Unit 6 I'm watching TV.单元测试 A卷·夯实基础 英语人教版七年级下册(含解析)

Unit 6(A卷·夯实基础)
班级 ________姓名________学号 ________分数 ________
1.—Is your friend Kate ________ American girl
—Yes, she is from New York.
A.a B.an C.the D./
2.People usually shop in the ___________.
A.pool B.library C.supermarket D.restaurant
3.The girl wishes _________ ice–cream, but her mother doesn’t want her ________ it.
A.eating; to eat B.to eat; eating
C.eating: eating D.to eat; to eat
4.Please be quiet. The baby ________.
A.sleep B.sleeps C.is sleeping D.are sleeping
5.—What is your father doing
—He is ________ newspapers in the living room.
A.looking B.seeing C.watching D.reading
6.—Why do most people like hamburgers
—Because they’re ________.
A.boring B.easy C.delicious D.funny
7.She usually ________ to music in the evening, but now she ________ TV.
A.listen; is watch B.listens; watching C.listens; is watching D.listen; watches
8.Listen! Your mother is talking with your aunt ________ the phone.
A.on B.in C.at D.for
9.Wang Tao studies in America, so he ________ his family in Beijing.
A.want B.miss C.misses D.wants
10.Are the students ________ the computers now
A.use B.using C.uses D.used
11.There are some students playing on the playground.Some are playing ping-pong,some are running and ________are jumping.
A.others B.the other
C.another D.other
—It’s three o’clock in the afternoon now.
A.When is it B.What time is it C.What are you doing D.Where is it
13.—Does your sister like ___________
—Yes, you can see all kinds of clothes in her room.
A.reading B.shopping C.swimming D.dancing
14.—Hello,can I speak to Jim
—Hello,________is Jim speaking.
A.he B.this C.that D.I
15.—Kangkang, tell us something about    in your hometown.
—Usually on this day, people eatzongziin memory of Qu Yuan.
A.the Spring Festival B.the Lantern Festival
C.the Dragon Boat Festival D.the Mid-Autumn Festival
It’s a summer afternoon in the city of Jinan. The weather is sunny and hot. The Greens are staying at 16 . Mr. Green is 17 a story book on the sofa. Mrs. Green is 18 clothes. What is Bill doing He’s doing his 19 in his study. Bill’s grandparents are 20 in the living room now. They are watching a swimming race 21 TV. Bill’s sister, Mary, isn’t at home. She’s 22 in the lake with her friends. And it’s her 23 sport. They don’t like hot weather, 24 they can do nothing to keep it away. The radio says it will be cool later on and they are all 25 to hear that. They hope they can enjoy themselves then.
16.A.school B.home C.supermarket D.library
17.A.reading B.looking C.seeing D.watching
18.A.washing B.using C.studying D.cutting
19.A.dishes B.homework C.newspapers D.movies
20.A.eating dinner B.playing chess C.watching TV D.talking on the phone
21.A.in B.under C.about D.on
22.A.dancing B.singing C.buying D.swimming
23.A.young B.delicious C.favorite D.difficult
24.A.and B.because C.or D.so
25.A.important B.sorry C.quiet D.happy
James, Lisa, Grace and Alan are in different places now. What are they doing
Hi! I’m James. I’m standing (站) at a bus stop and waiting for a bus. I want to go to the bookstore to buy some books. Oh! My bus is coming. Bye.
My name is Lisa. I’m in the park with my friend. We are taking a walk by (在……旁边) the river. We can see fish swimming here and there in the water.
Hello! I’m Grace. I’m visiting a museum (博物馆) with my classmates. This is a famous (著名的) museum with a long history. There are a lot of old things in it.
I’m Alan. As a reporter, I’m very busy every day. I’m on the way to a swimming club now. I want to meet the swimming star Michael. He is from the US. He’s young, but he is famous.
26.________ wants to buy some books.
A.James B.Lisa C.Grace D.Alan
27.The underlined word “fish” means “________”.
A.兔 B.鱼 C.猪 D.马
28.How many people are out alone (独自)
A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.
29.What are in the museum
A.Some interesting things. B.Some strange things.
C.Some delicious things. D.Some old things.
30.Where does Alan want to go
A.A bookstore. B.A park. C.A museum. D.A swimming club.
