
1.—There were a few excellent films this summer holiday. Among them, I think Never Say Never(《八角笼中》) was ________ most wonderful.
—Yes, and ________ song at the end of the film sounded so beautiful.
A.a; the B.the; the C./; a D.the; a
2.—I hear you went to Australia last winter holiday.
—Yes. I visited ________ with my parents and we had a great time there.
A.the Golden Gate Bridge B.the White House
C.the Harbour Bridge D.the Eiffel Tower
3.I believe Cindy will win the singing competition because she has a good ________ of music.
A.voice B.way C.sound D.sense
4.Which of the following words can be put in the mind map below
A.handsome B.brave C.tall D.slim
5.—The self-driving cars are getting cheaper, and they are more popular in many countries.
—Really Maybe I’ll buy ________ some day.
A.one B.it C.them D.that
6.—Our physics teacher Mr. Li is very humorous.
—________. All of our classmates enjoy his interesting classes very much.
A.Finally B.Luckily C.Exactly D.Maybe
7.—What do you think of the restaurant
—It has ________ service (服务) around here, and few people go there to have meals.
A.the best B.the worst C.the most patient D.the most careful
8.—Can I close the windows, Nancy
—________ them open. It’s good for our health to take in more fresh air.
A.Leave B.Pull C.Take D.Put
9.—It is difficult for us to find a place to place our umbrellas when it rains.
—Don’t worry. Our head teacher is going to ________ a shelf at the back of the classroom. We can put the umbrellas on it then.
A.put off B.put up C.put away D.put on
10.Jim dreams of becoming a social worker. He thinks there is ________ more exciting than helping other people.
A.nothing B.everything C.anything D.something
11.—________ do you play badminton with your friend, Nancy
—Twice a week. We play it together after school every Wednesday and Friday.
A.How long B.How often C.How soon D.How many
12.The ________ you do the exercises, the ________ mistakes you will make.
A.carefully;more B.carelessly;more
C.more carelessly;fewer D.more carefully;fewer
13.—Some students are crazy about playing computer games at weekends.
—That’s too bad. Everyone ________ be a book lover. Reading makes a full man.
A.may B.would C.should D.can
14.—What do we know from the picture (text 发短信)
A.The driver will text while driving.
B.The passenger(乘客) will drive the car.
C.The passenger will smoke in the car Because the driver agrees.
D.The passenger won’t smoke in the car because the driver doesn’t agree.
15.—If you have any trouble, feel free to call me.
A.I will think it over. B.That’s all right.
C.Thank you. I’m afraid not. D.I will. Thank you.
“Mummy, I don’t like you,” Jenny, my three-year-old daughter said.
“Okay…is that because you love me ” I asked.
“No, you’re not lovely.”
That night, when I washed my face, I looked long in the mirror (镜子)—not because I was hurt by my daughter’s 16 , but because I noticed there was no light in my eyes.
I took out a pen and began writing a list — a list to 17 myself; a list to put sparkle (火花) back into my eyes. I once made many lists but 18 finished anything. This time would be 19 !
The 20 goal (目标) on my list I wanted to achieve (实现) was joining in a Polar Plunge (极地冬泳), when I 21 my 1980s workout clothes, Jenny smiled, “Mummy, you look pretty.” Maybe, just maybe some light came back to my 22 .
When coming out of the cold lake, I felt very happy and proud (骄傲的). I kept shouting,“I 23 it!”But one of the most 24 parts of the day was I crossed off (划掉) item number one when I stood in front of my 25 , which was stuck on the fridge door. With that, I began to take back my life.
Everyone taking part in the Polar Plunge received a 26 . Whenever I wore it, Jenny asked, “Is that your Polar Plunge clothing ”I answered 27 , “Yes!”“I want to do that too.”I was happy that she 28 I jumped into a freezing lake, and that she wanted to do activities with me.
With each goal crossed off the list, a piece of myself is 29 . Not only am I showing my family it’s important to 30 , but also I’m showing myself that I’m worth (值得) it.
