
1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.B 12.C
13.C 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.B
21.C 22.D 23.C 24.D 25.B 26.C 27.A 28.A 29.B 30.C 31.D
32.B 33.A 34.A 35.B 36.E 37.G 38.B 39.A 40.D
41.A 42.B 43.D 44.C 45.A 46.C 47.B 48.D 49.A 50.D 51.B
52.C 53.B 54.D 55.A
56.chose 57.interesting 58.regularly 59.unfamiliar 60.a 61.to 62.which/that 63.groups 64.helpful 65.to improve
66.Dear Peter,
How time flies! My senior school life begins.
It has been about two months since I came to my school, whose environment left a deep impression on me. First of all, the teaching buildings are tidy and clean with a computer equipped in every classroom, in which we students can study happily and attentively. In addition, libraries, labs as well as playgrounds are also suitable for the balanced development of students. Besides, all my classmates are hard-working and ready to help others when someone is in trouble. Although there is more knowledge and we are supposed to study harder and develop good studying habits, we all have confidence in making great progress.
In a word, I have adapted to my life in high school. There is no doubt that I will make more efforts to learn hard. Only in this way can I be admitted into my ideal university.
67.“Come on, Eileen. One more try.” I said. “This time I’ll hold your finger and show you how much pressure to use. Guess what, it took me a while to get the hang of swiping.” added I. I held her finger gently and her face lit up when the menu appeared. “I want a selfie with you. Show me how to use the camera!” My heart sank a bit, but she didn’t need a lot of help and we sent her friend Emily a photo of us both laughing. “I can’t wait to show everyone my new phone,” she said happily. “Thank you for your patience, Tom.”
I was not feeling so hopeless any more now. Great-grandma’s spirit inspired me greatly. It occurred to me that if a 92-year-old lady could learn new skills, then so could I. I had no doubt that I would find something I liked even more. There must be a job out there for me somewhere and I was sure to find it. I headed for home with a smile on my face and a whole lot of love for my amazing great-grandmother. My great-grandmother would always be a role model for me to learn from.
W: When was the last time that you heard a child use the words ma’am and sir Honestly, I think civility is fading from society.
M: Come on! Isn’t there anything more important to worry about
W: My teacher gets angry every time I don’t agree with her. This is ridiculous! She should encourage independent thought!
M: I don’t think she’d get angry if you were a little more respectful when you disagreed. Try that next time.
W: Did you find the missing couple in the mountains yesterday
M: No, but we managed to get in touch with them.
M: GPS in their cellphone.
W: They’ re really lucky!
M: Hi, Marie. What are you doing
W: I’m just reading a magazine. Are you going to watch TV again
M: Aha, no. Can I turn on the radio
W: Sure, go ahead.
M: Would you like to go to the park with me later I’m going to try out my new camera and take some beautiful photos.
W: I’d love to, but I have my biology class this afternoon. Enjoy your new camera.
W: Hey, Steve! Over here! Don’t you remember me
M: Oh, wow! You’re Lucy Green, aren’t you
W: That’s right. We used to be in the same class in middle school in New York for two years. Right
M: Yeah But you were really quiet at that time, weren’t you
W: Yeah. I wasn’t very outgoing.
M: But you were always friendly. Do you still play basketball
W: Yes, but I’m more interested in music these days. I play the piano, and I often go to concerts. How about you Do you still like playing tennis
M: Of course. It’s still my favorite activity
W: Um, Yes Yes, the young man at the back there.
M: Thank you, Mrs Davies, for such an interesting lecture. But I have a question ...
W: Sure. Please.
M: In the United States, do most young people live on their own now I mean, do they have their own home And they don’t live with their family
W: Ah! That’s a good question. Yes, it is true, but only in some places. For example, New York and Los Angeles but not …
M: Hi Amelia! How was your day
W: Hi Jamie. It was fine, thanks, although my school bus was late. It usually leaves at 7:45, but today it came at 8:00.
M: So what time did you get to school
W: At 8:30 — but my class started at 8:15.
M: That’s not good!
W: I know! And my timetable’s changed. Last year, my first class was math, but this morning it was physics, followed by biology. That’ll be every week now.
M: Your football shoes were in the kitchen this morning. Did you forget them
W: I didn’t need them. But I left my lunch in the fridge. I forgot to put it in my schoolbag, so I went to the café instead.
