广东省江门市新会区正雅学校2023-2024八年级上学期期中考试英语试卷(含答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)

八年级英语试卷 试卷类型:B卷
( )1. What is the weather like
( )2. Which animal is the strongest
( )3. What sports does Beth play better than Sara
( )4 . How does the man go to work today
( )5. What can we see on the top of the tall building
( )6. Where is Joff going for vacation
A. London B. Hawaii C. Paris
( )7. What does Julia Miller do
A.She's a singer B. She's a movie star C. She's a dancer
( )8. What is. dim writing at home
A. A letter B. An c-mail C. A postcard
( )9, What/will Jack do this Sunday
A. He will go boating B. He will go swimming C. He will go fishing
( )10. What is Linda going to do this afternoon
A. Visit her grandmother B. Visit the dentist C. Visit her cousin
听第六段对话。回答第 11-12小题。
( ) 11. What does Jenny like
A. funk food B. Fruit C. Milk
( )12. How often does John eat fruit
A. Olton B. Every day C. Never
( )13. How does Tina look
A. Tired B. Excited C. Sad
( )14. What movie did Tina watch yesterday
A. An action movie B. A comedy C. A scary movie
( )15. Where did Tina watch the movie
A. In the cinema B. In her home C. In the boy's home
( )16. When did the accident happen
A. At 18:00. B. At 18:20. C. At 18:40.
( )17. How was the weather when the accident happened
A. Rainy and hot. B. Rainy and windy. C. Windy and cold.
( )18. Who is missing
A. The driver's baby. B. A visitor's daughter. C. The doctor's friend.
( )19. How many visitors hurt badly
A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven.
( )20. What is Alan's probable job
A . A driver. B. A guide. C. A reporter.
D. 听填信息(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
A Storybook Emma and Jerry.
For whom _ beginners.
Content(内容) It has 10 short stories, and they are simple and _
Each story has exercises in vocabulary, _ and writing.
Bach story has a colorful _ to help understand the story better.
Page 155 pages
Price _
Karen: Hey, Mike. 26
Mike: Yes, I am. I don't po to school at weekends.
Karen: Great! 27
Mike: Sure, I'd love to.
Karen: Linda's parents will have a party at their new house this Saturday evening, 28
Mike: Really Where is their new house
Karac: At No,15, Shanghai Road. 29
Mike: Wow, that's great. When shall(将腰) we go there on Saturday
Karen: What about 3:00 p. m.
Mike: Good idea. I'm sure we can find something interesting to do in the park.
Once upon a time, there lived a farmer. He grew very good com. Every year, he would take part in. the state farmers fair and win 31 first prize for his corn.
The farmer's story reached the ears of a reporter, The reporter asked the farmer 32 he grew his com and learned something interesting about it—the farmer shared his 33 com seeds(种子) with his neighbors.
“There are competitions 34 you and your neighbors. Why do you do that when some of their com 35 be as good as yours " the reporter asked.
“The wind picks up pollen(花粉) from the corn and carries it from field to field. If my 36 corn is not so good, it will make my com bad. If I want to grow good com, I must help them 37 their corn, too,” said the farmer.
So it is with our lives: If you 38 to live in peace, you must help others around you to live in peace. By helping others, you help 39 . So, do not be afraid to share your experience and good ideas with others. You will be 40 that people around you will be willing to help you out in return.
( )31. A. a B. an C. the
( )32. A. how B. why C. when
( )33. A. nicer B. nicer C. the nicest
( )34 A. between B. below C. behind
( )35. A. need B. should C. might
( )36. A. neighbor B. neighbors C. neighbors'
( )37. A. improve B. improved C. improving
( )38. A. choose B. are choosing C. will choose
( )39. A. you B. your C. yourself
( )40. A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising
Last year I studied English in a beautiful city named Brighton in the south of England. On the evening of the first day, I went cut for a walk 41 after dinner. No one was with me, I was so 42 everything around me that I totally(完全) forgot the time. 43 ,I got to the beach. When I looked at the 44 , it was already eleven o'clock. I began to feel worried, so I tried to 45 a bus stop but couldn't find one. And there weren't any taxis, either. What was worse , while I was thinking about what to do, it began to rain. With only a 46 on, I felt a little cold. “This is my first day in the city and now I am 47 all over. What a day!” I said to myself.
Just than a car appeared round the come r and then stopped in front of me. The driver rolled down the window and asked, “May I help you ” I told him my 48 , He offered to take me to my place.
On the way, he introduced(介绍) many interesting places in Brighton and advised me to 49 them, He even invited me to dinner at his home one day. How 50 he was! At that moment, It seemed(似乎) that my bad luck turned out to be a good thing.