16.A.words B.languages C.questions D.jokes
17.A.teach B.save C.enjoy D.end
18.A.always B.almost C.often D.seldom
19.A.correct B.same C.different D.lucky
20.A.first B.least C.last D.best
21.A.went on B.turned on C.got on D.put on
22.A.face B.eyes C.body D.hands
23.A.fitted B.tried C.made D.joined
24.A.exciting B.interesting C.boring D.difficult
25.A.letter B.list C.photo D.note
26.A.magazine B.ticket C.shirt D.card
27.A.sadly B.patiently C.quietly D.proudly
28.A.advised B.remembered C.hoped D.forgot
29.A.returning B.broken C.growing D.mixed
30.A.work B.share C.learn D.dream
In Singapore, we have 11 public holidays every year. There are many celebrations, such as Chinese New Year(开斋节)and Festival of Lights, which give us a two-day break, we only have one day off. Singapore is a multiracial(多种族的)country, people share many holidays with people of different races. Wang Jiayue, 12, Singapore
There is a special holiday in South Korea. It’s called Chuseok, and it takes place around September each year. It’s a kind of fall harvest festival, which is like the Mid-Autumn Festival in China. We get to eat a lot on that day(松糕), which is a type of rice cake. It’s in the shape of a half-moon. There can be many different flavors depending on(根据)what’s inside(芝麻). Jaehyun, 14, South Korea
Many holidays in Australia have something to do with religion(宗教), such as Easter and Christmas. And our traditions(传统)may not be the same because we are in the Southern Hemisphere(南半球), Christmas takes place in summer. Our Labor Day falls on October 2. You may be surprised that we have a day off for Valentine’s Day. It’s on February 14. On that day, most people just choose to rest. Wang Yunru, 12, Australia
In England, there are usually eight bank holidays each year. However, this year there are nine because of King Charles III’s coronation(加冕礼), only banks had those days off. Soon they became national holidays. Some are to mark important religious days, such as Christmas and Easter. Others may celebrate traditions in England, which is May Day. We celebrate the beginning of summer and the efforts of workers on that day. Olivia House, 12, the UK
31.People have a one-day holiday on Valentine’s Day in ________.
A.Singapore B.South Korea C.Australia D.The UK
32.Which of the following is NOT true according to the information above
A.Chuseok is similar to the Mid-Autumn Festival in China.
B.People in Australia celebrate their Labor Day on May 1.
C.In the UK, people have one more bank holiday this year.
D.In Singapore, people have two days off at Chinese New Year.
33.According to the information above, we know that ________.
A.in the UK, only banks can have days off on bank holidays
B.traditions in Australia are the same as these in other countries
C.songpyeon is a kind of rice cake with only one flavor—sesame
D.in Singapore, people share many holidays with people of different races
When you think of the sea, you may not think of Xinjiang or Inner Mongolia (内蒙古). But recently, the “seafood” produced in these places has become popular, especially after Japan put nuclear-contaminated water(核污染水) into the sea, reported China Daily.
In Xinjiang, about 6, 000 tons of rainbow trout(虹鳟鱼) will be produced this year. Rainbow trout belongs to the same family as salmon(鲑鱼), which is a kind of well-known seafood. It tastes like salmon, too.
Why do farmers there choose to grow fish The weather in some parts of Xinjiang is seldom hot, and the rivers are fed by meltwater from the Tianshan Mountains. Water deeper than 6 meters always stays at 10℃. As the meltwater is very clean and cold, it’s a “comfortable” home for fish, a worker at a fish company in Xinjiang, told China Daily.
To make sure the river stays clean, the company uses machines to clean fish waste in the water. They also use net cages that are good for the environment (环境). The nets are about 51 meters wide and lie 25 meters deep in the river.
Meanwhile, in Inner Mongolia, whiteleg shrimps(南美白对虾)grows well. Saline soil(盐碱土) covers a large part of the desert(荒漠) where few plants are able to grow. Farmers used to put water from the Yellow River onto the farmland to wash away the salt. This was a waste of salty water.
Scientists then came up with a new idea. They decided to make “seawater” with the salty water by adding in some other components(成分). Whiteleg shrimps can live well in this kind of water. They taste no different from the same kind of shrimp that grows in the sea.
34.To avoid water pollution(避免水污染) caused by growing fish, the company ________.
①cleans the water with machines ②uses net cages to grow fish in the water
③grows only one kind of fish—rainbow trout ④adds in some other components in the water
A.①② B.③④ C.①③ D.②④
35.Why does the writer introduce whiteleg shrimps in the passage
A.To tell people it is safe to eat seafood.
B.To show rivers are important to a country.
C.To show another “seafood” grown without using the sea.
D.To compare(比较)them with the shrimps that grow in the sea.