M: Emily, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer a few questions.
W: It’s my pleasure.
M: People say you’re doing unpaid work in the new season of My Fair Lady. Is this what the show business has become
W: No, not really. All of my acting in the new season is unpaid, but the crew is paid. This is to raise money for the post-production of the show.
M: I notice you’ve tried many different kinds of things: film, TV, and even theater.
W: Yeah, that’s how I was trained at university. I work on anything that excites me.
M: Tell us about the six months you recently spent at the workshop of the film center.
W: It was an unbelievable experience—teaching young actors and actresses, and working with some great acting artists. It was also great to work in various labs such as directors, writers and so on. It’s very helpful for making you a really well-rounded and active member of the film and television industry.
M: Thank you very much, Emily. We look forward to your new season.
Let me tell you about this year’s school camp. The camp starts on 9th June. The cost for the camp is 25 per student, and there is an extra cost for horse riding. That’s 12, and don’t forget to bring 10 for the bus. Now, what things will you need for the trip Each of you will need a tent, which the school will provide, but don’t forget to bring a sleeping bag. You can bring your phones with you, but remember there is no electricity at the campsite! You’ll have the opportunity to try a lot of different activities. On Saturday morning, everyone will go hiking, and in the afternoon, you can choose between boating and swimming. On Sunday, there will be rock climbing — that’s for everyone — and on Monday, there will be horse riding and mountain biking. On Monday evening, we’ll have a special party to celebrate our last night. We’ll drive back on Tuesday afternoon, and we’ll be back at school for classes as usual on Wednesday!
第I卷(选择题 95分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What does the man mean
A.He agrees with the woman.
B.The woman should be polite.
C.The woman’s concern is useless.
2.What does the man suggest the woman do
A.Have independent thought.
B.Show respect for her teacher.
C.Reach an agreement with her teacher.
3.What do we know about the couple
A.They have been saved.
B.They have a cellphone with them.
C.They have lost touch with each other.
4.What will the man probably do
A.Watch TV B.Read a magazine. C.Listen to the radio.
5.What will the woman do this afternoon
A.Go to the park. B.Take pictures. C.Attend a class.
6.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Old teammates. B.Teacher and student. C.Former classmates.
7.What is the woman more interested in now
A.Playing tennis. B.Playing the piano. C.Playing basketball.
8.Who is probably the man
A.A student. B.A teacher. C.A parent.
9.What will the woman do next
A.Attend a lecture. B.Ask a question. C.Offer more information.
10.When did the woman get to school today
A.At 8:15. B.At 8:30. C.At 8:45.
11.What is the woman’s first class this year
A.Math. B.Physics. C.Biology.
12.What did the woman forget to take to school this morning
A.Her football shoes. B.Her schoolbag. C.Her lunch.
13.What is the man doing
A.Attending a lecture. B.Hosting a workshop. C.Conducting an interview.
14.Why is Emily doing unpaid work in the new season of the show
A.To follow the latest trend.
B.To help raise the crew’s pay.
C.To support the post-production.
15.What enables Emily to try different things in her field
A.Her college education. B.Her teaching experience. C.Her family tradition.
16.What does Emily think of her work at the Film Centre
A.Boring. B.Rewarding. C.Demanding.
17.How much is horse riding per student
A. 10. B. 12. C. 25.
18.What must the students take
A.A sleeping bag. B.A tent. C.A phone.
19.What will the students do on Saturday
A.Go mountain biking. B.Go rock climbing. C.Go hiking.
20.When will the students leave the campsite
A.On Monday. B.On Tuesday. C.On Wednesday.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
The city of San Francisco is a wonderful tourist attraction that offers many different things to see and do. The best way for a traveler to get a good look at the city is to take one of the many different tours there
Walk to Tour the City
When touring the city by walking, you aren't going to walk much. What's more, there are far more benefits. This kind of tour allows you to see as many buildings of the city as possible. A tour of the city on foot usually focuses on a more localized neighborhood level, which can be very interesting in a number of different ways.
Hit the Waters of San Francisco Bay
The waters of San Francisco Bay have played an important role in the city's development over the last century. Touring San Francisco from the water is completely unique way for you to see this wonderful city.
