广东省深圳市龙华区2023-2024七年级上学期期中英语试卷(含解析 无听力音频 无听力原文)

1.(1分)A.Anna comes from China.
B.Anna comes from Germany.
C.Anna comes from Japan.
2.(1分)A.Mary usually climbs mountains on weekends.
B.Mary usually goes swimming on weekends.
C.Mary usually plays basketball on weekends.
3.(1分)A.Many people throw rubbish into the river.
B.Many people go swimming in the river.
C.There is much fish in the river.
4.(1分)A.The weather in Canada is cold and windy.
B.The weather in Canada is rainy.
C.The weather in Canada is cool and dry.
5.(1分)A.Peter's favorite subject is Geography.
B.Peter's favorite subject is English.
C.Peter's favorite subject is Maths.
6.(2分)(1)When does Nancy usually get up in the morning?
A.At 6:00 am.
B.At 6:30 am.
C.At 6:45 am.
(2)How many classes does Nancy have in a day?
7.(2分)(1)How does Bob usually go to school?
A.By bike.
B.By bus.
C.On foot.
(2)Why does Grace go to school by subway?
A.Because her home is far away from school.
B.Because she wants to protect our earth.
C.Because she doesn't want to be late for school.
8.(2分)(1)What does Amy like to do in summer?
A.To wear nice skirts.
B.To go to the beach.
C.To stay at home all day.
(2)What does Amy think of skating in winter?
iii.听短文,选择正确答案。对话听两遍 请根据所听短文内容回答问题。请根据所听到的内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案。
9.(4分)(1)What can children do at their homes to protect the Earth?
A.Take a short shower.
B.Clean the rooms.
C.Help their parents do housework.
(2)Which of the following is not mentioned (提及) about protecting the Earth at school?
A.Picking up rubbish.
B.Planting trees.
C.Loving the trees and grass in school.
(3)How many ways are there to protect the Earth at school?
(4)What are they talking about?
A.The ways to learn English.
B.The ways to save water.
C.The ways to protect the Earth.
10.(5分)Spring is the start of a year.In spring,the weather starts to get(1)   .The wind blows gently.Everything turns green.The sun shines(2)   in summer,so many people like to swim in the sea.It is nice to go on a (3)   in autumn,because the weather is cool and dry.Children love to make(4)   in winter.People usually(5)   time with their relatives during the Spring Festival.
flat(  )
A. article B. grade C. pattern
hobby(  )
A. complete B. snowy C. dream
animals(  )
A. buys B. hopes C. makes
blog(  )
A. problem B. protect
shine(  )
A.kick B. picnic C. provide
(10分)Everyone has dreams.Sandy's(16)   is to be a good dancer.
One day,a popular dance group visited Sandy's town to(17)   new students.Before,she(18)   thought she could have such a good chance.So Sandy signed up for (报名参加) it right away.Sandy wanted to give the teacher her flowers to show her respect (尊重).The thorns (刺) on the flowers hurt Sandy's hand,but Sandy didn't care.She showed her(19)   wish to be a dancer at that time.
"All right.You dance," the teacher said.After Sandy(20)   her dance,the teacher said, "I'm sorry.I don't think you are(21)   enough to join our group." Hearing this,Sandy ran out of the room quickly.She thought she did well in dancing.But the teacher's words made her(22)   .Sandy wanted to give up (放弃) her dream.
An hour later,surprisingly,she found her name on the list.She joined the dance group(23)   .When Sandy asked the teacher the reason(原因),the teacher said, "I still(24)   your nice flowers.The thorns hurt your hand,but you still dance bravely (勇敢地).Though you are not good enough now,I'm sure you'll be a good(25)   one day."
(16) A.hobby B.wish C.dream
(17) A.ask for B.look for with D.learn about
(18) A.never B.seldom C.always D.sometimes
(19) A.strong B.kind C.gentle
(20) A.practiced B.started C.completed D.enjoyed
(21) A.important B.patient C.good D.friendly
(22) A.sad B.excited C.happy D.tired
(23) A.quickly B.successfully C.hardly D.clearly
(24) B.remember C.use D.grow
(25) A.dancer B.musician C.teacher D.artist
Mike I'm interested in riding a bike.It is exciting for me to ride a bike to the countryside every Sunday.Usually,I choose a destination (目的地) that is not far away from my home.I begin to ride at 6:30 am,and arrive at the destination at 8:00 am.During the trip,I see many green trees,beautiful flowers and clean rivers.I'm tired,but I really love the journey.
Amy Different from other girls,I enjoy running.For others,running is tiring and hard.But I think it is good for relaxing our minds and keeping healthy.Practising running helps me become more patient and careful.When I feel bored or angry,I will run and then I'll become quiet.My parents always spend time running with me.
Kate Climbing mountains makes me happy.I feel very excited when I get to the top.I have climbed many mountains.The next one I'd like to climb is Mount Tai.Climbing mountains is very dangerous.To keep safe,you should climb with some friends or families,take a lot of water and food,and make a good plan before climbing.
(26)What do the three people talking about?    
A.Their daily lives.
B.Their dreams.
C.Their hobbies.
D.Their Favorite subjects.
(27)What can't Mike see during the trip? trees
B.beautiful flowers
C.clever animals
D.clean rivers
(28)What does Amy think of running?    
(29)How can people keep safe when climbing mountains?    
a.Climb mountains with others.
b.Take enough food and water.
c.Make a good plan before climbing.
d.Stay with parents all the way.