36.What can you infer(推断) from the story
A.Xinjiang has grown many kinds of seafood.
B.China won’t worry about not having seafood.
C.The Yellow River is fit for growing whiteleg shrimps now.
D.The nuclear-contaminated water won’t change anything in China.
37.Which shows the best structure of the passage (1=Paragraph 1, 2=Paragraph 2, ...)
A. B. C. D.
Some people love working out math problems, but more people feel nervous(紧张的) when they have to deal with(处理), but many students have this “math anxiety (焦虑)”.
The problem really starts in childhood. Research has found that if math teachers are nervous about teaching the subject, they can pass on their anxiety to students. And girls may be more likely to be influenced(影响). The program for International Student Assessment found about 31% of the students aged 15 to 16 across 34 countries said they were nervous when doing math homework.
Shulamit Kahn, a woman from Boston University, believes giving students good role models is important, especially women, to teach children math.
Writing for BBC Future, David Robson, an expert, “It’s not clear why math makes more fear(恐惧) than other subjects like geography. But the math answer is either right or wrong. There’s no room for bluffing. Students are easily worried. They might think they can’t do well. And if we think we’re not math people, we avoid solving (解决) the problems that we probably could do.”
The reasons for math anxiety may be different, but someone thinks showing your fears bravely can be helpful. We can also help children to see a math test as a challenge (挑战), not a threat. More importantly, we need to think positively(积极地) about math and give it a second chance.
38.How does the writer show the result(结果) of the program in Paragraph 2
A.By telling stories. B.By asking questions.
C.By listing numbers. D.By giving examples.
39.Shulamit thinks ________ can help students enjoy math.
A.giving children lots of challenges B.giving children little math homework
C.letting children learn math at a young age D.letting women who love math teach children
40.What can we learn from the passage
A.David thinks people are more worried about geography than math.
B.Over half of the students are nervous when doing math homework.
C.People can surely solve math problems if they think they are math people.
D.Students may worry about math if their teachers are nervous about teaching math.
41.What is the passage mainly about
A.What math anxiety is and when it starts.
B.Why people have math anxiety and how to deal with it.
C.Why math is important to people and how to learn it well.
D.How to be a math person and be good at dealing with numbers.
People across Canada and the whole world were sad on March 10, 2023. The killer whale(虎鲸)named Kiska died at Marineland on this day.
Killer whale is a large toothed whale. They are often 8﹣10 meters long, weighing about 9 tons. They are black and white. In each row of their upper and lower teeth, there are 10﹣12 conical teeth. With a slender mouth and sharp teeth, dolphins, seals and so on. Sometimes they attack other whales and even great white sharks which some people call the kings of the sea.
Kiska was the only killer whale left at Marineland and the last one kept in captivity(圈养)in Canada after Global Convention for the Prohibition of Whaling(全球禁止捕鲸公约)came into force. So people call her the “The loneliest(最孤独的)whale in the world”
Animal rights activists(动物权益保护者)say that they’re sad and outraged over Kiska’s story. Killer whales in the wild live in close family groups with a need to be together, but the video of Kiska showed her swimming alone in her pool. She was caught in the Atlantic at about the age of three and kept in a pool at Marineland for more than 40 years, the last 12 years by herself.
Kiska was caught off Iceland along with Keiko that was finally returned to the wild. Activists were hoping Kiska would be the first whale set free (释放)into a new whale sanctuary(保护区)planned for the Nova Scoti a coast. Although Kiska has gone
42.Why do people call Kiska “Loneliest Whale in the World”
A.Because she was lonely when people caught her.
B.Because she died quietly and alone at Marineland.
C.Because she was the only killer whale left in Canada.
D.Because she was the only and last killer whale kept at Marineland.
43.What does the underlined word “outraged” mean
A.Surprised. B.Angry. C.Excited. D.Interested.
44.What can we learn from the last paragraph
A.The activists once set Kiska free. B.There are no whales at Marineland now.
C.Activists hope more sea animals can be set free. D.Kiska once lived along the Nova Scoti a coast.
45.What is the best title for the passage
A.People built a new sanctuary for whales
B.A killer whale became famous at Marineland
C.The loneliest whale in the world died at Marineland
D.Animal rights activists tried to save animals on land
46.I watched the shows (从头到尾) the Opening Ceremony of the 19th Asian Games and was deeply shocked.
47.—Thanksgiving Day is coming. What will you buy for Mum
—A scarf. Please keep it (秘密的) and I will give her a surprise.
