful fan.He'd like to become a rapper like her.Pushing his way through the crowd,Latto came to front of the stage.
Joel's heart raced with excitement as he watched Latto appeal to the audience with her charming lyrics and undeniable talent.He waved his arms and cheered loudly together with all the people present.All of a sudden,a fearless idea suddenly occurred to him.Inspired by her performance,Joel decided to seize the opportunity and show his skills before his idol(偶像). Joel went up to the event organizer and explained his passion for rap,hoping to be given a chance to perform.
Impressed by Joel's enthusiasm and determination,the event organizer agreed to let him perform a short set after Latto finished her performance.Joel was overjoyed and spent the remaining time practising,making sure he was ready to deliver an unforgettable performance. He prayed(祈祷)at the bottom of his heart that he would succeed like Latto.Latto ended her show and the crowd broke up.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Joel stepped onto the stage,his heart beating wildlyWitnessing Joel's incredible performance,Latto approached him.
第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
1-5 ACACA 6-10 BBABA 11-15 CCBBC 16-20 AABBC
第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
21-23 BDD 24-27 CADB 28-31 CABC 32-35 DADC 36-40 ACDGB
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
41-45 BDCAB 46-50 AACBD 51-55 CADCB
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
56. an 57. truly 58. for 59. and 60. is occupied
61. dividing 62. has established 63. located 64. to see 65. that
第三节 (共5小题;每小题1分,共5分)
66. fundamental 67. suspected 68. varies 69. shortage 70. entirely
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
One possible version:
Last Saturday, the student union organized a lecture on the theme of “Healthy Growth” by Mr. Brown, our foreign teacher. The event was held in the school auditorium at 2 PM.
Mr. Brown’s lecture was informative and engaging. He discussed various aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, emphasizing the importance of regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and effective stress management. His practical tips for achieving overall well-being left a strong impression.
Students were highly receptive to the lecture, which sparked discussions about integrating healthier habits into our daily lives and making necessary changes. Mr. Brown’s expertise presentation style made this event a valuable experience for everyone in attendance.
第二节 (满分25分)
One possible version:
Joel stepped onto the stage, his heart beating wildly. With a microphone in hand and a rush of excitement over him, he began to rap, pouring his heart and soul into every lyric. The audience was taken back by this young talent, and their cheers grew louder and louder. Joel’s confidence built up as he realized that he had the power to connect with people through his music. He performed even harder, winning a round of claps. Latto, who had been backstage, was drawn to the young rapper’s energy and charm.
Witnessing Joel’s incredible performance, Latto approached him. She offered her words of praise and encouragement. Over the following weeks, Latto provided Joel with invaluable advice based on her experiences. They cooperated and developed a friendship rooted in their shared love for music. And finally, Joel’s rap skills gained recognition. Through hard work, perseverance, and an unexpected encounter with Latto, Joel transformed from a small-town dreamer to a respected rapper. His journey became a proof to the magic that can unfold when talent and opportunity meet, reminding everyone that dreams really can become reality.



上一篇:人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级下册 Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks. 测试卷 A卷·夯实基础(含解析)