(30)What can we learn from the passage?    
A.Mike usually rides 3 hours to get to the destination.
B.Amy's parents never spend time running with her.
C.Running can make Amy quiet when she is angry.
D.Kate doesn't think climbing mountains is dangerous.
(10分)Once when I was a child,my father and I went to buy tickets for the circus(马戏团).Finally,there was only one family standing together in front of us.They bad eight children.Their clothes were not dirty but very old.Their children were excitedly talking about the clowns (小丑),elephants and other acts in the circus.
After the ticket woman told them the price,the man shook his head and there was no smile on the man's face.The man didn't have enough money.
Seeing what was happening,my dad put his hand into his pocket(口袋),pulled out a $20 bill and dropped (丢) it on the ground.Though we weren't rich!Then he called the man back,picked up the bill and said, "Excuse me,Sir,this fell out of your pocket."
The man knew what was going on.He looked into my dad's eyes,held my dad's hand in his and took the $20 bill.With tears in his eyes,he replied, "Thank you,Sir.This is important to me and my family."
My father and I went back to our car and drove home.We didn't get to watch the circus that night,but we were really happy.
(31)What can we know about the family?    
A.Their clothes were dirty and old.
B.They didn't want to see the circus.
C.Their family was a big family.
D.They didn't like clowns and elephants.
(32)How did the man feel after hearing the price?    
(33)Why did the writer's father drop the bill on the ground?    
A.Because he was very rich.
B.Because he was careless.
C.Because he wanted to talk with the man.
D.Because he wanted to help the family.
(34)Which of the following is TRUE?    
A.The poor family weren't moved by the writer's father at all.
B.Children of the poor family had no interest in the clowns.
C.The writer's father only had $20 bill in his pocket.
D.The writer's father gave up the chance to watch the circus.
(35)What can we learn from the story?    
A.Helping others always makes us happy.
B.Don't drop money on the ground.
C.Staying with family members is very important.
D.Don't care others' clothes.
(10分)People are spending much money buying mystery boxes (盲盒) these days.Usually,there are toys in mystery boxes,but now shops are putting food in them.They are "leftover mystery boxes".
They are more and more popular in China's cities,such as Beijing,Nanjing and Chengdu.The food inside is near its expiration date (保质期)and will be thrown away if no one buys it.
Each box costs little money but has a lot of food inside.I buy leftover mystery boxes from an app called Too Good To Go.Each box costs about 3 to 5 pounds (27 to 45 yuan),and there are usually three to four things inside.For example,a box I buy from the coffee shop has three kinds of bread and one cake.The box costs 3 pounds but the original price (原价) is around 10 pounds.Every time I buy a mystery box,I feel happier thinking about how much money I can save.Wasting less food is also good for the environment.
But the boxes also bring me problems.Because I can't choose what's in the box,sometimes I get the same kind of food.Also,the food may not be nutritious (有营养的) enough.I have to make other dishes,such as a salad,to make the meal healthier.
(36)What is a leftover mystery box?    
A.A box with toy.
B.A box with money.
C.A box with food.
D.A box with shops.
(37)How much money does the writer save when he buys a box from the coffee shop?    
A.3 pounds.
B.5 pounds.
C.7 pounds.
D.10 pounds.
(38)Which is right about mystery boxes according to the passage?    
A.We can only buy them in Beijing,Nanjing and Chengdu.
B.We can get more food with less money.
C.The food price is higher than before.
D.It wastes more food.
(39)Why do the boxes bring problems to the writer?    
A.Because of fewer choices and less nutrition.
B.Because he always gets the same kind of food.
C.Because he loves salad.
D.Because the food is nutritious enough.
(40)What is the best title for the passage?    
A.Save food.
B.Leftover mystery boxes become popular.
C.Protect the environment.
D.Eat a healthier meal.
第二节请阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到文中,使原文的句子意思完整、连贯。 (共1小题,每小题5分)
41.(5分) should choose (选择) a good friend. B.A friend in need is a friend indeed. C.But how can you find real friendship and keep it? D.Even the best friends have fights (打架). E.there are three steps to be friends again: F.To make a friend,you cannot be too shy.
Everyone needs friends.There is an old saying, "Friends are God's way of taking care of us." The American writer Sally says finding friendship is just like planting a tree.You plant the seed and look after it to make it grow. (1)   
First, (2)   What makes a good friend?It is not because a person has money or a good look.A good friend should be kind and patient.For example,if you have a bad day,a good friend should listen to your complaints (抱怨) and try his or her best to help you. (3)   You should be more outgoing and often talk and share your feelings with them.
Second,things cannot always be happy. (4)   What should you do when you have a fight with your friend?You have to talk to him or her.When there is no one around,have an honest talk.If he or she doesn't want to talk,you could write a letter.
Finally, (5)   Tell him or her how you are feeling,say what your friend has done wrong,and explain (解释) why you did this or that.
Remember that friendship is the most important thing in your life.
A.Do you like Geography?Do you want to learn different places and cultures in the world?We welcome students of all ages.It's open from 9 11 a.m.on Sunday morning.
B.Feel bored at home during the summer holiday?Come and join us in the summer camp!Here you can learn useful life skills through different activities and make friends with people from different places.
C.The Football Club needs some teachers to teach the children football.You must do well in football and be patient with children.You can get 90 yuan an hour!
D.Do you want to be a musician?Welcome to Tonghua Music Club!Here you can learn to play all kinds of instruments(乐器)!