48.Life is a long (a long trip). You’d better spend your time on something meaningful.
49.Jay is a(n) (not telling lies) boy. All of his classmates like to be with him.
50.On the morning of October 17, 2023, Putin in Beijing by plane to attend the third Belt and Road Forum(一带一路高峰论坛).
they high mean far nineteen
51.For information about China and Russia visa-free policy(免签政策), you can search the Internet.
52.If you don’t know the of the underlined words, don’t worry. I will help you.
53.The day after tomorrow is the Beginning of Winter(立冬). It is the solar term(节气) in a year.
54.Don’t talk about anything else, boys and girls. Let’s get back to the problems .
55.The 162-floor building, Burj Khalifa Tower, is 828 metres in . How amazing it is!
fill; not be; choose; mix; wait
56.You will hear a piece of wonderful music after Simon the two kinds of sounds.
57.Finally, we Miss Li to be the Most Beautiful Teacher of our school because she could always think more about others than herself.
58.—Mum, physics as easy as I thought. What shall I do
—Don’t worry. You can do well in it if you try your best.
59.—You look worried. What’s wrong with you
—We had a Chinese test this morning and I for the result.
60.There is nothing in the fridge. Dad it with all kinds of food soon, isn’t he
Since last September, many schools have increased the number of PE classes from three a week to five or even more. This is in response to (响应) China’s new standard (标准).
PE education i 61 basic (基础的) exercises and other popular sports, such as water sports and traditional (传统的) Chinese sports.
Tai chi
Gao Yuxiang from Yantai No. 1 Middle School of Shandong e 62 the tai chi tradition of his school.
“Tai chi is needed to promote (提升) Chinese traditional culture, and the students in my school all like it very much,”said Miss Gao, “D 63 from ball games, tai chi calms me down, getting me ready for the next class,” Gao keeps practicing by h 64 in his free time.
Hip-hop dance
Ren Jianing is a hip-hop dance fan, and her high school helps her develop this hobby.
“There are many choices for PE class, and I always go for hip-hop dance,” Ren said. “The class doesn’t need any experience (经验) a 65 can take part,” said Ren, “Our shirts are all 66 after class even on the coldest days of winter.”“It’s a sport that needs teamwork, so I have made many good f 67 along the way,” Ren added.
Dragon boat race
The dragon boat race at the sports festival is a tradition of Shenzhen Hongshan Middle School. Surprisingly, it’s done on the playground i 68 of in the water.
“We straddle (跨立) over the boat, carry it and run around the 69 ,”said Kuang Jia, a Senior 2 student from the school. “What students like the most about this race is that teachers are also a part of the t 70 , which brings us a lot closer, like friends,” said Kuang.
Many traditional woodcut prints (版画) are either black and white or simple in color, but reduction woodcuts(绝版木刻).
The reduction woodcut is a kind of woodcut that uses one piece of wood to make a colorful artwork. The artist cuts and prints different layers(层) on the same piece of wood. Famous for its colors, the reduction woodcut was listed as an intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产), Yunnan, in 2009. of development, bringing together a group of artists.
Leng Guangmian, 40, is a reduction woodcut artist and Leng has learnt the art for over 20 years. He said that making reduction woodcut prints is just like an adventure and then print, we never know what it will be like in the end. It’s so exciting to see beautiful patterns layer by layer.
Leng hopes his artwork shows not only excellent woodcutting skills but also local culture and life. “For my works, there are two series: the Tea Horse Road, because Pu’er is one of the starting points of that road(消失的村庄),” Leng said, “Many old villages in Pu’er need rebuilding because of safety reasons.
Leng Guangmian is now getting more people to know about the reduction woodcut. He trains (培训) farmers in Pu’er and brings the art into schools. To make students understand and learn the art quickly, he even thought of a new idea of cardboard printing. “By using a small cardboard and making it simpler with three to five colors,” Leng said.