It's 7:00 a.m.on Friday in Beijing. Anna is having a video chat(视频聊天) with her family in America. In the video, Anna's family are sitting around a big table. It's 6:00 p.m.in America and it's the night before Friday. Today is Thanksgiving_Day in America. Anna's mother makes a lot of delicious food for dinner. Anna sees the turkey—the must-eat on Thanksgiving Day—in the middle. Anna's brother Nick is talking with her.
“Hi, Anna,” Nick says. “We are taking a trip tomorrow.”
“Oh, really. I hope you'll have a good time.”
“Don't you want to know where we are going?”
“Mom loves Thailand. Are you going to Thailand?”
“No. We miss you and we are going to Beijing to see you!”
Wow! Anna sees her family's smiling faces and cries(哭). No one loves you like your family.
31.Anna's family are ________.
A.watching TV B.playing video games
C.setting the table D.having dinner
32.It's ________ in America now.
A.6:00 a.m.on Thursday B.6:00 a.m.on Friday
C.6:00 p.m.on Thursday D.6:00 p.m.on Friday
33.“Thanksgiving Day” means “________” in Chinese.
A.春节 B.圣诞节 C.感恩节 D.复活节
34.The underlined word “turkey” is “________”.
A.a kind of food B.a game
C.a festival D.a place
35.What can we learn from the passage
A.Anna comes from China.
B.Anna's family are going to Thailand.
C.Anna doesn't want her family to come.
D.Anna can meet her family soon(很快).
We have four classes in the morning. Between the second class and the third class, we have twenty minutes’ rest (休息). Now it’s the rest time. Look! Many of us are playing. Some boys are on the playground. They are playing basketball. Oh! A boy is running with the ball. And another is trying (尽力) to stop him. They look so cool. And there are some girls watching the game. Some students are in the classroom. Most of them are talking. Four are reading and doing homework. There’s a tree not far from the classroom. Look! A girl is looking at the birds in the tree. She must think the birds are interesting because she is smiling (微笑).
What are the teachers doing Some of them are working in the office. And some are talking with students. Everyone is doing his or her things, busy but happy!
36.How long do the students rest between the second class and the third class
A.10 minutes. B.15 minutes. C.20 minutes. D.An hour.
37.What are the boys doing on the playground
A.Playing basketball. B.Playing soccer. C.Playing volleyball. D.Playing baseball.
38.What are the teachers doing
A.Working or talking with students. B.Having a basketball game.
C.Playing with the students. D.Looking at the birds.
39.Where are some students talking
A.In the library. B.In the classroom. C.In the supermarket. D.In the zoo.
40.The passage is about ________.
A.students B.a basketball game
C.rest time activities (活动) D.teachers
(Zhu Hui is studying in the United States, and he is talking to his sister, Zhu Jing. )
A: Hello This is Zhu Hui.
B: Hi, Zhu Hui. It’s Zhu Jing here. Long time no see. 41
A: Pretty good! I’m calling to say “Happy Dragon Boat Festival” to you all.
B: Thanks. 42
A: Oh, the people here don’t celebrate(庆祝)it and some people even don’t know about it. 43
B: Mom is making zongzi for us in the kitchen and Dad is watching the boat races on TV. How about you 44
A: Yes, they are friendly to me. They want to make me feel at home. Now, Mrs. Brown is learning to make zongzi for me in the kitchen.
B: You are really a lucky dog. 45
A: Thanks. I am very happy that I can live with them.
A.I hope that you will have a good time there.
B.What are our parents doing now
C.Mr. Brown is reading a book about Dragon Boat Festival.
D.How’s everything going in the United States
E.Are you good with your host family
F.How do you spend(度过)the festival there
G.Because you meet a kind family.
46.There are hundreds of (child) playing with their parents in the park.
47.Mary usually (wash) her clothes on Sunday.
48.—Let’s go (shop)on weekends.
—Good idea.
49.Look! My mother is (make)soup in the kitchen.
50.Let’s go to the (movie) this evening.
51.Do you like watching car (竞赛) on TV
52.The students are (打扫) the classroom now.
53.How many (男人) teachers are there in your school
54.We learn Chinese, English, math and (其他的)subjects.