E.Mr.White has a flat to sell.It's not very big but close to school and comfortable.What's more,the price isn't very high.If you're interested in it,call him for more information!
F.Welcome to our English Salon!Here,you'll meet many friends from English﹣speaking countries,so it's a great chance to practise your English.It's open from 3 8 p.m.on Sunday afternoon!
(1)   Amy is interested in music and she wants to be a musician in the future.She'd like to find somewhere to learn to play the guitar.
(2)   Laura has a new job in a school,so she needs to find somewhere to live.She doesn't have much money.She wants to buy a small and comfortable house.
(3)   Jack is not good at English.He would like to talk with some native speakers to improve his spoken English,and he is free on Sunday afternoon.
(4)   Mr.Black wants to find somewhere for his son during the summer holiday.It should be a place where he can take part in many activities and meet many friends.
(5)   Peter really enjoys playing football,and he is very friendly to kids.He tries to find a job about football to earn some pocket money.
43.(1分)﹣﹣    do you play table tennis with your father?
﹣﹣ I play table tennis with my father once a week.
44.(1分)﹣﹣    Sam     (go) to school on foot?
﹣﹣Yes,he does.His home is close to his school.
45.(1分)Lily's dream is to be     engineer.
46.(1分) There     (be) pollution in the river.What can we do to protect the river?
47.(1分) The weather is    (rain),so I want to stay at home to read books.
48.(1分)It's very   (importance) to learn English well.
49.(1分)Nancy would like     (climb) the mountains during her free time.
50.(1分)Alice and Emma are twins, but their personalities are   (complete) different.
51.(1分)You must practise    (play) the piano every day.
52.(1分) The Earth provides us    everything we need.It is our home.
53.(1分) live with,I,in a house,some mountains,my family,close to
54.(1分) all over the world,make friends,want to,with,I,from,young people
55.(1分) in the world,I,learning about,enjoy,different places
56.(1分) for our future,important,protect the Earth,for us,to,it is
57.(1分)the Spring Festival,people,with,spend time,during,their relatives,usually
双减后的作息时间 每天7点步行去上学;8点上课,5点放学;一天7节课
双减后的学习生活 因为作业减少,时间充裕,所以课外活动丰富多彩; 参加了学校的地理俱乐部,了解到地球污染严重,学习了保护地球的方法(至少补充两点)
双减后的感受 学校生活快乐,轻松:有时间发展我们的兴趣爱好
参考词汇:after﹣class activity课外活动"Double Reduction Policy"双减政策develop发展
Dear Bobby,
I'm glad to tell you about my school life,___________
I hope to hear from you soon.
Li Hua
1.(1分)A.Anna comes from China.
B.Anna comes from Germany.
C.Anna comes from Japan.
【解答】B Anna comes from Germany.
2.(1分)A.Mary usually climbs mountains on weekends.
B.Mary usually goes swimming on weekends.
C.Mary usually plays basketball on weekends.
【解答】A Mary usually climbs mountains on weekends.
3.(1分)A.Many people throw rubbish into the river.
B.Many people go swimming in the river.
C.There is much fish in the river.
【解答】A Many people throw rubbish into the river.
4.(1分)A.The weather in Canada is cold and windy.
B.The weather in Canada is rainy.
C.The weather in Canada is cool and dry.
【解答】C The weather in Canada is cool and dry.
5.(1分)A.Peter's favorite subject is Geography.
B.Peter's favorite subject is English.
C.Peter's favorite subject is Maths.
【解答】A Peter's favorite subject is Geography.
6.(2分)(1)When does Nancy usually get up in the morning?
A.At 6:00 am.
B.At 6:30 am.
C.At 6:45 am.
(2)How many classes does Nancy have in a day?
【解答】BB "Nancy,when do you usually get up?"
"I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning."
"How many classes do you have in a day?"
"I have four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon."
7.(2分)(1)How does Bob usually go to school?
A.By bike.
B.By bus.
C.On foot.
(2)Why does Grace go to school by subway?
A.Because her home is far away from school.
B.Because she wants to protect our earth.
C.Because she doesn't want to be late for school.
【解答】CA "Bob,how do you usually go to school?"
"I usually go to school on foot,because my home is close to school.How about you Grace?"
"I go to school by subway,because my home is far away from school."
8.(2分)(1)What does Amy like to do in summer?
A.To wear nice skirts.
B.To go to the beach.
C.To stay at home all day.
(2)What does Amy think of skating in winter?
【解答】CB "Amy,what do you like to do in summer?"
"The weather is too hot outside.And I don't want to do anything.I just want to stay at home all day."
"I agree!I miss winter.I'd like to go skating in winter."
"Skating?I love it too.It is really interesting!"
iii.听短文,选择正确答案。对话听两遍 请根据所听短文内容回答问题。请根据所听到的内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案。
9.(4分)(1)What can children do at their homes to protect the Earth?
A.Take a short shower.
B.Clean the rooms.
C.Help their parents do housework.
(2)Which of the following is not mentioned (提及) about protecting the Earth at school?
A.Picking up rubbish.
B.Planting trees.
C.Loving the trees and grass in school.
(3)How many ways are there to protect the Earth at school?
(4)What are they talking about?
A.The ways to learn English.
B.The ways to save water.
C.The ways to protect the Earth.
【解答】ABBC The Earth is important to us.Children can do some simple things to protect it.At home,they should save water by taking a short shower and turn off the lights when they don't use them.At school,they should love the trees and grass,they should also pick up the rubbish on the ground.What's more,they should also give up the bad habit of wasting food at school.