71.What is the reduction woodcut
72.When did Leng Guangmian begin to learn the reduction woodcut
73.How does Leng feel when he sees beautiful patterns layer by layer
74.Why does Leng make the series—the Tea Horse Road
75.How can we get more people to know about the reduction woodcut (请自拟一句话作答)
76.她经常微笑,而且从不说任何人一句坏话。(say a bad word about…)(汉译英)
77.在这周期间,我们可以从学校图书馆借更多的书。(borrow… from…)(汉译英)
78.他们迫不及待地下了公交车。(can’t wait to do ...)(汉译英)
79.我总是把单词拼写错。(keep doing. . . )(汉译英)
80.上周,我建议他去上DIY的课程。(advise somebody to do)(汉译英)
81.为丰富学生的校园生活,加强校园文化建设,阳光中学开设了一些社团,如 Travelling Club,DIY Club,想加入其中一个社团,需要写一封申请信。
1. What are you like
2. Which club would you like to join
3. Why would you like to join the club Something special that happened to you.
1. 词数90左右,短文开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
2. 表达中请勿提及真实校名及姓名。
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Lily, and I am a Grade 8 student.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
考查冠词。a一,表示泛指;the定冠词,特指。第一个空结合“most wonderful”可知,most wonderful为形容词最高级,前面需加定冠词the;而答句中的设空处后“at the end of the film”可知此处的歌是特指的, 因此选定冠词the。故选B。
考查名词辨析以及常识。the Golden Gate Bridge金门大桥(美国);the White House白宫(美国);the Harbour Bridge海港大桥(澳大利亚);the Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔(法国)。根据常识可知,海港大桥在澳大利亚,故选C。
考查名词辨析。voice声音;way方法;sound声音;sense感觉。根据“of music”可知指的是有很好的乐感。故选D。
考查形容词辨析。the best最好的;the worst最差的;the most patient最有耐心的;the most careful最小心的。根据“few people go there”可知,是指服务最差。故选B。
考查动词辨析。Leave让……处于某种状态;Pull拉;Take拿;Put放置。根据“good for our health” 可知, 用Leave them open“让它们保持敞开状态”。故选A。
考查动词短语辨析。put off推迟;put up搭起;put away收起来;put on举办。根据“a shelf at the back of the classroom.”以及“We can put the umbrellas on it then.”可知是搭起一个架子。故选B。
nothing没有什么;everything一切;anything任何事;something某物。根据“dreams of becoming a social worker”可知应该是他认为没有什么比帮助别人更令人兴奋的了。故选A。
考查特殊疑问句。How long多长;How often多久时间一次;How soon多快;How many多少。根据答语“Twice a week.”可知是对频率提问,此应用How often。故选B。
考查比较级和词汇辨析。carelessly粗心地;carefully认真地;more更多;fewer更少。句子是比较级句型:the+比较级, the+比较级表示“越……越”,故排除A、B;结合常识可知,应是做练习越认真,犯错就越少。所以第一空用carefully,第二空用fewer。故选D。
考查情态动词辨析。may可以;would会;should应该;can能,会。 根据“Reading makes a full man.”可知应该爱读书。故选C。
考查词句理解。根据图中的对话可知,乘客问司机Can I smoke (我可以抽烟吗),司机回答说Then can I text and drive “那么我能边发短信边开车吗”;根据常识可知,驾驶的过程中是不能边玩手机边开车的,所以这里是司机拒绝了乘客抽烟的请求,故选D。
考查情景交际。I will think it over.我会再考虑一下的;That’s all right.没关系;Thank you. I’m afraid not.谢谢你。恐怕我不需要;I will. Thank you.我会的。谢谢你。根据“If you have any trouble, feel free to call me.”可知上文是主动提出了帮助,应表示感谢,选项D符合语境。故选D。
16.A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.A 21.D 22.B 23.C 24.A 25.B 26.C 27.D 28.B 29.A 30.D
words话;languages语言;questions问题;jokes笑话。根据“Mummy, I don’t like you”可知这里指的是女儿的话。故选A。
teach教;save拯救;enjoy喜欢;end结束。根据“a list to put sparkle (火花) back into my eyes.”可知是拯救自己的清单。故选B。
always总是;almost几乎;often经常;seldom很少。根据“I once made many lists but”可知语境发生了转折,因此是说很少完成。故选D。
correct正确的;same同样的;different不同的;lucky幸运的。根据前文说的“I once made many lists but seldom finished anything.”可知应说这次应该是不一样的。故选C。
first第一个;least最小的;last最后的;best最好的。根据后文的“ I crossed off (划掉) item number one”可知是第一个目标。故选A。
