Module 11 Body language综合素质评价(含解析)外研版七年级下册

Module 11 综合素质评价
(60分钟 100分)
一、单项选择(每小题1.5 分,共15 分)
1. [2023 阜新质检] It’s ________ to talk with food in your mouth while having dinner. Always be a gentleman, Kipper.
A. kind B. polite C. rude D. brave
2. Johnny comes to school ________ time. He is never late.
A. on B. at C. by D. for
3. [2023 常州质检] Japanese usually ________ to greet other people.
A. kiss B. hug C. bow D. touch
4. The little girl holds ________ to her mother’s arm when she goes out with her mother.
A. on B. at C. in D. with
5. I often walk to school, because my home is ________ the school.
A. far from B. close to
C. away from D. far away
6. Each person has his own way ________ his best friends.
A. to welcome B. welcome
C. welcomed D. welcomes
7. [2023 天津滨海新区期末] Miss Jones is always very strict with us, but ________, she is a very kind teacher.
A. at last B. at first C. in fact D. and then
8. ________ the room first, and then you can watch TV.
A. Clean B. To clean C. Cleans D. Cleaning
9. [2023 怀化质检] — Hey, Tom. ________ listen to music in the hallways.
— ________, Mr Smith.
A. Don’t; Sorry B. Can’t; Thank you
C. No; Sorry D. Don’t; Thanks
10. [2022 昆明] — Please be quiet. We are in the library.
— ________.
A. Well done B. OK, I will
C. Enjoy yourself D. Long time no see
答案 1—5 6—10
二、完形填空(每小题1.5 分,共15 分)
In different countries, people have different ideas about good manners.
When you go to restaurants in different countries, it’s 11 to know what to do. 12 , in China, it’s OK to make a lot of noises in a restaurant. In fact, if a restaurant isn’t noisy(吵闹的), you 13 think there’s something wrong with it. However, in many Western 14 , restaurants are quiet places. If a table is too loud, 15 people who are eating there might even complain(抱怨)to the owner of the restaurant.
Paying the bill(账单)is also different from country to country. In China, one person usually pays for 16 . In Western countries, 17 friends eat together, they usually share(分享)the cost. This is called “going Dutch(均摊费用)”. Also, when Westerners pay the bill, they usually leave some money for the 18 . This is called “leaving a tip (留小费)”. It’s 19 to leave a tip.
The ways to eat food are 20 in the world, but you can find the same kind of food in many countries. Chinese and Italian foods, for example, are popular all over the world.
11. A. popular B. difficult C. important D. enjoyable
12. A. For example B. In fact C. Such as D. As well
13. A. may B. can C. must D. should
14. A. families B. countries C. hospitals D. schools
15. A. another B. others C. other D. the others
16. A. everybody B. nobody C. somebody D. anybody
17. A. until B. when C. unless D. since
18. A. manager B. seller C. waiter D. visitor
19. A. friendly B. polite C. strange D. bored
20. A. same B. different C. like D. difficult
答案 11—15 16—20
三、阅读理解(每小题2 分,共20 分)
Being polite can improve(提高) your own quality(质量) of life. There are five good ways that being polite can improve your life.
◆ It will cause others to like you more. When you’re polite to people, it makes you seem more likable. This is because people view others who are polite as kind.
◆ It will cause others to respect you more. Being polite can make others want to stay with you for a long time.
◆ You’ll feel better about yourself. When you’re kind to people you care about, your friends, family or relatives, you feel better about yourself.
◆ It’ll bring those close to you closer. Being polite to those closest to you, is sometimes more difficult than it is with strangers because of the feelings of familiarity(熟悉). If you’re polite with those closest to you, you’ll find they will also like and respect you more.
◆ It’ll make you see the world a little differently. If up to now you haven’t been the most polite person around, you’ll find you begin to see things around you that you didn’t before.
21. Where may this passage come from
A. The history text. B. The news.
C. The Ads. D. The magazine.
22. How many ways are mentioned in this passage
A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven.
23. If you are polite, others may ________.
A. spend less time with you
B. give you some money
C. spend more time with you
D. respect you less
24. When you are kind to someone, you may feel ________ about yourself.
A. nervous B. better C. serious D. funny
25. Who should we be polite to
A. Only the old people.
B. Only the strangers.
C. Only the one you like.
D. Almost all the people around.
答案 21—25
We are Chinese but we are learning English now, because English is very important in the world. But there are some interesting things in English-speaking countries. Do you know what they are They are some parts of their bodies.
In English-speaking countries, people often use some parts of their bodies to show what they want to say. If you know something, you can nod your head. If you don’t know, shake your head. When children share a joke with friends, they will make a face. If you don’t agree(同意) with somebody, put your thumbs down. But if you agree with somebody, put your thumbs up. When you celebrate success, you can show a “V” with your fingers. You can also keep your fingers crossed when you wish somebody good luck.