10.(5分)Spring is the start of a year.In spring,the weather starts to get(1)  .The wind blows gently.Everything turns green.The sun shines(2)  in summer,so many people like to swim in the sea.It is nice to go on a (3)  in autumn,because the weather is cool and dry.Children love to make(4)  in winter.People usually(5)  time with their relatives during the Spring Festival.
【解答】16.warm 17.brightly 18.picnic 19.snowmen 20.spend
Spring is the start of a year.In spring,the weather starts to get warm.The wind blows gently.Everything turns green.The sun shines brightly in summer,so many people like to swim in the sea.It is nice to go on a picnic in autumn,because the weather is cool and dry.Children love to make snowmen in winter.People usually spend time with their relatives during the Spring Festival.
flat(  )
A. article B. grade C. pattern
【解答】flat/fl t/;article/ ɑ t k( )l/;grade/ɡre d/;pattern/ p t( )n/。根据单词的读音,可知C选项单词中划线部分的读音与其相同。
hobby(  )
A. complete B. snowy C. dream
【解答】hobby/ h bi/;complete/k m pli t/;snowy/ sn i/;dream/dri m/。根据单词的读音,可知B选项中划线部分的读音与其相同。
animals(  )
A. buys B. hopes C. makes
【解答】animals/ n mlz/,其中划线部分字母s的发音是/z/;buys/ba z/,其中划线部分字母s的发音是/z/;hopes/h ps/,其中划线部分字母组合es的发音是/s/;makes/me ks/,其中划线部分字母组合es的发音是/s/。由此可知,选项A划线部分读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同。
blog(  )
A. problem B. protect
【解答】blog/bl ɡ/;problem/ pr bl m/;protect/pr tekt/;so/s /。根据单词的读音,可知A选项单词中划线部分的读音与其相同。
shine(  )
A.kick B. picnic C. provide
【解答】shine的发音为/ a n/,kick的发音为/k k/,picnic/ p kn k/;provide的发音为/pr va d/。可知provide与shine的划线部分发音相同。
(10分)Everyone has dreams.Sandy's(16) C is to be a good dancer.
One day,a popular dance group visited Sandy's town to(17) B new students.Before,she(18) A thought she could have such a good chance.So Sandy signed up for (报名参加) it right away.Sandy wanted to give the teacher her flowers to show her respect (尊重).The thorns (刺) on the flowers hurt Sandy's hand,but Sandy didn't care.She showed her(19) A wish to be a dancer at that time.
"All right.You dance," the teacher said.After Sandy(20) C her dance,the teacher said, "I'm sorry.I don't think you are(21) C enough to join our group." Hearing this,Sandy ran out of the room quickly.She thought she did well in dancing.But the teacher's words made her(22) A .Sandy wanted to give up (放弃) her dream.
An hour later,surprisingly,she found her name on the list.She joined the dance group(23) B .When Sandy asked the teacher the reason(原因),the teacher said, "I still(24) B your nice flowers.The thorns hurt your hand,but you still dance bravely (勇敢地).Though you are not good enough now,I'm sure you'll be a good(25) A one day."
(16) A.hobby B.wish C.dream
(17) A.ask for B.look for with D.learn about
(18) A.never B.seldom C.always D.sometimes
(19) A.strong B.kind C.gentle
(20) A.practiced B.started C.completed D.enjoyed
(21) A.important B.patient C.good D.friendly
(22) A.sad B.excited C.happy D.tired
(23) A.quickly B.successfully C.hardly D.clearly
(24) B.remember C.use D.grow
(25) A.dancer B.musician C.teacher D.artist
(17)考查动词短语。句意:一天,一个很受欢迎的舞蹈团来到Sandy的小镇寻找新学生。A.ask for问;B.look for寻找; with帮助;D.learn about学习。根据 popular dance group以及后文的student可知是寻找。故选B。
(18)考查副词。句意:以前,她从来没有想过她会有这么好的机会。A.never从不;B.seldom很少;C.always总是;D.sometimes有时。根据So Sandy signed up for (报名参加) it right away.(所以Sandy马上就注册了。)可知她从未想到有这种机会。故选A。
(19)考查形容词。句意:那时她表现出想当舞蹈家的强烈愿望。A.strong强烈的;B.kind友善的;C.gentle 温柔的;D.cheap便宜的。根据wish to be a dancer 可知是强烈的愿望。故选A。
(20)考查动词。句意:Sandy跳完舞后,老师说:"对不起。我认为你不够资格参加我们的小组。" A.practiced练习;B.started开始;C.completed完成;D.enjoyed享受。根据the teacher said.可知是Sandy跳完了舞蹈后。故选C。
(21)考查形容词。句意:我认为你不够好,不适合加入我们的小组。"A.important重要的;B.patient耐心的;C.good好的;D.friendly友好的。根据Hearing this,Sandy ran out of the room quickly.(听到这些,Sandy 迅速跑出了房间。)可知是不够好。故选C。
(22)考查形容词。句意:但是老师的话让她很伤心。A.sad悲伤的;B.excite兴奋的;C.happy快乐的;D.tired累的。根据Sandy wanted to give up (放弃) her dream.(桑迪想放弃她的梦想。)可知她对老师的话感到伤心。故选A。
(23)考查副词。句意:她成功地加入了舞蹈团。A.quickly快速地;B.successfully成功地;C.hardly几乎不;D.clearly便宜地。根据she found her name on the list(她惊奇地发现自己的名字在名单上)可知成功的加入了。故选B。
(24)考查动词。句意:我仍然记得你那些漂亮的花。A.buy买;B.remember记得;C.us使用;D.grow种植。根据Sandy wanted to give the teacher her flowers to show her respect (尊重).(桑迪想把她的花送给老师以表示她的尊敬。)可知是记得那些花。故选B。
(25)考查名词。句意:虽然你现在跳得还不够好,但我相信总有一天你会成为一名优秀的舞者。A.dancer舞蹈家;B.musician音乐家;C.teacher老师;D.artist艺术家。根据The thorns hurt your hand,but you still dance bravely (勇敢地). (荆棘刺痛了你的手,但你仍然勇敢地跳舞。)可知她会成为好的舞蹈家。故选A。
Mike I'm interested in riding a bike.It is exciting for me to ride a bike to the countryside every Sunday.Usually,I choose a destination (目的地) that is not far away from my home.I begin to ride at 6:30 am,and arrive at the destination at 8:00 am.During the trip,I see many green trees,beautiful flowers and clean rivers.I'm tired,but I really love the journey.