went on继续;turned on打开;got on取得成功;put on穿上。根据“ my 1980s workout clothes”可知是穿上。故选D。
face脸;eyes眼睛;body身体;hands手。根上文提到过的“but because I noticed there was no light in my eyes.”可知是眼睛又恢复了一些光亮。故选B。
fitted适合;tried试着;made使成功;joined加入。根据“I felt very happy and proud (骄傲的). ”可知是作者自己做到了。made it“成功”。故选C。
exciting兴奋的;interesting有趣的;boring厌烦的;difficult困难的。根据“I crossed off item number one when I stood in front of my list”可知是完成了一项,所以是很兴奋的。故选A。
letter信;list清单;photo照片;note笔记。根据“I took out a pen and began writing a list”可知是清单。故选B。
magazine杂志;ticket票;shirt衬衫;card卡片。根据“Whenever I wore it,”可知是穿上衬衫。故选C。
sadly伤心地;patiently耐心地;quietly安静地;proudly骄傲地。根据“Everyone taking part in the Polar Plunge received a shirt.”以及“Whenever I wore it”可知作者完成了任务,也有这种衬衫,因此会骄傲的回答这个问题。故选D。
advised建议;remembered记得;hoped希望;forgot忘记。根据“When coming out of the cold lake, I felt very happy and proud (骄傲的).”可知她们跳进过水里,应该是记得。故选B。
returning返回;broken摔;growing种植;mixed混合。根据“With each goal crossed off the list, a piece of myself is...”可知是我的状态又回来了。故选A。
31.C 32.B 33.D
31.细节理解题。根据表格三“You may be surprised that we have a day off for Valentine’s Day.”可知,澳大利亚的情人节放假一天。故选C。
32.细节理解题。根据表格第三栏“Our Labor Day falls on October 2.”可知,澳大利亚的劳动节是10月2日,B项与文意不符。故选B。
33.细节理解题。根据表格第一栏“ Singapore is a multiracial country, people share many holidays with people of different races.”可知,由于新加坡是一个多种族的国家,并学会更好地理解它们。故选D。
34.A 35.C 36.C 37.A
34.细节理解题。根据“To make sure the river stays clean, the company uses machines to clean fish waste in the water. They also use net cages that are good for the environment (环境)”可知公司为了避免水污染,在水中用机器清理鱼产的垃圾,还使用对环境有益的网笼。故①②正确。故选A。
35.推理判断题。根据“Whiteleg shrimps can live well in this kind of water. They taste no different from the same kind of shrimp that grows in the sea”可知举南美白对虾的例子是为了展示另一种不用生活在海洋中的“海鲜”。故选C。
36.推理判断题。根据“They decided to make ‘seawater’ with the salty water by adding in some other components(成分). Whiteleg shrimps can live well in this kind of water”可知,南美白对虾能在这种水中很好地生存,故可推测出,黄河现在适合养白对虾了。故选C。
38.C 39.D 40.D 41.B
38.推理判断题。根据“The program for International Student Assessment found about 31% of the students aged 15 to 16 across 34 countries said they were nervous when doing math homework.”可知,作者通过列数字的方式展示了结果。故选C。
39.细节理解题。根据“Shulamit Kahn, a woman from Boston University, believes giving students good role models is important, especially women, to teach children math.”可知,给学生树立良好的榜样对教孩子数学很重要,尤其是女性。说明让热爱数学的女性教孩子可以帮助学生享受数学。故选D。
40.细节理解题。根据“Research has found that if math teachers are nervous about teaching the subject, they can pass on their anxiety to students”可知,如果数学老师对教授这门学科感到紧张,他们可能会把焦虑传递给学生。故选D。
41.主旨大意题。根据“The reasons for math anxiety may be different, but someone thinks showing your fears bravely can be helpful. We can also help children to see a math test as a challenge (挑战), not a threat.”可知,本文介绍了数学焦虑的产生原因及怎样处理数学焦虑。故选B。
42.D 43.B 44.C 45.C
42.细节理解题。根据“Kiska the killer left Marineland the one in in after Convention the of came force. ”可知,基斯卡是海洋世界仅存的虎鲸,所以说她是世界上最孤独的鲸鱼。故选D。
43.词义猜测题。根据“ they’re sad”可知,人们听到Kiaka的故事是伤心和生气的, 所以outraged与Angry”愤怒的”同义。故选B。