Take a Bus Tour
If you want to see a wide variety of attractions from all over the city, one of the best things you could do is to book a tour through our company that offers services here. A bus tour of San Francisco is one of the most complete ways to experience the city
Tour San Francisco From the Air
While it is one of the most expensive ways to see San Francisco, touring the city from the air is one of the most unique and exciting ways to see the city. Seeing the city from high above allows you to get a full view of the city as tour guides point out attractions from high above. If you do decide to tour San Francisco by air, you'll be creating memories that you won't forget forever.
We are a travel agency providing high-quality services and discounts. For more information, please click here.
21.How should you tour San Francisco in order to appreciate its buildings
A.By air. B.By bus. C.On foot. D.By boat
22.What can we learn about the waters of San Francisco Bay
A.They have high-quality sea water.
B.They are explored on a localized level.
C.They were not in use until the last century.
D.They have helped the city to develop.
23.Where can we most probably read this text
A.In a magazine. B.In a newspaper. C.On a website. D.On TV.
On Christmas Eve─the night before Christmas Day─children all over Britain put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep. Their parents usually tell them that Father Christmas will come during the night.
Father Christmas is very kind and hearted. He gets to the top of each house and climbs down the chimney into the fireplace. He fills each of the stockings with Christmas presents.
Of course, Father Christmas isn't real. In Jim and Kate's house, "Father Christmas" is really Mr Green. Mr Green doesn't climb down the chimney. He waits until the children are asleep. Then he quietly goes into their bedrooms and fills their stockings with small presents. When they were very young, Mr Green sometimes wore a red coat. But he doesn't do that now. The children are no longer young, and they know who "Father Christmas" really is. But they still put their stockings at the end of their beds.
24.Christmas Eve is __________.
A.the night of Christmas Day B.the evening of Christmas Day
C.Christmas Day D.the night before Christmas Day
25.Father Christmas often puts presents ________.
A.into children's hats B.into children's stockings
C.under children's beds D.into children's shoes
26.When the children are older, they __________.
A.know that Father Christmas is real
B.ask their mother to fill their stockings with presents
C.know that Father Christmas is really their father
D.know that Father Christmas is really their friend
27.Father Christmas comes into the house through the ________.
A.chimney B.back door
C.front door D.window.
For people suffering from depression, there’s an all-natural treatment they should use—getting more exercise. It could help fight depression, even if people have a genetic risk, new research shows.
For the study, researchers collected information from nearly 8,000 people and found those with related genes were more likely to have depression over the next two years after examining them. But that was less likely for people who were more active at the study’s start, even if they had a family history of depression. Higher levels of physical activity helped protect even those with the highest genetic risk of depression.
Both high-intensity (高强度) exercise and low-intensity activities were associated with a reduced risk of depression. Adding four hours of exercise a week could lower the risk of a new episode (一段经历) of depression by 17%, according to the study. “Our findings strongly suggest that, when it comes to depression, being physically active has the potential to remove the added risk of future episodes in individuals who are genetically risky,” said lead author Karmel Choi. “On average, about 35 additional minutes of physical activity each day may help people to reduce their risk and protect against future depression episodes.”
Depression is a common mental illness globally, with more than 264 million people affected. “Depression is so ubiquitous, and that underlines the need for effective approaches that can impact as many people as possible,” Choi said. And mental health and primary care providers can use the findings to advise patients that there’s something meaningful they can do to lower their risk of depression.
28.How did the researchers reach their conclusion
A.By analyzing a mass of data. B.By conducting genetic research.
C.By comparing various levels of activity. D.By tracking the subjects for many years.
29.What does the study show about depression
A.Physical activity betters medical treatment.
B.Exercise is able to decrease and prevent it.
C.Different levels of exercise intensity matter the same.
D.Exercising 35 minutes daily is the most effective treatment.
30.What does the underlined word “ubiquitous” in paragraph 4 mean
A.Harmful. B.Unusual.
C.Common. D.Complex.
31.What is the purpose of the text
A.To discuss a disease of depression. B.To explain a phenomenon of depression.
C.To analyze a genetic risk of depression. D.To introduce a method to lower the risk of depression.