Amy Different from other girls,I enjoy running.For others,running is tiring and hard.But I think it is good for relaxing our minds and keeping healthy.Practising running helps me become more patient and careful.When I feel bored or angry,I will run and then I'll become quiet.My parents always spend time running with me.
Kate Climbing mountains makes me happy.I feel very excited when I get to the top.I have climbed many mountains.The next one I'd like to climb is Mount Tai.Climbing mountains is very dangerous.To keep safe,you should climb with some friends or families,take a lot of water and food,and make a good plan before climbing.
(26)What do the three people talking about?  C 
A.Their daily lives.
B.Their dreams.
C.Their hobbies.
D.Their Favorite subjects.
(27)What can't Mike see during the trip?  C trees
B.beautiful flowers
C.clever animals
D.clean rivers
(28)What does Amy think of running?  D 
(29)How can people keep safe when climbing mountains?  A 
a.Climb mountains with others.
b.Take enough food and water.
c.Make a good plan before climbing.
d.Stay with parents all the way.
(30)What can we learn from the passage?  C 
A.Mike usually rides 3 hours to get to the destination.
B.Amy's parents never spend time running with her.
C.Running can make Amy quiet when she is angry.
D.Kate doesn't think climbing mountains is dangerous.
【解答】(26)细节理解题。根据表格一I'm interested in riding a bike.(我对骑自行车很感兴趣。)表格二Different from other girls,I enjoy running.(和其他女孩不同,我喜欢跑步。)表格三Climbing mountains makes me happy.I feel very excited when I get to the top.(爬山让我很开心。当我登上顶峰时,我感到非常兴奋。)可知三个人在谈论他们的爱好。故选C。
(27)细节理解题。根据表格一During the trip,I see many green trees,beautiful flowers and clean rivers.(在旅途中,我看到了许多绿树、美丽的花朵和干净的河流。)可知迈克看不到聪明的动物。故选C。
(28)细节理解题。根据表格二But I think it is good for relaxing our minds and keeping healthy.(但我认为这对放松我们的思想和保持健康有好处。)可知艾米认为跑步是放松的。故选D。
(29)细节理解题。根据表格三To keep safe,you should climb with some friends or families,take a lot of water and food,and make a good plan before climbing.(为了安全起见,你应该和一些朋友或家人一起攀登,带上大量的水和食物,并在攀登前制定好计划。)可知和别人一起爬山。带上足够的食物和水。爬山前做好计划。故选A。
(30)细节理解题。根据表格二Practising running helps me become more patient and careful.When I feel bored or angry,I will run and then I'll become quiet.(练习跑步有助于我变得更有耐心和细心。当我感到无聊或愤怒时,我会跑,然后我会变得安静。)可知当艾米生气的时候,跑步可以让她安静下来。故选C。
(10分)Once when I was a child,my father and I went to buy tickets for the circus(马戏团).Finally,there was only one family standing together in front of us.They bad eight children.Their clothes were not dirty but very old.Their children were excitedly talking about the clowns (小丑),elephants and other acts in the circus.
After the ticket woman told them the price,the man shook his head and there was no smile on the man's face.The man didn't have enough money.
Seeing what was happening,my dad put his hand into his pocket(口袋),pulled out a $20 bill and dropped (丢) it on the ground.Though we weren't rich!Then he called the man back,picked up the bill and said, "Excuse me,Sir,this fell out of your pocket."
The man knew what was going on.He looked into my dad's eyes,held my dad's hand in his and took the $20 bill.With tears in his eyes,he replied, "Thank you,Sir.This is important to me and my family."
My father and I went back to our car and drove home.We didn't get to watch the circus that night,but we were really happy.
(31)What can we know about the family?  C 
A.Their clothes were dirty and old.
B.They didn't want to see the circus.
C.Their family was a big family.
D.They didn't like clowns and elephants.
(32)How did the man feel after hearing the price?  A 
(33)Why did the writer's father drop the bill on the ground?  D 
A.Because he was very rich.
B.Because he was careless.
C.Because he wanted to talk with the man.
D.Because he wanted to help the family.
(34)Which of the following is TRUE?  D 
A.The poor family weren't moved by the writer's father at all.
B.Children of the poor family had no interest in the clowns.
C.The writer's father only had $20 bill in his pocket.