44.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Activists were hoping Kiska would be the first whale set free(释放)into a new whale sanctuary(保护区)planned for the Nova Scoti a coast. ”可知,权益保护者们仍然希望这个保护区能成为海洋世界其他白鲸和海豚的家园,希望更多的海洋动物能够被释放。故选C
45.最佳标题题。根据“The killer whale(虎鲸)named Kiska died at Marineland on this day.”以及“So people call her the ‘The loneliest(最孤独的)whale in the world’”可知,本文讲述了世界上最孤独的鲸鱼,C项”世界上最孤独的鲸鱼在海洋世界死去”最合适。故选C。
46.from beginning to end
【详解】句意:我从头到尾观看了第十九届亚运会的开幕式,我被深深地震撼了。“从头到尾”的英文表达from beginning to end。故填from beginning to end。
【详解】句意:生活是一场长途旅行。你最好把时间花在有意义的事情上。此处考查a long trip的同义词汇journey“旅行(尤指长途)”。故填journey。
【详解】句意:Jay是个诚实的男孩。他的同学喜欢和他交朋友。根据所给提示not telling lies和前后文可知,此空要用形容词honest“诚实的”,形容词作定语修饰后面的名词boy。故填honest。
【详解】句意:普京于2023年10月17日的早晨乘飞机抵达北京参加第三届“一带一路”高峰论坛。根据题干“in Beijing by plane”可知,要用arrive in表示“抵达……”,根据语境可知,时态为一般过去时,故填arrived。
51.further 52.meanings 53.nineteenth 54.themselves 55.height
【解析】51.句意:有关中国和俄罗斯免签证政策的更多信息,你可以在互联网上搜索。根据“For ... information about China and Russia visa-free policy”可知,此处指的是关于中国和俄罗斯免签证政策的更多信息,结合备选词,far的比较级further“更多的”符合语境。故填further。
52.句意:如果你不知道下划线单词的含义,不要担心。我会帮你的。根据“If you don’t know the ... of the underlined words,”可知,不知道下划线单词的含义,结合备选词,mean的名词meaning“含义,意思”符合,由“underlined words”可知,此处应该用名词复数。故填meanings。
53.句意:后天是立冬。这是一年中的第十九个节气。根据“It is the ... solar term(节气) in a year.”可知。立冬是一年中的第十九个节气,结合备选词,nineteen的序数词nineteenth“第十九的”符合。故填nineteenth。
54.句意:不要谈论任何其他事情,男孩和女孩。让我们回到问题本身。根据“Let’s get back to the problems”可知,回到问题本身,结合备选词,they的反身代词themselves“它们自己”符合。故填themselves。
55.句意:这座162层的建筑哈利法塔高828米。真是太神奇了!根据“Burj Khalifa Tower, is 828 metres in ...”可知,此处指的是建筑的高度,in height“在高度上”。故填height。
56.mixes 57.chose 58.isn’t 59.waited 60.is filling
57.句意:最后,我们选择李老师作为我们学校最美丽的老师,因为她总是能考虑别人比自己多。根据“because she could always think more about others”可知从句是一般过去时态,choose选择,过去式是chose。故填chose。
58.句意:——妈妈,物理不像我想的那么简单。我该怎么办呢?——不要担心。如果你尽力的话,你可以做得很好。根据“What shall I do ”此处是物理没有我想的那么容易,因此是否定句,主语physics为单数。故填isn’t。
59.句意:——你看起来很担心。你怎么了?——我们今天上午有语文考试,我在等结果。根据“We had a Chinese”可知该句是是一般过去时态,wait等待,应用过去式。故填waited。
60.句意:冰箱里什么也没有。爸爸很快就要在里面装满各种各样的食物了,不是吗? fill装满,根据isn’t he可判断是反意疑问句,句中是现在进行时结构,其结构是be doing的形式,be动词用is。故填is filling。
61.(i)ncludes 62.(e)njoys 63.(D)ifferent 64.(h)imself 65.(a)nyone 66.wet 67.(f)riends 68.(i)nstead 69.playground 70.(t)eam
61.句意:体育教育包括基础练习和其他流行的运动,如水上运动和传统中国体育。根据句意可知此处表示“包括”,主语是单数PE 。故填(i)ncludes。
63.句意:与球类运动不同,太极拳能让我平静下来,为下一堂课做好准备。根据首字母提示可知是different from“和……不同”。故填(D)ifferent。
64.句意:高在空闲时间坚持自己练习。结合首字母,可知是独自练习。by oneself“独自”。故填(h)imself。
66.句意:即使在冬天最冷的日子,下课后我们的衬衫都是湿的。根据“even on the coldest days of winter.”可知此处表示即使在冬天衣服都会湿。故填wet。
67.句意:这是一项需要团队合作的运动,所以我在这条路上交了很多好朋友。结合首字母提示,可知是短语make friends交朋友。故填(f)riends。
68.句意:令人惊讶的是,它是在操场上完成的,而不是在水里。根据首字母提示可知此处应用instead of。故填(i)nstead。
69.句意:我们跨在小船上,扛着它绕着操场跑。根据上文“it’s done on the playground”可知是表示“绕着操场跑”。故填playground。
71.It is a kind of woodcut that uses one piece of wood to make a colorful artwork. 72.In his teens. 73.He felt excited. 74.Because Pu’er is one of the starting points of that road. 75.We can actively promote intangible culture and bring woodcut art into schools.