55.Mr. Smith is fifty, but he looks (年轻的).
like read listen look on have at say subject but with for
Tony and Bill are in the same school, 56 they are in different classes. Their favorite 57 is Chinese. They 58 Chinese is very interesting. They go to school on weekdays. They come to school 59 7: 00 in the morning. Today is Tuesday. Tony and Bill are in their own (自己的) classrooms.
Tony 60 an English class. Listen! He is talking 61 his English teacher in English. Bill is having a Chinese class. His teacher is talking about Beijing Opera with them. The students 62 at their teacher. They 63 carefully (认真地). But one of Bill’s classmates 64 a book, because he isn’t good at Chinese and he doesn’t 65 Chinese.
66.根据下表内容,以“How Happy They Are!”为题,写一篇英语短文,词数:50—70。
时间 6月1日——儿童节
天气 晴朗
地点 中山公园(Zhongshan Park)
人物 我和我的父母,还有许多孩子,一些老人,一些年轻人
事件 一些女孩在玩游戏;一些男孩在拍照;有一些年轻人在打篮球;树下有几位老人,其中两人在下国际象棋,其他人在观看
【详解】句意:人们通常在超市购物。A. pool 水池; B. library图书馆; C. supermarket超市; D. restaurant餐馆;根据句意故选C
考查非谓语动词。wish to do sth.希望做某事,是固定短语,可知前空应填to eat;want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事,也是固定短语,所以第二空也填to eat。结合选项,故选D。
考查动词时态。根据“Please be quiet.”可知,婴儿正在睡觉,用现在进行时am/is/are+doing,主语“The baby”是第三人称单数,be动词用is。故选C。
【详解】句意:——你父亲在干什么? ——他正在客厅里看报纸。
考查动词辨析。looking强调“看”的动作,与at连用后接“看”的对象;seeing强调看的结果,是“看到,看见”的意思;watching强调专注地“看”,有欣赏的意味,常用于看电视,看球赛等,也可用于看电影;reading后接纸张类阅读物,如书,报纸,杂志,小说,地图等。空后的newspapers 意为“报纸”,用read。故选D。
考查形容词辨析。boring无聊的;easy容易的;delicious美味的;funny有趣的,滑稽的。根据“people like hamburgers”可知,因为汉堡很美味,所以人们喜欢吃。故选C。
考查介词辨析。on在……上;in在……里;at在(小地点);for为了。on the phone“在通电话”,固定短语,作状语。故选A。
考查动词辨析和主谓一致。want想要;miss想念。根据“...his family in Beijing.”可知,在美国读书的王涛想念家人,用miss,主语“he”是第三人称单数,miss用三单形式misses。故选C。
考查动词时态。根据结构及now可知,句子为一般疑问句,时态为现在进行时。现在进行时的一般疑问句为:Am/Is/Are + 主语 + doing + 其它?use使用,动词,其现在分词为using。故选B。
【详解】句意:在操场上有一些学生们在玩,一些在打乒乓球,一些在跑步,其他的在跳跃。others其他人或物,是一个代词;the other两者中的另一个;another不定数目中的另一个;other其他的,是形容词,修饰名词。根据句意可知,这个空代指“其他的学生”,故应选A。
考查特殊疑问句。When is it什么时候了;What time is it几点了;What are you doing你在干什么;Where is it它在哪里。根据“It's three o'clock in the afternoon now.”可知询问具体时刻,用“What time is it”符合语境。故选B。
【详解】句意:——你姐姐喜欢购物吗?——是的,在她房间里你能看见各种各样的衣服。A. reading 读书; B. shopping购物; C. Swimming游泳; D. dancing跳舞;根据 you can see all kinds of clothes in her room可知是购物;故选B
【详解】句意:-你好,我可以和Jim讲话吗?-你好,我就是Jim。he他;this这,这个;that那,那个;I我,人称代词主格形式。根据对话中Hello, can I speak to Jim可知,这是在打电话,this is…表示“我是…”,故选B。
考查节假日。the Spring Festival春节;the Lantern Featival元宵节;the Dragon Boat Festival端午节;the Mid-Autumn Featival中秋节。根据“…people eat zongzi in memory of Qu Yuan.”可知,人们在这一个节日吃粽子纪念屈原,可知问的是端午节的习俗。故选C。