D.The writer's father gave up the chance to watch the circus.
(35)What can we learn from the story?  A 
A.Helping others always makes us happy.
B.Don't drop money on the ground.
C.Staying with family members is very important.
D.Don't care others' clothes.
【解答】(31)细节理解题。根据第一段They bad eight children.(他们有八个孩子。)可知他们是个大家庭。故选:C。
(32)细节理解题。根据第二After the ticket woman told them the price,the man shook his head and there was no smile on the man's face.(在售票员告诉他们价格后,那个男人摇了摇头,脸上没有笑容。)可知男人听到票价后伤心。故选:A。
(33)细节理解题。根据第三段Seeing what was happening,my dad put his hand into his pocket(口袋),pulled out a $20 bill and dropped (丢) it on the ground.(看到发生的事情,爸爸把手伸进口袋,掏出一张20美元的钞票,扔在地上。)可知父亲看到这种状况后开始扔钱是为了帮助他们。故选:D。
(34)细节理解题。根据末段We didn't get to watch the circus that night,but we were really happy.(那天晚上我们没能看马戏,但我们真的很开心。)可知作者的父亲放弃了看马戏的机会。故选:D。
(35)细节理解题。根据末段We didn't get to watch the circus that night,but we were really happy.(那天晚上我们没能看马戏,但我们真的很开心。)可知帮助别人都给我们带来快乐。故选:A。
(10分)People are spending much money buying mystery boxes (盲盒) these days.Usually,there are toys in mystery boxes,but now shops are putting food in them.They are "leftover mystery boxes".
They are more and more popular in China's cities,such as Beijing,Nanjing and Chengdu.The food inside is near its expiration date (保质期)and will be thrown away if no one buys it.
Each box costs little money but has a lot of food inside.I buy leftover mystery boxes from an app called Too Good To Go.Each box costs about 3 to 5 pounds (27 to 45 yuan),and there are usually three to four things inside.For example,a box I buy from the coffee shop has three kinds of bread and one cake.The box costs 3 pounds but the original price (原价) is around 10 pounds.Every time I buy a mystery box,I feel happier thinking about how much money I can save.Wasting less food is also good for the environment.
But the boxes also bring me problems.Because I can't choose what's in the box,sometimes I get the same kind of food.Also,the food may not be nutritious (有营养的) enough.I have to make other dishes,such as a salad,to make the meal healthier.
(36)What is a leftover mystery box?  C 
A.A box with toy.
B.A box with money.
C.A box with food.
D.A box with shops.
(37)How much money does the writer save when he buys a box from the coffee shop?  C 
A.3 pounds.
B.5 pounds.
C.7 pounds.
D.10 pounds.
(38)Which is right about mystery boxes according to the passage?  B 
A.We can only buy them in Beijing,Nanjing and Chengdu.
B.We can get more food with less money.
C.The food price is higher than before.
D.It wastes more food.
(39)Why do the boxes bring problems to the writer?  A 
A.Because of fewer choices and less nutrition.
B.Because he always gets the same kind of food.
C.Because he loves salad.
D.Because the food is nutritious enough.
(40)What is the best title for the passage?  B 
A.Save food.
B.Leftover mystery boxes become popular.
C.Protect the environment.
D.Eat a healthier meal.
【解答】(36)细节理解题。根据第一段Usually,there are toys in mystery boxes,but now shops are putting food in them.They are "leftover mystery boxes".(通常,神秘盒子里有玩具,但现在商店正在把食物放进去。它们是"剩下的神秘盒子"。)可知一个装有食物的盒子。故选C。
(37)细节理解题。根据第三段The box costs 3 pounds but the original price (原价) is around 10 pounds.(这个盒子售价3英镑,但原价在10英镑左右。)可知当作者从咖啡店买一盒咖啡时,他节省了7英镑。故选C。
(38)细节理解题。根据第三段Every time I buy a mystery box,I feel happier thinking about how much money I can save.(每次我买一个神秘盒子,想到我能省下多少钱,我都会感到更快乐。)可知我们可以用更少的钱买到更多的食物。故选B。
(39)细节理解题。根据最后一段But the boxes also bring me problems.Because I can't choose what's in the box,sometimes I get the same kind of food.Also,the food may not be nutritious (有营养的) enough.(但这些盒子也给我带来了问题。因为我不能选择盒子里的东西,有时我得到同样的食物。此外,这些食物可能营养不足。)可知因为选择更少,营养更少。故选A。
(40)标题归纳题。根据第二段They are more and more popular in China's cities,such as Beijing,Nanjing and Chengdu.(它们在北京、南京和成都等中国城市越来越受欢迎。)可知文章说的是"剩下的神秘盒子"变得流行起来。故选B。
第二节请阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到文中,使原文的句子意思完整、连贯。 (共1小题,每小题5分)
41.(5分) should choose (选择) a good friend. B.A friend in need is a friend indeed. C.But how can you find real friendship and keep it? D.Even the best friends have fights (打架). E.there are three steps to be friends again: F.To make a friend,you cannot be too shy.
Everyone needs friends.There is an old saying, "Friends are God's way of taking care of us." The American writer Sally says finding friendship is just like planting a tree.You plant the seed and look after it to make it grow. (1) C 
First, (2) A What makes a good friend?It is not because a person has money or a good look.A good friend should be kind and patient.For example,if you have a bad day,a good friend should listen to your complaints (抱怨) and try his or her best to help you. (3) F You should be more outgoing and often talk and share your feelings with them.