( )41. A. alone B. already C. quickly D. carefully
( )42. A. afraid of B. angry with C. worried about D. interested in
( )43. A. Quietly B. Suddenly C. Finally D. Luckily
( )44. A. walk B. trip C. hand D. watch
( )45. A. ask for B. pay for C. look for D. leave for
( )46. A. cap B. shirt C. glove D. scarf
( )47. A. wet B. warm C. lost D. pale
( )48.A. trouble B. surprise C. attention D. difference
( )49. A. show B. visit C. follow D. accept
( )50. A. calm B. kind C. brave D. excited
A Soccer Game Attention, please! There is a soccer game between Class One and Class Two on the playground from 5:00 to 6: 30 this Thursday Afternoon. Please come and watch it.
Mower Show Time : 9: 00 a.m.-5:00 p. m. every Saturday. Do you want to see different kinds of flowers Come to the Flower Show in the school ball.
Movie Night Place: School Hall Day: Friday Movies: King Kong 5:00p. m.~8:08 p. m. The Sound of Mustic: 8:15p. m.-11:10p. m.
Enjoy Delicious Food Time: 11:00 a. m.-5:00 p. m. Sunday, May 16th Place: On the playground of Beijing International School Help the Children -miss money to build a now school in Kenya. John works for the rights(权利) of children. Let's make his dream come true! Welcome to our International Food Festival!
( ) 51.We can watch a soccer game this Thursday,
A.5:00 a. m.-6:30 a. m. B.5:00 p. m.-6:30 p. m.
C. 5:00 p. m.-8:08 p. m. D.11:00 a. m.-5:00 p. m.
( ) 52. We can enjoy in the school ball.
A. movies and food B. flowers and food
C. a soccer game and flowers D. flowers and movies
( ) 53. We can watch a movie .
A. Thursday B. on Saturday C. on Sunday D. on Friday
( )54. The purpose(目的) of the last Ad (广告) is .
A. to build a new school in Beijing B. to enjoy delicious food
C. to raise money D. to work for the rights
( )56. The four Ads(广告) don't have .
A. time B. prices C. names D. places
Many Chinese liked to travel abroad(国外) or across cities on holidays, but during these few years camping has become more and more popular.
A report by online travel website Tongcheng Travel showed that during the recent National Day holiday, camping searches rose a lot compared with that in September. Forests and islands were two most popular key words.
As more and more people enjoy such an outdoor activity, camping tool(工具) makers benefit a lot. A great number of their products such as tents, tables and chairs, and sleeping bags sell quite wall in both online shops and supermarkets. Trip, an online travel agency(代理机构), said the number of visits for their camping tools on Oct, 1st rose by 90 percent compared with the week before.-
However, the need for camping space is greater than that for the tools. “There are people everywhere. and there is a tent every several meters,” a tourist from Beijing said.
Besides, camping isn't always good for the local environment. Some of the grassland becomes barren (荒芜的) because too many visitors walk on it. What's more, rubbish can also be another problem.
It is clear that the government needs to provide more green space for tourists and call on people to protect the environment while camping. After all, we all hope to make our life better.
( )56. According to Tongcheng Travel, when people searched online about camping, two most popular key words were .
tents and bags B. sports and activities C. forests and islands D. tables and chairs
( )57. The underlined word “benefit” in Paragraph 3 means ,
A. getting more money B. producing more tools
C. making more tents D. opening more shops
( )58. Which is TRUB according to Paragraph 4
A. People need more tools for camping,
B. We should produce more tents for camping.
C. People like camping more than other activities.
D. There isn't enough space for camping.
( )59. According to the passage, what is the disadvantage of camping
A. All of the grassland becomes barren. B. People throw tents everywhere,
C. Here is rubbish everywhere. D. Too many people become poorer.
( )60. The best title for the passage is .