Killer whales(虎鲸), also known as orcas, are known for their severe attacks(攻击) on sea animals but they have never posed a threat to humans. However, since late July, the normally social animals have been intentionally attacking sailboats off the coasts of Spain and Portugal.
The strange behavior first surfaced on July 29, 2020, when a 46 foot boat was repeatedly attacked for almost an hour by nine orcas, causing the boat to rotate (旋转) 180 degrees and having its engine switched off. Since then, over 30 more similar incidents have been reported. On September 23, 2020, Spain’s government banned boats of less than 50 feet in length from sailing in the 60 mile stretch of the Atlantic coastline between Ferrol and the Estaca de Bares Cape, where the attacks have been occurring.
Researchers across the world are trying to explain the orcas’ behavior. Some believe it could be a result of the overfishing of the bluefin tuna—the orcas’ primary food source—which has left the area’s killer whales starving and unable to feed their babies. “I saw them look at boats carrying fish. I think they know humans are somehow related to food shortages,” says Ken Balcomb, senior scientist at the Center for Whale Research in Washington, USA.The environmentalists believe the sudden increase in boat traffic after months of absence due to restrictions on human activity last spring, could also be contributing to the agitation.
However, Alfredo López, a biology professor in Galicia, Spain, thinks the attacks are defensive measures the orcas took to protect themselves against boat injuries. The researcher came to this conclusion after looking at the videos of a few incidents and noticing that two of the young killer whales involved had serious injuries. Hopefully, the experts will be able to find a way to restore the harmony between the animals and the humans soon.
32.What do we know about orcas in paragraph 1
A.They are friendly to humans. B.They have changed their behavior.
C.They are famous for hunting skills. D.They have met tough living conditions.
33.Who hold(s) the idea that fishing activities caused the incidents
A.Ken Balcomb. B.The environmentalists.
C.Alfredo López. D.Spain’s government.
34.What do the underlined words “the agitation” in paragraph 3 refer to
A.The attacks. B.Food shortages.
C.The overfishing. D.Human activity.
35.What is the main idea of this passage
A.A disagreement between scientists.
B.Possible reasons why killer whales are attacking boats.
C.The results of the change of the behaviors of killer whales.
D.Spanish government’s effort of protecting the fishing boats.
The Importance of Getting Kids to Be Active
Everyone knows that kids should be physically active and need to exercise regularly to be physically fit. 36 , regular physical activity is considered by most experts to be an important part of a healthy lifestyle. However, that doesn’t mean every child needs to spend four or five hours a day exercising.
How Much Exercise Do Kids Need
It is recommended that kids should be physically active for at least 60 minutes per day. 37 . For example, if your eight-year-old played soccer for 20 minutes during PE at school and then played basketball with his friends for 40 minutes after school, he would meet the recommendation of 60 minutes of physical activity for that day.
Exercise and Calories
38 . It can help them build self-respect, sleep better, have more energy, and reduce depression. And as most people know, along with a healthy diet, regular exercise is the best way to lose weight and prevent childhood obesity (肥胖). Since your child is not likely to get his exercise using exercise equipment, it can be hard to always tell how many calories he is burning while exercising. 39 , as long as your child is getting his 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day and maintaining a healthy diet.
Youth Exercise and Fitness
Remember that kids, even teens, don’t usually stick with exercise programs. 40 . Instead, kids do better with lifestyle exercise programs, such as active free play and organized team sports.
A.Fortunately, it doesn’t matter
B.Regular exercise is good for kids
C.So they will be able to burn even more calories
D.That’s why you don’t see many kids in health clubs
E.Whether they are overweight or at a healthy weight
F.If your child is very active and is still gaining weight
G.But that doesn’t have to be 60 minutes of continuous activity
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
In 1963, my grandfather Erwin decided to build a new house. However, he didn’t know what to do with the old farmhouse. It seemed a waste to 41 it, but something had to be given up 42 it sat where the new house would be. Later he had a compromise (折衷). He hired a large tractor (拖拉机) and managed to 43 it far into a land of trees. That old farmhouse has sat there since then. After my grandparents passed away, I 44 their farm. When my family first moved in, my wife checked the old farmhouse, and said it might bring 45 to our young sons. I agreed and planned to tear it down (拆毁). But before doing it, I thought it was 46 to check out the old house myself to 47 having something valuable left behind. After going through tall tress, I reached the old house. I was surprised by its 48 . Its windows were gone. Chairs were broken. I was filled with 49 about the view. In the small house, there once lived nine people, having a 50 time then without electricity or heat in winter. However, they were happy. Then I saw some envelopes in a box. My dad once joined the army and 51 wrote home each month. My grandmother saved all of his letters. I 52 one letter. In it, Dad wondered about wheat harvest at home and his youngest brother's education, which clearly showed his 53 for his family. That day, I decided to 54 the house. The building was 55 . It got to stay as long as possible as it was full of family memories.