26. Where is the writer from
A. The USA. B. Australia. C. China. D. Paris.
27. Which is/are not mentioned
A. Head. B. Feet. C. Face. D. Fingers.
28. If you don’t know something, what can you do
A. Nod your head. B. Make a face.
C. Put your thumbs up. D. Shake your head.
29. (新考法) Which is the opposite(反义词) of “down” in the passage
A. On. B. In. C. Up. D. To.
30. Which is the meaning of “V” in the passage
A. You have a good time. B. You have good luck.
C. You are successful. D. You have a good trip.
答案 26—30
四、词汇运用 (每小题1 分,共10 分)
31. Please don’t t the old things or take photos in the museum.
32. The woman was r to the old man and everyone was very angry.
33. Japanese is her favorite f language.
34. We all know there are ten f in our hands.
35. Look! A car is m towards the little boy. We must save him at once.
36. 事实上,他是个好男孩。
__________ __________, he is a good boy.
37. 让我们互相帮助,努力学习吧!
Let’s help __________ __________ and study hard!
38. 我离开家前经常向父母说再见。
Before I leave home, I often __________ __________ __________my parents.
39. 我认为这道物理题一点儿也不简单。
I think the physics problem is __________ easy __________ __________.
40. 当你与其他人握手时应该脱下手套。
You should take off your gloves when you __________ __________with others.
五、情景交际(每小题2 分,共10 分)
A: Hey, Wang Ting! 41
B: I’m afraid not. I’m going to meet Sarah at the airport.
A: 42
B: She is my penfriend. She is Japanese.
A: 43
B: I will shake hands with her.
A: Well, you know, Japanese usually bow when they meet.
B: Really 44
A: People do different things in different countries.
B: That’s interesting! 45
A: That’s right.
A. Who is Sarah B. I didn’t know that.C. So I have to bow, right D. Did you have a good time E. How will you greet (问候) her F. Are you free tomorrow afternoon G. What are you going to say to her
答案 41—45
六、任务型阅读(每小题2 分,共10 分)
①在不同的国家,摇头的意思并不总是一样的。 Maybe some visitors would be surprised when they first come to ②________ . When visitors talk to Indians, they would often shake their heads. The visitors may think that Indians do not like what they say. But, in fact, they are completely(完全地)wrong.
Indians always shake their heads when they talk to each other. It does not have the same meaning as “No”. If someone wants ③________ (visit) India, he would know this, or it will bring him some trouble.
One day, a foreign man went out to do business. He leased(租用)a car and hired(雇用) an Indian to drive it. When he told his driver to send him to his office, the Indian shook his head at once. The man said again, and the driver shook his head again. At last, the man, of course, got angry.
“Why do you refuse(拒绝) my order (要求) ” he shouted. “Drive me to my office at once!”
The driver answered in quite a loud voice too. “Yes, sir!” But to the man’s surprise, the driver shook his head at the same time.
The car started, and the man was too surprised to say a word. He thought about it for a while, and then ④ he nodded with a smile, “ ‘No’ means ‘Yes’ here! ”
46. 将①处画线的内容翻译成英语。
47. 根据短文内容,在②处填入一个合适的国家名:
48. ③处用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
49. 将④处画线的内容翻译成汉语。
50. What does shaking the head mean in India
七、书面表达 (共20 分)
我们学校要来4 名外国交换生 , 他们分别来自美国、印度、日本和俄罗斯。请你介绍一下欢迎和问候他们的方式。80 词左右。
Module 11 综合素质评价
一、1. C 【点拨】词义辨析法。kind 和蔼的;polite 有礼貌的;rude 无礼的;brave 勇敢的。根据语境,故选C。
2. A 【点拨】on time 意为“按时”,符合语境。
3. C 【点拨】根据语境及常识可知日本人常鞠躬来问候。
4. A 【点拨】句意:这个小女孩和她妈妈出去的时候紧紧抓着她妈妈的胳膊。hold on to 意为“紧紧抓住”,为固定搭配。
5. B 【点拨】句意:我经常走着去上学,因为我家离学校很近。根据句意可知选B。
