Unit8 It must belong to Carla Section A 3a-3c 同步训练(含答案)人教版九年级上册英语

Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.
第二课时Section A (3a-3c)
happen, wolf, neighbor, policeman, easy
1. The terrible accident made us feel .
2. Our next-door are so noisy that we can hardly fallasleep.
3. look for food mainly by smelling and listening.
4. Mr. Dean says there used to be so many in his life.
5. -How did you find the way to the hotel in the end
-By asking two for help.
( )1. Hey, naughty boys! Don't make so much .My grandma is sleeping in the bedroom.
A.mess B. pressure C. noise D. happiness
( )2.-I've taken a pink jacket by mistake.
-It be Emma's. She sometimes wears pink clothes.
A.could B. need C. mustn't D. can't
( )3. I want to buy for my grandpa to make him happy.
A. something unusual B. unusual something
C. anything unusual D. unusual anything
( )4. The children had so much fun in the park yesterday.
A.play B. to play C.playing D. played
( )5. There must be a girl next door. Can't you hear her beautiful voice
A.sing B. singing C. to sing D.sang
Hey, Tom, you .You should be polite in public.
These children football yesterdayafternoon.
Shenzhen has become an international metropolis, but it a small fishing village.
Uncle Wang a localnewspaper yesterday.
I think the work is by one person.
Is there anything strange high up in theworld's tallest mountain If so, is it a big bear Is it a monkey Or is it a kind of man
No one knows. This mystery has puzzled(困惑) the world for years.
In 1887, a mountain climber found largefootprints in the snow. They looked like thefootprints of a very large man. But men don't walkwithout shoes in the snow.
In 1906, another climber saw more thanfootprints. Far off, he saw a very large animalstanding on two legs. As he watched it ran away very quickly.
Fifteen years later, newspapershadnewstories about the "something". A mountain climber said he had seen the "snowman" walkslowly across the snow, far below him. He said itlooked like a very large man.
From then on, more and more people hadstories to tell. But not until 1951 did a mountainclimber bring back pictures of large footprints.The pictures showed clearly that the snowmanwalked on two legs. So it was not a bear or amonkey. Could it be an ape(猿) man
The mystery grew! And the mystery keepsgrowing. Someday we may find out just what it isthat makes the large footprints.
( )1. Why were people interested in thefootprints
A. Because they were footprints of alarge bear.
B. Because they looked like thefootprints of a large man.
C. Because they were found in thesnow.
D. Because they were found in theworld's tallest mountain.
( )2. The pictures of large footprints were takenby a mountain climber in .
A. 1887 B. 1906 C. 1921 D. 1951
( )3. Why did the mystery grow when amountain climber brought back picturesof large footprints
A. Because they were footprints of anape man.
B. Because they were footprints of asnowman.
C. Because the pictures showed clearlyhow the snowman walked.
D. Because the pictures showed clearlyhow an ape man walked on two legs.
( )4. Since a mountain climber first found thelarge footprints in the snow, the mysteryof the snowman has puzzled the worldfor years.
A. more than one hundred B. ninety-five
C.eighty D. ninety-six
( )5. The passage is about .
A. some mountain climbers B. some strange animals
C. some large footprints D. the mystery of the snowman
一、1. uneasy 2.neighbors 3.Wolves 4.happenings 5.policemen
二、1-5 CAACB
三、1.are making noise 2.had too much fun playing 3.used to be
4.was interviewed by 5.too difficult to be done
四、1-5 BDCAD



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