41.A.destroy B.rent C.exchange D.sell
42.A.unless B.as C.when D.though
43.A.repair B.decorate C.paint D.move
44.A.abandoned B.upgraded C.obtained D.donated
45.A.danger B.pressure C.luck D.inspiration
46.A.easy B.possible C.wise D.early
47.A.delay B.avoid C.imagine D.risk
48.A.design B.price C.function D.state
49.A.sadness B.nervousness C.shame D.annoyance
50.A.quiet B.busy C.healthy D.tough
51.A.temporarily B.regularly C.unwillingly D.impossibly
52.A.settled down B.set up C.went through D.sent out
53.A.admiration B.care C.regret D.sympathy
54.A.replace B.burn C.build D.preserve
55.A.valuable B.similar C.grand D.modern
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
The first foreign language I studied was French, and I learned it at a secondary school between the ages of 11 and 18. It was a compulsory subject for the first three years and I 56 (choose) to continue studying it afterwards because I enjoyed it, found it 57 (interest) and was quite good at it. After class I practiced listening to the course recordings 58 (regular). I also placed great importance on reading. Whenever I met 59 (familiar) words, I would figure them out.
Before going to university, I spent three months working on 60 farm in southern France. This helped me become pretty fluent in French and acquire a wide vocabulary related 61 farming.
French is used as a second language in Morocco and quite a few places 62 a lot of tourists visit. Thus, my French has been of great help to me when I was on holiday in Morocco and Portugal.
In September 2009 I joined a couple of French conversation 63 (group) in Bangor and I have beer going to them ever since, which has been 64 (help) in improving my spoken French.
Now I can still speak French fluently and can also read it well, but my written French is not so good. So I’ve made up my mind 65 (improve) it.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1. 介绍开学的所见所感(如:校园环境;同学关系;学习问题等;)
2. 今后的目标和努力方向。
Dear Peter,
My great-grandmother Eileen is fierce, loyal and strong and a bit of a legend in her own lifetime, which now stretches to 92 years. I should add that we’re not allowed to call her Gran, because she says it makes her feel old.
That summer, I lost my job and felt hopeless. One day, I paid a visit to her. She picked up a box which she placed on the coffee table. “There you go,” she said. “You do know what you’re doing with these things, don’t you ”
It was a new phone. Her current mobile was pretty ancient. I was amazed it was still going.
“Yes,” I said.
“Good. That’s why I ask you. You young people know more about such things than us oldies. You can take it home with you and get it all set up,” she went on. “Then, when you bring it back, you can show me how to use my new phone, such as getting on the internet, sending e-mails and so on.” She smiled so sweetly that I felt a surge of love for her.
I grabbed the box and stood up. Setting up the phone would be easy. It was teaching her how to use it that may prove challenging.
The following day I headed back to my great-grandmother’s with the phone. “Here’s your phone. It’s all ready to use.”
For the next hour, I was busy setting up her passcode and fingerprint recognition, which she said was like something out of James Bond.
She chose a picture for her screen and it was all going so well until I tried to show her how to swipe (滑动屏幕). “What do you mean, swipe ” she asked. She was 92, I reminded myself. This had been tiring for her.
She pressed at the up arrow and got angry when nothing happened. When I finally got her to swipe, she didn’t put the right amount of pressure on and the menu slipped away. After what seemed like hours, she threw the phone across the room and it landed on the sofa. “Take it away!” she howled. “I want my old phone back!”
I picked up the phone and was about to leave to give her time to cool down when I realized I didn’t want to go home when she was angry and upset.
Paragraph 1
“Come on, Eileen. One more try.” I said.
Paragraph 2
I was not feeling so hopeless any more now.



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