16.B 17.A 18.A 19.B 20.C 21.D 22.D 23.C 24.B 25.D
school学校;home家;supermarket超市;library图书馆,根据下文的“Bill’s sister, Mary, isn’t at home”可知,他们待在家里,故选B。
reading阅读;looking看;seeing看见;watching观看,根据空后的“a story book”可知,应该是阅读故事书,故选A。
dishes菜;homework作业;newspaper报纸;movies电影,根据空后的“in his study”可知,应该是在书房做作业,故选B。
eating dinner吃晚饭;playing chess下象棋;watching TV看电视;talking on the phone打电话,根据空后的“They are watching a swimming race”可知,应该是看电视,故选C。
in在……里;under在……下;about关于;on在,固定搭配on TV“在电视上”,故选D。
dancing跳舞;singing唱歌;buying买;swimming游泳,根据后文的“in the lake”可知,应该是游泳,故选D。
young年轻的;delicious美味的;favorite最喜欢的;difficult困难的,根据空前的“it’s her”和空后的“sport”可知,游泳是她最喜欢的运动,故选C。
and并且;because因为;or或者;so所以,根据“they can do nothing to keep it away”是“They don’t like hot weather”的原因,所以用连词because,故选B。
important重要的;sorry抱歉的;quiet安静的;happy开心的,根据前文的“They don’t like hot weather”和“it will be cool later on”可知,他们会很开心,故选D。
26.A 27.B 28.A 29.D 30.D
【分析】本文是一篇采访型的文章。文章介绍了James, Lisa, Grace和Alan四个人分别在四个不同的地点及他们正在做或要去做的事。
26.细节理解题。根据表格第一栏中的“Hi! I’m James...I want to go to the bookstore to buy some books.”可知James想去买些书,故选A。
27.词义猜测题。根据表格第二栏中的“We can see fish swimming here and there in the water.”可知在水里游泳的应该是鱼。故选B。
28.细节理解题。根据表格内容“My name is Lisa...with my friend.”和“ I’m Grace...with my classmates. ”可知Lisa是和朋友一起而Grace是和同学们一起。James和Alan没有介绍应该是两人分别独自在外。故选A。
29.细节理解题。根据表格第三栏中的“This is a famous museum with a long history. There are a lot of old things in it.”可知有一些古老的东西,故选D。
30.细节理解题。根据表格第四栏中的“I’m Alan…I’m on the way to a swimming club now.”可知,Alan在去游泳俱乐部的路上。故选D。
31.D 32.C 33.C 34.A 35.D
推理判断题。根据In the video, Anna's family are sitting around a big table.可知安娜的家人正在吃晚饭,故选D。
细节理解题。根据It's 6:00 p.m.in America and it's the night before Friday.可知现在在美国是下午6点,故选C。
词义猜测题。根据Anna sees the turkey—the must-eat on Thanksgiving Day—in the middle.可知必须吃火鸡,应是在感恩节,故选C。
推理判断题。根据Anna's mother makes a lot of delicious food for dinner. Anna sees the turkey—the must-eat on Thanksgiving Day—in the middle.可知这是安娜的母亲做的食物,故选A。
推理判断题。根据“No. We miss you and we are going to Beijing to see you!”可知安娜很快就会和她的家人见面,故选D。
【点睛】认真阅读题干内容,根据题干要求,在文中寻找答案所在的语句或段落,进行分析理解,词义猜测,推理判断和概括归纳,选出正确的选项。例如小题2,根据It's 6:00 p.m.in America and it's the night before Friday.可知现在在美国是下午6点,故选C。
36.C 37.A 38.A 39.B 40.C
36.细节理解题。根据“Between the second class and the third class, we have twenty minutes’ rest (休息).”可知,在第二节课和第三节课之间,我们有二十分钟的休息时间。故选C。
37.细节理解题。根据“Some boys are on the playground. They are playing basketball.”可知,一些男孩在操场上打篮球。故选A。
38.细节理解题。根据“What are the teachers doing Some of them are working in the office. And some are talking with students.”可知,老师中的一些人在办公室工作,一些正在和学生交谈。故选A。