6. A 【点拨】句意:每个人都有他自己欢迎最好的朋友的方式。have one’s own/the way to do sth. 意为“有某人自己/ 做某事的方式”,为固定用法。
7. C 【点拨】at last 最后;at first 一开始;in fact 事实上;and then 然后。根据语境可知选C。
8. A 【点拨】句意:先打扫房间,然后你就可以看电视了。根据“and then you can watch TV”可知此处是祈使句,应用动词原形。
9. A 【点拨】根据“listen to music in the hallways”和选项可知第一空用Don’t;对于自己的不当的行为应是感到抱歉,故选A。
10. B 【点拨】情景交际法。A 项“干得好”;B 项“好的,我会的”;C 项“请自便”;D 项“好久不见”。根据语境,故选B。
11. C 【点拨】此处表示当你去不同国家的餐馆时,知道做什么是很重要的。故选C。
12. A 【点拨】for example 和such as 均可当作“例如”,such as 用来列举事物,插在被列举事物与前面的名词之间;for example 用来举例说明,有时可作为独立语。据此可知A 项正确。
13. A 【点拨】句意:事实上,如果一家餐厅不吵闹,你可能会认为它有问题。may 可能;can 可以; must 一定;should 应该。根据句意可知应选A。
14. B 【点拨】由上文的“in different countries”可知此处指西方国家,故选B。
15. C 【点拨】another 意为“另一;又一”,后接可数名词单数;the others 指剩余的全部;others 泛指“其他的人或事物”;other 指“其他的”,后接可数名词复数或不可数名词。由空后的people 可知应选C。
16. A 【点拨】根据语境可知此处指在中国,一个人为每个人付账,everybody 意为“人人;每个人”。
17. B 【点拨】此处指当西方人吃饭时,when 意为“当……的时候”,符合语境。故选B。
18. C 【点拨】根据语境可知,此处指给服务员留小费。
19. B 【点拨】结合语境可知,此处指留下小费是有礼貌的。friendly 意为“友好的”;polite 意为“礼貌的”;strange 意为“奇怪的”;bored 意为“厌倦的”。故选B。
20. B 【点拨】由后文but 可知此处指在世界上,吃食物的方式是不同的。故选B。
21. D 【点拨】推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章介绍了礼貌待人的重要性;历史课本、新闻和广告均不合适;故本文来源于杂志。故选D。
22. B 【点拨】细节理解题。根据“There are five good ways that being polite can improve your life.”可知,文章提及了五个方法。故选B。
23. C 【点拨】细节理解题。根据“Being polite can make others want to stay with you for a long time.”可知,如果你对人礼貌,其他人想和你待更长时间。故选C。
24. B 【点拨】细节理解题。根据“When you’re kind to people you care about, your friends, family or relatives, you feel better about yourself.”可知,当你对某人友善时,你自我感觉会更好。故选B。
25. D 【点拨】推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了礼貌待人的重要性,即我们应该礼貌对待我们身边几乎所有的人。故选D。
26. C 【点拨】细节理解题。根据“We are Chinese but we are learning English now”可知作者来自中国。故选C。
27. B 【点拨】细节理解题。根据“If you know something, you can nod your head.”、“When children share a joke with friends, they will make a face.”及“When you celebrate... your fingers.”可知在说英语的国家中,肢体语言涉及到头、手指和脸,没有提及脚。故选B。
28. D 【点拨】细节理解题。根据“If you don’t know, shake your head.”可知如果你不知道一些事时,用摇头表示。故选D。
29. C 【点拨】细节理解题。根据“If you don’t agree(同意) with somebody, put your thumbs down. But if you agree with somebody, put your thumbs up.”可知,当你不同意时,你会把拇指down,当你同意时,你会把拇指up,所以down 的反义词是up。故选C。
30. C 【点拨】细节理解题。根据“When you celebrate success, you can show a ‘V’with your fingers.”可知当人们庆祝成功时,会用手指比一个“V”。故选C。
四、A)31. touch 32. rude 33. foreign 34. fingers 35. moving
B)36. In fact 37. each other 38. say goodbye to
39. not; at all 40. shake hands
五、41. F 【点拨】由下句“恐怕没有。我要去机场见Sarah。”可知,F 项(你明天下午有空吗?)符合语境。
42. A 【点拨】由下句“她是我笔友。她是日本人。”可知问Sarah 是谁,故选A。
43. E 【点拨】由下句“我会和她握手。”可知,上句应问问候方式。故选E。
44. B 【点拨】由“Really ”可知我不知道那件事,故选B。
45. C 【点拨】由前句“那很有趣!”可知,C 项(所以我必须鞠躬,对吗?)符合语境。
46. The meaning of shaking the head is not always the same in different countries.
47. India【点拨】根据“When visitors talk to Indians, they would often shake their heads.”可知是介绍印度的礼仪,故填India。
48. to visit
49. 他微笑着点点头,在这儿,“不是”意思是“是”!
50. It means yes. /Yes.
We are going to have four foreign exchange students at school. Here are some ways to welcome them. When② we meet Americans, we can shake hands ① , kiss or hug each other ① . When ② we meet Indians, we should put our hands together ① and nod our heads. It’s polite ① to bow and say hello to Japanese friends when we meet them. If ② our friends are from Russia, we can kiss three times, left, right, left. I hope we will get on well with them in the future.
添彩点:①正确运用 shake hands、each other、together、polite 等本模块所学知识点;②巧用 when、if,使句子之间的衔接更加紧密。




下一篇:Unit 6 I'm watching TV.单元测试 A卷·夯实基础 英语人教版七年级下册(含解析)