Second,things cannot always be happy. (4) 
D What should you do when you have a fight with your friend?You have to talk to him or her.When there is no one around,have an honest talk.If he or she doesn't want to talk,you could write a letter.
Finally, (5) E Tell him or her how you are feeling,say what your friend has done wrong,and explain (解释) why you did this or that.
Remember that friendship is the most important thing in your life.
【解答】 (1)细节推理题。根据上文You plant the seed and look after it to make it grow. (你种下种子,照顾它,让它成长。)可知此句介绍了播种友谊。故"但是你怎么能找到真正的友谊并保持它呢?"符合语境,故选C。
( 2)细节推理题。根据上文But how can you find real friendship and keep it?("但是你怎么能找到真正的友谊并保持它呢?")可知此句介绍了如何获得真正的友谊,故"首先,你应该选择一个好朋友。"符合语境,故选A。
(3)细节推理题。根据下文You should be more outgoing and often talk and share your feelings with them.(你应该更外向,经常和他们交谈,分享你的感受。)可知此句介绍了如何交朋友,故"交朋友,你不能太害羞。"符合语境,故选F。
(4)细节推理题。根据下文What should you do when you have a fight with your friend?(再好的朋友也有打架的时候。当你和你的朋友吵架时,你该怎么办?)可知此句介绍了和朋友吵架,故"再好的朋友也有吵架的时候。"符合语境,故选D。
(5)细节推理题。根据下文Tell him or her how you are feeling,say what your friend has done wrong,and explain (解释) why you did this or that.(告诉他或她你的感受,说你的朋友做错了什么,并解释你为什么这样或那样做。)可知此句介绍了朋友和好的步骤,故"重新成为朋友有三个步骤:"符合语境,故选E。
A.Do you like Geography?Do you want to learn different places and cultures in the world?We welcome students of all ages.It's open from 9 11 a.m.on Sunday morning.
B.Feel bored at home during the summer holiday?Come and join us in the summer camp!Here you can learn useful life skills through different activities and make friends with people from different places.
C.The Football Club needs some teachers to teach the children football.You must do well in football and be patient with children.You can get 90 yuan an hour!
D.Do you want to be a musician?Welcome to Tonghua Music Club!Here you can learn to play all kinds of instruments(乐器)!
E.Mr.White has a flat to sell.It's not very big but close to school and comfortable.What's more,the price isn't very high.If you're interested in it,call him for more information!
F.Welcome to our English Salon!Here,you'll meet many friends from English﹣speaking countries,so it's a great chance to practise your English.It's open from 3 8 p.m.on Sunday afternoon!
(1) D Amy is interested in music and she wants to be a musician in the future.She'd like to find somewhere to learn to play the guitar.
(2) E Laura has a new job in a school,so she needs to find somewhere to live.She doesn't have much money.She wants to buy a small and comfortable house.
(3) F Jack is not good at English.He would like to talk with some native speakers to improve his spoken English,and he is free on Sunday afternoon.
(4) B Mr.Black wants to find somewhere for his son during the summer holiday.It should be a place where he can take part in many activities and meet many friends.
(5) C Peter really enjoys playing football,and he is very friendly to kids.He tries to find a job about football to earn some pocket money.
【解答】 细节推理题。
(1)根据"She'd like to find somewhere to learn to play the guitar in her summer vacation"(她想在暑假找个地方学弹吉他。)可知她想在暑假找个地方学弹吉他,选项D"欢迎来到巴拉蒂音乐俱乐部!在这里,你可以学习演奏各种乐器、唱歌、聆听美妙的音乐,当然还可以结交朋友"符合。故选:D。
(2)根据"Laura has a new job in a school,so she needs to find somewhere to live.She doesn't have much money.She wants to buy a small and comfortable house."(劳拉在学校找到了一份新工作,所以她需要找个地方住。她没有多少钱。她想买一栋小而舒适的房子。)可知她想找个住处。结合选项,选项E"怀特先生有套公寓要卖。它不是很大,但是离学校很近,而且很舒适。更重要的是,价格不是很高。如果你感兴趣,打电话给他了解更多信息!"与之相配。故选:E。
(3)根据"Jack is not good at English.He would like to talk with some native speakers to improve his spoken English,and he is free on Sunday afternoon."(杰克英语不好。他想和一些以英语为母语的人交谈来提高他的英语口语,周日下午他有空。)可知他想提高自己的英语口语。结合选项,选项F"欢迎来到我们的英语沙龙!在这里,你会遇到很多来自说英语国家的朋友,所以这是一个练习英语的好机会。周日下午3点到8点开放!"与之相配。故选:F。
(4)根据"Mr.Black wants to find somewhere for his son during the summer holiday.It should be a place where he can take part in many activities and meet many friends."(布莱克先生想在暑假期间为他儿子找个地方。它应该是一个他可以参加许多活动和认识许多朋友的地方。)可知布莱克先生想为儿子找个交友的地方。结合选项,选项B"暑假在家感到无聊吗?快来加入我们的夏令营吧!在这里,你可以通过不同的活动学习有用的生活技能,并与来自不同地方的人交朋友。"与之相配。故选:B。
(5)根据"Peter really enjoys playing football,and he is very friendly to kids.He tries to find a job about football to earn some pocket money."(彼得真的很喜欢踢足球,而且他对孩子们很友好。他想找一份与足球有关的工作赚点零花钱。)可知他想找一份兼职工作。结合选项,选项C"足球俱乐部需要一些老师教孩子们踢足球。你必须踢好足球,对孩子要有耐心。你一小时可以得到90元!"与之匹配。故选:C。
43.(1分)﹣﹣  How often do you play table tennis with your father?