71.根据第二段“The woodcut a kind woodcut uses one piece of wood make a colorful artwork.”可知,绝版木刻是一种用一块木头做成彩色艺术品的木刻。故填 It is a kind of woodcut that uses one piece of wood to make a colorful artwork.
72.根据第三段“Leng Guangmian, 40, is a reduction woodcut artist and Leng has learnt the art for over 20 years.”可知,今年40岁的冷光冕是一位绝版木刻艺术家。故填In his teens.
73.根据第三段“It’s so exciting to see beautiful patterns layer by layer.”可知,看到一层又一层美丽的图案真是太令人兴奋了。故填He felt excited.
74.根据第四段“the Tea Horse Road, because Pu’er is one of the starting points of that road”可知,因为普洱是这条路的起点之一。故填Because Pu’er is one of the starting points of that road.
75.言之有理即可。故填We can actively promote intangible culture and bring woodcut art into schools.
76.She often smiles and never says a bad word about anyone.
【详解】她:she;经常:often;微笑:smile;而且:and;从不:never;说一句坏话:say a bad word about…;任何人:anyone。此处应用一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数she,谓语动词也应用三单,注意句首首字母应大写。故填She often smiles and never says a bad word about anyone.
77.During this week, we can borrow more books from the school library.
【详解】during在……期间;this week这周; we我们,作主语; can可以,后跟动词原形;borrow...from...从……借,动词短语;more books更多的书,作borrow的宾语;the school library学校图书馆,作from的宾语 。本句话为一般现在时且为肯定句。故填During this week, we can borrow more books from the school library.
78.They couldn’t wait to get off the bus.
【详解】根据句意可知句子时态用一般过去时,句子用主谓宾结构;they“他们”,作主语;can’t wait to“迫不及待”变为couldn’t wait to,作谓语;get off the bus“下公交车”,作宾语。故填They couldn’t wait to get off the bus.
79.I kept spelling the words wrong.
【详解】根据题意可知句子用“主系表”结构,时态为一般过去时。I我;keep doing sth总是/一直做某事;spell the words拼写单词;wrong错误的。故填I kept spelling the words wrong.
80.Last week, I advised him to take DIY courses.
【详解】句子是陈述句,上周:last week,首字母大写,时间表示过去,时态用一般过去时;建议某人做某事:advise sb. to do sth,是固定短语;上DIY的课程:take DIY courses。故答案为 Last week, I advised him to take DIY courses.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Lily, and I am a Grade 8 student.
I am tall and have short hair. I want to join the reading club. I enjoy reading. Reading plays an important part in our life. We can get knowledge by reading. Reading can open up our eyes. The more we read, the more we know about the outside world. Reading can not only improve yourself, but also make you more confident. What’s more, we can gain happiness through reading.
So I’d like to suggest that everyone read more books during our spare time and develop a good reading habit. And we should read more classics to learn more culture of the world. Let’s grow up with reading. Let reading become a part of our life!
I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
① 题材:本文是一封书信作文;
② 时态:时态为“一般现在时”;
③ 提示:根据所给提示完成写作,注意标点符号及大小写等问题,不要犯语法错误。注意上下文之间的逻辑关系,语意连贯。
① play an important part起重要作用
② open up开拓
③ not only...but also...不但……而且……
① The more we read, the more we know about the outside world.(“the+比较级,the+比较级”的结构)
② Reading plays an important part in our life.(动名词作主语)



上一篇:2.1研究物质的实验方法 同步练习(答案) 2023-2024高一上学期化学苏教版(2019)必修第一册