A. The Best Camping Tools B. Camping for a Better Life
C. Popular Camping Places D. No Camping for the Environment
( )61. William wants to be a doctor in the future like his father. But he doesn't know what he can do when he is still a student. ( )62. Peter often puts off his plans till tomorrow. He often finds excuses to give up his plans. He wants to change it, but doesn’t know how. ( )63. Mike is always busy doing his homework until late night. He has no time to do his favorite things. He begins to feel bored with his school life. ( )64. Sally likes outdoor sports. She wants to do mountain climbing. She thinks it will bring her much fun. But it way be dangerous, What should she do ( )65. Mag really wants to travel abroad by herself. But she hasn't been anywhere alone before. How can she get herself ready Afraid that you may forget to turn off the ga s before going on a trip The app Ready to Go can help you. It will give you a list to check on important things. After you've done all the things, the list turns green and tells you “Ready to Go.” For students, it's important to study hard first. But it's also necessary to learn about their dream jobs. Doing something about your dream job in holidays is one of the good choices. Exercising can be hard. It's difficult to take the first step. But Run Keeper will help you. It not only records your everyday exercise, but also gives you plans to help you reach the goals in sports. When you find it difficult to finish your homework, stop and think about why. Is it lo o much for you Or you didn't do it in a right way. Go and talk to your teachers. They can help you to work it out. Before travelling, you need to decide a number of things. Making plans is the first step. Where and when are you going to travel How will you travel Where can you book the flights It's also important to ask your doctor for advice before Hand. F. Some sports can be dangerous. When you try them for the first time, you should make a careful plan. Go to learn some skills and prepare everything well before you try. Then you will enjoy it. Once you have made your decision, the next step is to plan carefully. After that , set your clock and get doing with the plan immediately. Ask your parents or friend for help when you want to give up.
阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从下面方框内所给 12 个词中选择10个意义相符的词,必要时进行词形变化,填入空白处,每空一词。
Winter is cold. People live in warm houses. What do animals do Animals are smart. They do many
66 amazing things to get through the winter. Some of them "migrate(迁徙)". This means they travel to other 67 where the weather is warmer or where they can find food.
Many birds migrate in autumn. Because the trip can be 68 , some travel in large groups Many fish migrate. They may swim south, or move into deeper and 69 water. Insects also migrate Insects like earth worms move downward into the soil and some as far as six feet below the surface.
Some animals remain active in winter. They must fit the changing 70 . Aany make changes their behave or bodies. To keep warm, animals may grow new and thicker fur in autumn. Some animal: begin to collect their winter food in autumn. 71 it's very cold, they stay inside their homes. They can 72 the food they collect in autumn. Squirrels collect seeds and nuts. They are safe and warm in their homes in winter.
Some animals hibernate (冬眠) for part or all of the winter. This is a special and deep sleep. Thx temperature of the animals' bodies 73 and their heartbeat and breath slow down. They use very little energy. In 74 word. these animals. get ready for the winter 75 eating much food and storing it as body fat. They use this fat for energy while hibernating. Some also store food like nuts to eat later in winter.
(A)回答问题 (本大题有5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
To Borrow Arrows(箭) with Thatched Boats
One day, Zhou Yu ordered Zhuge Liang to make 100,000 arrows in ten days. Zhou Yu thought it was impossible, but Zhuge Liang said, “Give me three days.” Then he asked La Su to lend him 20 boats, and the soldiers put some scarecrows(稻草人) in line on the boats. He reminded Lu Su not to tell Zhou Yu what was happening.
When Lu Su came again to see Zhuge Liang, he found nothing unusual. Nothing happened on the second day, either. In the early morning of the third day, Zhuge. Liang invited Lu $u for a boat ride. The 20 boats were tied together with strong ropes. Zhuge's boat went towards the camp of Cao Cao. The surface of the river was covered with thick mist(雾) all over. People could hardly see each other on the river. When Zhuge's boat got close to the Cao camp before dawn, Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to shout and beat drums heavily to pretend (假装) an attack (袭击). But Zhuge and Lu Su only sat inside one boat drinking wine to enjoy themselves.
As soon as the Cao camp heard the shouting and drum, besting, they became afraid. They couldn't see anyone on the river so they had to order 3,000 soldiers to shoot arrows to stop the unexpected attack. The front of the scarecrows was quickly full of arrows. After a while, Zhuge Liang had his boat turned around to get the other side of the scarecrows to face the Cao camp. When both sides were full of arrow, the day broke. Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to return. The soldiers shouted in excitement, "Thank you, Cao Cao, for your arrows.” After they got back to their camp, they collected more than 100,000 arrows in total from the scarecrows.
76. How many days did Zhuge Liang need to make 100,000 arrows
77. Who lent the boats to Zhuge Liang
78. What did Zhuge and Lu Su do when the soldiers began to shout and beat drums
79. Why did the soldiers in the Cao camp shoot arrows
80. How did the soldiers feel when they came back
B. 书面表达。(15分)
在我国有很多经典的神话故事,寓言故事和成语故事。这都是中国传统文化的一个部分。假定现在一些美国中学生将会来到你们学校交流学习,请你以“A story I want to share”为题,用英语写一篇小短文,宣扬中国文化。内容包括:
②谈谈你的读后感。 (不少于两点)
A story I want to share
Chinese stories are important in traditional. Chinese culture. Today I want to share a Chinese story with you.
七、 Three./3.
Lu Su.
They only sat inside one boat drinking wine to enjoy themselves.
Because they were afraid and couldn't see anyone on the river.
They felt excited.




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