﹣﹣ I play table tennis with my father once a week.
【解答】根据答句I play table tennis with my father once a week.(我每周和我父亲打一次乒乓球)可知问句提问频率,你多久和你父亲打一次乒乓球,用疑问词组how often,位于句首how首字母大写。
故填:How often。
44.(1分)﹣﹣  Does Sam  go  (go) to school on foot?
﹣﹣Yes,he does.His home is close to his school.
【解答】根据题干中回答Yes,he does.可知该句助动词does引导的一般疑问句,则第一空填写Does,注意首字母要大写。go表示去,动词,does后跟动词原形,则第二空填写go。
45.(1分)Lily's dream is to be  an  engineer.
46.(1分) There  is  (be) pollution in the river.What can we do to protect the river?
【解答】根据What can we do to protect the river?可知句子是there be句型的一般现在时,在there be句型中,be动词的确定遵循就近原则,pollution是不可数名词,指单数,所以be动词用is。
47.(1分) The weather is  rainy (rain),so I want to stay at home to read books.
48.(1分)It's very important (importance) to learn English well.
49.(1分)Nancy would like  to climb  (climb) the mountains during her free time.
【解答】climb爬。根据观察可知题干使用了would like to do sth句型,意思是"想干某事",空格处填to climb。
故答案为:to climb。
50.(1分)Alice and Emma are twins, but their personalities are completely (complete) different.
51.(1分)You must practise  playing (play) the piano every day.
【解答】根据题干可知,practise doing sth.练习做某事,所以填动名词playing。
52.(1分) The Earth provides us  with everything we need.It is our home.
【解答】provide的常用句型为provide sb.with sth."给某人提供某物",是固定短语。
53.(1分) live with,I,in a house,some mountains,my family,close to
 I live with my family in a house close to some mountains. 
【解答】根据提示单词和图片内容,可知需要表达的句子是"我和我的家人住在一个靠近山脉的房子里。"时态为一般现在时,I接动词原形。live in a house close to some mountains住在靠近山脉的房子里。
故答案为:I live with my family in a house close to some mountains.
54.(1分) all over the world,make friends,want to,with,I,from,young people
 I want to make friends with young people from all over the world. 
【解答】根据提示单词和图片内容,可知需要表达的句子是"我想和来自世界各地的年轻人交朋友。"时态为一般现在时。want to do sth想做某事;make friends with young people from all over the world和来自世界各地的年轻人交朋友。
故答案为:I want to make friends with young people from all over the world.
55.(1分) in the world,I,learning about,enjoy,different places
 I enjoy learning about different places in the world. 
【解答】根据提示单词和图片内容,可知需要表达的句子是"我喜欢了解世界上不同的地方。"时态为一般现在时,I接动词原形。enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事;learn about different places in the world了解世界上不同的地方。
故答案为:I enjoy learning about different places in the world.
56.(1分) for our future,important,protect the Earth,for us,to,it is
 It is important for us to protect the Earth for our future. 
【解答】首先结合提示词和标点符号明确所要组合的句子是一个肯定句,组合成的句子的句意是"为了我们的未来,保护地球对我们来说很重要。"句子是一般现在时,考查句型it is+形容词 for sb to do sth某人做某事是……的。protect the Earth for our future为我们的未来保护地球。
故答案为:It is important for us to protect the Earth for our future.
57.(1分)the Spring Festival,people,with,spend time,during,their relatives,usually
 People usually spend time with their relatives during the Spring Festival. 
【解答】首先结合提示词和标点符号明确所要组合的句子是一个肯定句,组合成的句子的句意是"春节期间,人们通常和亲戚在一起。"句子是一般现在时,主语people,谓语spend,宾语time,状语with their relatives during the Spring Festival。
故答案为:People usually spend time with their relatives during the Spring Festival.
双减后的作息时间 每天7点步行去上学;8点上课,5点放学;一天7节课
双减后的学习生活 因为作业减少,时间充裕,所以课外活动丰富多彩; 参加了学校的地理俱乐部,了解到地球污染严重,学习了保护地球的方法(至少补充两点)
双减后的感受 学校生活快乐,轻松:有时间发展我们的兴趣爱好
参考词汇:after﹣class activity课外活动"Double Reduction Policy"双减政策develop发展
Dear Bobby,
I'm glad to tell you about my school life,___________
I hope to hear from you soon.
Li Hua
【解答】Dear Bobby,
I'm glad to tell you about my school life.(引出话题)I go to school on foot at 7 a.m.every day.Classes start at 8 a.m.and end at 5 p.m.I have 7 classes in a day.(双减后的作息时间)
Due to the "Double Reduction Policy",we have less homework and more time than before.There are all kinds of after﹣class activities.I join Geography club.In the club,I learn that there is a lot of pollution on Earth.We can do something to protect our Earth,for example,we shouldn't throw away rubbish everywhere.【高分句型一】We can take cloth bags to the supermarket instead of using plastic bags.It is important for us to stop polluting our Earth.(双减后的学习生活)
School life is happy and relaxing now,and we can spend time doing what we are interested in.【高分句型二】(双减后的感受)
I hope to hear from you soon.
Li Hua



上一篇:第六单元 百分数(一)(同步练习)六年级上册数学人教版(无答案)