39.细节理解题。根据“Some students are in the classroom. Most of them are talking.”可知,一些学生在教室里,他们中的大多数人都在说话。故选B。
41.D 42.F 43.B 44.E 45.A
41.根据“Pretty good!”可知,回答是对现状的评价,问句应是问候近况如何,D项“你在美国过得怎么样”符合语境。故选D。
42.根据“Oh, the people here don’t celebrate(庆祝)it and some people even don’t know about it.”可知,回答是美国人不庆祝端午节,问句应与过节相关,F项“你在那里如何度过节日”符合语境。故选F。
43.根据“Mom is making zongzi for us in the kitchen and Dad is watching the boat races on TV.”可知,回答是父母正在做的事情,B项“我们的父母现在在做什么”符合语境。故选B。
44.根据“Yes, they are friendly to me.”可知,回答是Yes,问句应是一般疑问句,询问与寄宿家庭的相处情况,E项“你和寄宿家庭相处得好吗”符合语境。故选E。
【详解】句意:公园里有成百上千的孩子在和父母玩耍。child“孩子”,可数名词,“hundreds of”表示“成百上千的……”,修饰可数名词复数,child的复数形式是children。故填children。
【详解】句意:玛丽通常在星期天洗衣服。根据提示词可知这里用动词“wash洗”,构成短语“wash clothes洗衣服”;结合语境和空前“usually”可知本句用一般现在时,主语“Mary”是三单,所以wash用其三单形式。故填washes。
【详解】句意:——周末我们去购物吧。——好主意。go shopping“去购物”,固定搭配,故填shopping。
【详解】句意:我们今晚去看电影吧。movie“电影”,是名词,短语go to the movies“去看电影”,故填movies。
【详解】句意:学生们现在正在打扫教室。clean“打扫”,根据“now”可知,此处用现在进行时be doing的结构,故此空应填现在分词,故填cleaning。
【详解】句意:你们学校有多少男老师?根据结构及脸汉语提示可知,应填入名词。man男人,名词。当man、woman和其他名词构成复合词时,单复数根据修饰的名词的单复数而定,意思是如果要变复数,两个词要一起变复数。men teachers男老师,符合句意。故填men。
56.but 57.subject 58.say 59.at 60.is having 61.with 62.are looking 63.are listening 64.is reading 65.like
56.句意:但他们在不同的班级。“Tony and Bill are in the same school”与“they are in different classes”是转折关系,故填but。
59.句意:他们早上7点来到学校。“7: 00”是时间点,用介词at修饰,故填at。
60.句意:Tony正在上英语课。根据“an English class”及备选词可知,上英语课,根据“is talking”可知,此处表示正在发生的动作,用现在进行时结构,主语Tony是第三人称单数,助动词用is,故填is having。
61.句意:他正在用英语和他的英语老师交谈。talk with sb“与某人交谈”,故填with。
62.句意:学生们正在看着他们的老师。根据“at their teacher”备选词可知,此处用look at表示“看”,表示正在发生的动作,用现在进行时结构,主语students是复数形式,助动词用are,故填are looking。
63.句意:他们正在很认真地听。老师在讲课,学生们在听课,表示正在发生的动作,用现在进行时结构,主语they是复数形式,助动词用are,故填are listening。
64.句意:但是比尔的一个同学正在读书,因为他不擅长语文,他不喜欢语文。根据“a book”及备选词可知,此处指看书,英文表达为“read a book”,表示正在发生的动作,用现在进行时结构,主语one of+复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,故这里用助动词用is,故填is reading。
65.句意:但是比尔的一个同学正在读书,因为他不擅长语文,他不喜欢语文。根据“because he isn’t good at Chinese”及备选词可知,不喜欢语文,doesn’t后接动词原形,故填like。
66.One possible version:
How Happy They Are!
It’s June 1st, Children’s Day. It is very sunny. I come to Zhongshan Park with my parents. There are many people. Look! There are some girls. They are playing games. Some boys are taking photos. There are also some young men over there. They are playing basketball. There are some old men under a tree. Two of them are playing chess; the others are watching them. How happy they are in the park!
【详解】1.题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文。以“How Happy They Are”为题写一篇短文。



上一篇:Module 11 Body language综合素质评价(含解析)外研版七年级下册
